mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Also fix few clode glitches - Attach events handler to the scrollPane using `onMatch` instead of the cell itself. This streamline cell dom creation a bit while scrolling. - Fix memory leaks on contextMenu. - Also fix Importer and ColumnOps nbrowser test see: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3237#inline-36376 https://phab.getgrist.com/D3237#inline-36375 Restore default context menu for where there's no custom one It appears that default context menu adds some value, in particular for links and for editing text. This diff restores it. Test Plan: Should not break anything. Reviewers: paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3256
1579 lines
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1579 lines
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/* globals alert, document, $ */
var _ = require('underscore');
var ko = require('knockout');
const debounce = require('lodash/debounce');
var gutil = require('app/common/gutil');
var BinaryIndexedTree = require('app/common/BinaryIndexedTree');
var MANUALSORT = require('app/common/gristTypes').MANUALSORT;
const {Sort} = require('app/common/SortSpec');
var dom = require('../lib/dom');
var kd = require('../lib/koDom');
var kf = require('../lib/koForm');
var koDomScrolly = require('../lib/koDomScrolly');
var tableUtil = require('../lib/tableUtil');
var {addToSort, sortBy} = require('../lib/sortUtil');
var commands = require('./commands');
var viewCommon = require('./viewCommon');
var Base = require('./Base');
var BaseView = require('./BaseView');
var selector = require('./Selector');
var {CopySelection} = require('./CopySelection');
const {renderAllRows} = require('app/client/components/Printing');
const {reportError} = require('app/client/models/AppModel');
const {onDblClickMatchElem} = require('app/client/lib/dblclick');
// Grist UI Components
const {dom: grainjsDom, Holder, Computed} = require('grainjs');
const {menu} = require('../ui2018/menus');
const {calcFieldsCondition} = require('../ui/GridViewMenus');
const {ColumnAddMenu, ColumnContextMenu, MultiColumnMenu, freezeAction} = require('../ui/GridViewMenus');
const {RowContextMenu} = require('../ui/RowContextMenu');
const {setPopupToCreateDom} = require('popweasel');
const {CellContextMenu} = require('app/client/ui/CellContextMenu');
const {testId} = require('app/client/ui2018/cssVars');
const {contextMenu} = require('app/client/ui/contextMenu');
const {menuToggle} = require('app/client/ui/MenuToggle');
const {showTooltip} = require('app/client/ui/tooltips');
// A threshold for interpreting a motionless click as a click rather than a drag.
// Anything longer than this time (in milliseconds) should be interpreted as a drag
// even if there is no movement.
// This is relevant for distinguishing clicking an already-selected column in order
// to rename it, and starting to drag that column and then deciding to leave it where
// it was.
const SHORT_CLICK_IN_MS = 500;
// size of the plus width ()
const PLUS_WIDTH = 40;
// size of the row number field (we assume 4rem)
const ROW_NUMBER_WIDTH = 52;
* GridView component implements the view of a grid of cells.
function GridView(gristDoc, viewSectionModel, isPreview = false) {
BaseView.call(this, gristDoc, viewSectionModel, { isPreview, 'addNewRow': true });
this.viewSection = viewSectionModel;
// Observables local to this view
// Some observables/variables used for select and drag/drop
this.dragX = ko.observable(0); // x coord of mouse during drag mouse down
this.dragY = ko.observable(0); // ^ for y coord
this.rowShadowAdjust = 0; // pixel dist from mouse click y-coord and the clicked row's top offset
this.colShadowAdjust = 0; // ^ for x-coord and clicked col's left offset
this.scrollLeft = ko.observable(0);
this.isScrolledLeft = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => this.scrollLeft() > 0));
this.scrollTop = ko.observable(0);
this.isScrolledTop = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => this.scrollTop() > 0));
this.cellSelector = this.autoDispose(selector.CellSelector.create(this, {
// This is a bit of a hack to prevent dragging when there's an open column menu
// TODO: disable dragging when there is an open cell context menu as well
isDisabled: () => Boolean(!this.ctxMenuHolder.isEmpty())
this.colMenuTargets = {}; // Reference from column ref to its menu target dom
// Cache of column right offsets, used to determine the col select range
this.colRightOffsets = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
let fields = this.viewSection.viewFields();
let tree = new BinaryIndexedTree();
tree.fillFromValues(fields.all().map(field => field.widthDef()));
return tree;
// Create observable holding current rowIndex that the view should be scrolled to.
// We will always notify, because we want to scroll to the row even when only the
// column is changed (in situation when the row is not visible).
this.visibleRowIndex = ko.observable(this.cursor.rowIndex()).extend({notify: 'always'});
// Create grain's Computed with current cursor position (we need it to examine position
// before the change and after).
this.currentPosition = Computed.create(this, (use) => ({
rowIndex : use(this.cursor.rowIndex),
fieldIndex : use(this.cursor.fieldIndex)
// Add listener, and check if the cursor is indeed changed, if so, update the row
// and scroll it into view (using kd.scrollChildIntoView in buildDom function).
this.autoDispose(this.currentPosition.addListener((cur, prev) => {
if (cur.rowIndex !== prev.rowIndex || cur.fieldIndex !== prev.fieldIndex) {
this.autoDispose(this.cursor.fieldIndex.subscribe(idx => {
const offset = this.colRightOffsets.peek().getSumTo(idx);
const rowNumsWidth = this._cornerDom.clientWidth;
const viewWidth = this.scrollPane.clientWidth - rowNumsWidth;
const fieldWidth = this.colRightOffsets.peek().getValue(idx) + 1; // +1px border
// Left and right pixel edge of 'viewport', starting from edge of row nums
const leftEdge = this.scrollPane.scrollLeft;
const rightEdge = leftEdge + viewWidth;
//If cell doesn't fit onscreen, scroll to fit
const scrollShift = offset - gutil.clamp(offset, leftEdge, rightEdge - fieldWidth);
this.scrollPane.scrollLeft = this.scrollPane.scrollLeft + scrollShift;
this.isPreview = isPreview;
// Some observables for the scroll markers that show that the view is cut off on a side.
this.scrollShadow = {
left: this.isScrolledLeft,
top: this.isScrolledTop
// Set up row and column context menus.
this.ctxMenuHolder = Holder.create(this);
// Set frozen columns variables
// keep track of the width for this component
this.width = ko.observable(0);
// helper for clarity
this.numFrozen = this.viewSection.numFrozen;
// calculate total width of all frozen columns
this.frozenWidth = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => this.colRightOffsets().getSumTo(this.numFrozen())));
// show frozenLine when have some frozen columns and not scrolled left
this.frozenLine = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => this.numFrozen() && !this.isScrolledLeft()));
// even if some columns are frozen, we still want to move them left
// when screen is too narrow - here we will calculate how much space
// is needed to move all the frozen columns left in order to show some
// unfrozen columns to user (by default we will try to show at least one not
// frozen column and a plus button)
this.frozenOffset = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
// get the last field
const fields = this.viewSection.viewFields().all();
const lastField = fields[fields.length-1];
// get the last field width (or zero - grid can have zero columns)
const revealWidth = lastField ? lastField.widthDef() : 0;
// calculate the offset: start from zero, then move all left to hide frozen columns,
// then to right to fill whole width, then to left to reveal last column and plus button
const initialOffset = -this.frozenWidth() - ROW_NUMBER_WIDTH + this.width() - revealWidth - PLUS_WIDTH;
// Final check - we actually don't want to have
// the split (between frozen and normal columns) be moved left too far,
// it should stop at the middle of the available grid space (whole width - row number width).
