mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
(core) updates from grist-core
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {DomContents} from 'grainjs';
import i18next from 'i18next';
import {G} from 'grainjs/dist/cjs/lib/browserGlobals';
export async function setupLocale() {
const now = Date.now();
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ export async function setupLocale() {
const ns = getGristConfig().namespaces ?? ['core'];
const ns = getGristConfig().namespaces ?? ['client'];
// Initialize localization plugin
try {
// We don't await this promise, as it is resolved synchronously due to initImmediate: false.
@ -28,13 +30,13 @@ export async function setupLocale() {
initImmediate: false,
// Read language from navigator object.
// By default we use core namespace.
defaultNS: 'core',
// By default we use client namespace.
defaultNS: 'client',
// Read namespaces that are supported by the server.
// TODO: this can be converted to a dynamic list of namespaces, for async components.
// for now just import all what server offers.
// We can fallback to core namespace for any addons.
fallbackNS: 'core',
// We can fallback to client namespace for any addons.
fallbackNS: 'client',
}).catch((err: any) => {
@ -68,14 +70,52 @@ export async function setupLocale() {
* Resolves the translation of the given key, using the given options.
* Resolves the translation of the given key using the given options.
export function t(key: string, args?: any): string {
if (!i18next.exists(key)) {
export function tString(key: string, args?: any, instance = i18next): string {
if (!instance.exists(key, args || undefined)) {
const error = new Error(`Missing translation for key: ${key} and language: ${i18next.language}`);
return i18next.t(key, args);
return instance.t(key, args);
// We will try to infer result from the arguments passed to `t` function.
// For plain objects we expect string as a result. If any property doesn't look as a plain value
// we assume that it might be a dom node and the result is DomContents.
type InferResult<T> = T extends Record<string, string | number | boolean>|undefined|null ? string : DomContents;
* Resolves the translation of the given key and substitutes. Supports dom elements interpolation.
export function t<T extends Record<string, any>>(key: string, args?: T|null, instance = i18next): InferResult<T> {
if (!instance.exists(key, args || undefined)) {
const error = new Error(`Missing translation for key: ${key} and language: ${i18next.language}`);
// If there are any DomElements in args, handle it with missingInterpolationHandler.
const domElements = !args ? [] : Object.entries(args).filter(([_, value]) => isLikeDomContents(value));
if (!args || !domElements.length) {
return instance.t(key, args || undefined) as any;
} else {
// Make a copy of the arguments, and remove any dom elements from it. It will instruct
// i18next library to use `missingInterpolationHandler` handler.
const copy = {...args};
domElements.forEach(([prop]) => delete copy[prop]);
// Passing `missingInterpolationHandler` will allow as to resolve all missing keys
// and replace them with a marker.
const result: string = instance.t(key, {...copy, missingInterpolationHandler});
// Now replace all markers with dom elements passed as arguments.
const parts = result.split(/(\[\[\[[^\]]+?\]\]\])/);
for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i += 2) { // Every second element is our dom element.
const propName = parts[i].substring(3, parts[i].length - 3);
const domElement = args[propName] ?? `{{${propName}}}`; // If the prop is not there, simulate default behavior.
parts[i] = domElement;
return parts.filter(p => p !== '') as any; // Remove empty parts.
@ -84,3 +124,27 @@ export function t(key: string, args?: any): string {
export function hasTranslation(key: string) {
return i18next.exists(key);
function missingInterpolationHandler(key: string, value: any) {
return `[[[${value[1]}]]]`;
* Very naive detection if an element has DomContents type.
function isLikeDomContents(value: any): boolean {
// As null and undefined are valid DomContents values, we don't treat them as such.
if (value === null || value === undefined) { return false; }
return value instanceof G.Node || // Node
(Array.isArray(value) && isLikeDomContents(value[0])) || // DomComputed
typeof value === 'function'; // DomMethod
* Helper function to create scoped t function.
