(core) Add diff preview to Importer

Updates the preview table in Importer to show a diff of changes
when importing into an existing table and updating existing records.

Test Plan: Browser tests.

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3060
George Gevoian 3 years ago
parent d635c97686
commit 62db263d1f

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ export class DocComm extends Disposable implements ActiveDocAPI {
public importFiles = this._wrapMethod("importFiles");
public finishImportFiles = this._wrapMethod("finishImportFiles");
public cancelImportFiles = this._wrapMethod("cancelImportFiles");
public generateImportDiff = this._wrapMethod("generateImportDiff");
public addAttachments = this._wrapMethod("addAttachments");
public findColFromValues = this._wrapMethod("findColFromValues");
public getFormulaError = this._wrapMethod("getFormulaError");

@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ import {ImportSourceElement} from 'app/client/lib/ImportSourceElement';
import {fetchURL, isDriveUrl, selectFiles, uploadFiles} from 'app/client/lib/uploads';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {SortedRowSet} from "app/client/models/rowset";
import {openFilePicker} from "app/client/ui/FileDialog";
import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {colors, testId, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {IOptionFull, linkSelect, multiSelect} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals';
import {loadingSpinner} from "app/client/ui2018/loaders";
import {DataSourceTransformed, ImportResult, ImportTableResult, MergeOptions,
MergeStrategy, TransformColumn, TransformRule, TransformRuleMap} from "app/common/ActiveDocAPI";
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ import {Computed, Disposable, dom, DomContents, IDisposable, MutableObsArray, ob
styled} from 'grainjs';
import {labeledSquareCheckbox} from "app/client/ui2018/checkbox";
import {ACCESS_DENIED, AUTH_INTERRUPTED, canReadPrivateFiles, getGoogleCodeForReading} from "app/client/ui/googleAuth";
import debounce = require('lodash/debounce');
// Special values for import destinations; null means "new table".
// TODO We should also support "skip table" (needs server support), so that one can open, say,
@ -36,27 +39,34 @@ type DestId = string | null;
// We expect a function for creating the preview GridView, to avoid the need to require the
// GridView module here. That brings many dependencies, making a simple test fixture difficult.
type CreatePreviewFunc = (vs: ViewSectionRec) => GridView;
type GridView = IDisposable & {viewPane: HTMLElement};
type GridView = IDisposable & {viewPane: HTMLElement, sortedRows: SortedRowSet, listenTo: (...args: any[]) => void};
// SourceInfo conteains information about source table and corresponding destination table id,
// transform sectionRef (can be used to show previous transform section with users changes)
// and also originalFilename and path.
export interface SourceInfo {
// The source table id.
hiddenTableId: string;
uploadFileIndex: number;
origTableName: string;
sourceSection: ViewSectionRec;
transformSection: Observable<ViewSectionRec>;
// A viewsection containing transform (formula) columns pointing to the original source columns.
transformSection: Observable<ViewSectionRec|null>;
// The destination table id.
destTableId: Observable<DestId>;
// True if there is at least one request in progress to create a new transform section.
isLoadingSection: Observable<boolean>;
// Reference to last promise for the GenImporterView action (which creates `transformSection`).
lastGenImporterViewPromise: Promise<any>|null;
// UI state of selected merge options for each source table (from SourceInfo).
interface MergeOptionsStateMap {
[hiddenTableId: string]: MergeOptionsState|undefined;
// UI state of merge options for a SourceInfo.
interface MergeOptionsState {
[srcTableId: string]: {
updateExistingRecords: Observable<boolean>;
mergeCols: MutableObsArray<string>;
mergeStrategy: Observable<MergeStrategy>;
hasInvalidMergeCols: Observable<boolean>;
} | undefined;
@ -132,7 +142,7 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private _uploadResult?: UploadResult;
private _screen: PluginScreen;
private _mergeOptions: MergeOptionsState = {};
private _mergeOptions: MergeOptionsStateMap = {};
private _parseOptions = Observable.create<ParseOptions>(this, {});
private _sourceInfoArray = Observable.create<SourceInfo[]>(this, []);
private _sourceInfoSelected = Observable.create<SourceInfo|null>(this, null);
@ -140,10 +150,21 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private _previewViewSection: Observable<ViewSectionRec|null> =
Computed.create(this, this._sourceInfoSelected, (use, info) => {
if (!info) { return null; }
const isLoading = use(info.isLoadingSection);
if (isLoading) { return null; }
const viewSection = use(info.transformSection);
return viewSection && !use(viewSection._isDeleted) ? viewSection : null;
// True if there is at least one request in progress to generate an import diff.
