(core) control the distribution of attachment metadata

for users who don't automatically have deep rights
to the document, provide them with attachment metadata only
for rows they have access to. This is a little tricky to
do efficiently. We provide attachment metadata when an
individual table is fetched, rather than on initial document
load, so we don't block that load on a full document scan.
We provide attachment metadata to a client when we see that
we are shipping rows mentioning particular attachments,
without making any effort to keep track of the metadata they
already have.

Test Plan: updated tests

Reviewers: dsagal, jarek

Reviewed By: dsagal, jarek

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3722
Paul Fitzpatrick 2 years ago
parent 6dce083484
commit 472a9a186e

@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ export class GristDocAPIImpl implements GristDocAPI {
public async listTables(): Promise<string[]> {
// Could perhaps read tableIds from this.gristDoc.docModel.visibleTableIds.all()?
const tables = await this._doc.docComm.fetchTable('_grist_Tables');
const {tableData} = await this._doc.docComm.fetchTable('_grist_Tables');
// Tables the user doesn't have access to are just blanked out.
return tables[3].tableId.filter(tableId => tableId !== '') as string[];
return tableData[3].tableId.filter(tableId => tableId !== '') as string[];
public async fetchTable(tableId: string) {

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {ActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {CellValue, TableDataAction, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {BulkAddRecord, CellValue, TableDataAction, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {FormulaProperties} from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import {UIRowId} from 'app/common/UIRowId';
import {FetchUrlOptions, UploadResult} from 'app/common/uploads';
@ -137,14 +137,30 @@ export interface QueryFilters {
// - empty: value should be falsy (e.g. null) or an empty list, filters is ignored
export type QueryOperation = "in" | "intersects" | "empty";
* Results of fetching a table. Includes the table data you would
* expect. May now also include attachment metadata referred to in the table
* data. Attachment data is expressed as a BulkAddRecord, since it is
* not a complete table, just selected rows. Attachment data is
* currently included in fetches when (1) granular access control is
* in effect, and (2) the user is neither an owner nor someone with
* read access to the entire document, and (3) there is an attachment
* column in the fetched table. This is exactly what the standard
* Grist client needs, but in future it might be desirable to give
* more control over this behavior.
export interface TableFetchResult {
tableData: TableDataAction;
attachments?: BulkAddRecord;
* Response from useQuerySet(). A query returns data AND creates a subscription to receive
* DocActions that affect this data. The querySubId field identifies this subscription, and must
* be used in a disposeQuerySet() call to unsubscribe.
export interface QueryResult {
export interface QueryResult extends TableFetchResult {
querySubId: number; // ID of the subscription, to use with disposeQuerySet.
tableData: TableDataAction;
@ -229,7 +245,7 @@ export interface ActiveDocAPI {
* Fetches a particular table from the data engine to return to the client.
fetchTable(tableId: string): Promise<TableDataAction>;
fetchTable(tableId: string): Promise<TableFetchResult>;
* Fetches the generated Python code for this document. (TODO rename this misnomer.)

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import { AddRecord, BulkAddRecord, BulkRemoveRecord, BulkUpdateRecord,
getColIdsFromDocAction, getColValuesFromDocAction,
getTableId, RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData, TableDataAction,
UpdateRecord } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData';
import { isNumber } from 'app/common/gutil';
* Represent current attachment columns as a map from tableId to a set of
* colIds.
export type AttachmentColumns = Map<string, Set<string>>;
* Enumerate attachment columns, represented as a map from tableId to
* a set of colIds.
export function getAttachmentColumns(metaDocData: DocData): AttachmentColumns {
const tablesTable = metaDocData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const columnsTable = metaDocData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
const attachmentColumns: Map<string, Set<string>> = new Map();
for (const column of columnsTable.filterRecords({type: 'Attachments'})) {
const table = tablesTable.getRecord(column.parentId);
const tableId = table?.tableId;
if (!tableId) {
/* should never happen */
throw new Error('table not found');
if (!attachmentColumns.has(tableId)) {
attachmentColumns.set(tableId, new Set());
return attachmentColumns;
* Get IDs of attachments that are present in attachment columns in an action.
export function gatherAttachmentIds(
attachmentColumns: AttachmentColumns,
action: AddRecord | BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord |
RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction
): Set<number> {
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const attColumns = attachmentColumns.get(tableId);
const colIds = getColIdsFromDocAction(action) || [];
const attIds = new Set<number>();
if (!attColumns || !colIds.some(colId => attColumns.has(colId))) {
return attIds;
for (const colId of colIds) {
if (!attColumns.has(colId)) { continue; }
const values = getColValuesFromDocAction(action, colId);
if (!values) { continue; }
for (const v of values) {
// We expect an array. What should we do with other types?
// If we were confident no part of Grist would interpret non-array
// values as attachment ids, then we should let them be added, as
// part of Grist's spreadsheet-style willingness to allow invalid
// data. I decided to go ahead and require that numbers or number-like
// strings should be checked as if they were attachment ids, just in
// case. But if this proves awkward for someone, it could be reasonable
// to only check ids in an array after confirming Grist is strict in
// how it interprets material in attachment cells.
if (typeof v === 'number') {
} else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
for (const p of v) {
if (typeof p === 'number') {
} else if (typeof v === 'boolean' || v === null) {
// Nothing obvious to do here.
} else if (isNumber(v)) {
return attIds;