export function makeT(scope: string) {
return function<T extends Record<string, any>>(key: string, args?: T|null, instance = i18next) {
return t(`${scope}.${key}`, args, instance);
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import {theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {dom, DomElementArg, Observable, styled} from "grainjs";
import {t} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
const translate = makeT(`AddNewButton`);
export function addNewButton(isOpen: Observable<boolean> | boolean = true, ...args: DomElementArg[]) {
return cssAddNewButton(
cssAddNewButton.cls('-open', isOpen),
// Setting spacing as flex items allows them to shrink faster when there isn't enough space.
dom('div', {style: 'flex: 1 1 16px'}),
dom('div', {style: 'flex: 0 1 16px'}),
@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ import {Document, Workspace} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {computed, Computed, dom, DomArg, DomContents, IDisposableOwner,
makeTestId, observable, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {buildTemplateDocs} from 'app/client/ui/TemplateDocs';
import {t} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {localStorageBoolObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs';
import {bigBasicButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy');
const translate = makeT(`DocMenu`);
const testId = makeTestId('test-dm-');
@ -105,10 +107,10 @@ function createLoadedDocMenu(owner: IDisposableOwner, home: HomeModel) {
null :
page === 'all' ? t('AllDocuments') :
page === 'all' ? translate('AllDocuments') :
page === 'templates' ?
dom.domComputed(use => use(home.featuredTemplates).length > 0, (hasFeaturedTemplates) =>
hasFeaturedTemplates ? t('MoreExamplesAndTemplates') : t('ExamplesAndTemplates')
hasFeaturedTemplates ? translate('MoreExamplesAndTemplates') : translate('ExamplesAndTemplates')
) :
page === 'trash' ? 'Trash' :
workspace && [css.docHeaderIcon('Folder'), workspaceName(home.app, workspace)]
@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ function buildOtherSites(home: HomeModel) {
return css.otherSitesBlock(
dom.domComputed(hideOtherSitesObs, (collapsed) =>
collapsed ? css.otherSitesHeaderIcon('Expand') : css.otherSitesHeaderIcon('Collapse')
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ function buildOtherSites(home: HomeModel) {
const siteName = home.app.currentOrgName;
return [
t('OtherSitesWelcome', { siteName, context: personal ? 'personal' : '' }),
translate('OtherSitesWelcome', { siteName, context: personal ? 'personal' : '' }),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {t} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {getLoginOrSignupUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {HomeModel} from 'app/client/models/HomeModel';
import {productPill} from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader';
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {Computed, dom, DomContents, styled} from 'grainjs';
const translate = makeT('HomeIntro');
export function buildHomeIntro(homeModel: HomeModel): DomContents {
const isViewer = homeModel.app.currentOrg?.access === roles.VIEWER;
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ function makePersonalIntro(homeModel: HomeModel, user: FullUser) {
css.docListHeader(`Welcome to Grist, ${user.name}!`, testId('welcome-title')),
cssIntroLine('Get started by creating your first Grist document.'),
(shouldHideUiElement('helpCenter') ? null :
cssIntroLine('Visit our ', helpCenterLink(), ' to learn more.',
cssIntroLine(translate('VisitHelpCenter', { link: helpCenterLink() }),
@ -110,12 +111,12 @@ function makePersonalIntro(homeModel: HomeModel, user: FullUser) {
function makeAnonIntro(homeModel: HomeModel) {
const signUp = cssLink({href: getLoginOrSignupUrl()}, t('SignUp'));
const signUp = cssLink({href: getLoginOrSignupUrl()}, translate('SignUp'));
return [
css.docListHeader(t('Welcome'), testId('welcome-title')),
css.docListHeader(translate('Welcome'), testId('welcome-title')),
cssIntroLine('Get started by exploring templates, or creating your first Grist document.'),
cssIntroLine(signUp, ' to save your work. ',
(shouldHideUiElement('helpCenter') ? null : [' Visit our ', helpCenterLink(), ' to learn more.']),
(shouldHideUiElement('helpCenter') ? null : translate('VisitHelpCenter', { link: helpCenterLink() })),
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import jsesc from 'jsesc';
import * as handlebars from 'handlebars';
import * as path from 'path';
const translate = (req: express.Request, key: string, args?: any) => req.t(`sendAppPage.${key}`, args);
export interface ISendAppPageOptions {
path: string; // Ignored if .content is present (set to "" for clarity).
