mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
We had `getgrist.com` hardcoded here, which only works for SaaS. The base domain as well as the way that orgs are encoded in the URL can be different in other circumstances. If we are encoding orgs in the domain name, that's easy. We just do `orgname.base.domain.name`. If we are not, then we first try a base domain, and if that isn't set, we'll use the domain of the home server.
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* This module exports a UserManager component, consisting of a list of emails, each with an
* associated role (See app/common/roles), and a way to change roles, and add or remove new users.
* The component is instantiated as a modal with a confirm button to pass changes to the server.
* It can be instantiated by calling showUserManagerModal with the UserAPI and IUserManagerOptions.
import { makeT } from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {commonUrls, isOrgInPathOnly} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {capitalizeFirstWord, isLongerThan} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {Organization, PermissionData, UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {Computed, Disposable, dom, DomElementArg, Observable, observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import pick = require('lodash/pick');
import {ACIndexImpl, normalizeText} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import {copyToClipboard} from 'app/client/lib/clipboardUtils';
import {setTestState} from 'app/client/lib/testState';
import {buildMultiUserManagerModal} from 'app/client/lib/MultiUserManager';
import {ACUserItem, buildACMemberEmail} from 'app/client/lib/ACUserManager';
import {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {DocPageModel} from 'app/client/models/DocPageModel';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {IEditableMember, IMemberSelectOption, IOrgMemberSelectOption,
Resource} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel';
import {UserManagerModel, UserManagerModelImpl} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel';
import {getResourceParent, ResourceType} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel';
import {shadowScroll} from 'app/client/ui/shadowScroll';
import {hoverTooltip, ITooltipControl, showTransientTooltip, withInfoTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips';
import {createUserImage} from 'app/client/ui/UserImage';
import {cssMemberBtn, cssMemberImage, cssMemberListItem,
cssMemberPrimary, cssMemberSecondary, cssMemberText, cssMemberType, cssMemberTypeProblem,
cssRemoveIcon} from 'app/client/ui/UserItem';
import {basicButton, bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {mediaXSmall, testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {cssLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/links';
import {loadingSpinner} from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders';
import {menu, menuItem, menuText} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {confirmModal, cssAnimatedModal, cssModalBody, cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle,
IModalControl, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals';
const t = makeT('UserManager');
export interface IUserManagerOptions {
permissionData: Promise<PermissionData>;
activeUser: FullUser|null;
resourceType: ResourceType;
resourceId: string|number;
resource?: Resource;
docPageModel?: DocPageModel;
appModel?: AppModel; // If present, we offer access to a nested team-level dialog.
linkToCopy?: string;
reload?: () => Promise<PermissionData>;
onSave?: (personal: boolean) => Promise<unknown>;
prompt?: { // If set, user manager should open with this email filled in and ready to go.
email: string;
showAnimation?: boolean; // If true, animates opening of the modal. Defaults to false.
// Returns an instance of UserManagerModel given IUserManagerOptions. Makes the async call for the
// required properties of the options.
async function getModel(options: IUserManagerOptions): Promise<UserManagerModelImpl> {
const permissionData = await options.permissionData;
return new UserManagerModelImpl(
permissionData, options.resourceType,
pick(options, ['activeUser', 'reload', 'appModel', 'docPageModel', 'resource'])
* Public interface for creating the UserManager in the app. Creates a modal that includes
* the UserManager menu with save and cancel buttons.
export function showUserManagerModal(userApi: UserAPI, options: IUserManagerOptions) {
const modelObs: Observable<UserManagerModel|null|"slow"> = observable(null);
async function onConfirm(ctl: IModalControl) {
const model = modelObs.get();
if (!model || model === "slow") {
const tryToSaveChanges = async () => {
// Save changes to the server, reporting any errors to the app.
try {
const isAnythingChanged = model.isAnythingChanged.get();
if (isAnythingChanged) {
await model.save(userApi, options.resourceId);
await options.onSave?.(model.isPersonal);
if (model.isPersonal && isAnythingChanged) {
// the only thing an individual without ACL_EDIT rights can do is
// remove themselves - so reload.
