(core) Enforce daily limit on API usage

Keep track of the number of API requests made for this document today in redis. Uses local caches of the count and the document so that usually requests can proceed without waiting for redis or the database.

Moved the free standing function apiThrottle to become a method to avoid adding another layer of request handler callbacks.

Test Plan: Added a DocApi test

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Subscribers: dsagal

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3327
Alex Hall 2 years ago
parent b6f146d755
commit 2c9ae6dc94

@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ class DummyDocWorkerMap implements IDocWorkerMap {
public async getDocGroup(docId: string): Promise<string|null> {
return null;
public incrementDocApiUsage(key: string): Promise<number> {
return Promise.resolve(0);
@ -507,6 +511,18 @@ export class DocWorkerMap implements IDocWorkerMap {
return this._client.getAsync(`doc-${docId}-group`);
* Increment the value at the given redis key representing API usage of one document in one day.
* Expire the key after a day just so that it cleans itself up.
* Returns the value after incrementing.
* This is not related to other responsibilities of this class,
* but this class conveniently manages the redis client.
public async incrementDocApiUsage(key: string): Promise<number | null> {
const result = await this._client.multi().incr(key).expire(key, 24 * 60 * 60).execAsync();
return Number(result?.[0]);
* Fetch the doc-<docId> hash and doc-<docId>-checksum key from redis.
* Return as a decoded DocStatus and a checksum.

