(core) Improve API Console and link from Document Settings.

Changes to building and serving:
- Remove unpkg dependencies, add npm module for swagger-ui-dist instead.
- Move apiconsole JS logic into core/app/client/apiconsole.ts, and use TypeScript.
- Add symlinks to swagger in static/ and core/static/.
- Refactor loadScript, and add loadCssFile; use these to load swagger-ui resources.

Changes to console itself:
- Support docId, workspaceId, orgId URL parameters. When present, the matching
  value in dropdowns is moved to the front and marked as "(Current)".
- Fix the ordering of example values, particularly for workspaces.
- Remove unwanted example values.
- Hide confusing "Authorize" button.
- Hide API keys, and rely consistently on cookies for executing API calls.

Integration into Grist:
- Added a button to Document Settings, just under document ID in "API".
- The button opens a separate page, passing in org, workspace, and doc info for the current doc.

Test Plan: Only tested manually, no automated tests yet.

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D4173
Dmitry S 5 months ago
parent be0b4a1968
commit 11afc08f65

@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
import {loadCssFile, loadScript} from 'app/client/lib/loadScript';
import type {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {setUpPage} from 'app/client/ui/setUpPage';
import {DocAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import type {RecordWithStringId} from 'app/plugin/DocApiTypes';
import {dom, styled} from 'grainjs';
import type SwaggerUI from 'swagger-ui';
* This loads the swagger resources as if included as separate <script> and <link> tags in <head>.
* Swagger suggests building via webpack (in which case, it would be included into our JS bundle),
* but I couldn't get past webpack errors (also it's unclear if that would be any better).
* We load dynamically only to avoid maintaining a separate html file ust for these tags.
function loadExternal() {
return Promise.all([loadScript('swagger-ui-bundle.js'), loadCssFile('swagger-ui.css')]);
// Start loading scripts early (before waiting for AppModel to get initialized).
const externalScriptsPromise = loadExternal();
let swaggerUI: SwaggerUI|null = null;
// Define a few types to allow for type-checking.
type ParamValue = string|number|null;
interface Example {
value: ParamValue;
summary: string;
interface JsonSpec {
[propName: string]: any;
interface SpecActions {
changeParamByIdentity(...args: unknown[]): unknown;
updateJsonSpec(spec: JsonSpec): unknown;
function applySpecActions(cb: (specActions: SpecActions, jsonSpec: JsonSpec) => void) {
// Don't call actions directly within `wrapActions`, react/redux doesn't like it.
setTimeout(() => {
const system = (swaggerUI as any).getSystem();
const jsonSpec = system.getState().getIn(["spec", "json"]);
cb(system.specActions, jsonSpec);
}, 0);
function updateSpec(cb: (spec: JsonSpec) => JsonSpec) {
applySpecActions((specActions: SpecActions, jsonSpec: JsonSpec) => {
// `jsonSpec` is a special immutable object with methods like `getIn/setIn`.
// `updateJsonSpec` expects a plain JS object, so we need to convert it.
const searchParams = new URL(location.href).searchParams;
function setExamples(examplesArr: Example[], paramName: string) {
examplesArr.sort((a, b) => String(a.summary || a.value).localeCompare(String(b.summary || b.value)));
const paramValue = searchParams.get(paramName);
if (paramValue) {
// If this value appears among examples, move it to the front and label it as "Current".
const index = examplesArr.findIndex(v => (String(v.value) == String(paramValue)));
if (index >= 0) {
const ex = examplesArr.splice(index, 1)[0];
ex.summary += " (Current)";
} else {
// When opening an endpoint, parameters with examples are immediately set to the first example.
// For documents and tables, this would immediately call our custom code,
// fetching lists of tables/columns. This is especially bad for documents,
// as the document may have to be loaded from scratch in the doc worker.
// So the dropdown has to start with an empty value in those cases.
// You'd think this would run into the check for `!value` in `changeParamByIdentity`,
// but apparently swagger has its own special handing for empty values before then.
examplesArr.unshift({value: "", summary: "Select..."});
// Swagger expects `examples` to be an object, not an array.
// Prefix keys with something to ensure they aren't viewed as numbers: JS objects will iterate