private _isLoadingDiff = Observable.create(this, false);
// Promise for the most recent generateImportDiff action.
private _lastGenImportDiffPromise: Promise<any>|null = null;
private _updateImportDiff = debounce(this._updateDiff, 1000, {leading: true, trailing: true});
// destTables is a list of options for import destinations, and includes all tables in the
// document, plus two values: to import as a new table, and to skip an import table entirely.
private _destTables = Computed.create<Array<IOptionFull<DestId>>>(this, (use) => [
@ -156,6 +177,10 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private _createPreview: CreatePreviewFunc) {
this._screen = PluginScreen.create(this, _importSourceElem?.importSource.label || "Import from file");
this.onDispose(() => {
@ -225,11 +250,25 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
return this._gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel(sectionRef);
private async _updateTransformSection(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, destTableId: string|null) {
const transformSectionRef = await this._gristDoc.docData.sendAction(
['GenImporterView', sourceInfo.hiddenTableId, destTableId, null]);
private async _updateTransformSection(sourceInfo: SourceInfo) {
const genImporterViewPromise = this._gristDoc.docData.sendAction(
['GenImporterView', sourceInfo.hiddenTableId, sourceInfo.destTableId.get(), null]);
sourceInfo.lastGenImporterViewPromise = genImporterViewPromise;
const transformSectionRef = await genImporterViewPromise;
// If the request is superseded by a newer request, or the Importer is disposed, do nothing.
if (this.isDisposed() || sourceInfo.lastGenImporterViewPromise !== genImporterViewPromise) {
// Otherwise, update the transform section for `sourceInfo`.
private _getTransformedDataSource(upload: UploadResult): DataSourceTransformed {
@ -262,7 +301,12 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private _createTransformRule(sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TransformRule {
const transformFields = sourceInfo.transformSection.get().viewFields().peek();
const transformSection = sourceInfo.transformSection.get();
if (!transformSection) {
throw new Error(`Table ${sourceInfo.hiddenTableId} is missing transform section`);
const transformFields = transformSection.viewFields().peek();
const sourceFields = sourceInfo.sourceSection.viewFields().peek();
const destTableId: DestId = sourceInfo.destTableId.get();
@ -295,8 +339,9 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private async _reImport(upload: UploadResult) {
try {
const parseOptions = {...this._parseOptions.get(), NUM_ROWS: 100};
const parseOptions = {...this._parseOptions.get(), NUM_ROWS: 0};
const importResult: ImportResult = await this._docComm.importFiles(
this._getTransformedDataSource(upload), parseOptions, this._getHiddenTableIds());
@ -308,7 +353,9 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
origTableName: info.origTableName,
sourceSection: this._getPrimaryViewSection(info.hiddenTableId)!,
transformSection: Observable.create(null, this._getSectionByRef(info.transformSectionRef)),
destTableId: Observable.create<DestId>(null, info.destTableId)
destTableId: Observable.create<DestId>(null, info.destTableId),
isLoadingSection: Observable.create(null, false),
lastGenImporterViewPromise: null
if (this._sourceInfoArray.get().length === 0) {
@ -321,7 +368,7 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
updateExistingRecords: Observable.create(null, false),
mergeCols: obsArray(),
mergeStrategy: Observable.create(null, {type: 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}),
hasInvalidMergeCols: Observable.create(null, false)
hasInvalidMergeCols: Observable.create(null, false),
@ -341,6 +388,8 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
if (!isConfigValid) { return; }
const parseOptions = {...this._parseOptions.get(), NUM_ROWS: 0};
const mergeOptionMaps = this._getMergeOptionMaps(upload);
@ -356,6 +405,8 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
private async _cancelImport() {
if (this._uploadResult) {
await this._docComm.cancelImportFiles(
this._getTransformedDataSource(this._uploadResult), this._getHiddenTableIds());
@ -391,6 +442,59 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
return cssModalHeader(cssModalTitle(title), rightElement);
* Triggers an update of the import diff in the preview table. When called in quick succession,
* only the most recent call will result in an update being made to the preview table.
