(core) API reworked to use POST to create webhook and DELET to remove it

introduces POST /api/docs/{docId}/webhooks and DELETE /api/docs/{docId}/webhooks/{webhookId} on place of old _subscribe and _unsubscribe endpoints.
Remove checking for unsubscribeKey while deleting webhook - only owner can delete webhook using DELETE endpoint. subscription key is still needed for _unsubscribe endpoint.
old _unsubscribe and _subscribe endpoints are still active and work as before - no changes there.

Posting schema:

POST /api/docs/[docId]/webhooks

Request Body:

    "webhooks": [
            "fields": {
                "url": "https://webhook.site/3bd02246-f122-445e-ba7f-bf5ea5bb6eb1",
                "eventTypes": [
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "WebhookName",
                "memo": "just a text",
                "tableId": "Table1"
            "fields": {
                "url": "https://webhook.site/3bd02246-f122-445e-ba7f-bf5ea5bb6eb2",
                "eventTypes": [
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "OtherWebhookName",
                "memo": "just a text",
                "tableId": "Table1"

Expected response: WebhookId for each webhook posted:

    "webhooks": [
            "id": "85c77108-f1e1-4217-a50d-acd1c5996da2"
            "id": "d87a6402-cfd7-4822-878c-657308fcc8c3"

Deleting webhooks:

DELETE api/docs/[docId]/webhooks/[webhookId]

there is no payload in DELETE request. Therefore only one webhook can be deleted at once


    "success": true

Test Plan: Old unit test improved to handle new endpoints, and one more added to check if endpoints are in fact created/removed

Reviewers: alexmojaki

Reviewed By: alexmojaki

Subscribers: paulfitz, alexmojaki

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3916
Jakub Serafin 11 months ago
parent ea8a59c5e9
commit a9f4cfde90

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ export const WebhookFields = t.iface([], {
"memo": t.opt("string"),
export const Webhook = t.iface([], {
"fields": "WebhookFields",
export const WebhookBatchStatus = t.union(t.lit('success'), t.lit('failure'), t.lit('rejected'));
export const WebhookStatus = t.union(t.lit('idle'), t.lit('sending'), t.lit('retrying'), t.lit('postponed'), t.lit('error'), t.lit('invalid'));
@ -27,6 +31,10 @@ export const WebhookSubscribe = t.iface([], {
"memo": t.opt("string"),
export const WebhookSubscribeCollection = t.iface([], {
"webhooks": t.array("Webhook"),
export const WebhookSummary = t.iface([], {
"id": "string",
"fields": t.iface([], {
@ -80,9 +88,11 @@ export const WebhookUsage = t.iface([], {
const exportedTypeSuite: t.ITypeSuite = {

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
export interface WebhookSubscribeCollection{
webhooks: Array<Webhook>
export interface Webhook {
fields: WebhookFields;
export interface WebhookFields {
url: string;
eventTypes: Array<"add"|"update">;
@ -24,6 +32,8 @@ export interface WebhookSubscribe {
memo?: string;
export interface WebhookSummary {
id: string;
fields: {