// them in insertion (what we want) order *unless* keys look numeric. SwaggerUI will use the
// value from ex.value, so luckily this prefix doesn't actually matter.
const examples = Object.fromEntries(examplesArr.map((ex) => ["#" + ex.value, ex]));
updateSpec(spec => {
return spec.setIn(["components", "parameters", `${paramName}PathParam`, "examples"], examples);
// Set the value of a parameter in all endpoints.
function setParamValue(resolvedParam: any, value: ParamValue) {
applySpecActions((specActions: SpecActions, spec: JsonSpec) => {
// This will be something like:
// "https://url-to-grist.yml#/components/parameters/orgIdPathParam"
// Note that we're assuming that the endpoint always uses `$ref` to define the parameter,
// rather than defining it inline.
// https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-help/pull/293 ensures this,
// but future changes to the spec must remember to do the same.
const ref = resolvedParam.get("$$ref");
// For every endpoint in the spec...
for (const [pathKey, path] of spec.get("paths").entries()) {
for (const [method, operation] of path.entries()) {
const parameters = operation.get("parameters");
if (!parameters) { continue; }
for (const param of parameters.values()) {
// If this is the same parameter...
if (ref.endsWith(param.get("$ref"))) {
// Set the value. The final `true` is `noWrap` to prevent infinite recursion.
specActions.changeParamByIdentity([pathKey, method], resolvedParam, value, false, true);
class ExtendedDocAPIImpl extends DocAPIImpl {
public listTables(): Promise<{tables: RecordWithStringId[]}> {
return this.requestJson(`${this.getBaseUrl()}/tables`);
public listColumns(tableId: string, includeHidden = false): Promise<{columns: RecordWithStringId[]}> {
return this.requestJson(`${this.getBaseUrl()}/tables/${tableId}/columns?hidden=${includeHidden ? 1 : 0}`);
function wrapChangeParamByIdentity(appModel: AppModel, system: any, oriAction: any, ...args: any[]) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [keyPath, param, value, _isXml, noWrap] = args;
if (noWrap || !value) {
// `noWrap` is our own flag to avoid infinite recursion.
// It's set when calling this action inside `setParamValue` below.
// `value` is falsy when choosing our default "Select..." option from a dropdown.
return oriAction(...args);
const paramName = param.get("name");
// These are the path parameters that we handle specially and provide examples for.
// When a value is selected in one endpoint, set the same value in all other endpoints.
// This makes a bit more convenient to do multiple different operations on the same object.
// But maybe it'll cause confusion/mistakes when operating on different objects?
if (["orgId", "workspaceId", "docId", "tableId", "colId"].includes(paramName)) {
setParamValue(param, value);
// When a docId is selected, fetch the list of that doc's tables and set examples for tableId.
// This is a significant convenience, but it causes some UI jankiness.
// Updating the spec with these examples takes some CPU and the UI freezes for a moment.
// Then things jump around a bit as stuff is re-rendered, although it ends up in the right place
// so it shouldn't be too disruptive.
// All this happens after a short delay while the tables are being fetched.
// It *might* be possible to set these example values more efficiently/lazily but I'm not sure,
// and it'll probably significantly more difficult.
const baseUrl = appModel.api.getBaseUrl();
if (paramName === "docId") {
const docAPI = new ExtendedDocAPIImpl(baseUrl, value);
docAPI.listTables().then(({tables}: {tables: RecordWithStringId[]}) => {
const examples: Example[] = tables.map(table => ({value: table.id, summary: table.id}));
setExamples(examples, "tableId");
// When a tableId is selected, fetch the list of columns and set examples for colId.
// This causes similar UI jankiness as above, but I think less severely since fewer endpoints
// have a colId parameter. In fact, there's currently only one: `DELETE /columns`.
// We *could* only do this when setting tableId within that endpoint,
// but then the dropdown will be missing if you set the tableId elsewhere and then open this endpoint.
// Alternatively, `GET /tables` could be modified to return column metadata for each table.
if (paramName === "tableId") {
// When getting tables after setting docId, `value` is the docId so we have all the info.
// Here `value` is the tableId and we need to get the docId separately.
const parameters = system.getState().getIn(["spec", "meta", "paths", ...keyPath, "parameters"]);