} catch (err) {
if (model.isSelfRemoved.get()) {
const resourceType = resourceName(model.resourceType);
t(`You are about to remove your own access to this {{resourceType}}`, { resourceType }),
t('Remove my access'), tryToSaveChanges,
explanation: (
t(`Once you have removed your own access, \
you will not be able to get it back without assistance \
from someone else with sufficient access to the {{resourceType}}.`, { resourceType })
} else {
// Get the model and assign it to the observable. Report errors to the app.
const waitPromise = getModel(options)
.then(model => modelObs.set(model))
isLongerThan(waitPromise, 400).then((slow) => slow && modelObs.set("slow")).catch(() => {});
return buildUserManagerModal(modelObs, onConfirm, options);
function buildUserManagerModal(
modelObs: Observable<UserManagerModel|null|"slow">,
onConfirm: (ctl: IModalControl) => Promise<void>,
options: IUserManagerOptions
) {
return modal(ctl => [
// We set the padding to 0 since the body scroll shadows extend to the edge of the modal.
{ style: 'padding: 0;' },
options.showAnimation ? dom.cls(cssAnimatedModal.className) : null,
dom.domComputed(modelObs, model => {
if (!model) { return null; }
if (model === "slow") { return cssSpinner(loadingSpinner()); }
const cssBody = model.isPersonal ? cssAccessDetailsBody : cssUserManagerBody;
return [
renderTitle(options.resourceType, options.resource, model.isPersonal),
(options.resourceType === 'document' && (!model.isPersonal || model.isPublicMember)
? makeCopyBtn(options.linkToCopy, cssCopyBtn.cls('-header'))
: null
new UserManager(
pick(options, 'linkToCopy', 'docPageModel', 'appModel', 'prompt', 'resource')
{ style: 'margin: 32px 64px; display: flex;' },
(model.isPublicMember ? null :
dom.boolAttr('disabled', (use) => !use(model.isAnythingChanged)),
dom.on('click', () => onConfirm(ctl)),
model.isPublicMember ? t('Close') : t('Cancel'),
dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()),
(model.resourceType === 'document' && model.gristDoc && !model.isPersonal
? withInfoTooltip(
cssLink({href: urlState().makeUrl({docPage: 'acl'})},
dom.text(use => use(model.isAnythingChanged) ? t('Save & ') : ''),
t('Open Access Rules'),
dom.on('click', (ev) => {
return onConfirm(ctl).then(() => urlState().pushUrl({docPage: 'acl'}));
{domArgs: [cssAccessLink.cls('')]},
: null
* See module documentation for overview.
* Usage:
* const um = new UserManager(model);
* um.buildDom();
export class UserManager extends Disposable {
private _dom: HTMLDivElement;
private _model: UserManagerModel,
private _options: {
linkToCopy?: string,
docPageModel?: DocPageModel,
appModel?: AppModel,
prompt?: {email: string},
resource?: Resource,
}) {
public buildDom() {
if (this._model.isPublicMember) {
return this._buildSelfPublicAccessDom();
if (this._model.isPersonal) {
return this._buildSelfAccessDom();
const acMemberEmail = this.autoDispose(new ACMemberEmail(
return [
this._dom = shadowScroll(
dom.forEach(this._model.membersEdited, (member) => this._buildMemberDom(member)),
private _onAddOrEdit(email: string, role: roles.NonGuestRole) {
const members = this._model.membersEdited.get();
const maybeMember = members.find(m => m.email === email);
if (maybeMember) {
} else {
this._onAdd(email, role);
private _onAdd(email: string, role: roles.NonGuestRole) {
this._model.add(email, role);
// Make sure the entry we have just added is actually visible - confusing if not.
.find(el => el.textContent === email)
private _buildOptionsDom(): Element {
const publicMember = this._model.publicMember;
let tooltipControl: ITooltipControl | undefined;
return dom('div',
cssLabel(t('Invite multiple')),
dom.on('click', (_ev) => buildMultiUserManagerModal(
(email, role) => {
this._onAddOrEdit(email, role);
// TODO: Consider adding a tooltip explaining inheritance. A brief text caption may
// be used to fill whitespace in org UserManager.
this._model.isOrg ? null : dom('span', { style: `float: left;` },
dom('span', 'Inherit access: '),
publicMember ? dom('span', { style: `float: right;` },
dom('span', t('Public access: ')),
menu(() => {
return [
menuItem(() => publicMember.access.set(roles.VIEWER), t('On'), testId(`um-public-option`)),
menuItem(() => publicMember.access.set(null), t('Off'),
// Disable null access if anonymous access is inherited.
dom.cls('disabled', (use) => use(publicMember.inheritedAccess) !== null),
// If the 'Off' setting is disabled, show an explanation.
dom.maybe((use) => use(publicMember.inheritedAccess) !== null, () => menuText(
t(`Public access inherited from {{parent}}. To remove, set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.`,
{ parent: getResourceParent(this._model.resourceType) }
dom.text((use) => use(publicMember.effectiveAccess) ? t('On') : t('Off')),
hoverTooltip((ctl) => {
tooltipControl = ctl;
return t('Allow anyone with the link to open.');
) : null,
// Build a single member row.