@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
import {concatenateSummaries, summarizeAction} from "app/common/ActionSummarizer";
import {createEmptyActionSummary} from "app/common/ActionSummary";
import {ApiError, LimitType} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {BrowserSettings} from "app/common/BrowserSettings";
import {
} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {BulkColValues, ColValues, fromTableDataAction, TableColValues, TableRecordValue} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {isRaisedException} from "app/common/gristTypes";
import {buildUrlId, parseUrlId} from "app/common/gristUrls";
import {isAffirmative} from "app/common/gutil";
@ -15,8 +10,9 @@ import {SchemaTypes} from "app/common/schema";
import {SortFunc} from 'app/common/SortFunc';
import {Sort} from 'app/common/SortSpec';
import {MetaRowRecord} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {DocReplacementOptions, DocState, DocStateComparison, DocStates, NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {WebhookFields} from "app/common/Triggers";
import TriggersTI from 'app/common/Triggers-ti';
import {DocReplacementOptions, DocState, DocStateComparison, DocStates, NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {HomeDBManager, makeDocAuthResult} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import * as Types from "app/plugin/DocApiTypes";
import DocApiTypesTI from "app/plugin/DocApiTypes-ti";
@ -28,8 +24,8 @@ import {
} from 'app/plugin/TableOperationsImpl';
import {concatenateSummaries, summarizeAction} from "app/common/ActionSummarizer";
import {ActiveDoc, colIdToRef as colIdToReference, tableIdToRef} from "app/server/lib/ActiveDoc";
import {sendForCompletion} from 'app/server/lib/Assistance';
import {
@ -44,8 +40,8 @@ import {DocWorker} from "app/server/lib/DocWorker";
import {IDocWorkerMap} from "app/server/lib/DocWorkerMap";
import {DownloadOptions, parseExportParameters} from "app/server/lib/Export";
import {downloadCSV} from "app/server/lib/ExportCSV";
import {downloadXLSX} from "app/server/lib/ExportXLSX";
import {collectTableSchemaInFrictionlessFormat} from "app/server/lib/ExportTableSchema";
import {downloadXLSX} from "app/server/lib/ExportXLSX";
import {expressWrap} from 'app/server/lib/expressWrap';
import {filterDocumentInPlace} from "app/server/lib/filterUtils";
import {googleAuthTokenMiddleware} from "app/server/lib/GoogleAuth";
@ -110,7 +106,8 @@ for (const checker of [RecordsPatch, RecordsPost, RecordsPut, ColumnsPost, Colum
// Schema validators for api endpoints that creates or updates records.
const {
} = t.createCheckers(TriggersTI);
@ -240,13 +237,77 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
async function getWebhookSettings(activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: RequestWithLogin, webhookId: string|null) {
const registerWebhook = async (activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: RequestWithLogin, webhook: WebhookFields) => {
const {fields, url} = await getWebhookSettings(activeDoc, req, null, webhook);
if (!fields.eventTypes?.length) {
throw new ApiError(`eventTypes must be a non-empty array`, 400);
if (!isUrlAllowed(url)) {
throw new ApiError('Provided url is forbidden', 403);
if (!fields.tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`tableId is required`, 400);
const unsubscribeKey = uuidv4();
const webhookSecret: WebHookSecret = {unsubscribeKey, url};
const secretValue = JSON.stringify(webhookSecret);
const webhookId = (await this._dbManager.addSecret(secretValue, activeDoc.docName)).id;
try {
const webhookAction: WebhookAction = {type: "webhook", id: webhookId};
const sandboxRes = await handleSandboxError("_grist_Triggers", [], activeDoc.applyUserActions(
[['AddRecord', "_grist_Triggers", null, {
enabled: true,
actions: JSON.stringify([webhookAction])
return {
triggerId: sandboxRes.retValues[0],
} catch (err) {
// remove webhook
await this._dbManager.removeWebhook(webhookId, activeDoc.docName, '', false);
throw err;
} finally {
await activeDoc.sendWebhookNotification();
const removeWebhook = async (activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: RequestWithLogin, res: Response) => {
const {unsubscribeKey} = req.body as WebhookSubscription;
const webhookId = req.params.webhookId??req.body.webhookId;
// owner does not need to provide unsubscribeKey
const checkKey = !(await this._isOwner(req));
const triggerRowId = activeDoc.triggers.getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId).id;
// Validate unsubscribeKey before deleting trigger from document
await this._dbManager.removeWebhook(webhookId, activeDoc.docName, unsubscribeKey, checkKey);
await handleSandboxError("_grist_Triggers", [], activeDoc.applyUserActions(
[['RemoveRecord', "_grist_Triggers", triggerRowId]]));
await activeDoc.sendWebhookNotification();
res.json({success: true});
async function getWebhookSettings(activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: RequestWithLogin,
webhookId: string|null, webhook: WebhookFields) {
const metaTables = await getMetaTables(activeDoc, req);
const tablesTable = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables");
const trigger = webhookId ? activeDoc.triggers.getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId) : undefined;
let currentTableId = trigger ? tablesTable.getValue(trigger.tableRef, 'tableId')! : undefined;
const {url, eventTypes, isReadyColumn, name} = req.body;
const tableId = req.params.tableId || req.body.tableId;
const {url, eventTypes, isReadyColumn, name} = webhook;
const tableId = req.params.tableId || webhook.tableId;
const fields: Partial<SchemaTypes['_grist_Triggers']> = {};