// This can happen when last column is too wide, and we are not able to show it in a full width.
// To calculate the middle point: hide all frozen columns (by moving them maximum to the left)
// and then move them to right by half width of the section.
const middleOffset = -this.frozenWidth() - ROW_NUMBER_WIDTH + this.width() / 2;
// final offset is the bigger number of those two (offsets are negative - so take
// the number that is closer to 0)
const offset = Math.floor(Math.max(initialOffset, middleOffset));
// offset must be negative (we are moving columns left), if we ended up moving
// frozen columns to the right, don't move them at all
return offset > 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(offset);
// observable for left scroll - but return left only when columns are frozen
// this will be used to move frozen border alongside with the scrollpane
this.frozenScrollOffset = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => this.numFrozen() ? this.scrollLeft() : 0));
// observable that will indicate if shadow is needed on top of frozen columns
this.frozenShadow = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
return this.numFrozen() && this.frozenOffset() && this.isScrolledLeft();
// calculate column right offsets
this.frozenPositions = this.autoDispose(this.viewSection.viewFields().map(function(field){
return ko.pureComputed(() => this.colRightOffsets().getSumTo(field._index()));
}, this));
// calculate frozen state for all columns
this.frozenMap = this.autoDispose(this.viewSection.viewFields().map(function(field){
return ko.pureComputed(() => field._index() < this.numFrozen());
}, this));
// Holds column index that is hovered, works only in full-edit formula mode.
this.hoverColumn = ko.observable(-1);
// Debounced method to change current hover column, this is needed
// as mouse when moved from field to field will switch the hover-column
// observable from current index to -1 and then immediately back to current index.
// With debounced version, call to set -1 that is followed by call to set back to the field index
// will be discarded.
this.changeHover = debounce((index) => {
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
if (this.gristDoc.docModel.editingFormula()) {
}, 0);
// Create and attach the DOM for the view.
this.isColSelected = this.autoDispose(this.viewSection.viewFields().map(function(field) {
return this._createColSelectedObs(field);
}, this));
this.header = null;
this._cornerDom = null;
// dom for adding new column - used by freeze calculation
this._modField = null;
this.scrollPane = null;
this.viewPane = this.autoDispose(this.buildDom());
this.scrolly = koDomScrolly.getInstance(this.viewData);
// Set up DOM event handling.
onDblClickMatchElem(this.scrollPane, '.field', () => this.activateEditorAtCursor());
if (!this.isPreview) {
grainjsDom.onMatchElem(this.scrollPane, '.field:not(.column_name)', 'contextmenu', (ev, elem) => this.onCellContextMenu(ev, elem), {useCapture: true});
this.onEvent(this.scrollPane, 'scroll', this.onScroll);
// Command group implementing all grid level commands.
this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(GridView.gridCommands, this, this.viewSection.hasFocus));
// Timer to allow short, otherwise non-actionable clicks on column names to trigger renaming.
this._colClickTime = 0; // Units: milliseconds.
_.extend(GridView.prototype, BaseView.prototype);
// ======================================================================================
GridView.gridCommands = {
cursorUp: function() {
// This conditional exists so that when users have the cursor in the top row but are not
// scrolled to the top i.e. in the case of a tall row, pressing up again will scroll the
// pane to the top.
if (this.cursor.rowIndex() === 0) {
this.scrollPane.scrollTop = 0;
this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() - 1);
shiftDown: function() {
this._shiftSelect(1, this.cellSelector.row.end, selector.COL, this.getLastDataRowIndex());
shiftUp: function() {
this._shiftSelect(-1, this.cellSelector.row.end, selector.COL, this.getLastDataRowIndex());
shiftRight: function() {
this._shiftSelect(1, this.cellSelector.col.end, selector.ROW,
this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1);
shiftLeft: function() {
this._shiftSelect(-1, this.cellSelector.col.end, selector.ROW,
this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1);
fillSelectionDown: function() { this.fillSelectionDown(); },
selectAll: function() { this.selectAll(); },
fieldEditSave: function() { this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() + 1); },
// Re-define editField after fieldEditSave to make it take precedence for the Enter key.
editField: function() { this.scrollToCursor(true); this.activateEditorAtCursor(); },
deleteRecords: function() {
const saved = this.cursor.getCursorPos();
// Don't return a promise. Nothing will use it, and the Command implementation will not
// prevent default browser behavior if we return a truthy value.
.finally(() => {
insertFieldBefore: function() { this.insertColumn(this.cursor.fieldIndex()); },
insertFieldAfter: function() { this.insertColumn(this.cursor.fieldIndex() + 1); },
renameField: function() { this.currentEditingColumnIndex(this.cursor.fieldIndex()); },
hideField: function() { this.hideField(this.cursor.fieldIndex()); },
deleteFields: function() { this.deleteColumns(this.getSelection()); },
clearValues: function() { this.clearValues(this.getSelection()); },
clearColumns: function() { this._clearColumns(this.getSelection()); },
convertFormulasToData: function() { this._convertFormulasToData(this.getSelection()); },
copy: function() { return this.copy(this.getSelection()); },
cut: function() { return this.cut(this.getSelection()); },
paste: async function(pasteObj, cutCallback) {
await this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback);
await this.scrollToCursor(false);
cancel: function() { this.clearSelection(); },
sortAsc: function() {
sortBy(this.viewSection.activeSortSpec, this.currentColumn().getRowId(), Sort.ASC);
sortDesc: function() {
sortBy(this.viewSection.activeSortSpec, this.currentColumn().getRowId(), Sort.DESC);
addSortAsc: function() {
addToSort(this.viewSection.activeSortSpec, this.currentColumn().getRowId(), Sort.ASC);
addSortDesc: function() {
addToSort(this.viewSection.activeSortSpec, this.currentColumn().getRowId(), Sort.DESC);
toggleFreeze: function() {
// get column selection
const selection = this.getSelection();
// convert it menu option
const options = this._getColumnMenuOptions(selection);
// generate action that is available for freeze toggle
const action = freezeAction(options);
// if no action, do nothing
if (!action) { return; }
// if grist document is in readonly - simply change the value
// without saving
if (this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get()) {
GridView.prototype.onTableLoaded = function() {
// Initialize scroll position.
this.scrollPane.scrollLeft = this.viewSection.lastScrollPos.scrollLeft;
* Update the bounds of the cell selector's selected range for Shift+Direction keyboard shortcuts.
