mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Paul Fitzpatrick 5ef889addd (core) move home server into core
Summary: This moves enough server material into core to run a home server.  The data engine is not yet incorporated (though in manual testing it works when ported).

Test Plan: existing tests pass

Reviewers: dsagal

Reviewed By: dsagal

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2552
2020-07-21 20:39:10 -04:00

295 lines
11 KiB

const gutil = require('./gutil');
const {arrayToString, stringToArray} = require('./arrayToString');
* Class for a dynamic memory buffer. You can optionally pass the number of bytes
* to reserve initially.
function MemBuffer(optBytesToReserve) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(optBytesToReserve || 64);
this.asArray = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);
this.asDataView = new DataView(this.buffer);
this.startPos = 0;
this.endPos = 0;
// These are defined in gutil now because they are used there (and to avoid a circular import),
// but were originally defined in MemBuffer and various code still uses them as MemBuffer members.
MemBuffer.arrayToString = arrayToString;
MemBuffer.stringToArray = stringToArray;
* Returns the number of bytes in the buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.size = function() {
return this.endPos - this.startPos;
* Returns the number of bytes reserved in the buffer for data. This is at least size().
MemBuffer.prototype.reserved = function() {
return this.buffer.byteLength - this.startPos;
* Reserves enough space in the buffer to hold a nbytes of data, counting the data already in the
* buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.reserve = function(nbytes) {
if (this.startPos + nbytes > this.buffer.byteLength) {
var origArray = new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.startPos, this.size());
if (nbytes > this.buffer.byteLength) {
// At least double the size of the buffer.
var newBytes = Math.max(nbytes, this.buffer.byteLength * 2);
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(newBytes);
this.asArray = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);
this.asDataView = new DataView(this.buffer);
// If we did not allocate more space, this line will just move data to the beginning.
this.endPos = this.size();
this.startPos = 0;
* Clears the buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.clear = function() {
this.startPos = this.endPos = 0;
// If the buffer has grown somewhat big, use this chance to free the memory.
if (this.buffer.byteLength >= 256 * 1024) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(64);
this.asArray = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);
this.asDataView = new DataView(this.buffer);
* Returns a Uint8Array viewing all the data in the buffer. It is the caller's responsibility to
* make a copy if needed to avoid it being affected by subsequent changes to the buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.asByteArray = function() {
return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.startPos, this.size());
* Converts all buffer data to string using UTF8 encoding.
* This is mainly for testing.
MemBuffer.prototype.toString = function() {
return arrayToString(this.asByteArray());
* (Dmitry 2017/03/20. Some unittests that include timing (e.g. Sandbox.js measuring serializing
* of data using marshal.js) indicated that gutil.arrayCopyForward gets deoptimized. Narrowing it
* down, I found it was because it was used with different argument types (Arrays, Buffers,
* Uint8Arrays). To keep it optimized, we'll use a cloned copy of arrayCopyForward (for copying to
* a Uint8Array) in this module.
let arrayCopyForward = gutil.cloneFunc(gutil.arrayCopyForward);
* Appends an array of bytes to this MemBuffer.
* @param {Uint8Array|Buffer} bytes: Array of bytes to append. May be a Node Buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.writeByteArray = function(bytes) {
// Note that the implementation is identical for Uint8Array and a Node Buffer.
this.reserve(this.size() + bytes.length);
arrayCopyForward(this.asArray, this.endPos, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
this.endPos += bytes.length;
* Encodes the given string in UTF8 and appends to the buffer.
if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') {
MemBuffer.prototype.writeString = function(string) {
} else {
// We can write faster without using stringToArray, to avoid allocating new buffers.
// We'll encode data in chunks reusing a single buffer. The buffer is a multiple of chunk size
// to have enough space for multi-byte characters.
var encodeChunkSize = 1024;
var encodeBufferPad = Buffer.alloc(encodeChunkSize * 4);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeString = function(string) {
// Reserve one byte per character initially (common case), but we'll reserve more below as
// needed.
this.reserve(this.size() + string.length);
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i += encodeChunkSize) {
var bytesWritten = encodeBufferPad.write(string.slice(i, i + encodeChunkSize));
this.reserve(this.size() + bytesWritten);
arrayCopyForward(this.asArray, this.endPos, encodeBufferPad, 0, bytesWritten);
this.endPos += bytesWritten;
function makeWriteFunc(typeName, bytes, optLittleEndian) {
var setter = DataView.prototype['set' + typeName];
return function(value) {
this.reserve(this.size() + bytes);
setter.call(this.asDataView, this.endPos, value, optLittleEndian);
this.endPos += bytes;
* The following methods append a value of the given type to the buffer.
* These are analogous to Node Buffer's write* family of methods.
MemBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = makeWriteFunc('Int8', 1);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeUint8 = makeWriteFunc('Uint8', 1);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = makeWriteFunc('Int16', 2, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = makeWriteFunc('Int16', 2, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeUint16LE = makeWriteFunc('Uint16', 2, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeUint16BE = makeWriteFunc('Uint16', 2, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = makeWriteFunc('Int32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = makeWriteFunc('Int32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeUint32LE = makeWriteFunc('Uint32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeUint32BE = makeWriteFunc('Uint32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeFloat32LE = makeWriteFunc('Float32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeFloat32BE = makeWriteFunc('Float32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeFloat64LE = makeWriteFunc('Float64', 8, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.writeFloat64BE = makeWriteFunc('Float64', 8, false);
* To consume data from an mbuf, the following pattern is recommended:
* var consumer = mbuf.makeConsumer();
* try {
* mbuf.readInt8(consumer);
* mbuf.readByteArray(consumer, len);
* ...
* } catch (e) {
* if (e.needMoreData) {
* ...
* }
* }
* mbuf.consume(consumer);
MemBuffer.prototype.makeConsumer = function() {
return new Consumer(this);
* After some data has been read via a consumer, mbuf.consume(consumer) will clear out the
* consumed data from the buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.consume = function(consumer) {
this.startPos = consumer.pos;
if (this.size() === 0) {
consumer.pos = this.startPos;
* Helper class for reading data from the buffer. It keeps track of an offset into the buffer
* without changing anything in the MemBuffer itself. To affect the MemBuffer,
* mbuf.consume(consumer) should be called.
function Consumer(mbuf) {
this.mbuf = mbuf;
this.pos = mbuf.startPos;
* Helper for reading data, used by MemBuffer's read* methods.
Consumer.prototype._consume = function(nbytes) {
var offset = this.pos;
if (this.pos + nbytes > this.mbuf.endPos) {
var err = new RangeError("MemBuffer: read past end");
err.needMoreData = true;
err.consumedData = this.pos - this.mbuf.startPos;
throw err;
this.pos += nbytes;
return offset;
* Reads length bytes from the buffer using the passed-in consumer, as created by
* mbuf.makeConsumer(). Returns a view on the underlying data.
* @returns {Uint8Array} array of bytes viewing underlying MemBuffer data.
MemBuffer.prototype.readByteArraySlice = function(cons, length) {
return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, cons._consume(length), length);
* Reads length bytes from the buffer using the passed-in consumer.
* @returns {Uint8Array} array of bytes that's a copy of the underlying data.
MemBuffer.prototype.readByteArray = function(cons, length) {
return new Uint8Array(this.readByteArraySlice(cons, length));
* Reads length bytes from the buffer using the passed-in consumer.
* @returns {Buffer} copy of data as a Node Buffer.
MemBuffer.prototype.readBuffer = function(cons, length) {
return Buffer.from(this.readByteArraySlice(cons, length));
* Decodes byteLength bytes from the buffer using UTF8 and returns the resulting string. Uses the
* passed-in consumer, as created by mbuf.makeConsumer().
* @returns {string}
if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') {
MemBuffer.prototype.readString = function(cons, byteLength) {
return arrayToString(this.readByteArraySlice(cons, byteLength));
} else {
var decodeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(1024);
MemBuffer.prototype.readString = function(cons, byteLength) {
var offset = cons._consume(byteLength);
if (byteLength <= decodeBuffer.length) {
gutil.arrayCopyForward(decodeBuffer, 0, this.asArray, offset, byteLength);
return decodeBuffer.toString('utf8', 0, byteLength);
} else {
return Buffer.from(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, offset, byteLength)).toString();
function makeReadFunc(typeName, bytes, optLittleEndian) {
var getter = DataView.prototype['get' + typeName];
return function(cons) {
return getter.call(this.asDataView, cons._consume(bytes), optLittleEndian);
* The following methods read and return a value of the given type from the buffer using the
* passed-in consumer, as created by mbuf.makeConsumer(). E.g.
* var consumer = mbuf.makeConsumer();
* mbuf.readInt8(consumer);
* mbuf.consume(consumer);
* These are analogous to Node Buffer's read* family of methods.
MemBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = makeReadFunc('Int8', 1);
MemBuffer.prototype.readUint8 = makeReadFunc('Uint8', 1);
MemBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = makeReadFunc('Int16', 2, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readUint16LE = makeReadFunc('Uint16', 2, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = makeReadFunc('Int16', 2, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.readUint16BE = makeReadFunc('Uint16', 2, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = makeReadFunc('Int32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readUint32LE = makeReadFunc('Uint32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = makeReadFunc('Int32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.readUint32BE = makeReadFunc('Uint32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.readFloat32LE = makeReadFunc('Float32', 4, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readFloat32BE = makeReadFunc('Float32', 4, false);
MemBuffer.prototype.readFloat64LE = makeReadFunc('Float64', 8, true);
MemBuffer.prototype.readFloat64BE = makeReadFunc('Float64', 8, false);
module.exports = MemBuffer;