
385 lines
14 KiB

import * as bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as chokidar from 'chokidar';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as path from 'path';
import {DocEntry, DocEntryTag} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {DocSnapshots} from 'app/common/DocSnapshot';
import {DocumentUsage} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import * as docUtils from 'app/server/lib/docUtils';
import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {IDocStorageManager, SnapshotProgress} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';
import {IShell} from 'app/server/lib/IShell';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import uuidv4 from "uuid/v4";
* DocStorageManager manages Grist documents. This implementation deals with files in the file
* system. An alternative implementation could provide the same public methods to implement
* storage management for the hosted version of Grist.
* This file-based DocStorageManager uses file path as the docName identifying a document, with
* one exception. For files in the docsRoot directory, the basename of the document is used
* instead, with .grist extension stripped; primarily to maintain previous behavior and keep
* clean-looking URLs. In all other cases, the realpath of the file (including .grist extension)
* is the canonical docName.
export class DocStorageManager implements IDocStorageManager {
private _watcher: any; // chokidar filesystem watcher
private _shell: IShell;
* Initialize with the given root directory, which should be a fully-resolved path (i.e. using
* fs.realpath or docUtils.realPath).
* The file watcher is created if the optComm argument is given.
constructor(private _docsRoot: string, private _samplesRoot?: string,
private _comm?: Comm, gristServer?: GristServer) {
// If we have a way to communicate with clients, watch the docsRoot for changes.
this._watcher = null;
this._shell = gristServer?.create.Shell?.() || {
trashItem() { throw new Error('Unable to move document to trash'); },
showItemInFolder() { throw new Error('Unable to show item in folder'); }
if (_comm) {
* Returns the path to the given document. This is used by DocStorage.js, and is specific to the
* file-based storage implementation.
* @param {String} docName: The canonical docName.
* @returns {String} path: Filesystem path.
public getPath(docName: string): string {
docName += (path.extname(docName) === '.grist' ? '' : '.grist');
return path.resolve(this._docsRoot, docName);
* Returns the path to the given sample document.
public getSampleDocPath(sampleDocName: string): string|null {
return this._samplesRoot ? this.getPath(path.resolve(this._samplesRoot, sampleDocName)) : null;
* Translates a possibly non-canonical docName to a canonical one (e.g. adds .grist to a path
* without .grist extension, and canonicalizes the path). All other functions deal with
* canonical docNames.
* @param {String} altDocName: docName which may not be the canonical one.
* @returns {Promise:String} Promise for the canonical docName.
public async getCanonicalDocName(altDocName: string): Promise<string> {
const p = await docUtils.realPath(this.getPath(altDocName));
return path.dirname(p) === this._docsRoot ? path.basename(p, '.grist') : p;
* Prepares a document for use locally. Returns whether the document is new (needs to be
* created). This is a no-op in the local DocStorageManager case.
public async prepareLocalDoc(docName: string): Promise<boolean> { return false; }
public async prepareToCreateDoc(docName: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public async prepareFork(srcDocName: string, destDocName: string): Promise<string> {
// This is implemented only to support old tests.
await fse.copy(this.getPath(srcDocName), this.getPath(destDocName));
return this.getPath(destDocName);
* Returns a promise for the list of docNames to show in the doc list. For the file-based
* storage, this will include all .grist files under the docsRoot.
* @returns {Promise:Array<DocEntry>} Promise for an array of objects with `name`, `size`,
* and `mtime`.
public listDocs(): Promise<DocEntry[]> {
return bluebird.Promise.all([
this._listDocs(this._docsRoot, ""),
this._samplesRoot ? this._listDocs(this._samplesRoot, "sample") : [],
.spread((docsEntries: DocEntry[], samplesEntries: DocEntry[]) => {
return [...docsEntries, ...samplesEntries];
* Deletes a document.