@ -178,9 +178,12 @@ export function toTableDataAction(tableId: string, colValues: TableColValues): T
// Convert from TableDataAction (used mainly by the sandbox) to TableColValues (used by DocStorage
// and external APIs).
export function fromTableDataAction(tableData: TableDataAction): TableColValues {
const rowIds: number[] = tableData[2];
const colValues: BulkColValues = tableData[3];
// Also accepts a TableDataAction nested as a tableData member of a larger structure,
// for convenience in dealing with the result of fetches.
export function fromTableDataAction(tableData: TableDataAction|{tableData: TableDataAction}): TableColValues {
const data = ('tableData' in tableData) ? tableData.tableData : tableData;
const rowIds: number[] = data[2];
const colValues: BulkColValues = data[3];
return {id: rowIds, ...colValues};
@ -203,3 +206,33 @@ export function getColValues(records: Partial<RowRecord>[]): BulkColValues {
return result;
* Extract the col ids mentioned in a record-related DocAction as a list
* (even if the action is not a bulk action). Returns undefined if no col ids
* mentioned.
export function getColIdsFromDocAction(docActions: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord |
BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData |
TableDataAction): string[] | undefined {
if (docActions[3]) { return Object.keys(docActions[3]); }
return undefined;
* Extract column values for a particular column as CellValue[] from a
* record-related DocAction. Undefined if absent.
export function getColValuesFromDocAction(docAction: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord |
BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData |
TableDataAction, colId: string): CellValue[]|undefined {
const colValues = docAction[3];
if (!colValues) { return undefined; }
const cellValues = colValues[colId];
if (!cellValues) { return undefined; }
if (Array.isArray(docAction[2])) {
return cellValues as CellValue[];
} else {
return [cellValues as CellValue];

@ -9,24 +9,39 @@ import {schema, SchemaTypes} from 'app/common/schema';
import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs');
import groupBy = require('lodash/groupBy');
import {ActionDispatcher} from './ActionDispatcher';
import {TableFetchResult} from './ActiveDocAPI';
import {
BulkColValues, ColInfo, ColInfoWithId, ColValues, DocAction,
RowRecord, TableDataAction
} from './DocActions';
import {ColTypeMap, MetaRowRecord, MetaTableData, TableData} from './TableData';
type FetchTableFunc = (tableId: string) => Promise<TableDataAction>;
type FetchTableFunc = (tableId: string) => Promise<TableFetchResult>;
export class DocData extends ActionDispatcher {
private _tables: Map<string, TableData> = new Map();
private _fetchTableFunc: (tableId: string) => Promise<TableDataAction>;
* If metaTableData is not supplied, then any tables needed should be loaded manually,
* using syncTable(). All column types will be set to Any, which will affect default
* values.
constructor(private _fetchTableFunc: FetchTableFunc, metaTableData: {[tableId: string]: TableDataAction} | null) {
constructor(fetchTableFunc: FetchTableFunc, metaTableData: {[tableId: string]: TableDataAction} | null) {
// Wrap fetchTableFunc slightly to handle any extra attachment data that
// may come along for the ride.
this._fetchTableFunc = async (tableId: string) => {
const {tableData, attachments} = await fetchTableFunc(tableId);
if (attachments) {
// Back-end doesn't keep track of which attachments we already have,
// so there may be duplicates of rows we already have - but happily
// BulkAddRecord overwrites duplicates now.
return tableData;
if (metaTableData === null) { return; }
// Create all meta tables, and populate data we already have.
for (const tableId in schema) {