* @param {integer} step - amount to increase/decrease the select bound
* @param {Observable} selectObs - observable to change
* @exemptType {Selector type string} - selector type to noop on
IE: Shift + Up/Down should noop if columns are selected. And vice versa for rows.
* @param {integer} maxVal - maximum value allowed for the selectObs
GridView.prototype._shiftSelect = function(step, selectObs, exemptType, maxVal) {
console.assert(exemptType === selector.ROW || exemptType === selector.COL);
if (this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(exemptType)) return;
if (this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.NONE)) {
var newVal = gutil.clamp(selectObs() + step, 0, maxVal);
* Pastes the provided data at the current cursor.
* TODO: Handle the edge case where more columns are pasted than available.
* @param {Array} data - Array of arrays of data to be pasted. Each array represents a row.
* i.e. [["1-1", "1-2", "1-3"],
* ["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"]]
* @param {Function} cutCallback - If provided returns the record removal action needed for
* a cut.
GridView.prototype.paste = function(data, cutCallback) {
// TODO: If pasting into columns by which this view is sorted, rows may jump. It is still better
// to allow it, but we should "freeze" the affected rows to prevent them from jumping, until the
// user re-applies the sort manually. (This is a particularly bad experience when rows get
// dispersed by the sorting after paste.) We do attempt to keep the cursor in the same row as
// before even if it jumped. Note when addressing it: currently selected rows should be treated
// as frozen (and get marked as unsorted if necessary) for any update even if the update comes
// from a different peer.
// convert row-wise data to column-wise so that it better resembles a user action
let pasteData = _.unzip(data);
let pasteHeight = pasteData[0].length;
let pasteWidth = pasteData.length;
// figure out the size of the paste area
let outputHeight = Math.max(gutil.roundDownToMultiple(this.cellSelector.rowCount(), pasteHeight), pasteHeight);
let outputWidth = Math.max(gutil.roundDownToMultiple(this.cellSelector.colCount(), pasteWidth), pasteWidth);
// get the row ids that cover the paste
let topIndex = this.cellSelector.rowLower();
let updateRowIndices = _.range(topIndex, topIndex + outputHeight);
let updateRowIds = updateRowIndices.map(r => this.viewData.getRowId(r));
// get the col ids that cover the paste
let leftIndex = this.cellSelector.colLower();
let updateColIndices = _.range(leftIndex, leftIndex + outputWidth);
pasteData = gutil.growMatrix(pasteData, updateColIndices.length, updateRowIds.length);
let fields = this.viewSection.viewFields().peek();
let pasteFields = updateColIndices.map(i => fields[i] || null);
let richData = this._parsePasteForView(pasteData, pasteFields);
let actions = this._createBulkActionsFromPaste(updateRowIds, richData);
if (actions.length > 0) {
let cursorPos = this.cursor.getCursorPos();
return this.sendPasteActions(cutCallback, actions)
.then(results => {
// If rows were added, get their rowIds from the action results.
let addRowIds = (actions[0][0] === 'BulkAddRecord' ? results[0] : []);
console.assert(addRowIds.length <= updateRowIds.length,
`Unexpected number of added rows: ${addRowIds.length} of ${updateRowIds.length}`);
let newRowIds = updateRowIds.slice(0, updateRowIds.length - addRowIds.length)
// Restore the cursor to the right rowId, even if it jumped.
this.cursor.setCursorPos({rowId: cursorPos.rowId === 'new' ? addRowIds[0] : cursorPos.rowId});
// Restore the selection if it would select the correct rows.
let topRowIndex = this.viewData.getRowIndex(newRowIds[0]);
if (newRowIds.every((r, i) => r === this.viewData.getRowId(topRowIndex + i))) {
this.cellSelector.selectArea(topRowIndex, leftIndex,
topRowIndex + outputHeight - 1, leftIndex + outputWidth - 1);
* Given a matrix of values, and an array of colIds and rowId targets, this function returns
* an array of user actions needed to update the targets to the values in the matrix
* @param {Array} rowIds - An array of numbers, 'new' or null corresponding to the row ids will
* be updated or added. Numerical (proper) rowIds must come before special ones.
* @param {Object<string, Array<string>} bulkUpdate - Object from colId to array of column values.
GridView.prototype._createBulkActionsFromPaste = function(rowIds, bulkUpdate) {
if (_.isEmpty(bulkUpdate)) {
return [];
let addRows = rowIds.filter(rowId => rowId === null || rowId === 'new').length;
let updateRows = rowIds.length - addRows;
let actions = [];
if (addRows > 0) {
actions.push(['BulkAddRecord', gutil.arrayRepeat(addRows, null),
_.mapObject(bulkUpdate, values => values.slice(-addRows))
if (updateRows > 0) {
actions.push(['BulkUpdateRecord', rowIds.slice(0, updateRows),
_.mapObject(bulkUpdate, values => values.slice(0, updateRows))
return this.prepTableActions(actions);
* Fills currently selected grid with the contents of the top row in that selection.
GridView.prototype.fillSelectionDown = function() {
var rowLower = this.cellSelector.rowLower();
var rowIds = _.times(this.cellSelector.rowCount(), i => this.viewData.getRowId(rowLower + i));
if (rowIds.length <= 1) {
var colLower = this.cellSelector.colLower();
var fields = this.viewSection.viewFields().peek();
var colIds = _.times(this.cellSelector.colCount(), i => {
if (!fields[colLower + i].column().isFormula()) {
return fields[colLower + i].colId();
}).filter(colId => colId);
var colInfo = _.object(colIds, colIds.map(colId => {
var val = this.tableModel.tableData.getValue(rowIds[0], colId);
return rowIds.map(() => val);
this.tableModel.sendTableAction(["BulkUpdateRecord", rowIds, colInfo]);
* Returns a GridSelection of the selected rows and cols
* @returns {Object} CopySelection
GridView.prototype.getSelection = function() {
var rowIds = [], fields = [], rowStyle = {}, colStyle = {};
var colStart = this.cellSelector.colLower();
var colEnd = this.cellSelector.colUpper();
var rowStart = this.cellSelector.rowLower();
var rowEnd = this.cellSelector.rowUpper();
// If there is no selection, just copy/paste the cursor cell
if (this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.NONE)) {
rowStart = rowEnd = this.cursor.rowIndex();
colStart = colEnd = this.cursor.fieldIndex();
// Get all the cols if rows are selected, and viceversa
if (this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.ROW)) {
colStart = 0;
colEnd = this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1;
} else if(this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.COL)) {
rowStart = 0;
rowEnd = this.getLastDataRowIndex();
var rowId;
for(var i = colStart; i <= colEnd; i++) {
let field = this.viewSection.viewFields().at(i);
colStyle[field.colId()] = this._getColStyle(i);
for(var j = rowStart; j <= rowEnd; j++) {
rowId = this.viewData.getRowId(j);
rowStyle[rowId] = this._getRowStyle(j);
return new CopySelection(this.tableModel.tableData, rowIds, fields, {
rowStyle: rowStyle,
colStyle: colStyle
* Deselects the currently selected cells.
