Merge branch 'main' into header-from-row

CamilleLegeron 3 months ago
commit 28db292f96

@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ The `grist-core`, `grist-electron`, and `grist-static` repositories are all open
## 2024 - We're hiring a Systems Engineer!
We are looking for a friendly, capable engineer to join our small
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Read the [full job posting](
or jump into the puzzle that comes with it by just running this:
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## Features
Grist is a hybrid database/spreadsheet, meaning that:

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {logTelemetryEvent} from 'app/client/lib/telemetry';
import {reportError, UserError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData';
import {withInfoTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips';
import {shadowScroll} from 'app/client/ui/shadowScroll';
import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {squareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
@ -690,8 +691,7 @@ class TableRules extends Disposable {
cssIconButton(icon('Dots'), {style: 'margin-left: auto'},
menu(() => [
menuItemAsync(() => this._addColumnRuleSet(), t("Add Column Rule")),
menuItemAsync(() => this._addDefaultRuleSet(), t("Add Default Rule"),
dom.cls('disabled', use => Boolean(use(this._defaultRuleSet)))),
menuItemAsync(() => this._addDefaultRuleSet(), t("Add Table-wide Rule")),
menuItemAsync(() => this._accessRules.removeTableRules(this), t("Delete Table Rules")),
@ -813,9 +813,13 @@ class TableRules extends Disposable {
private _addDefaultRuleSet() {
if (!this._defaultRuleSet.get()) {
const ruleSet = this._defaultRuleSet.get();
if (!ruleSet) {
DefaultObsRuleSet.create(this._defaultRuleSet, this._accessRules, this, this._haveColumnRules);
} else {
const part = ruleSet.addRulePart(ruleSet.getDefaultCondition());
setTimeout(() => part.focusEditor?.(), 0);
@ -1034,6 +1038,12 @@ abstract class ObsRuleSet extends Disposable {
return body.length > 0 && body[body.length - 1].hasEmptyCondition(use);
public getDefaultCondition(): ObsRulePart|null {
const body = this._body.get();
const last = body.length > 0 ? body[body.length - 1] : null;
return last?.hasEmptyCondition(unwrap) ? last : null;
* Which permission bits to allow the user to set.
@ -1129,8 +1139,9 @@ class DefaultObsRuleSet extends ObsRuleSet {
return [
dom.text(use => this._haveColumnRules && use(this._haveColumnRules) ? 'All Other' : 'All'),
dom.domComputed(use => this._haveColumnRules && use(this._haveColumnRules), (haveColRules) =>
haveColRules ? withInfoTooltip('All', 'accessRulesTableWide') : 'All')
@ -1544,6 +1555,8 @@ class ObsRulePart extends Disposable {
// Whether the rule part, and if it's valid or being checked.
public ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
public focusEditor: (() => void)|undefined;
// Formula to show in the formula editor.
private _aclFormula = Observable.create<string>(this, this._rulePart?.aclFormula || "");
@ -1679,6 +1692,7 @@ class ObsRulePart extends Disposable {
getSuggestions: (prefix) => this._completions.get(),
customiseEditor: (editor) => { this.focusEditor = () => editor.focus(); },

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {loadCssFile, loadScript} from 'app/client/lib/loadScript';
import type {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {setUpPage} from 'app/client/ui/setUpPage';
import {createAppPage} from 'app/client/ui/createAppPage';
import {DocAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import type {RecordWithStringId} from 'app/plugin/DocApiTypes';
import {dom, styled} from 'grainjs';
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ function requestInterceptor(request: SwaggerUI.Request) {
return request;
setUpPage((appModel) => {
createAppPage((appModel) => {
// Default Grist page prevents scrolling unnecessarily. = 'initial';

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {BillingPage} from 'app/client/ui/BillingPage';
import {setUpPage} from 'app/client/ui/setUpPage';
import {createAppPage} from 'app/client/ui/createAppPage';
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
setUpPage((appModel) => dom.create(BillingPage, appModel));
createAppPage((appModel) => dom.create(BillingPage, appModel));

@ -8,3 +8,35 @@ iframe.custom_view {
padding: 15px;
margin: 15px;
.custom_view_no_mapping {
padding: 15px;
margin: 15px;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
color: var(--grist-theme-text, var(--grist-color-dark));
.custom_view_no_mapping h1 {
max-width: 310px;
margin-bottom: 24px;
margin-top: 56px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 22px;
line-height: 26px;
text-align: center;
text-wrap: balance;
.custom_view_no_mapping p {
max-width: 310px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 16px;
text-align: center;

@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ import {
} from 'app/client/components/WidgetFrame';
import {CustomSectionElement, ViewProcess} from 'app/client/lib/CustomSectionElement';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {Disposable} from 'app/client/lib/dispose';
import dom from 'app/client/lib/dom';
import {makeTestId} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils';
import * as kd from 'app/client/lib/koDom';
import DataTableModel from 'app/client/models/DataTableModel';
import {ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
@ -28,12 +30,14 @@ import {closeRegisteredMenu} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {AccessLevel} from 'app/common/CustomWidget';
import {defaultLocale} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {PluginInstance} from 'app/common/PluginInstance';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
import {dom as grains} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import defaults = require('lodash/defaults');
const t = makeT('CustomView');
const testId = makeTestId('test-custom-widget-');
* Built in settings for a custom widget. Used when the custom
@ -104,6 +108,7 @@ export class CustomView extends Disposable {
private _pluginInstance: PluginInstance|undefined;
private _frame: WidgetFrame; // plugin frame (holding external page)
private _hasUnmappedColumns: ko.Computed<boolean>;
public create(gristDoc: GristDoc, viewSectionModel: ViewSectionRec) { as any, gristDoc, viewSectionModel, { 'addNewRow': true });
@ -124,6 +129,15 @@ export class CustomView extends Disposable {
this.autoDispose(this.customDef.sectionId.subscribe(this._updateCustomSection, this));
this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(CustomView._commands, this, this.viewSection.hasFocus));
this._hasUnmappedColumns = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const columns = this.viewSection.columnsToMap();
if (!columns) { return false; }
const required = columns.filter(col => typeof col === 'string' || !(col.optional === true))
.map(col => typeof col === 'string' ? col :;
const mapped = this.viewSection.mappedColumns() || {};
return required.some(col => !mapped[col]) && this.customDef.mode() === "url";
this.viewPane = this.autoDispose(this._buildDom());
@ -138,10 +152,6 @@ export class CustomView extends Disposable {
return {};
protected getEmptyWidgetPage(): string {
return new URL("custom-widget.html", getGristConfig().homeUrl!).href;
* Find a plugin instance that matches the plugin id, update the `found` observables, then tries to
* find a matching section.
@ -207,11 +217,21 @@ export class CustomView extends Disposable {
kd.maybe(this._hasUnmappedColumns, () => dom('div.custom_view_no_mapping',
dom('img', {src: 'img/empty-widget.svg'}),
dom('h1', kd.text(t("Some required columns aren't mapped"))),
t('To use this widget, please map all non-optional columns from the creator panel on the right.')
// todo: should display content in webview when running electron
// prefer widgetId; spelunk in widgetDef for older docs
kd.scope(() => [mode(), url(), access(), widgetId() || widgetDef()?.widgetId || '', pluginId()],
([_mode, _url, _access, _widgetId, _pluginId]: string[]) =>
_mode === "url" ?
kd.scope(() => [
this._hasUnmappedColumns(), mode(), url(), access(), widgetId() || widgetDef()?.widgetId || '', pluginId()
], ([_hide, _mode, _url, _access, _widgetId, _pluginId]: string[]) =>
_mode === "url" && !_hide ?
baseUrl: _url,
access: builtInSettings.accessLevel || (_access as AccessLevel || AccessLevel.none),
@ -254,7 +274,7 @@ export class CustomView extends Disposable {
const documentSettings = this.gristDoc.docData.docSettings();
const readonly = this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get();
const widgetFrame = WidgetFrame.create(null, {
url: baseUrl || this.getEmptyWidgetPage(),
url: baseUrl,

@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
import * as css from 'app/client/components/FormRendererCss';
import {FormField} from 'app/client/ui/FormAPI';
import {sanitizeHTML} from 'app/client/ui/sanitizeHTML';
import {CellValue} from 'app/plugin/GristData';
import {Disposable, dom, DomContents, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {marked} from 'marked';
export const CHOOSE_TEXT = '— Choose —';
* A node in a recursive, tree-like hierarchy comprising the layout of a form.
export interface FormLayoutNode {
type: FormLayoutNodeType;
children?: Array<FormLayoutNode>;
// Unique ID of the field. Used only in the Form widget.
id?: string;
// Used by Layout.
submitText?: string;
successURL?: string;
successText?: string;
anotherResponse?: boolean;
// Used by Field.
formRequired?: boolean;
leaf?: number;
// Used by Label and Paragraph.
text?: string;
// Used by Paragraph.
alignment?: string;
export type FormLayoutNodeType =
| 'Paragraph'
| 'Section'
| 'Columns'
| 'Submit'
| 'Placeholder'
| 'Layout'
| 'Field'
| 'Label'
| 'Separator'
| 'Header';
* Context used by FormRenderer to build each node.
export interface FormRendererContext {
/** Field metadata, keyed by field id. */
fields: Record<number, FormField>;
/** The root of the FormLayoutNode tree. */
rootLayoutNode: FormLayoutNode;
/** Disables the Submit node if true. */
disabled: Observable<boolean>;
/** Error to show above the Submit node. */
error: Observable<string|null>;
* A renderer for a form layout.
* Takes the root FormLayoutNode and additional context for each node, and returns
* the DomContents of the rendered form.
* A closely related set of classes exist in `app/client/components/Forms/*`; those are
* specifically used to render a version of a form that is suitable for displaying within
* a Form widget, where submitting a form isn't possible.
* TODO: merge the two implementations or factor out what's common.
export abstract class FormRenderer extends Disposable {
public static new(layoutNode: FormLayoutNode, context: FormRendererContext): FormRenderer {
const Renderer = FormRenderers[layoutNode.type] ?? ParagraphRenderer;
return new Renderer(layoutNode, context);
protected children: FormRenderer[];
constructor(protected layoutNode: FormLayoutNode, protected context: FormRendererContext) {
this.children = (this.layoutNode.children ?? []).map((child) =>
this.autoDispose(, this.context)));
public abstract render(): DomContents;
class LabelRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return css.label(this.layoutNode.text ?? '');
class ParagraphRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return css.paragraph(
css.paragraph.cls(`-alignment-${this.layoutNode.alignment || 'left'}`),
el => {
el.innerHTML = sanitizeHTML(marked(this.layoutNode.text || '**Lorem** _ipsum_ dolor'));
class SectionRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return css.section( => child.render()),
class ColumnsRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return css.columns(
{style: `--grist-columns-count: ${this.children.length || 1}`}, => child.render()),
class SubmitRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return [
css.error(dom.text(use => use(this.context.error) ?? '')),
dom.boolAttr('disabled', this.context.disabled),
type: 'submit',
value: this.context.rootLayoutNode.submitText || 'Submit'
dom.on('click', () => {
// Make sure that all choice or reference lists that are required have at least one option selected.
const lists = document.querySelectorAll('.grist-checkbox-list.required:not(:has(input:checked))');
Array.from(lists).forEach(function(list) {
// If the form has at least one checkbox, make it required.
const firstCheckbox = list.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
firstCheckbox?.setAttribute('required', 'required');
// All other required choice or reference lists with at least one option selected are no longer required.
const checkedLists = document.querySelectorAll('.grist-checkbox-list.required:has(input:checked)');
Array.from(checkedLists).forEach(function(list) {
const firstCheckbox = list.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
class PlaceholderRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return dom('div');
class LayoutRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public render() {
return => child.render());
class FieldRenderer extends FormRenderer {
public build(field: FormField) {
const Renderer = FieldRenderers[field.type as keyof typeof FieldRenderers] ?? TextRenderer;
return new Renderer();
public render() {
const field = this.layoutNode.leaf ? this.context.fields[this.layoutNode.leaf] : null;
if (!field) { return null; }
const renderer =;
return css.field(renderer.render(field, this.context));
abstract class BaseFieldRenderer {
public render(field: FormField, context: FormRendererContext) {
return css.field(
dom('div', this.input(field, context)),
public name(field: FormField) {
return field.colId;
public label(field: FormField) {
return dom('label',
css.label.cls('-required', Boolean(field.options.formRequired)),
public abstract input(field: FormField, context: FormRendererContext): DomContents;
class TextRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
return dom('input', {
type: 'text',
required: field.options.formRequired,
class DateRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
return dom('input', {
type: 'date',
required: field.options.formRequired,
class DateTimeRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
return dom('input', {
type: 'datetime-local',
required: field.options.formRequired,
class ChoiceRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
const choices: Array<string|null> = field.options.choices || [];
// Insert empty option.
{name:, required: field.options.formRequired}, => dom('option', {value: choice ?? ''}, choice ?? CHOOSE_TEXT))
class BoolRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public render(field: FormField) {
return css.field(
dom('div', this.input(field)),
public input(field: FormField) {
return css.toggle(
css.label.cls('-required', Boolean(field.options.formRequired)),
dom('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
value: '1',
required: field.options.formRequired,
dom('span', field.question || field.colId)
class ChoiceListRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
const choices: string[] = field.options.choices ?? [];
const required = field.options.formRequired;
return css.checkboxList(
dom.cls('required', Boolean(required)),
{name:, required}, => css.checkbox(
dom('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
name: `${}[]`,
value: choice,
dom('span', choice),
class RefListRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
const choices: [number, CellValue][] = field.refValues ?? [];
// Sort by the second value, which is the display value.
choices.sort((a, b) => String(a[1]).localeCompare(String(b[1])));
// Support for 30 choices. TODO: make limit dynamic.
const required = field.options.formRequired;
return css.checkboxList(
dom.cls('required', Boolean(required)),
{name:, required}, => css.checkbox(
dom('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
'data-grist-type': field.type,
name: `${}[]`,
value: String(choice[0]),
dom('span', String(choice[1] ?? '')),
class RefRenderer extends BaseFieldRenderer {
public input(field: FormField) {
const choices: [number|string, CellValue][] = field.refValues ?? [];
// Sort by the second value, which is the display value.
choices.sort((a, b) => String(a[1]).localeCompare(String(b[1])));
// Support for 1000 choices. TODO: make limit dynamic.
// Insert empty option.
choices.unshift(['', CHOOSE_TEXT]);
'data-grist-type': field.type,
required: field.options.formRequired,
}, => dom('option', {value: String(choice[0])}, String(choice[1] ?? ''))),
const FieldRenderers = {
'Text': TextRenderer,
'Choice': ChoiceRenderer,
'Bool': BoolRenderer,
'ChoiceList': ChoiceListRenderer,
'Date': DateRenderer,
'DateTime': DateTimeRenderer,
'Ref': RefRenderer,
'RefList': RefListRenderer,
const FormRenderers = {
'Paragraph': ParagraphRenderer,
'Section': SectionRenderer,
'Columns': ColumnsRenderer,
'Submit': SubmitRenderer,
'Placeholder': PlaceholderRenderer,
'Layout': LayoutRenderer,
'Field': FieldRenderer,
'Label': LabelRenderer,
// Aliases for Paragraph.
'Separator': ParagraphRenderer,
'Header': ParagraphRenderer,

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {styled} from 'grainjs';
export const label = styled('div', `
&-required::after {
content: "*";
color: ${vars.primaryBg};
margin-left: 4px;
export const paragraph = styled('div', `
&-alignment-left {
text-align: left;
&-alignment-center {
text-align: center;
&-alignment-right {
text-align: right;
export const section = styled('div', `
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
padding: 24px;
margin-top: 24px;
& > div + div {
margin-top: 16px;
export const columns = styled('div', `
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--grist-columns-count), 1fr);
gap: 4px;
export const submit = styled('div', `
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
& input[type="submit"] {
background-color: ${vars.primaryBg};
border: 1px solid ${vars.primaryBg};
color: white;
padding: 10px 24px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 13px;
cursor: pointer;
line-height: inherit;
& input[type="submit"]:hover {
border-color: ${vars.primaryBgHover};
background-color: ${vars.primaryBgHover};
// TODO: break up into multiple variables, one for each field type.
export const field = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
& input[type="text"],
& input[type="date"],
& input[type="datetime-local"],
& input[type="number"] {
height: 27px;
padding: 4px 8px;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
border-radius: 3px;
outline: none;
& input[type="text"] {
font-size: 13px;
outline-color: ${vars.primaryBg};
outline-width: 1px;
line-height: inherit;
width: 100%;
color: ${colors.dark};
background-color: ${colors.light};
& input[type="datetime-local"],
& input[type="date"] {
width: 100%;
line-height: inherit;
& input[type="checkbox"] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
padding: 0;
flex-shrink: 0;
display: inline-block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
--radius: 3px;
position: relative;
margin-right: 8px;
vertical-align: baseline;
& input[type="checkbox"]:checked:enabled,
& input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate:enabled {
--color: ${vars.primaryBg};
& input[type="checkbox"]:disabled {
--color: ${colors.darkGrey};
cursor: not-allowed;
& input[type="checkbox"]::before,
& input[type="checkbox"]::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid var(--color, ${colors.darkGrey});
border-radius: var(--radius);
& input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before,
& input[type="checkbox"]:disabled::before,
& input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate::before {
background-color: var(--color);
& input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked):indeterminate::after {
-webkit-mask-image: var(--icon-Minus);
& input[type="checkbox"]:not(:disabled)::after {
background-color: ${colors.light};
& input[type="checkbox"]:checked::after,
& input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
-webkit-mask-image: var(--icon-Tick);
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: ${colors.light};
& > .${label.className} {
color: ${colors.dark};
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 16px; /* 145.455% */
margin-top: 8px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
display: block;
export const error = styled('div', `
text-align: center;
color: ${colors.error};
min-height: 22px;
export const toggle = styled('label', `
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
& input[type='checkbox'] {
position: absolute;
& > span {
margin-left: 8px;
export const gristSwitchSlider = styled('div', `
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: #ccc;
border-radius: 17px;
-webkit-transition: .4s;
transition: .4s;
&:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;
export const gristSwitchCircle = styled('div', `
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
content: "";
height: 13px;
width: 13px;
left: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 17px;
-webkit-transition: .4s;
transition: .4s;
export const gristSwitch = styled('div', `
position: relative;
width: 30px;
height: 17px;
display: inline-block;
flex: none;
input:checked + & > .${gristSwitchSlider.className} {
background-color: ${vars.primaryBg};
input:checked + & > .${gristSwitchCircle.className} {
-webkit-transform: translateX(13px);
-ms-transform: translateX(13px);
transform: translateX(13px);
export const checkboxList = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
export const checkbox = styled('label', `
display: flex;
&:hover {
--color: ${colors.hover};
export const select = styled('select', `
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
font-size: 13px;
outline-color: ${vars.primaryBg};
outline-width: 1px;
background: white;
line-height: inherit;
height: 27px;
flex: auto;
width: 100%;