if (url && !isUrlAllowed(url)) {
@ -282,7 +343,7 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// assign other field properties
Object.assign(fields, _.pick(req.body, ['enabled', 'memo']));
Object.assign(fields, _.pick(webhook, ['enabled', 'memo']));
if (name) {
fields.label = name;
@ -622,87 +683,57 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Add a new webhook and trigger
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/_subscribe', isOwner, validate(WebhookSubscribe),
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks', isOwner, validate(WebhookSubscribeCollection),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const {fields, url} = await getWebhookSettings(activeDoc, req, null);
if (!fields.eventTypes?.length) {
throw new ApiError(`eventTypes must be a non-empty array`, 400);
if (!isUrlAllowed(url)) {
throw new ApiError('Provided url is forbidden', 403);
if (!fields.tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`tableId is required`, 400);
const unsubscribeKey = uuidv4();
const webhook: WebHookSecret = {unsubscribeKey, url};
const secretValue = JSON.stringify(webhook);
const webhookId = (await this._dbManager.addSecret(secretValue, activeDoc.docName)).id;
try {
const webhookAction: WebhookAction = {type: "webhook", id: webhookId};
const sandboxRes = await handleSandboxError("_grist_Triggers", [], activeDoc.applyUserActions(
[['AddRecord', "_grist_Triggers", null, {
enabled: true,
actions: JSON.stringify([webhookAction])
triggerId: sandboxRes.retValues[0],
} catch (err) {
// remove webhook
await this._dbManager.removeWebhook(webhookId, activeDoc.docName, '', false);
throw err;
} finally {
await activeDoc.sendWebhookNotification();
const registeredWebhooks: Array<WebhookSubscription> = [];
for(const webhook of req.body.webhooks) {
const registeredWebhook = await registerWebhook(activeDoc, req, webhook.fields);
res.json({webhooks: registeredWebhooks.map(rw=> {
return {id: rw.webhookId};
// Remove webhook and trigger created above
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/_unsubscribe', canEdit,
@deprecated please call to POST /webhooks instead, this endpoint is only for sake of backward compatibility
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/_subscribe', isOwner, validate(WebhookSubscribe),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const metaTables = await getMetaTables(activeDoc, req);
const tableRef = tableIdToRef(metaTables, req.params.tableId);
const {unsubscribeKey, webhookId} = req.body as WebhookSubscription;
// Validate combination of triggerId, webhookId, and tableRef.
// This is overly strict, webhookId should be enough,
// but it should be easy to relax that later if we want.
const triggerRowId = activeDoc.triggers.getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId, tableRef).id;
const checkKey = !(await this._isOwner(req));
// Validate unsubscribeKey before deleting trigger from document
await this._dbManager.removeWebhook(webhookId, activeDoc.docName, unsubscribeKey, checkKey);
// TODO handle trigger containing other actions when that becomes possible
await handleSandboxError("_grist_Triggers", [], activeDoc.applyUserActions(
[['RemoveRecord', "_grist_Triggers", triggerRowId]]));
const registeredWebhook = await registerWebhook(activeDoc, req, req.body);
// Clears all outgoing webhooks in the queue for this document.
this._app.delete('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/queue', isOwner,
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
await activeDoc.clearWebhookQueue();
await activeDoc.sendWebhookNotification();
res.json({success: true});
// Remove webhook and trigger created above
this._app.delete('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/:webhookId', isOwner,
@deprecated please call to DEL /webhooks instead, this endpoint is only for sake of backward compatibility
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/_unsubscribe', canEdit,
// Update a webhook
'/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/:webhookId', isOwner, validate(WebhookPatch), withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const docId = activeDoc.docName;
const webhookId = req.params.webhookId;
const {fields, trigger, url} = await getWebhookSettings(activeDoc, req, webhookId);
const {fields, trigger, url} = await getWebhookSettings(activeDoc, req, webhookId, req.body);
const triggerRowId = activeDoc.triggers.getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId).id;
@ -731,14 +762,7 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Clears all outgoing webhooks in the queue for this document.
this._app.delete('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/queue', isOwner,
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
await activeDoc.clearWebhookQueue();
await activeDoc.sendWebhookNotification();
res.json({success: true});
// Lists all webhooks and their current status in the document.
this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks', isOwner,
@ -1109,7 +1133,6 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
return res.status(200).json(docId);
* Check for read access to the given document, and return its
* canonical docId. Throws error if read access not available.
@ -1127,11 +1150,10 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
private _getDownloadOptions(req: Request, name: string): DownloadOptions {
const params = parseExportParameters(req);
const options: DownloadOptions = {
return {
filename: name + (params.tableId === name ? '' : '-' + params.tableId),
return options;
private _getActiveDoc(req: RequestWithLogin): Promise<ActiveDoc> {