* @param {String} docName: docName of the document to delete.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success.
public async deleteDoc(docName: string, deletePermanently?: boolean): Promise<void> {
const docPath = this.getPath(docName);
// Keep this check, to protect against wiping out the whole disk or the user's home.
if (path.extname(docPath) !== '.grist') {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Refusing to delete path which does not end in .grist"));
} else if (deletePermanently) {
await fse.remove(docPath);
} else {
await this._shell.trashItem(docPath);
* Renames a closed document. In the file-system case, moves files to reflect the new paths. For
* a document already open, use `docStorageInstance.renameDocTo()` instead.
* @param {String} oldName: original docName.
* @param {String} newName: new docName.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success.
public renameDoc(oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<void> {
const oldPath = this.getPath(oldName);
const newPath = this.getPath(newName);
return docUtils.createExclusive(newPath)
.catch(async (e: any) => {
if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw e; }
const isSame = await docUtils.isSameFile(oldPath, newPath);
if (!isSame) { throw e; }
.then(() => fse.rename(oldPath, newPath))
// Send 'renameDocs' event immediately after the rename. Previously, this used to be sent by
// DocManager after reopening the renamed doc. The extra delay caused issue T407, where
// triggered 'removeDocs' before 'renameDocs'.
.then(() => { this._sendDocListAction('renameDocs', oldPath, [oldName, newName]); })
.catch((err: Error) => {
log.warn("DocStorageManager: rename %s -> %s failed: %s", oldPath, newPath, err.message);
throw err;
* Should create a backup of the file
* @param {String} docName - docName to backup
* @param {String} backupTag - string to identify backup, like foo.grist.$DATE.$TAG.bak
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success, returns path to backup (to show user)
public makeBackup(docName: string, backupTag: string): Promise<string> {
// this need to persist between calling createNumbered and
// getting it's return value, to re-add the extension again (._.)
let ext: string;
let finalBakPath: string; // holds final value of path, with numbering
return bluebird.Promise.try(() => this._generateBackupFilePath(docName, backupTag))
.then((bakPath: string) => { // make a numbered migration if necessary
log.debug(`DocStorageManager: trying to make backup at ${bakPath}`);
// create a file at bakPath, adding numbers if necessary
ext = path.extname(bakPath); // persists to makeBackup closure
const bakPathPrefix = bakPath.slice(0, -ext.length);
return docUtils.createNumbered(bakPathPrefix, '-',
(pathPrefix: string) => docUtils.createExclusive(pathPrefix + ext)
}).tap((numberedBakPathPrefix: string) => { // do the copying, but return bakPath anyway
finalBakPath = numberedBakPathPrefix + ext;
const docPath = this.getPath(docName);`Backing up ${docName} to ${finalBakPath}`);
return docUtils.copyFile(docPath, finalBakPath);
}).then(() => {
log.debug("DocStorageManager: Backup made successfully at: %s", finalBakPath);
return finalBakPath;
}).catch((err: Error) => {
log.error("DocStorageManager: Backup %s %s failed: %s", docName, err.message);
throw err;
* Electron version only. Shows the given doc in the file explorer.
public async showItemInFolder(docName: string): Promise<void> {
public async closeStorage() {
// nothing to do
public async closeDocument(docName: string) {
// nothing to do
public markAsChanged(docName: string): void {
// nothing to do
public markAsEdited(docName: string): void {
// nothing to do
public scheduleUsageUpdate(
docName: string,
docUsage: DocumentUsage,
minimizeDelay = false
): void {
// nothing to do
public testReopenStorage(): void {
// nothing to do
public async addToStorage(id: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public prepareToCloseStorage(): void {
// nothing to do
public async flushDoc(docName: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public async getCopy(docName: string): Promise<string> {
const srcPath = this.getPath(docName);
const postfix = uuidv4();
const tmpPath = `${srcPath}-${postfix}`;
await docUtils.copyFile(srcPath, tmpPath);
return tmpPath;
public async getSnapshots(docName: string, skipMetadataCache?: boolean): Promise<DocSnapshots> {
throw new Error('getSnapshots not implemented');
public removeSnapshots(docName: string, snapshotIds: string[]): Promise<void> {
throw new Error('removeSnapshots not implemented');
public getSnapshotProgress(): SnapshotProgress {
return {
pushes: 0,
skippedPushes: 0,
errors: 0,
changes: 0,
windowsStarted: 0,
windowsDone: 0,
public async replace(docName: string, options: any): Promise<void> {
throw new Error('replacement not implemented');
* Returns a promise for the list of docNames for all docs in the given directory.