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import {FormLayoutNode} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {buildEditor} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Editor';
import {FieldModel} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Field';
import {buildMenu} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Menu';
@ -6,7 +7,6 @@ import * as style from 'app/client/components/Forms/styles';
import {makeTestId} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import * as menus from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {Box} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {inlineStyle, not} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, dom, IDomArgs, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export class ColumnsModel extends BoxModel {
// Dropping a box on this component (Columns) directly will add it as a new column.
public accept(dropped: Box): BoxModel {
public accept(dropped: FormLayoutNode): BoxModel {
if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('No parent'); }
// We need to remove it from the parent, so find it first.
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ export class PlaceholderModel extends BoxModel {
function insertBox(childBox: Box) {
function insertBox(childBox: FormLayoutNode) {
// Make sure we have at least as many columns as the index we are inserting at.
if (!box.parent) { throw new Error('No parent'); }
return box.parent.replace(box, childBox);
@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ export class PlaceholderModel extends BoxModel {
export function Paragraph(text: string, alignment?: 'left'|'right'|'center'): Box {
export function Paragraph(text: string, alignment?: 'left'|'right'|'center'): FormLayoutNode {
return {type: 'Paragraph', text, alignment};
export function Placeholder(): Box {
export function Placeholder(): FormLayoutNode {
return {type: 'Placeholder'};
export function Columns(): Box {
export function Columns(): FormLayoutNode {
return {type: 'Columns', children: [Placeholder(), Placeholder()]};

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import {CHOOSE_TEXT, FormLayoutNode} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {buildEditor} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Editor';
import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView';
import {BoxModel, ignoreClick} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model';
@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ import {refRecord} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {autoGrow} from 'app/client/ui/forms';
import {squareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
import {colors} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {Box, CHOOSE_TEXT} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {Constructor, not} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export class FieldModel extends BoxModel {
return instance;
constructor(box: Box, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView) {
constructor(box: FormLayoutNode, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView) {
super(box, parent, view);
this.required = Computed.create(this, (use) => {

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView';
import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands';
import {Cursor} from 'app/client/components/Cursor';
import {FormLayoutNode, FormLayoutNodeType} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import * as components from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements';
import {NewBox} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Menu';
import {BoxModel, LayoutModel, parseBox, Place} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model';
@ -16,13 +17,13 @@ import DataTableModel from 'app/client/models/DataTableModel';
import {ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {ShareRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ShareRec';
import {InsertColOptions} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {docUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {SortedRowSet} from 'app/client/models/rowset';
import {showTransientTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips';
import {cssButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {confirmModal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals';
import {Box, BoxType, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT} from "app/common/Forms";
import {INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
import {Computed, dom, Holder, IDomArgs, MultiHolder, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import defaults from 'lodash/defaults';
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ export class FormView extends Disposable {
protected menuHolder: Holder<any>;
protected bundle: (clb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;
private _autoLayout: Computed<Box>;
private _autoLayout: Computed<FormLayoutNode>;
private _root: BoxModel;
private _savedLayout: any;
private _saving: boolean = false;
@ -290,14 +291,14 @@ export class FormView extends Disposable {
// Sanity check that type is correct.
if (!colIds.every(c => typeof c === 'string')) { throw new Error('Invalid column id'); } () => {
const boxes: Box[] = [];
const boxes: FormLayoutNode[] = [];
for (const colId of colIds) {
const fieldRef = await this.viewSection.showColumn(colId);
const field = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().find(f => f.getRowId() === fieldRef);
if (!field) { continue; }
const box = {
leaf: fieldRef,
type: 'Field' as BoxType,
type: 'Field' as FormLayoutNodeType,
@ -333,8 +334,7 @@ export class FormView extends Disposable {
const doc = use(this.gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc);
if (!doc) { return ''; }
const url = urlState().makeUrl({
api: true,
form: {
vsId: use(,
@ -723,11 +723,11 @@ export class FormView extends Disposable {
* Generates a form template based on the fields in the view section.
private _formTemplate(fields: ViewFieldRec[]) {
const boxes: Box[] = => {
const boxes: FormLayoutNode[] = => {
return {
type: 'Field',
} as Box;
} as FormLayoutNode;
const section = {
type: 'Section',

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import {allCommands} from 'app/client/components/commands';
import {FormLayoutNodeType} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import * as components from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements';
import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView';
import {BoxModel, Place} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model';
@ -7,14 +8,13 @@ import {FocusLayer} from 'app/client/lib/FocusLayer';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {getColumnTypes as getNewColumnTypes} from 'app/client/ui/GridViewMenus';
import * as menus from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {BoxType} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {Computed, dom, IDomArgs, MultiHolder} from 'grainjs';
const t = makeT('FormView');
const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-menu-');
// New box to add, either a new column of type, an existing column (by column id), or a structure.
export type NewBox = {add: string} | {show: string} | {structure: BoxType};
export type NewBox = {add: string} | {show: string} | {structure: FormLayoutNodeType};
interface Props {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export function buildMenu(props: Props, ...args: IDomArgs<HTMLElement>): IDomArg
// Same for structure.
const struct = (structure: BoxType) => ({structure});
const struct = (structure: FormLayoutNodeType) => ({structure});
// Actions:

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {FormLayoutNode, FormLayoutNodeType} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import * as elements from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements';
import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView';
import {Box, BoxType} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, dom, IDomArgs, MutableObsArray, obsArray, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid';
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type Callback = () => Promise<void>;
* A place where to insert a box.
export type Place = (box: Box) => BoxModel;
export type Place = (box: FormLayoutNode) => BoxModel;
* View model constructed from a box JSON structure.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* A factory method that creates a new BoxModel from a Box JSON by picking the right class based on the type.
public static new(box: Box, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView | null = null): BoxModel {
public static new(box: FormLayoutNode, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView | null = null): BoxModel {
const subClassName = `${box.type.split(':')[0]}Model`;
const factories = elements as any;
const factory = factories[subClassName];
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Type of the box. As the type is bounded to the class that is used to render the box, it is possible
* to change the type of the box just by changing this value. The box is then replaced in the parent.
public type: BoxType;
public type: FormLayoutNodeType;
* List of children boxes.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Don't use it directly, use the factory method instead.
constructor(box: Box, public parent: BoxModel | null, public view: FormView) {
constructor(box: FormLayoutNode, public parent: BoxModel | null, public view: FormView) {
this.selected = Computed.create(this, (use) => use(view.selectedBox) === this && use(view.viewSection.hasFocus));
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* - child: it will add it as a child.
* - swap: swaps with the box
public willAccept(box?: Box|BoxModel|null): 'sibling' | 'child' | 'swap' | null {
public willAccept(box?: FormLayoutNode|BoxModel|null): 'sibling' | 'child' | 'swap' | null {
// If myself and the dropped element share the same parent, and the parent is a column
// element, just swap us.
if (this.parent && box instanceof BoxModel && this.parent === box?.parent && box.parent?.type === 'Columns') {
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Accepts box from clipboard and inserts it before this box or if this is a container box, then
* as a first child. Default implementation is to insert before self.
public accept(dropped: Box, hint: 'above'|'below' = 'above') {
public accept(dropped: FormLayoutNode, hint: 'above'|'below' = 'above') {
// Get the box that was dropped.
if (!dropped) { return null; }
if ( === {
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Replaces children at index.
public replaceAtIndex(box: Box, index: number) {
public replaceAtIndex(box: FormLayoutNode, index: number) {
const newOne =, this);
this.children.splice(index, 1, newOne);
return newOne;
@ -216,13 +216,13 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
this.replace(box2, box1JSON);
public append(box: Box) {
public append(box: FormLayoutNode) {
const newOne =, this);
return newOne;
public insert(box: Box, index: number) {
public insert(box: FormLayoutNode, index: number) {
const newOne =, this);
this.children.splice(index, 0, newOne);
return newOne;
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Replaces existing box with a new one, whenever it is found.
public replace(existing: BoxModel, newOne: Box|BoxModel) {
public replace(existing: BoxModel, newOne: FormLayoutNode|BoxModel) {
const index = this.children.get().indexOf(existing);
if (index < 0) { throw new Error('Cannot replace box that is not in parent'); }
const model = newOne instanceof BoxModel ? newOne :, this);
@ -246,20 +246,20 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Creates a place to insert a box before this box.
public placeBeforeFirstChild() {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, 0);
return (box: FormLayoutNode) => this.insert(box, 0);
// Some other places.
public placeAfterListChild() {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().length);
return (box: FormLayoutNode) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().length);
public placeAt(index: number) {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, index);
return (box: FormLayoutNode) => this.insert(box, index);
public placeAfterChild(child: BoxModel) {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().indexOf(child) + 1);
return (box: FormLayoutNode) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().indexOf(child) + 1);
public placeAfterMe() {
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* The core responsibility of this method is to update this box and all children based on the box JSON.
* This is counterpart of the FloatingRowModel, that enables this instance to point to a different box.
public update(boxDef: Box) {
public update(boxDef: FormLayoutNode) {
// If we have a type and the type is changed, then we need to replace the box.
if (this.type && boxDef.type !== this.type) {
if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot replace detached box'); }
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
// Update all properties of self.
for (const someKey in boxDef) {
const key = someKey as keyof Box;
const key = someKey as keyof FormLayoutNode;
// Skip some keys.
if (key === 'id' || key === 'type' || key === 'children') { continue; }
// Skip any inherited properties.
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* Serialize this box to JSON.
public toJSON(): Box {
public toJSON(): FormLayoutNode {
return {
type: this.type,
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
export class LayoutModel extends BoxModel {
box: Box,
box: FormLayoutNode,
public parent: BoxModel | null,
public _save: (clb?: Callback) => Promise<void>,
public view: FormView
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ export function unwrap<T>(val: T | Computed<T>): T {
return val instanceof Computed ? val.get() : val;
export function parseBox(text: string): Box|null {
export function parseBox(text: string): FormLayoutNode|null {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(text);
return json && typeof json === 'object' && json.type ? json : null;

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import * as style from './styles';
import {FormLayoutNode} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {buildEditor} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Editor';
import {FieldModel} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Field';
import {buildMenu} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Menu';
import {BoxModel} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model';
import * as style from 'app/client/components/Forms/styles';
import {makeTestId} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils';
import {Box} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {dom, styled} from 'grainjs';
const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-');
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export class SectionModel extends BoxModel {
* Accepts box from clipboard and inserts it before this box or if this is a container box, then
* as a first child. Default implementation is to insert before self.
public override accept(dropped: Box) {
public override accept(dropped: FormLayoutNode) {
// Get the box that was dropped.
if (!dropped) { return null; }
if ( === {

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {FormLayoutNode, FormLayoutNodeType} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {Columns, Paragraph, Placeholder} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Columns';
import {Box, BoxType} from 'app/common/Forms';
* Add any other element you whish to use in the form here.
* FormView will look for any exported BoxModel derived class in format `type` + `Model`, and use It
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export * from './Columns';
export * from './Submit';
export * from './Label';
export function defaultElement(type: BoxType): Box {
export function defaultElement(type: FormLayoutNodeType): FormLayoutNode {
switch(type) {
case 'Columns': return Columns();
case 'Placeholder': return Placeholder();

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents';
import {BulkColValues, fromTableDataAction, RowRecord} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {extractInfoFromColType, reencodeAsAny} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {Theme} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {
AccessTokenOptions, CursorPos, CustomSectionAPI, FetchSelectedOptions, GristDocAPI, GristView,
InteractionOptionsRequest, WidgetAPI, WidgetColumnMap
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ export interface WidgetFrameOptions {
* Url of external page. Iframe is rebuild each time the URL changes.
url: string;
url: string|null;
* ID of widget, if known. When set, the url for the specified widget
* in the WidgetRepository, if found, will take precedence.
@ -102,6 +103,12 @@ export class WidgetFrame extends DisposableWithEvents {
private _visible = Observable.create(this, !this._options.showAfterReady);
private readonly _widget = Observable.create<ICustomWidget|null>(this, null);
private _url: Observable<string>;
* If the widget URL is empty, it also means that we are showing the empty page.
private _isEmpty: Observable<boolean>;
constructor(private _options: WidgetFrameOptions) {
_options.access = _options.access || AccessLevel.none;
@ -129,6 +136,22 @@ export class WidgetFrame extends DisposableWithEvents {
// Url if set.
const maybeUrl = Computed.create(this, use => use(this._widget)?.url || this._options.url);
// Url to widget or empty page with access level and preferences.
this._url = Computed.create(this, use => this._urlWithAccess(use(maybeUrl) || this._getEmptyWidgetPage()));
// Iframe is empty when url is not set.
this._isEmpty = Computed.create(this, use => !use(maybeUrl));
// When isEmpty is switched to true, reset the ready state.
this.autoDispose(this._isEmpty.addListener(isEmpty => {
if (isEmpty) {
@ -190,30 +213,30 @@ export class WidgetFrame extends DisposableWithEvents {'visibility', use => use(this._visible) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'),
dom.attr('src', use => this._getUrl(use(this._widget))),
dom.attr('src', this._url),
testId('ready', this._readyCalled),
testId('ready', use => use(this._readyCalled) && !use(this._isEmpty)),
self => void onElem(self),
return this._iframe;
private _getUrl(widget: ICustomWidget|null): string {
// Append access level to query string.
const urlWithAccess = (url: string) => {
if (!url) {
return url;
const urlObj = new URL(url);
urlObj.searchParams.append('access', this._options.access);
urlObj.searchParams.append('readonly', String(this._options.readonly));
// Append user and document preferences to query string.
const settingsParams = new URLSearchParams(this._options.preferences);
settingsParams.forEach((value, key) => urlObj.searchParams.append(key, value));
return urlObj.href;
const url = widget?.url || this._options.url || 'about:blank';
return urlWithAccess(url);
// Appends access level to query string.
private _urlWithAccess(url: string) {
if (!url) {
return url;
const urlObj = new URL(url);
urlObj.searchParams.append('access', this._options.access);
urlObj.searchParams.append('readonly', String(this._options.readonly));
// Append user and document preferences to query string.
const settingsParams = new URLSearchParams(this._options.preferences);
settingsParams.forEach((value, key) => urlObj.searchParams.append(key, value));
return urlObj.href;
private _getEmptyWidgetPage(): string {
return new URL("custom-widget.html", getGristConfig().homeUrl!).href;
private _onMessage(event: MessageEvent) {

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import {setUpErrPage} from 'app/client/ui/errorPages';
import {createAppPage} from 'app/client/ui/createAppPage';
import {createErrPage} from 'app/client/ui/errorPages';
createAppPage((appModel) => createErrPage(appModel));

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import {createPage} from 'app/client/ui/createPage';
import {FormPage} from 'app/client/ui/FormPage';
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
createPage(() => dom.create(FormPage), {disableTheme: true});

@ -70,3 +70,57 @@ export function handleFormError(err: unknown, errObs: Observable<string|null>) {
reportError(err as Error|string);
* A wrapper around FormData that provides type information for fields.
export class TypedFormData {
private _formData: FormData = new FormData(this._formElement);
constructor(private _formElement: HTMLFormElement) {
public keys() {
const keys = Array.from(this._formData.keys());
// Don't return keys for scalar values that just return empty strings.
// Otherwise, Grist won't fire trigger formulas.
return keys.filter(key => {
// If there are multiple values, return the key as is.
if (this._formData.getAll(key).length !== 1) { return true; }
// If the value is an empty string or null, don't return the key.
const value = this._formData.get(key);
return value !== '' && value !== null;
public type(key: string) {
return this._formElement.querySelector(`[name="${key}"]`)?.getAttribute('data-grist-type');
public get(key: string) {
const value = this._formData.get(key);
if (value === null) { return null; }
const type = this.type(key);
return type === 'Ref' || type === 'RefList' ? Number(value) : value;
public getAll(key: string) {
const values = Array.from(this._formData.getAll(key));
if (['Ref', 'RefList'].includes(String(this.type(key)))) {
return => Number(v));
} else {
return values;
* Converts TypedFormData into a JSON mapping of Grist fields.
export function typedFormDataToJson(formData: TypedFormData) {
return Object.fromEntries(Array.from(formData.keys()).map(k =>
k.endsWith('[]') ? [k.slice(0, -2), ['L', ...formData.getAll(k)]] : [k, formData.get(k)]));

