(core) Ensure formulas return something and don't assign to attributes of rec

Summary: To help with mistakes in formulas, forbid assigning to attributes of `rec` (e.g. `$foo = 1` which should probably be `==`) and ensure that there is at least one `return` in the formula (after maybe adding an implicit one at the end).

Test Plan: Extended Python unit test, updated tests which were missing return.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Subscribers: dsagal

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3439
Alex Hall 2 years ago
parent fcbad1c887
commit fb575a8b7e

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import ast
import contextlib
import itertools
import re
import six
@ -48,13 +49,6 @@ def make_formula_body(formula, default_value, assoc_value=None):
except SyntaxError as e:
return textbuilder.Text(_create_syntax_error_code(tmp_formula, formula, e))
# Parse formula and generate error code on assignment to rec
with use_inferences(InferRecAssignment):
except SyntaxError as e:
return textbuilder.Text(_create_syntax_error_code(tmp_formula, formula, e))
# Once we have a tree, go through it and create a subset of the dollar patches that are actually
# relevant. E.g. this is where we'll skip the "$foo" patches that appear in strings or comments.
patches = []
@ -86,6 +80,19 @@ def make_formula_body(formula, default_value, assoc_value=None):
elif last_statement is None:
# If we have an empty body (e.g. just a comment), add a 'pass' at the end.
patches.append(textbuilder.make_patch(formula, len(formula), len(formula), '\npass'))
elif not any(
# Raise an error if the user forgot to return anything. For performance:
# - Use type() instead of isinstance()
# - Check last_statement first to try avoiding walking the tree
type(node) == ast.Return # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
for node in itertools.chain([last_statement], ast.walk(atok.tree))
message = "No `return` statement, and the last line isn't an expression."
if isinstance(last_statement, ast.Assign):
message += " If you want to check for equality, use `==` instead of `=`."
error = SyntaxError(message,
('<string>', 1, 1, ""))
return textbuilder.Text(_create_syntax_error_code(tmp_formula, formula, error))
# Apply the new set of patches to the original formula to get the real output.
final_formula = textbuilder.Replacer(formula_builder_text, patches)
@ -93,10 +100,13 @@ def make_formula_body(formula, default_value, assoc_value=None):
# Try parsing again before returning it just in case we have new syntax errors. These are
# possible in cases when a single token ('DOLLARfoo') is valid but an expression ('rec.foo') is
# not, e.g. `foo($bar=1)` or `def $foo()`.
atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(final_formula.get_text(), parse=True)
except SyntaxError as e:
return textbuilder.Text(_create_syntax_error_code(final_formula, formula, e))
# Also check for common mistakes: assigning to `rec` or its attributes (e.g. `$foo = 1`).
with use_inferences(InferRecAssignment, InferRecAttrAssignment):
except (astroid.AstroidSyntaxError, SyntaxError) as e:
error = getattr(e, "error", e) # extract SyntaxError from AstroidSyntaxError
return textbuilder.Text(_create_syntax_error_code(final_formula, formula, error))
# We return the text-builder object whose .get_text() is the final formula.
return final_formula
@ -268,6 +278,23 @@ class InferRecAssignment(InferenceTip):
def infer(cls, node, context):
raise NotImplementedError()
class InferRecAttrAssignment(InferenceTip):
Inference helper to raise exception on assignment to `rec`.
node_class = astroid.nodes.AssignAttr
def filter(cls, node):
if isinstance(node.expr, astroid.nodes.Name) and node.expr.name == 'rec':
raise SyntaxError("You can't assign a value to a column with `=`. "
"If you mean to check for equality, use `==` instead.",
('<string>', node.lineno, node.col_offset, ""))
def infer(cls, node, context):
raise NotImplementedError()
def parse_grist_names(builder):

