(core) updates from grist-core

Paul Fitzpatrick 8 months ago
commit b3a71374d1

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Here are some specific feature highlights of Grist:
- On OSX, you can use native sandboxing.
- On any OS, including Windows, you can use a wasm-based sandbox.
* Translated to many languages.
* Support for an AI Formula Assistant (using OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo).
* Support for an AI Formula Assistant (using OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo or comparable models).
* `F1` key brings up some quick help. This used to go without saying. In general Grist has good keyboard support.
* We post progress on [𝕏 or Twitter or whatever](https://twitter.com/getgrist).
@ -302,7 +302,19 @@ PORT | port number to listen on for Grist server
REDIS_URL | optional redis server for browser sessions and db query caching
GRIST_SNAPSHOT_TIME_CAP | optional. Define the caps for tracking buckets. Usage: {"hour": 25, "day": 32, "isoWeek": 12, "month": 96, "year": 1000}
GRIST_SNAPSHOT_KEEP | optional. Number of recent snapshots to retain unconditionally for a document, regardless of when they were made
OPENAI_API_KEY | optional. Used for the AI formula assistant. Sign up for an account on OpenAI and then generate a secret key [here](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys).
AI Formula Assistant related variables (all optional):
Variable | Purpose
-------- | -------
ASSISTANT_API_KEY | optional. An API key to pass when making requests to an external AI conversational endpoint.
ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT | optional. A chat-completion style endpoint to call. Not needed if OpenAI is being used.
ASSISTANT_MODEL | optional. If set, this string is passed along in calls to the AI conversational endpoint.
ASSISTANT_LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL | optional. If set, requests that fail because of a context length limitation will be retried with this model set.
OPENAI_API_KEY | optional. Synonym for ASSISTANT_API_KEY that assumes an OpenAI endpoint is being used. Sign up for an account on OpenAI and then generate a secret key [here](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys).
At the time of writing, the AI Assistant is known to function against OpenAI chat completion endpoints for gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4.
It can also function against the chat completion endpoint provided by <a href="https://github.com/abetlen/llama-cpp-python">llama-cpp-python</a>.
Sandbox related variables:

@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ export class GristDoc extends DisposableWithEvents {
this.autoDispose(subscribe(urlState().state, async (_use, state) => {
// Only start a tour or tutorial when the full interface is showing, i.e. not when in
// embedded mode.
if (state.params?.style === 'light') {
if (state.params?.style === 'singlePage') {

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import {LocalPlugin} from 'app/common/plugin';
import {DismissedPopup, DismissedReminder, UserPrefs} from 'app/common/Prefs';
import {isOwner, isOwnerOrEditor} from 'app/common/roles';
import {getTagManagerScript} from 'app/common/tagManager';
import {getDefaultThemePrefs, Theme, ThemeAppearance, ThemeColors, ThemePrefs,
import {getDefaultThemePrefs, Theme, ThemeColors, ThemePrefs,
ThemePrefsChecker} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {getThemeColors} from 'app/common/Themes';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
@ -450,14 +450,26 @@ export class AppModelImpl extends Disposable implements AppModel {
private _getCurrentThemeObs() {
return Computed.create(this, this.themePrefs, prefersDarkModeObs(),
(_use, themePrefs, prefersDarkMode) => {
let appearance: ThemeAppearance;
if (!themePrefs.syncWithOS) {
appearance = themePrefs.appearance;
} else {
let {appearance, syncWithOS} = themePrefs;
const urlParams = urlState().state.get().params;
if (urlParams?.themeAppearance) {
appearance = urlParams?.themeAppearance;
if (urlParams?.themeSyncWithOs !== undefined) {
syncWithOS = urlParams?.themeSyncWithOs;
if (syncWithOS) {
appearance = prefersDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light';
const nameOrColors = themePrefs.colors[appearance];
let nameOrColors = themePrefs.colors[appearance];
if (urlParams?.themeName) {
nameOrColors = urlParams?.themeName;
let colors: ThemeColors;
if (typeof nameOrColors === 'string') {
colors = getThemeColors(nameOrColors);

@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ export function COMMENTS(): Observable<boolean> {
export function HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT() {
return Boolean(getGristConfig().featureFormulaAssistant);
export function WHICH_FORMULA_ASSISTANT() {
return getGristConfig().assistantService;