* NOTE: This method should not be called directly. Instead, use _updateImportDiff, which
* wraps this method and debounces it.
* @param {SourceInfo} info The source to update the diff for.
private async _updateDiff(info: SourceInfo) {
const mergeOptions = this._mergeOptions[info.hiddenTableId]!;
if (!mergeOptions.updateExistingRecords.get() || mergeOptions.mergeCols.get().length === 0) {
// We can simply disable document comparison mode when merging isn't configured.
this._gristDoc.comparison = null;
} else {
// Request a diff of the current source and wait for a response.
const genImportDiffPromise = this._docComm.generateImportDiff(info.hiddenTableId,
this._createTransformRule(info), this._getMergeOptionsForSource(info)!);
this._lastGenImportDiffPromise = genImportDiffPromise;
const diff = await genImportDiffPromise;
// If the request is superseded by a newer request, or the Importer is disposed, do nothing.
if (this.isDisposed() || genImportDiffPromise !== this._lastGenImportDiffPromise) { return; }
// Otherwise, put the document in comparison mode with the diff data.
this._gristDoc.comparison = diff;
* Resets all state variables related to diffs to their default values.
private _resetImportDiffState() {
this._gristDoc.comparison = null;
* Effectively cancels all pending diff requests by causing their fulfilled promises to
* be ignored by their attached handlers. Since we can't natively cancel the promises, this
* is functionally equivalent to canceling the outstanding requests.
private _cancelPendingDiffRequests() {
this._lastGenImportDiffPromise = null;
// The importer state showing import in progress, with a list of tables, and a preview.
private _renderMain(upload: UploadResult) {
const schema = this._parseOptions.get().SCHEMA;
@ -405,9 +509,10 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
dom.forEach(this._sourceInfoArray, (info) => {
const destTableId = Computed.create(null, (use) => use(info.destTableId))
.onWrite((destId) => {
.onWrite(async (destId) => {
void this._updateTransformSection(info, destId);
await this._updateTransformSection(info);
return cssTableInfo(
@ -415,23 +520,33 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
cssTableSource(getSourceDescription(info, upload), testId('importer-from'))),
cssTableLine(cssToFrom('To'), linkSelect<DestId>(destTableId, this._destTables)),
cssTableInfo.cls('-selected', (use) => use(this._sourceInfoSelected) === info),
dom.on('click', () => {
dom.on('click', async () => {
if (info === this._sourceInfoSelected.get() || !this._validateImportConfiguration()) {
await this._updateDiff(info);
dom.maybe(this._sourceInfoSelected, (info) =>
dom.maybe(info.destTableId, () => {
dom.maybe(this._sourceInfoSelected, (info) => {
const {mergeCols, updateExistingRecords, hasInvalidMergeCols} = this._mergeOptions[info.hiddenTableId]!;
return [
dom.maybe(info.destTableId, (_dest) => {
const updateRecordsListener = updateExistingRecords.addListener(async () => {
await this._updateImportDiff(info);
return cssMergeOptions(
'Update existing records',
dom.maybe(updateExistingRecords, () => [
@ -440,42 +555,55 @@ export class Importer extends Disposable {
dom.domComputed(info.transformSection, section => {
// When changes are made to selected fields, reset the multiSelect error observable.
const invalidColsListener = mergeCols.addListener((val, _prev) => {
const mergeColsListener = mergeCols.addListener(async val => {
// Reset the error state of the multiSelect on change.