private _buildMemberDom(member: IEditableMember) {
const disableRemove = Computed.create(null, (use) =>
this._model.isPersonal ? !member.origAccess :
Boolean(this._model.isActiveUser(member) || use(member.inheritedAccess)));
return dom('div',
dom.maybe((use) => use(member.effectiveAccess) && use(member.effectiveAccess) !== roles.GUEST, () =>
cssMemberListItem.cls('-removed', member.isRemoved),
createUserImage(getFullUser(member), 'large')
member.name || member.email,
member.email ? dom.cls('member-email') : null,
!member.name ? null : cssMemberSecondary(
member.email, dom.cls('member-email'), testId('um-member-email')
? this._buildSelfAnnotationDom(member)
: this._buildAnnotationDom(member)
member.isRemoved ? null : this._memberRoleSelector(member.effectiveAccess,
member.inheritedAccess, this._model.isActiveUser(member)),
// Only show delete buttons when editing the org users or when a user is being newly
// added to any resource. In workspace/doc UserManager instances we want to see all the
// users in the org, whether or not they have access to the resource of interest. They may
// be denied access via the role dropdown.
// Show the undo icon when an item has been removed but its removal has not been saved to
// the server.
// Button icon.
member.isRemoved ? cssUndoIcon('Undo', testId('um-member-undo')) :
cssRemoveIcon('Remove', testId('um-member-delete')),
cssMemberBtn.cls('-disabled', disableRemove),
// Click handler.
dom.on('click', () => disableRemove.get() ||
(member.isRemoved ? this._model.add(member.email, member.access.get()) :
// Build an annotation for a single member in the Manage Users dialog.
private _buildAnnotationDom(member: IEditableMember) {
return dom.domComputed(this._model.annotations, (annotations) => {
const annotation = annotations.users.get(member.email);
if (!annotation) { return null; }
if (annotation.isSupport) {
return cssMemberType(t('Grist support'));
if (annotation.isMember && annotations.hasTeam) {
return cssMemberType(t('Team member'));
const collaborator = annotations.hasTeam ? t('guest') : t('free collaborator');
const limit = annotation.collaboratorLimit;
if (!limit || !limit.top) { return null; }
const elements: HTMLSpanElement[] = [];
if (limit.at <= limit.top) {
t(`{{limitAt}} of {{limitTop}} {{collaborator}}s`, { limitAt: limit.at, limitTop: limit.top, collaborator }))
} else {
t(`{{collaborator}} limit exceeded`, { collaborator: capitalizeFirstWord(collaborator) }))
if (annotations.hasTeam) {
// Add a link for adding a member. For a doc, streamline this so user can make
// the change and continue seamlessly.
// TODO: streamline for workspaces.
{href: urlState().makeUrl({manageUsers: true})},
dom.on('click', (e) => {
if (this._options.appModel) {
() => this._model.reloadAnnotations(),
{ email: member.email }).catch(reportError);
t(`Add {{member}} to your team`, { member: member.name || t('member') })));
} else if (limit.at >= limit.top) {
elements.push(cssLink({href: commonUrls.plans, target: '_blank'},
t('Create a team to share with more people')));
return elements;
// Build an annotation for the current user in the Access Details dialog.
private _buildSelfAnnotationDom(user: IEditableMember) {
return dom.domComputed(this._model.annotations, (annotations) => {
const annotation = annotations.users.get(user.email);
if (!annotation) { return null; }
let memberType: string;
if (annotation.isSupport) {
memberType = t('Grist support');
} else if (annotation.isMember && annotations.hasTeam) {
memberType = t('Team member');
} else if (annotations.hasTeam) {
memberType = t('Outside collaborator');
} else {
memberType = t('Collaborator');
return cssMemberType(memberType, testId('um-member-annotation'));
private _buildPublicAccessMember() {
const publicMember = this._model.publicMember;
if (!publicMember) { return null; }
return dom('div',
dom.maybe((use) => Boolean(use(publicMember.effectiveAccess)), () =>
cssMemberPrimary(t('Public Access')),
cssMemberSecondary(t('Anyone with link '), makeCopyBtn(this._options.linkToCopy)),
this._memberRoleSelector(publicMember.effectiveAccess, publicMember.inheritedAccess, false,
cssRemoveIcon('Remove', testId('um-member-delete')),
dom.on('click', () => publicMember.access.set(null)),
private _buildSelfPublicAccessDom() {
const accessValue = this._options.resource?.access;
const accessLabel = this._model.publicUserSelectOptions
.find(opt => opt.value === accessValue)?.label;
const activeUser = this._model.activeUser;
const name = activeUser?.name ?? 'Anonymous';
return dom('div',
? cssPublicMemberIcon('PublicFilled')
: cssMemberImage(createUserImage(activeUser, 'large'))
cssMemberPrimary(name, testId('um-member-name')),
activeUser?.email ? cssMemberSecondary(activeUser.email) : null,
dom('span', t('Public access'), testId('um-member-annotation')),
accessLabel ?? t('Guest'),
private _buildSelfAccessDom() {
return dom('div',
dom.domComputed(this._model.membersEdited, members =>
members[0] ? this._buildMemberDom(members[0]) : null
// Returns a div containing a button that opens a menu to choose between roles.
