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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
(core) Webhook event queue on redis
Summary: Push webhook events to redis queue with key based on docId. Remove events from redis after sending using LTRIM. Put failed events back on the end of the queue under normal circumstances. When the event queue gets too long: - Wait until it gets consumed before continuing. - Drop failed events (i.e. don't put them back on the end of the queue) - Limit webhook retries to 5 Test Plan: Tested that interactions with redis are as expected using redis MONITOR command. Reviewers: paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3100
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { promisifyAll } from 'bluebird';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { createClient, RedisClient } from 'redis';
import { createClient, Multi, RedisClient } from 'redis';
@ -66,29 +66,49 @@ interface Task {
recordDeltas: RecordDeltas;
const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 1000;
// Processes triggers for records changed as described in ActionSummary objects,
// initiating webhooks and automations.
// The interesting stuff starts in the handle() method.
// Webhooks are placed on an event queue in memory which is replicated on redis as backup.
// The same class instance consumes the queue and sends webhook requests in the background - see _sendLoop().
// Triggers are configured in the document, while details of webhooks (URLs) are kept
// in the Secrets table of the Home DB.
export class DocTriggers {
// Converts a column ref to colId by looking it up in _grist_Tables_column
private _getColId: (rowId: number) => string|undefined;
// Events that need to be sent to webhooks in FIFO order.
// This is the primary place where events are stored and consumed,
// while a copy of this queue is kept on redis as a backup.
// Modifications to this queue should be replicated on the redis queue.
private _webHookEventQueue: WebHookEvent[] = [];
// DB cache for webhook secrets
private _webhookCache = new LRUCache<string, WebHookSecret>({max: 1000});
// Set to true by shutdown().
// Indicates that loops (especially for sending requests) should stop.
private _shuttingDown: boolean = false;
// true if there is a webhook request sending loop running in the background
// to ensure only one loop is running at a time.
private _sending: boolean = false;
private _redisClient: RedisClient | undefined;
// Client lazily initiated by _redisClient getter, since most documents don't have triggers
// and therefore don't need a redis connection.
private _redisClientField: RedisClient | undefined;
// Promise which resolves after we finish fetching the backup queue from redis on startup.
private _getRedisQueuePromise: Promise<void> | undefined;
constructor(private _activeDoc: ActiveDoc) {
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL;
if (redisUrl) {
this._redisClient = createClient(redisUrl);
// TODO check for existing events on redis queue
// We create a transient client just for this purpose because it makes it easy
// to quit it afterwards and avoid keeping a client open for documents without triggers.
this._getRedisQueuePromise = this._getRedisQueue(createClient(redisUrl));
@ -99,6 +119,11 @@ export class DocTriggers {
// Called after applying actions to a document and updating its data.
// Checks for triggers configured in a meta table,
// and whether any of those triggers monitor tables which were modified by the actions
// described in the given summary.
// If so, generates events which are pushed to the local and redis queues.
public async handle(summary: ActionSummary) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData;
if (!docData) {
@ -111,11 +136,16 @@ export class DocTriggers {
const triggersByTableRef = _.groupBy(triggersTable.getRecords(), "tableRef");
// Work to do after fetching values from the document
const tasks: Task[] = [];
// For each table in the document which is monitored by one or more triggers...
for (const tableRef of Object.keys(triggersByTableRef).sort()) {
const triggers = triggersByTableRef[tableRef];
const tableId = getTableId(Number(tableRef))!; // groupBy makes tableRef a string
const tableDelta = summary.tableDeltas[tableId];
// ...if the monitored table was modified by the summarized actions,
// fetch the modified/created records and note the work that needs to be done.
if (tableDelta) {
const recordDeltas = this._getRecordDeltas(tableDelta);
const filters = {id: [...recordDeltas.keys()]};
@ -134,21 +164,53 @@ export class DocTriggers {
for (const task of tasks) {
events.push(...this._handleTask(task, await task.tableDataAction));
if (!this._sending && events.length) {
this._sending = true;
const startSendLoop = () => {
this._sendLoop().catch((e) => {
log.error(`_sendLoop failed: ${e}`);
if (!events.length) {
// TODO also push to redis queue
// Only add events to the queue after we finish fetching the backup from redis
// to ensure that events are delivered in the order they were generated.