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {Notifier} from 'app/client/models/NotifyModel';
import {getFlavor, ProductFlavor} from 'app/client/ui/CustomThemes';
import {buildNewSiteModal, buildUpgradeModal} from 'app/client/ui/ProductUpgrades';
import {SupportGristNudge} from 'app/client/ui/SupportGristNudge';
import {attachCssThemeVars, prefersDarkModeObs} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {prefersDarkModeObs} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {AsyncCreate} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {ICustomWidget} from 'app/common/CustomWidget';
import {OrgUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {getOrgName, isTemplatesOrg, Organization, OrgError, UserAPI, UserAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {getUserPrefObs, getUserPrefsObs, markAsSeen, markAsUnSeen} from 'app/client/models/UserPrefs';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, Observable, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
const t = makeT('AppModel');
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window');
// TopAppModel is the part of the app model that persists across org and user switches.
export interface TopAppModel {
options: TopAppModelOptions;
api: UserAPI;
isSingleOrg: boolean;
productFlavor: ProductFlavor;
@ -148,11 +146,6 @@ export interface AppModel {
switchUser(user: FullUser, org?: string): Promise<void>;
export interface TopAppModelOptions {
/** Defaults to true. */
attachTheme?: boolean;
export class TopAppModelImpl extends Disposable implements TopAppModel {
public readonly isSingleOrg: boolean;
public readonly productFlavor: ProductFlavor;
@ -170,11 +163,7 @@ export class TopAppModelImpl extends Disposable implements TopAppModel {
// up new widgets - that seems ok.
private readonly _widgets: AsyncCreate<ICustomWidget[]>;
window: {gristConfig?: GristLoadConfig},
public readonly api: UserAPI = newUserAPIImpl(),
public readonly options: TopAppModelOptions = {}
) {
constructor(window: {gristConfig?: GristLoadConfig}, public readonly api: UserAPI = newUserAPIImpl()) {
this.isSingleOrg = Boolean(window.gristConfig && window.gristConfig.singleOrg);
@ -356,8 +345,6 @@ export class AppModelImpl extends Disposable implements AppModel {
public readonly orgError?: OrgError,
) {
const state = urlState().state.get();
@ -531,23 +518,6 @@ export class AppModelImpl extends Disposable implements AppModel {
private _setUpTheme() {
if (
this.topAppModel.options.attachTheme === false ||
// Custom CSS is incompatible with custom themes.
) {
this.autoDispose(this.currentTheme.addListener((newTheme, oldTheme) => {
if (isEqual(newTheme, oldTheme)) { return; }
export function getHomeUrl(): string {

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import {FormLayoutNode} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {TypedFormData, typedFormDataToJson} from 'app/client/lib/formUtils';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {getHomeUrl} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {Form, FormAPI, FormAPIImpl} from 'app/client/ui/FormAPI';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, Observable} from 'grainjs';
const t = makeT('FormModel');
export interface FormModel {
readonly form: Observable<Form|null>;
readonly formLayout: Computed<FormLayoutNode|null>;
readonly submitting: Observable<boolean>;
readonly submitted: Observable<boolean>;
readonly error: Observable<string|null>;
fetchForm(): Promise<void>;
submitForm(formData: TypedFormData): Promise<void>;
export class FormModelImpl extends Disposable implements FormModel {
public readonly form = Observable.create<Form|null>(this, null);
public readonly formLayout = Computed.create(this, this.form, (_use, form) => {
if (!form) { return null; }
return safeJsonParse(form.formLayoutSpec, null) as FormLayoutNode;
public readonly submitting = Observable.create<boolean>(this, false);
public readonly submitted = Observable.create<boolean>(this, false);
public readonly error = Observable.create<string|null>(this, null);
private readonly _formAPI: FormAPI = new FormAPIImpl(getHomeUrl());
constructor() {
public async fetchForm(): Promise<void> {
try {
bundleChanges(() => {
this.form.set(await this._formAPI.getForm(this._getFetchFormParams()));
} catch (e: unknown) {
let error: string | undefined;
if (e instanceof ApiError) {
const code = e.details?.code;
if (code === 'FormNotFound') {
error = t("Oops! The form you're looking for doesn't exist.");
} else if (code === 'FormNotPublished') {
error = t('Oops! This form is no longer published.');
} else if (e.status === 401 || e.status === 403) {
error = t("You don't have access to this form.");
} else if (e.status === 404) {
error = t("Oops! The form you're looking for doesn't exist.");
this.error.set(error || t('There was a problem loading the form.'));
if (!(e instanceof ApiError && (e.status >= 400 && e.status < 500))) {
// Re-throw if the error wasn't a user error (i.e. a 4XX HTTP response).
throw e;
public async submitForm(formData: TypedFormData): Promise<void> {
const form = this.form.get();
if (!form) { throw new Error('form is not defined'); }
const colValues = typedFormDataToJson(formData);
try {
await this._formAPI.createRecord({
tableId: form.formTableId,
} finally {
private _getFetchFormParams() {
const {form} = urlState().state.get();
if (!form) { throw new Error('invalid urlState: undefined "form"'); }
return {...this._getDocIdOrShareKeyParam(), vsId: form.vsId};
private _getDocIdOrShareKeyParam() {
const {doc, form} = urlState().state.get();
if (!form) { throw new Error('invalid urlState: undefined "form"'); }
if (doc) {
return {docId: doc};
} else if (form.shareKey) {
return {shareKey: form.shareKey};
} else {
throw new Error('invalid urlState: undefined "doc" or "shareKey"');

@ -47,16 +47,12 @@ let _urlState: UrlState<IGristUrlState>|undefined;
* In addition to setting `doc` and `slug`, it sets additional parameters
* from `params` if any are supplied.
export function docUrl(doc: Document, params: {org?: string} = {}): IGristUrlState {
export function docUrl(doc: Document): IGristUrlState {
const state: IGristUrlState = {
doc: doc.urlId ||,
slug: getSlugIfNeeded(doc),
// TODO: Get non-sample documents with `org` set to fully work (a few tests fail).
if ( { =;
return state;

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import {pagePanels} from 'app/client/ui/PagePanels';
import {RightPanel} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanel';
import {createTopBarDoc, createTopBarHome} from 'app/client/ui/TopBar';
import {WelcomePage} from 'app/client/ui/WelcomePage';
import {testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {attachTheme, testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Computed, dom, IDisposable, IDisposableOwner, Observable, replaceContent, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
@ -27,10 +27,14 @@ import {Computed, dom, IDisposable, IDisposableOwner, Observable, replaceContent
// TODO once #newui is gone, we don't need to worry about this being disposable.
// appObj is the App object from app/client/ui/App.ts
export function createAppUI(topAppModel: TopAppModel, appObj: App): IDisposable {
const content = dom.maybe(topAppModel.appObs, (appModel) => [
createMainPage(appModel, appObj),
buildSnackbarDom(appModel.notifier, appModel),
const content = dom.maybeOwned(topAppModel.appObs, (owner, appModel) => {
return [
createMainPage(appModel, appObj),
buildSnackbarDom(appModel.notifier, appModel),
dom.update(document.body, content, {
// Cancel out bootstrap's overrides.
style: 'font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit;'

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import {BaseAPI, IOptions} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {CellValue, ColValues} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {addCurrentOrgToPath} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
* Form and associated field metadata from a Grist view section.
* Includes the layout of the form, metadata such as the form title, and
* a map of data for each field in the form. All of this is used to build a
* submittable version of the form (see `FormRenderer.ts`, which handles the
* actual building of forms).
export interface Form {
formFieldsById: Record<number, FormField>;
formLayoutSpec: string;
formTitle: string;
formTableId: string;
* Metadata for a field in a form.
* Form fields are directly related to Grist fields; the former is based on data
* from the latter, with additional metadata specific to forms, like whether a
* form field is required. All of this is used to build a field in a submittable
* version of the form (see `FormRenderer.ts`, which handles the actual building
* of forms).
export interface FormField {
/** The field label. Defaults to the Grist column label or id. */
question: string;
/** The field description. */
description: string;
/** The Grist column id of the field. */
colId: string;
/** The Grist column type of the field (e.g. "Text"). */
type: string;
/** Additional field options. */
options: FormFieldOptions;
/** Populated with data from a referenced table. Only set if `type` is a Reference type. */
refValues: [number, CellValue][] | null;
interface FormFieldOptions {
/** True if the field is required to submit the form. */
formRequired?: boolean;
/** Populated with a list of options. Only set if the field `type` is a Choice/Reference Liste. */
choices?: string[];
export interface FormAPI {
getForm(options: GetFormOptions): Promise<Form>;
createRecord(options: CreateRecordOptions): Promise<void>;
interface GetFormCommonOptions {
vsId: number;
interface GetFormWithDocIdOptions extends GetFormCommonOptions {
docId: string;
interface GetFormWithShareKeyOptions extends GetFormCommonOptions {
shareKey: string;
type GetFormOptions = GetFormWithDocIdOptions | GetFormWithShareKeyOptions;
interface CreateRecordCommonOptions {
tableId: string;
colValues: ColValues;
interface CreateRecordWithDocIdOptions extends CreateRecordCommonOptions {
docId: string;
interface CreateRecordWithShareKeyOptions extends CreateRecordCommonOptions {
shareKey: string;
type CreateRecordOptions = CreateRecordWithDocIdOptions | CreateRecordWithShareKeyOptions;
export class FormAPIImpl extends BaseAPI implements FormAPI {
constructor(private _homeUrl: string, options: IOptions = {}) {
public async getForm(options: GetFormOptions): Promise<Form> {
if ('docId' in options) {
const {docId, vsId} = options;
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/docs/${docId}/forms/${vsId}`, {method: 'GET'});
} else {
const {shareKey, vsId} = options;
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/s/${shareKey}/forms/${vsId}`, {method: 'GET'});
public async createRecord(options: CreateRecordOptions): Promise<void> {
if ('docId' in options) {
const {docId, tableId, colValues} = options;
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/docs/${docId}/tables/${tableId}/records`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({records: [{fields: colValues}]}),
} else {
const {shareKey, tableId, colValues} = options;
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/s/${shareKey}/tables/${tableId}/records`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({records: [{fields: colValues}]}),
private get _url(): string {
return addCurrentOrgToPath(this._homeUrl);

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import * as css from 'app/client/ui/FormPagesCss';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {commonUrls} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {DomContents, makeTestId} from 'grainjs';
const t = makeT('FormContainer');
const testId = makeTestId('test-form-');
export function buildFormContainer(buildBody: () => DomContents) {
return css.formContainer(
{href: commonUrls.forms, target: '_blank'},
t('Powered by'),
{href: commonUrls.forms, target: '_blank'},
t('Build your own form'),

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {buildFormContainer} from 'app/client/ui/FormContainer';
import * as css from 'app/client/ui/FormPagesCss';
import {getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Disposable, makeTestId} from 'grainjs';
const testId = makeTestId('test-form-');
const t = makeT('FormErrorPage');
export class FormErrorPage extends Disposable {
constructor(private _message: string) {
document.title = `${t('Error')}${getPageTitleSuffix(getGristConfig())}`;
public buildDom() {
return buildFormContainer(() => [
src: 'img/form-error.svg',
css.formMessageText(this._message, testId('error-text')),

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
import {FormRenderer} from 'app/client/components/FormRenderer';
import {handleSubmit, TypedFormData} from 'app/client/lib/formUtils';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {FormModel, FormModelImpl} from 'app/client/models/FormModel';
import {buildFormContainer} from 'app/client/ui/FormContainer';
import {FormErrorPage} from 'app/client/ui/FormErrorPage';
import * as css from 'app/client/ui/FormPagesCss';
import {FormSuccessPage} from 'app/client/ui/FormSuccessPage';
import {colors} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Disposable, dom, Observable, styled, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
const t = makeT('FormPage');
export class FormPage extends Disposable {
private readonly _model: FormModel = new FormModelImpl();
private readonly _error = Observable.create<string|null>(this, null);
constructor() {
this.autoDispose(subscribe(this._model.form, (_use, form) => {
if (!form) { return; }
document.title = `${form.formTitle}${getPageTitleSuffix(getGristConfig())}`;
public buildDom() {
return css.pageContainer(
dom.domComputed(use => {
const error = use(this._model.error);
if (error) { return dom.create(FormErrorPage, error); }
const submitted = use(this._model.submitted);
if (submitted) { return dom.create(FormSuccessPage, this._model); }
return this._buildFormDom();
private _buildFormDom() {
return dom.domComputed(use => {
const form = use(this._model.form);
const rootLayoutNode = use(this._model.formLayout);
if (!form || !rootLayoutNode) { return null; }
const formRenderer =, {
fields: form.formFieldsById,
disabled: this._model.submitting,
error: this._error,
return buildFormContainer(() =>
(_formData, formElement) => this._handleFormSubmit(formElement),
() => this._handleFormSubmitSuccess(),
(e) => this._handleFormError(e),
private async _handleFormSubmit(formElement: HTMLFormElement) {
await this._model.submitForm(new TypedFormData(formElement));
private async _handleFormSubmitSuccess() {
const formLayout = this._model.formLayout.get();
if (!formLayout) { throw new Error('formLayout is not defined'); }
const {successURL} = formLayout;
if (successURL) {
try {
const url = new URL(successURL);
window.location.href = url.href;
} catch {
// If the URL is invalid, just ignore it.
private _handleFormError(e: unknown) {
this._error.set(t('There was an error submitting your form. Please try again.'));
if (!(e instanceof ApiError) || e.status >= 500) {
// If it doesn't look like a user error (i.e. a 4XX HTTP response), report it.
reportError(e as Error|string);
// TODO: see if we can move the rest of this to `FormRenderer.ts`.
const cssForm = styled('form', `
color: ${colors.dark};
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
& > div + div {
margin-top: 16px;
& h1,
& h2,
& h3,
& h4,
& h5,
& h6 {
margin: 4px 0px;
font-weight: normal;
& h1 {
font-size: 24px;
& h2 {
font-size: 22px;
& h3 {
font-size: 16px;
& h4 {
font-size: 13px;
& h5 {
font-size: 11px;
& h6 {
font-size: 10px;
& p {
margin: 0px;
& strong {
font-weight: 600;
& hr {
border: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
margin: 4px 0px;

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
import {colors, mediaSmall} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {styled} from 'grainjs';
export const pageContainer = styled('div', `
background-color: ${colors.lightGrey};
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 52px 0px 52px 0px;
overflow: auto;
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
padding: 20px 0px 20px 0px;
export const formContainer = styled('div', `
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
export const form = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
border-radius: 3px;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0px auto;
export const formBody = styled('div', `
width: 100%;
padding: 20px 48px 20px 48px;
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
padding: 20px;
const formMessageImageContainer = styled('div', `
margin-top: 28px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
export const formErrorMessageImageContainer = styled(formMessageImageContainer, `
height: 281px;
export const formSuccessMessageImageContainer = styled(formMessageImageContainer, `
height: 215px;
export const formMessageImage = styled('img', `
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
export const formErrorMessageImage = styled(formMessageImage, `
max-height: 281px;
max-width: 250px;
export const formSuccessMessageImage = styled(formMessageImage, `
max-height: 215px;
max-width: 250px;
export const formMessageText = styled('div', `
color: ${colors.dark};
text-align: center;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 24px;
margin-top: 32px;
margin-bottom: 24px;
export const formFooter = styled('div', `
border-top: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
padding: 8px 16px;
width: 100%;
export const poweredByGrist = styled('div', `
color: ${colors.darkText};
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 600;
line-height: 16px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0px 10px;
export const poweredByGristLink = styled('a', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 8px;
color: ${colors.darkText};
text-decoration: none;
export const buildForm = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 8px;
export const buildFormLink = styled('a', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 16px;
text-decoration-line: underline;
color: ${colors.darkGreen};
--icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen};
export const gristLogo = styled('div', `
width: 58px;
height: 20.416px;
flex-shrink: 0;
background: url(img/logo-grist.png);
background-position: 0 0;
background-size: contain;
background-color: transparent;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-top: 3px;

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {FormModel } from 'app/client/models/FormModel';
import {buildFormContainer} from 'app/client/ui/FormContainer';
import * as css from 'app/client/ui/FormPagesCss';
import {vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Computed, Disposable, dom, makeTestId, styled} from 'grainjs';
const testId = makeTestId('test-form-');
const t = makeT('FormSuccessPage');
export class FormSuccessPage extends Disposable {
private _successText = Computed.create(this, this._model.formLayout, (_use, layout) => {
if (!layout) { return null; }
return layout.successText || t('Thank you! Your response has been recorded.');
private _showNewResponseButton = Computed.create(this, this._model.formLayout, (_use, layout) => {
return Boolean(layout?.anotherResponse);
constructor(private _model: FormModel) {
document.title = `${t('Form Submitted')}${getPageTitleSuffix(getGristConfig())}`;
public buildDom() {
return buildFormContainer(() => [
src: 'img/form-success.svg',
css.formMessageText(dom.text(this._successText), testId('success-text')),
dom.maybe(this._showNewResponseButton, () =>
'Submit new response',
dom.on('click', () => this._handleClickNewResponseButton()),
private async _handleClickNewResponseButton() {
await this._model.fetchForm();
const cssFormButtons = styled('div', `
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-top: 24px;
const cssFormNewResponseButton = styled('button', `
position: relative;
outline: none;
border-style: none;
line-height: normal;
user-select: none;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 12px 24px;
min-height: 40px;
background: ${vars.primaryBg};
border-radius: 3px;
color: ${vars.primaryFg};
&:hover {
cursor: pointer;
background: ${vars.primaryBgHover};

@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ export type Tooltip =
| 'addColumnConditionalStyle'
| 'uuid'
| 'lookups'
| 'formulaColumn';
| 'formulaColumn'
| 'accessRulesTableWide';
export type TooltipContentFunc = (...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) => DomContents;
@ -135,6 +136,9 @@ see or edit which parts of your document.')
accessRulesTableWide: (...args: DomElementArg[]) => cssTooltipContent(
dom('div', t('These rules are applied after all column rules have been processed, if applicable.'))
export interface BehavioralPromptContent {

@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ export const textButton = styled(gristTextButton, `
export const pageContainer = styled('div', `
min-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
background-color: ${theme.loginPageBackdrop};
@media ${mediaXSmall} {

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export function buildPinnedDoc(home: HomeModel, doc: Document, workspace: Worksp
isRenaming || doc.removedAt ?
null :
urlState().setLinkUrl(docUrl(doc, isExample ? {org: workspace.orgDomain} : undefined)),
urlState().setLinkUrl({...docUrl(doc), ...(isExample ? {org: workspace.orgDomain} : {})}),
pinnedDoc.cls('-no-access', !roles.canView(doc.access)),
(doc.options?.icon ?