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
* TableData maintains a single table's data.
import {ActionDispatcher} from 'app/common/ActionDispatcher';
import {BulkColValues, CellValue, ColInfo, ColInfoWithId, ColValues, DocAction,
import {
BulkAddRecord, BulkColValues, CellValue, ColInfo, ColInfoWithId, ColValues, DocAction,
isSchemaAction, ReplaceTableData, RowRecord, TableDataAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {getDefaultForType} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {arrayRemove, arraySplice, getDistinctValues} from 'app/common/gutil';
@ -250,16 +251,40 @@ export class TableData extends ActionDispatcher implements SkippableRows {
* Return data in TableDataAction form ['TableData', tableId, [...rowIds], {...}]
* Optionally takes a list of row ids to return data from. If a row id is
* not actually present in the table, a row of nulls will be returned for it.
public getTableDataAction(): TableDataAction {
const rowIds = this.getRowIds();
public getTableDataAction(desiredRowIds?: number[]): TableDataAction {
const rowIds = desiredRowIds || this.getRowIds();
let bulkColValues: {[colId: string]: CellValue[]};
if (desiredRowIds) {
const len = rowIds.length;
bulkColValues = {};
for (const colId of this.getColIds()) { bulkColValues[colId] = Array(len); }
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const index = this._rowMap.get(rowIds[i]);
for (const {colId, values} of this._colArray) {
const value = (index === undefined) ? null : values[index];
bulkColValues[colId][i] = value;
} else {
bulkColValues = fromPairs(
.filter(colId => colId !== 'id')
.map(colId => [colId, this.getColValues(colId)! as CellValue[]]));
return ['TableData',
rowIds as number[],
.filter(colId => colId !== 'id')
.map(colId => [colId, this.getColValues(colId)! as CellValue[]]))];
public getBulkAddRecord(desiredRowIds?: number[]): BulkAddRecord {
const tableData = this.getTableDataAction(desiredRowIds?.sort((a, b) => a - b));
return [
'BulkAddRecord', tableData[1], tableData[2], tableData[3],
@ -357,6 +382,13 @@ export class TableData extends ActionDispatcher implements SkippableRows {
// ---- The following methods implement ActionDispatcher interface ----
protected onAddRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowId: number, colValues: ColValues): void {
if (this._rowMap.get(rowId) !== undefined) {
// If adding a record that already exists, act like an update.
// We rely on this behavior for distributing attachment
// metadata.
this.onUpdateRecord(action, tableId, rowId, colValues);
const index: number = this._rowIdCol.length;
this._rowMap.set(rowId, index);
this._rowIdCol[index] = rowId;
@ -366,14 +398,28 @@ export class TableData extends ActionDispatcher implements SkippableRows {
protected onBulkAddRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowIds: number[], colValues: BulkColValues): void {
const index: number = this._rowIdCol.length;
let destIndex: number = this._rowIdCol.length;
for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) {
this._rowMap.set(rowIds[i], index + i);
this._rowIdCol[index + i] = rowIds[i];
const srcIndex = this._rowMap.get(rowIds[i]);
if (srcIndex !== undefined) {
// If adding a record that already exists, act like an update.
// We rely on this behavior for distributing attachment
// metadata.
for (const colId in colValues) {
if (colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId)) {
const colData = this._columns.get(colId);
if (colData) {
colData.values[srcIndex] = colValues[colId][i];
} else {
this._rowMap.set(rowIds[i], destIndex);
this._rowIdCol[destIndex] = rowIds[i];
for (const {colId, defl, values} of this._colArray) {
for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) {
values[index + i] = colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId) ? colValues[colId][i] : defl;
values[destIndex] = colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId) ? colValues[colId][i] : defl;