if (val.length !== 0 && hasInvalidMergeCols.get()) {
await this._updateImportDiff(info);
return [
return multiSelect(
section.viewFields().peek().map(field => field.label()),
section?.viewFields().peek().map(field => field.label()) ?? [],
placeholder: 'Select fields to match on',
error: hasInvalidMergeCols
dom.maybe(this._previewViewSection, () => cssSectionHeader('Preview')),
dom.maybe(this._previewViewSection, (viewSection) => {
const gridView = this._createPreview(viewSection);
dom.domComputed(use => {
const previewSection = use(this._previewViewSection);
if (use(this._isLoadingDiff) || !previewSection) {
return cssPreviewSpinner(loadingSpinner());
const gridView = this._createPreview(previewSection);
// When changes are made to the preview table, update the import diff.
gridView.listenTo(gridView.sortedRows, 'rowNotify', async () => {
await this._updateImportDiff(info);
return cssPreviewGrid(
dom.on('click', () => this._maybeFinishImport(upload)),
dom.boolAttr('disabled', use => use(this._previewViewSection) === null),
@ -637,9 +765,17 @@ const cssTableSource = styled('div', `
overflow-wrap: anywhere;
const cssPreviewGrid = styled('div', `
const cssPreview = styled('div', `
display: flex;
height: 300px;
const cssPreviewSpinner = styled(cssPreview, `
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
const cssPreviewGrid = styled(cssPreview, `
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {ActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {CellValue, TableDataAction, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {FormulaProperties} from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import {FetchUrlOptions, UploadResult} from 'app/common/uploads';
import {PermissionData, UserAccessData} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {DocStateComparison, PermissionData, UserAccessData} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {ParseOptions} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI';
import {IMessage} from 'grain-rpc';
@ -203,6 +203,13 @@ export interface ActiveDocAPI {
cancelImportFiles(dataSource: DataSourceTransformed, prevTableIds: string[]): Promise<void>;
* Returns a diff of changes that will be applied to the destination table from `transformRule`
* if the data from `hiddenTableId` is imported with the specified `mergeOptions`.
generateImportDiff(hiddenTableId: string, transformRule: TransformRule,
mergeOptions: MergeOptions): Promise<DocStateComparison>;
* Saves attachments from a given upload and creates an entry for them in the database. It
* returns the list of rowIds for the rows created in the _grist_Attachments table.

@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ import {
} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {mapGetOrSet, MapWithTTL} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ import {byteString, countIf, safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {InactivityTimer} from 'app/common/InactivityTimer';
import {schema, SCHEMA_VERSION} from 'app/common/schema';
import {FetchUrlOptions, UploadResult} from 'app/common/uploads';
import {DocReplacementOptions, DocState} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {DocReplacementOptions, DocState, DocStateComparison} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {ParseOptions} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI';
import {GristDocAPI} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI';
import {compileAclFormula} from 'app/server/lib/ACLFormula';
@ -546,6 +548,24 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
return this._activeDocImport.cancelImportFiles(docSession, dataSource, prevTableIds);
* Returns a diff of changes that will be applied to the destination table from `transformRule`
* if the data from `hiddenTableId` is imported with the specified `mergeOptions`.
* The diff is returned as a `DocStateComparison` of the same doc, with the `rightChanges`
* containing the updated cell values. Old values are pulled from the destination record (if
* a match was found), and new values are the result of merging in the new cell values with
* the merge strategy from `mergeOptions`.
* No distinction is currently made for added records vs. updated existing records; instead,
* we treat added records as an updated record in `hiddenTableId` where all the column
* values changed from blank to the original column values from `hiddenTableId`.
public generateImportDiff(_docSession: DocSession, hiddenTableId: string, transformRule: TransformRule,
mergeOptions: MergeOptions): Promise<DocStateComparison> {
return this._activeDocImport.generateImportDiff(hiddenTableId, transformRule, mergeOptions);
* Close the current document.

@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
import * as path from 'path';
import * as _ from 'underscore';
import {ColumnDelta, createEmptyActionSummary} from 'app/common/ActionSummary';
import {ApplyUAResult, DataSourceTransformed, ImportOptions, ImportResult, ImportTableResult,
MergeOptions, MergeOptionsMap, MergeStrategy, TransformColumn, TransformRule,
TransformRuleMap} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {BulkColValues, CellValue, fromTableDataAction, TableRecordValue} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import {DocStateComparison} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {ParseFileResult, ParseOptions} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI';
import {GristTable} from 'app/plugin/GristTable';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
@ -106,6 +108,95 @@ export class ActiveDocImport {
await globalUploadSet.cleanup(dataSource.uploadId);
* Returns a diff of changes that will be applied to the destination table from `transformRule`
* if the data from `hiddenTableId` is imported with the specified `mergeOptions`.
