Set friendly traceback language based on document locale

This commit is contained in:
Jarosław Sadziński 2022-11-08 12:22:44 +01:00
parent 67cea66e28
commit e09f71e481
2 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ which exist only in the sandbox and are not communicated to the client.
It is similar in purpose to DocModel.js on the client side.
import itertools
import json
import six
@ -58,6 +59,22 @@ class MetaTableExtras(object):
except KeyError:
return moment.TZ_UTC
def parsed_settings(rec, table):
return json.loads(rec.documentSettings)
except ValueError:
return {}
def locale(rec, table):
return rec.parsed_settings.get("locale", "en-US")
def friendly_traceback_set_lang(rec, table):
import friendly_traceback
except Exception:
class _grist_Tables(object):
columns = _record_set('_grist_Tables_column', 'parentId', sort_by='parentPos')
viewSections = _record_set('_grist_Views_section', 'tableRef')

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# coding: utf-8
Tests that formula error messages (traceback) are correct
import textwrap
import unittest
import six
@ -889,3 +891,59 @@ else:
[2, 23, 22], # The user input B=40 was overridden by the formula, which saw the old A=21
[3, 52, 51],
@unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, "friendly-traceback is Python 3 only")
def test_friendly_traceback_locale(self):
col = testutil.col_schema_row
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Table1", [
col(31, "A", "Numeric", False, "nonexistent"),
"DATA": {
"Table1": [
# Check that setting the locale changes the language used by friendly-traceback
["AddRecord", "_grist_DocInfo", 1, {"documentSettings": '{"locale": "fr-FR"}'}]
self.engine.get_formula_error('Table1', 'A', 1),
"name 'nonexistent' is not defined\n"
"Une exception `NameError` indique que le nom d'une variable\n"
"ou d'une fonction n'est pas connue par Python.\n"
"Habituellement, ceci indique une simple faute d'orthographe.\n"
'Cependant, cela peut également indiquer que le nom a été\n'
"utilisé avant qu'on ne lui ait associé une valeur.\n"
"Dans votre programme, aucun objet portant le nom `nonexistent` n'existe.\n"
'Je nai pas dinformations supplémentaires pour vous.'
# Check that it uses English by default, including when document settings are invalid.
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_DocInfo", 1, {"documentSettings": 'not json'}]
self.engine.get_formula_error('Table1', 'A', 1),
"name 'nonexistent' is not defined\n"
'A `NameError` exception indicates that a variable or\n'
'function name is not known to Python.\n'
'Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake.\n'
'However, sometimes it is because the name is used\n'
'before being defined or given a value.\n'
'In your program, no object with the name `nonexistent` exists.\n'
'I have no additional information for you.'