GridView.prototype.clearSelection = function() {
this.copySelection(null); // Unset the selection observable
* Given a selection object, sets all cells referred to by the selection to the empty string. If
* only formula columns are selected, only open the formula editor to the empty formula.
* @param {CopySelection} selection
GridView.prototype.clearValues = function(selection) {
const options = this._getColumnMenuOptions(selection);
if (options.isFormula === true) {
this.activateEditorAtCursor({ init: ''});
} else {
let clearAction = tableUtil.makeDeleteAction(selection);
if (clearAction) {
GridView.prototype._clearColumns = function(selection) {
const fields = selection.fields;
return this.gristDoc.clearColumns(fields.map(f => f.colRef.peek()));
GridView.prototype._convertFormulasToData = function(selection) {
// Convert all isFormula columns to data, including empty columns. This is sometimes useful
// (e.g. since a truly empty column undergoes a conversion on first data entry, which may be
// prevented by ACL rules).
const fields = selection.fields.filter(f => f.column.peek().isFormula.peek());
if (!fields.length) { return null; }
return this.gristDoc.convertIsFormula(fields.map(f => f.colRef.peek()), {toFormula: false});
GridView.prototype.selectAll = function() {
this.cellSelector.selectArea(0, 0, this.getLastDataRowIndex(),
this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1);
// End of actions
// ======================================================================================
// GRIDVIEW PRIMITIVES (for manipulating grid, rows/cols, selections)
* Assigns the cursor.rowIndex and cursor.fieldIndex observable to the correct row/column/cell
* depending on the supplied dom element.
* @param {DOM element} elem - extract the col/row index from the element
* @param {Selector.ROW/COL/CELL} elemType - denotes whether the clicked element was
* a row header, col header or cell
GridView.prototype.assignCursor = function(elem, elemType) {
// Change focus before running command so that the correct viewsection's cursor is moved.
try {
let row = this.domToRowModel(elem, elemType);
let col = this.domToColModel(elem, elemType);
commands.allCommands.setCursor.run(row, col);
} catch(e) {
console.error("GridView.assignCursor expects a row/col header, or cell as an input.");
* Schedules cursor assignement to happen at end of tick. Calling `preventAssignCursor()` before
* prevents assignment to happen. This was added to prevent cursor assignment on a `context click`
* on a cell that is already selected.
GridView.prototype.scheduleAssignCursor = function(elem, elemType) {
this._assignCursorTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.assignCursor(elem, elemType);
this._assignCursorTimeoutId = null;
}, 0);
* See `scheduleAssignCursor()` for doc.
GridView.prototype.preventAssignCursor = function() {
this._assignCursorTimeoutId = null;
GridView.prototype.deleteRows = function(selection) {
if (!this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows()) {
var rowIds = _.without(selection.rowIds, 'new');
if (rowIds.length > 0) {
return this.tableModel.sendTableAction(['BulkRemoveRecord', rowIds]);
return Promise.resolve();
GridView.prototype.addNewColumn = function() {
.then(() => this.scrollPaneRight());
GridView.prototype.insertColumn = function(index) {
var pos = tableUtil.fieldInsertPositions(this.viewSection.viewFields(), index)[0];
var action = ['AddColumn', null, {"_position": pos}];
return this.tableModel.sendTableAction(action)
.bind(this).then(function() {
// this.columnConfigTab.show();
GridView.prototype.scrollPaneRight = function() {
this.scrollPane.scrollLeft = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
GridView.prototype.selectColumn = function(colIndex) {
GridView.prototype.showColumn = function(colId, index) {
let fieldPos = tableUtil.fieldInsertPositions(this.viewSection.viewFields(), index, 1)[0];
let colInfo = {
parentId: this.viewSection.id(),
colRef: colId,
parentPos: fieldPos
return this.gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(['AddRecord', null, colInfo])
.then(() => this.selectColumn(index))
.then(() => this.scrollPaneRight());
// TODO: Replace alerts with custom notifications
GridView.prototype.deleteColumns = function(selection) {
var fields = selection.fields;
if (fields.length === this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength) {
alert("You can't delete all the columns on the grid.");
let actions = fields.filter(col => !col.disableModify()).map(col => ['RemoveColumn', col.colId()]);
if (actions.length > 0) {
this.tableModel.sendTableActions(actions, `Removed columns ${actions.map(a => a[1]).join(', ')} ` +
`from ${this.tableModel.tableData.tableId}.`);
GridView.prototype.hideField = function(index) {
var field = this.viewSection.viewFields().at(index);
var action = ['RemoveRecord', field.id()];
return this.gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
GridView.prototype.moveColumns = function(oldIndices, newIndex) {
if (oldIndices.length === 0) return;
if (oldIndices[0] === newIndex || oldIndices[0] + 1 === newIndex) return;
var newPositions = tableUtil.fieldInsertPositions(this.viewSection.viewFields(), newIndex,
var vsfRowIds = oldIndices.map(function(i) {
return this.viewSection.viewFields().at(i).id();
}, this);
var colInfo = { 'parentPos': newPositions };
var vsfAction = ['BulkUpdateRecord', vsfRowIds, colInfo];
var viewFieldsTable = this.gristDoc.docModel.viewFields;
var numCols = oldIndices.length;
var self = this;
viewFieldsTable.sendTableAction(vsfAction).then(function() {
self._selectMovedElements(self.cellSelector.col.start, self.cellSelector.col.end,
newIndex, numCols, selector.COL);
GridView.prototype.moveRows = function(oldIndices, newIndex) {
if (oldIndices.length === 0) return;
if (oldIndices[0] === newIndex || oldIndices[0] + 1 === newIndex) return;
var newPositions = this._getRowInsertPos(newIndex, oldIndices.length);
var rowIds = oldIndices.map(function(i) {
return this.viewData.getRowId(i);
}, this);
var colInfo = { 'manualSort': newPositions };
var action = ['BulkUpdateRecord', rowIds, colInfo];
var numRows = oldIndices.length;
var self = this;
this.tableModel.sendTableAction(action).then(function() {
self._selectMovedElements(self.cellSelector.row.start, self.cellSelector.row.end,
newIndex, numRows, selector.ROW);
* Return a list of manual sort positions so that inserting {numInsert} rows
* with the returned positions will place them in between index-1 and index.
* when the GridView is sorted by MANUALSORT
GridView.prototype._getRowInsertPos = function(index, numInserts) {
var lowerRowId = this.viewData.getRowId(index-1);
var upperRowId = this.viewData.getRowId(index);
if (lowerRowId === 'new') {
// set the lowerRowId to the rowId of the row before 'new'.
lowerRowId = this.viewData.getRowId(index - 2);
var lowerPos = this.tableModel.tableData.getValue(lowerRowId, MANUALSORT);
var upperPos = this.tableModel.tableData.getValue(upperRowId, MANUALSORT);
// tableUtil.insertPositions takes care of cases where upper/lowerPos are non-zero & falsy
return tableUtil.insertPositions(lowerPos, upperPos, numInserts);
// ======================================================================================
* Returns the row index of the row whose top offset is closest to and
* no greater than given y-position.