const docId = parameters.find((_value: any, key: any) => key.startsWith("path.docId"))?.get("value");
if (docId) {
const docAPI = new ExtendedDocAPIImpl(baseUrl, docId);
// Second argument of `true` includes hidden columns like gristHelper_Display and manualSort.
docAPI.listColumns(value, true)
.then(({columns}: {columns: RecordWithStringId[]}) => {
const examples = columns.map(col => ({value: col.id, summary: col.fields.label as string}));
setExamples(examples, "colId");
return oriAction(...args);
function gristPlugin(appModel: AppModel, system: any) {
return {
statePlugins: {
spec: {
wrapActions: {
// Customize what happens when a parameter is changed, e.g. selected from a dropdown.
changeParamByIdentity: (oriAction: any) => (...args: any[]) =>
wrapChangeParamByIdentity(appModel, system, oriAction, ...args),
function initialize(appModel: AppModel) {
// These are used to set the examples for orgs, workspaces, and docs.
const orgsPromise = appModel.api.getOrgs();
// We make a request for each org - hopefully there aren't too many.
// Currently I only see rate limiting in DocApi, which shouldn't be a problem here.
// Fortunately we don't need a request for each workspace,
// since listing workspaces in an org also lists the docs in each workspace.
const workspacesPromise = orgsPromise.then(orgs => Promise.all(orgs.map(org =>
appModel.api.getOrgWorkspaces(org.id, false).then(workspaces => ({org, workspaces}))
// To be called after the spec is downloaded and parsed.
function onComplete() {
// Add an instruction for where to get API key.
const description = document.querySelector('.information-container .info');
if (description) {
const href = urlState().makeUrl({account: 'account'});
dom.update(description, dom('div', 'Find or create your API key at ', dom('a', {href}, href), '.'));
updateSpec(spec => {
// The actual spec sets the server to `https://{subdomain}.getgrist.com/api`,
// where {subdomain} is a variable that defaults to `docs`.
// We want to use the same server as the page is loaded from.
// This simplifies the UI and makes it work e.g. on localhost.
spec = spec.set("servers", [{url: window.origin + "/api"}]);
// Some table-specific parameters have examples with fake data in grist.yml. We don't want
// to actually use this for running requests, so clear those out.
for (const paramName of [
'filterQueryParam', 'sortQueryParam', 'sortHeaderParam',
'limitQueryParam', 'limitHeaderParam'
]) {
spec = spec.removeIn(["components", "parameters", paramName, "example"]);
return spec;
// Show that we need a key, but let's not display it. The user may or may not have the API key
// set. Actual requests from the console use cookies, so can work anyway. When the key is set,
// showing it in cleartext makes it riskier to ask for help with screenshots and the like.
// We set a fake key anyway to be clear that it's needed in the curl command.
const key = 'XXXXXXXXXXX';
swaggerUI!.preauthorizeApiKey('ApiKey', key);
// Set examples for orgs, workspaces, and docs.
orgsPromise.then(orgs => {
const examples: Example[] = orgs.map(org => ({
value: org.domain,
summary: org.name,
setExamples(examples, "orgId");
workspacesPromise.then(orgs => {
const workSpaceExamples: Example[] = orgs.flatMap(({org, workspaces}) => workspaces.map(ws => ({
value: ws.id,
summary: `${org.name} » ${ws.name}`
setExamples(workSpaceExamples, "workspaceId");
const docExamples = orgs.flatMap(({org, workspaces}) => workspaces.flatMap(ws => ws.docs.map(doc => ({
value: doc.id,
summary: `${org.name} » ${ws.name} » ${doc.name}`
setExamples(docExamples, "docId");
return onComplete;
function requestInterceptor(request: SwaggerUI.Request) {
delete request.headers.Authorization;
return request;
setUpPage((appModel) => {
// Default Grist page prevents scrolling unnecessarily.
document.documentElement.style.overflow = 'initial';
const rootNode = cssWrapper();
const onComplete = initialize(appModel);
externalScriptsPromise.then(() => {
const buildSwaggerUI: typeof SwaggerUI = (window as any).SwaggerUIBundle;
swaggerUI = buildSwaggerUI({
filter: true,
plugins: [gristPlugin.bind(null, appModel)],
url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gristlabs/grist-help/master/api/grist.yml',
domNode: rootNode,
showMutatedRequest: false,
return rootNode;
const cssWrapper = styled('div', `
& .scheme-container {
display: none;
& .information-container h1 { /* Authorization header, strangely enough */
display: none;
& .information-container .info {
margin-bottom: 0;

