(core) Fix bugs with intervals

Fixes some bugs involving intervals, and updates RandomizedTimer to support both fixed and
randomized delays, and to better handle async callbacks.

 * Fixed a bug where Throttle would queue up many pidusage calls due to the use of
    setInterval, and the async nature of the calls.

 * Fixed a but where RandomizedTimer (now just Interval) would not be disabled in
    ActiveDoc on doc shutdown if initialization had not yet settled.

Test Plan: Tested manually.

Reviewers: jarek, dsagal

Reviewed By: jarek, dsagal

Subscribers: dsagal

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3604
George Gevoian 2 years ago
parent af77824618
commit 2cb783ea7b

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
export interface IntervalOptions {
* Handler for errors that are thrown from the callback.
onError: (e: unknown) => void;
export interface IntervalDelay {
// The base delay in milliseconds.
delayMs: number;
// If set, randomizes the base delay (per interval) by this amount of milliseconds.
varianceMs?: number;
* Interval takes a function to execute, and calls it on an interval based on
* the provided delay.
* Supports both fixed and randomized delays between intervals.
export class Interval {
private _timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout | null;
private _lastPendingCall?: Promise<unknown> | unknown;
private _timeoutDelay?: number;
private _stopped: boolean = true;
private _callback: () => Promise<unknown> | unknown,
private _delay: IntervalDelay,
private _options: IntervalOptions
) {}
* Sets the timeout and schedules the callback to be called on interval.
public enable(): void {
this._stopped = false;
* Clears the timeout and prevents the next call from being scheduled.
* This method does not currently cancel any pending calls. See `disableAndFinish`
* for an async version of this method that supports waiting for the last pending
* call to finish.
public disable(): void {
this._stopped = true;
* Like `disable`, but also waits for the last pending call to finish.
public async disableAndFinish(): Promise<void> {
await this._lastPendingCall;
* Gets the delay in milliseconds of the next scheduled call.
* Primarily useful for tests.
public getDelayMs(): number | undefined {
return this._timeoutDelay;
private _clearTimeout() {
if (!this._timeout) { return; }
this._timeout = null;
private _setTimeout() {
this._timeoutDelay = this._computeDelayMs();
this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this._onTimeoutTriggered(), this._timeoutDelay);
private _computeDelayMs() {
const {delayMs, varianceMs} = this._delay;
if (varianceMs !== undefined) {
// Randomize the delay by the specified amount of variance.
const [min, max] = [delayMs - varianceMs, delayMs + varianceMs];
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
} else {
return delayMs;
private async _onTimeoutTriggered() {
try {
await (this._lastPendingCall = this._callback());
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (!this._stopped) {

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* RandomizedTimer takes a function to execute, and calls it on a randomized interval
* between the minimum and maximum delay. The interval delay is randomized between
* each scheduled call.
export class RandomizedTimer {
private _timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout | null;
private _callback: () => void,
private _minDelayMs: number,
private _maxDelayMs: number,
) {}
* Sets the timeout and schedules the callback to be called.
public enable(): void {
* Clears the timeout and prevents the callback from being called.
public disable(): void {
private _clearTimeout() {
if (!this._timeout) { return; }
this._timeout = null;
private _setTimeout() {
const [min, max] = [this._minDelayMs, this._maxDelayMs];
const delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this._onTimeoutTriggered(), delay);
private _onTimeoutTriggered() {