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function buildTemplateDoc(home: HomeModel, doc: Document, workspace: Workspace,
} else {
return css.docRowWrapper(
urlState().setLinkUrl(docUrl(doc, {org: workspace.orgDomain})),
urlState().setLinkUrl({...docUrl(doc), org: workspace.orgDomain}),
cssDocName(, testId('template-doc-title')),
doc.options?.description ? cssDocRowDetails(doc.options.description, testId('template-doc-description')) : null,

@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ async function switchToPersonalUrl(ev: MouseEvent, appModel: AppModel, org: stri
const cssPageContainer = styled(css.pageContainer, `
overflow: auto;
padding-bottom: 40px;

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import {setupLocale} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {AppModel, TopAppModelImpl} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {reportError, setUpErrorHandling} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {buildSnackbarDom} from 'app/client/ui/NotifyUI';
import {addViewportTag} from 'app/client/ui/viewport';
import {attachCssRootVars, attachTheme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {BaseAPI} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {dom, DomContents} from 'grainjs';
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window');
* Sets up the application model, error handling, and global styles, and replaces
* the DOM body with the result of calling `buildAppPage`.
export function createAppPage(buildAppPage: (appModel: AppModel) => DomContents) {
const topAppModel = TopAppModelImpl.create(null, {});
// Add globals needed by test utils.
G.window.gristApp = {
testNumPendingApiRequests: () => BaseAPI.numPendingRequests(),
dom.update(document.body, dom.maybeOwned(topAppModel.appObs, (owner, appModel) => {
return [
buildSnackbarDom(appModel.notifier, appModel),

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import {setupLocale} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {reportError, setErrorNotifier, setUpErrorHandling} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {Notifier} from 'app/client/models/NotifyModel';
import {buildSnackbarDom} from 'app/client/ui/NotifyUI';
import {addViewportTag} from 'app/client/ui/viewport';
import {attachCssRootVars, attachTheme, prefersColorSchemeThemeObs} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {BaseAPI} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {dom, DomContents} from 'grainjs';
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window');
* Sets up error handling and global styles, and replaces the DOM body with the
* result of calling `buildPage`.
export function createPage(buildPage: () => DomContents, options: {disableTheme?: boolean} = {}) {
const {disableTheme} = options;
// Add globals needed by test utils.
G.window.gristApp = {
testNumPendingApiRequests: () => BaseAPI.numPendingRequests(),
const notifier = Notifier.create(null);
dom.update(document.body, () => [
disableTheme ? null : dom.autoDispose(attachTheme(prefersColorSchemeThemeObs())),
buildSnackbarDom(notifier, null),

@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ import {getLoginUrl, getMainOrgUrl, getSignupUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/mod
import {AppHeader} from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader';
import {leftPanelBasic} from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon';
import {pagePanels} from 'app/client/ui/PagePanels';
import {setUpPage} from 'app/client/ui/setUpPage';
import {createTopBarHome} from 'app/client/ui/TopBar';
import {bigBasicButtonLink, bigPrimaryButtonLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {colors, mediaSmall, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {commonUrls, getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {dom, DomElementArg, makeTestId, observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
@ -17,21 +15,12 @@ const testId = makeTestId('test-');
const t = makeT('errorPages');
export function setUpErrPage() {
const {errPage} = getGristConfig();
const attachTheme = errPage !== 'form-not-found';
setUpPage((appModel) => {
return createErrPage(appModel);
}, {attachTheme});
export function createErrPage(appModel: AppModel) {
const {errMessage, errPage} = getGristConfig();
return errPage === 'signed-out' ? createSignedOutPage(appModel) :
errPage === 'not-found' ? createNotFoundPage(appModel, errMessage) :
errPage === 'access-denied' ? createForbiddenPage(appModel, errMessage) :
errPage === 'account-deleted' ? createAccountDeletedPage(appModel) :
errPage === 'form-not-found' ? createFormNotFoundPage(errMessage) :
createOtherErrorPage(appModel, errMessage);
@ -109,43 +98,6 @@ export function createNotFoundPage(appModel: AppModel, message?: string) {
* Creates a form-specific "Not Found" page.
export function createFormNotFoundPage(message?: string) {
document.title = t("Form not found");
return cssFormErrorPage(
cssFormErrorImage({src: 'forms/form-not-found.svg'}),
message ?? t('An unknown error occurred.'),
{href: commonUrls.forms, target: '_blank'},
t('Powered by'),
{href: commonUrls.forms, target: '_blank'},
t('Build your own form'),
* Creates a generic error page with the given message.
@ -225,110 +177,3 @@ const cssErrorText = styled('div', `
const cssButtonWrap = styled('div', `
margin-bottom: 8px;
const cssFormErrorPage = styled('div', `
background-color: ${colors.lightGrey};
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 52px 0px 52px 0px;
overflow: auto;
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
padding: 20px 0px 20px 0px;
const cssFormErrorContainer = styled('div', `
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
const cssFormError = styled('div', `
display: flex;
text-align: center;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
border-radius: 3px;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0px auto;
const cssFormErrorBody = styled('div', `
padding: 48px 16px 0px 16px;
const cssFormErrorImage = styled('img', `
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
max-width: 250px;
max-height: 281px;
const cssFormErrorText = styled('div', `
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 24px;
margin-top: 32px;
margin-bottom: 24px;
const cssFormErrorFooter = styled('div', `
border-top: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
padding: 8px 16px;
width: 100%;
const cssFormPoweredByGrist = styled('div', `
color: ${colors.darkText};
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 600;
line-height: 16px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0px 10px;
const cssFormPoweredByGristLink = styled('a', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 8px;
color: ${colors.darkText};
text-decoration: none;
const cssFormBuildForm = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 8px;
const cssFormBuildFormLink = styled('a', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 16px;
text-decoration-line: underline;
color: ${colors.darkGreen};
--icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen};
const cssGristLogo = styled('div', `
width: 58px;
height: 20.416px;
flex-shrink: 0;
background: url(forms/logo.png);
background-position: 0 0;
background-size: contain;
background-color: transparent;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-top: 3px;

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import {setupLocale} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {AppModel, newUserAPIImpl, TopAppModelImpl} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {setUpErrorHandling} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {buildSnackbarDom} from 'app/client/ui/NotifyUI';
import {addViewportTag} from 'app/client/ui/viewport';
import {attachCssRootVars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {BaseAPI} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {dom, DomContents} from 'grainjs';
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window');
export interface SetUpPageOptions {
/** Defaults to true. */
attachTheme?: boolean;
* Sets up error handling and global styles, and replaces the DOM body with
* the result of calling `buildPage`.
export function setUpPage(
buildPage: (appModel: AppModel) => DomContents,
options: SetUpPageOptions = {}
) {
const {attachTheme = true} = options;
const topAppModel = TopAppModelImpl.create(null, {}, newUserAPIImpl(), {attachTheme});
void setupLocale();
// Add globals needed by test utils.
G.window.gristApp = {
testNumPendingApiRequests: () => BaseAPI.numPendingRequests(),
dom.update(document.body, dom.maybe(topAppModel.appObs, (appModel) => [
buildSnackbarDom(appModel.notifier, appModel),

@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ import {getStorage} from 'app/client/lib/storage';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {getTheme, ProductFlavor} from 'app/client/ui/CustomThemes';
import {Theme, ThemeAppearance} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {dom, DomElementMethod, makeTestId, Observable, styled, TestId} from 'grainjs';
import {getThemeColors} from 'app/common/Themes';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Computed, dom, DomElementMethod, makeTestId, Observable, styled, TestId} from 'grainjs';
import debounce = require('lodash/debounce');
import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual');
import values = require('lodash/values');
const VAR_PREFIX = 'grist';
@ -1021,6 +1024,32 @@ export function prefersDarkModeObs(): PausableObservable<boolean> {
return _prefersDarkModeObs;
let _prefersColorSchemeThemeObs: Computed<Theme>|undefined;
* Returns a singleton observable for the Grist theme matching the current
* user agent color scheme preference ("light" or "dark").
export function prefersColorSchemeThemeObs(): Computed<Theme> {
if (!_prefersColorSchemeThemeObs) {
const obs = Computed.create(null, prefersDarkModeObs(), (_use, prefersDarkTheme) => {
if (prefersDarkTheme) {
return {
appearance: 'dark',
colors: getThemeColors('GristDark'),
} as const;
} else {
return {
appearance: 'light',
colors: getThemeColors('GristLight'),
} as const;
_prefersColorSchemeThemeObs = obs;
return _prefersColorSchemeThemeObs;
* Attaches the global css properties to the document's root to make them available in the page.
@ -1036,10 +1065,25 @@ export function attachCssRootVars(productFlavor: ProductFlavor, varsOnly: boolea
export function attachTheme(themeObs: Observable<Theme>) {
// Attach the current theme to the DOM.
// Whenever the theme changes, re-attach it to the DOM.
return themeObs.addListener((newTheme, oldTheme) => {
if (isEqual(newTheme, oldTheme)) { return; }
* Attaches theme-related css properties to the theme style element.
export function attachCssThemeVars({appearance, colors: themeColors}: Theme) {
function attachCssThemeVars({appearance, colors: themeColors}: Theme) {
// Custom CSS is incompatible with custom themes.
if (getGristConfig().enableCustomCss) { return; }
// Prepare the custom properties needed for applying the theme.
const properties = Object.entries(themeColors)
.map(([name, value]) => `--grist-theme-${name}: ${value};`);

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ export interface ApiErrorDetails {
export type ApiErrorCode =
| 'UserNotConfirmed'
| 'FormNotFound';
| 'FormNotFound'
| 'FormNotPublished';
* An error with an http status code.

@ -1,395 +1,4 @@
import {isHiddenCol} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {CellValue, GristType} from 'app/plugin/GristData';
import {MaybePromise} from 'app/plugin/gutil';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {marked} from 'marked';
* This file is a part of the Forms project. It contains a logic to render an HTML form from a JSON definition.
* TODO: Client version has its own implementation, we should merge them but it is hard to tell currently
* what are the similarities and differences as a Client code should also support browsing.
* All allowed boxes.
export type BoxType = 'Paragraph' | 'Section' | 'Columns' | 'Submit'
| 'Placeholder' | 'Layout' | 'Field' | 'Label'
| 'Separator' | 'Header'
* Number of fields to show in the form by default.
export const INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT = 9;
export const CHOOSE_TEXT = '— Choose —';
* Box model is a JSON that represents a form element. Every element can be converted to this element and every
* ViewModel should be able to read it and built itself from it.
export interface Box {
type: BoxType,
children?: Array<Box>,
// Some properties used by some boxes (like form itself)
submitText?: string,
successURL?: string,
successText?: string,
anotherResponse?: boolean,
// Unique ID of the field, used only in UI.
id?: string,
// Some properties used by fields and stored in the column/field.
formRequired?: boolean,
// Used by Label and Paragraph.
text?: string,
// Used by Paragraph.
alignment?: string,
// Used by Field.
leaf?: number,
* When a form is rendered, it is given a context that can be used to access Grist data and sanitize HTML.
export interface RenderContext {
root: Box;
field(id: number): FieldModel;
export interface FieldOptions {
formRequired?: boolean;
choices?: string[];
export interface FieldModel {
* The question to ask. Fallbacks to column's label than column's id.
question: string;
description: string;
colId: string;
type: string;
isFormula: boolean;
options: FieldOptions;
values(): MaybePromise<[number, CellValue][]>;
* The RenderBox is the main building block for the form. Each main block has its own, and is responsible for
* rendering itself and its children.
export class RenderBox {
public static new(box: Box, ctx: RenderContext): RenderBox {
const ctr = elements[box.type] ?? Paragraph;
return new ctr(box, ctx);
constructor(protected box: Box, protected ctx: RenderContext) {
public async toHTML(): Promise<string> {
const proms = ( || []).map((child) =>, this.ctx).toHTML());
const parts = await Promise.all(proms);
return parts.join('');
class Label extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
const text = || '';
return `
<div class="grist-label">${text || ''}</div>
class Paragraph extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
const text =['text'] || '**Lorem** _ipsum_ dolor';
const alignment =['alignment'] || 'left';
const html = marked(text);
return `
<div class="grist-paragraph grist-text-${alignment}">${html}</div>
class Section extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
return `
<div class="grist-section">
${await super.toHTML()}
class Columns extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
const size = || 1;
const content = await super.toHTML();
return `
<div class="grist-columns" style='--grist-columns-count: ${size}'>
class Submit extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
const text = _.escape(this.ctx.root['submitText'] || 'Submit');
return `
<div class='grist-submit'>
<input type='submit' value='${text}' />
class Placeholder extends RenderBox {
public override async toHTML() {
return `
class Layout extends RenderBox {
/** Nothing, default is enough */
* Field is a special kind of box, as it renders a Grist field (a Question). It provides a default frame, like label and
* description, and then renders the field itself in same way as the main Boxes where rendered.
class Field extends RenderBox {
public build(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext) {
const ctr = (questions as any)[field.type as any] as { new(): Question } || Text;
return new ctr();
public async toHTML() {
const field = ? this.ctx.field( : null;
if (!field) {
return `<div class="grist-field">Field not found</div>`;
const renderer =, this.ctx);
return `
<div class="grist-field">
${await renderer.toHTML(field, this.ctx)}
interface Question {
toHTML(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): Promise<string>|string;
abstract class BaseQuestion implements Question {
public async toHTML(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): Promise<string> {
return `
<div class='grist-question'>
<div class='grist-field-content'>
${await this.input(field, context)}
public name(field: FieldModel): string {
const excludeFromFormData = (
field.isFormula ||
field.type === 'Attachments' ||
return `${excludeFromFormData ? '_' : ''}${field.colId}`;
public label(field: FieldModel): string {
// This might be HTML.
const label = field.question;
const name =;
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'grist-label-required' : '';
return `
<label class='grist-label ${required}' for='${name}'>${label}</label>
public abstract input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string|Promise<string>;
class Text extends BaseQuestion {
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
return `
<input type='text' name='${}' ${required}/>
class Date extends BaseQuestion {
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
return `
<input type='date' name='${}' ${required}/>
class DateTime extends BaseQuestion {
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
return `
<input type='datetime-local' name='${}' ${required}/>
class Choice extends BaseQuestion {
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
const choices: Array<string|null> = field.options.choices || [];
// Insert empty option.
return `
<select name='${}' ${required} >
${ => `<option value='${choice ?? ''}'>${choice ?? CHOOSE_TEXT}</option>`).join('')}
class Bool extends BaseQuestion {
public async toHTML(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext) {
return `
<div class='grist-question'>
<div class='grist-field-content'>
${this.input(field, context)}
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const requiredLabel = field.options.formRequired ? 'grist-label-required' : '';
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
const label = field.question ? field.question : field.colId;
return `
<label class='grist-switch ${requiredLabel}'>
<input type='checkbox' name='${}' value="1" ${required} />
<div class="grist-widget_switch grist-switch_transition">
<div class="grist-switch_slider"></div>
<div class="grist-switch_circle"></div>
class ChoiceList extends BaseQuestion {
public input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext): string {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
const choices: string[] = field.options.choices || [];
return `
<div name='${}' class='grist-checkbox-list ${required}'>
${ => `
<label class='grist-checkbox'>
<input type='checkbox' name='${}[]' value='${choice}' />
class RefList extends BaseQuestion {
public async input(field: FieldModel, context: RenderContext) {
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
const choices: [number, CellValue][] = (await field.values()) ?? [];
// Sort by the second value, which is the display value.
choices.sort((a, b) => String(a[1]).localeCompare(String(b[1])));
// Support for 30 choices, TODO: make it dynamic.
return `
<div name='${}' class='grist-checkbox-list ${required}'>
${ => `
<label class='grist-checkbox'>
<input type='checkbox'
value='${String(choice[0])}' />
${String(choice[1] ?? '')}
class Ref extends BaseQuestion {
public async input(field: FieldModel) {
const choices: [number|string, CellValue][] = (await field.values()) ?? [];
// Sort by the second value, which is the display value.
choices.sort((a, b) => String(a[1]).localeCompare(String(b[1])));
// Support for 1000 choices, TODO: make it dynamic.
// Insert empty option.
choices.unshift(['', CHOOSE_TEXT]);
// <option type='number' is not standard, we parse it ourselves.
const required = field.options.formRequired ? 'required' : '';
return `
<select name='${}' class='grist-ref' data-grist-type='${field.type}' ${required}>
${ => `<option value='${String(choice[0])}'>${String(choice[1] ?? '')}</option>`).join('')}
* List of all available questions we will render of the form.
* TODO: add other renderers.
const questions: Partial<Record<GristType, new () => Question>> = {
'Text': Text,
'Choice': Choice,
'Bool': Bool,
'ChoiceList': ChoiceList,
'Date': Date,
'DateTime': DateTime,
'Ref': Ref,
'RefList': RefList,
* List of all available boxes we will render of the form.
const elements = {
'Paragraph': Paragraph,
'Section': Section,
'Columns': Columns,
'Submit': Submit,
'Placeholder': Placeholder,
'Layout': Layout,
'Field': Field,
'Label': Label,
// Those are just aliases for Paragraph.
'Separator': Paragraph,
'Header': Paragraph,

