(core) Extending widget

- Adding new option 'strictType' to widget mapping
- Refreshing mappings when widget options are changed

Test Plan: Updated

Reviewers: JakubSerafin

Reviewed By: JakubSerafin

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D4061
Jarosław Sadziński 8 months ago
parent 572279916e
commit a8e0f96813

@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ export class ColumnToMapImpl implements Required<ColumnToMap> {
// If column is optional (used only on the UI).
public optional: boolean;
// Type of the column that widget expects. Might be a single or a comma separated list of types.
// "Any" means that any type is allowed (unless strictType is true).
public type: string;
// If true, the column type is strict and cannot be any type.
public strictType: boolean;
// Description of the type (used to show a placeholder).
public typeDesc: string;
// Allow multiple column assignment (like Series in Charts).
@ -29,14 +32,26 @@ export class ColumnToMapImpl implements Required<ColumnToMap> {
this.typeDesc = this.type.split(',')
.map(t => String(UserType.typeDefs[t]?.label ?? "any").toLowerCase()).join(', ');
this.allowMultiple = typeof def === 'string' ? false : (def.allowMultiple ?? false);
this.strictType = typeof def === 'string' ? false : (def.strictType ?? false);
* Does the column type matches this definition.
* Here are use case examples, for better understanding (Any is treated as a star):
* 1. Widget sets "Text", user can map to "Text" or "Any".
* 2. Widget sets "Any", user can map to "Int", "Toggle", "Any" and any other type.
* 3. Widget sets "Text,Int", user can map to "Text", "Int", "Any"
* With strictType, the Any in the widget is treated as Any, not a star.
* 1. Widget sets "Text", user can map to "Text".
* 2. Widget sets "Any", user can map to "Any". Not to "Text", "Int", etc. NOTICE: here Any in widget is not a star,
* widget expects Any as a type so "Toggle" column won't be allowed.
* 3. Widget sets "Text,Int", user can only map to "Text", "Int".
* 4. Widget sets "Text,Any", user can only map to "Text", "Any".
public canByMapped(pureType: string) {
return this.type.split(',').includes(pureType)
|| pureType === "Any"
|| this.type === "Any";
const isAny = pureType === "Any" || this.type === "Any";
return this.type.split(',').includes(pureType) || (isAny && !this.strictType);

@ -714,16 +714,23 @@ export function createViewSectionRec(this: ViewSectionRec, docModel: DocModel):
if (widgetCol.allowMultiple) {
// We expect a list of colRefs be mapped;
if (!Array.isArray(mappedCol)) { continue; }
result[widgetCol.name] = mappedCol
const columns = mappedCol
// Remove all colRefs saved but deleted
.filter(cId => colMap.has(cId))
// And those with wrong type.
.filter(cId => widgetCol.canByMapped(colMap.get(cId)!.pureType()))
.map(cId => colMap.get(cId)!.colId());
.map(cId => colMap.get(cId)!);
// Make a subscription to get notified when widget options are changed.
columns.forEach(c => c.widgetOptions());
result[widgetCol.name] = columns.map(c => c.colId());
} else {
// Widget expects a single value and existing column
if (Array.isArray(mappedCol) || !colMap.has(mappedCol)) { continue; }
const selectedColumn = colMap.get(mappedCol)!;
// Make a subscription to the column to get notified when it changes.
void selectedColumn.widgetOptions();
result[widgetCol.name] = widgetCol.canByMapped(selectedColumn.pureType()) ? selectedColumn.colId() : null;

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export const ColumnToMap = t.iface([], {
"type": t.opt("string"),
"optional": t.opt("boolean"),
"allowMultiple": t.opt("boolean"),
"strictType": t.opt("boolean"),
export const ColumnsToMap = t.array(t.union("string", "ColumnToMap"));

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ export interface ColumnToMap {
description?: string|null,
* Column type, by default ANY.
* Column types (as comma separated list), by default "Any", what means that any type is
* allowed (unless strictType is true).
type?: string, // GristType, TODO: ts-interface-checker doesn't know how to parse this
@ -27,6 +28,10 @@ export interface ColumnToMap {
* Allow multiple column assignment, the result will be list of mapped table column names.
allowMultiple?: boolean,
* Match column type strictly, so "Any" will require "Any" and not any other type.
strictType?: boolean,
export type ColumnsToMap = (string|ColumnToMap)[];

@ -39,5 +39,10 @@
<button onclick="mappings()">mappings</button>
<button onclick="configure()">configure</button>
<button onclick="clearOptions()">clearOptions</button>
<button onclick="clearLog()">clearLog</button>
<div>meta columns:</div>
<textarea id="log"></textarea>

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ function setup() {
document.getElementById('onRecords').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data);
document.getElementById('onRecordsMappings').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(mappings);
grist.on('message', event => {
const existing = document.getElementById('log').textContent || '';
const newContent = `${existing}\n${JSON.stringify(event)}`.trim();
document.getElementById('log').innerHTML = newContent;
async function run(handler) {
@ -67,6 +73,11 @@ async function configure() {
return run((options) => grist.sectionApi.configure(...options));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function clearLog() {
return run(() => document.getElementById('log').textContent = '');
window.onload = () => {
document.getElementById('ready').innerText = 'ready';

@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordsMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
public async log() {
const text = await this._read('#log');
return text || '';
// Wait for frame to close.
public async waitForClose() {
await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('iframe').isPresent()), 3000);
@ -293,6 +297,9 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
public async mappings() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('mappings');
public async clearLog() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearLog');
// Invoke method on a Custom Widget.
// Each method is available as a button with content that is equal to the method name.
// It accepts single argument, that we pass by serializing it to #input textbox. Widget invokes
@ -679,7 +686,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
columns: [
{name: 'M1', type: 'Date,DateTime'},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Date,DateTime', allowMultiple: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Date, DateTime ', allowMultiple: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -731,6 +738,94 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await revert();
it('should support strictType setting', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Any', type: 'Any', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date_Numeric', type: 'Date, Numeric', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date_Any', type: 'Date, Any', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date', type: 'Date', strictType: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await accept();
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.sendActions([
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Any', {type: 'Any'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Date', {type: 'Date'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Numeric', {type: 'Numeric'}],
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
// Make sure we have no mappings
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), null);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Date']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date_Any'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Any', 'Date']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Date_Numeric'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Date', 'Numeric']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Any'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['Any']);
await revert();
it('should react to widget options change', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Choice', type: 'Choice', strictType: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
const widgetOptions = {
choices: ['A'],
choiceOptions: {A: {textColor: 'red'}}
await gu.sendActions([
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'Choice', {type: 'Choice', widgetOptions: JSON.stringify(widgetOptions)}]
await accept();
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Widget');
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Choice'));
await clickOption('Choice');
// Clear logs
await widget.clearLog();
assert.isEmpty(await widget.log());
// Now update options in that one column;
widgetOptions.choiceOptions.A.textColor = 'blue';
await gu.sendActions([
['ModifyColumn', 'Table1', 'Choice', {widgetOptions: JSON.stringify(widgetOptions)}]
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
// Make sure widget sees that mapping are changed.
assert.equal(await widget.log(), '{"tableId":"Table1","rowId":1,"dataChange":true,"mappingsChange":true}');
await revert();
it('should remove mapping when column is deleted', async () => {
const revert = await gu.begin();
await toggleWidgetMenu();
