(core) New chart view axis conf with picker for each of X,Y and group by

Chart view used to rely on the same view field configuration as used in any other widget.

This diff allows to explicitely select X-AXIS, Y-AXIS and group by column with column picker.

As charts supports several y-axis, we still use a draggable list to arrange them.

Diff also fix doc to the `insertPositions` function.

Test Plan: Updated the relevant test.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3021
This commit is contained in:
Cyprien P 2021-09-15 10:51:18 +02:00
parent 3e5a292cde
commit 2cf2088373
5 changed files with 363 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -10,13 +10,17 @@ import {ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {KoSaveableObservable, ObjObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import {SortedRowSet} from 'app/client/models/rowset';
import {cssRow} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanel';
import {cssLabel, cssRow, cssSeparator} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanel';
import {cssFieldEntry, cssFieldLabel, IField, VisibleFieldsConfig } from 'app/client/ui/VisibleFieldsConfig';
import {squareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {linkSelect, select} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {cssDragger} from 'app/client/ui2018/draggableList';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {linkSelect, menu, menuItem, select} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {nativeCompare} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
import {dom, DomElementArg, makeTestId, styled} from 'grainjs';
import {Computed, dom, DomElementArg, fromKo, Disposable as GrainJSDisposable, IOption,
makeTestId, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import debounce = require('lodash/debounce');
import defaults = require('lodash/defaults');
@ -297,14 +301,104 @@ function getPlotlyLayout(options: ChartOptions): Partial<Layout> {
* Build the DOM for side-pane configuration options for a Chart section.
* The grainjs component for side-pane configuration options for a Chart section.
export function buildChartConfigDom(section: ViewSectionRec) {
if (section.parentKey() !== 'chart') { return null; }
const optionsObj = section.optionsObj;
export class ChartConfig extends GrainJSDisposable {
// helper to build the draggable field list
private _configFieldsHelper = VisibleFieldsConfig.create(this, this._gristDoc, this._section, true);
// The index for the x-axis in the list visible fields. Could be eigther 0 or 1 depending on
// whether multiseries is set.
private _xAxisFieldIndex = Computed.create(
this, fromKo(this._optionsObj.prop('multiseries')), (_use, multiseries) => (
multiseries ? 1 : 0
// The column id of the grouping column, or -1 if multiseries is disabled.
private _groupDataColId: Computed<number> = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
const multiseries = use(this._optionsObj.prop('multiseries'));
const viewFields = use(use(this._section.viewFields).getObservable());
if (!multiseries) { return -1; }
return use(viewFields[0].column).getRowId();
.onWrite((colId) => this._setGroupDataColumn(colId));
// Updating the group data column involves several changes of the list of view fields which could
// leave the x-axis field index momentarily point to the wrong column. The freeze x axis
// observable is part of a hack to fix this issue.
private _freezeXAxis = Observable.create(this, false);
// The column is of the x-axis.
private _xAxis: Computed<number> = Computed.create(
this, this._xAxisFieldIndex, this._freezeXAxis, (use, i, freeze) => {
if (freeze) { return this._xAxis.get(); }
const viewFields = use(use(this._section.viewFields).getObservable());
if (i < viewFields.length) {
return use(viewFields[i].column).getRowId();
return -1;
.onWrite((colId) => this._setXAxis(colId));
// The list of available columns for the group data picker. Picking the actual x-axis is not
// permitted.
private _groupDataOptions = Computed.create<Array<IOption<number>>>(this, (use) => [
{value: -1, label: 'Pick a column'},
// filter out hidden column (ie: manualsort ...) and the one selected for x axis
.filter((col) => !col.isHiddenCol.peek() && (col.getRowId() !== use(this._xAxis)))
.map((col) => ({
value: col.getRowId(), label: col.label.peek(), icon: 'FieldColumn',
// Force checking/unchecking of the group data checkbox option.
private _groupDataForce = Observable.create(null, false);
// State for the group data option checkbox. True, if a group data column is set or if the user
// forced it. False otherwise.
private _groupData = Computed.create(
this, this._groupDataColId, this._groupDataForce, (_use, col, force) => {
if (col > -1) { return true; }
return force;
}).onWrite((val) => {
if (val === false) {
constructor(private _gristDoc: GristDoc, private _section: ViewSectionRec) {
private get _optionsObj() { return this._section.optionsObj; }
public buildDom() {
if (this._section.parentKey() !== 'chart') { return null; }
// The y-axis are all visible fields that comes after the x-axis and maybe the group data
// column. Hence the draggable list of y-axis needs to skip either one or two visible fields.
const skipFirst = Computed.create(this, fromKo(this._optionsObj.prop('multiseries')), (_use, multiseries) => (
multiseries ? 2 : 1
// The draggable list of y-axis
const fieldsDraggable = this._configFieldsHelper.buildVisibleFieldsConfigHelper({
itemCreateFunc: (field) => this._buildField(field),
draggableOptions: {
removeButton: false,
drag_indicator: cssDragger,
}, skipFirst
return [
select(fromKoSave(section.chartTypeDef), [
select(fromKoSave(this._section.chartTypeDef), [
{value: 'bar', label: 'Bar Chart', icon: 'ChartBar' },
{value: 'pie', label: 'Pie Chart', icon: 'ChartPie' },
{value: 'area', label: 'Area Chart', icon: 'ChartArea' },
@ -314,38 +408,153 @@ export function buildChartConfigDom(section: ViewSectionRec) {
dom.maybe((use) => use(section.chartTypeDef) !== 'pie', () => [
dom.maybe((use) => use(this._section.chartTypeDef) !== 'pie', () => [