* The diff is returned as a `DocStateComparison` of the same doc, with the `rightChanges`
* containing the updated cell values. Old values are pulled from the destination record (if
* a match was found), and new values are the result of merging in the new cell values with
* the merge strategy from `mergeOptions`.
* No distinction is currently made for added records vs. updated existing records; instead,
* we treat added records as an updated record in `hiddenTableId` where all the column
* values changed from blank to the original column values from `hiddenTableId`.
* @param {string} hiddenTableId Source table.
* @param {TransformRule} transformRule Transform rule for the original source columns.
* The destination table id is populated in the rule.
* @param {MergeOptions} mergeOptions Merge options for how to match source rows
* with destination records, and how to merge their column values.
* @returns {Promise<DocStateComparison>} Comparison data for the changes that will occur if
* `hiddenTableId` is merged into the destination table from `transformRule`.
public async generateImportDiff(hiddenTableId: string, {destCols, destTableId}: TransformRule,
{mergeCols, mergeStrategy}: MergeOptions): Promise<DocStateComparison> {
// Get column differences between `hiddenTableId` and `destTableId` for rows that exist in both tables.
const selectColumns: [string, string][] =
destCols.map(c => [c.colId!, c.colId!.slice(IMPORT_TRANSFORM_COLUMN_PREFIX.length)]);
const selectColumnsMap = new Map(selectColumns);
const comparisonResult = await this._getTableComparison(hiddenTableId, destTableId!, selectColumnsMap, mergeCols);
// Initialize container for updated column values in the expected format (ColumnDelta).
const updatedRecords: {[colId: string]: ColumnDelta} = {};
const updatedRecordIds: number[] = [];
const srcColIds = selectColumns.map(([srcColId, _destColId]) => srcColId);
for (const id of srcColIds) {
updatedRecords[id] = {};
// Retrieve the function used to reconcile differences between source and destination.
const merge = getMergeFunction(mergeStrategy);
const numResultRows = comparisonResult[hiddenTableId + '.id'].length;
for (let i = 0; i < numResultRows; i++) {
const srcRowId = comparisonResult[hiddenTableId + '.id'][i] as number;
if (comparisonResult[destTableId + '.id'][i] === null) {
// No match in destination table found for source row, so it must be a new record.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
updatedRecords[srcColId][srcRowId] = [[''], [(comparisonResult[`${hiddenTableId}.${srcColId}`][i])]];
} else {
// Otherwise, a match was found between source and destination tables.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
const matchingDestColId = selectColumnsMap.get(srcColId);
const srcVal = comparisonResult[`${hiddenTableId}.${srcColId}`][i];
const destVal = comparisonResult[`${destTableId}.${matchingDestColId}`][i];
// Exclude unchanged cell values from the comparison.
if (srcVal === destVal) { continue; }
updatedRecords[srcColId][srcRowId] = [[destVal], [merge(srcVal, destVal)]];
return {
left: {n: 0, h: ''}, // NOTE: left, right, parent, and summary are not used by Importer.
right: {n: 0, h: ''},
parent: null,
summary: 'right',
details: {
leftChanges: createEmptyActionSummary(),
rightChanges: {
tableRenames: [],
tableDeltas: {
[hiddenTableId]: {
removeRows: [],
updateRows: updatedRecordIds,
addRows: [], // Since deltas are relative to the source table, we can't (yet) use this.
columnRenames: [],
columnDeltas: updatedRecords,
* Import the given upload as new tables in one step. This does not give the user a chance to
* modify parse options or transforms. The caller is responsible for cleaning up the upload.
@ -340,6 +431,105 @@ export class ActiveDocImport {
return destTableId;
* Merges matching records from `hiddenTableId` into `destTableId`, and finalizes import.
