mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
2022-10-24 16:19:09 -04:00

163 lines
5.9 KiB

import { assert, driver, Key } from 'mocha-webdriver';
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import { setupTestSuite } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
describe("saveViewSection", function() {
const cleanup = setupTestSuite();
before(async function() {
const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login();
await session.tempNewDoc(cleanup, 'test-updateViewSection');
it("should work correctly when turning a table to 'summary'", async () => {
// add new section
await gu.addNewSection(/Table/, /Table1/);
// change name and edit data of the 1st section (first found - both have the same name)
await gu.renameSection('TABLE1', 'Foo');
// open right panel
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right');
await driver.find('.test-config-data').click();
// check there is no groupedBy
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-pwc-groupedBy').isDisplayed(), false);
// click edit table data
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
// summarize table by 'A' and save
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table1/).find('.test-wselect-pivot').doClick();
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-column', /A/).doClick();
await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick();
// wait for server
await gu.waitForServer();
// check that new table is summarized
assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-pwc-table', 2000).getText(), 'Table1');
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-pwc-groupedBy-col', (e) => e.getText()), ['A']);
// check sections name did not change
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getSectionTitles(), ['Foo', 'TABLE1']);
// check 1st section is active
assert(await driver.find('.viewsection_content').matches('.active_section'));
it('should work correctly when changing table', async () => {
// click edit table data
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
// create a new table
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /New Table/).doClick();
await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick();
// wait for server
await gu.waitForServer();
// check that first section shows table2 with no grouped by cols
assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-pwc-table', 2000).getText(), 'Table2');
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-pwc-groupedBy').isDisplayed(), false);
// check sections name did not change
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getSectionTitles(), ['Foo', 'TABLE1']);
// check 1st section is active
assert(await driver.find('.viewsection_content').matches('.active_section'));
// revert to what it was
await gu.undo();
it("should work correctly when changing type", async () => {
async function switchTypeAndAssert(t: string) {
// open page widget picker
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
// select type t and save
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-type', gu.exactMatch(t)).doClick();
await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick();
await gu.waitForServer();
// check section's type
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-wselect-type[class*=-selected]').getText(), t);
// close page widget picker
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
await gu.checkForErrors();
// TODO: check what's shown by asserting data for each type
await switchTypeAndAssert('Card');
await switchTypeAndAssert('Table');
await switchTypeAndAssert('Chart');
it("should work correctly when changing grouped by column", async () => {
// open page widget picker
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
// Select column B
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-column', /B/).doClick();
await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick();
await gu.waitForServer();
// check grouped by is now A, B
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-pwc-groupedBy-col', (e) => e.getText()), ['A', 'B']);
await gu.undo();
it("should not hide any columns when changing to a summary table", async () => {
// Previously, a bug when changing data selection would sometimes cause columns to be hidden.
// This test replicates a scenario that was used to reproduce the bug, and checks that it no
// longer occurs.
async function assertActiveSectionColumns(...expected: string[]) {
const activeSection = await driver.find('.active_section');
const actual = (await activeSection.findAll('.column_name', el => el.getText()))
.filter(name => name !== '+');
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
// Create a Places table with a single Place column.
await gu.addNewTable('Places');
await gu.renameColumn({col: 0}, 'Place');
await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_RIGHT);
await gu.sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.ALT, '-'));
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.ALT, '-'));
await gu.waitForServer();
// Create an Orders table, and rename the last column to Test.
await gu.addNewTable('Orders');
await gu.renameColumn({col: 2}, 'Test');
// Duplicate the Places page.
await gu.openPageMenu('Places');
await driver.find('.test-docpage-duplicate').click();
await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click();
await driver.findContentWait('.test-docpage-label', /copy/, 1000);
await gu.waitForServer();
// Change the duplicated page's data to summarize Orders, grouping by column Test.
await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').doClick();
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Orders/).find('.test-wselect-pivot').doClick();
await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-column', /Test/).doClick();
await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Check all columns are visible.
await assertActiveSectionColumns('Test', 'count');