(core) Respect sort_by in lookupOne, and allow reverse sorting

Ensure that `lookupOne` (via `RecordSet.get_one`) pays attention to the `sort_by` parameter by picking the first of its sorted list of row IDs.

Allow specifying reverse sort order in `sort_by` by adding `"-"` before the column ID.

Suggested in https://grist.slack.com/archives/C0234CPPXPA/p1665756041063079

Test Plan: Extended Python lookup test

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3675
Alex Hall 2 years ago
parent 0c82b746d0
commit 89259371a5

@ -177,7 +177,15 @@ class RecordSet(object):
return False
def get_one(self):
row_id = min(self._row_ids) if self._row_ids else 0
if not self._row_ids:
# Default to the empty/sample record
row_id = 0
elif self._sort_by:
# Pick the first record in the sorted order
row_id = self._row_ids[0]
# Pick the first record in the order of the underlying table, for backwards compatibility.
row_id = min(self._row_ids)
return self._table.Record(row_id, self._source_relation)
def _get_col(self, col_id):

@ -505,8 +505,15 @@ class Table(object):
lookup_map = self._get_lookup_map(col_ids)
row_id_set, rel = lookup_map.do_lookup(key)
if sort_by:
row_ids = sorted(row_id_set,
key=lambda r: column.SafeSortKey(self._get_col_value(sort_by, r, rel)))
if not isinstance(sort_by, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("sort_by must be a column ID (string)")
reverse = sort_by.startswith("-")
sort_col = sort_by.lstrip("-")
row_ids = sorted(
key=lambda r: column.SafeSortKey(self._get_col_value(sort_col, r, rel)),
row_ids = sorted(row_id_set)
return self.RecordSet(row_ids, rel, group_by=kwargs, sort_by=sort_by)

@ -756,7 +756,23 @@ return ",".join(str(r.id) for r in Students.lookupRecords(firstName=fn, lastName
[1, "Table1", [
[1, "num", "Numeric", False, "", "", ""],
[2, "lookup", "Any", True, "Table1.lookupRecords(sort_by='num').num", "", ""],
[4, "is_num", "Any", True,
"isinstance($num, float)", "", ""],
[2, "lookup", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupRecords(sort_by='num').num", "", ""],
[3, "lookup_reverse", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupRecords(sort_by='-num').num", "", ""],
[5, "lookup_first", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne().num", "", ""],
[6, "lookup_min", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne(sort_by='num').num", "", ""],
[7, "lookup_min_num", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne(is_num=True, sort_by='num').num", "", ""],
[8, "lookup_max", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne(sort_by='-num').num", "", ""],
[9, "lookup_max_num",
"Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne(is_num=True, sort_by='-num').num", "", ""],
"DATA": {
@ -774,8 +790,18 @@ return ",".join(str(r.id) for r in Students.lookupRecords(firstName=fn, lastName
"Table1", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "lookup"],
[1, [None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 'foo']],
"lookup_min", "lookup_min_num",
"lookup_max", "lookup_max_num"],
[None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 'foo'],
['foo', 3, 2, 1, 0, None],
2, # lookup_first: first record (by id)
None, 0, # lookup_min[_num]
'foo', 3], # lookup_max[_num]
def test_conversion(self):
