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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Updates simulateLogin to fill in the name field of the test login page. Docker tests were failing because users created via the test login page were falling back to their email for their name. Test Plan: N/A (fixing Docker tests) Reviewers: paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3315
398 lines
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398 lines
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* Contains some non-webdriver functionality needed by tests.
import * as FormData from 'form-data';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import defaults = require('lodash/defaults');
import {WebElement} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import * as path from 'path';
import {WebDriver} from 'selenium-webdriver';
import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {DocWorkerAPI, UserAPI, UserAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {TestingHooksClient} from 'app/server/lib/TestingHooks';
export interface Server {
driver: WebDriver;
getTestingHooks(): Promise<TestingHooksClient>;
getHost(): string;
getUrl(team: string, relPath: string): string;
getDatabase(): Promise<HomeDBManager>;
isExternalServer(): boolean;
export class HomeUtil {
// Cache api keys of test users. It is often convenient to have various instances
// of the home api available while making browser tests.
private _apiKey = new Map<string, string>();
constructor(public fixturesRoot: string, public server: Server) {}
public get driver(): WebDriver { return this.server.driver; }
* Set current session to a simulated login with the given name and email. Available options
* include:
* - `loginMethod`: when provided will store in the database which method the
* user nominally logged in with (e.g. 'Email + Password' or 'Google').
* - `isFirstLogin`: when provided will cause user to be redirected or not to the
* welcome pages.
* - `freshAccount`: when true will cause the user account to be deleted and
* recreated if it already existed.
* - `cacheCredentials`: when true will result in the user's api key being stored
* (after having been created if necessary), so that their home api can be later
* instantiated without page loads.
* When testing against an external server, the simulated login is in fact genuine,
* done via Cognito.
public async simulateLogin(name: string, email: string, org: string = "", options: {
loginMethod?: UserProfile['loginMethod'],
freshAccount?: boolean,
isFirstLogin?: boolean,
showGristTour?: boolean,
cacheCredentials?: boolean,
} = {}) {
const {loginMethod, isFirstLogin} = defaults(options, {loginMethod: 'Email + Password'});
const showGristTour = options.showGristTour ?? (options.freshAccount ?? isFirstLogin);
// For regular tests, we can log in through a testing hook.
if (!this.server.isExternalServer()) {
if (options.freshAccount) { await this._deleteUserByEmail(email); }
if (isFirstLogin !== undefined) { await this._setFirstLogin(email, isFirstLogin); }
if (showGristTour !== undefined) { await this._initShowGristTour(email, showGristTour); }
// TestingHooks communicates via JSON, so it's impossible to send an `undefined` value for org
// through it. Using the empty string happens to work though.
const testingHooks = await this.server.getTestingHooks();
const sid = await this.getGristSid();
if (!sid) { throw new Error('no session available'); }
await testingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile(sid, {name, email, loginMethod}, org);
} else {
if (loginMethod && loginMethod !== 'Email + Password') {
throw new Error('only Email + Password logins supported for external server tests');
// Make sure we revisit page in case login is changing.
await this.driver.get('about:blank');
// When running against an external server, we log in through Cognito.
await this.driver.get(this.server.getUrl(org, ""));
if (!(await this.isOnSigninPage())) {
// Explicitly click sign-in link if necessary.
await this.driver.findWait('.test-user-signin', 4000).click();
await this.driver.findContentWait('.grist-floating-menu a', 'Sign in', 500).click();
// Check if we need to switch to Cognito login from the Grist sign-up page.
if (await this.isOnGristLoginPage()) {
await this.driver.findWait('a[href*="login?"]', 4000).click();
// Fill the login form (either on /test/login or Cognito).
if (await this.isOnTestLoginPage()) {
await this.fillTestLoginForm(email, name);
} else {
await this.fillLoginForm(email);
if (!(await this.isWelcomePage()) && (options.freshAccount || options.isFirstLogin)) {
await this._recreateCurrentUser(email, org, name);
if (options.freshAccount) {
if (options.cacheCredentials) {
// Take this opportunity to cache access info.
if (!this._apiKey.has(email)) {
await this.driver.get(this.server.getUrl(org, ''));
this._apiKey.set(email, await this._getApiKey());
* Remove any simulated login from the current session (for the given org, if specified).