@ -45,15 +45,8 @@ $(function() {
window.exposeModulesForTests = function() { window.exposeModulesForTests = function() {
return (import('./exposeModulesForTests' /* webpackChunkName: "modulesForTests" */)); return (import('./exposeModulesForTests' /* webpackChunkName: "modulesForTests" */));
}; };
window.exposedModules = { window.exposedModules = {};
// Several existing tests use window.exposedModules.loadScript has loaded // Make it easy for tests to use loadScript() whether or not exposedModules has already loaded.
// a file for them. We now load exposedModules asynchronously, so that it window.loadScript = (name) =>
// doesn't slow down application startup. To avoid changing tests window.exposeModulesForTests().then(() => window.exposedModules.loadScript.loadScript(name));
// unnecessarily, we implement a loadScript wrapper.
loadScript(name) {
return window.exposeModulesForTests()
.then(() => window.exposedModules._loadScript(name));
}); });

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ Object.assign(window.exposedModules, {
ko: require('knockout'), ko: require('knockout'),
moment: require('moment-timezone'), moment: require('moment-timezone'),
Comm: require('app/client/components/Comm'), Comm: require('app/client/components/Comm'),
_loadScript: require('./lib/loadScript'), loadScript: require('./lib/loadScript'),
ConnectState: require('./models/ConnectState'), ConnectState: require('./models/ConnectState'),
}); });

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const G = require('./browserGlobals').get('document');
* Load dynamically an external JS script from the given URL. Returns a promise that is
* resolved when the script is loaded.
function loadScript(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let script = G.document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.onload = resolve;
script.onerror = reject;
script.src = url;
module.exports = loadScript;

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
* Load dynamically an external JS script from the given URL. Returns a promise that is
* resolved when the script is loaded.
export function loadScript(url: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script = dom("script", {type: "text/javascript", src: url, crossorigin: "anonymous"});
document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(script, {onload: resolve, onerror: reject}));
* Load dynamically an external CSS file from the given URL. Returns a promise that is
* resolved when the file is loaded.
export function loadCssFile(url: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const link = dom("link", {rel: "stylesheet", href: url});
document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(link, {onload: resolve, onerror: reject}));

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {ACSelectItem, buildACSelect} from 'app/client/lib/ACSelect';
import {copyToClipboard} from 'app/client/lib/clipboardUtils'; import {copyToClipboard} from 'app/client/lib/clipboardUtils';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import type {DocPageModel} from 'app/client/models/DocPageModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {KoSaveableObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil'; import {KoSaveableObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import {docListHeader} from 'app/client/ui/DocMenuCss'; import {docListHeader} from 'app/client/ui/DocMenuCss';
@ -85,6 +86,10 @@ export class DocSettingsPage extends Disposable {
await copyToClipboard(docPageModel.currentDocId.get()!); await copyToClipboard(docPageModel.currentDocId.get()!);
}), }),
)), )),
cssDataRow(primaryButtonLink(t('API Console'), {
target: '_blank',
href: getApiConsoleLink(docPageModel),
cssHeader(t('Webhooks'), cssBeta('Beta')), cssHeader(t('Webhooks'), cssBeta('Beta')),
cssDataRow(primaryButtonLink(t('Manage Webhooks'), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'webhook'}))), cssDataRow(primaryButtonLink(t('Manage Webhooks'), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'webhook'}))),
); );
@ -103,6 +108,16 @@ export class DocSettingsPage extends Disposable {
} }
} }
function getApiConsoleLink(docPageModel: DocPageModel) {
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.pathname = '/apiconsole';
url.searchParams.set('docId', docPageModel.currentDocId.get()!);
// Some extra question marks to placate a test fixture at test/fixtures/projects/DocumentSettings.ts
url.searchParams.set('workspaceId', String(docPageModel.currentWorkspace?.get()?.id || ''));
url.searchParams.set('orgId', String(docPageModel.appModel?.topAppModel.currentSubdomain.get()));
return url.href;
type LocaleItem = ACSelectItem & {locale?: string}; type LocaleItem = ACSelectItem & {locale?: string};
function buildLocaleSelect( function buildLocaleSelect(