* param{yCoord}: The mouse y-position (including any scroll top amount).
* Assumes that scrolly.rowOffsetTree is up to date.
* See the given examples in GridView.getMousePosCol.
GridView.prototype.getMousePosRow = function (yCoord) {
var headerOffset = this.header.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
return this.scrolly.rowOffsetTree.getIndex(yCoord - headerOffset);
* Returns the row index of the row whose top offset is closest to and
* no greater than given y-position excluding addRows.
* param{yCoord}: The mouse y-position on the screen.
GridView.prototype.currentMouseRow = function(yCoord) {
return Math.min(this.getMousePosRow(this.scrollTop() + yCoord), this.getLastDataRowIndex());
* Returns the column index of the column whose left position is closest to and
* no greater than given x-position.
* param{xCoord}: The mouse x-position (including any scroll left amount).
* Assumes that this.colRightOffsets is up to date
* In the following examples, let * denote the current mouse position.
* * |0____|1____|2____|3____| Returns 0
* |0__*_|1____|2____|3____| Returns 0
* |0____|1__*_|2____|3____| Returns 1
* |0____|1____|2__*_|3____| Returns 2
* |0____|1____|2____|3__*_| Returns 3
* |0____|1____|2____|3____| * Returns 4
GridView.prototype.getMousePosCol = function (xCoord) {
//offset to left edge of gridView viewports
var headerOffset = this._cornerDom.getBoundingClientRect().right;
return this.colRightOffsets.peek().getIndex(xCoord - headerOffset);
// Used for styling the paste data the same way the col/row is styled in the GridView.
GridView.prototype._getRowStyle = function(rowIndex) {
return { 'height': this.scrolly.rowOffsetTree.getValue(rowIndex) + 'px' };
GridView.prototype._getColStyle = function(colIndex) {
return { 'width' : this.viewSection.viewFields().at(colIndex).widthPx() };
// TODO: for now lets just assume you are clicking on a .field, .row, or .column
GridView.prototype.domToRowModel = function(elem, elemType) {
switch (elemType) {
case selector.COL:
return 0;
case selector.ROW: // row > row num: row has record model
return ko.utils.domData.get(elem.parentNode, 'itemModel');
case selector.NONE:
case selector.CELL: // cell: row > .record > .field, row holds row model
return ko.utils.domData.get(elem.parentNode.parentNode, 'itemModel');
throw Error("Unknown elemType in domToRowModel:" + elemType);
GridView.prototype.domToColModel = function(elem, elemType) {
switch (elemType) {
case selector.ROW:
return 0;
case selector.NONE:
case selector.CELL: // cell: .field has col model
case selector.COL: // col: .column_name I think
return ko.utils.domData.get(elem, 'itemModel');
throw Error("Unknown elemType in domToRowModel");
// ======================================================================================
* Recalculate various positioning variables.
//TODO : is this necessary? make passive. Also this could be removed soon I think
GridView.prototype.onScroll = function() {
var pane = this.scrollPane;
GridView.prototype.buildDom = function() {
var self = this;
var data = this.viewData;
var v = this.viewSection;
var editIndex = this.currentEditingColumnIndex;
//each row has toggle classes on these props, so grab them once to save on lookups
let vHorizontalGridlines = v.optionsObj.prop('horizontalGridlines');
let vVerticalGridlines = v.optionsObj.prop('verticalGridlines');
let vZebraStripes = v.optionsObj.prop('zebraStripes');
var renameCommands = {
nextField: function() {
editIndex(editIndex() + 1);
prevField: function() {
editIndex(editIndex() - 1);
return dom(
// offset for frozen columns - how much move them to the left
kd.style('--frozen-offset', this.frozenOffset),
// total width of frozen columns
kd.style('--frozen-width', this.frozenWidth),
// Corner, bars and shadows
// Corner and shadows (so it's fixed to the grid viewport)
self._cornerDom = dom(
dom.on('click', () => this.selectAll()),
dom('div.scroll_shadow_top', kd.show(this.scrollShadow.top)),
// pass current scroll position
kd.style('--frozen-scroll-offset', this.frozenScrollOffset)),
dom('div.frozen_line', kd.show(this.frozenLine)),
dom('div.gridview_header_backdrop_left'), //these hide behind the actual headers to keep them from flashing
dom('div.gridview_left_border'), //these hide behind the actual headers to keep them from flashing
// left shadow that will be visible on top of frozen columns
dom('div.scroll_shadow_frozen', kd.show(this.frozenShadow)),
// When cursor leaves the GridView, remove hover immediately (without debounce).
// This guards mouse leaving gridView from the top, as leaving from bottom or left, right, is
// guarded on the row level.
dom.on("mouseleave", () => !this.isDisposed() && this.hoverColumn(-1)),
// Drag indicators
self.colLine = dom(
kd.show(function() { return self.cellSelector.isCurrentDragType(selector.COL); }),
kd.style('left', self.cellSelector.col.linePos)
self.colShadow = dom(
kd.show(function() { return self.cellSelector.isCurrentDragType(selector.COL); }),
kd.style('left', function() { return (self.dragX() - self.colShadowAdjust) + 'px'; })
self.rowLine = dom(
kd.show(function() { return self.cellSelector.isCurrentDragType(selector.ROW); }),
kd.style('top', self.cellSelector.row.linePos)
self.rowShadow = dom(
kd.show(function() { return self.cellSelector.isCurrentDragType(selector.ROW); }),
kd.style('top', function() { return (self.dragY() - self.rowShadowAdjust) + 'px'; })
self.scrollPane =
dom.onDispose(() => {
// Save the previous scroll values to the section.
