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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
* add support for conversational state to assistance endpoint This refactors the assistance code somewhat, to allow carrying along some conversational state. It extends the OpenAI-flavored assistant to make use of that state to have a conversation. The front-end is tweaked a little bit to allow for replies that don't have any code in them (though I didn't get into formatting such replies nicely). Currently tested primarily through the runCompletion script, which has been extended a bit to allow testing simulated conversations (where an error is pasted in follow-up, or an expected-vs-actual comparison). Co-authored-by: George Gevoian <85144792+georgegevoian@users.noreply.github.com>
186 lines
5.9 KiB
186 lines
5.9 KiB
import json
import textwrap
import six
from column import is_visible_column, BaseReferenceColumn
from objtypes import RaisedException
import records
def column_type(engine, table_id, col_id):
col_rec = engine.docmodel.get_column_rec(table_id, col_id)
typ = col_rec.type
parts = typ.split(":")
if parts[0] == "Ref":
return parts[1]
elif parts[0] == "RefList":
return "List[{}]".format(parts[1])
elif typ == "Choice":
return choices(col_rec)
elif typ == "ChoiceList":
return "Tuple[{}, ...]".format(choices(col_rec))
elif typ == "Any":
table = engine.tables[table_id]
col = table.get_column(col_id)
values = [col.raw_get(row_id) for row_id in table.row_ids]
return values_type(values)
return dict(
def choices(col_rec):
widget_options = json.loads(col_rec.widgetOptions)
return "Literal{}".format(widget_options["choices"])
except (ValueError, KeyError):
return 'str'
def values_type(values):
types = set(type(v) for v in values) - {RaisedException}
optional = type(None) in types # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
if types == {int, float}:
types = {float}
if len(types) != 1:
return "Any"
[typ] = types
val = next(v for v in values if isinstance(v, typ))
if isinstance(val, records.Record):
type_name = val._table.table_id
elif isinstance(val, records.RecordSet):
type_name = "List[{}]".format(val._table.table_id)
elif isinstance(val, list):
type_name = "List[{}]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, set):
type_name = "Set[{}]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, tuple):
type_name = "Tuple[{}, ...]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, dict):
type_name = "Dict[{}, {}]".format(values_type(val.keys()), values_type(val.values()))
type_name = typ.__name__
if optional:
type_name = "Optional[{}]".format(type_name)
return type_name
def referenced_tables(engine, table_id):
result = set()
queue = [table_id]
while queue:
cur_table_id = queue.pop()
if cur_table_id in result:
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, cur_table_id):
if isinstance(col, BaseReferenceColumn):
target_table_id = col._target_table.table_id
if not target_table_id.startswith("_"):
return result - {table_id}
def all_other_tables(engine, table_id):
result = set(t for t in engine.tables.keys() if not t.startswith('_grist'))
return result - {table_id} - {'GristDocTour'}
def visible_columns(engine, table_id):
return [
(col_id, col)
for col_id, col in engine.tables[table_id].all_columns.items()
if is_visible_column(col_id)
def class_schema(engine, table_id, exclude_col_id=None, lookups=False):
result = "@dataclass\nclass {}:\n".format(table_id)
if lookups:
# Build a lookupRecords and lookupOne method for each table, providing some arguments hints
# for the columns that are visible.
lookupRecords_args = []
lookupOne_args = []
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, table_id):
if col_id != exclude_col_id:
lookupOne_args.append(col_id + '=None')
lookupRecords_args.append('%s=%s' % (col_id, col_id))
lookupOne_args_line = ', '.join(lookupOne_args)
lookupRecords_args_line = ', '.join(lookupRecords_args)
result += " def __len__(self):\n"
result += " return len(%s.lookupRecords())\n" % table_id
result += " @staticmethod\n"
result += " def lookupRecords(%s) -> List[%s]:\n" % (lookupOne_args_line, table_id)
result += " # ...\n"
result += " @staticmethod\n"
result += " def lookupOne(%s) -> %s:\n" % (lookupOne_args_line, table_id)
result += " '''\n"
result += " Filter for one result matching the keys provided.\n"
result += " To control order, use e.g. `sort_by='Key' or `sort_by='-Key'`.\n"
result += " '''\n"
result += " return %s.lookupRecords(%s)[0]\n" % (table_id, lookupRecords_args_line)
result += "\n"
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, table_id):
if col_id != exclude_col_id:
result += " {}: {}\n".format(col_id, column_type(engine, table_id, col_id))
result += "\n"
return result
def get_formula_prompt(engine, table_id, col_id, description,
result = ""
other_tables = (all_other_tables(engine, table_id)
if include_all_tables else referenced_tables(engine, table_id))
for other_table_id in sorted(other_tables):
result += class_schema(engine, other_table_id, lookups)
result += class_schema(engine, table_id, col_id, lookups)
return_type = column_type(engine, table_id, col_id)
result += " @property\n"
result += " # rec is alias for self\n"
result += " def {}(rec) -> {}:\n".format(col_id, return_type)
result += ' """\n'
result += '{}\n'.format(indent(description, " "))
result += ' """\n'
return result
def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None):
Copied from https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/textwrap.py for python2 compatibility.
if six.PY3:
return textwrap.indent(text, prefix, predicate) # pylint: disable = no-member
if predicate is None:
def predicate(line):
return line.strip()
def prefixed_lines():
for line in text.splitlines(True):
yield (prefix + line if predicate(line) else line)
return ''.join(prefixed_lines())
def convert_completion(completion):
result = textwrap.dedent(completion)
return result