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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Includes overhauled choice configuration UI for choice and choice list columns based on the TokenField library. Features include rich copy and paste support, keyboard shortcuts for token manipulation, and drag-and-drop support for arrangement. Configured choice colors are visible throughout the application, such as in the autocomplete window for both choice and choice list cells, and in table cells directly. Choice cells in particular are now styled closer to choice list cells, and render their contents as colored tokens. Choice cells now also use the improved autocomplete component that choice lists use, with some room for future improvement (e.g. allowing new choice items to be added inline like in choice list's autocomplete). Also includes a minor fix for choice list cells where right align was not working. Test Plan: Browser tests updated. Reviewers: jarek, dsagal Reviewed By: jarek, dsagal Subscribers: jarek Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2890
685 lines
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685 lines
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* A full-featured implementation of tokenfield (aka "pillbox", "tag list", etc).
* Supported features:
* - Each token includes an "x" button to delete it.
* - Click on a token to select;
* Shift+click to extend selection;
* Ctrl+click for non-contigous selection.
* - Arrow keys to move selection.
* Shift + arrow keys to extend selection.
* - Cmd+A to select all options.
* - Delete/Backspace delete selection. If no selection, Backspace deletes the last item.
* - Copy-cut is supported for a selection. By default CSV-encodes token labels.
* - Paste is supported into input textbox, or to replace a selection.
* - Tokens or a selection of tokens may be dragged to move within the tokenfield.
* - Supports undo/redo for token changes.
import { ACItem } from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import { modKeyProp } from 'app/client/lib/browserInfo';
import { Autocomplete, IAutocompleteOptions } from 'app/client/lib/autocomplete';
import { colors, testId } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import { icon } from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import { csvDecodeRow, csvEncodeRow } from 'app/common/csvFormat';
import { computedArray, IDisposableCtor, IObsArraySplice, ObsArray, obsArray, Observable } from 'grainjs';
import { Disposable, dom, DomElementArg, Holder, styled } from 'grainjs';
export interface IToken {
label: string;
export interface ITokenFieldOptions<Token extends IToken> {
initialValue: Token[];
renderToken: (token: Token) => DomElementArg;
createToken: (inputText: string) => Token|undefined;
acOptions?: IAutocompleteOptions<Token & ACItem>;
openAutocompleteOnFocus?: boolean;
styles?: ITokenFieldStyles;
readonly?: boolean;
keyBindings?: ITokenFieldKeyBindings;
// Allows overriding how tokens are copied to the clipboard, or retrieved from it.
// By default, tokens are placed into clipboard as text/plain comma-separated token labels, with
// CSV escaping, and pasted from clipboard by applying createToken() to parsed CSV text.
tokensToClipboard?: (tokens: Token[], clipboard: DataTransfer) => void;
clipboardToTokens?: (clipboard: DataTransfer) => Token[];
* Overrides for default TokenField shortcut bindings.
* Values should be Key Values (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values).
export interface ITokenFieldKeyBindings {
previous?: string;
next?: string;
const defaultKeyBindings: Required<ITokenFieldKeyBindings> = {
previous: 'ArrowLeft',
next: 'ArrowRight'
// TokenWrap serves to distinguish multiple instances of the same token in the list.
class TokenWrap<Token extends IToken> {
constructor(public token: Token) {}
class UndoItem {
constructor(public redo: () => void, public undo: () => void) {}
export class TokenField<Token extends IToken = IToken> extends Disposable {
public static ctor<T extends IToken>(): IDisposableCtor<TokenField<T>, [ITokenFieldOptions<T>]> {
return this;
public tokensObs: ObsArray<Token>;
private _acHolder = Holder.create<Autocomplete<Token & ACItem>>(this);
private _acOptions: IAutocompleteOptions<Token & ACItem>|undefined;
private _rootElem: HTMLElement;
private _textInput: HTMLInputElement;
private _styles: Required<ITokenFieldStyles>;
// ClipboardAPI events work as expected only when the focus is in an actual input.