@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ export class DocTriggers {
return result;
public getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId: string, tableRef?: number) {
public getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId: string) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData!;
const triggersTable = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Triggers");
const trigger = triggersTable.getRecords().find(t => {
@ -304,9 +304,6 @@ export class DocTriggers {
if (!trigger) {
throw new ApiError(`Webhook not found "${webhookId || ''}"`, 404);
if (tableRef && trigger.tableRef !== tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`Wrong table`, 400);
return trigger;

@ -2772,93 +2772,245 @@ function testDocApi() {
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_subscribe validates inputs", async function () {
async function check(requestBody: any, status: number, ...errors: RegExp[]) {
describe('webhooks related endpoints', async function () {
Regression test for old _subscribe endpoint. /docs/{did}/webhooks should be used instead to subscribe
async function oldSubscribeCheck(requestBody: any, status: number, ...errors: RegExp[]) {
const resp = await axios.post(
requestBody, chimpy
assert.equal(resp.status, status);
for (const error of errors) {
assert.match(resp.data.details?.userError || resp.data.error, error);
async function postWebhookCheck(requestBody: any, status: number, ...errors: RegExp[]) {
const resp = await axios.post(
requestBody, chimpy
assert.equal(resp.status, status);
for (const error of errors) {
assert.match(resp.data.details?.userError || resp.data.error, error);
return resp.data;
await check({}, 400, /eventTypes is missing/);
await check({eventTypes: 0}, 400, /url is missing/, /eventTypes is not an array/);
await check({eventTypes: []}, 400, /url is missing/);
await check({eventTypes: [], url: "https://example.com"}, 400, /eventTypes must be a non-empty array/);
await check({eventTypes: ["foo"], url: "https://example.com"}, 400, /eventTypes\[0] is none of "add", "update"/);
await check({eventTypes: ["add"]}, 400, /url is missing/);
await check({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://evil.com"}, 403, /Provided url is forbidden/);
await check({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "http://example.com"}, 403, /Provided url is forbidden/); // not https
await check({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com", isReadyColumn: "bar"}, 404, /Column not found "bar"/);
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_subscribe validates inputs", async function () {
async function userCheck(user: AxiosRequestConfig, requestBody: any, status: number, responseBody: any) {
const resp = await axios.post(
requestBody, user
assert.equal(resp.status, status);
if (status !== 200) {
responseBody = {error: responseBody};
await oldSubscribeCheck({}, 400, /eventTypes is missing/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: 0}, 400, /url is missing/, /eventTypes is not an array/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: []}, 400, /url is missing/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: [], url: "https://example.com"}, 400, /eventTypes must be a non-empty array/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: ["foo"], url: "https://example.com"}, 400, /eventTypes\[0] is none of "add", "update"/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: ["add"]}, 400, /url is missing/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://evil.com"}, 403, /Provided url is forbidden/);
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "http://example.com"}, 403, /Provided url is forbidden/); // not https
await oldSubscribeCheck({eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com", isReadyColumn: "bar"}, 404, /Column not found "bar"/);
// in this endpoint webhookID is in body, not in path, so it also should be verified
it("POST /docs/{did}/webhooks validates inputs", async function () {
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1"}}]}, 400,
/eventTypes is missing/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: 0}}]}, 400,
/url is missing/, /eventTypes is not an array/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: []}}]},
400, /url is missing/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: [],
url: "https://example.com"}}]},
400, /eventTypes must be a non-empty array/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["foo"],
url: "https://example.com"}}]},
400, /eventTypes\[0] is none of "add", "update"/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"]}}]},