self.viewSection.lastScrollPos = _.extend({
scrollLeft: self.scrollPane.scrollLeft
}, self.scrolly.getScrollPos());
dom('div.gridview_stick-top.flexhbox', // Sticks to top, flexbox makes child enclose its contents
self.header = dom('div.gridview_data_header.flexhbox', // main header, flexbox floats contents onto a line
kd.style('minWidth', '100%'),
kd.style('borderLeftWidth', v.borderWidthPx),
kd.foreach(v.viewFields(), field => {
var isEditingLabel = ko.pureComputed({
read: () => {
const goodIndex = () => editIndex() === field._index();
const isReadonly = () => this.gristDoc.isReadonlyKo() || self.isPreview;
const isSummary = () => Boolean(field.column().disableEditData());
return goodIndex() && !isReadonly() && !isSummary();
write: val => editIndex(val ? field._index() : -1)
}).extend({ rateLimit: 0 });
let filterTriggerCtl;
const isTooltip = ko.pureComputed(() =>
self.gristDoc.docModel.editingFormula() &&
ko.unwrap(self.hoverColumn) === field._index());
return dom(
kd.style('--frozen-position', () => ko.unwrap(this.frozenPositions.at(field._index()))),
kd.toggleClass("frozen", () => ko.unwrap(this.frozenMap.at(field._index()))),
kd.toggleClass("hover-column", isTooltip),
(el) => {
const tooltip = new HoverColumnTooltip(el);
return [
dom.autoDispose(isTooltip.subscribe((show) => {
if (show) {
tooltip.show(`Click to insert $${field.colId.peek()}`);
} else {
kd.style('width', field.widthPx),
kd.style('borderRightWidth', v.borderWidthPx),
viewCommon.makeResizable(field.width, {shouldSave: !this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get()}),
kd.toggleClass('selected', () => ko.unwrap(this.isColSelected.at(field._index()))),
dom.on('contextmenu', ev => {
// This is a little hack to position the menu the same way as with a click
const btn = ev.currentTarget.querySelector('.g-column-menu-btn');
if (btn) { btn.click(); }
kf.editableLabel(self.isPreview ? field.label : field.displayLabel, isEditingLabel, renameCommands),
dom.on('mousedown', ev => isEditingLabel() ? ev.stopPropagation() : true)
dom.on("mouseenter", () => self.changeHover(field._index())),
dom.on("mouseleave", () => self.changeHover(-1)),
self.isPreview ? null : menuToggle(null,
// Prevent mousedown on the dropdown triangle from initiating column drag.
dom.on('mousedown', () => false),
// Select the column if it's not part of a multiselect.
dom.on('click', (ev) => this.maybeSelectColumn(ev.currentTarget.parentNode, field)),
(elem) => {
filterTriggerCtl = setPopupToCreateDom(elem, ctl => this._columnFilterMenu(ctl, field), {
attach: 'body',
placement: 'bottom-start',
boundaries: 'viewport',
trigger: [],
menu(ctl => this.columnContextMenu(ctl, this.getSelection(), field, filterTriggerCtl)),
this.isPreview ? null : kd.maybe(() => !this.gristDoc.isReadonlyKo(), () => (
this._modField = dom('div.column_name.mod-add-column.field',
kd.style("width", PLUS_WIDTH + 'px'),
dom.on('click', ev => {
// If there are no hidden columns, clicking the plus just adds a new column.
// If there are hidden columns, display a dropdown menu.
if (this.viewSection.hiddenColumns().length === 0) {
ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Don't open the menu defined below
menu((ctl => ColumnAddMenu(this, this.viewSection)))
) //end hbox
koDomScrolly.scrolly(data, { paddingBottom: 80, paddingRight: 28 }, renderRow),
kd.maybe(this._isPrinting, () =>
renderAllRows(this.tableModel, this.sortedRows.getKoArray().peek(), renderRow)
) // end scrollpane
function renderRow(row) {
// TODO. There are several ways to implement a cursor; similar concerns may arise
// when implementing selection and cell editor.
// (1) Class on 'div.field.field_clip'. Fewest elements, seems possibly best for
// performance. Problem is: it's impossible to get cursor exactly right with a
// one-sided border. Attaching a cursor as additional element inside the cell
// truncates the cursor to the cell's inside because of 'overflow: hidden'.
// (2) 'div.field' with 'div.field_clip' inside, on which a class is toggled. This
// works well. The only concern is whether this slows down rendering. Would be
// good to measure and compare rendering speed.
// Related: perhaps the fastest rendering would be for a table.
// (3) Separate element attached to the row, absolutely positioned at left
// position and width of the selected cell. This works too. Requires
// maintaining a list of leftOffsets (or measuring the cell's), and feels less
// clean and more complicated than (2).
// IsRowActive and isCellActive are a significant optimization. IsRowActive is called
// for all rows when cursor.rowIndex changes, but the value only changes for two of the
// rows. IsCellActive is only subscribed to columns for the active row. This way, when
// the cursor moves, there are (rows+2*columns) calls rather than rows*columns.
var isRowActive = ko.computed(() => row._index() === self.cursor.rowIndex());
return dom('div.gridview_row',
// rowid dom
kd.style("width", ROW_NUMBER_WIDTH + 'px'),
kd.toggleClass('linked_dst', () => {
// Must ensure that linkedRowId is not null to avoid drawing on rows whose
// row ids are null.
return self.linkedRowId() && self.linkedRowId() === row.getRowId();
kd.text(function() { return row._index() + 1; }),
kd.scope(row._validationFailures, function(failures) {
if (!row._isAddRow() && failures.length > 0) {
return dom('div.validation_error_number', failures.length,
kd.attr('title', function() {
return "Validation failed: " +
failures.map(function(val) { return val.name(); }).join(", ");
dom.on('contextmenu', ev => {
// This is a little hack to position the menu the same way as with a click,
// the same hack as on a column menu.
self.isPreview ? null : menuToggle(null,
dom.on('click', ev => self.maybeSelectRow(ev.currentTarget.parentNode, row.getRowId())),
menu((ctx) => {
ctx.autoDispose(isRowActive.subscribe(() => ctx.close()));
return self.rowContextMenu();
}, { trigger: ['click'] }),
// Prevent mousedown on the dropdown triangle from initiating row drag.
dom.on('mousedown', () => false),
kd.toggleClass('selected', () =>
!row._isAddRow() && self.cellSelector.isRowSelected(row._index())),
kd.toggleClass('record-add', row._isAddRow),
kd.style('borderLeftWidth', v.borderWidthPx),
kd.style('borderBottomWidth', v.borderWidthPx),
//These are grabbed from v.optionsObj at start of GridView buildDom
kd.toggleClass('record-hlines', vHorizontalGridlines),
kd.toggleClass('record-vlines', vVerticalGridlines),
kd.toggleClass('record-zebra', vZebraStripes),
// even by 1-indexed rownum, so +1 (makes more sense for user-facing display stuff)
kd.toggleClass('record-even', () => (row._index()+1) % 2 === 0 ),
dom.on("mouseleave", (ev) => {
// Leave only when leaving record row.
if (!ev.relatedTarget || !ev.relatedTarget.classList.contains("record")){
self.isPreview ? null : contextMenu((ctx) => {
// We need to close the menu when the row is removed, but the dom of the row is not
// disposed when the record is removed (this is probably due to how scrolly work). Hence,
// we need to subscribe to `isRowActive` to close the menu.
ctx.autoDispose(isRowActive.subscribe(() => ctx.close()));
return self.cellContextMenu();
self.comparison ? kd.cssClass(() => {
const rowType = self.extraRows.getRowType(row.id());
return rowType && `diff-${rowType}` || '';
}) : null,
kd.foreach(v.viewFields(), function(field) {
// Whether the cell has a cursor (possibly in an inactive view section).
var isCellSelected = ko.computed(() =>
isRowActive() && field._index() === self.cursor.fieldIndex());
// Whether the cell is active: has the cursor in the active section.
var isCellActive = ko.computed(() => isCellSelected() && v.hasFocus());
// Whether the cell is part of an active copy-paste operation.