* @param {string} hiddenTableId Source table containing records to be imported.
* @param {string} destTableId Destination table that will be updated.
* @param {TransformRule} transformRule Rules for transforming source columns using formulas
* before merging/importing takes place.
* @param {MergeOptions} mergeOptions Options for how to merge matching records between
* the source and destination table.
private async _mergeAndFinishImport(docSession: OptDocSession, hiddenTableId: string, destTableId: string,
{destCols, sourceCols}: TransformRule,
{mergeCols, mergeStrategy}: MergeOptions): Promise<void> {
// Get column differences between `hiddenTableId` and `destTableId` for rows that exist in both tables.
const selectColumns: [string, string][] = destCols.map(destCol => {
const formula = destCol.formula.trim();
const srcColId = formula.startsWith('$') && sourceCols.includes(formula.slice(1)) ?
formula.slice(1) : IMPORT_TRANSFORM_COLUMN_PREFIX + destCol.colId;
return [srcColId, destCol.colId!];
const selectColumnsMap = new Map(selectColumns);
const comparisonResult = await this._getTableComparison(hiddenTableId, destTableId, selectColumnsMap, mergeCols);
// Initialize containers for new and updated records in the expected formats.
const newRecords: BulkColValues = {};
let numNewRecords = 0;
const updatedRecords: BulkColValues = {};
const updatedRecordIds: number[] = [];
const destColIds = [...selectColumnsMap.values()];
for (const id of destColIds) {
newRecords[id] = [];
updatedRecords[id] = [];
// Retrieve the function used to reconcile differences between source and destination.
const merge = getMergeFunction(mergeStrategy);
const srcColIds = [...selectColumnsMap.keys()];
const numResultRows = comparisonResult[hiddenTableId + '.id'].length;
for (let i = 0; i < numResultRows; i++) {
if (comparisonResult[destTableId + '.id'][i] === null) {
// No match in destination table found for source row, so it must be a new record.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
const matchingDestColId = selectColumnsMap.get(srcColId);
} else {
// Otherwise, a match was found between source and destination tables, so we merge their columns.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
const matchingDestColId = selectColumnsMap.get(srcColId);
const srcVal = comparisonResult[`${hiddenTableId}.${srcColId}`][i];
const destVal = comparisonResult[`${destTableId}.${matchingDestColId}`][i];
updatedRecords[matchingDestColId!].push(merge(srcVal, destVal));
updatedRecordIds.push(comparisonResult[destTableId + '.id'][i] as number);
// We no longer need the temporary import table, so remove it.
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession, [['RemoveTable', hiddenTableId]]);
if (updatedRecordIds.length > 0) {
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession,
[['BulkUpdateRecord', destTableId, updatedRecordIds, updatedRecords]]);
if (numNewRecords > 0) {
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession,
[['BulkAddRecord', destTableId, gutil.arrayRepeat(numNewRecords, null), newRecords]]);
* Builds and executes a SQL query that compares common columns from `hiddenTableId`
* and `destTableId`, returning matched rows that contain differences between both tables.
* The `mergeCols` parameter defines how rows from both tables are matched; we consider
* rows whose columns values for all columns in `mergeCols` to be the same record in both
* tables.
* @param {string} hiddenTableId Source table.
* @param {string} destTableId Destination table.
* @param {string} selectColumnsMap Map of source to destination column ids to include in the comparison results.
* @param {string[]} mergeCols List of (destination) column ids to use for matching.
* @returns {Promise<BulkColValues} Decoded column values from both tables that were matched, and had differences.
private async _getTableComparison(hiddenTableId: string, destTableId: string, selectColumnsMap: Map<string, string>,
mergeCols: string[]): Promise<BulkColValues> {
const joinColumns: [string, string][] =
[...selectColumnsMap.entries()].filter(([_srcColId, destColId]) => mergeCols.includes(destColId));
const joinColumnsMap = new Map(joinColumns);
const query = buildComparisonQuery(hiddenTableId, destTableId, selectColumnsMap, joinColumnsMap);
const result = await this._activeDoc.docStorage.fetchQuery(query);
return this._activeDoc.docStorage.decodeMarshalledDataFromTables(result);
* Returns a default TransformRule using column definitions from `destTableId`. If `destTableId`
* is null (in the case when the import destination is a new table), the `srcCols` are used instead.