@ -29,16 +29,20 @@ import {
} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {mapGetOrSet, MapWithTTL} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {AttachmentColumns, gatherAttachmentIds, getAttachmentColumns} from 'app/common/AttachmentColumns';
import {
@ -213,6 +217,8 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
private _gracePeriodStart: Date|null = null;
private _isForkOrSnapshot: boolean = false;
private _onlyAllowMetaDataActionsOnDb: boolean = false;
// Cache of which columns are attachment columns.
private _attachmentColumns?: AttachmentColumns;
// Client watching for 'product changed' event published by Billing to update usage
private _redisSubscriber?: RedisClient;
@ -970,7 +976,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
* form of the form ["TableData", table_id, row_ids, column_values].
public async fetchTable(docSession: OptDocSession, tableId: string,
waitForFormulas: boolean = false): Promise<TableDataAction> {
waitForFormulas: boolean = false): Promise<TableFetchResult> {
return this.fetchQuery(docSession, {tableId, filters: {}}, waitForFormulas);
@ -982,7 +988,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
* special "pending" values may be returned.
public async fetchQuery(docSession: OptDocSession, query: ServerQuery,
waitForFormulas: boolean = false): Promise<TableDataAction> {
waitForFormulas: boolean = false): Promise<TableFetchResult> {
this._inactivityTimer.ping(); // The doc is in active use; ping it to stay open longer.
// If user does not have rights to access what this query is asking for, fail.
@ -999,8 +1005,8 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// table. So we pick out the table we want from fetchMetaTables (which has applied
// filtering).
const tables = await this.fetchMetaTables(docSession);
const table = tables[query.tableId];
if (table) { return table; }
const tableData = tables[query.tableId];
if (tableData) { return {tableData}; }
// If table not found, continue, to give a consistent error for a table not found.
@ -1036,9 +1042,23 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
data = cloneDeep(data!); // Clone since underlying fetch may be cached and shared.
await this._granularAccess.filterData(docSession, data);
// Consider whether we need to add attachment metadata.
// TODO: it might be desirable to always send attachment data, or allow
// this to be an option in api calls related to fetching.
let attachments: BulkAddRecord | undefined;
const attachmentColumns = this._getCachedAttachmentColumns();
if (attachmentColumns?.size && await this._granularAccess.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) {
const attIds = gatherAttachmentIds(attachmentColumns, data!);
if (attIds.size > 0) {
attachments = this.docData!.getMetaTable('_grist_Attachments')
this._log.info(docSession, "fetchQuery -> %d rows, cols: %s",
data![2].length, Object.keys(data![3]).join(", "));
return data!;
return {tableData: data!, ...(attachments && {attachments})};
@ -1071,8 +1091,8 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// - Subscription should not be affected by renames (so don't hold on to query/tableId/colIds)
// - Table/column deletion should make subscription inactive, and unsubscribing an inactive
// subscription should not produce an error.
const tableData: TableDataAction = await this.fetchQuery(docSession, query);
return {querySubId: 0, tableData};
const tableFetchResult = await this.fetchQuery(docSession, query);
return {querySubId: 0, ...tableFetchResult};
@ -1241,6 +1261,9 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
await this.docStorage.updateIndexes(indexes);
// TODO: should probably add indexes for user attribute tables.
if (docActions.some(docAction => isSchemaAction(docAction))) {
this._attachmentColumns = undefined;
@ -2330,6 +2353,14 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
await this._updateDocUsage({attachmentsSizeBytes}, options);
return attachmentsSizeBytes;
private _getCachedAttachmentColumns(): AttachmentColumns {
if (!this.docData) { return new Map(); }
if (!this._attachmentColumns) {
this._attachmentColumns = getAttachmentColumns(this.docData);
return this._attachmentColumns;
// Helper to initialize a sandbox action bundle with no values.

