(core) DocApi meta endpoints: GET /tables and POST/PATCH /tables and /columns

Adds new API endpoints to list tables in a document and create or modify tables and columns. The request and response formats are designed to mirror the style of the existing `GET /columns` and `GET/POST/PATCH /records` endpoints.

Discussion: https://grist.slack.com/archives/C0234CPPXPA/p1665139807125649?thread_ts=1628957179.010500&cid=C0234CPPXPA

Test Plan: DocApi test

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Subscribers: paulfitz

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3667
Alex Hall 2 years ago
parent 4c662253a9
commit 62792329c3

@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ export const NewRecord = t.iface([], {
export const NewRecordWithStringId = t.iface([], {
"id": t.opt("string"),
"fields": t.opt(t.iface([], {
[t.indexKey]: "CellValue",
export const Record = t.iface([], {
"id": "number",
"fields": t.iface([], {
@ -17,6 +24,13 @@ export const Record = t.iface([], {
export const RecordWithStringId = t.iface([], {
"id": "string",
"fields": t.iface([], {
[t.indexKey]: "CellValue",
export const AddOrUpdateRecord = t.iface([], {
"require": t.intersection(t.iface([], {
[t.indexKey]: "CellValue",
@ -46,14 +60,41 @@ export const MinimalRecord = t.iface([], {
"id": "number",
export const ColumnsPost = t.iface([], {
"columns": t.tuple("NewRecordWithStringId", t.rest(t.array("NewRecordWithStringId"))),
export const ColumnsPatch = t.iface([], {
"columns": t.tuple("RecordWithStringId", t.rest(t.array("RecordWithStringId"))),
export const TablePost = t.iface(["ColumnsPost"], {
"id": t.opt("string"),
export const TablesPost = t.iface([], {
"tables": t.tuple("TablePost", t.rest(t.array("TablePost"))),
export const TablesPatch = t.iface([], {
"tables": t.tuple("RecordWithStringId", t.rest(t.array("RecordWithStringId"))),
const exportedTypeSuite: t.ITypeSuite = {
export default exportedTypeSuite;

@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ export interface NewRecord {
fields?: { [coldId: string]: CellValue };
export interface NewRecordWithStringId {
id?: string; // tableId or colId
* Initial values of cells in record. Optional, if not set cells are left
* blank.
fields?: { [coldId: string]: CellValue };
* JSON schema for api /record endpoint. Used in PATCH method for updating existing records.
@ -19,6 +28,11 @@ export interface Record {
fields: { [coldId: string]: CellValue };
export interface RecordWithStringId {
id: string; // tableId or colId
fields: { [coldId: string]: CellValue };
* JSON schema for api /record endpoint. Used in PUT method for adding or updating records.
@ -65,3 +79,27 @@ export type RecordId = number;
export interface MinimalRecord {
id: number
export interface ColumnsPost {
columns: [NewRecordWithStringId, ...NewRecordWithStringId[]]; // at least one column is required
export interface ColumnsPatch {
columns: [RecordWithStringId, ...RecordWithStringId[]]; // at least one column is required
* Creating tables requires a list of columns.
* `fields` is not accepted because it's not generally sensible to set the metadata fields on new tables.
export interface TablePost extends ColumnsPost {
id?: string;
export interface TablesPost {
tables: [TablePost, ...TablePost[]]; // at least one table is required
export interface TablesPatch {
tables: [RecordWithStringId, ...RecordWithStringId[]]; // at least one table is required

@ -199,7 +199,9 @@ export async function handleSandboxErrorOnPlatform<T>(
if (match) {
platform.throwError('', `Invalid row id ${match[1]}`, 400);
match = message.match(/\[Sandbox] KeyError u?'(?:Table \w+ has no column )?(\w+)'/);
match = message.match(
/\[Sandbox] (?:KeyError u?'(?:Table \w+ has no column )?|ValueError No such table: )(\w+)/
if (match) {
if (match[1] === tableId) {
platform.throwError('', `Table not found "${tableId}"`, 404);