@ -100,17 +100,6 @@ export function tools(owner: Disposable, gristDoc: GristDoc, leftPanelOpen: Obse
testId('settings'), testId('settings'),
), ),
cssSpacer(), cssSpacer(),
// TODO make this look nice, then make it visible when the console is ready.
// For now let's keep it private, so this shouldn't be uncommented.
// cssPageEntry(
// cssPageLink(
// cssPageIcon('Code'),
// cssPageIcon('FieldLink'),
// cssLinkText(t("API Console")),
// {href: window.origin + '/apiconsole', target: '_blank'}
// ),
// testId('api'),
// ),
dom.maybe(docPageModel.currentDoc, (doc) => { dom.maybe(docPageModel.currentDoc, (doc) => {
const ex = buildExamples().find(e => e.urlId === doc.urlId); const ex = buildExamples().find(e => e.urlId === doc.urlId);
if (!ex || !ex.tutorialUrl) { return null; } if (!ex || !ex.tutorialUrl) { return null; }

@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ export interface UserAPI {
getOrgs(merged?: boolean): Promise<Organization[]>; getOrgs(merged?: boolean): Promise<Organization[]>;
getWorkspace(workspaceId: number): Promise<Workspace>; getWorkspace(workspaceId: number): Promise<Workspace>;
getOrg(orgId: number|string): Promise<Organization>; getOrg(orgId: number|string): Promise<Organization>;
getOrgWorkspaces(orgId: number|string): Promise<Workspace[]>; getOrgWorkspaces(orgId: number|string, includeSupport?: boolean): Promise<Workspace[]>;
getOrgUsageSummary(orgId: number|string): Promise<OrgUsageSummary>; getOrgUsageSummary(orgId: number|string): Promise<OrgUsageSummary>;
getTemplates(onlyFeatured?: boolean): Promise<Workspace[]>; getTemplates(onlyFeatured?: boolean): Promise<Workspace[]>;
getDoc(docId: string): Promise<Document>; getDoc(docId: string): Promise<Document>;
@ -540,8 +540,8 @@ export class UserAPIImpl extends BaseAPI implements UserAPI {
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/orgs/${orgId}`, { method: 'GET' }); return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/orgs/${orgId}`, { method: 'GET' });
} }
public async getOrgWorkspaces(orgId: number|string): Promise<Workspace[]> { public async getOrgWorkspaces(orgId: number|string, includeSupport = true): Promise<Workspace[]> {
return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/orgs/${orgId}/workspaces?includeSupport=1`, return this.requestJson(`${this._url}/api/orgs/${orgId}/workspaces?includeSupport=${includeSupport ? 1 : 0}`,
{ method: 'GET' }); { method: 'GET' });
} }
@ -907,6 +907,8 @@ export class DocAPIImpl extends BaseAPI implements DocAPI {
this._url = `${url}/api/docs/${docId}`; this._url = `${url}/api/docs/${docId}`;
} }
public getBaseUrl(): string { return this._url; }
public async getRows(tableId: string, options?: GetRowsParams): Promise<TableColValues> { public async getRows(tableId: string, options?: GetRowsParams): Promise<TableColValues> {
return this._getRecords(tableId, 'data', options); return this._getRecords(tableId, 'data', options);
} }