// This is where we place focus when we have some tokens selected.
private _hiddenInput: HTMLInputElement;
// Keys to navigate tokens. In a vertical list, these would be changed to Up/Down.
private _keyBindings: Required<ITokenFieldKeyBindings>;
private _tokens = this.autoDispose(obsArray<TokenWrap<Token>>());
private _selection = Observable.create(this, new Set<TokenWrap<Token>>());
private _selectionAnchor: TokenWrap<Token>|null = null;
private _undoStack: UndoItem[] = [];
private _undoIndex = 0; // The last action done; next to undo.
private _inUndoRedo = false;
constructor(private _options: ITokenFieldOptions<Token>) {
const addSelectedItem = this._addSelectedItem.bind(this);
const openAutocomplete = this._openAutocomplete.bind(this);
this._acOptions = _options.acOptions && {..._options.acOptions, onClick: addSelectedItem};
this._tokens.set(_options.initialValue.map(t => new TokenWrap(t)));
this.tokensObs = this.autoDispose(computedArray(this._tokens, t => t.token));
this._keyBindings = {...defaultKeyBindings, ..._options.keyBindings};
// We can capture undo info in a consistent way as long as we change _tokens using its
// obsArray interface, by listening to the splice events.
// Use overridden styles if any were provided.
this._styles = {...tokenFieldStyles, ..._options.styles};
const {cssTokenField, cssToken, cssInputWrapper, cssTokenInput, cssDeleteButton, cssDeleteIcon} = this._styles;
function stop(ev: Event) {
this._rootElem = cssTokenField(
{tabIndex: '-1'},
dom.forEach(this._tokens, (t) =>
dom.cls('selected', (use) => use(this._selection).has(t)),
_options.readonly ? null : [
cssDeleteButton(cssDeleteIcon('CrossSmall'), testId('tokenfield-delete')),
dom.on('click', (ev) => this._onTokenClick(ev, t)),
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => this._onMouseDown(ev, t))
this._textInput = cssTokenInput(
dom.boolAttr("readonly", this._options.readonly ?? false),
dom.on('focus', this._onInputFocus.bind(this)),
dom.on('blur', () => { this._acHolder.clear(); }),
(this._acOptions ?
// Toggle the autocomplete on clicking the input box.
dom.on('click', () => this._acHolder.isEmpty() ? openAutocomplete() : this._acHolder.clear()) :
Escape$: (ev) => { this._acHolder.clear(); },
Enter$: (ev) => addSelectedItem() && stop(ev),
ArrowDown$: openAutocomplete,
Tab$: (ev) => addSelectedItem() && stop(ev),
dom.on('input', openAutocomplete),
a$: this._maybeSelectAllTokens.bind(this),
Backspace$: this._maybeBackspace.bind(this),
Delete$: this._maybeDelete.bind(this),
[this._keyBindings.previous + '$']: (ev) => this._maybeAdvance(ev, -1),
[this._keyBindings.next + '$']: (ev) => this._maybeAdvance(ev, +1),
// ['Mod+z'] triggers undo; ['Mod+Shift+Z', 'Ctrl+y' ] trigger redo
z$: (ev) => { if (ev[modKeyProp()]) { ev.shiftKey ? this._redo(ev) : this._undo(ev); } },
y$: (ev) => { if (ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey) { this._redo(ev); } },
this._hiddenInput = cssHiddenInput({type: 'text', tabIndex: '-1'},
dom.on('blur', (ev) => {
if (ev.relatedTarget && ev.relatedTarget !== this._rootElem) {
this._selectionAnchor = null;
this._selection.set(new Set());
dom.on('focus', () => this._hiddenInput.focus({preventScroll: true})),
dom.on('copy', this._onCopyEvent.bind(this)),
dom.on('cut', this._onCutEvent.bind(this)),
dom.on('paste', this._onPasteEvent.bind(this)),
public attach(elem: HTMLElement): void {
// Outer container for the tokens and new-entry input field.
public getRootElem(): HTMLElement {
return this._rootElem;
// The new-entry input field.
public getTextInput(): HTMLInputElement {
return this._textInput;
// The invisible input that has focus while we have some tokens selected.
public getHiddenInput(): HTMLInputElement {
return this._hiddenInput;
// Replaces a token (if it exists)
public replaceToken(label: string, newToken: Token): void {
const tokenIdx = this._tokens.get().findIndex(t => t.token.label === label);
if (tokenIdx === -1) { return; }
this._tokens.splice(tokenIdx, 1, new TokenWrap(newToken));
// Open the autocomplete dropdown, if autocomplete was configured in the options.