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import {DocManager} from "app/server/lib/DocManager";
import {docSessionFromRequest, makeExceptionalDocSession, OptDocSession} from "app/server/lib/DocSession";
import {DocWorker} from "app/server/lib/DocWorker";
import {IDocWorkerMap} from "app/server/lib/DocWorkerMap";
import {parseExportParameters, DownloadOptions} from "app/server/lib/Export";
import {DownloadOptions, parseExportParameters} from "app/server/lib/Export";
import {downloadCSV} from "app/server/lib/ExportCSV";
import {downloadXLSX} from "app/server/lib/ExportXLSX";
import {expressWrap} from 'app/server/lib/expressWrap';
@ -84,10 +84,15 @@ const MAX_ACTIVE_DOCS_USAGE_CACHE = 1000;
type WithDocHandler = (activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: RequestWithLogin, resp: Response) => Promise<void>;
// Schema validators for api endpoints that creates or updates records.
const {RecordsPatch, RecordsPost, RecordsPut} = t.createCheckers(DocApiTypesTI, GristDataTI);
const {
RecordsPatch, RecordsPost, RecordsPut,
ColumnsPost, ColumnsPatch,
TablesPost, TablesPatch,
} = t.createCheckers(DocApiTypesTI, GristDataTI);
for (const checker of [RecordsPatch, RecordsPost, RecordsPut, ColumnsPost, ColumnsPatch, TablesPost, TablesPatch]) {
* Middleware for validating request's body with a Checker instance.
@ -223,6 +228,21 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Get the tables of the specified document in recordish format
this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/tables', canView,
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const records = await getTableRecords(activeDoc, req, "_grist_Tables");
const tables = records.map((record) => ({
id: record.fields.tableId,
fields: {
..._.omit(record.fields, "tableId"),
tableRef: record.id,
})).filter(({id}) => id);
// The upload should be a multipart post with an 'upload' field containing one or more files.
// Returns the list of rowIds for the rows created in the _grist_Attachments table.
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/attachments', canEdit, withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
@ -328,6 +348,40 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Create columns in a table, given as records of the _grist_Tables_column metatable.
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/columns', canEdit, validate(ColumnsPost),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const body = req.body as Types.ColumnsPost;
const {tableId} = req.params;
const actions = body.columns.map(({fields, id: colId}) =>
// AddVisibleColumn adds the column to all widgets of the table.
// This isn't necessarily what the user wants, but it seems like a good default.
// Maybe there should be a query param to control this?
["AddVisibleColumn", tableId, colId, fields || {}]
const {retValues} = await handleSandboxError(tableId, [],
activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSessionFromRequest(req), actions)
const columns = retValues.map(({colId}) => ({id: colId}));
// Create new tables in a doc. Unlike POST /records or /columns, each 'record' (table) should have a `columns`
// property in the same format as POST /columns above, and no `fields` property.
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables', canEdit, validate(TablesPost),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const body = req.body as Types.TablesPost;
const actions = body.tables.map(({columns, id}) => {
const colInfos = columns.map(({fields, id: colId}) => ({...fields, id: colId}));
return ["AddTable", id, colInfos];
const {retValues} = await activeDoc.applyUserActions(docSessionFromRequest(req), actions);
const tables = retValues.map(({table_id}) => ({id: table_id}));
this._app.post('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/data/delete', canEdit, withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const rowIds = req.body;
const op = getTableOperations(req, activeDoc);
@ -409,6 +463,48 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Update columns given in records format
this._app.patch('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/columns', canEdit, validate(ColumnsPatch),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const tablesTable = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables");
const columnsTable = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column");
const {tableId} = req.params;
const tableRef = tablesTable.findMatchingRowId({tableId});
if (!tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`Table not found "${tableId}"`, 404);
const body = req.body as Types.ColumnsPatch;
const columns: Types.Record[] = body.columns.map((col) => {
const id = columnsTable.findMatchingRowId({parentId: tableRef, colId: col.id});
if (!id) {
throw new ApiError(`Column not found "${col.id}"`, 404);
return {...col, id};
const ops = getTableOperations(req, activeDoc, "_grist_Tables_column");
await ops.update(columns);
// Update tables given in records format
this._app.patch('/api/docs/:docId/tables', canEdit, validate(TablesPatch),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const tablesTable = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables");
const body = req.body as Types.TablesPatch;
const tables: Types.Record[] = body.tables.map((table) => {
const id = tablesTable.findMatchingRowId({tableId: table.id});
if (!id) {
throw new ApiError(`Table not found "${table.id}"`, 404);
return {...table, id};
const ops = getTableOperations(req, activeDoc, "_grist_Tables");
await ops.update(tables);
// Add or update records given in records format
this._app.put('/api/docs/:docId/tables/:tableId/records', canEdit, validate(RecordsPut),
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
@ -1198,12 +1294,12 @@ function getErrorPlatform(tableId: string): TableOperationsPlatform {
function getTableOperations(req: RequestWithLogin, activeDoc: ActiveDoc): TableOperationsImpl {
function getTableOperations(req: RequestWithLogin, activeDoc: ActiveDoc, tableId?: string): TableOperationsImpl {
const options: OpOptions = {
parseStrings: !isAffirmative(req.query.noparse)
const platform: TableOperationsPlatform = {
...getErrorPlatform(tableId ?? req.params.tableId),
applyUserActions(actions, opts) {
if (!activeDoc) { throw new Error('no document'); }
return activeDoc.applyUserActions(