@ -438,95 +628,6 @@ export class ActiveDocImport {
* Merges matching records from `hiddenTableId` into `destTableId`, and finalizes import.
* @param {string} hiddenTableId Source table containing records to be imported.
* @param {string} destTableId Destination table that will be updated.
* @param {TransformRule} transformRule Rules for transforming source columns using formulas
* before merging/importing takes place.
* @param {MergeOptions} mergeOptions Options for how to merge matching records between
* the source and destination table.
private async _mergeAndFinishImport(docSession: OptDocSession, hiddenTableId: string, destTableId: string,
transformRule: TransformRule, mergeOptions: MergeOptions): Promise<void> {
// Prepare a set of column pairs (source and destination) for selecting and joining.
const selectColumns: [string, string][] = [];
const joinColumns: [string, string][] = [];
for (const destCol of transformRule.destCols) {
const destColId = destCol.colId as string;
const formula = destCol.formula.trim();
const srcColId = formula.startsWith('$') && transformRule.sourceCols.includes(formula.slice(1)) ?
formula.slice(1) : IMPORT_TRANSFORM_COLUMN_PREFIX + destCol.colId;
selectColumns.push([srcColId, destColId]);
if (mergeOptions.mergeCols.includes(destColId)) {
joinColumns.push([srcColId, destColId]);
const selectColumnsMap = new Map(selectColumns);
const joinColumnsMap = new Map(joinColumns);
// Construct and execute a SQL query that will tell us the differences between source and destination.
const query = buildComparisonQuery(hiddenTableId, destTableId, selectColumnsMap, joinColumnsMap);
const result = await this._activeDoc.docStorage.fetchQuery(query);
const decodedResult = this._activeDoc.docStorage.decodeMarshalledDataFromTables(result);
// Initialize containers for new and updated records in the expected formats.
const newRecords: BulkColValues = {};
let numNewRecords = 0;
const updatedRecords: BulkColValues = {};
const updatedRecordIds: number[] = [];
const destColIds = [...selectColumnsMap.values()];
for (const id of destColIds) {
newRecords[id] = [];
updatedRecords[id] = [];
// Retrieve the function used to reconcile differences between source and destination.
const merge = getMergeFunction(mergeOptions.mergeStrategy);
const srcColIds = [...selectColumnsMap.keys()];
const numResultRows = decodedResult[hiddenTableId + '.id'].length;
for (let i = 0; i < numResultRows; i++) {
if (decodedResult[destTableId + '.id'][i] === null) {
// No match in destination table found for source row, so it must be a new record.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
const matchingDestColId = selectColumnsMap.get(srcColId);
} else {
// Otherwise, a match was found between source and destination tables, so we merge their columns.
for (const srcColId of srcColIds) {
const matchingDestColId = selectColumnsMap.get(srcColId);
const srcVal = decodedResult[`${hiddenTableId}.${srcColId}`][i];
const destVal = decodedResult[`${destTableId}.${matchingDestColId}`][i];
updatedRecords[matchingDestColId!].push(merge(srcVal, destVal));
updatedRecordIds.push(decodedResult[destTableId + '.id'][i] as number);
// We no longer need the temporary import table, so remove it.
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession, [['RemoveTable', hiddenTableId]]);
if (updatedRecordIds.length > 0) {
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession,
[['BulkUpdateRecord', destTableId, updatedRecordIds, updatedRecords]]);
if (numNewRecords > 0) {
await this._activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSession,
[['BulkAddRecord', destTableId, gutil.arrayRepeat(numNewRecords, null), newRecords]]);
// Helper function that returns true if a given cell is blank (i.e. null or empty).