var isCopyActive = ko.computed(function() {
return self.copySelection() &&
self.copySelection().isCellSelected(row.id(), field.colId());
var fieldBuilder = self.fieldBuilders.at(field._index());
var isSelected = ko.computed(() => {
return !row._isAddRow() &&
!self.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.NONE) &&
ko.unwrap(self.isColSelected.at(field._index())) &&
return dom(
kd.style('--frozen-position', () => ko.unwrap(self.frozenPositions.at(field._index()))),
kd.toggleClass("frozen", () => ko.unwrap(self.frozenMap.at(field._index()))),
kd.toggleClass('scissors', isCopyActive),
dom.on("mouseenter", () => self.changeHover(field._index())),
kd.toggleClass("hover-column", () =>
self.gristDoc.docModel.editingFormula() &&
ko.unwrap(self.hoverColumn) === (field._index())),
kd.style('width', field.widthPx),
//TODO: Ensure that fields in a row resize when
//a cell in that row becomes larger
kd.style('borderRightWidth', v.borderWidthPx),
kd.toggleClass('selected', isSelected),
fieldBuilder.buildDomWithCursor(row, isCellActive, isCellSelected),
/** @inheritdoc */
GridView.prototype.onResize = function() {
const activeFieldBuilder = this.activeFieldBuilder();
if (activeFieldBuilder && activeFieldBuilder.isEditorActive()) {
// When the editor is active, the common case for a resize is if the virtual keyboard is being
// shown on mobile device. In that case, we need to scroll active cell into view, and need to
// do it synchronously, to allow repositioning the editor to it in response to the same event.
} else {
/** @inheritdoc */
GridView.prototype.onRowResize = function(rowModels) {
GridView.prototype.onLinkFilterChange = function(rowId) {
BaseView.prototype.onLinkFilterChange.call(this, rowId);
GridView.prototype.onCellContextMenu = function(ev, elem) {
let row = this.domToRowModel(elem, selector.CELL);
let col = this.domToColModel(elem, selector.CELL);
if (this.cellSelector.containsCell(row._index(), col._index())) {
// contextmenu event could be preceded by a mousedown event (ie: when ctrl+click on
// mac) which triggers a cursor assignment that we need to prevent.
} else {
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.NONE);
// ======================================================================================
* Returns a pure computed boolean that determines whether the given column is selected.
* @param {view field object} col - the column to create an observable for
GridView.prototype._createColSelectedObs = function(col) {
return ko.pureComputed(function() {
return this.cellSelector.isCurrentSelectType(selector.ROW) ||
gutil.between(col._index(), this.cellSelector.col.start(),
}, this);
// Callbacks for mouse events for the selector object
GridView.prototype.cellMouseDown = function(elem, event) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
// Change focus before running command so that the correct viewsection's cursor is moved.
let row = this.domToRowModel(elem, selector.CELL);
let col = this.domToColModel(elem, selector.CELL);
this.cellSelector.selectArea(this.cursor.rowIndex(), this.cursor.fieldIndex(),
row._index(), col._index());
} else {
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.NONE);
GridView.prototype.colMouseDown = function(elem, event) {
this._colClickTime = Date.now();
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.COL);
// Clicking the column header selects all rows except the add row.
GridView.prototype.rowMouseDown = function(elem, event) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
} else {
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.ROW);
GridView.prototype.rowMouseMove = function(elem, event) {
GridView.prototype.colMouseMove = function(elem, event) {
var currentCol = Math.min(this.getMousePosCol(this.scrollLeft() + event.pageX),
this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1);
GridView.prototype.cellMouseMove = function(elem, event, extra) {
this.colMouseMove(elem, event);
this.rowMouseMove(elem, event);
// Maintain single cells cannot be selected invariant
if (this.cellSelector.onlyCellSelected(this.cursor.rowIndex(), this.cursor.fieldIndex())) {
} else {
GridView.prototype.createSelector = function() {
this.cellSelector = new selector.CellSelector(this);
// buildDom needs some of the row/col/cell selector observables to exist beforehand
// but we can't attach any of the mouse handlers in the Selector class until the
// dom elements exist so we attach the selector handlers separately from instantiation
GridView.prototype.attachSelectorHandlers = function () {
// We attach mousemove and mouseup to document so that selecting and drag/dropping
// work even if the mouse leaves the view pane: http://news.qooxdoo.org/mouse-capturing
// Mousemove/up events fire to document even if the mouse leaves the browser window.
var rowCallbacks = {
'disableDrag': this.viewSection.disableDragRows,
'mousedown': { 'select': this.rowMouseDown,
'drag': this.styleRowDragElements,
'elemName': '.gridview_data_row_num',
'source': this.viewPane,
'mousemove': { 'select': this.rowMouseMove,
'drag': this.dragRows,
'source': document,
'mouseup': { 'select': this.rowMouseUp,
'drag': this.dropRows,
'source': document,
var colCallbacks = {
'mousedown': { 'select': this.colMouseDown,
'drag': this.styleColDragElements,
// Trigger on column headings but not on the add column button
'elemName': '.column_name.field:not(.mod-add-column)',
'source': this.viewPane,
'mousemove': { 'select': this.colMouseMove,
'drag': this.dragCols,
'source': document,
'mouseup': { 'drag': this.dropCols,
'source': document,
var cellCallbacks = {
'mousedown': { 'select': this.cellMouseDown,
'drag' : function(elem) { this.scheduleAssignCursor(elem, selector.NONE); },
'elemName': '.field:not(.column_name)',
'source': this.scrollPane
'mousemove': { 'select': this.cellMouseMove,
'source': document,
'mouseup': { 'select': this.cellMouseUp,
'source': document,
this.cellSelector.registerMouseHandlers(rowCallbacks, selector.ROW);
this.cellSelector.registerMouseHandlers(colCallbacks, selector.COL);
this.cellSelector.registerMouseHandlers(cellCallbacks, selector.CELL);
// End of Selector stuff
// ============================================================================
GridView.prototype.styleRowDragElements = function(elem, event) {
var rowStart = this.cellSelector.rowLower();
var rowEnd = this.cellSelector.rowUpper();
var shadowHeight = this.scrolly.rowOffsetTree.getCumulativeValueRange(rowStart, rowEnd+1);
var shadowTop = (this.header.getBoundingClientRect().height +
this.scrolly.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(rowStart) - this.scrollTop());
this.rowLine.style.top = shadowTop + 'px';
this.rowShadow.style.top = shadowTop + 'px';
this.rowShadow.style.height = shadowHeight + 'px';
this.rowShadowAdjust = event.pageY - shadowTop;
GridView.prototype.styleColDragElements = function(elem, event) {
this._colClickTime = Date.now();
var colStart = this.cellSelector.colLower();
var colEnd = this.cellSelector.colUpper();
var shadowWidth = this.colRightOffsets.peek().getCumulativeValueRange(colStart, colEnd+1);
var viewDataNumsWidth = $('.gridview_corner_spacer').width();
var shadowLeft = (viewDataNumsWidth + this.colRightOffsets.peek().getSumTo(colStart) - this.scrollLeft());
this.colLine.style.left = shadowLeft + 'px';
this.colShadow.style.left = shadowLeft + 'px';
this.colShadow.style.width = shadowWidth + 'px';
this.colShadowAdjust = event.pageX - shadowLeft;
* GridView.dragRows/dragCols update the row/col shadow and row/col indicator line on mousemove events.