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
const tableId = optTableId || req.params.tableId;
const session = docSessionFromRequest(req);
const tableData = await handleSandboxError(tableId, [], activeDoc.fetchQuery(
const {tableData} = await handleSandboxError(tableId, [], activeDoc.fetchQuery(
session, {tableId, filters}, !immediate));
// For metaTables we don't need to specify columns, search will infer it from the sort expression.
const isMetaTable = tableId.startsWith('_grist');

@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ export async function exportTable(
}).filter(tc => tc !== emptyCol);
// fetch actual data
const data = await activeDoc.fetchTable(docSessionFromRequest(req as RequestWithLogin), table.tableId, true);
const rowIds = data[2];
const dataByColId = data[3];
const {tableData} = await activeDoc.fetchTable(docSessionFromRequest(req as RequestWithLogin), table.tableId, true);
const rowIds = tableData[2];
const dataByColId = tableData[3];
// sort rows
const getters = new ServerColumnGetters(rowIds, dataByColId, columns);
// create cell accessors
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ export async function exportSection(
// fetch actual data
const data = await activeDoc.fetchTable(docSessionFromRequest(req as RequestWithLogin), table.tableId, true);
let rowIds = data[2];
const dataByColId = data[3];
const {tableData} = await activeDoc.fetchTable(docSessionFromRequest(req as RequestWithLogin), table.tableId, true);
let rowIds = tableData[2];
const dataByColId = tableData[3];
// sort rows
const getters = new ServerColumnGetters(rowIds, dataByColId, columns);
const sorter = new SortFunc(getters);