* For testing against an external server, all logins are removed, since there's no way
* to be more nuanced.
public async removeLogin(org: string = "") {
if (!this.server.isExternalServer()) {
const testingHooks = await this.server.getTestingHooks();
const sid = await this.getGristSid();
if (sid) { await testingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile(sid, null, org); }
} else {
await this.driver.get(`${this.server.getHost()}/logout`);
// Check if the url looks like a welcome page. The check is weak, but good enough
// for testing.
public async isWelcomePage() {
const url = await this.driver.getCurrentUrl();
return Boolean(url.match(/\/welcome\//));
* Fill the Grist test login page.
public async fillTestLoginForm(email: string, name?: string) {
const password = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD;
if (!password) { throw new Error('TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD not set'); }
const form = await this.driver.find('div.modal-content-desktop');
await this.setValue(form.find('input[name="username"]'), email);
if (name) { await this.setValue(form.find('input[name="name"]'), name); }
await this.setValue(form.find('input[name="password"]'), password);
await form.find('input[name="signInSubmitButton"]').click();
// Fill up a Cognito login page. If on a signup page, switch to a login page.
// TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD must be set, or a password provided. Should be on a Cognito
// login/signup page before calling this method.
public async fillLoginForm(email: string, password?: string) {
if (!password) {
password = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD;
if (!password) {
throw new Error('TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD not set');
await this.checkLoginPage();
if ((await this.driver.getCurrentUrl()).match(/signup\?/)) {
await this.driver.findWait('a[href*="login?"]', 4000).click();
// There are two login forms, one hidden, one shown. Pick the one that is shown.
const block =
(await this.driver.find('div.modal-content-desktop').isDisplayed()) ?
(await this.driver.find('div.modal-content-desktop')) :
(await this.driver.find('div.modal-content-mobile'));
await block.findWait('input[name="username"]', 4000);
await this.setValue(block.findWait('input[name="username"]', 4000), email);
await this.setValue(block.findWait('input[name="password"]', 4000), password);
await block.find('input[name="signInSubmitButton"]').click();
* Delete the currently logged in user.
public async deleteCurrentUser() {
const apiKey = await this._getApiKey();
const api = this._createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey);
const info = await api.getSessionActive();
await api.deleteUser(info.user.id, info.user.name);
* Returns the current Grist session-id (for the selenium browser accessing this server),
* or null if there is no session.
public async getGristSid(): Promise<string|null> {
// Load a cheap page on our server to get the session-id cookie from browser.
await this.driver.get(`${this.server.getHost()}/test/session`);
const cookie = await this.driver.manage().getCookie(process.env.GRIST_SESSION_COOKIE || 'grist_sid');
if (!cookie) { return null; }
return decodeURIComponent(cookie.value);
* Create a new document.
public async createNewDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, docName: string,
options: {email?: string} = {}) {
const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org, options.email);
const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace);
return await homeApi.newDoc({name: docName}, workspaceId);
* Import a fixture doc into a workspace.
public async importFixturesDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string,
filename: string, options: {newName?: string, email?: string} = {}) {
const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org, options.email);
const docWorker = await homeApi.getWorkerAPI('import');
const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace);
const uploadId = await this.uploadFixtureDoc(docWorker, filename, options.newName);
return docWorker.importDocToWorkspace(uploadId, workspaceId);
* Create a copy of a doc. Similar to importFixturesDoc, but starts with an existing docId.
public async copyDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string,
docId: string, options: {newName?: string} = {}) {
const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org);
const docWorker = await homeApi.getWorkerAPI('import');
const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace);
const uploadId = await docWorker.copyDoc(docId);
return docWorker.importDocToWorkspace(uploadId, workspaceId);
// upload fixture document to the doc worker at url.
public async uploadFixtureDoc(docWorker: DocWorkerAPI, filename: string, newName: string = filename) {
const filepath = path.resolve(this.fixturesRoot, "docs", filename);
if (!await fse.pathExists(filepath)) {
throw new Error(`Can't find file: ${filepath}`);
const fileStream = fse.createReadStream(filepath);
// node-fetch can upload streams, although browser fetch can't
return docWorker.upload(fileStream as any, newName);
// A helper that find a workspace id by name for a given username and org.
public async getWorkspaceId(homeApi: UserAPIImpl, workspace: string): Promise<number> {
return (await homeApi.getOrgWorkspaces('current')).find((w) => w.name === workspace)!.id;
// A helper that returns the list of names of all documents within a workspace.
public async listDocs(homeApi: UserAPI, wid: number): Promise<string[]> {
const workspace = await homeApi.getWorkspace(wid);
return workspace.docs.map(d => d.name);
// A helper to create a UserAPI instance for a given useranme and org, that targets the home server
// Username can be null for anonymous access.