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import {FormulaProperties, getFormulaProperties} from 'app/common/GranularAccess
import {parseUrlId} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {byteString, countIf, retryOnce, safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {InactivityTimer} from 'app/common/InactivityTimer';
import {RandomizedTimer} from 'app/common/RandomizedTimer';
import {Interval} from 'app/common/Interval';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {schema, SCHEMA_VERSION} from 'app/common/schema';
import {MetaRowRecord, SingleCell} from 'app/common/TableData';
@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ const ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') ? 30 : 5;
// Cleanup expired attachments every hour (also happens when shutting down)
const REMOVE_UNUSED_ATTACHMENTS_DELAY = {delayMs: 60 * 60 * 1000, varianceMs: 30 * 1000};
// Apply the UpdateCurrentTime user action every hour
const UPDATE_CURRENT_TIME_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000;
const UPDATE_CURRENT_TIME_DELAY = {delayMs: 60 * 60 * 1000, varianceMs: 30 * 1000};
// Measure and broadcast data size every 5 minutes
const UPDATE_DATA_SIZE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000;
const UPDATE_DATA_SIZE_DELAY = {delayMs: 5 * 60 * 1000, varianceMs: 30 * 1000};
// A hook for dependency injection.
export const Deps = {ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT};
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// result).
protected _modificationLock: Mutex = new Mutex();
private _log = new LogMethods('ActiveDoc ', (s: OptDocSession) => this.getLogMeta(s));
private _log = new LogMethods('ActiveDoc ', (s: OptDocSession | null) => this.getLogMeta(s));
private _triggers: DocTriggers;
private _requests: DocRequests;
private _dataEngine: Promise<ISandbox>|undefined;
@ -220,8 +220,34 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
private _recoveryMode: boolean = false;
private _shuttingDown: boolean = false;
// Randomized timers to clear on shutdown.
private _randomizedTimers: RandomizedTimer[] = [];
* In cases where large numbers of documents are restarted simultaneously
* (like during deployments), there's a tendency for scheduled intervals to
* execute at roughly the same moment in time, which causes spikes in load.
* To mitigate this, we use randomized intervals that re-compute their delay
* in-between calls, with a variance of 30 seconds.
private _intervals = [
// Cleanup expired attachments every hour (also happens when shutting down).
new Interval(
() => this.removeUnusedAttachments(true),
{onError: (e) => this._log.error(null, 'failed to remove expired attachments', e)},
// Update the time in formulas every hour.
new Interval(
() => this._applyUserActions(makeExceptionalDocSession('system'), [['UpdateCurrentTime']]),
{onError: (e) => this._log.error(null, 'failed to update current time', e)},
// Measure and broadcast data size every 5 minutes.
new Interval(
() => this._checkDataSizeLimitRatio(makeExceptionalDocSession('system')),
{onError: (e) => this._log.error(null, 'failed to update data size', e)},
constructor(docManager: DocManager, docName: string, private _options?: ICreateActiveDocOptions) {
@ -296,6 +322,10 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// unscheduled. If not (e.g. abandoned import, network problems after creating a doc), then
// the ActiveDoc will get cleaned up.
for (const interval of this._intervals) {
public get docName(): string { return this._docName; }
@ -472,8 +502,8 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// Clear the MapWithTTL to remove all timers from the event loop.
for (const timer of this._randomizedTimers) {
for (const interval of this._intervals) {
await interval.disableAndFinish();
// We'll defer syncing usage until everything is calculated.
const usageOptions = {syncUsageToDatabase: false, broadcastUsageToClients: false};
@ -2061,7 +2091,6 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
this._log.debug(docSession, `loaded in ${loadMs} ms, InactivityTimer set to ${closeTimeout} ms`);
void this._initializeDocUsage(docSession);
void this._scheduleBackgroundJobs();
} catch (err) {
this._fullyLoaded = true;
if (!this._shuttingDown) {
@ -2123,40 +2152,6 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
private _scheduleBackgroundJobs() {
/* In cases where large numbers of documents are restarted simultaneously
* (like during deployments), there's a tendency for scheduled intervals to
* execute at roughly the same moment in time, which causes spikes in load.
* To mitigate this, we use randomized timers that re-compute their delay
* in-between intervals, with a maximum variance of 30 seconds. */
const VARIANCE_MS = 30000;
this._randomizedTimers = [
// Cleanup expired attachments every hour (also happens when shutting down).
new RandomizedTimer(
() => this.removeUnusedAttachments(true),
// Update the time in formulas every hour.
new RandomizedTimer(
() => this._applyUserActions(makeExceptionalDocSession('system'), [['UpdateCurrentTime']]),
// Measure and broadcast data size every 5 minutes.
new RandomizedTimer(
() => this._checkDataSizeLimitRatio(makeExceptionalDocSession('system')),
for (const timer of this._randomizedTimers) {
* Called before a migration. Makes sure a back-up is made.