// These options don't make much sense for a pie chart.
cssCheckboxRow('Group by first column', optionsObj.prop('multiseries'), testId('multiseries')),
cssCheckboxRow('Invert Y-axis', optionsObj.prop('invertYAxis')),
cssCheckboxRow('Log scale Y-axis', optionsObj.prop('logYAxis')),
cssCheckboxRowObs('Group data', this._groupData),
cssCheckboxRow('Invert Y-axis', this._optionsObj.prop('invertYAxis')),
cssCheckboxRow('Log scale Y-axis', this._optionsObj.prop('logYAxis')),
dom.maybe((use) => use(section.chartTypeDef) === 'line', () => [
cssCheckboxRow('Connect gaps', optionsObj.prop('lineConnectGaps')),
cssCheckboxRow('Show markers', optionsObj.prop('lineMarkers')),
dom.maybe((use) => use(this._section.chartTypeDef) === 'line', () => [
cssCheckboxRow('Connect gaps', this._optionsObj.prop('lineConnectGaps')),
cssCheckboxRow('Show markers', this._optionsObj.prop('lineMarkers')),
dom.maybe((use) => ['line', 'bar'].includes(use(section.chartTypeDef)), () => [
cssRow(cssLabel('Error bars'),
dom('div', linkSelect(fromKoSave(optionsObj.prop('errorBars')), [
dom.maybe((use) => ['line', 'bar'].includes(use(this._section.chartTypeDef)), () => [
cssRowLabel('Error bars'),
dom('div', linkSelect(fromKoSave(this._optionsObj.prop('errorBars')), [
{value: '', label: 'None'},
{value: 'symmetric', label: 'Symmetric'},
{value: 'separate', label: 'Above+Below'},
], {defaultLabel: 'None'})),
dom.domComputed(optionsObj.prop('errorBars'), (value: ChartOptions["errorBars"]) =>
dom.domComputed(this._optionsObj.prop('errorBars'), (value: ChartOptions["errorBars"]) =>
value === 'symmetric' ? cssRowHelp('Each Y series is followed by a series for the length of error bars.') :
value === 'separate' ? cssRowHelp('Each Y series is followed by two series, for top and bottom error bars.') :
dom.maybe(this._groupData, () => [
cssLabel('Group data'),
select(this._groupDataColId, this._groupDataOptions),
cssHintRow('Create separate series for each value of the selected column.'),
// TODO: user should select x axis before widget reach page
this._xAxis, this._section.table().columns().peek()
.filter((col) => !col.isHiddenCol.peek())
.map((col) => ({
value: col.getRowId(), label: col.label.peek(), icon: 'FieldColumn',
cssAddIcon('Plus'), 'Add Series',
menu(() => this._section.hiddenColumns.peek().map((col) => (
menuItem(() => this._configFieldsHelper.addField(col), col.label.peek())
private async _setXAxis(colId: number) {
const optionsObj = this._section.optionsObj;
const col = this._gristDoc.docModel.columns.getRowModel(colId);
const viewFields = this._section.viewFields.peek();
await this._gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('selected new x-axis', async () => {
// first remove the current field
if (this._xAxisFieldIndex.get() < viewFields.peek().length) {
await this._configFieldsHelper.removeField(viewFields.peek()[this._xAxisFieldIndex.get()]);
// if new field was used to group by column series, disable multiseries
const fieldIndex = viewFields.peek().findIndex((f) => f.column.peek().getRowId() === colId);
if (fieldIndex === 0 && optionsObj.prop('multiseries').peek()) {
await optionsObj.prop('multiseries').setAndSave(false);
// if new field is already visible, moves the fields to the first place else add the field to the first
// place
const xAxisField = viewFields.peek()[this._xAxisFieldIndex.get()];
if (fieldIndex > -1) {
await this._configFieldsHelper.changeFieldPosition(viewFields.peek()[fieldIndex], xAxisField);
} else {
await this._configFieldsHelper.addField(col, xAxisField);
private async _setGroupDataColumn(colId: number) {
const viewFields = this._section.viewFields.peek().peek();
await this._gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('selected new x-axis', async () => {
try {
// if grouping was already set, first remove the current field
if (this._groupDataColId.get() > -1) {
await this._configFieldsHelper.removeField(viewFields[0]);
if (colId > -1) {
const col = this._gristDoc.docModel.columns.getRowModel(colId);
const field = viewFields.find((f) => f.column.peek().getRowId() === colId);
// if new field is already visible, moves the fields to the first place else add the field to the first
// place
if (field) {
await this._configFieldsHelper.changeFieldPosition(field, viewFields[0]);
} else {
await this._configFieldsHelper.addField(col, viewFields[0]);
await this._optionsObj.prop('multiseries').setAndSave(colId > -1);
} finally {
private _buildField(col: IField) {
return cssFieldEntry(
dom.on('click', () => this._configFieldsHelper.removeField(col)),
function cssCheckboxRow(label: string, value: KoSaveableObservable<unknown>, ...args: DomElementArg[]) {
return cssCheckboxRowObs(label, fromKoSave(value), ...args);
function cssCheckboxRowObs(label: string, value: Observable<boolean>, ...args: DomElementArg[]) {
return dom('label', cssRow.cls(''),
squareCheckbox(fromKoSave(value), ...args),
squareCheckbox(value, ...args),
@ -503,7 +712,8 @@ function kaplanMeierPlot(survivalValues: number[]): Array<{x: number, y: number}
return points;
const cssLabel = styled('div', `
const cssRowLabel = styled('div', `
flex: 1 0 0px;
margin-right: 8px;
@ -511,9 +721,44 @@ const cssLabel = styled('div', `
color: ${colors.dark};
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
user-select: none;
const cssRowHelp = styled(cssRow, `
font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize};
color: ${colors.slate};
const cssAddIcon = styled(icon, `
margin-right: 4px;
const cssAddYAxis = styled('div', `
display: flex;
cursor: pointer;
color: ${colors.lightGreen};
--icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
&:not(:first-child) {
margin-top: 8px;
&:hover, &:focus, &:active {
color: ${colors.darkGreen};
--icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen};
const cssRemoveIcon = styled(icon, `
display: none;
cursor: pointer;
flex: none;
margin-left: 8px;
.${cssFieldEntry.className}:hover & {
display: block;
const cssHintRow = styled('div', `
margin: -4px 16px 8px 16px;
color: ${colors.slate};

