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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Context: On self-hosted instances, some places in the code rely on the fact that we resolves public domains while being behind reverse proxies. This leads to cases where features are not available, such as the "Duplicate document" one. Bugs that are solved - n self-hosted instances: Impossible to open templates and tutorials right after having converted them; Impossible to submit forms since version 1.1.13; Impossible to restore a previous version of a document (snapshot); Impossible to copy a document; Solution: Introduce the APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL env variable, which is quite the same as APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL except that it may point to any home worker; Make /api/worker/:assignmentId([^/]+)/?* return not only the doc worker public url but also the internal one, and adapt the call points like fetchDocs; Ensure that the home and doc worker internal urls are trusted by trustOrigin; --------- Co-authored-by: jordigh <jordigh@octave.org>
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* AppServer serves up the main app.html file to the browser. It is the first point of contact of
* a browser with Grist. It handles sessions, redirect-to-login, and serving up a suitable version
* of the client-side code.
import * as express from 'express';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {getSlugIfNeeded, parseUrlId, SHARE_KEY_PREFIX} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {LocalPlugin} from "app/common/plugin";
import {TELEMETRY_TEMPLATE_SIGNUP_COOKIE_NAME} from 'app/common/Telemetry';
import {Document as APIDocument, PublicDocWorkerUrlInfo} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {Document} from "app/gen-server/entity/Document";
import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {assertAccess, getTransitiveHeaders, getUserId, isAnonymousUser,
RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {DocStatus, IDocWorkerMap} from 'app/server/lib/DocWorkerMap';
import {
customizeDocWorkerUrl, getDocWorkerInfoOrSelfPrefix, getWorker, useWorkerPool
} from 'app/server/lib/DocWorkerUtils';
import {expressWrap} from 'app/server/lib/expressWrap';
import {DocTemplate, GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {getCookieDomain} from 'app/server/lib/gristSessions';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {addOrgToPathIfNeeded, pruneAPIResult, trustOrigin} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils';
import {ISendAppPageOptions} from 'app/server/lib/sendAppPage';
export interface AttachOptions {
app: express.Application; // Express app to which to add endpoints
middleware: express.RequestHandler[]; // Middleware to apply for all endpoints except docs and forms
docMiddleware: express.RequestHandler[]; // Middleware to apply for doc landing pages
formMiddleware: express.RequestHandler[]; // Middleware to apply for form landing pages
forceLogin: express.RequestHandler|null; // Method to force user to login (if logins are possible)
docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap|null;
sendAppPage: (req: express.Request, resp: express.Response, options: ISendAppPageOptions) => Promise<void>;
dbManager: HomeDBManager;
plugins: LocalPlugin[];
gristServer: GristServer;
export function attachAppEndpoint(options: AttachOptions): void {
const {app, middleware, docMiddleware, formMiddleware, docWorkerMap,
forceLogin, sendAppPage, dbManager, plugins, gristServer} = options;
// Per-workspace URLs open the same old Home page, and it's up to the client to notice and
// render the right workspace.
app.get(['/', '/ws/:wsId', '/p/:page'], ...middleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) =>
sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'app.html', status: 200, config: {plugins}, googleTagManager: 'anon'})));
app.get('/apiconsole', expressWrap(async (req, res) =>
sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'apiconsole.html', status: 200, config: {}})));
app.get('/api/worker/:docId([^/]+)/?*', expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
if (!trustOrigin(req, res)) { throw new Error('Unrecognized origin'); }
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
const {selfPrefix, docWorker} = await getDocWorkerInfoOrSelfPrefix(
req.params.docId, docWorkerMap, gristServer.getTag()
const info: PublicDocWorkerUrlInfo = selfPrefix ?
{ docWorkerUrl: null, selfPrefix } :
{ docWorkerUrl: customizeDocWorkerUrl(docWorker!.publicUrl, req), selfPrefix: null };
return res.json(info);
// Handler for serving the document landing pages. Expects the following parameters:
// urlId, slug (optional), remainder
// This handler is used for both "doc/urlId" and "urlId/slug" style endpoints.
const docHandler = expressWrap(async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.params.slug && req.params.slug === 'app.html') {
// This can happen on a single-port configuration, since "docId/app.html" matches
// the "urlId/slug" pattern. Luckily the "." character is not allowed in slugs.
return next();
if (!docWorkerMap) {
return await sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'app.html', status: 200, config: {plugins},
googleTagManager: 'anon'});
const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin;
const urlId = req.params.urlId;
let doc: Document|null = null;
try {
const userId = getUserId(mreq);
// Query DB for the doc metadata, to include in the page (as a pre-fetch of getDoc() call),
// and to get fresh (uncached) access info.
doc = await dbManager.getDoc({userId, org: mreq.org, urlId});
if (isAnonymousUser(mreq) && doc.type === 'tutorial') {
// Tutorials require users to be signed in.
throw new ApiError('You must be signed in to access a tutorial.', 403);
const slug = getSlugIfNeeded(doc);
const slugMismatch = (req.params.slug || null) !== (slug || null);
const preferredUrlId = doc.urlId || doc.id;
if (!req.params.viaShare && // Don't bother canonicalizing for shares yet.