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import pidusage from '@gristlabs/pidusage';
import {Interval} from 'app/common/Interval';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ interface MeterSample {
* process from consuming too much cpu until stop() is called.
export class Throttle {
private _timing: ThrottleTiming; // overall timing parameters
private _meteringInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; // timer for cpu measurements
private _timing: ThrottleTiming =
this._options.timing || defaultThrottleTiming; // overall timing parameters
private _dutyCycleTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; // driver for throttle duty cycle
private _traceNudgeTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; // schedule a nudge to a traced process
private _throttleFactor: number = 0; // relative length of paused phase
@ -84,6 +85,13 @@ export class Throttle {
private _stopped: boolean = false; // set when stop has been called
private _active: boolean = true; // set when we are not trying to pause process
// Interval for CPU measurements.
private _meteringInterval: Interval = new Interval(
() => this._update(),
{delayMs: this._timing.samplePeriodMs},
{onError: (e) => this._log(`Throttle error: ${e}`, this._options.logMeta)},
* Start monitoring the given process and throttle as needed.
* If readPid is set, CPU usage will be read for that process.
@ -127,8 +135,7 @@ export class Throttle {
logMeta: log.ILogMeta,
timing?: ThrottleTiming
}) {
this._timing = this._options.timing || defaultThrottleTiming;
this._meteringInterval = setInterval(() => this._update(), this._timing.samplePeriodMs);
@ -285,10 +292,7 @@ export class Throttle {
* Make sure measurement of cpu is stopped.
private _stopMetering() {
if (this._meteringInterval) {
this._meteringInterval = undefined;
private _stopTraceNudge() {

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
import {Interval} from 'app/common/Interval';
import {delay} from 'bluebird';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
describe('Interval', function() {
const delayMs = 100;
const varianceMs = 50;
const promiseDelayMs = 200;
const delayBufferMs = 20;
let interval: Interval;
let spy: sinon.SinonSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
spy = sinon.spy();
afterEach(async () => {
if (interval) {
await interval.disableAndFinish();
it('is not enabled by default', async function() {
interval = new Interval(spy, {delayMs}, {onError: () => { /* do nothing */ }});
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 0);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 0);
it('can be disabled', async function() {
interval = new Interval(spy, {delayMs}, {onError: () => { /* do nothing */ }});
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
// Disable the interval, and check that the calls stop.
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
// Enable the interval again, and check that the calls resume.
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 2);
it('calls onError if callback throws an error', async function() {
const callback = () => { throw new Error('Something bad happened.'); };
const onErrorSpy = sinon.spy();
interval = new Interval(callback, {delayMs}, {onError: onErrorSpy});
// Check that onError is called when the callback throws.
assert.equal(onErrorSpy.callCount, 0);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(onErrorSpy.callCount, 1);
// Check that the interval didn't stop (since the onError spy silenced the error).
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(onErrorSpy.callCount, 2);
describe('with a fixed delay', function() {
beforeEach(() => {
interval = new Interval(spy, {delayMs}, {onError: () => { /* do nothing */ }});
it('calls the callback on a fixed interval', async function() {
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 1);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 2);
describe('with a randomized delay', function() {
beforeEach(() => {
interval = new Interval(spy, {delayMs, varianceMs}, {
onError: () => { /* do nothing */ }
it('calls the callback on a randomized interval', async function() {
const delays: number[] = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
// Get the current delay and check that it's within the expected range.
const currentDelayMs = interval.getDelayMs();
assert.isAtMost(currentDelayMs!, delayMs + varianceMs);
assert.isAtLeast(currentDelayMs!, delayMs - varianceMs);
// Wait for the delay, and check that the spy was called.
await delay(currentDelayMs!);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, i);
// Check that we didn't use the same delay all 10 times.
assert.notEqual([...new Set(delays)].length, 1);
describe('with a promise-based callback', function() {
let promiseSpy: sinon.SinonSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
const promise = () => delay(promiseDelayMs);
promiseSpy = sinon.spy(promise);
interval = new Interval(promiseSpy, {delayMs}, {onError: () => { /* do nothing */ }});
it('waits for promises to settle before scheduling the next call', async function() {
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 0);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 1);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 1); // Still 1, because the first promise hasn't settled yet.
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 1); // Promise now settled, but there's still a 100ms delay.
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 2); // Now we finally call the callback again.
it('can wait for last promise to settle when disabling', async function() {
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 0);
await delay(delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 1);
await interval.disableAndFinish();
// Check that once disabled, no more calls are scheduled.
await delay(promiseDelayMs + delayMs + delayBufferMs);
assert.equal(promiseSpy.callCount, 1);