@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ export interface IGristUrlState {
// But this barely works, and is suitable only for documents. For decoding it
// indicates that the URL probably points to an API endpoint.
viaShare?: boolean; // Accessing document via a special share.
// Form URLs can currently be encoded but not decoded.
form?: {
vsId: number; // a view section id of a form.
shareKey?: string; // only one of shareKey or doc should be set.
@ -284,31 +282,15 @@ export function encodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>,
if (state.docPage) {
if (state.form) {
} else if (state.form?.shareKey) {
} else if (state.homePage === 'trash' || state.homePage === 'templates') {
* Form URLS can take two forms. If a docId/urlId is set, rather than
* a share key, the returned form URL will only be accessible by users
* with access to the document. This is currently only used for the
* preview functionality in the widget, where document access is a
* pre-requisite.
* When a share key is set, the returned form URL will be accessible
* by anyone, so long as the form is published.
* Only one of `doc` (docId/urlId) or `shareKey` should be set.
if (state.form) {
if (state.doc) { parts.push('/'); }
if (state.form.shareKey) {
parts.push(state.form.shareKey + '/');
if (state.account) {
parts.push(state.account === 'account' ? 'account' : `account/${state.account}`);
@ -392,13 +374,21 @@ export function decodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>, location: Locat
const parts = location.pathname.slice(1).split('/');
const state: IGristUrlState = {};
// Bare minimum we can do to detect API URLs.
if (parts[0] === 'api') { // When it starts with /api/...
state.api = true;
} else if (parts[0] === 'o' && parts[2] === 'api') { // or with /o/{org}/api/...
parts.splice(2, 1);
// Bare minimum we can do to detect API URLs: if it starts with /api/ or /o/{org}/api/...
if (parts[0] === 'api' || (parts[0] === 'o' && parts[2] === 'api')) {
state.api = true;
parts.splice(parts[0] === 'api' ? 0 : 2, 1);
// Bare minimum we can do to detect form URLs with share keys: if it starts with /forms/ or /o/{org}/forms/...
if (parts[0] === 'forms' || (parts[0] === 'o' && parts[2] === 'forms')) {
const startIndex = parts[0] === 'forms' ? 0 : 2;
// Form URLs have two parts to extract: the share key and the view section id.
state.form = {
shareKey: parts[startIndex + 1],
vsId: parseInt(parts[startIndex + 2], 10),
parts.splice(startIndex, 3);
const map = new Map<string, string>();
@ -447,6 +437,7 @@ export function decodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>, location: Locat
if (fork.forkId) { state.fork = fork; }
if (map.has('slug')) { state.slug = map.get('slug'); }
if (map.has('p')) { state.docPage = parseDocPage(map.get('p')!); }
if (map.has('f')) { state.form = {vsId: parseInt(map.get('f')!, 10)}; }
} else {
if (map.has('p')) {
const p = map.get('p')!;
@ -1038,7 +1029,7 @@ export function buildUrlId(parts: UrlIdParts): string {
// may be in a docId (leaving just the hyphen, which is permitted). The limits
// could be loosened, but without much benefit.
const codedSnapshotId = encodeURIComponent(parts.snapshotId)
.replace(/[_.!~*'()]/g, ch => `_${ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
.replace(/[_.!~*'()-]/g, ch => `_${ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
.replace(/%/g, '_');
token = `${token}~v=${codedSnapshotId}`;

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export class DocApiForwarder {
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/assistant', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/sql', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:id', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:vsId', withDoc);
app.use('^/api/docs$', withoutDoc);

@ -214,6 +214,17 @@ export function attachAppEndpoint(options: AttachOptions): void {
// Handlers for form preview URLs: one with a slug and one without.
app.get('/doc/:urlId([^/]+)/f/:vsId', ...docMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
app.get('/:urlId([^-/]{12,})/:slug([^/]+)/f/:vsId', ...docMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
// Handler for form URLs that include a share key.
app.get('/forms/:shareKey([^/]+)/:vsId', ...formMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
return sendAppPage(req, res, {path: 'form.html', status: 200, config: {}, googleTagManager: 'anon'});
// The * is a wildcard in express 4, rather than a regex symbol.
// See
app.get('/doc/:urlId([^/]+):remainder(*)', ...docMiddleware, docHandler);
@ -227,18 +238,4 @@ export function attachAppEndpoint(options: AttachOptions): void {
...docMiddleware, docHandler);
...docMiddleware, docHandler);
app.get('/forms/:urlId([^/]+)/:sectionId', ...formMiddleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => {
const formUrl = gristServer.getHomeUrl(req,
const response = await fetch(formUrl, {
headers: getTransitiveHeaders(req),
if (response.ok) {
const html = await response.text();
} else {
const error = await response.json();
throw new ApiError(error?.error ?? 'An unknown error occurred.', response.status, error?.details);

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import {
} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData';
import {extractTypeFromColType, isRaisedException} from "app/common/gristTypes";
import {Box, BoxType, FieldModel, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT, RenderBox, RenderContext} from "app/common/Forms";
import {buildUrlId, commonUrls, parseUrlId, SHARE_KEY_PREFIX} from "app/common/gristUrls";
import {extractTypeFromColType, isFullReferencingType, isRaisedException} from "app/common/gristTypes";
import {INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT} from "app/common/Forms";
import {buildUrlId, parseUrlId, SHARE_KEY_PREFIX} from "app/common/gristUrls";
import {isAffirmative, safeJsonParse, timeoutReached} from "app/common/gutil";
import {SchemaTypes} from "app/common/schema";
import {SortFunc} from 'app/common/SortFunc';
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {HashUtil} from 'app/server/lib/HashUtil';
import {makeForkIds} from "app/server/lib/idUtils";
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {getAppPathTo} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import {
@ -86,8 +85,6 @@ import {fetchDoc, globalUploadSet, handleOptionalUpload, handleUpload,
import * as assert from 'assert';
import contentDisposition from 'content-disposition';
import {Application, NextFunction, Request, RequestHandler, Response} from "express";
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as handlebars from 'handlebars';
import * as _ from "lodash";
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import * as moment from 'moment';
@ -159,18 +156,6 @@ function validateCore(checker: Checker, req: Request, body: any) {
* Helper used in forms rendering for purifying html.
handlebars.registerHelper('dompurify', (html: string) => {
return new handlebars.SafeString(`
<script data-html="${handlebars.escapeExpression(html)}">
document.currentScript.remove(); // remove the script tag so it is easier to inspect the DOM
export class DocWorkerApi {
// Map from docId to number of requests currently being handled for that doc
private _currentUsage = new Map<string, number>();
@ -182,8 +167,7 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
constructor(private _app: Application, private _docWorker: DocWorker,
private _docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap, private _docManager: DocManager,
private _dbManager: HomeDBManager, private _grist: GristServer,
private _staticPath: string) {}
private _dbManager: HomeDBManager, private _grist: GristServer) {}
* Adds endpoints for the doc api.
@ -1388,49 +1372,48 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
* Get the specified section's form as HTML.
* Forms are typically accessed via shares, with URLs like:${shareKey}/${id}.
* AppEndpoint.ts handles forwarding of such URLs to this endpoint.
* Get the specified view section's form data.
this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:id', canView,
this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:vsId', canView,
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
if (!activeDoc.docData) {
throw new ApiError('DocData not available', 500);
const sectionId = integerParam(req.params.vsId, 'vsId');
const docSession = docSessionFromRequest(req);
const linkId = getDocSessionShare(docSession);
const sectionId = integerParam(, 'id');
if (linkId) {
/* If accessed via a share, the share's `linkId` will be present and
* we'll need to check that the form is in fact published, and that the
* share key is associated with the form, before granting access to the
* form. */
docData: activeDoc.docData,
const Views_section = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section');
const Views_section = activeDoc.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section');
const section = Views_section.getRecord(sectionId);
if (!section) {
throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404);
throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'});
const Tables = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const tableRecord = Tables.getRecord(section.tableRef);
const Views_section_field = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section_field');
const fields = Views_section_field.filterRecords({parentId: sectionId});
const Tables_column = activeDoc.docData!.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
// Read the box specs
const spec = section.layoutSpec;
let box: Box = safeJsonParse(spec ? String(spec) : '', null);
if (!box) {
const editable = fields.filter(f => {
const Views_section_field = activeDoc.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section_field');
const Tables_column = activeDoc.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
const fields = Views_section_field
.filterRecords({parentId: sectionId})
.filter(f => {
const col = Tables_column.getRecord(f.colRef);
// Can't do attachments and formulas.
// Formulas and attachments are currently unsupported.
return col && !(col.isFormula && col.formula) && col.type !== 'Attachment';
box = {
let {layoutSpec: formLayoutSpec} = section;
if (!formLayoutSpec) {
formLayoutSpec = JSON.stringify({
type: 'Layout',
children: [
{type: 'Label'},
@ -1440,107 +1423,80 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
children: [
{type: 'Label'},
{type: 'Label'},
...editable.slice(0, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT).map(f => ({
type: 'Field' as BoxType,
...fields.slice(0, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT).map(f => ({
type: 'Field',
// Cache the table reads based on tableId. We are caching only the promise, not the result,
// Cache the table reads based on tableId. We are caching only the promise, not the result.
const table = _.memoize(
(tableId: string) => readTable(req, activeDoc, tableId, { }, { }).then(r => asRecords(r))
(tableId: string) => readTable(req, activeDoc, tableId, {}, {}).then(r => asRecords(r))
const readValues = async (tId: string, colId: string) => {
const records = await table(tId);
return => [ as number, r.fields[colId]]);
const getTableValues = async (tableId: string, colId: string) => {
const records = await table(tableId);
return => [ as number, r.fields[colId]] as const);
const refValues = (col: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column'>) => {
return async () => {
const refId = col.visibleCol;
if (!refId) { return [] as any; }
const refCol = Tables_column.getRecord(refId);
if (!refCol) { return []; }
const refTable = Tables.getRecord(refCol.parentId);
if (!refTable) { return []; }
const refTableId = refTable.tableId as string;
const refColId = refCol.colId as string;
if (!refTableId || !refColId) { return () => []; }
if (typeof refTableId !== 'string' || typeof refColId !== 'string') { return []; }
return await readValues(refTableId, refColId);
const Tables = activeDoc.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const context: RenderContext = {
field(fieldRef: number): FieldModel {
const field = Views_section_field.getRecord(fieldRef);
if (!field) { throw new Error(`Field ${fieldRef} not found`); }
const col = Tables_column.getRecord(field.colRef);
if (!col) { throw new Error(`Column ${field.colRef} not found`); }
const fieldOptions = safeJsonParse(field.widgetOptions as string, {});
const colOptions = safeJsonParse(col.widgetOptions as string, {});
const options = {...colOptions, ...fieldOptions};
const type = extractTypeFromColType(col.type as string);
const colId = col.colId as string;
return {
description: fieldOptions.description || col.description,
question: options.question || col.label || colId,
isFormula: Boolean(col.isFormula && col.formula),
// If this is reference field, we will need to fetch the referenced table.
values: refValues(col)
root: box
const getRefTableValues = async (col: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column'>) => {
const refId = col.visibleCol;
if (!refId) { return [] as any; }
const refCol = Tables_column.getRecord(refId);
if (!refCol) { return []; }
const refTable = Tables.getRecord(refCol.parentId);
if (!refTable) { return []; }
const refTableId = refTable.tableId as string;
const refColId = refCol.colId as string;
if (!refTableId || !refColId) { return () => []; }
if (typeof refTableId !== 'string' || typeof refColId !== 'string') { return []; }
return await getTableValues(refTableId, refColId);
// Now render the box to HTML.
const formFields = await Promise.all( (field) => {
const col = Tables_column.getRecord(field.colRef);
if (!col) { throw new Error(`Column ${field.colRef} not found`); }
const fieldOptions = safeJsonParse(field.widgetOptions as string, {});
const colOptions = safeJsonParse(col.widgetOptions as string, {});
const options = {...colOptions, ...fieldOptions};
const type = extractTypeFromColType(col.type as string);
const colId = col.colId as string;
return [, {
description: fieldOptions.description || col.description,
question: options.question || col.label || colId,
refValues: isFullReferencingType(col.type) ? await getRefTableValues(col) : null,
}] as const;
const formFieldsById = Object.fromEntries(formFields);
const getTableName = () => {
const rawSectionRef = Tables.getRecord(section.tableRef)?.rawViewSectionRef;
if (!rawSectionRef) { return null; }
const rawSection = activeDoc.docData!
return rawSection?.title ?? null;
let redirectUrl = !box.successURL ? '' : box.successURL;
// Make sure it is a valid URL.
try {
new URL(redirectUrl);
} catch (e) {
redirectUrl = '';
const formTableId = await getRealTableId(String(section.tableRef), {activeDoc, req});
const formTitle = section.title || getTableName() || formTableId;
const html = await, context).toHTML();
// And wrap it with the form template.
const form = await fse.readFile(path.join(getAppPathTo(this._staticPath, 'static'),
'forms/form.html'), 'utf8');
const staticOrigin = process.env.APP_STATIC_URL || "";
const staticBaseUrl = `${staticOrigin}/v/${this._grist.getTag()}/`;
// Fill out the blanks and send the result.
const doc = await this._dbManager.getDoc(req);
const tableId = await getRealTableId(String(section.tableRef), {activeDoc, req});
const rawSectionRef = tableRecord?.rawViewSectionRef;
const rawSection = !rawSectionRef ? null :
const tableName = rawSection?.title;
const template = handlebars.compile(form);
const renderedHtml = template({
// Trusted content generated by us.
BASE: staticBaseUrl,
DOC_URL: await this._grist.getResourceUrl(doc, 'html'),
TABLE_ID: tableId,
ANOTHER_RESPONSE: Boolean(box.anotherResponse),
// Not trusted content entered by user.
CONTENT: html,
SUCCESS_TEXT: box.successText || 'Thank you! Your response has been recorded.',
SUCCESS_URL: redirectUrl,
TITLE: `${section.title || tableName || tableId || 'Form'} - Grist`,
FORMS_LANDING_PAGE_URL: commonUrls.forms,
this._grist.getTelemetry().logEvent(req, 'visitedForm', {
full: {
docIdDigest: activeDoc.docName,
@ -1548,55 +1504,52 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
altSessionId: req.altSessionId,
* Throws if the specified section is not of a published form.
* Throws if the specified section is not a published form.
private _assertFormIsPublished(params: {
docData: DocData | null,
private _assertIsPublishedForm(params: {
docData: DocData,
linkId: string,
sectionId: number,
}) {
const {docData, linkId, sectionId} = params;
if (!docData) {
throw new ApiError('DocData not available', 500);
const notFoundError = () => {
throw new ApiError("Oops! The form you're looking for doesn't exist.", 404, {
code: 'FormNotFound',
// Check that the request is for a valid section in the document.
const sections = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section');
const section = sections.getRecord(sectionId);
if (!section) { return notFoundError(); }
if (!section) { throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'}); }
// Check that the section is for a form.
const sectionShareOptions = safeJsonParse(section.shareOptions, {});
if (!sectionShareOptions.form) { return notFoundError(); }
if (!sectionShareOptions.form) { throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'}); }
// Check that the form is associated with a share.
const viewId = section.parentId;
const pages = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Pages');
const page = pages.getRecords().find(p => p.viewRef === viewId);
if (!page) { return notFoundError(); }
if (!page) { throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'}); }
const shares = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Shares');
const share = shares.getRecord(page.shareRef);
if (!share) { return notFoundError(); }
if (!share) { throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'}); }
// Check that the share's link id matches the expected link id.
if (share.linkId !== linkId) { return notFoundError(); }
if (share.linkId !== linkId) { throw new ApiError('Form not found', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'}); }
// Finally, check that both the section and share are published.
if (!sectionShareOptions.publish || !safeJsonParse(share.options, {})?.publish) {
throw new ApiError('Oops! This form is no longer published.', 404, {code: 'FormNotFound'});
throw new ApiError('Form not published', 404, {code: 'FormNotPublished'});
@ -2140,9 +2093,9 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
export function addDocApiRoutes(
app: Application, docWorker: DocWorker, docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap, docManager: DocManager, dbManager: HomeDBManager,
grist: GristServer, staticPath: string
grist: GristServer
) {
const api = new DocWorkerApi(app, docWorker, docWorkerMap, docManager, dbManager, grist, staticPath);
const api = new DocWorkerApi(app, docWorker, docWorkerMap, docManager, dbManager, grist);