400, /url is missing/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"],
url: "https://evil.com"}}]},
403, /Provided url is forbidden/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"],
url: "http://example.com"}}]},
403, /Provided url is forbidden/); // not https
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"],
url: "https://example.com", isReadyColumn: "bar"}}]},
404, /Column not found "bar"/);
await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields: {eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}}]},
400, /tableId is missing/);
await postWebhookCheck({}, 400, /webhooks is missing/);
async function userCheck(user: AxiosRequestConfig, requestBody: any, status: number, responseBody: any) {
const resp = await axios.post(
requestBody, user
assert.equal(resp.status, status);
if (status !== 200) {
responseBody = {error: responseBody};
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, responseBody);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, responseBody);
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_unsubscribe validates inputs for owners", async function () {
const subscribeResponse = await axios.post(
{eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}, chimpy
assert.equal(subscribeResponse.status, 200);
// Owner doesn't need unsubscribeKey.
const {webhookId} = subscribeResponse.data;
async function userDeleteCheck(user: AxiosRequestConfig, webhookId: string, status: number, ...errors: RegExp[]) {
const resp = await axios.delete(
assert.equal(resp.status, status);
for (const error of errors) {
assert.match(resp.data.details?.userError || resp.data.error, error);
interface SubscriptionInfo{
unsubscribeKey: string;
webhookId: string;
async function subscribeWebhook(): Promise<SubscriptionInfo> {
const subscribeResponse = await axios.post(
{eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}, chimpy
assert.equal(subscribeResponse.status, 200);
// Editor needs unsubscribeKey.
const {unsubscribeKey, webhookId} = subscribeResponse.data;
return {unsubscribeKey, webhookId};
const check = userCheck.bind(null, chimpy);
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_unsubscribe validates inputs for owners", async function () {
// Owner doesn't need unsubscribeKey.
const {webhookId} = await subscribeWebhook();
await check({webhookId: "foo"}, 404, `Webhook not found "foo"`);
await check({}, 404, `Webhook not found ""`);
const check = userCheck.bind(null, chimpy);
// Actually unsubscribe
await check({webhookId}, 200, {success: true});
await check({webhookId: "foo"}, 404, `Webhook not found "foo"`);
await check({}, 404, `Webhook not found ""`);
// Trigger is now deleted!
await check({webhookId}, 404, `Webhook not found "${webhookId}"`);
// Actually unsubscribe
await check({webhookId}, 200, {success: true});
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_unsubscribe validates inputs for editors", async function () {
const subscribeResponse = await axios.post(
{eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}, chimpy
assert.equal(subscribeResponse.status, 200);
// Editor needs unsubscribeKey.
const {unsubscribeKey, webhookId} = subscribeResponse.data;
// Trigger is now deleted!
await check({webhookId}, 404, `Webhook not found "${webhookId}"`);
const delta = {
users: {"kiwi@getgrist.com": 'editors' as string | null}
let accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
it("DELETE /docs/{did}/tables/webhooks validates inputs for owners", async function () {
// Owner doesn't need unsubscribeKey.
const {webhookId} = await subscribeWebhook();
const check = userDeleteCheck.bind(null, chimpy);
await check("foo", 404, /Webhook not found "foo"/);
await check("", 404, /not found/, new RegExp(`/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/webhooks/`));
const check = userCheck.bind(null, kiwi);
await check({webhookId: "foo"}, 404, `Webhook not found "foo"`);
await check({webhookId}, 400, 'Bad request: unsubscribeKey required');
await check({webhookId, unsubscribeKey: "foo"}, 401, 'Wrong unsubscribeKey');
// Actually unsubscribe
await check(webhookId, 200);
// Actually unsubscribe
await check({webhookId, unsubscribeKey}, 200, {success: true});
// Trigger is now deleted!
await check(webhookId, 404, new RegExp(`Webhook not found "${webhookId}"`));
async function getRegisteredWebhooks() {
const response = await axios.get(
`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/webhooks`, chimpy);
return response.data;
async function deleteWebhookCheck(webhookId: any) {
const response = await axios.delete(
`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/webhooks/${webhookId}`, chimpy);
return response.data;
// Trigger is now deleted!