@ -555,14 +656,19 @@ type MergeFunction = (srcVal: CellValue, destVal: CellValue) => CellValue;
function getMergeFunction({type}: MergeStrategy): MergeFunction {
switch (type) {
case 'replace-with-nonblank-source':
case 'replace-with-nonblank-source': {
return (srcVal, destVal) => isBlank(srcVal) ? destVal : srcVal;
case 'replace-all-fields':
case 'replace-all-fields': {
return (srcVal, _destVal) => srcVal;
case 'replace-blank-fields-only':
case 'replace-blank-fields-only': {
return (srcVal, destVal) => isBlank(destVal) ? srcVal : destVal;
// Normally, we should never arrive here. If we somehow do, we throw an error.
throw new Error(`Unknown merge strategy: ${type}`);
default: {
// Normally, we should never arrive here. If we somehow do, throw an error.
const unknownStrategyType: never = type;
throw new Error(`Unknown merge strategy: ${unknownStrategyType}`);

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ export class DocWorker {
importFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'importFiles'),
finishImportFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'finishImportFiles'),
cancelImportFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'cancelImportFiles'),
generateImportDiff: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'generateImportDiff'),
addAttachments: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'addAttachments'),
removeInstanceFromDoc: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'removeInstanceFromDoc'),
startBundleUserActions: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'startBundleUserActions'),

@ -178,14 +178,36 @@ export function buildComparisonQuery(leftTableId: string, rightTableId: string,
// Join both tables on `joinColumns`, including unmatched rows from `leftTableId`.
* Performance can suffer when large (right) tables have many duplicates for their join columns.
* Specifically, the number of rows returned by the query can be unreasonably large if each
* row from the left table is joined against up to N rows from the right table.
* To work around this, we de-duplicate the right table before joining, returning the first row id
* we find for a given group of join column values. In practice, this means that each row from
* the left table can only be matched with at most 1 equivalent row from the right table.
const dedupedRightTableQuery =
`SELECT MIN(id) AS id, ${[...joinColumns.values()].map(v => quoteIdent(v)).join(', ')} ` +
`FROM ${quoteIdent(rightTableId)} ` +
`GROUP BY ${[...joinColumns.values()].map(v => quoteIdent(v)).join(', ')}`;
const dedupedRightTableAlias = quoteIdent('deduped_' + rightTableId);
// Join the left table to the (de-duplicated) right table, and include unmatched left rows.
const joinConditions: string[] = [];
joinColumns.forEach((rightTableColumn, leftTableColumn) => {
const leftExpression = `${quoteIdent(leftTableId)}.${quoteIdent(leftTableColumn)}`;
const rightExpression = `${quoteIdent(rightTableId)}.${quoteIdent(rightTableColumn)}`;
const rightExpression = `${dedupedRightTableAlias}.${quoteIdent(rightTableColumn)}`;
joinConditions.push(`${leftExpression} = ${rightExpression}`);
joins.push(`LEFT JOIN ${quoteIdent(rightTableId)} ON ${joinConditions.join(' AND ')}`);
`LEFT JOIN (${dedupedRightTableQuery}) AS ${dedupedRightTableAlias} ` +
`ON ${joinConditions.join(' AND ')}`);
// Finally, join the de-duplicated right table to the original right table to get all its columns.
`LEFT JOIN ${quoteIdent(rightTableId)} ` +
`ON ${dedupedRightTableAlias}.id = ${quoteIdent(rightTableId)}.id`);
// Filter out matching rows where all non-join columns from both tables are identical.
const whereConditions: string[] = [];

@ -692,10 +692,20 @@ export async function userActionsVerify(expectedUserActions: unknown[]): Promise
* Helper to get the cells of the importer Preview section. The cell text is returned from the
* requested rows and columns in row-wise order.
export async function getPreviewContents(cols: number[], rowNums: number[]): Promise<string[]> {
export async function getPreviewContents<T = string>(cols: number[], rowNums: number[],
mapper?: (e: WebElement) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> {
await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview .gridview_row', 1000);
const section = await driver.find('.test-importer-preview');
return getVisibleGridCells({cols, rowNums, section});
return getVisibleGridCells({cols, rowNums, section, mapper});
* Helper to get a cell from the importer Preview section.
export async function getPreviewCell(col: string|number, rowNum: number): Promise<WebElementPromise> {
await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview .gridview_row', 1000);
const section = await driver.find('.test-importer-preview');
return getCell({col, rowNum, section});