@ -518,6 +518,238 @@ function testDocApi() {
it("GET/POST/PATCH /docs/{did}/tables and /columns", async function() {
// POST /tables: Create new tables
let resp = await axios.post(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables`, {
tables: [
{columns: [{}]}, // The minimal allowed request
{id: "", columns: [{id: ""}]},
{id: "NewTable1", columns: [{id: "NewCol1", fields: {}}]},
id: "NewTable2",
columns: [
{id: "NewCol2", fields: {label: "Label2"}},
{id: "NewCol3", fields: {label: "Label3"}},
{id: "NewCol3", fields: {label: "Label3"}}, // Duplicate column id
id: "NewTable2", // Create a table with duplicate tableId
columns: [
{id: "NewCol2", fields: {label: "Label2"}},
{id: "NewCol3", fields: {label: "Label3"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {
tables: [
{id: "Table2"},
{id: "Table3"},
{id: "NewTable1"},
{id: "NewTable2"},
{id: "NewTable2_2"}, // duplicated tableId ends with _2
// POST /columns: Create new columns
resp = await axios.post(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/NewTable2/columns`, {
columns: [
{id: ""},
{id: "NewCol4", fields: {}},
{id: "NewCol4", fields: {}}, // Create a column with duplicate colId
{id: "NewCol5", fields: {label: "Label5"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {
columns: [
{id: "A"},
{id: "B"},
{id: "NewCol4"},
{id: "NewCol4_2"}, // duplicated colId ends with _2
{id: "NewCol5"},
// POST /columns to invalid table ID
resp = await axios.post(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/NoSuchTable/columns`,
{columns: [{}]}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {error: 'Table not found "NoSuchTable"'});
// PATCH /tables: Modify a table. This is pretty much only good for renaming tables.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables`, {
tables: [
{id: "Table3", fields: {tableId: "Table3_Renamed"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
// Repeat the same operation to check that it gives 404 if the table doesn't exist.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables`, {
tables: [
{id: "Table3", fields: {tableId: "Table3_Renamed"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {error: 'Table not found "Table3"'});
// PATCH /columns: Modify a column.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/Table2/columns`, {
columns: [
{id: "A", fields: {colId: "A_Renamed"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
// Repeat the same operation to check that it gives 404 if the column doesn't exist.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/Table2/columns`, {
columns: [
{id: "A", fields: {colId: "A_Renamed"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {error: 'Column not found "A"'});
// Repeat the same operation to check that it gives 404 if the table doesn't exist.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/Table222/columns`, {
columns: [
{id: "A", fields: {colId: "A_Renamed"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {error: 'Table not found "Table222"'});
// Rename NewTable2.A -> B to test the name conflict resolution.
resp = await axios.patch(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/NewTable2/columns`, {
columns: [
{id: "A", fields: {colId: "B"}},
}, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
// Hide NewTable2.NewCol5 and NewTable2_2 with ACL