public createHomeApi(username: string|null, org: string, email?: string): UserAPIImpl {
const name = (username || '').toLowerCase();
const apiKey = username && ((email && this._apiKey.get(email)) || `api_key_for_${name}`);
return this._createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey, org);
* Set the value of an input element. This is to be used when the input element appears with its
* content already selected which can create some flakiness when using the normal approach based on
* `driver.sendKeys`. This is due to the fact that the implementation of such behaviour relies on a
* timeout that there is no easy way to listen to with selenium, so when sending keys, the
* `<element>.select()` could happens anytime on the client, which results in the value being
* truncated.
public async setValue(inputEl: WebElement, value: string) {
await this.driver.executeScript(
(input: HTMLInputElement, val: string) => { input.value = val; },
inputEl, value
* Returns whether we are currently on the Cognito or test login page.
public async isOnLoginPage() {
const url = await this.driver.getCurrentUrl();
return /^https:\/\/gristlogin/.test(url) || await this.isOnTestLoginPage();
* Returns whether we are currently on a Grist login page.
public async isOnGristLoginPage() {
return /^https:\/\/login(-s)?\.getgrist\.com/.test(await this.driver.getCurrentUrl());
* Returns whether we are currently on the test login page.
public isOnTestLoginPage() {
return this.driver.findContent('h1', 'A Very Credulous Login Page').isPresent();
* Returns whether we are currently on any sign-in page (e.g. Cognito, Grist, test).
public async isOnSigninPage() {
return await this.isOnLoginPage() || await this.isOnGristLoginPage();
* Waits for browser to navigate to the Cognito login page.
public async checkLoginPage(waitMs: number = 2000) {
await this.driver.wait(this.isOnLoginPage.bind(this), waitMs);
* Waits for browser to navigate to a Grist login page.
public async checkGristLoginPage(waitMs: number = 2000) {
await this.driver.wait(this.isOnGristLoginPage.bind(this), waitMs);
* Waits for browser to navigate to any sign-in page (e.g. Cognito, Grist, test).
public async checkSigninPage(waitMs: number = 4000) {
await this.driver.wait(this.isOnSigninPage.bind(this), waitMs);
* Delete and recreate the user, via the specified org. The specified user must be
* currently logged in!
private async _recreateCurrentUser(email: string, org: string, name?: string) {
await this.deleteCurrentUser();
await this.removeLogin(org);
await this.driver.get(this.server.getUrl(org, ""));
await this.driver.findWait('.test-user-signin', 4000).click();
await this.driver.findContentWait('.grist-floating-menu a', 'Sign in', 500).click();
await this.checkLoginPage();
// Fill the login form (either on /test/login or Cognito).
if (await this.isOnTestLoginPage()) {
await this.fillTestLoginForm(email, name);
} else {
await this.fillLoginForm(email);
private async _getApiKey(): Promise<string> {
return this.driver.wait(() => this.driver.executeAsyncScript<string>((done: (key: string) => void) => {
const app = (window as any).gristApp;
if (!app) { done(""); return; }
const api: UserAPI = app.topAppModel.api;
return api.fetchApiKey().then(key => {
if (key) { return key; }
return api.createApiKey();
}).then(done).catch(() => done(""));
}), 4000);
// Delete a user using their email address. Requires access to the database.
private async _deleteUserByEmail(email: string) {
if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); }
const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase();
const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email);
if (user) { await dbManager.deleteUser({userId: user.id}, user.id, user.name); }
// Set whether this is the user's first time logging in. Requires access to the database.
private async _setFirstLogin(email: string, isFirstLogin: boolean) {
if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); }
const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase();
const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email);
if (user) {
user.isFirstTimeUser = isFirstLogin;
await user.save();
private async _initShowGristTour(email: string, showGristTour: boolean) {
if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); }
const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase();
const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email);
if (user && user.personalOrg) {
const userOrgPrefs = {showGristTour};
await dbManager.updateOrg({userId: user.id}, user.personalOrg.id, {userOrgPrefs});
// Make a home api instance with the given api key, for the specified org.
// If no api key given, work anonymously.
private _createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey: string|null, org?: string): UserAPIImpl {
const headers = apiKey ? {Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`} : undefined;
return new UserAPIImpl(org ? this.server.getUrl(org, '') : this.server.getHost(), {
fetch: fetch as any,
newFormData: () => new FormData() as any, // form-data isn't quite type compatible
logger: log});