* Rules for determining where the indicator line should show while dragging cols/rows:
* 0) The indicator line should not appear after the special add-row.
* 1) If the mouse position is within the selected range -> the indicator line should show
* at the left offset of the start of the select range
* 2) If the mouse position comes after the select range -> increment the computed dropIndex by 1
* 3) If the last col/row is in the select range, the indicator line should be clamped to the start of the
* select range.
GridView.prototype.dragRows = function(elem, event) {
var dropIndex = Math.min(this.getMousePosRow(event.pageY + this.scrollTop()),
if (this.cellSelector.containsRow(dropIndex)) {
dropIndex = this.cellSelector.rowLower();
} else if (dropIndex > this.cellSelector.rowUpper()) {
dropIndex += 1;
if (this.cellSelector.rowUpper() === this.viewData.peekLength - 1) {
dropIndex = Math.min(dropIndex, this.cellSelector.rowLower());
var linePos = this.scrolly.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(dropIndex) +
this.header.getBoundingClientRect().height - this.scrollTop();
this.cellSelector.row.linePos(linePos + 'px');
GridView.prototype.dragCols = function(elem, event) {
var dropIndex = Math.min(this.getMousePosCol(event.pageX + this.scrollLeft()),
this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1);
if (this.cellSelector.containsCol(dropIndex)) {
dropIndex = this.cellSelector.colLower();
} else if (dropIndex > this.cellSelector.colUpper()) {
dropIndex += 1;
if (this.cellSelector.colUpper() === this.viewSection.viewFields().peekLength - 1) {
dropIndex = Math.min(dropIndex, this.cellSelector.colLower());
var viewDataNumsWidth = $('.gridview_corner_spacer').width();
var linePos = viewDataNumsWidth + this.colRightOffsets.peek().getSumTo(dropIndex) - this.scrollLeft();
this.cellSelector.col.linePos(linePos + 'px');
GridView.prototype.dropRows = function() {
var oldIndices = _.range(this.cellSelector.rowLower(), this.cellSelector.rowUpper() + 1);
this.moveRows(oldIndices, this.cellSelector.row.dropIndex());
GridView.prototype.dropCols = function() {
var oldIndices = _.range(this.cellSelector.colLower(), this.cellSelector.colUpper() + 1);
const idx = this.cellSelector.col.dropIndex();
this.moveColumns(oldIndices, idx);
// If this was a short click on a single already-selected column that results in no
// column movement, propose renaming the column.
if (Date.now() - this._colClickTime < SHORT_CLICK_IN_MS && oldIndices.length === 1 &&
idx === oldIndices[0]) {
this._colClickTime = 0;
* After rows/cols in the range start() to end() inclusive are moved to newIndex,
* update the start and end observables so that they stay selected after the move.
* @param {observable} start - observable denoting the start index of the moved/dropped elements
* @param {observable} end - observable denoting the end index of the moved/dropped elements
* @param {integer} numEles - number of elements to move
* @param {integer} newIndex - new index of the start of the selected range
GridView.prototype._selectMovedElements = function(start, end, newIndex, numEles, elemType) {
console.assert(elemType === selector.ROW || elemType === selector.COL);
var newPos = newIndex < Math.min(start(), end()) ? newIndex : newIndex - numEles;
if (elemType === selector.COL) this.cursor.fieldIndex(newPos);
else if (elemType === selector.ROW) this.cursor.rowIndex(newPos);
end(newPos + numEles - 1);
// End of Dragging logic
// ===========================================================================
GridView.prototype.columnContextMenu = function(ctl, copySelection, field, filterTriggerCtl) {
const selectedColIds = copySelection.colIds;
const options = this._getColumnMenuOptions(copySelection);
if (selectedColIds.length > 1 && selectedColIds.includes(field.column().colId())) {
return MultiColumnMenu(options);
} else {
return ColumnContextMenu({
filterOpenFunc: () => filterTriggerCtl.open(),
sortSpec: this.gristDoc.viewModel.activeSection.peek().activeSortSpec.peek(),
colId: field.column.peek().id.peek(),
GridView.prototype._getColumnMenuOptions = function(copySelection) {
return {
columnIndices: copySelection.fields.map(f => f._index()),
totalColumnCount : this.viewSection.viewFields.peek().peekLength,
numColumns: copySelection.fields.length,
numFrozen: this.viewSection.numFrozen.peek(),
disableModify: calcFieldsCondition(copySelection.fields, f => f.disableModify.peek()),
isReadonly: this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get() || this.isPreview,
isRaw: this.viewSection.isRaw(),
isFiltered: this.isFiltered(),
isFormula: calcFieldsCondition(copySelection.fields, f => f.column.peek().isRealFormula.peek()),
GridView.prototype._columnFilterMenu = function(ctl, field) {
const filterInfo = this.viewSection.filters()
.find(({fieldOrColumn}) => fieldOrColumn.origCol().origColRef() === field.column().origColRef());
return this.createFilterMenu(ctl, filterInfo);
GridView.prototype.maybeSelectColumn = function (elem, field) {
// Change focus before running command so that the correct viewsection's cursor is moved.
const selectedColIds = this.getSelection().colIds;
if (selectedColIds.length > 1 && selectedColIds.includes(field.column().colId())) {
return; // No need to select the column because it's included in the multi-selection
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.COL);
GridView.prototype.maybeSelectRow = function(elem, rowId) {
// Change focus before running command so that the correct viewsection's cursor is moved.
// If the clicked row was not already in the selection, move the selection to the row.
if (!this.getSelection().rowIds.includes(rowId)) {
this.assignCursor(elem, selector.ROW);
GridView.prototype.rowContextMenu = function() {
return RowContextMenu(this._getRowContextMenuOptions());
GridView.prototype._getRowContextMenuOptions = function() {
return {
disableInsert: Boolean(this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get() || this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows() || this.tableModel.tableMetaRow.onDemand()),
disableDelete: Boolean(this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get() || this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows() || this.getSelection().onlyAddRowSelected()),
isViewSorted: this.viewSection.activeSortSpec.peek().length > 0,
numRows: this.getSelection().rowIds.length
GridView.prototype.cellContextMenu = function() {
return CellContextMenu(
// End Context Menus
GridView.prototype.scrollToCursor = function(sync = true) {
return kd.doScrollChildIntoView(this.scrollPane, this.cursor.rowIndex(), sync);
// Helper to show tooltip over column selection in the full edit mode.
class HoverColumnTooltip {
constructor(el) {
this.el = el;
show(text) {
this.tooltip = showTooltip(this.el, () => dom("span", text, testId("column-formula-tooltip")))
hide() {
if (this.tooltip ) {
this.tooltip = null;
dispose() {
module.exports = GridView;