resp = await axios.post(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/apply`, [
['AddRecord', '_grist_ACLResources', -1, {tableId: 'NewTable2', colIds: 'NewCol5'}],
['AddRecord', '_grist_ACLResources', -2, {tableId: 'NewTable2_2', colIds: '*'}],
['AddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', null, {
resource: -1, aclFormula: '', permissionsText: '-R',
['AddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', null, {
// Don't use permissionsText: 'none' here because we need S permission to delete the table at the end.
resource: -2, aclFormula: '', permissionsText: '-R',
], chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
// GET /tables: Check that the tables were created and renamed.
resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables`, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
"tables": [
"id": "Table1",
"fields": {
"rawViewSectionRef": 2,
"primaryViewId": 1,
"onDemand": false,
"summarySourceTable": 0,
"tableRef": 1
// New tables start here
"id": "Table2",
"fields": {
"rawViewSectionRef": 4,
"primaryViewId": 2,
"onDemand": false,
"summarySourceTable": 0,
"tableRef": 2
"id": "Table3_Renamed",
"fields": {
"rawViewSectionRef": 6,
"primaryViewId": 3,
"onDemand": false,
"summarySourceTable": 0,
"tableRef": 3
"id": "NewTable1",
"fields": {
"rawViewSectionRef": 8,
"primaryViewId": 4,
"onDemand": false,
"summarySourceTable": 0,
"tableRef": 4
"id": "NewTable2",
"fields": {
"rawViewSectionRef": 10,
"primaryViewId": 5,
"onDemand": false,
"summarySourceTable": 0,
"tableRef": 5
// NewTable2_2 is hidden by ACL
// Check the created columns.
// TODO these columns should probably be included in the GET /tables response.
async function checkColumns(tableId: string, expected: { colId: string, label: string }[]) {
const colsResp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/${tableId}/columns`, chimpy);
assert.equal(colsResp.status, 200);
const actual = colsResp.data.columns.map((c: any) => ({
colId: c.id,
label: c.fields.label,
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
await checkColumns("Table2", [
{colId: "A_Renamed", label: 'A'},
await checkColumns("Table3_Renamed", [
{colId: "A", label: 'A'},
await checkColumns("NewTable1", [
{colId: "NewCol1", label: 'NewCol1'},
await checkColumns("NewTable2", [
{colId: "NewCol2", label: 'Label2'},
{colId: "NewCol3", label: 'Label3'},
{colId: "NewCol3_2", label: 'Label3'},
{colId: "B2", label: 'A'}, // Result of renaming A -> B
{colId: "B", label: 'B'},
{colId: "NewCol4", label: 'NewCol4'},
{colId: "NewCol4_2", label: 'NewCol4_2'},
// NewCol5 is hidden by ACL
resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/NewTable2_2/columns`, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {error: 'Table not found "NewTable2_2"'}); // hidden by ACL
// Clean up the created tables for other tests
// TODO add a DELETE endpoint for /tables and /columns. Probably best to do alongside DELETE /records.
resp = await axios.post(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docIds.Timesheets}/tables/_grist_Tables/data/delete`,
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 200);
it("GET /docs/{did}/tables/{tid}/data returns 404 for non-existent doc", async function() {
const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/typotypotypo/tables/Table1/data`, chimpy);
assert.equal(resp.status, 404);