@ -76,9 +76,10 @@ class TestCodeBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
"# foo($bar=1)\n"
"raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', ('usercode', 1, 5, %s'foo($bar=1)'))"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('def $bar(): pass'),
"# def $bar(): pass\n"
"raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', ('usercode', 1, 5, %s'def $bar(): pass'))"
self.assertEqual(make_body('def $bar(): return 3'),
"# def $bar(): return 3\n"
"raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', "
"('usercode', 1, 5, %s'def $bar(): return 3'))"
% unicode_prefix)
# If $ is a syntax error, we don't want to turn it into a different syntax error.
@ -101,20 +102,19 @@ class TestCodeBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
# Check for reasonable behaviour with non-empty text and no statements.
self.assertEqual(make_body('# comment'), '# comment\npass')
self.assertEqual(make_body('rec = 1'), "# rec = 1\n" +
self.assertEqual(make_body('rec = 1; rec'), "# rec = 1; rec\n" +
"raise SyntaxError('Grist disallows assignment " +
"to the special variable \"rec\"', ('usercode', 1, 1, %s'rec = 1'))"
"to the special variable \"rec\"', ('usercode', 1, 1, %s'rec = 1; rec'))"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('for rec in []: pass'), "# for rec in []: pass\n" +
self.assertEqual(make_body('for rec in []: return rec'), "# for rec in []: return rec\n" +
"raise SyntaxError('Grist disallows assignment " +
"to the special variable \"rec\"', "
"('usercode', 1, 4, %s'for rec in []: pass'))"
"('usercode', 1, 4, %s'for rec in []: return rec'))"
% unicode_prefix)
# some legitimates use of rec
body = ("""
foo = rec
rec.foo = 1
[rec for x in rec]
for a in rec:
t = a
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ return rec
# mostly legitimate use of rec but one failing
body = ("""
foo = rec
rec.foo = 1
[1 for rec in []]
for a in rec:
t = a
@ -137,9 +136,33 @@ return rec
r"raise SyntaxError\('Grist disallows assignment" +
r" to the special variable \"rec\"', "
r"\('usercode', 4, 7, %s'\[1 for rec in \[\]\]'\)\)"
r"\('usercode', 3, 7, %s'\[1 for rec in \[\]\]'\)\)"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('rec.foo = 1; rec'), "# rec.foo = 1; rec\n" +
"raise SyntaxError(\"You can't assign a value to a column with `=`. "
"If you mean to check for equality, use `==` instead.\", "
"('usercode', 1, 1, %s'rec.foo = 1; rec'))"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo = 1; rec'), "# $foo = 1; rec\n" +
"raise SyntaxError(\"You can't assign a value to a column with `=`. "
"If you mean to check for equality, use `==` instead.\", "
"('usercode', 1, 1, %s'$foo = 1; rec'))"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('assert foo'), "# assert foo\n" +
'raise SyntaxError("No `return` statement, '
"and the last line isn't an expression.\", "
"('usercode', 1, 1, %s'assert foo'))"
% unicode_prefix)
self.assertEqual(make_body('foo = 1'), "# foo = 1\n" +
'raise SyntaxError("No `return` statement, '
"and the last line isn't an expression."
" If you want to check for equality, use `==` instead of `=`.\", "
"('usercode', 1, 1, %s'foo = 1'))"
% unicode_prefix)
def test_make_formula_body_unicode(self):
# Test that we don't fail when strings include unicode characters

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ else:
[13, "syntax_err", "Text", True, syntax_err, "", ""],
[14, "indent_err", "Text", True, indent_err, "", ""],
[15, "other_err", "Text", True, textwrap.dedent(indent_err), "", ""],
[15, "custom_err", "Text", True, "raise Exception('hello')", "", ""],
[15, "custom_err", "Text", True, "raise Exception('hello'); return 1", "", ""],
"DATA": {

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class TestSideEffects(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
# Verify that when a formula fails after a side-effect, the effect is reverted.
formula = 'Schools.lookupOrAddDerived(city="TESTCITY")\nraise Exception("test-error")'
formula = 'Schools.lookupOrAddDerived(city="TESTCITY")\nraise Exception("test-error")\nNone'
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Address', "A", { 'formula': formula }])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["AddColumn", "Address", "A", {"formula": formula, "isFormula": True, "type": "Any"}],
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class TestSideEffects(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
if $amount < 0:
raise Exception("test-error")
return None
self.add_column('Schools', 'ucity', formula='$city.upper()')
self.add_column('Address', 'A', formula=formula)