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import {
getTableId, getTableId,
isSchemaAction, isSchemaAction,
TableDataAction, TableDataAction,
toTableDataAction, toTableDataAction,
UserAction UserAction
} from 'app/common/DocActions'; } from 'app/common/DocActions';
@ -81,6 +80,7 @@ import {guessColInfo} from 'app/common/ValueGuesser';
import {parseUserAction} from 'app/common/ValueParser'; import {parseUserAction} from 'app/common/ValueParser';
import {Document} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Document'; import {Document} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Document';
import {Share} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Share'; import {Share} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Share';
import {RecordWithStringId} from 'app/plugin/DocApiTypes';
import {ParseFileResult, ParseOptions} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI'; import {ParseFileResult, ParseOptions} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI';
import {AccessTokenOptions, AccessTokenResult, GristDocAPI, UIRowId} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI'; import {AccessTokenOptions, AccessTokenResult, GristDocAPI, UIRowId} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI';
import {compileAclFormula} from 'app/server/lib/ACLFormula'; import {compileAclFormula} from 'app/server/lib/ACLFormula';
@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
public async getTableCols( public async getTableCols(
docSession: OptDocSession, docSession: OptDocSession,
tableId: string, tableId: string,
includeHidden = false): Promise<TableRecordValue[]> { includeHidden = false): Promise<RecordWithStringId[]> {
const metaTables = await this.fetchMetaTables(docSession); const metaTables = await this.fetchMetaTables(docSession);
const tableRef = tableIdToRef(metaTables, tableId); const tableRef = tableIdToRef(metaTables, tableId);
const [, , colRefs, columnData] = metaTables._grist_Tables_column; const [, , colRefs, columnData] = metaTables._grist_Tables_column;
@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
// colId is pulled out of fields and used as the root id // colId is pulled out of fields and used as the root id
const fieldNames = without(Object.keys(columnData), "colId"); const fieldNames = without(Object.keys(columnData), "colId");
const columns: TableRecordValue[] = []; const columns: RecordWithStringId[] = [];
(columnData.colId as string[]).forEach((id, index) => { (columnData.colId as string[]).forEach((id, index) => {
const hasNoId = !id; const hasNoId = !id;
const isHidden = hasNoId || id === "manualSort" || id.startsWith("gristHelper_"); const isHidden = hasNoId || id === "manualSort" || id.startsWith("gristHelper_");
@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ export class ActiveDoc extends EventEmitter {
if (skip) { if (skip) {
return; return;
} }
const column: TableRecordValue = { id, fields: { colRef: colRefs[index] } }; const column: RecordWithStringId = { id, fields: { colRef: colRefs[index] } };
for (const key of fieldNames) { for (const key of fieldNames) {
column.fields[key] = columnData[key][index]; column.fields[key] = columnData[key][index];
} }

@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ export class DocWorkerApi {
this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/tables', canView, this._app.get('/api/docs/:docId/tables', canView,
withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => { withDoc(async (activeDoc, req, res) => {
const records = await getTableRecords(activeDoc, req, { optTableId: "_grist_Tables" }); const records = await getTableRecords(activeDoc, req, { optTableId: "_grist_Tables" });
const tables = records.map((record) => ({ const tables: Types.RecordWithStringId[] = records.map((record) => ({
id: record.fields.tableId, id: String(record.fields.tableId),
fields: { fields: {
..._.omit(record.fields, "tableId"), ..._.omit(record.fields, "tableId"),
tableRef: record.id, tableRef: record.id,

@ -198,8 +198,12 @@ export class TableMetadataLoader {
for (const tableId of [...newPushes].sort()) { for (const tableId of [...newPushes].sort()) {
// Put a limit on the number of outstanding pushes permitted. // Put a limit on the number of outstanding pushes permitted.
if (this._pushes.size >= this._pushed.size + 3) { break; } if (this._pushes.size >= this._pushed.size + 3) { break; }
this._pushes.set(tableId, this._counted(this.opPush(tableId))); const promise = this._counted(this.opPush(tableId));
} this._pushes.set(tableId, promise);
// Mark the promise as handled to avoid "unhandledRejection", but without affecting other
// code (which will still see `promise`, not the new promise returned by `.catch()`).
promise.catch(() => {});
} }
// Wrapper to keep track of pending promises. // Wrapper to keep track of pending promises.