@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ const cssPageContainer = styled(cssVBox, `
padding-bottom: ${bottomFooterHeightPx}px;
min-width: 240px;
.interface-light & {
.interface-singlePage & {
padding-bottom: 0;
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ export const cssLeftPane = styled(cssVBox, `
display: none;
.interface-light & {
.interface-singlePage & {
display: none;
&-overlap {
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ const cssRightPane = styled(cssVBox, `
display: none;
.interface-light & {
.interface-singlePage & {
display: none;
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ const cssHeader = styled('div', `
.interface-light & {
.interface-singlePage & {
display: none;
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ const cssBottomFooter = styled ('div', `
display: none;
.interface-light & {
.interface-singlePage & {
display: none;

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export function makeViewLayoutMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, isReadonly: bool
const viewRec = viewSection.view();
const isLight = urlState().state.get().params?.style === 'light';
const isSinglePage = urlState().state.get().params?.style === 'singlePage';
const sectionId = viewSection.table.peek().rawViewSectionRef.peek();
const anchorUrlState = viewInstance.getAnchorLinkForSection(sectionId);
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export function makeViewLayoutMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, isReadonly: bool
const showRawData = (use: UseCB) => {
return !use(viewSection.isRaw)// Don't show raw data if we're already in raw data.
&& !isLight // Don't show raw data in light mode.
&& !isSinglePage // Don't show raw data in single page mode.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export function makeViewLayoutMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, isReadonly: bool
menuItemCmd(allCommands.editLayout, t("Edit Card Layout"),
dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly))),
dom.maybe(!isLight, () => [
dom.maybe(!isSinglePage, () => [
menuItemCmd(allCommands.viewTabOpen, t("Widget options"), testId('widget-options')),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.sortFilterTabOpen, t("Advanced Sort & Filter")),
@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ export function makeViewLayoutMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, isReadonly: bool
export function makeCollapsedLayoutMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, gristDoc: GristDoc) {
const isReadonly = gristDoc.isReadonly.get();
const isLight = urlState().state.get().params?.style === 'light';
const isSinglePage = urlState().state.get().params?.style === 'singlePage';
const sectionId = viewSection.table.peek().rawViewSectionRef.peek();
const anchorUrlState = { hash: { sectionId, popup: true } };
const rawUrl = urlState().makeUrl(anchorUrlState);
return [
dom.maybe((use) => !use(viewSection.isRaw) && !isLight && !use(gristDoc.maximizedSectionId),
dom.maybe((use) => !use(viewSection.isRaw) && !isSinglePage && !use(gristDoc.maximizedSectionId),
() => menuItemLink(
{ href: rawUrl}, t("Show raw data"), testId('show-raw-data'),
dom.on('click', (ev) => {

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {movable} from 'app/client/lib/popupUtils';
import {logTelemetryEvent} from 'app/client/lib/telemetry';
import {ColumnRec, ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {ChatMessage} from 'app/client/models/entities/ColumnRec';
import {HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT} from 'app/client/models/features';
import {HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT, WHICH_FORMULA_ASSISTANT} from 'app/client/models/features';
import {getLoginOrSignupUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {buildHighlightedCode} from 'app/client/ui/CodeHighlight';
import {autoGrow} from 'app/client/ui/forms';
@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ class ChatHistory extends Disposable {
'"Please calculate the total invoice amount."'
(WHICH_FORMULA_ASSISTANT() === 'OpenAI') ? cssAiMessageBullet(
@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ class ChatHistory extends Disposable {
) : null,

@ -526,6 +526,8 @@ export interface ThemeColors {
export const ThemePrefsChecker = createCheckers(ThemePrefsTI).ThemePrefs as CheckerT<ThemePrefs>;
export const ThemeAppearanceChecker = createCheckers(ThemePrefsTI).ThemeAppearance as CheckerT<ThemeAppearance>;
export const ThemeNameChecker = createCheckers(ThemePrefsTI).ThemeName as CheckerT<ThemeName>;
export function getDefaultThemePrefs(): ThemePrefs {
return {