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import {
} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { AttachmentColumns, gatherAttachmentIds, getAttachmentColumns } from 'app/common/AttachmentColumns';
import { RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData, UpdateRecord } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { CellValue, ColValues, DocAction, getTableId, isSchemaAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { TableDataAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { getColIdsFromDocAction, TableDataAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData';
import { UserOverride } from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import { DocUsageSummary, FilteredDocUsageSummary } from 'app/common/DocUsage';
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ import { ErrorWithCode } from 'app/common/ErrorWithCode';
import { AclMatchInput, InfoEditor, InfoView } from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import { UserInfo } from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import { getSetMapValue, isNonNullish, isNumber, pruneArray } from 'app/common/gutil';
import { getSetMapValue, isNonNullish, pruneArray } from 'app/common/gutil';
import { MetaRowRecord, SingleCell } from 'app/common/TableData';
import { canEdit, canView, isValidRole, Role } from 'app/common/roles';
import { FullUser, UserAccessData } from 'app/common/UserAPI';
@ -44,12 +45,11 @@ import { IPermissionInfo, MixedPermissionSetWithContext,
PermissionInfo, PermissionSetWithContext } from 'app/server/lib/PermissionInfo';
import { TablePermissionSetWithContext } from 'app/server/lib/PermissionInfo';
import { integerParam } from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils';
import { getColIdsFromDocAction, getColValuesFromDocAction, getRelatedRows,
getRowIdsFromDocAction } from 'app/server/lib/RowAccess';
import { getRelatedRows, getRowIdsFromDocAction } from 'app/server/lib/RowAccess';
import cloneDeep = require('lodash/cloneDeep');
import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs');
import memoize = require('lodash/memoize');
import get = require('lodash/get');
import memoize = require('lodash/memoize');
// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
@ -597,9 +597,11 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
const actions = await Promise.all(
docActions.map((action, actionIdx) => this._filterOutgoingDocAction({docSession, action, actionIdx})));
const result = ([] as DocAction[]).concat(...actions);
let result = ([] as ActionCursor[]).concat(...actions);
result = await this._filterOutgoingAttachments(result);
return await this._filterOutgoingCellInfo(docSession, docActions, result);
return await this._filterOutgoingCellInfo(docSession, docActions,
result.map(a => a.action));
@ -820,8 +822,12 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
* An odd little right for findColFromValues and autocomplete. Allow if user can read
* all data, or is an owner. Might be worth making a special permission.
* Allow if user can read all data, or is an owner.
* Might be worth making a special permission.
* At the time of writing, used for:
* - findColFromValues
* - autocomplete
* - unfiltered access to attachment metadata
public async canScanData(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
return await this.isOwner(docSession) || await this.canReadEverything(docSession);
@ -903,6 +909,17 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
for (const tableId of STRUCTURAL_TABLES) {
if (await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) {
// Attachments? No attachments here (whistles innocently).
// Computing which attachments user has access to would require
// looking at entire document, which we don't want to do. So instead
// we'll be sending this info on a need-to-know basis later.
const attachments = tables['_grist_Attachments'];
attachments[2] = [];
Object.values(attachments[3]).forEach(values => {
values.length = 0;
return tables;
@ -1083,7 +1100,12 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
// Populate a minimal in-memory version of the database with these rows.
const docData = new DocData(
(tableId) => this._fetchQueryFromDB({tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}}), {
async (tableId) => {
return {
tableData: await this._fetchQueryFromDB(
{tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}})
}, {
_grist_Cells: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Cells')!.getTableDataAction(),
// We need some basic table information to translate numeric ids to string ids (refs to ids).
_grist_Tables: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables')!.getTableDataAction(),
@ -1095,6 +1117,11 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
return docData;
// Return true if attachment info must be sent on a need-to-know basis.
public async needAttachmentControl(docSession: OptDocSession) {
return !await this.canScanData(docSession);
* An optimization to catch obvious access problems for simple data
* actions (such as UpdateRecord, BulkAddRecord, etc) early. Checks
@ -1971,7 +1998,11 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
const rows = new Map(getRelatedRows(applied ? [...undo].reverse() : docActions));
// Populate a minimal in-memory version of the database with these rows.
const docData = new DocData(
(tableId) => this._fetchQueryFromDB({tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}}),
async (tableId) => {
return {
tableData: await this._fetchQueryFromDB({tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}})
// Load pre-existing rows touched by the bundle.
@ -2015,14 +2046,14 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
if (!needMeta) {
// Sometimes, the intermediate states are trivial.
// TODO: look into whether it would be worth caching attachment columns.
const attachmentColumns = this._getAttachmentColumns(this._docData);
const attachmentColumns = getAttachmentColumns(this._docData);
return docActions.map(action => ({action, attachmentColumns}));
const metaDocData = new DocData(
async (tableId) => {
const result = this._docData.getTable(tableId)?.getTableDataAction();
if (!result) { throw new Error('surprising load'); }
return result;
return {tableData: result};
@ -2067,33 +2098,12 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
replaceRuler = false;
step.ruler = ruler;
step.attachmentColumns = this._getAttachmentColumns(metaDocData);
step.attachmentColumns = getAttachmentColumns(metaDocData);
return steps;
* Enumerate attachment columns, represented as a map from tableId to
* a set of colIds.
private _getAttachmentColumns(metaDocData: DocData): Map<string, Set<string>> {
const tablesTable = metaDocData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const columnsTable = metaDocData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
const attachmentColumns: Map<string, Set<string>> = new Map();
for (const col of columnsTable.filterRecords({type: 'Attachments'})) {
const table = tablesTable.getRecord(col.parentId);
const tableId = table?.tableId;
if (!tableId) { throw new Error('table not found'); /* should not happen */ }
const colId = col.colId;
if (!attachmentColumns.has(tableId)) {
attachmentColumns.set(tableId, new Set());
return attachmentColumns;
* Return any permitted parts of an action. A completely forbidden
* action results in an empty list. Forbidden columns and rows will
@ -2163,7 +2173,7 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
* TODO: I think that column rules controlling READ access using rec are not fully supported
* yet. They work on first load, but if READ access is lost/gained updates won't be made.
private async _filterOutgoingDocAction(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<DocAction[]> {
private async _filterOutgoingDocAction(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<ActionCursor[]> {
const {action} = cursor;
const tableId = getTableId(action);
@ -2200,7 +2210,7 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
return secondPass;
return secondPass.map(act => ({ ...cursor, action: act }));
private async _filterOutgoingStructuralTables(cursor: ActionCursor, act: DataAction, results: DocAction[]) {
@ -2270,61 +2280,89 @@ export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
* has the right to access any attachments mentioned.
private async _checkIncomingAttachmentChanges(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<void> {
const {docSession} = cursor;
const attIds = await this._gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor);
for (const attId of attIds) {
if (!await this.isAttachmentUploadedByUser(docSession, attId) &&
!await this.findAttachmentCellForUser(docSession, attId)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Cannot access attachment', {
status: 403,
* If user doesn't have sufficient rights, rewrite any attachment information
* as follows:
* - Remove data actions (other than [Bulk]RemoveRecord) on the _grist_Attachments table
* - Gather any attachment ids mentioned in data actions
* - Prepend a BulkAddRecord for _grist_Attachments giving metadata for the attachments
* This will result in metadata being sent to clients more than necessary,
* but saves us keeping track of which clients already know about which
* attachments.
* We don't make any particular effort to retract attachment metadata from
* clients if they lose access to it later. They won't have access to the
* content of the attachment, and will lose metadata on a document reload.
private async _filterOutgoingAttachments(cursors: ActionCursor[]) {
if (cursors.length === 0) { return []; }
const docSession = cursors[0].docSession;
if (!await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) {
return cursors;
const result = [] as ActionCursor[];
const attIds = new Set<number>();
for (const cursor of cursors) {
const changes = await this._gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor);
// We assume here that ACL rules were already applied and columns were
// either removed or censored.
// Gather all attachment ids stored in user tables.
for (const attId of changes) {
const {action} = cursor;
// Remove any additions or updates to the _grist_Attachments table.
if (!isDataAction(action) || isRemoveRecordAction(action) || getTableId(action) !== '_grist_Attachments') {
// We removed all actions that created attachments, now send all attachments metadata
// we currently have that are related to actions being broadcast.
if (attIds.size > 0) {
const act = this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Attachments')
action: act,
// For access control purposes, this new action will be under the
// same access rules as the first DocAction.
actionIdx: cursors[0].actionIdx,
return result;
private async _gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<Set<number>> {
const empty = new Set<number>();
const options = this._activeBundle?.options;
if (options?.fromOwnHistory && options.oldestSource &&
Date.now() - options.oldestSource < HISTORICAL_ATTACHMENT_OWNERSHIP_PERIOD) {
return empty;
const {action, docSession} = cursor;
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return; }
if (isRemoveRecordAction(action)) { return; }
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return empty; }
if (isRemoveRecordAction(action)) { return empty; }
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const step = await this._getMetaStep(cursor);
const attachmentColumns = step.attachmentColumns;
if (!attachmentColumns) { return; }
if (!attachmentColumns) { return empty; }
const ac = attachmentColumns.get(tableId);
if (!ac) { return; }
const colIds = getColIdsFromDocAction(action);
if (!colIds.some(colId => ac.has(colId))) { return; }
if (await this.isOwner(docSession) || await this.canReadEverything(docSession)) { return; }
const attIds = new Set<number>();
for (const colId of colIds) {
if (!ac.has(colId)) { continue; }
const values = getColValuesFromDocAction(action, colId);
if (!values) { continue; }
for (const v of values) {
// We expect an array. What should we do with other types?
// If we were confident no part of Grist would interpret non-array
// values as attachment ids, then we should let them be added, as
// part of Grist's spreadsheet-style willingness to allow invalid
// data. I decided to go ahead and require that numbers or number-like
// strings should be checked as if they were attachment ids, just in
// case. But if this proves awkward for someone, it could be reasonable
// to only check ids in an array after confirming Grist is strict in
// how it interprets material in attachment cells.
if (typeof v === 'number') {
} else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
for (const p of v) {
if (typeof p === 'number') {
} else if (typeof v === 'boolean' || v === null) {
// Nothing obvious to do here.
} else if (isNumber(v)) {
for (const attId of attIds) {
if (!await this.isAttachmentUploadedByUser(docSession, attId) &&
!await this.findAttachmentCellForUser(docSession, attId)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Cannot access attachment', {
status: 403,
if (!ac) { return empty; }
const colIds = getColIdsFromDocAction(action) || [];
if (!colIds.some(colId => ac.has(colId))) { return empty; }
if (!await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) { return empty; }
return gatherAttachmentIds(attachmentColumns, action);
private async _getRuler(cursor: ActionCursor) {
@ -2563,7 +2601,7 @@ export interface MetaStep {
metaBefore?: {[key: string]: TableDataAction}; // cached structural metadata before action
metaAfter?: {[key: string]: TableDataAction}; // cached structural metadata after action
ruler?: Ruler; // rules at this step
attachmentColumns?: Map<string, Set<string>>; // attachment columns after this step
attachmentColumns?: AttachmentColumns; // attachment columns after this step
@ -2572,7 +2610,10 @@ export interface MetaStep {
interface ActionCursor {
action: DocAction;
docSession: OptDocSession;
actionIdx: number|null;
actionIdx: number|null; // an index into where we are within the original
// DocActions, for access control purposes.
// Used for referencing a cache of intermediate
// access control state.