await check({webhookId, unsubscribeKey}, 404, `Webhook not found "${webhookId}"`);
it("POST /docs/{did}/webhooks is adding new webhook to table "+
"and DELETE /docs/{did}/webhooks/{wid} is removing new webhook from table", async function(){
const registeredWebhook = await postWebhookCheck({webhooks:[{fields:{tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}}]}, 200);
let webhookList = await getRegisteredWebhooks();
assert.equal(webhookList.length, 1);
assert.equal(webhookList[0].id, registeredWebhook.webhooks[0].id);
await deleteWebhookCheck(registeredWebhook.webhooks[0].id);
webhookList = await getRegisteredWebhooks();
assert.equal(webhookList.length, 0);
// Remove editor access
delta.users['kiwi@getgrist.com'] = null;
accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
it("POST /docs/{did}/webhooks is adding new webhook should be able to add many webhooks at once", async function(){
const response = await postWebhookCheck(
{fields:{tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com"}},
{fields:{tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com/2"}},
{fields:{tableId: "Table1", eventTypes: ["add"], url: "https://example.com/3"}},
]}, 200);
assert.equal(response.webhooks.length, 3);
const webhookList = await getRegisteredWebhooks();
assert.equal(webhookList.length, 3);
it("POST /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/_unsubscribe validates inputs for editors", async function () {
const subscribeResponse = await subscribeWebhook();
const delta = {
users: {"kiwi@getgrist.com": 'editors' as string | null}
let accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
const check = userCheck.bind(null, kiwi);
await check({webhookId: "foo"}, 404, `Webhook not found "foo"`);
//no unsubscribeKey - should be not accepted for role other that owner
await check({webhookId: subscribeResponse.webhookId}, 400, 'Bad request: unsubscribeKey required');
//wrong unsubscribeKey - it should not be accepted
//subscribeResponse = await subscribeWebhook();
await check({webhookId: subscribeResponse.webhookId, unsubscribeKey: "foo"},
401, 'Wrong unsubscribeKey');
//subscribeResponse = await subscribeWebhook();
// Actually unsubscribe with the same unsubscribeKey that was returned by registration
await check({webhookId: subscribeResponse.webhookId, unsubscribeKey:subscribeResponse.unsubscribeKey},
200, {success: true});
// Trigger is now deleted!
await check({webhookId: subscribeResponse.webhookId, unsubscribeKey:subscribeResponse.unsubscribeKey},
404, `Webhook not found "${subscribeResponse.webhookId}"`);
// Remove editor access
delta.users['kiwi@getgrist.com'] = null;
accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
it("DELETE /docs/{did}/tables/webhooks should not be allowed for not-owner", async function () {
const subscribeResponse = await subscribeWebhook();
const check = userDeleteCheck.bind(null, kiwi);
const delta = {
users: {"kiwi@getgrist.com": 'editors' as string | null}
let accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
// Actually unsubscribe with the same unsubscribeKey that was returned by registration - it shouldn't be accepted
await check(subscribeResponse.webhookId, 403, /No owner access/);
// Remove editor access
delta.users['kiwi@getgrist.com'] = null;
accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/access`, {delta}, chimpy);
assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200);
describe("Daily API Limit", () => {
@ -2924,7 +3076,8 @@ function testDocApi() {
for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
const last = i === 9;
m = moment.utc(); // get this before delaying to calculate accurate keys below
const response = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/tables/Table1/records`, chimpy);
const response = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/tables/Table1/records`,
// Allow time for redis to be updated.
await delay(100);
if (i <= 4) {
@ -3184,7 +3337,8 @@ function testDocApi() {
app.post('/404', ({body}, res) => {
res.sendStatus(404); // Webhooks treats it as an error and will retry. Probably it shouldn't work this way.
// Webhooks treats it as an error and will retry. Probably it shouldn't work this way.
app.post('/probe', async ({body}, res) => {
@ -3264,7 +3418,8 @@ function testDocApi() {
it("delivers expected payloads from combinations of changes, with retrying and batching", async function () {
it("delivers expected payloads from combinations of changes, with retrying and batching",
async function () {
// Create a test document.
const ws1 = (await userApi.getOrgWorkspaces('current'))[0].id;
const docId = await userApi.newDoc({name: 'testdoc'}, ws1);