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import * as Types from "app/plugin/DocApiTypes";
import * as contentDisposition from 'content-disposition';
import { Application, NextFunction, Request, RequestHandler, Response } from "express";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import * as LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as uuidv4 from "uuid/v4";
@ -81,40 +82,6 @@ function validate(checker: Checker): RequestHandler {
* Middleware to track the number of requests outstanding on each document, and to
* throw an exception when the maximum number of requests are already outstanding.
* Access to a document must already have been authorized.
function apiThrottle(usage: Map<string, number>,
callback: (req: RequestWithLogin,
resp: Response,
next: NextFunction) => void|Promise<void>): RequestHandler {
return async (req, res, next) => {
const docId = getDocId(req);
try {
const count = usage.get(docId) || 0;
usage.set(docId, count + 1);
throw new ApiError(`Too many backlogged requests for document ${docId} - ` +
`try again later?`, 429);
await callback(req as RequestWithLogin, res, next);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
const count = usage.get(docId);
if (count) {
if (count === 1) {
} else {
usage.set(docId, count - 1);
export class DocWorkerApi {
constructor(private _app: Application, private _docWorker: DocWorker,
private _docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap, private _docManager: DocManager,
@ -140,7 +107,7 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
// Middleware to limit number of outstanding requests per document. Will also
// handle errors like expressWrap would.
const throttled = apiThrottle.bind(null, new Map());
const throttled = this._apiThrottle.bind(this);
const withDoc = (callback: WithDocHandler) => throttled(this._requireActiveDoc(callback));
// Apply user actions to a document.
@ -756,6 +723,103 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
return this._docManager.getActiveDoc(getDocId(req));
* Middleware to track the number of requests outstanding on each document, and to
* throw an exception when the maximum number of requests are already outstanding.
* Also throws an exception if too many requests (based on the user's product plan)
* have been made today for this document.
* Access to a document must already have been authorized.
private _apiThrottle(callback: (req: RequestWithLogin,
resp: Response,
next: NextFunction) => void | Promise<void>): RequestHandler {
const usage = new Map<string, number>();
const dailyUsage = new LRUCache<string, number>({max: 1024});
return async (req, res, next) => {
const docId = getDocId(req);
try {
const count = usage.get(docId) || 0;
usage.set(docId, count + 1);
throw new ApiError(`Too many backlogged requests for document ${docId} - ` +
`try again later?`, 429);
if (await this._checkDailyDocApiUsage(req, docId, dailyUsage)) {
throw new ApiError(`Exceeded daily limit for document ${docId}`, 429);
await callback(req as RequestWithLogin, res, next);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
const count = usage.get(docId);
if (count) {
if (count === 1) {
} else {
usage.set(docId, count - 1);
* Usually returns true if too many requests (based on the user's product plan)
* have been made today for this document.
* Access to a document must already have been authorized.
* This is called frequently so it uses caches to check quickly in the common case,
* which allows a few ways for users to exceed the limit slightly if the timing works out,
* but these should be acceptable.
private async _checkDailyDocApiUsage(req: Request, docId: string, dailyUsage: LRUCache<string, number>) {
// Start with the possibly stale cached doc to avoid a database call.
// This leaves a small window for the user to bypass this limit after downgrading.
let doc = (req as RequestWithLogin).docAuth!.cachedDoc!;
function getMax() {
return doc.workspace.org.billingAccount?.product.features.baseMaxApiUnitsPerDocumentPerDay;
let max = getMax();
if (!max) {
// This doc has no associated product (happens to new unsaved docs)
// or the product has no API limit.
// Get the current count from the dailyUsage cache rather than waiting for redis.
// The cache will not have a count if this is the first request for this document served by this worker process
// or if so many other documents have been served since then that this key was evicted from the LRU cache.
// Both scenarios are temporary and unlikely when usage has been exceeded.
const key = docDailyApiUsageKey(docId);
const count = dailyUsage.get(key);
if (count && count >= max) {
// The limit has apparently been exceeded.
// In case the user just upgraded, get a fresh Document entity from the DB and check again.
doc = await this._dbManager.getDoc(getDocScope(req));
max = getMax();
if (max && count >= max) {
return true;
// Note the increased API usage on redis and in our local cache.
// Do this in the background so that the rest of the request can continue without waiting for redis.
// If the user makes many concurrent requests quickly,
// a few extra might slip through before we see the count exceeding the limit, but this is basically unavoidable.
this._docWorkerMap.incrementDocApiUsage(key).then(newCount => {
if (newCount) {
// Theoretically this could be overwritten by a lower count that was requested earlier
// but somehow arrived after.
// This doesn't really matter, and the count on redis will still increase reliably.
dailyUsage.set(key, newCount);
}).catch(e => console.error(`Error tracking API usage for doc ${docId}`, e));
private async _assertAccess(role: 'viewers'|'editors'|'owners'|null, allowRemoved: boolean,
req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
const scope = getDocScope(req);
@ -1037,3 +1101,15 @@ function getTableOperations(req: RequestWithLogin, activeDoc: ActiveDoc): TableO
async function handleSandboxError<T>(tableId: string, colNames: string[], p: Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
return handleSandboxErrorOnPlatform(tableId, colNames, p, getErrorPlatform(tableId));
* Returns a key used for redis and a local cache
* which store the number of API requests made for the given document today.
* Defined here so that it can easily be accessed in tests.
* The key contains the current UTC date so that counts from previous days are simply ignored and eventually evicted.
* This means that the daily measured usage conceptually 'resets' at UTC midnight.
export function docDailyApiUsageKey(docId: string) {
const d = new Date();
return `doc-${docId}-dailyApiUsage-${d.getUTCFullYear()}-${d.getUTCMonth() + 1}-${d.getUTCDate()}`;

@ -66,4 +66,6 @@ export interface IDocWorkerMap extends IPermitStores, IElectionStore, IChecksumS
getWorkerGroup(workerId: string): Promise<string|null>;
getDocGroup(docId: string): Promise<string|null>;
incrementDocApiUsage(key: string): Promise<number|null>;

@ -71,5 +71,7 @@ declare module "redis" {
public srem(key: string, val: string): Multi;
public rpush(key: string, ...vals: string[]): Multi;
public ltrim(key: string, start: number, end: number): Multi;
public incr(key: string): Multi;
public expire(key: string, seconds: number): Multi;
