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import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import {assert} from 'chai';
describe('StringUnion', function() {
// Create Dog type
const Dog = StringUnion(
type Dog = typeof Dog.type;
// Create Cat type
const Cat = StringUnion(
type Cat = typeof Cat.type;
it('should provide check and guard functions', function() {
let dog: Dog;
let cat: Cat;
const greyhound = "greyhound";
const bengal = "bengal";
const giraffe = "giraffe";
// Use Dog check function.
dog = Dog.check(greyhound);
assert.equal(dog, greyhound);
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { dog = Dog.check(greyhound); });
assert.throws(() => { dog = Dog.check(bengal); },
`Value '"bengal"' is not assignable to type '"bulldog" | "poodle" | "greyhound"'`);
assert.throws(() => { dog = Dog.check(giraffe); },
`Value '"giraffe"' is not assignable to type '"bulldog" | "poodle" | "greyhound"'`);
// Use Cat check function.
cat = Cat.check(bengal);
assert.equal(cat, bengal);
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { cat = Cat.check(bengal); });
assert.throws(() => { cat = Cat.check(greyhound); },
`Value '"greyhound"' is not assignable to type '"siamese" | "sphynx" | "bengal"'`);
assert.throws(() => { cat = Cat.check(giraffe); },
`Value '"giraffe"' is not assignable to type '"siamese" | "sphynx" | "bengal"'`);
// Use Dog guard function.
// Use Cat guard function.