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { AddRecord, BulkAddRecord, BulkRemoveRecord, BulkUpdateRecord,
CellValue, DocAction, getTableId, RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData,
DocAction, getTableId, RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData,
TableDataAction, UpdateRecord } from "app/common/DocActions";
import { getSetMapValue } from "app/common/gutil";
@ -77,33 +77,3 @@ export function getRowIdsFromDocAction(docActions: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveReco
const ids = docActions[2];
return (typeof ids === 'number') ? [ids] : ids;
* Tiny helper to get the col ids mentioned in a record-related DocAction as a list
* (even if the action is not a bulk action). When the action touches the whole row,
* it returns ["*"].
export function getColIdsFromDocAction(docActions: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord |
BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData |
TableDataAction) {
if (docActions[3]) { return Object.keys(docActions[3]); }
return ['*'];
* Extract column values for a particular column as CellValue[] from a
* record-related DocAction. Undefined if absent.
export function getColValuesFromDocAction(docAction: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord |
BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData |
TableDataAction, colId: string): CellValue[]|undefined {
const colValues = docAction[3];
if (!colValues) { return undefined; }
const cellValues = colValues[colId];
if (!cellValues) { return undefined; }
if (Array.isArray(docAction[2])) {
return cellValues as CellValue[];
} else {
return [cellValues as CellValue];