@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ export class FlexServer implements GristServer {
if (!isSingleUserMode()) {
addDocApiRoutes(, docWorker, this._docWorkerMap, docManager, this._dbManager, this, this.appRoot);
addDocApiRoutes(, docWorker, this._docWorkerMap, docManager, this._dbManager, this);
@ -1513,7 +1513,6 @@ export class FlexServer implements GristServer {
if (resp.headersSent || !this._sendAppPage) { return next(err); }
try {
const errPage = (
err.details?.code === 'FormNotFound' ? 'form-not-found' :
err.status === 403 ? 'access-denied' :
err.status === 404 ? 'not-found' :

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module.exports = {
errorPages: "app/client/errorMain",
apiconsole: "app/client/apiconsole",
billing: "app/client/billingMain",
form: "app/client/formMain",
// Include client test harness if it is present (it won't be in
// docker image).
...(fs.existsSync("test/client-harness/client.js") ? {

@ -2165,11 +2165,7 @@ class UserActions(object):
title = ''
section = self._docmodel.add(view_sections, tableRef=tableRef, parentKey=section_type,
title=title, borderWidth=1, defaultWidth=100)[0]
# TODO: We should address the automatic selection of fields for charts
# and forms in a better way.
limit = 2 if section_type == 'chart' else 9 if section_type == 'form' else None
return section
def _create_record_card_view_section(self, tableRef, tableId, view_sections):
@ -2277,8 +2273,7 @@ class UserActions(object):
parentKey=view_section_type, title=title,
borderWidth=1, defaultWidth=100,
limit=(2 if view_section_type == 'chart' else None))
return {"id":}
# TODO: Deprecated; should just use RemoveRecord('_grist_Views_section', view_id)
@ -2294,7 +2289,7 @@ class UserActions(object):
# Methods for creating and maintaining default views. This is a work-in-progress.
def _RebuildViewFields(self, table_id, section_row_id, limit=None):
def _RebuildViewFields(self, table_id, section_row_id):
Does the actual work of rebuilding ViewFields to correspond to the table's columns.
@ -2305,7 +2300,8 @@ class UserActions(object):
if section_rec.fields:
is_card = section_rec.parentKey in ('single', 'detail')
section_type = section_rec.parentKey
is_card = section_type in ('single', 'detail')
is_record_card = section_rec == table_rec.recordCardViewSectionRef
if is_card and not is_record_card:
# Copy settings from the table's record card section to the new section.
@ -2317,6 +2313,14 @@ class UserActions(object):
cols = [c for c in table_rec.columns if column.is_visible_column(c.colId)
# TODO: hack to avoid auto-adding the 'group' column when detaching summary tables.
and c.colId != 'group']
limit = None
if section_type == 'chart':
# TODO: We should address the automatic selection of fields for charts in a better way.
limit = 2
elif section_type == 'form':
# Attachments and formulas are currently unsupported in forms.
cols = [c for c in cols if not (c.type == 'Attachments' or (c.isFormula and c.formula))]
limit = 9
cols.sort(key=lambda c: c.parentPos)
if limit is not None:
cols = cols[:limit]

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf8">
<!-- INSERT BASE -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="icons/favicon.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="icons/icons.css">
<title>Loading...<!-- INSERT TITLE SUFFIX --></title>
<script crossorigin="anonymous" src="form.bundle.js"></script>

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
## grist-form-submit.js
File is taken from But it is modified to work with
forms, especially for:
- Ref and RefList columns, as by default it sends numbers as strings (FormData issue), and Grist
doesn't know how to convert them back to numbers.
- Empty strings are not sent at all - otherwise Grist won't be able to fire trigger formulas
correctly and provide default values for columns.
- By default it requires a redirect URL, now it is optional.
## purify.min.js
File taken from It is used to sanitize HTML. It wasn't
modified at all.
## form.html
This is handlebars template filled by DocApi.ts

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
body {
background-color: #f7f7f7;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.grist-form-container {
--icon-Tick: url();
--icon-Minus: url();
--icon-Expand: url('');
--primary: #16b378;
--primary-dark: #009058;
--dark-gray: #D9D9D9;
--light-gray: #bfbfbf;
--light: white;
color: #262633;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
min-height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 52px 0px 52px 0px;
font-size: 15px;
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Liberation Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif,
"Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
.grist-form-container .grist-form-confirm {
background-color: white;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
gap: 16px;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
border-radius: 3px;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0px auto;
.grist-form {
margin: 0px auto;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
width: 600px;
border-radius: 8px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-width: calc(100% - 32px);
margin-bottom: 16px;
padding-top: 20px;
--grist-form-padding: 48px;
padding-left: var(--grist-form-padding);
padding-right: var(--grist-form-padding);
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.grist-form-container {
padding: 20px 0px 20px 0px;
.grist-form {
--grist-form-padding: 20px;
.grist-form > div + div {
margin-top: 16px;
.grist-form .grist-section {
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
padding: 16px 24px;
padding: 24px;
margin-top: 24px;
.grist-form .grist-section > div + div {
margin-top: 16px;
.grist-form input[type="text"],
.grist-form input[type="date"],
.grist-form input[type="datetime-local"],
.grist-form input[type="number"] {
height: 27px;
padding: 4px 8px;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
border-radius: 3px;
outline: none;
.grist-form .grist-field {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.grist-form .grist-field .grist-field-description {
color: #222;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
margin-top: 4px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.6;
.grist-form .grist-field input[type="text"] {
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
font-size: 13px;
outline-color: var(--primary);
outline-width: 1px;
line-height: inherit;
width: 100%;
.grist-form .grist-submit, .grist-form-container button {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.grist-form input[type="submit"], .grist-form-container button {
background-color: var(--primary);
border: 1px solid var(--primary);
color: white;
padding: 10px 24px;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 13px;
cursor: pointer;
line-height: inherit;
.grist-form input[type="datetime-local"] {
width: 100%;
line-height: inherit;
.grist-form input[type="date"] {
width: 100%;
line-height: inherit;
.grist-form .grist-columns {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--grist-columns-count), 1fr);
gap: 4px;
.grist-form select {
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
font-size: 13px;
outline-color: var(--primary);
outline-width: 1px;
background: white;
line-height: inherit;
height: 27px;
flex: auto;
width: 100%;
.grist-form .grist-checkbox-list {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
.grist-form .grist-checkbox {
display: flex;
.grist-form .grist-checkbox:hover {
--color: var(--light-gray);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
padding: 0;
flex-shrink: 0;
display: inline-block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
--radius: 3px;
position: relative;
margin-right: 8px;
vertical-align: baseline;
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:checked:enabled, .grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate:enabled {
--color: var(--primary);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:disabled {
--color: var(--dark-gray);
cursor: not-allowed;
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]::before, .grist-form input[type="checkbox"]::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid var(--color, var(--dark-gray));
border-radius: var(--radius);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before, .grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:disabled::before, .grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate::before {
background-color: var(--color);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked):indeterminate::after {
-webkit-mask-image: var(--icon-Minus);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:not(:disabled)::after {
background-color: var(--light);
.grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:checked::after, .grist-form input[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
-webkit-mask-image: var(--icon-Tick);
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: var(--light);
.grist-form .grist-submit input[type="submit"]:hover, .grist-form-container button:hover {
border-color: var(--primary-dark);
background-color: var(--primary-dark);
.grist-power-by {
color: #494949;
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 600;
line-height: 16px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
.grist-power-by a {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 8px;
color: #494949;
text-decoration: none;
.grist-logo {
width: 58px;
height: 20.416px;
flex-shrink: 0;
background: url(logo.png);
background-position: 0 0;
background-size: contain;
background-color: transparent;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-top: 3px;
.grist-question > .grist-label {
color: var(--dark, #262633);
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 16px; /* 145.455% */
margin-top: 8px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
display: block;
.grist-label-required::after {
content: "*";
color: var(--primary, #16b378);
margin-left: 4px;
/* Markdown reset */
.grist-form h1,
.grist-form h2,
.grist-form h3,
.grist-form h4,
.grist-form h5,
.grist-form h6 {
margin: 4px 0px;
font-weight: normal;
.grist-form h1 {
font-size: 24px;
.grist-form h2 {
font-size: 22px;
.grist-form h3 {
font-size: 16px;
.grist-form h4 {
font-size: 13px;
.grist-form h5 {
font-size: 11px;
.grist-form h6 {
font-size: 10px;
.grist-form p {
margin: 0px;
.grist-form strong {
font-weight: 600;
.grist-form hr {
border: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
margin: 4px 0px;
.grist-text-left {
text-align: left;
.grist-text-right {
text-align: right;
.grist-text-center {
text-align: center;
.grist-switch {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
.grist-switch input[type='checkbox']::after {
content: none;
.grist-switch input[type='checkbox']::before {
content: none;
.grist-switch input[type='checkbox'] {
position: absolute;
.grist-switch > span {
margin-left: 8px;
/* Slider component */
.grist-widget_switch {
position: relative;
width: 30px;
height: 17px;
display: inline-block;
flex: none;
.grist-switch_slider {
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: var(--grist-theme-switch-slider-fg, #ccc);
border-radius: 17px;
.grist-switch_slider:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;
.grist-switch_circle {
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
content: "";
height: 13px;
width: 13px;
left: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
background-color: var(--grist-theme-switch-circle-fg, white);
border-radius: 17px;
input:checked + .grist-switch_transition > .grist-switch_slider {
background-color: var(--primary, #16b378);
input:checked + .grist-switch_transition > .grist-switch_circle {
-webkit-transform: translateX(13px);
-ms-transform: translateX(13px);
transform: translateX(13px);
.grist-switch_on > .grist-switch_slider {
background-color: var(--grist-actual-cell-color, #2CB0AF);
.grist-switch_on > .grist-switch_circle {
-webkit-transform: translateX(13px);
-ms-transform: translateX(13px);
transform: translateX(13px);
.grist-switch_transition > .grist-switch_slider, .grist-switch_transition > .grist-switch_circle {
-webkit-transition: .4s;
transition: .4s;
.grist-form-confirm-container {
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
.grist-form-confirm-body {
padding: 48px 16px 16px 16px;
.grist-form-confirm-image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
max-width: 250px;
max-height: 215px;
.grist-form-confirm-text {
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 24px;
margin-top: 32px;
white-space: prewrap;
.grist-form-confirm-buttons {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-top: 24px;
.grist-form-confirm-new-response-button {
position: relative;
outline: none;
border-style: none;
line-height: normal;
user-select: none;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 12px 24px;
min-height: 40px;
background: var(--primary, #16B378);
border-radius: 3px;
color: #FFFFFF;
.grist-form-confirm-new-response-button:hover {
background: var(--primary-dark);
cursor: pointer;
.grist-form-confirm-footer {
border-top: 1px solid var(--dark-gray);
padding: 8px 16px;
.grist-form-footer {
margin-left: calc(-1 * var(--grist-form-padding));
margin-right: calc(-1 * var(--grist-form-padding));
.grist-form-confirm-footer {
width: 100%;
.grist-form-build-form-link-container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 8px;
.grist-form-build-form-link {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 16px;
text-decoration-line: underline;
color: var(--primary-dark);
.grist-form-icon {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
-webkit-mask-position: center;
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
background-color: black;
.grist-form-icon-expand {
-webkit-mask-image: var(--icon-Expand);
background-color: var(--primary-dark);

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf8">
{{#if BASE}}
<base href="{{ BASE }}">
<title>{{ TITLE }}</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="icons/favicon.png" />
<script src="forms/grist-form-submit.js"></script>
<script src="forms/purify.min.js"></script>
// Make all links open in a new tab.
DOMPurify.addHook('uponSanitizeAttribute', (node) => {
if (!('target' in node)) { return; }
node.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
// Make sure that this is set explicitly, as it's often set by the browser.
node.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener');
<link rel="stylesheet" href="forms/form.css">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<main class='grist-form-container'>
<form class='grist-form'
onsubmit="'.grist-form-confirm').style.display = 'flex', = 'none'"
data-grist-doc="{{ DOC_URL }}"
data-grist-table="{{ TABLE_ID }}"
data-grist-success-url="{{ SUCCESS_URL }}"
{{ dompurify CONTENT }}
<div class='grist-form-footer'>
<div class="grist-power-by">
<a href="{{ FORMS_LANDING_PAGE_URL }}" target="_blank">
<div>Powered by</div>
<div class="grist-logo"></div>
<div class='grist-form-build-form-link-container'>
<a class='grist-form-build-form-link' href="{{ FORMS_LANDING_PAGE_URL }}" target="_blank">
Build your own form
<div class="grist-form-icon grist-form-icon-expand"></div>
<div class="grist-form-confirm-container">
<div class='grist-form-confirm' style='display: none'>
<div class="grist-form-confirm-body">
<img class='grist-form-confirm-image' src="forms/form-submitted.svg">
<div class='grist-form-confirm-text'>
<div class='grist-form-confirm-buttons'>
Submit new response
<div class='grist-form-confirm-footer'>
<div class="grist-power-by">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<div>Powered by</div>
<div class="grist-logo"></div>
<div class='grist-form-build-form-link-container'>
<a class='grist-form-build-form-link' href="" target="_blank">
Build your own form
<div class="grist-form-icon grist-form-icon-expand"></div>
// Validate choice list on submit
document.querySelector('.grist-form input[type="submit"]').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// When submit is pressed make sure that all choice lists that are required
// have at least one option selected
const choiceLists = document.querySelectorAll('.grist-checkbox-list.required:not(:has(input:checked))');
Array.from(choiceLists).forEach(function(choiceList) {
// If the form has at least one checkbox make it required
const firstCheckbox = choiceList.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
firstCheckbox?.setAttribute('required', 'required');
// All other required choice lists with at least one option selected are no longer required
const choiceListsRequired = document.querySelectorAll('.grist-checkbox-list.required:has(input:checked)');
Array.from(choiceListsRequired).forEach(function(choiceList) {
// If the form has at least one checkbox make it required
const firstCheckbox = choiceList.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');