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Document} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import clone = require('lodash/clone');
import pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy');
import {ThemeAppearance, ThemeAppearanceChecker, ThemeName, ThemeNameChecker} from './ThemePrefs';
export const SpecialDocPage = StringUnion('code', 'acl', 'data', 'GristDocTour', 'settings', 'webhook');
type SpecialDocPage = typeof SpecialDocPage.type;
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ export type LoginPage = typeof LoginPage.type;
export const SupportGristPage = StringUnion('support-grist');
export type SupportGristPage = typeof SupportGristPage.type;
// Overall UI style. "full" is normal, "light" is a single page focused, panels hidden experience.
export const InterfaceStyle = StringUnion('light', 'full');
// Overall UI style. "full" is normal, "singlePage" is a single page focused, panels hidden experience.
export const InterfaceStyle = StringUnion('singlePage', 'full');
export type InterfaceStyle = typeof InterfaceStyle.type;
// Default subdomain for home api service if not otherwise specified.
@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ export interface IGristUrlState {
compare?: string;
linkParameters?: Record<string, string>; // Parameters to pass as 'user.Link' in granular ACLs.
// Encoded in URL as query params with extra '_' suffix.
themeSyncWithOs?: boolean;
themeAppearance?: ThemeAppearance;
themeName?: ThemeName;
hash?: HashLink; // if present, this specifies an individual row within a section of a page.
@ -392,15 +396,40 @@ export function decodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>, location: Locat
if (sp.has('style')) {
state.params!.style = InterfaceStyle.parse(sp.get('style'));
let style = sp.get('style');
if (style === 'light') {
style = 'singlePage';
state.params!.style = InterfaceStyle.parse(style);
if (sp.has('embed')) {
const embed = state.params!.embed = isAffirmative(sp.get('embed'));
// Turn view mode on if no mode has been specified, and not a fork.
if (embed && !state.mode && !state.fork) { state.mode = 'view'; }
// Turn on light style if no style has been specified.
if (embed && !state.params!.style) { state.params!.style = 'light'; }
// Turn on single page style if no style has been specified.
if (embed && !state.params!.style) { state.params!.style = 'singlePage'; }
// Theme overrides
if (sp.has('themeSyncWithOs')) {
state.params!.themeSyncWithOs = isAffirmative(sp.get('themeSyncWithOs'));
if (sp.has('themeAppearance')) {
const appearance = sp.get('themeAppearance');
if (ThemeAppearanceChecker.strictTest(appearance)) {
state.params!.themeAppearance = appearance;
if (sp.has('themeName')) {
const themeName = sp.get('themeName');
if (ThemeNameChecker.strictTest(themeName)) {
state.params!.themeName = themeName;
if (sp.has('compare')) {
state.params!.compare = sp.get('compare')!;
@ -637,6 +666,10 @@ export interface GristLoadConfig {
// TODO: remove once released.
featureFormulaAssistant?: boolean;
// Used to determine which disclosure links should be provided to user of
// formula assistance.
assistantService?: 'OpenAI' | undefined;
// Email address of the support user.
supportEmail?: string;

@ -117,23 +117,54 @@ class RetryableError extends Error {
* A flavor of assistant for use with the OpenAI API.
* A flavor of assistant for use with the OpenAI chat completion endpoint
* and tools with a compatible endpoint (e.g. llama-cpp-python).
* Tested primarily with gpt-3.5-turbo.
* Uses the ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT endpoint if set, else
* an OpenAI endpoint. Passes ASSISTANT_API_KEY or OPENAI_API_KEY in
* a header if set. An api key is required for the default OpenAI
* endpoint.
* If a model string is set in ASSISTANT_MODEL, this will be passed
* along. For the default OpenAI endpoint, a gpt-3.5-turbo variant
* will be set by default.
* If a request fails because of context length limitation, and the
* default OpenAI endpoint is in use, the request will be retried
* with ASSISTANT_LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL (another gpt-3.5
* variant by default). Set this variable to "" if this behavior is
* not desired for the default OpenAI endpoint. If a custom endpoint was
* provided, this behavior will only happen if
* An optional ASSISTANT_MAX_TOKENS can be specified.
export class OpenAIAssistant implements Assistant {
public static DEFAULT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613";
public static LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613";
public static DEFAULT_LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613";
private _apiKey: string;
private _apiKey?: string;
private _model?: string;
private _longerContextModel?: string;
private _endpoint: string;
private _maxTokens = process.env.ASSISTANT_MAX_TOKENS ?
parseInt(process.env.ASSISTANT_MAX_TOKENS, 10) : undefined;
public constructor() {
const apiKey = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
if (!apiKey) {
throw new Error('OPENAI_API_KEY not set');
const apiKey = process.env.ASSISTANT_API_KEY || process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
const endpoint = process.env.ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT;
if (!apiKey && !endpoint) {
throw new Error('Please set either OPENAI_API_KEY or ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT');
this._apiKey = apiKey;
this._endpoint = `https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions`;
this._model = process.env.ASSISTANT_MODEL;
this._longerContextModel = process.env.ASSISTANT_LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL;
if (!endpoint) {
this._model = this._model ?? OpenAIAssistant.DEFAULT_MODEL;
this._longerContextModel = this._longerContextModel ?? OpenAIAssistant.DEFAULT_LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL;
this._endpoint = endpoint || `https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions`;
public async apply(
@ -224,19 +255,25 @@ export class OpenAIAssistant implements Assistant {
private async _fetchCompletion(messages: AssistanceMessage[], userIdHash: string, longerContext: boolean) {
const model = longerContext ? this._longerContextModel : this._model;
const apiResponse = await DEPS.fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`,
...(this._apiKey ? {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`,
} : undefined),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
temperature: 0,
model: longerContext ? OpenAIAssistant.LONGER_CONTEXT_MODEL : OpenAIAssistant.DEFAULT_MODEL,
...(model ? { model } : undefined),
user: userIdHash,
...(this._maxTokens ? {
max_tokens: this._maxTokens,
} : undefined),
@ -244,7 +281,7 @@ export class OpenAIAssistant implements Assistant {
const result = JSON.parse(resultText);
const errorCode = result.error?.code;
if (errorCode === "context_length_exceeded" || result.choices?.[0].finish_reason === "length") {
if (!longerContext) {
if (!longerContext && this._longerContextModel) {
log.info("Switching to longer context model...");
throw new SwitchToLongerContext();
} else if (messages.length <= 2) {
@ -394,14 +431,10 @@ export function getAssistant() {
if (process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY === 'test') {
return new EchoAssistant();
if (process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY) {
return new OpenAIAssistant();
// Maintaining this is too much of a burden for now.
// if (process.env.HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY) {
// return new HuggingFaceAssistant();
// }
throw new Error('Please set OPENAI_API_KEY');