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var koArray = require('../lib/koArray');
var SummaryConfig = require('./SummaryConfig');
var commands = require('./commands');
var {CustomSectionElement} = require('../lib/CustomSectionElement');
const {buildChartConfigDom} = require('./ChartView');
const {ChartConfig} = require('./ChartView');
const {Computed, dom: grainjsDom, makeTestId, Observable, styled} = require('grainjs');
const {addToSort, flipColDirection, parseSortColRefs} = require('app/client/lib/sortUtil');
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildGridStyleDom = function() {
ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildChartConfigDom = function() {
return grainjsDom.maybe(this.viewModel.activeSection, buildChartConfigDom);
return grainjsDom.maybe(this.viewModel.activeSection, (section) => grainjsDom.create(ChartConfig, this.gristDoc, section));
ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildLayoutDom = function() {

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ const G = require('../lib/browserGlobals').get('document', 'DOMParser');
* If an upperPos is not given, return consecutive values greater than lowerPos
* If a lowerPos is not given, return consecutive values lower than upperPos
* Else return the avg position of to-be neighboring elements.
* Ex: insertPositions(null, 0, 4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
* insertPositions(0, null, 4) = [-4, -3, -2, -1]
* Ex: insertPositions(null, 0, 4) = [-4, -3, -2, -1]
* insertPositions(0, null, 4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
* insertPositions(0, 1, 4) = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
function insertPositions(lowerPos, upperPos, numInserts) {

View File

@ -334,8 +334,10 @@ export class RightPanel extends Disposable {
dom.maybe((use) => use(this._pageWidgetType) !== 'chart', () => [
dom.create(VisibleFieldsConfig, this._gristDoc, activeSection, true)
dom.create(VisibleFieldsConfig, this._gristDoc, activeSection, true),
@ -650,7 +652,7 @@ const cssTabContents = styled('div', `
overflow: auto;
const cssSeparator = styled('div', `
export const cssSeparator = styled('div', `
border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGrey};
margin-top: 16px;