@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
// If the script is loaded multiple times, only register the handlers once.
if (!window.gristFormSubmit) {
(function() {
* gristFormSubmit(gristDocUrl, gristTableId, formData)
* - `gristDocUrl` should be the URL of the Grist document, from step 1 of the setup instructions.
* - `gristTableId` should be the table ID from step 2.
* - `formData` should be a [FormData](
* object, typically obtained as `new FormData(formElement)`. Inside the `submit` event handler, it
* can be convenient to use `new FormData(`.
* - formElement is the form element that was submitted.
* This function sends values from `formData` to add a new record in the specified Grist table. It
* returns a promise for the result of the add-record API call. In case of an error, the promise
* will be rejected with an error message.
async function gristFormSubmit(docUrl, tableId, formData, formElement) {
// Pick out the server and docId from the docUrl.
const match = /^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+(?:\/o\/[^\/]+)?)\/(?:doc\/([^\/?#]+)|([^\/?#]{12,})\/)/.exec(docUrl);
if (!match) { throw new Error("Invalid Grist doc URL " + docUrl); }
const server = match[1];
const docId = match[2] || match[3];
// Construct the URL to use for the add-record API endpoint.
const destUrl = server + "/api/docs/" + docId + "/tables/" + tableId + "/records";
const payload = {records: [{fields: formDataToJson(formData, formElement)}]};
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
const resp = await window.fetch(destUrl, options);
if (resp.status !== 200) {
// Try to report a helpful error.
let body = '', error, match;
try { body = await resp.json(); } catch (e) {}
if (typeof body.error === 'string' && (match = /KeyError '(.*)'/.exec(body.error))) {
error = 'No column "' + match[1] + '" in table "' + tableId + '". ' +
'Be sure to use column ID rather than column label';
} else {
error = body.error || String(body);
throw new Error('Failed to add record: ' + error);
return await resp.json();
// Convert FormData into a mapping of Grist fields. Skips any keys starting with underscore.
// For fields with multiple values (such as to populate ChoiceList), use field names like `foo[]`
// (with the name ending in a pair of empty square brackets).
function formDataToJson(f) {
const keys = Array.from(f.keys()).filter(k => !k.startsWith("_"));
return Object.fromEntries( =>
k.endsWith('[]') ? [k.slice(0, -2), ['L', ...f.getAll(k)]] : [k, f.get(k)]));
* TypedFormData is a wrapper around FormData that provides type information for the fields.
class TypedFormData {
constructor(formElement, formData) {
if (!(formElement instanceof HTMLFormElement)) throw new Error("formElement must be a form");
if (formData && !(formData instanceof FormData)) throw new Error("formData must be a FormData");
this._formData = formData ?? new FormData(formElement);
this._formElement = formElement;
keys() {
const keys = Array.from(this._formData.keys());
// Don't return keys for scalar values which just return empty string.
// Otherwise Grist won't fire trigger formulas.
return keys.filter(key => {
// If there are multiple values, return this key as it is.
if (this._formData.getAll(key).length !== 1) { return true; }
// If the value is empty string or null, don't return the key.
const value = this._formData.get(key);
return value !== '' && value !== null;
type(key) {
return this._formElement?.querySelector(`[name="${key}"]`)?.getAttribute('data-grist-type');
get(key) {
const value = this._formData.get(key);
if (value === null) { return null; }
const type = this.type(key);
return type === 'Ref' || type === 'RefList' ? Number(value) : value;
getAll(key) {
const values = Array.from(this._formData.getAll(key));
if (['Ref', 'RefList'].includes(this.type(key))) {
return => Number(v));
return values;
// Handle submissions for plain forms that include special data-grist-* attributes.
async function handleSubmitPlainForm(ev) {
if (!['data-grist-doc', 'data-grist-table']
.some(attr => {
// This form isn't configured for Grist at all; don't interfere with it.
try {
const docUrl ='data-grist-doc');
const tableId ='data-grist-table');
if (!docUrl) { throw new Error("Missing attribute data-grist-doc='GRIST_DOC_URL'"); }
if (!tableId) { throw new Error("Missing attribute data-grist-table='GRIST_TABLE_ID'"); }
const successUrl ='data-grist-success-url');
await gristFormSubmit(docUrl, tableId, new TypedFormData(;
// On success, redirect to the requested URL.
if (successUrl) {
window.location.href = successUrl;
} catch (err) {
reportSubmitError(ev, err);
function reportSubmitError(ev, err) {
console.warn("grist-form-submit error:", err.message);
// Find an element to use for the validation message to alert the user.
let scapegoat = null;
(scapegoat = ev.submitter)?.setCustomValidity ||
(scapegoat ='input[type=submit]'))?.setCustomValidity ||
(scapegoat ='button'))?.setCustomValidity ||
(scapegoat = ['input')].pop())?.setCustomValidity
scapegoat?.setCustomValidity("Form misconfigured: " + err.message);;
// Handle submissions for Contact Form 7 forms.
async function handleSubmitWPCF7(ev) {
try {
const formId = ev.detail.contactFormId;
const docUrl ='[data-grist-doc]')?.getAttribute('data-grist-doc');
const tableId ='[data-grist-table]')?.getAttribute('data-grist-table');
if (!docUrl) { throw new Error("Missing attribute data-grist-doc='GRIST_DOC_URL'"); }
if (!tableId) { throw new Error("Missing attribute data-grist-table='GRIST_TABLE_ID'"); }
await gristFormSubmit(docUrl, tableId, new TypedFormData(;
console.log("grist-form-submit WPCF7 Form %s: Added record", formId);
} catch (err) {
console.warn("grist-form-submit WPCF7 Form %s misconfigured:", formId, err.message);
function setUpGravityForms(options) {
// Use capture to get the event before GravityForms processes it.
document.addEventListener('submit', ev => handleSubmitGravityForm(ev, options), true);
gristFormSubmit.setUpGravityForms = setUpGravityForms;
async function handleSubmitGravityForm(ev, options) {
try {
const docUrl = options.docUrl;
const tableId = options.tableId;
if (!docUrl) { throw new Error("setUpGravityForm: missing docUrl option"); }
if (!tableId) { throw new Error("setUpGravityForm: missing tableId option"); }
const f = new TypedFormData(;
for (const key of Array.from(f.keys())) {
// Skip fields other than input fields.
if (!key.startsWith("input_")) {
// Rename multiple fields to use "[]" convention rather than ".N" convention.
const multi = key.split(".");
if (multi.length > 1) {
f.append(multi[0] + "[]", f.get(key));
console.warn("Processed FormData", f);
await gristFormSubmit(docUrl, tableId, f);
// Follow through by doing the form submission normally.;
} catch (err) {
reportSubmitError(ev, err);
window.gristFormSubmit = gristFormSubmit;
document.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmitPlainForm);
document.addEventListener('wpcf7mailsent', handleSubmitWPCF7);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
"When adding table rules, automatically add a rule to grant OWNER full access.": "When adding table rules, automatically add a rule to grant OWNER full access.",
"Permission to edit document structure": "Permission to edit document structure",
"This default should be changed if editors' access is to be limited. ": "This default should be changed if editors' access is to be limited. ",
"Allow editors to edit structure (e.g. modify and delete tables, columns, layouts), and to write formulas, which give access to all data regardless of read restrictions.": "Allow editors to edit structure (e.g. modify and delete tables, columns, layouts), and to write formulas, which give access to all data regardless of read restrictions."
"Allow editors to edit structure (e.g. modify and delete tables, columns, layouts), and to write formulas, which give access to all data regardless of read restrictions.": "Allow editors to edit structure (e.g. modify and delete tables, columns, layouts), and to write formulas, which give access to all data regardless of read restrictions.",
"Add Table-wide Rule": "Add Table-wide Rule"
"AccountPage": {
"API": "API",
@ -1123,7 +1124,8 @@
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.",
"Build simple forms right in Grist and share in a click with our new widget. {{learnMoreButton}}": "Build simple forms right in Grist and share in a click with our new widget. {{learnMoreButton}}",
"Forms are here!": "Forms are here!",
"Learn more": "Learn more"
"Learn more": "Learn more",
"These rules are applied after all column rules have been processed, if applicable.": "These rules are applied after all column rules have been processed, if applicable."
"DescriptionConfig": {
@ -1350,5 +1352,29 @@
"FormConfig": {
"Field rules": "Field rules",
"Required field": "Required field"
"CustomView": {
"Some required columns aren't mapped": "Some required columns aren't mapped",
"To use this widget, please map all non-optional columns from the creator panel on the right.": "To use this widget, please map all non-optional columns from the creator panel on the right."
"FormContainer": {
"Build your own form": "Build your own form",
"Powered by": "Powered by"
"FormErrorPage": {
"Error": "Error"
"FormModel": {
"Oops! The form you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Oops! The form you're looking for doesn't exist.",
"Oops! This form is no longer published.": "Oops! This form is no longer published.",
"There was a problem loading the form.": "There was a problem loading the form.",
"You don't have access to this form.": "You don't have access to this form."
"FormPage": {
"There was an error submitting your form. Please try again.": "There was an error submitting your form. Please try again."
"FormSuccessPage": {
"Form Submitted": "Form Submitted",
"Thank you! Your response has been recorded.": "Thank you! Your response has been recorded."

@ -1173,7 +1173,10 @@
"Lookups return data from related tables.": "Las búsquedas devuelven datos de tablas relacionadas.",
"Use reference columns to relate data in different tables.": "Utilizar las columnas de referencia para relacionar los datos de distintas tablas.",
"You can choose from widgets available to you in the dropdown, or embed your own by providing its full URL.": "Puedes elegir entre los widgets disponibles en el menú desplegable, o incrustar el suyo propio proporcionando su dirección URL completa.",
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Las fórmulas admiten muchas funciones de Excel, sintaxis completa de Python e incluyen un útil asistente de inteligencia artificial."
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Las fórmulas admiten muchas funciones de Excel, sintaxis completa de Python e incluyen un útil asistente de inteligencia artificial.",
"Forms are here!": "¡Los formularios están aquí!",
"Learn more": "Más información",
"Build simple forms right in Grist and share in a click with our new widget. {{learnMoreButton}}": "Cree formularios sencillos directamente en Grist y compártalos en un clic con nuestro nuevo widget. {{learnMoreButton}}"
"DescriptionConfig": {
@ -1396,5 +1399,9 @@
"Schedule your {{freeCoachingCall}} with a member of our team.": "Programe su {{freeCoachingCall}} con un miembro de nuestro equipo.",
"Maybe Later": "Quizás más tarde",
"On the call, we'll take the time to understand your needs and tailor the call to you. We can show you the Grist basics, or start working with your data right away to build the dashboards you need.": "En la llamada, nos tomaremos el tiempo necesario para entender sus necesidades y adaptar la llamada a usted. Podemos mostrarle los conceptos básicos de Grist o empezar a trabajar con sus datos de inmediato para crear los cuadros de mando que necesita."
"FormConfig": {
"Field rules": "Reglas del campo",
"Required field": "Campo obligatorio"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -293,7 +293,8 @@
"API": "API",
"Ok": "OK",
"Manage Webhooks": "Gérer les points dancrage Web",
"Webhooks": "Points dancrage Web"
"Webhooks": "Points dancrage Web",
"API Console": "Console de l'API"
"DocumentUsage": {
"Usage statistics are only available to users with full access to the document data.": "Les statistiques d'utilisation ne sont disponibles qu'aux utilisateurs ayant un accès complet aux données du document.",
@ -431,7 +432,18 @@
"Last updated by": "Dernière mise à jour par",
"Detect duplicates in...": "Détecter les duplicats dans...",
"Last updated at": "Dernière mise à jour",
"Text": "Texte"
"Text": "Texte",
"DateTime": "Date et Heure",
"Choice": "Choix unique",
"Choice List": "Choix multiple",
"Date": "Date",
"Any": "Non défini",
"Numeric": "Numérique",
"Integer": "Entier",
"Toggle": "Booléen",
"Reference": "Référence",
"Reference List": "Référence multiple",
"Attachment": "Pièce jointe"
"GristDoc": {
"Import from file": "Importer depuis un fichier",
@ -619,7 +631,25 @@
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"You do not have edit access to this document": "Vous navez pas accès en écriture à ce document",
"Add referenced columns": "Ajouter une colonne référencée"
"Add referenced columns": "Ajouter une colonne référencée",
"Redirect automatically after submission": "Redirection automatique après soumission",
"Redirection": "Redirection",
"Configuration": "Configuration",
"Default field value": "Valeur par défaut du champ",
"Display button": "Afficher le bouton",
"Enter text": "Saisir du texte",
"Field rules": "Règles du champ",
"Field title": "Titre du champ",
"Hidden field": "Champ caché",
"Layout": "Mise en page",
"Submission": "Soumission",
"Submit button label": "Libellé du bouton de soumission",
"Success text": "Message de succès",
"Table column name": "Nom de la colonne",
"Enter redirect URL": "Saisir l'URL de redirection",
"Reset form": "Restaurer le formulaire",
"Submit another response": "Soumettre une autre réponse",
"Required field": "Champ obligatoire"
"RowContextMenu": {
"Insert row": "Insérer une ligne",
@ -692,7 +722,8 @@
"Delete": "Supprimer",
"Return to viewing as yourself": "Revenir à une vue en propre",
"Raw Data": "Données source",
"Settings": "Paramètres"
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"API Console": "Console de l'API"
"TopBar": {
"Manage Team": "Gestion de l'équipe"
@ -754,7 +785,8 @@
"Open configuration": "Ouvrir la configuration",
"Delete widget": "Supprimer la vue",
"Collapse widget": "Réduire la vue",
"Add to page": "Ajouter à la page"
"Add to page": "Ajouter à la page",
"Create a form": "Créer un formulaire"
"ViewSectionMenu": {
"Update Sort&Filter settings": "Mettre à jour le tri et le filtre",
@ -833,7 +865,11 @@
"There was an unknown error.": "Une erreur inconnue sest produite.",
"Account deleted{{suffix}}": "Compte supprimé {{suffix}}",
"Your account has been deleted.": "Votre compte a été supprimé.",
"Sign up": "S'inscrire"
"Sign up": "S'inscrire",
"Build your own form": "Créez votre propre formulaire",
"Form not found": "Formulaire non trouvé",
"Powered by": "Créé avec",
"An unknown error occurred.": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite."
"menus": {
"Select fields": "Sélectionner les champs",
@ -856,7 +892,17 @@
"modals": {
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Ok": "OK"
"Ok": "OK",
"Don't show tips": "Ne pas montrer les astuces",
"Undo to restore": "Annuler et rétablir",
"Don't show again": "Ne plus montrer",
"Delete": "Supprimer",
"Dismiss": "Ignorer",
"Don't ask again.": "Ne plus demander.",
"Don't show again.": "Ne plus montrer.",
"Got it": "J'ai compris",
"Are you sure you want to delete these records?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces enregistrements?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this record?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet enregistrement?"
"pages": {
"Rename": "Renommer",
@ -1075,7 +1121,10 @@
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Les formules supportent beaucoup de fonctions Excel et la syntaxe Python complète. Un assistant IA est disponible sur certaines instances.",
"Lookups return data from related tables.": "Récupère les données d'une table liée.",
"You can choose from widgets available to you in the dropdown, or embed your own by providing its full URL.": "Vous pouvez choisir parmi les widgets disponibles dans le menu déroulant, ou utilisez le votre en fournissant son URL complète.",
"Use reference columns to relate data in different tables.": "Utilisez les colonnes de type Référence pour lier différentes tables entre elles."
"Use reference columns to relate data in different tables.": "Utilisez les colonnes de type Référence pour lier différentes tables entre elles.",
"Learn more": "En savoir plus",
"Build simple forms right in Grist and share in a click with our new widget. {{learnMoreButton}}": "Créez des formulaires simples directement dans Grist et partagez-les en un clic avec notre nouveau widget. {{learnMoreButton}}",
"Forms are here!": "Les formulaires sont là!"
"ColumnTitle": {
"Add description": "Ajouter une description",
@ -1258,5 +1307,49 @@
"Delete card": "Supprimer la carte",
"Copy anchor link": "Copier le lien d'ancrage",
"Insert card": "Insérer une carte"
"WelcomeCoachingCall": {
"Maybe Later": "Peut-être plus tard",
"free coaching call": "appel d'assistance gratuit",
"Schedule Call": "Planifier l'appel",
"On the call, we'll take the time to understand your needs and tailor the call to you. We can show you the Grist basics, or start working with your data right away to build the dashboards you need.": "Lors de l'appel, nous prendrons le temps de comprendre vos besoins et d'adapter l'appel à vos besoins. Nous pouvons vous montrer les bases de Grist, ou commencer à travailler avec vos données immédiatement pour construire les tableaux de bord dont vous avez besoin.",
"Schedule your {{freeCoachingCall}} with a member of our team.": "Planifiez votre {{freeCoachingCall}} avec un membre de notre équipe."
"FormView": {
"Publish": "Publier",
"Publish your form?": "Publier votre formulaire?",
"Unpublish": "Dépublier",
"Unpublish your form?": "Dépublier votre formulaire?"
"HiddenQuestionConfig": {
"Hidden fields": "Champs cachés"
"Menu": {
"Building blocks": "Blocs de construction",
"Columns": "Colonnes",
"Copy": "Copier",
"Cut": "Couper",
"Insert question above": "Insérer une question ci-dessus",
"Insert question below": "Insérer une question ci-dessous",
"Paragraph": "Paragraphe",
"Paste": "Coller",
"Separator": "Séparateur",
"Unmapped fields": "Champs non utilisés",
"Header": "Titre"
"UnmappedFieldsConfig": {
"Mapped": "Utilisés",
"Select All": "Tout sélectionner",
"Unmap fields": "Champs non utilisés",
"Unmapped": "Non utilisés",
"Clear": "Effacer",
"Map fields": "Champs utilisés"
"FormConfig": {
"Field rules": "Règles du champ",
"Required field": "Champ obligatoire"
"Editor": {
"Delete": "Supprimer"

@ -727,7 +727,10 @@
"Lookups return data from related tables.": "Iskanje vrne podatke iz povezanih tabel.",
"Use reference columns to relate data in different tables.": "Uporabite referenčne stolpce za povezavo podatkov v različnih tabelah.",
"You can choose from widgets available to you in the dropdown, or embed your own by providing its full URL.": "Izbirate lahko med pripomočki, ki so vam na voljo v spustnem meniju, ali vdelate svojega tako, da navedete njegov polni URL.",
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Formule podpirajo številne Excelove funkcije, polno Pythonovo sintakso in vključujejo koristnega AI pomočnika."
"Formulas support many Excel functions, full Python syntax, and include a helpful AI Assistant.": "Formule podpirajo številne Excelove funkcije, polno Pythonovo sintakso in vključujejo koristnega AI pomočnika.",
"Forms are here!": "Obrazci so tukaj!",
"Learn more": "Nauči se več",
"Build simple forms right in Grist and share in a click with our new widget. {{learnMoreButton}}": "Ustvari preproste obrazce neposredno v Gristu in jih deli z enim klikom z našim novim pripomočkom. {{learnMoreButton}}"
"UserManager": {
"Anyone with link ": "Vsakdo s povezavo ",
@ -1342,5 +1345,9 @@
"Schedule your {{freeCoachingCall}} with a member of our team.": "Dogovori se za {{freeCoachingCall}} s članom naše ekipe.",
"Maybe Later": "Mogoče kasneje",
"On the call, we'll take the time to understand your needs and tailor the call to you. We can show you the Grist basics, or start working with your data right away to build the dashboards you need.": "Med klicem si bomo vzeli čas, da bomo razumeli vaše potrebe in vam klic prilagodili. Lahko vam pokažemo osnove Grista ali pa takoj začnemo delati z vašimi podatki, da zgradimo nadzorne plošče, ki jih potrebujete."
"FormConfig": {
"Required field": "Obvezno polje",
"Field rules": "Pravila polj"

@ -240,12 +240,18 @@ describe('gristUrlState', function() {
// Check form URLs in prod setup. They are produced on document pages.
await state.pushUrl({org: 'foo', doc: 'abc'});
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({doc: undefined, form: { vsId: 4, shareKey: 'key' }}),
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({api: true, doc: 'abc', form: { vsId: 4 }}),
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({api: true, form: { vsId: 4 }}),
state.makeUrl({doc: undefined, form: {vsId: 4, shareKey: 'key'}}),
state.makeUrl({doc: 'abc', form: {vsId: 4}}),
state.makeUrl({doc: 'abc', slug: '123', form: {vsId: 4}}),
it('should produce correct results with single-org config', async function() {
@ -279,12 +285,18 @@ describe('gristUrlState', function() {
// Check form URLs in single org setup from document pages.
await state.pushUrl({org: 'foo', doc: 'abc'});
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({doc: undefined, form: { vsId: 4, shareKey: 'key' }}),
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({api: true, doc: 'abc', form: { vsId: 4 }}),
assert.equal(state.makeUrl({api: true, form: { vsId: 4 }}),
state.makeUrl({doc: undefined, form: {vsId: 4, shareKey: 'key'}}),
state.makeUrl({doc: 'abc', form: {vsId: 4}}),
state.makeUrl({doc: 'abc', slug: '123', form: {vsId: 4}}),
it('should produce correct results with custom config', async function() {