@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ export function makeGristConfig(options: MakeGristConfigOptons): GristLoadConfig
supportedLngs: readLoadedLngs(req?.i18n),
namespaces: readLoadedNamespaces(req?.i18n),
featureComments: isAffirmative(process.env.COMMENTS),
featureFormulaAssistant: Boolean(process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY),
featureFormulaAssistant: Boolean(process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY || process.env.ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT),
assistantService: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ? 'OpenAI' : undefined,
supportEmail: SUPPORT_EMAIL,
userLocale: (req as RequestWithLogin | undefined)?.user?.options?.locale,
telemetry: server?.getTelemetry().getTelemetryConfig(),

@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
"I can only help with formulas. I cannot build tables, columns, and views, or write access rules.": "Sólo puedo ayudar con fórmulas. No puedo construir tablas, columnas y vistas, ni escribir reglas de acceso.",
"Sign Up for Free": "Regístrate gratis",
"There are some things you should know when working with me:": "Hay algunas cosas que debes saber cuando trabajes conmigo:",
"Formula AI Assistant is only available for logged in users.": "Formula AI Assistant sólo está disponible para usuarios registrados."
"Formula AI Assistant is only available for logged in users.": "Asistente de Fórmula de IA sólo está disponible para usuarios registrados."
"GridView": {
"Click to insert": "Haga clic para insertar"

@ -830,7 +830,9 @@
"Cell Style": "Style de cellule",
"Default cell style": "Style par défaut",
"Mixed style": "Style composite"
"Mixed style": "Style composite",
"Header Style": "Style de l'entête",
"Default header style": "Style par défaut"
"DiscussionEditor": {
"Comment": "Commentaire",