private _memberRoleSelector(
role: Observable<string|null>,
inherited: Observable<roles.Role|null>,
isActiveUser: boolean,
allRolesOverride?: IOrgMemberSelectOption[],
) {
const allRoles = allRolesOverride ||
(this._model.isOrg ? this._model.orgUserSelectOptions : this._model.userSelectOptions);
return cssRoleBtn(
// Don't include the menu if we're only showing access details for the current user.
this._model.isPersonal ? null : menu(() => [
dom.forEach(allRoles, _role =>
// The active user should be prevented from changing their own role.
menuItem(() => isActiveUser || role.set(_role.value), _role.label,
// Indicate which option is inherited, if any.
dom.text((use) => use(inherited) && (use(inherited) === _role.value)
&& !isActiveUser ? ' (inherited)' : ''),
// Disable everything providing less access than the inherited access
dom.cls('disabled', (use) =>
roles.getStrongestRole(_role.value, use(inherited)) !== _role.value),
// If the user's access is inherited, give an explanation on how to change it.
isActiveUser ? menuText(t(`User may not modify their own access.`)) : null,
// If the user's access is inherited, give an explanation on how to change it.
dom.maybe((use) => use(inherited) && !isActiveUser, () => menuText(
t(`User inherits permissions from {{parent}}. To remove, \
set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.`, { parent: getResourceParent(this._model.resourceType) }))),
// If the user is a guest, give a description of the guest permission.
dom.maybe((use) => !this._model.isOrg && use(role) === roles.GUEST, () => menuText(
t(`User has view access to {{resource}} resulting from manually-set access \
to resources inside. If removed here, this user will lose access to resources inside.`,
{ resource: this._model.resourceType }))),
this._model.isOrg ? menuText(t(`No default access allows access to be \
granted to individual documents or workspaces, rather than the full team site.`)) : null
dom.text((use) => {
// Get the label of the active role. Note that the 'Guest' role is assigned when the role
// is not found because it is not included as a selection.
const activeRole = allRoles.find((_role: IOrgMemberSelectOption) => use(role) === _role.value);
return activeRole ? activeRole.label : t("Guest");
this._model.isPersonal ? dom.cls('disabled') : null,
// Builds the max inherited role selection button and menu.
private _inheritRoleSelector() {
const role = this._model.maxInheritedRole;
const allRoles = this._model.inheritSelectOptions;
return cssOptionBtn(
menu(() => [
dom.forEach(allRoles, _role =>
menuItem(() => role.set(_role.value), _role.label,
dom.text((use) => {
// Get the label of the active role.
const activeRole = allRoles.find((_role: IMemberSelectOption) => use(role) === _role.value);
return activeRole ? activeRole.label : "";
function getUserItem(member: IEditableMember): ACUserItem {
return {
value: member.email,
label: member.email,
cleanText: normalizeText(member.email),
email: member.email,
name: member.name,
picture: member?.picture,
id: member.id,
* Represents the widget that allows typing in an email and adding it.
export class ACMemberEmail extends Disposable {
private _email = this.autoDispose(observable<string>(""));
private _onAdd: (email: string, role: roles.NonGuestRole) => void,
private _members: Array<IEditableMember>,
private _prompt?: {email: string}
) {
if (_prompt) {
public buildDom() {
const acUserItem = this._members
// Only suggest team members in autocomplete.