(urlId !== preferredUrlId || slugMismatch)) {
// Prepare to redirect to canonical url for document.
// Preserve any query parameters or fragments.
const queryOrFragmentCheck = req.originalUrl.match(/([#?].*)/);
const queryOrFragment = (queryOrFragmentCheck && queryOrFragmentCheck[1]) || '';
const target = slug ?
`/${preferredUrlId}/${slug}${req.params.remainder}${queryOrFragment}` :
res.redirect(addOrgToPathIfNeeded(req, target));
// The docAuth value will be cached from the getDoc() above (or could be derived from doc).
const docAuth = await dbManager.getDocAuthCached({userId, org: mreq.org, urlId});
assertAccess('viewers', docAuth);
} catch (err) {
if (err.status === 404) {
log.info("/:urlId/app.html did not find doc", mreq.userId, urlId, doc && doc.access, mreq.org);
throw new ApiError('Document not found.', 404);
} else if (err.status === 403) {
log.info("/:urlId/app.html denied access", mreq.userId, urlId, doc && doc.access, mreq.org);
// If the user does not have access to the document, and is anonymous, and we
// have a login system, we may wish to redirect them to login process.
if (isAnonymousUser(mreq) && forceLogin) {
// First check if anonymous user has access to this org. If so, we don't propose
// that they log in. This is the same check made in redirectToLogin() middleware.
const result = await dbManager.getOrg({userId: getUserId(mreq)}, mreq.org || null);
if (result.status !== 200 || doc?.type === 'tutorial') {
// Anonymous user does not have any access to this org, doc, or tutorial.
// Redirect to log in.
return forceLogin(req, res, next);
throw new ApiError('You do not have access to this document.', 403);
throw err;
let body: DocTemplate;
let docStatus: DocStatus|undefined;
const docId = doc.id;
if (!useWorkerPool()) {
body = await gristServer.getDocTemplate();
} else {
// The reason to pass through app.html fetched from docWorker is in case it is a different
// version of Grist (could be newer or older).
// TODO: More must be done for correct version tagging of URLs: <base href> assumes all
// links and static resources come from the same host, but we'll have Home API, DocWorker,
// and static resources all at hostnames different from where this page is served.
// TODO docWorkerMain needs to serve app.html, perhaps with correct base-href already set.
const headers = {
Accept: 'application/json',
...getTransitiveHeaders(req, { includeOrigin: true }),
const workerInfo = await getWorker(docWorkerMap, docId, `/${docId}/app.html`, {headers});
docStatus = workerInfo.docStatus;
body = await workerInfo.resp.json();
const isPublic = ((doc as unknown) as APIDocument).public ?? false;
const isSnapshot = Boolean(parseUrlId(urlId).snapshotId);
const isTemplate = doc.type === 'template';
if (isPublic || isTemplate) {
gristServer.getTelemetry().logEvent(mreq, 'documentOpened', {
limited: {
docIdDigest: docId,
access: doc.access,
lastUpdated: doc.updatedAt,
full: {
siteId: doc.workspace.org.id,
siteType: doc.workspace.org.billingAccount.product.name,
userId: mreq.userId,
altSessionId: mreq.altSessionId,
if (isTemplate) {
// Keep track of the last template a user visited in the last hour.
// If a sign-up occurs within that time period, we'll know which
// template, if any, was viewed most recently.
const value = {
isAnonymous: isAnonymousUser(mreq),
templateId: docId,
res.cookie(TELEMETRY_TEMPLATE_SIGNUP_COOKIE_NAME, JSON.stringify(value), {
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60,
httpOnly: true,
path: '/',
domain: getCookieDomain(req),
sameSite: 'lax',
// Without a public URL, we're in single server mode.
// Use a null workerPublicURL, to signify that the URL prefix serving the
// current endpoint is the only one available.
const publicUrl = docStatus?.docWorker?.publicUrl;
const workerPublicUrl = publicUrl !== undefined ? customizeDocWorkerUrl(publicUrl, req) : null;
await sendAppPage(req, res, {path: "", content: body.page, tag: body.tag, status: 200,
googleTagManager: 'anon', config: {
assignmentId: docId,
getWorker: {[docId]: workerPublicUrl },
getDoc: {[docId]: pruneAPIResult(doc as unknown as APIDocument)},
// Handlers for form preview URLs: one with a slug and one without.
app.get('/doc/:urlId([^/]+)/f/:vsId', ...docMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
app.get('/:urlId([^-/]{12,})/:slug([^/]+)/f/:vsId', ...docMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
// Handler for form URLs that include a share key.
app.get('/forms/:shareKey([^/]+)/:vsId', ...formMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
// The * is a wildcard in express 4, rather than a regex symbol.
// See https://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html
app.get('/doc/:urlId([^/]+):remainder(*)', ...docMiddleware, docHandler);
(req, res, next) => {
// /s/<key> is another way of writing /doc/<prefix><key> for shares.
req.params.urlId = SHARE_KEY_PREFIX + req.params.urlId;
req.params.viaShare = "1";
...docMiddleware, docHandler);
...docMiddleware, docHandler);