private _openAutocomplete() {
// don't open dropdown in a readonly mode
if (this._options.readonly) { return; }
if (this._acOptions && this._acHolder.isEmpty()) {
Autocomplete.create(this._acHolder, this._textInput, this._acOptions);
// Adds the typed-in or selected item. If an item is selected in autocomplete dropdown, adds
// that; otherwise if options.createToken is present, creates a token from text input value.
private _addSelectedItem(): boolean {
let item: Token|undefined = this._acHolder.get()?.getSelectedItem();
if (!item && this._options.createToken && this._textInput.value) {
item = this._options.createToken(this._textInput.value);
if (item) {
this._tokens.push(new TokenWrap(item));
this._textInput.value = '';
return true;
return false;
// Handler for when text input is focused: clears selection, optionally opens dropdown.
private _onInputFocus() {
this._selectionAnchor = null;
this._selection.set(new Set());
if (this._options.openAutocompleteOnFocus) {
// Handle for a click on a token or the token's delete button. This handles selection, including
// Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.
private _onTokenClick(ev: MouseEvent, t: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const idx = this._tokens.get().indexOf(t);
if (idx < 0) { return; }
if (ev.target && (ev.target as HTMLElement).matches('.' + this._styles.cssDeleteIcon.className)) {
// Delete token.
this._tokens.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
const fromIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (ev.shiftKey && fromIdx >= 0) {
// Shift+Click selects range from selectionAnchor to the clicked token.
const [first, last] = fromIdx <= idx ? [fromIdx, idx] : [idx, fromIdx];
this._selection.set(new Set(this._tokens.get().slice(first, last + 1)));
} else if (ev[modKeyProp()] && fromIdx >= 0) {
// Ctrl+Click (or Command+Click on mac) toggles the clicked token.
} else {
// Plain click, or any click in the absence of an anchor element, sets the anchor and
// selects just this element.
private _maybeSelectAllTokens(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (ev[modKeyProp()] && this._textInput.value === '') {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
this._selection.set(new Set(tokens));
this._selectionAnchor = tokens ? tokens[0] : null;
// Set focus appropriately to the textInput or to the outer container.
private _setFocus() {
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) {
} else {
private _maybeBackspace(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (this._textInput.value === '') {
if (ev.repeat) { return; }
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) {
} else {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), -1);
private _maybeDelete(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
if (this._textInput.value === '' && this._selection.get().size > 0) {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 1);
// Handle arrow and shift+arrow keys, when the text input is empty.
private _maybeAdvance(ev: KeyboardEvent, advance: 1|-1): void {
if (this._textInput.value !== '') {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
const anchorIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? tokens.indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (ev.shiftKey && this._selection.get().size > 0 && anchorIdx >= 0) {
// For shift+arrows, we either extend or reduce the selection, depending on whether we are
// walking away from the anchor or back towards it.
const [first, last] = this._getSelectedIndexRange(this._selection.get());
if (last < 0) { return; }
const toggleIdx = (advance > 0) ?
(last === anchorIdx && first < anchorIdx ? first : last + 1) :
(first === anchorIdx && last > anchorIdx ? last : first - 1);
const t = tokens[toggleIdx];
if (t) {
} else {
// For arrow keys, move to the next token after the selection.
let next: TokenWrap<Token>|null = null;
if (this._selection.get().size > 0) {
next = this._getNextToken(this._selection.get(), advance);
} else if (advance < 0 && tokens.length > 0) {
next = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
// If no next token and we are moving to the right, we should end up back in the text input.
if (next || advance > 0) {
private _toggleTokenSelection(token: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const selection = this._selection.get();
if (selection.has(token)) {
} else {
// We use .setAndTrigger() to set a value that's identical (by reference) to the previous one.
private _resetTokenSelection(token: TokenWrap<Token>|null) {
this._selectionAnchor = token;
this._selection.set(token ? new Set([token]) : new Set());
// Delete the given set of tokens, and select either the following or the preceding one.