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module.exports = {
entry: { entry: {
main: "app/client/app", main: "app/client/app",
errorPages: "app/client/errorMain", errorPages: "app/client/errorMain",
apiconsole: "app/client/apiconsole",
billing: "app/client/billingMain", billing: "app/client/billingMain",
// Include client test harness if it is present (it won't be in // Include client test harness if it is present (it won't be in
// docker image). // docker image).

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
"@types/selenium-webdriver": "4.1.15", "@types/selenium-webdriver": "4.1.15",
"@types/sinon": "5.0.5", "@types/sinon": "5.0.5",
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// Start by initiating various fetches early, we'll use the promise results later.
// The API calls are authorized by cookies.
// We only fetch the API key to pass to `preauthorizeApiKey` which makes it show
// in the example `curl` commands (which isn't unambiguously good, since
// it makes screen-sharing more risky).
const apiKey = fetch('/api/profile/apiKey').then(r => r.text());
// These are used to set the examples for orgs, workspaces, and docs.
const orgsPromise = fetch('/api/orgs').then(r => r.json());
// We make a request for each org - hopefully there aren't too many.
// Currently I only see rate limiting in DocApi, which shouldn't be a problem here.
// Fortunately we don't need a request for each workspace,
// since listing workspaces in an org also lists the docs in each workspace.
const workspacesPromise = orgsPromise.then(orgs => Promise.all(orgs.map(org =>
fetch(`/api/orgs/${org.id}/workspaces`).then(r => r.json()).then(workspaces => ({org, workspaces}))
function GristPlugin(system) {
return {
statePlugins: {
spec: {
wrapActions: {
// Customize what happens when a parameter is changed, e.g. selected from a dropdown.
changeParamByIdentity: (oriAction) => (...args) => {
const [keyPath, param, value, _isXml, noWrap] = args;
if (noWrap || !value) {
// `noWrap` is our own flag to avoid infinite recursion.
// It's set when calling this action inside `setParamValue` below.
// `value` is falsy when choosing our default "Select..." option from a dropdown.
return oriAction(...args);
// These are the path parameters that we handle specially and provide examples for.
// When a value is selected in one endpoint, set the same value in all other endpoints.
// This makes a bit more convenient to do multiple different operations on the same object.
// But maybe it'll cause confusion/mistakes when operating on different objects?
if (["orgId", "workspaceId", "docId", "tableId", "colId"].includes(param.get("name"))) {
setParamValue(param, value);
// When a docId is selected, fetch the list of that doc's tables and set examples for tableId.
// This is a significant convenience, but it causes some UI jankiness.
// Updating the spec with these examples takes some CPU and the UI freezes for a moment.
// Then things jump around a bit as stuff is re-rendered, although it ends up in the right place
// so it shouldn't be too disruptive.
// All this happens after a short delay while the tables are being fetched.
// It *might* be possible to set these example values more efficiently/lazily but I'm not sure,
// and it'll probably significantly more difficult.
if (param.get("name") === "docId") {
fetch(`/api/docs/${value}/tables`).then(r => r.json()).then(({tables}) => {
const examples = tables.map(table => ({value: table.id}));
setExamples(examples, "tableId", true);
// When a tableId is selected, fetch the list of columns and set examples for colId.
// This causes similar UI jankiness as above, but I think less severely since fewer endpoints
// have a colId parameter. In fact, there's currently only one: `DELETE /columns`.
// We *could* only do this when setting tableId within that endpoint,
// but then the dropdown will be missing if you set the tableId elsewhere and then open this endpoint.
// Alternatively, `GET /tables` could be modified to return column metadata for each table.
if (param.get("name") === "tableId") {
// When getting tables after setting docId, `value` is the docId so we have all the info.
// Here `value` is the tableId and we need to get the docId separately.
const parameters = system.getState().getIn(["spec", "meta", "paths", ...keyPath, "parameters"]);
const docId = parameters.find((_value, key) => key.startsWith("path.docId"))?.get("value");
if (docId) {
// `?hidden=1` includes hidden columns like gristHelper_Display and manualSort.