.filter((member: IEditableMember) => member.isTeamMember)
.map((member: IEditableMember) => getUserItem(member));
const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl<ACUserItem>(acUserItem);
return buildACMemberEmail(this,
emailObs: this._email,
save: this._handleSave.bind(this),
prompt: this._prompt,
private _handleSave(selectedEmail: string) {
this._onAdd(selectedEmail, roles.VIEWER);
// Returns a new FullUser object from an IEditableMember.
function getFullUser(member: IEditableMember): FullUser {
return {
id: member.id,
name: member.name,
email: member.email,
picture: member.picture,
locale: member.locale
// Create a "Copy Link" button.
function makeCopyBtn(linkToCopy: string|undefined, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) {
return linkToCopy && cssCopyBtn(cssCopyIcon('Copy'), t('Copy Link'),
dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => copyLink(elem, linkToCopy)),
// Copy the current document link to clipboard, and notify the user with a transient popup near
// the given element.
async function copyLink(elem: HTMLElement, link: string) {
await copyToClipboard(link);
setTestState({clipboard: link});
showTransientTooltip(elem, t('Link copied to clipboard'), { key: 'copy-doc-link' });
async function manageTeam(appModel: AppModel,
onSave?: () => Promise<void>,
prompt?: { email: string }) {
await urlState().pushUrl({manageUsers: false});
const user = appModel.currentValidUser;
const currentOrg = appModel.currentOrg;
if (currentOrg) {
const api = appModel.api;
showUserManagerModal(api, {
permissionData: api.getOrgAccess(currentOrg.id),
activeUser: user,
resourceType: 'organization',
resourceId: currentOrg.id,
resource: currentOrg,
showAnimation: true,
const cssAccessDetailsBody = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 600px;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
const cssUserManagerBody = styled(cssAccessDetailsBody, `
height: 374px;
border-bottom: 1px solid ${theme.modalBorderDark};
const cssSpinner = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin: 32px;
const cssCopyBtn = styled(basicButton, `
border: none;
font-weight: normal;
padding: 0 8px;
&-header {
float: right;
margin-top: 8px;
const cssCopyIcon = styled(icon, `
margin-right: 4px;
margin-top: -2px;
const cssOptionRow = styled('div', `
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
margin: 0 63px 23px 63px;
const cssOptionRowMultiple = styled('div', `
margin: 0 63px 12px 63px;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
display: flex;
cursor: pointer;
color: ${theme.controlFg};
--icon-color: ${theme.controlFg};
&:hover {
color: ${theme.controlHoverFg};
--icon-color: ${theme.controlHoverFg};
const cssLabel = styled('span', `
margin-left: 4px;
const cssOptionBtn = styled('span', `
display: inline-flex;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
color: ${theme.controlFg};
cursor: pointer;
const cssPublicMemberIcon = styled(icon, `
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin: 0 4px;
--icon-color: ${theme.accentIcon};
const cssSmallPublicMemberIcon = styled(cssPublicMemberIcon, `
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
top: -2px;
const cssPublicAccessIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${theme.accentIcon};
const cssUndoIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${theme.controlSecondaryFg};
margin: 12px 0;
const cssRoleBtn = styled('div', `
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
color: ${theme.controlFg};
margin: 12px 24px;
cursor: pointer;
&.disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
cursor: default;
const cssCollapseIcon = styled(icon, `
margin-top: 1px;
background-color: ${theme.controlFg};
const cssAccessLink = styled(cssLink, `
align-self: center;
margin-left: auto;
const cssOrgName = styled('div', `
font-size: ${vars.largeFontSize};
const cssOrgDomain = styled('span', `
color: ${theme.accentText};
const cssTitle = styled(cssModalTitle, `
margin: 40px 64px 0 64px;
@media ${mediaXSmall} {
& {
margin: 16px;
const cssMemberPublicAccess = styled(cssMemberSecondary, `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 8px;
// Render the UserManager title for `resourceType` (e.g. org as "team site").
function renderTitle(resourceType: ResourceType, resource?: Resource, personal?: boolean) {
switch (resourceType) {
case 'organization': {
if (personal) {
return t('Your role for this team site');
function getOrgDisplay() {
if (!resource) {
return null;
const org = resource as Organization;
const gristConfig = getGristConfig();
const gristHomeHost = gristConfig.homeUrl ? new URL(gristConfig.homeUrl).host : '';
const baseDomain = gristConfig.baseDomain || gristHomeHost;
const orgDisplay = isOrgInPathOnly() ? `${baseDomain}/o/${org.domain}` : `${org.domain}${baseDomain}`;
return cssOrgName(`${org.name} (`, cssOrgDomain(orgDisplay), ')');
return [t('Manage members of team site'), getOrgDisplay()];
default: {
return personal ?
t(`Your role for this {{resourceType}}`, { resourceType }) :
t(`Invite people to {{resourceType}}`, { resourceType });
// Rename organization to team site.
function resourceName(resourceType: ResourceType): string {
return resourceType === 'organization' ? t('team site') : resourceType;