View File

@ -11,18 +11,22 @@ import { colors, vars } from "app/client/ui2018/cssVars";
import { cssDragger } from "app/client/ui2018/draggableList";
import { icon } from "app/client/ui2018/icons";
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import { Computed, Disposable, dom, IDomArgs, makeTestId, Observable, styled } from "grainjs";
import { Computed, Disposable, dom, IDomArgs, makeTestId, Observable, styled, subscribe } from "grainjs";
import difference = require("lodash/difference");
const testId = makeTestId('test-vfc-');
type IField = ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec;
export type IField = ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec;
interface DraggableFieldsOption {
// an object holding options for the draggable list, see koForm.js for more detail on the accepted
// options.
draggableOptions: any;
// Allows to skip first n items. This feature is useful to separate the series from the x-axis and
// the group-by-column in the chart type widget.
skipFirst?: Observable<number>;
// the itemCreateFunc callback passed to kf.draggableList for the visible fields.
itemCreateFunc(field: IField): Element|undefined;
@ -81,6 +85,38 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
}, null, 'spliceChange'));
* Build the draggable list components to show the visible fields of a section.
public buildVisibleFieldsConfigHelper(options: DraggableFieldsOption) {
const itemClass = this._useNewUI ? cssDragRow.className : 'view_config_draggable_field';
let fields = this._section.viewFields.peek();
if (options.skipFirst) {
const allFields = this._section.viewFields.peek();
const newArray = new KoArray<ViewFieldRec>();
function update() {
newArray.assign(allFields.peek().filter((_v, i) => i + 1 > options.skipFirst!.get()));
this.autoDispose(subscribe(options.skipFirst, update));
fields = newArray;
return kf.draggableList(
reorder: this.changeFieldPosition.bind(this),
remove: this.removeField.bind(this),
receive: this.addField.bind(this),
* Build the two draggable list components to show both the visible and the hidden fields of a
* section. Each draggable list can be parametrized using both `options.visibleFields` and
@ -99,19 +135,7 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
}): [HTMLElement, HTMLElement] {
const itemClass = this._useNewUI ? cssDragRow.className : 'view_config_draggable_field';
const fieldsDraggable = dom.update(
reorder: this._changeFieldPosition.bind(this),
remove: this._removeField.bind(this),
receive: this._addField.bind(this),
const fieldsDraggable = this.buildVisibleFieldsConfigHelper(options.visibleFields);
const hiddenFieldsDraggable = kf.draggableList(
@ -225,6 +249,29 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
public async removeField(field: IField) {
const id = field.id.peek();
const action = ['RemoveRecord', id];
await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
public async addField(column: IField, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null = null) {
const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), column, nextField);
const colInfo = {
parentId: this._section.id.peek(),
colRef: column.id.peek(),
const action = ['AddRecord', null, colInfo];
await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
public changeFieldPosition(field: ViewFieldRec, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null) {
const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), field, nextField);
const vsfAction = ['UpdateRecord', field.id.peek(), {parentPos} ];
return this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(vsfAction);
// Set all checkboxes for the visible fields.
private _setVisibleCheckboxes(visibleFieldsDraggable: Element, checked: boolean) {
@ -270,7 +317,7 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
return cssFieldEntry(
dom.on('click', () => this._addField(column)),
dom.on('click', () => this.addField(column)),
@ -291,7 +338,7 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
// TODO: we need a "cross-out eye" icon here.
dom.on('click', () => this._removeField(field)),
dom.on('click', () => this.removeField(field)),
@ -304,35 +351,12 @@ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable {
private _changeFieldPosition(field: ViewFieldRec, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null) {
const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), field, nextField);
const vsfAction = ['UpdateRecord', field.id.peek(), {parentPos} ];
return this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(vsfAction);
private async _removeField(field: IField) {
const id = field.id.peek();
const action = ['RemoveRecord', id];
await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
private async _removeSelectedFields() {
const toRemove = Array.from(this._visibleFieldsSelection).sort(gutil.nativeCompare);
const action = ['BulkRemoveRecord', toRemove];
await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
private async _addField(column: IField, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null = null) {
const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), column, nextField);
const colInfo = {
parentId: this._section.id.peek(),
colRef: column.id.peek(),
const action = ['AddRecord', null, colInfo];
await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action);
private async _addSelectedFields() {
const toAdd = Array.from(this._hiddenFieldsSelection);
const rowIds = gutil.arrayRepeat(toAdd.length, null);