fetch(`/api/docs/${docId}/tables/${value}/columns?hidden=1`).then(r => r.json()).then(({columns}) => {
const examples = columns.map(col => ({value: col.id, summary: col.fields.label}));
setExamples(examples, "colId");
return oriAction(...args);
function applySpecActions(cb) {
// Don't call actions directly within `wrapActions`, react/redux doesn't like it.
setTimeout(() => {
const system = window.ui.getSystem();
const jsonSpec = system.getState().getIn(["spec", "json"]);
cb(system.specActions, jsonSpec);
}, 0);
function updateSpec(cb) {
applySpecActions((specActions, jsonSpec) => {
// `jsonSpec` is a special immutable object with methods like `getIn/setIn`.
// `updateJsonSpec` expects a plain JS object, so we need to convert it.
function setExamples(examplesArr, paramName, startBlank) {
if (startBlank) {
// When opening an endpoint, parameters with examples are immediately set to the first example.
// For documents and tables, this would immediately call our custom code,
// fetching lists of tables/columns. This is especially bad for documents,
// as the document may have to be loaded from scratch in the doc worker.
// So the dropdown has to start with an empty value in those cases.
// You'd think this would run into the check for `!value` in `changeParamByIdentity`,
// but apparently swagger has its own special handing for empty values before then.
// Somehow, when using this for workspace examples, this blank option becomes the last option in the dropdown.
// That looks silly, so `startBlank` is only set for parameters that need it as mentioned above.
examplesArr = [
{value: "", summary: "Select..."},
...examplesArr.sort((a, b) => (a.summary || a.value).localeCompare(b.summary || b.value))
// Swagger expects `examples` to be an object, not an array.
const examples = Object.fromEntries(examplesArr.map((ex) => [ex.value, ex]));
updateSpec(spec => {
return spec.setIn(["components", "parameters", `${paramName}PathParam`, "examples"], examples);
// Set the value of a parameter in all endpoints.
function setParamValue(resolvedParam, value) {
applySpecActions((specActions, spec) => {
// This will be something like:
// "https://url-to-grist.yml#/components/parameters/orgIdPathParam"
// Note that we're assuming that the endpoint always uses `$ref` to define the parameter,
// rather than defining it inline.
// https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-help/pull/293 ensures this,
// but future changes to the spec must remember to do the same.
const ref = resolvedParam.get("$$ref");
// For every endpoint in the spec...
for (const [pathKey, path] of spec.get("paths").entries()) {
for (const [method, operation] of path.entries()) {
const parameters = operation.get("parameters");
if (!parameters) continue;
for (const param of parameters.values()) {
// If this is the same parameter...
if (ref.endsWith(param.get("$ref"))) {
// Set the value. The final `true` is `noWrap` to prevent infinite recursion.
specActions.changeParamByIdentity([pathKey, method], resolvedParam, value, false, true);
// Called after the spec is downloaded and parsed.
function onComplete() {
// The actual spec sets the server to `https://{subdomain}.getgrist.com/api`,
// where {subdomain} is a variable that defaults to `docs`.
// We want to use the same server as the page is loaded from.
// This simplifies the UI and makes it work e.g. on localhost.
updateSpec(spec => spec.set("servers", [{url: window.origin + "/api"}]));
// See the comment where `apiKey` is defined.
apiKey.then(key => window.ui.preauthorizeApiKey('ApiKey', key));
// Set examples for orgs, workspaces, and docs.
orgsPromise.then(orgs => {
const examples = orgs.map(org => ({
value: org.domain,
summary: org.name,
setExamples(examples, "orgId");
workspacesPromise.then(orgs => {
const workSpaceExamples = orgs.flatMap(({org, workspaces}) => workspaces.map(ws => ({
value: ws.id,
summary: `${org.name} » ${ws.name}`
setExamples(workSpaceExamples, "workspaceId");
const docExamples = orgs.flatMap(({org, workspaces}) => workspaces.flatMap(ws => ws.docs.map(doc => ({
value: doc.id,
summary: `${org.name} » ${ws.name} » ${doc.name}`
setExamples(docExamples, "docId", true);
window.onload = () => {
window.ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
plugins: [
url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gristlabs/grist-help/master/api/grist.yml',
dom_id: '#root',
</body> </body>
</html> </html>

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