docs: better explain GRIST_DATA_DIR

This little variable has unexpected complexity: it defaults to being
relative to the working directory, which usually is the same as the
app directory.

However, in practice we instruct people to explicitly set this to
`/persist/docs`, so we should mention this common use case.

Some day I would like to simplify some of the logic around this

closes: #931
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso 2 months ago
parent c187ca3093
commit f72d4f3307

@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ GRIST_ADAPT_DOMAIN | set to "true" to support multiple base domains (careful, h
GRIST_APP_ROOT | directory containing Grist sandbox and assets (specifically the sandbox and static subdirectories).
GRIST_BACKUP_DELAY_SECS | wait this long after a doc change before making a backup
GRIST_BOOT_KEY | if set, offer diagnostics at /boot/GRIST_BOOT_KEY
GRIST_DATA_DIR | directory in which to store document caches.
GRIST_DEFAULT_EMAIL | if set, login as this user if no other credentials presented
GRIST_DEFAULT_PRODUCT | if set, this controls enabled features and limits of new sites. See names of PRODUCTS in Product.ts.
GRIST_DEFAULT_LOCALE | Locale to use as fallback when Grist cannot honour the browser locale.
@ -299,6 +298,7 @@ GRIST_SKIP_REDIS_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH | Experimental. If set, only warn if the chec
GRIST_SNAPSHOT_TIME_CAP | optional. Define the caps for tracking buckets. Usage: {"hour": 25, "day": 32, "isoWeek": 12, "month": 96, "year": 1000}
GRIST_SNAPSHOT_KEEP | optional. Number of recent snapshots to retain unconditionally for a document, regardless of when they were made
GRIST_PROMCLIENT_PORT | optional. If set, serve the Prometheus metrics on the specified port number. ⚠️ Be sure to use a port which is not publicly exposed ⚠️.
| GRIST_DATA_DIR | Directory in which to store documents. Defaults to `docs/` relative to the Grist application directory. In Grist's default Docker image, its default value is /persist/docs so that it will be used as a mounted volume. |
#### AI Formula Assistant related variables (all optional):
