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import logging
import test_engine
from test_engine import Table, Column
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestReplaceTableData(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
def test_replace_and_add(self):
# This tests a fix for a bug where after ReplaceTableData, subsequent adds were causing an
# error with "relabeling" (updating manualSort column).
# Add a table with a couple of columns and records.
self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "Vessels", []])
self.apply_user_action(["AddColumn", "Vessels", "Type", {}])
self.apply_user_action(["AddColumn", "Vessels", "Size", {}])
self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Vessels", [None, None],
{"Type": ["cup", "pot"], "Size": [8, 64]}])
# Check that we guessed correct column types, and the values are there.
Table(1, "Vessels", primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0),
Column(2, "Type", "Text", False, "", 0),
Column(3, "Size", "Numeric", False, "", 0),
self.assertTableData("Vessels", cols="subset", rows="all", data=[
[ "id", "Type", "Size" ],
[ 1, "cup", 8 ],
[ 2, "pot", 64 ],
# Now do ReplaceTableData, and add more rows.
self.apply_user_action(["ReplaceTableData", "Vessels", [], {}])
# The bug used to happen here, manifesting as error
# "docactions.[Bulk]UpdateRecord for non-existent # record #1"
self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Vessels", [None, None],
{"Type": ["shot", "bucket"], "Size": [1.5, 640.0]}])
self.assertTableData("Vessels", cols="subset", rows="all", data=[
[ "id", "Type", "Size" ],
[ 1, "shot", 1.5 ],
[ 2, "bucket", 640 ],