@ -67,7 +67,22 @@
"Importer": {
"Update existing records": "Aggiorna i record esistenti",
"Merge rows that match these fields:": "Unisci le righe che corrispondono a questi campi:",
"Select fields to match on": "Seleziona i campi da far corrispondere"
"Select fields to match on": "Seleziona i campi da far corrispondere",
"Column Mapping": "Corrispondenze nelle colonne",
"Column mapping": "Corrispondenze nelle colonne",
"Destination table": "Tabella di destinazione",
"Grist column": "Colonna di Grist",
"Import from file": "Importa da file",
"New Table": "Nuova tabella",
"Revert": "Ripristina",
"Skip": "Salta",
"{{count}} unmatched field in import_one": "{{count}} campi senza equivalente nell'importazione",
"{{count}} unmatched field in import_other": "{{count}} campi senza equivalente nell'importazione",
"{{count}} unmatched field_one": "{{count}} campi senza equivalente",
"{{count}} unmatched field_other": "{{count}} campi senza equivalente",
"Skip Import": "Salta l'importazione",
"Skip Table on Import": "Salta la tabella nell'importazione",
"Source column": "Colonna di origine"
"NotifyUI": {
"Cannot find personal site, sorry!": "Spiacente, impossibile trovare il sito personale!",
@ -236,7 +251,10 @@
"Mixed style": "Stile misto",
"Open row styles": "Apri stili riga",
"Default cell style": "Stile cella di default"
"Default cell style": "Stile cella di default",
"Default header style": "Stile di default per l'intestazione",
"Header Style": "Stile per l'intestazione",
"ChoiceTextBox": {
@ -1059,7 +1077,8 @@
"Sign Up for Free": "Iscriviti gratis",
"There are some things you should know when working with me:": "Ecco alcune cose da sapere quando lavori con me:",
"What do you need help with?": "In che cosa posso aiutarti?",
"Sign up for a free Grist account to start using the Formula AI Assistant.": "Iscriviti a un account gratuito di Grist per usare l'Assistente IA per le formule."
"Sign up for a free Grist account to start using the Formula AI Assistant.": "Iscriviti a un account gratuito di Grist per usare l'Assistente IA per le formule.",
"Formula AI Assistant is only available for logged in users.": "L'assistente IA per le formule è disponibile solo dopo aver effettuato l'accesso."
"GridView": {
"Click to insert": "Clicca per inserire"

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
"Activation": "Активация",
"Billing Account": "Расчетный счет",
"Sign In": "Войти",
"Sign Up": "Подписаться",
"Sign Up": "Зарегистрироваться",
"Use This Template": "Использовать этот шаблон"
"ActionLog": {

@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ describe('gristUrlState', function() {
it('should support an update function to pushUrl and makeUrl', async function() {
mockWindow.location = new URL('https://bar.example.com/doc/DOC/p/5') as unknown as Location;
const state = UrlState.create(null, mockWindow, prod) as UrlState<IGristUrlState>;
await state.pushUrl({params: {style: 'light', linkParameters: {foo: 'A', bar: 'B'}}});
assert.equal(mockWindow.location.href, 'https://bar.example.com/doc/DOC/p/5?style=light&foo_=A&bar_=B');
await state.pushUrl({params: {style: 'singlePage', linkParameters: {foo: 'A', bar: 'B'}}});
assert.equal(mockWindow.location.href, 'https://bar.example.com/doc/DOC/p/5?style=singlePage&foo_=A&bar_=B');
state.loadState(); // changing linkParameters requires a page reload
assert.equal(state.makeUrl((prevState) => merge({}, prevState, {params: {style: 'full'}})),

@ -1,8 +1,52 @@
import {parseFirstUrlPart} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {decodeUrl, IGristUrlState, parseFirstUrlPart} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {assert} from 'chai';
describe('gristUrls', function() {
function assertUrlDecode(url: string, expected: Partial<IGristUrlState>) {
const actual = decodeUrl({}, new URL(url));
for (const property in expected) {
const expectedValue = expected[property as keyof IGristUrlState];
const actualValue = actual[property as keyof IGristUrlState];
assert.deepEqual(actualValue, expectedValue);
describe('encodeUrl', function() {
it('should detect theme appearance override', function() {
{params: {themeAppearance: 'light'}},
{params: {themeAppearance: 'dark'}},
it('should detect theme sync with os override', function() {
{params: {themeSyncWithOs: true}},
it('should detect theme name override', function() {
{params: {themeName: 'GristLight'}},
{params: {themeName: 'GristDark'}},
describe('parseFirstUrlPart', function() {
it('should strip out matching tag', function() {
assert.deepEqual(parseFirstUrlPart('o', '/o/foo/bar?x#y'), {value: 'foo', path: '/bar?x#y'});

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
* OPENAI_API_KEY=<my_openai_api_key> node core/test/formula-dataset/runCompletion.js
* or
* ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT=http.... node core/test/formula-dataset/runCompletion.js
* (see Assistance.ts for more options).
* VERBOSE=1 OPENAI_API_KEY=<my_openai_api_key> node core/test/formula-dataset/runCompletion.js
@ -68,7 +71,8 @@ const SIMULATE_CONVERSATION = true;
const FOLLOWUP_EVALUATE = false;
export async function runCompletion() {
ActiveDocDeps.ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT = 600;
// This could take a long time for LLMs running on underpowered hardware >:)
ActiveDocDeps.ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT = 500000;
// if template directory not exists, make it
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(PATH_TO_DOC))) {

@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ async function openMenu(tableId: string) {
async function waitForRawData() {
await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 1000);
await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 2000);
await gu.waitForServer();