@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ describe('ActionLog', function() {
await gu.undo(2);
await driver.navigate().refresh();
await gu.waitForDocToLoad();
// Dismiss forms announcement popup, if present.
await gu.dismissBehavioralPrompts();
// refreshing browser will restore position on last cell
// switch active cell to the first cell in the first row
await gu.getCell(0, 1).click();

@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ describe('AttachedCustomWidget', function () {
.header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
.send('<html><head><script src="/grist-plugin-api.js"></script></head><body>\n' +
( || req.query.access) + // send back widget name from query string or access level
"<script>grist.ready({requiredAccess: 'full', columns: [{name: 'Content', type: 'Text'}],"+
" onEditOptions(){}})</script>"+
'</body>' +
"<script>grist.ready({requiredAccess: 'full', columns: [{name: 'Content', type: 'Text', optional: true}]," +
" onEditOptions(){}})</script>" +

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import {addToRepl, assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
import {addStatic, serveSomething} from 'test/server/customUtil';
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ const NORMAL_WIDGET = 'Normal';
const READ_WIDGET = 'Read';
const FULL_WIDGET = 'Full';
// Custom URL label in selectbox.
const CUSTOM_URL = 'Custom URL';
// Holds url for sample widget server.
@ -129,6 +130,9 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
let mainSession: gu.Session;
addToRepl('getOptions', getOptions);
before(async function () {
if (server.isExternalServer()) {
@ -164,9 +168,15 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
// Widget with column mapping
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table, columns: ['Column']}),
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table, columns: [{name:'Column', optional: true}]}),
widgetId: 'tester5',
// Widget with required column mapping
url: createConfigUrl({requiredAccess: AccessLevel.read_table, columns: [{name:'Column', optional: false}]}),
widgetId: 'tester6',
@ -188,146 +198,6 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await server.testingHooks.setWidgetRepositoryUrl('');
// Poor man widget rpc. Class that invokes various parts in the tester widget.
class Widget {
constructor() {}
// Wait for a frame.
public async waitForFrame() {
await driver.findWait(`iframe.test-custom-widget-ready`, 1000);
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('iframe').isDisplayed(), 1000);
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
public async waitForPendingRequests() {
await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
await driver.executeScript('grist.testWaitForPendingRequests();');
public async content() {
return await this._read('body');
public async readonly() {
const text = await this._read('#readonly');
return text === 'true';
public async access() {
const text = await this._read('#access');
return text as AccessLevel;
public async onRecordMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
public async onRecords() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecords');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
public async onRecord() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecord');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
public async onRecordsMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordsMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
public async log() {
const text = await this._read('#log');
return text || '';
// Wait for frame to close.
public async waitForClose() {
await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('iframe').isPresent()), 3000);
// Wait for the onOptions event, and return its value.
public async onOptions() {
const text = await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
// Wait for options to get filled, initially this div is empty,
// as first message it should get at least null as an options.
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('#onOptions').getText(), 3000);
return await driver.find('#onOptions').getText();
return JSON.parse(text);
public async wasConfigureCalled() {
const text = await this._read('#configure');
return text === 'called';
public async setOptions(options: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOptions', [options]);
public async setOption(key: string, value: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOption', [key, value]);
public async getOption(key: string) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOption', [key]);
public async clearOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearOptions');
public async getOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOptions');
public async mappings() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('mappings');
public async clearLog() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearLog');
// Invoke method on a Custom Widget.
// Each method is available as a button with content that is equal to the method name.
// It accepts single argument, that we pass by serializing it to #input textbox. Widget invokes
// the method and serializes its return value to #output div. When there is an error, it is also
// serialized to the #output div.
public async invokeOnWidget(name: string, input?: any[]) {
// Switch to frame.
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
// Clear input box that holds arguments.
await driver.find('#input').click();
await gu.clearInput();
// Serialize argument to the textbox (or leave empty).
if (input !== undefined) {
await driver.sendKeys(JSON.stringify(input));
// Find button that is responsible for invoking method.
await driver.findContent('button', gu.exactMatch(name)).click();
// Wait for the #output div to be filled with a result. Custom Widget will set it to
// "waiting..." before invoking the method.
await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.find('#output').value()) !== 'waiting...');
// Read the result.
const text = await driver.find('#output').getText();
// Switch back to main window.
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
// If the method was a void method, the output will be "undefined".
if (text === 'undefined') {
return; // Simulate void method.
// Result will always be parsed json.
const parsed = JSON.parse(text);
// All exceptions will be serialized to { error : <<Error.message>> }
if (parsed?.error) {
// Rethrow the error.
throw new Error(parsed.error);
} else {
// Or return result.
return parsed;
private async _read(selector: string) {
return this._inWidgetIframe(() => driver.find(selector).getText());
private async _inWidgetIframe<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>) {
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
const retVal = await callback();
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
return retVal;
// Rpc for main widget (Custom Widget).
const widget = new Widget();
beforeEach(async () => {
// Before each test, we will switch to Custom Url (to cleanup the widget)
// and then back to the Tester widget.
@ -337,6 +207,47 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(TESTER_WIDGET);
await widget.waitForFrame();
it('should hide widget when some columns are not mapped', async () => {
// Reset the widget to the one that has a column mapping requirements.
await widget.resetWidget();
// Since the widget was reset, we don't have .test-custom-widget-ready element.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isPresent());
// Now select the widget that requires a column.
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(REQUIRED_WIDGET);
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
// The widget iframe should be covered with a text explaining that the widget is not configured.
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped', 1000).isDisplayed());
// The content should at least have those words:
assert.include(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped').getText(),
"Some required columns aren't mapped");
// Make sure that the iframe is not displayed.
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isPresent());
// Now map the column.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('Column'));
// Map it to A.
await clickOption('A');
// Make sure that the text is gone.
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-not-mapped').isPresent());
// Make sure the widget is now visible.
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-ready').isDisplayed());
// And we see widget with info about mapped columns, Column to A.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {Column: 'A'});
it('should hide mappings when there is no good column', async () => {
@ -346,7 +257,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M2', type: 'Date'}],
columns: [{name: 'M2', type: 'Date', optional: true}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -382,7 +293,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
// Now expand the drop again and make sure we can't clear it.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol']);
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['NewCol', 'Clear selection']);
// Now remove the column, and make sure that the drop is disabled again.
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
@ -485,11 +396,8 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
requiredAccess: 'read table',
await widget.waitForFrame();
await gu.acceptAccessRequest();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
// Mappings should be empty
assert.isNull(await widget.onRecordsMappings());
await widget.waitForPlaceholder();
// We should see 4 pickers
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M1')).isPresent());
assert.isTrue(await driver.find(pickerLabel('M2')).isPresent());
@ -508,27 +416,20 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
// Should be able to select column A for all options
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
const empty = {M1: null, M2: null, M3: null, M4: null};
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {... empty, M1: 'A'});
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M2'));
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {... empty, M1: 'A', M2: 'A'});
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M3'));
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {... empty, M1: 'A', M2: 'A', M3: 'A'});
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M4'));
await clickOption('A');
await widget.waitForFrame();
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {M1: 'A', M2: 'A', M3: 'A', M4: 'A'});
// Single record should also receive update.
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordMappings(), {M1: 'A', M2: 'A', M3: 'A', M4: 'A'});
// Undo should revert mappings - there should be only 3 operations to revert to first mapping.
await gu.undo(3);
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {... empty, M1: 'A'});
await widget.waitForPlaceholder();
// Add another columns, numeric B and any C.
await gu.selectSectionByTitle('Table');
await gu.addColumn('B');
@ -541,10 +442,6 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'B', 'C']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M4'));
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'C']);
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
await clickOption('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
assert.deepEqual(await widget.onRecordsMappings(), {...empty, M1: 'B'});
await revert();
@ -602,8 +499,8 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'M1', allowMultiple: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true},
{name: 'M1', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -686,8 +583,8 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'M1', type: 'Date,DateTime'},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Date, DateTime ', allowMultiple: true},
{name: 'M1', type: 'Date,DateTime', optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Date, DateTime ', allowMultiple: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -747,10 +644,10 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Any', type: 'Any', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date_Numeric', type: 'Date, Numeric', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date_Any', type: 'Date, Any', strictType: true},
{name: 'Date', type: 'Date', strictType: true},
{name: 'Any', type: 'Any', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date_Numeric', type: 'Date, Numeric', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date_Any', type: 'Date, Any', strictType: true, optional: true},
{name: 'Date', type: 'Date', strictType: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -791,7 +688,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [
{name: 'Choice', type: 'Choice', strictType: true},
{name: 'Choice', type: 'Choice', strictType: true, optional: true},
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -839,7 +736,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M1'}, {name: 'M2', allowMultiple: true}],
columns: [{name: 'M1', optional: true}, {name: 'M2', allowMultiple: true, optional: true}],
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -905,7 +802,7 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
// Add B column as a new one.
await toggleDrop(pickerDrop('M1'));
// Make sure it is there to select.
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'C', 'B']);
assert.deepEqual(await getOptions(), ['A', 'C', 'B', 'Clear selection']);
await clickOption('B');
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
await click(pickerAdd('M2'));
@ -928,7 +825,10 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.setWidgetUrl(
columns: [{name: 'M1', type: 'Text'}, {name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true}],
columns: [
{name: 'M1', type: 'Text', optional: true},
{name: 'M2', type: 'Text', allowMultiple: true, optional: true}
requiredAccess: 'read table',
@ -1220,3 +1120,152 @@ describe('CustomWidgetsConfig', function () {
await refresh();
// Poor man widget rpc. Class that invokes various parts in the tester widget.
const widget = {
async waitForPlaceholder() {
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-custom-widget-not-mapped', 1000).isDisplayed());
// Wait for a frame.
async waitForFrame() {
await driver.findWait(`iframe.test-custom-widget-ready`, 1000);
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('iframe').isDisplayed(), 1000);
await widget.waitForPendingRequests();
async waitForPendingRequests() {
await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
await driver.executeScript('grist.testWaitForPendingRequests();');
async content() {
return await this._read('body');
async readonly() {
const text = await this._read('#readonly');
return text === 'true';
async access() {
const text = await this._read('#access');
return text as AccessLevel;
async onRecordMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async onRecords() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecords');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async onRecord() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecord');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
* Reads last mapping parameter received by the widget as part of onRecords call.
async onRecordsMappings() {
const text = await this._read('#onRecordsMappings');
return JSON.parse(text || 'null');
async log() {
const text = await this._read('#log');
return text || '';
// Wait for frame to close.
async waitForClose() {
await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('iframe').isPresent()), 3000);
// Wait for the onOptions event, and return its value.
async onOptions() {
const text = await this._inWidgetIframe(async () => {
// Wait for options to get filled, initially this div is empty,
// as first message it should get at least null as an options.
await driver.wait(async () => await driver.find('#onOptions').getText(), 3000);
return await driver.find('#onOptions').getText();
return JSON.parse(text);
async wasConfigureCalled() {
const text = await this._read('#configure');
return text === 'called';
async setOptions(options: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOptions', [options]);
async setOption(key: string, value: any) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('setOption', [key, value]);
async getOption(key: string) {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOption', [key]);
async clearOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearOptions');
async getOptions() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('getOptions');
async mappings() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('mappings');
async clearLog() {
return await this.invokeOnWidget('clearLog');
// Invoke method on a Custom Widget.
// Each method is available as a button with content that is equal to the method name.
// It accepts single argument, that we pass by serializing it to #input textbox. Widget invokes
// the method and serializes its return value to #output div. When there is an error, it is also
// serialized to the #output div.
async invokeOnWidget(name: string, input?: any[]) {
// Switch to frame.
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
// Clear input box that holds arguments.
await driver.find('#input').click();
await gu.clearInput();
// Serialize argument to the textbox (or leave empty).
if (input !== undefined) {
await driver.sendKeys(JSON.stringify(input));
// Find button that is responsible for invoking method.
await driver.findContent('button', gu.exactMatch(name)).click();
// Wait for the #output div to be filled with a result. Custom Widget will set it to
// "waiting..." before invoking the method.
await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.find('#output').value()) !== 'waiting...');
// Read the result.
const text = await driver.find('#output').getText();
// Switch back to main window.
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
// If the method was a void method, the output will be "undefined".
if (text === 'undefined') {
return; // Simulate void method.
// Result will always be parsed json.
const parsed = JSON.parse(text);
// All exceptions will be serialized to { error : <<Error.message>> }
if (parsed?.error) {
// Rethrow the error.
throw new Error(parsed.error);
} else {
// Or return result.
return parsed;
async _read(selector: string) {
return this._inWidgetIframe(() => driver.find(selector).getText());
async _inWidgetIframe<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>) {
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
const retVal = await callback();
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
return retVal;
* Resets the widget by first selecting Custom URL option from the menu, which clearOptions
* any existing widget state (even if the Custom URL was already selected).
async resetWidget() {
await toggleWidgetMenu();
await clickOption(CUSTOM_URL);

@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ describe("Fork", function() {
await userSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}/m/fork`);
assert.equal(await gu.getEmail(),;
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-unsaved-tag').isPresent(), false);
// Dismiss forms announcement popup, if present.
await gu.dismissBehavioralPrompts();
await gu.getCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0}).click();
await gu.enterCell('123');
await gu.waitForServer();

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import {CHOOSE_TEXT} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {escapeRegExp} from 'lodash';
import {addToRepl, assert, driver, Key, WebElement, WebElementPromise} from 'mocha-webdriver';
@ -99,8 +98,13 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
async function waitForConfirm() {
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.grist-form-confirm', 1000).isDisplayed());
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-form-container', 2000).isDisplayed());
await driver.find('.test-form-success-text').getText(),
'Thank you! Your response has been recorded.'
@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
await gu.closeRawTable();
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await driver.findWait('input[type="submit"]', 2000).click();
await waitForConfirm();
await expectSingle('Hello from trigger');
@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await gu.sendKeys('Hello World');
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -196,7 +200,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await gu.sendKeys('1984');
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await driver.executeScript(
() => (document.querySelector('input[name="D"]') as HTMLInputElement).value = '2000-01-01'
@ -243,11 +247,12 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
const select = await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 2000);
// Make sure options are there.
await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.getText()), [CHOOSE_TEXT, 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.getText()), ['— Choose —', 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.find("option[value='Bar']").click();
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -261,7 +266,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await gu.sendKeys('1984');
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -276,14 +281,14 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).findClosest("label").click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).findClosest("label").click();
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
await expectSingle(true);
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await driver.findWait('input[type="submit"]', 2000).click();
await waitForConfirm();
await expectInD([true, false]);
@ -309,8 +314,8 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="Foo"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="Baz"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="Foo"]', 2000).click();
await driver.find('input[name="D[]"][value="Baz"]').click();
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -334,15 +339,16 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
const select = await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 2000);
await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.getText()),
[CHOOSE_TEXT, ...['Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo']]
['— Choose —', ...['Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo']]
await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.value()),
['', ...['2', '3', '1']]
await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.find('option[value="2"]').click();
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -373,11 +379,11 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="1"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="2"]', 1000).click();
assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="1"])').getText(), 'Foo');
assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="2"])').getText(), 'Bar');
assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="3"])').getText(), 'Baz');
await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="1"]', 2000).click();
await driver.find('input[name="D[]"][value="2"]').click();
assert.equal(await driver.find('label:has(input[name="D[]"][value="1"])').getText(), 'Foo');
assert.equal(await driver.find('label:has(input[name="D[]"][value="2"])').getText(), 'Bar');
assert.equal(await driver.find('label:has(input[name="D[]"][value="3"])').getText(), 'Baz');
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -391,7 +397,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
await removeForm();
it('can submit a form with a formula field', async function() {
it('excludes formula fields from forms', async function() {
const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text');
// Temporarily make A a formula column.
@ -401,12 +407,12 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
assert.deepEqual(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.A), ['hello']);
// Check that A is excluded from the form, and we can still submit it.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await gu.sendKeys('Hello World');
await driver.find('input[name="_A"]').click();
await gu.sendKeys('goodbye');
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('input[name="A"]').isPresent());
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();
@ -431,9 +437,10 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('.test-error-text', 2000).getText(),
/Oops! This form is no longer published\./
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-form-container', 2000).isDisplayed());
await driver.find('.test-form-error-text').getText(),
'Oops! This form is no longer published.'
@ -443,7 +450,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000);
@ -1250,7 +1257,7 @@ describe('FormView', function() {
// We are in a new window.
await gu.onNewTab(async () => {
await driver.get(formUrl);
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click();
await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 2000).click();
await gu.sendKeys('Hello World');
await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click();
await waitForConfirm();

@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ describe('GridViewNewColumnMenu', function () {
await gu.waitForServer();
//discard rename menu
await driver.findWait('.test-column-title-close', STANDARD_WAITING_TIME).click();
// Wait for the sidepanel animation.
await gu.waitForSidePanel();
//check if right menu is opened on column section
assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-right-tab-field', 1000).isDisplayed());
await gu.toggleSidePanel("right", "close");

@ -735,6 +735,7 @@ describe('RawData', function () {
await gu.openPage('CountryLanguage');
await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-link-icon').click();
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent());
await gu.wipeToasts(); // notification build-up can cover setType button.
await gu.setType('Reference List', {apply: true});
await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-list-link-icon').click();
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent());

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import {server, setupTestSuite} from "test/nbrowser/testUtils";
describe('RemoveTransformColumns', function () {
it('should remove transform columns when the doc shuts down', async function () {

@ -3393,7 +3393,7 @@ export async function hasAccessPrompt() {
* Accepts new access level.
export async function acceptAccessRequest() {
await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access-accept').click();
await driver.findWait('.test-config-widget-access-accept', 1000).click();