@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ export class DocTriggers {
// Fetch the modified records in full so they can be sent in webhooks
// They will also be used to check if the record is ready
const tableDataAction = this._activeDoc.fetchQuery(docSession, {tableId, filters});
const tableDataAction = this._activeDoc.fetchQuery(docSession, {tableId, filters})
.then(tableFetchResult => tableFetchResult.tableData);
tasks.push({tableDelta, triggers, tableDataAction, recordDeltas});

@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ settings = {
"ociVersion": "1.0.0",
"process": {
"terminal": include_bash,
# Match current user id, for convenience with mounts. For some versions of
# gvisor, default behavior may be better - if you see "access denied" problems
# during imports, try commenting this section out. We could make imports work
# for any version of gvisor by setting mode when using tmp.dir to allow
# others to list directory contents.
"user": {
"uid": os.getuid(),
"gid": 0
"args": cmd_args,
"env": env,
"cwd": "/"
@ -112,18 +121,6 @@ settings = {
if not os.environ.get('GVISOR_USE_DEFAULT_USER'):
# Match current user id, for convenience with mounts. For some versions of
# gvisor, default behavior may be better - if you see "access denied" problems
# during imports, try setting GVISOR_USE_DEFAULT_USER. We could make imports work
# for any version of gvisor by setting mode when using tmp.dir to allow
# others to list directory contents.
settings['process']['user'] = {
"uid": os.getuid(),
"gid": 0
memory_limit = os.environ.get('GVISOR_LIMIT_MEMORY')
if memory_limit:
settings['process']['rlimits'] = [

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import { DocAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData';
import { SchemaTypes } from 'app/common/schema';
import { FlexServer } from 'app/server/lib/FlexServer';
import axios from 'axios';
import pick = require('lodash/pick');
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ export class GristClient {
private _requestId: number = 0;
private _pending: Array<GristResponse|GristMessage> = [];
private _docData?: DocData; // accumulate tabular info like a real client.
private _consumer: () => void;
private _ignoreTrivialActions: boolean = false;
@ -41,6 +44,17 @@ export class GristClient {
if (msg.data?.doc) {
this._docData = new DocData(() => {
throw new Error('no fetches');
}, msg.data.doc);
if (this._docData && msg.type === 'docUserAction') {
const docActions = msg.data?.docActions || [];
for (const docAction of docActions) {
if (this._consumer) { this._consumer(); }
@ -65,6 +79,15 @@ export class GristClient {
return this._pending.length;
public get docData() {
if (!this._docData) { throw new Error('no DocData'); }
return this._docData;
public getMetaRecords(tableId: keyof SchemaTypes) {
return this.docData.getMetaTable(tableId).getRecords();
public async read(): Promise<any> {
for (;;) {
if (this._pending.length) {
@ -97,6 +120,11 @@ export class GristClient {
public waitForServer() {
// send an arbitrary failing message and wait for response.
return this.send('ping');
// Helper to read the next docUserAction ignoring anything else (e.g. a duplicate clientConnect).
public async readDocUserAction(): Promise<DocAction[]> {
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
