(core) Change the label/nickname of the paid plan to Pro

This is to match the pricing page, and to reduce confusion. The same
change was made to the description of the corresponding "pricing" object
on Stripe. The Stripe value is what's used in practice; this value is
actually only used as a fallback.

Test Plan: The code change does not affect tests, but several tests fixed after grist-core merge.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3990
Dmitry S 10 months ago
parent 031076cd07
commit efb5fc63d7

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export const displayPlanName: { [key: string]: string } = {
[PERSONAL_LEGACY_PLAN]: 'Free Personal (Legacy)',
[PERSONAL_FREE_PLAN]: 'Free Personal',
[TEAM_FREE_PLAN]: 'Team Free',
[TEAM_PLAN]: 'Team'
[TEAM_PLAN]: 'Pro'
} as const;
// Returns true if `planName` is for a personal product.

@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ export async function assertHeaderFillColor(col: string, color: string) {
export function openCellColorPicker(nr?: number) {
if (nr !== undefined) {
return driver
.find(`.test-widget-style-conditional-rule-${nr} .test-cell-color-select .test-color-select`)
.find(`.test-widget-style-conditional-rule-${nr} .test-color-select`)
return driver.find('.test-cell-color-select .test-color-select').click();