* @returns {Promise:Array<Object>} Promise for an array of objects with `name`, `size`,
* and `mtime`.
private _listDocs(dirPath: string, tag: DocEntryTag): Promise<any[]> {
return fse.readdir(dirPath)
// Filter out for .grist files, and strip the .grist extension.
.then(entries => Promise.all(
entries.filter(e => (path.extname(e) === '.grist'))
.map(e => {
const docPath = path.resolve(dirPath, e);
return fse.stat(docPath)
.then(stat => getDocListFileInfo(docPath, stat, tag));
// Sort case-insensitively.
.then(entries => entries.sort((a, b) =>
// If the root directory is missing, just return an empty array.
.catch(err => {
if (err.cause && err.cause.code === 'ENOENT') { return []; }
throw err;
* Generates the filename for the given document backup
* Backup names should look roughly like:
* ${basefilename}.grist.${YYYY-MM-DD}.${tag}.bak
* @returns {Promise} backup filepath (might need to createNumbered)
private _generateBackupFilePath(docName: string, backupTag: string): Promise<string> {
const dateString = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
return docUtils.realPath(this.getPath(docName))
.then((filePath: string) => {
const fileName = path.basename(filePath);
const fileDir = path.dirname(filePath);
const bakName = `${fileName}.${dateString}.${backupTag}.bak`;
return path.join(fileDir, bakName);
* Creates the file watcher and begins monitoring the docsRoot. Returns the created watcher.
private _initFileWatcher(): void {
// NOTE: The chokidar watcher reports file renames as unlink then add events.
this._watcher =, {
ignoreInitial: true, // Prevent messages for initial adds of all docs when watching begins
depth: 0, // Ignore changes in subdirectories of docPath
alwaysStat: true, // Tells the watcher to always include the stats arg
// Waits for a file to remain constant for a short time after changing before triggering
// an action. Prevents reporting of incomplete writes.
awaitWriteFinish: {
stabilityThreshold: 100, // Waits for the file to remain constant for 100ms
pollInterval: 10 // Polls the file every 10ms after a change
this._watcher.on('add', (docPath: string, fsStats: any) => {
this._sendDocListAction('addDocs', docPath, getDocListFileInfo(docPath, fsStats, ""));
this._watcher.on('change', (docPath: string, fsStats: any) => {
this._sendDocListAction('changeDocs', docPath, getDocListFileInfo(docPath, fsStats, ""));
this._watcher.on('unlink', (docPath: string) => {
this._sendDocListAction('removeDocs', docPath, getDocName(docPath));
* Helper to broadcast a docListAction for a single doc to clients. If the action is not on a
* '.grist' file, it is not sent.
* @param {String} actionType - DocListAction type to send, 'addDocs' | 'removeDocs' | 'changeDocs'.
* @param {String} docPath - System path to the doc including the filename.
* @param {Any} data - Data to send as the message.
private _sendDocListAction(actionType: string, docPath: string, data: any): void {
if (this._comm && gutil.endsWith(docPath, '.grist')) {
log.debug(`Sending ${actionType} action for doc ${getDocName(docPath)}`);
this._comm.broadcastMessage('docListAction', { [actionType]: [data] });
* Helper to return the docname (without .grist) given the path to the .grist file.
function getDocName(docPath: string): string {
return path.basename(docPath, '.grist');
* Helper to get the stats used by the Grist DocList for a document.
* @param {String} docPath - System path to the doc including the doc filename.
* @param {Object} fsStat - fs.Stats object describing the file metadata.
* @param {String} tag - The tag indicating the type of doc.
* @return {Promise:Object} Promise for an object containing stats for the requested doc.
function getDocListFileInfo(docPath: string, fsStat: any, tag: DocEntryTag): DocEntry {
return {
docId: undefined, // TODO: Should include docId if it exists
name: getDocName(docPath),
mtime: fsStat.mtime,
size: fsStat.size,