private _deleteTokens(toDelete: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>, advance: 1|-1|0) {
if (this._selection.get().size === 0) { return; }
const selectAfter = advance ? this._getNextToken(toDelete, advance) : null;
this._tokens.set(this._tokens.get().filter(t => !toDelete.has(t)));
private _getNextToken(selection: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>, advance: 1|-1): TokenWrap<Token>|null {
const [first, last] = this._getSelectedIndexRange(selection);
if (last < 0) { return null; }
return this._tokens.get()[advance > 0 ? last + 1 : first - 1] || null;
private _getSelectedIndexRange(selection: Set<TokenWrap<Token>>): [number, number] {
const tokens = this._tokens.get();
let first = -1, last = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (selection.has(tokens[i])) {
if (first === -1) { first = i; }
last = i;
return [first, last];
private _onCopyEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent): boolean {
if (!ev.clipboardData || !this._selection.get().size) { return false; }
ev.preventDefault(); // Required for overriding: https://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#override-copy
const selected = this._selection.get();
const tokens = this._tokens.get().filter(t => selected.has(t));
if (this._options.tokensToClipboard) {
this._options.tokensToClipboard(tokens.map(t => t.token), ev.clipboardData);
} else {
const values = tokens.map(t => t.token.label);
ev.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', csvEncodeRow(values, {prettier: true}));
return true;
private _onCutEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
if (this._onCopyEvent(ev)) {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 0);
private _onPasteEvent(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
if (!ev.clipboardData) { return; }
let tokens: Token[];
if (this._options.clipboardToTokens) {
tokens = this._options.clipboardToTokens(ev.clipboardData);
} else {
const text = ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
const values = csvDecodeRow(text);
tokens = values.map(v => this._options.createToken(v)).filter((t): t is Token => Boolean(t));
if (!tokens.length) { return; }
const wrappedTokens = tokens.map(t => new TokenWrap(t));
this._combineUndo(() => {
this._deleteTokens(this._selection.get(), 1);
const anchorIdx = this._selectionAnchor ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(this._selectionAnchor) : -1;
if (anchorIdx >= 0) {
this._tokens.splice(anchorIdx, 0, ...wrappedTokens);
this._selectionAnchor = wrappedTokens[0];
this._selection.set(new Set(wrappedTokens));
} else {
// For a mousedown on a token, register events for mousemove/mouseup, and start dragging as soon
// as mousemove occurs.
private _onMouseDown(startEvent: MouseEvent, t: TokenWrap<Token>) {
const xInitial = startEvent.clientX;
const yInitial = startEvent.clientY;
const dragTargetSelector = `.${this._styles.cssToken.className}, .${this._styles.cssInputWrapper.className}`;
let started = false;
let allTargets: HTMLElement[];
let tokenList: HTMLElement[];
const onMove = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
if (!started) {
started = true;
// If we started dragging an element that's not part of the selection, reset the selection
// to just that element. After this, we are always dragging the active selection.
if (!this._selection.get().has(t)) {
// Get a list of all drag targets, and add a CSS class that shows drop location on hover.
allTargets = Array.prototype.filter.call(this._rootElem.children, el => el.matches(dragTargetSelector));
allTargets.forEach(el => el.classList.add(cssDragTarget.className));
// Get a list of element we are dragging, and add a CSS class to show them as dragged.
tokenList = allTargets.filter(el => el.matches('.selected'));
tokenList.forEach(el => el.classList.add('token-dragging'));
const xOffset = ev.clientX - xInitial;
const yOffset = ev.clientY - yInitial;
const transform = `translate(${xOffset}px, ${yOffset}px)`;
tokenList.forEach(el => { el.style.transform = transform; });
const onStop = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
// Stop here if dragging never started.
if (!started) { return; }
// Restore all style changes.
allTargets.forEach(el => el.classList.remove(cssDragTarget.className));
tokenList.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('token-dragging'));
tokenList.forEach(el => { el.style.transform = ''; });
// Find the token before which we are inserting the dragged elements. If inserting at the
// end (just before or over the input box), destToken will be undefined.
const index = allTargets.indexOf(ev.target as HTMLElement);
if (index < 0) { return; }
const destToken: TokenWrap<Token>|undefined = this._tokens.get()[index];
const selection = this._selection.get();
if (selection.has(destToken)) { return; } // Not actually moving anywhere new.
