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import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {assert, driver} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs/promises';
export async function fetchScreenshotAndLogs(test: Mocha.Runnable|undefined) {
const dir = process.env.MOCHA_WEBDRIVER_LOGDIR!;
assert.isOk(dir, "driverLogging: MOCHA_WEBDRIVER_LOGDIR not set");
const testName = test?.file ? path.basename(test.file, path.extname(test.file)) : "unnamed";
const logPath = path.resolve(dir, `${testName}-driverLogging.log`);
await fs.mkdir(dir, {recursive: true});
await driver.saveScreenshot(`${testName}-driverLoggingScreenshot-{N}.png`);
const messages = await driver.fetchLogs('driver');
await fs.appendFile(logPath, messages.join("\n") + "\n");
export async function withDriverLogging(
test: Mocha.Runnable|undefined, periodMs: number, timeoutMs: number,
callback: () => Promise<void>
) {
let running = false;
async function repeat() {
if (running) {
log.warn("driverLogging: skipping because previous repeat still running");
running = true;
try {
await fetchScreenshotAndLogs(test);
} finally {
running = false;
const periodic = setInterval(repeat, periodMs);
const timeout = setTimeout(() => clearInterval(periodic), timeoutMs);
try {
return await callback();
} finally {