await this._getRedisQueuePromise;
if (this._redisClient) {
await this._pushToRedisQueue(events);
// Prevent further document activity while the queue is too full.
while (this._drainingQueue && !this._shuttingDown) {
await delay(1000);
private get _docId() {
return this._activeDoc.docName;
private get _redisQueueKey() {
return `webhook-queue-${this._docId}`;
private get _drainingQueue() {
return this._webHookEventQueue.length >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
private async _pushToRedisQueue(events: WebHookEvent[]) {
const strings = events.map(e => JSON.stringify(e));
await this._redisClient!.rpushAsync(this._redisQueueKey, ...strings);
private async _getRedisQueue(redisClient: RedisClient) {
const strings = await redisClient.lrangeAsync(this._redisQueueKey, 0, -1);
if (strings.length) {
const events = strings.map(s => JSON.parse(s));
await redisClient.quitAsync();
private _getRecordDeltas(tableDelta: TableDelta): RecordDeltas {
@ -292,6 +354,21 @@ export class DocTriggers {
return url;
private _startSendLoop() {
if (!this._sending) { // only run one loop at a time
this._sending = true;
this._sendLoop().catch((e) => { // run _sendLoop asynchronously (in the background)
log.error(`_sendLoop failed: ${e}`);
this._sending = false; // otherwise the following line will complete instantly
this._startSendLoop(); // restart the loop on failure
// Consumes the webhook event queue and sends HTTP requests.
// Should only be called if there are events to send.
// Managed by _startSendLoop. Runs in the background. Only one loop should run at a time.
// Runs until shutdown.
private async _sendLoop() {
log.info("Starting _sendLoop");
@ -311,12 +388,26 @@ export class DocTriggers {
} else {
success = await this._sendWebhookWithRetries(url, body);
if (success) {
this._webHookEventQueue.splice(0, batch.length);
// TODO also remove on redis
} else if (!this._shuttingDown) {
// TODO reorder queue on failure
let multi: Multi | null = null;
if (this._redisClient) {
multi = this._redisClient.multi();
multi.ltrim(this._redisQueueKey, batch.length, -1);
if (!success && !this._drainingQueue) {
// Put the failed events at the end of the queue to try again later
// while giving other URLs a chance to receive events.
if (multi) {
const strings = batch.map(e => JSON.stringify(e));
multi.rpush(this._redisQueueKey, ...strings);
await multi?.execAsync();
log.info("Ended _sendLoop");
@ -327,11 +418,28 @@ export class DocTriggers {
private get _redisClient() {
if (this._redisClientField) {
return this._redisClientField;
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL;
if (redisUrl) {
this._redisClientField = createClient(redisUrl);
return this._redisClientField;
private get _maxWebhookAttempts() {
if (this._shuttingDown) {
return 0;
return this._drainingQueue ? 5 : 20;
private async _sendWebhookWithRetries(url: string, body: string) {
const maxAttempts = 20;
const maxWait = 64;
let wait = 1;
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < this._maxWebhookAttempts; attempt++) {
if (this._shuttingDown) {
return false;
@ -352,7 +460,7 @@ export class DocTriggers {
// Don't wait any more if this is the last attempt.
if (attempt >= maxAttempts - 1) {
if (attempt >= this._maxWebhookAttempts - 1) {
return false;
@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ declare module "redis" {
public ttlAsync(key: string): Promise<number|null>;
public unwatchAsync(): Promise<'OK'>;
public watchAsync(key: string): Promise<void>;
public lrangeAsync(key: string, start: number, end: number): Promise<string[]>;
public rpushAsync(key: string, ...vals: string[]): Promise<number>;
class Multi {
@ -67,5 +69,7 @@ declare module "redis" {
public smembers(key: string): Multi;
public srandmember(key: string): Multi;
public srem(key: string, val: string): Multi;
public rpush(key: string, ...vals: string[]): Multi;
public ltrim(key: string, start: number, end: number): Multi;
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