const movedTokens = this._tokens.get().filter(tok => selection.has(tok));
if (!movedTokens.length) { return; } // Didn't find any tokens to move.
this._combineUndo(() => {
this._deleteTokens(selection, 0);
// Find destination again after the deletion (it's likely to have changed).
const destIndex = destToken ? this._tokens.get().indexOf(destToken) : this._tokens.get().length;
// Move the tokens and mark them as selected.
this._tokens.splice(destIndex, 0, ...movedTokens);
this._selectionAnchor = movedTokens[0];
this._selection.set(new Set(movedTokens));
const moveLis = dom.onElem(document, 'mousemove', onMove, {useCapture: true});
const stopLis = dom.onElem(document, 'mouseup', onStop, {useCapture: true});
private _recordUndo(val: TokenWrap<Token>[], prev: TokenWrap<Token>[], change?: IObsArraySplice<TokenWrap<Token>>) {
if (this._inUndoRedo) { return; }
const splice = change || {start: 0, numAdded: val.length, deleted: [...prev]};
const newTokens = val.slice(splice.start, splice.start + splice.numAdded);
const redo = () => this._tokens.splice(splice.start, splice.deleted.length, ...newTokens);
const undo = () => this._tokens.splice(splice.start, splice.numAdded, ...splice.deleted);
this._undoIndex = Math.min(this._undoIndex + 1, this._undoStack.length);
this._undoStack.splice(this._undoIndex, this._undoStack.length, new UndoItem(redo, undo));
private _combineUndo(callback: () => void) {
const nextAction = this._undoIndex + 1;
try {
} finally {
if (this._undoStack.length > nextAction + 1) {
// If multiple actions were added, combine them into one.
const actions = this._undoStack.slice(nextAction);
const redo = () => actions.forEach(a => a.redo());
const undo = () => actions.slice().reverse().forEach(a => a.undo());
this._undoIndex = nextAction;
this._undoStack.splice(this._undoIndex, actions.length, new UndoItem(redo, undo));
private _undo(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this._textInput.value === '' && this._undoIndex >= 0 && this._undoIndex < this._undoStack.length) {
this._inUndoRedo = true;
try {
} finally {
this._inUndoRedo = false;
private _redo(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this._undoIndex + 1 < this._undoStack.length) {
this._inUndoRedo = true;
try {
this._undoIndex += 1;
} finally {
this._inUndoRedo = false;
const cssTokenField = styled('div', `
display: flex;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 4px;
line-height: 16px;
&.token-dragactive {
cursor: grabbing;
const cssToken = styled('div', `
position: relative;
flex: none;
border-radius: 3px;
background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
padding: 4px;
margin: 3px 2px;
user-select: none;
cursor: grab;
&.selected {
background-color: ${colors.darkGrey};
&.token-dragging {
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0.7;
.${cssTokenField.className}.token-dragactive & {
cursor: unset;
const cssInputWrapper = styled('div', `
position: relative;
flex: auto;
margin: 3px 2px;
display: flex;
const cssTokenInput = styled('input', `
flex: auto;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
padding: 0;
border: none;
outline: none;
line-height: inherit;
// This class is applied to tokens and the input box on start of dragging, to use them as drag
// targets. Insertion point will always be to the left of them. While dragging, these include a
// transparent pseudo-element to cover some area to the left, to know when it's a suitable drop
// position. While the drag is over the element (or its extension), it gets shifted to show
// the user the location of the drop using another pseudo-element.
const cssDragTarget = styled('div', `
&::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: -8px;
right: 50%;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
&:hover {
transform: translateX(2px);
&:hover::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
background-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
width: 2px;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: -4px;
const cssHiddenInput = styled('input', `
left: -10000px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
const cssDeleteButton = styled('div', `
display: inline;
margin-left: 4px;
vertical-align: bottom;
line-height: 1;
cursor: pointer;
.${cssTokenField.className}.token-dragactive & {
cursor: unset;
const cssDeleteIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${colors.slate};
&:hover {
--icon-color: ${colors.dark};
export const tokenFieldStyles = {
export type ITokenFieldStyles = Partial<typeof tokenFieldStyles>;