content?: string;
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ function configuredPageTitleSuffix() {
function getPageTitle(req: express.Request, config: GristLoadConfig): string {
const maybeDoc = getDocFromConfig(config);
if (!maybeDoc) { return req.t('Loading') + "..."; }
if (!maybeDoc) { return translate(req, 'sendAppPage.Loading') + "..."; }
return handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(maybeDoc.name);
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ export function setupLocale(appRoot: string): i18n {
return lang;
}).filter((lang) => lang));
if (!supportedLngs.has('en') || !supportedNamespaces.has('core')) {
throw new Error("Missing core English language file");
if (!supportedLngs.has('en') || !supportedNamespaces.has('server')) {
throw new Error("Missing server English language file");
// Initialize localization filesystem plugin that will read the locale files from the localeDir.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export function setupLocale(appRoot: string): i18n {
initImmediate: false,
preload: [...supportedLngs],
supportedLngs: [...supportedLngs],
defaultNS: 'core',
defaultNS: 'server',
ns: [...supportedNamespaces],
fallbackLng: 'en',
backend: {
@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ export function readLoadedNamespaces(instance?: i18n): readonly string[] {
if (Array.isArray(instance?.options.ns)) {
return instance.options.ns;
return instance?.options.ns ? [instance.options.ns as string] : ['core'];
return instance?.options.ns ? [instance.options.ns as string] : ['server'];
@ -20,37 +20,46 @@ default language _en_ (https://www.i18next.com/principles/translation-resolution
All language variants (e.g., _fr-FR_, _pl-PL_, _en-UK_) are supported if Grist can find a main
language resource file. For example, to support a _fr-FR_ language code, Grist expects to have at
least _fr.core.json_ file. The main language file will be used as a default fallback for all French
least _fr.client.json_ file. The main language file will be used as a default fallback for all French
language codes like _fr-FR_ or _fr-CA_, in case there is no resource file for a specif variant (like
`fr-CA.core.json`) or some keys are missing from the variant file.
`fr-CA.client.json`) or some keys are missing from the variant file.
Here is an example of a language resource file `en.core.json` currently used by Grist:
Here is an example of a language resource file `en.client.json` currently used by Grist:
"Welcome": "Welcome to Grist!",
"Loading": "Loading",
"AddNew": "Add New",
"AddNewButton": {
"AddNew": "Add New"
"DocMenu": {
"OtherSites": "Other Sites",
"OtherSitesWelcome": "Your are on {{siteName}}. You also have access to the following sites:",
"OtherSitesWelcome_personal": "Your are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"OtherSitesWelcome": "You are on the {{siteName}} site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"OtherSitesWelcome_personal": "You are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"AllDocuments": "All Documents",
"ExamplesAndTemplates": "Examples and Templates",
"MoreExamplesAndTemplates": "More Examples and Templates"
"HomeIntro": {
"Welcome": "Welcome to Grist!",
"SignUp": "Sign up"
It maps a key to a translated message. It also has an example of interpolation and context features
in the `OtherSitesWelcome` resource key. More information about how to use those features can be
in the `DocMenu.OtherSitesWelcome` resource key. More information about how to use those features can be
found at https://www.i18next.com/translation-function/interpolation and
Both client and server code (node.js) use the same resource files. A resource file name format
follows a pattern: [language code].[product].json (i.e. `pl-Pl.core.json`, `en-US.core.json`,
`en.core.json`). Grist can be packaged as several different products, and each product can have its
Client and server code (node.js) use separate resource files. A resource file name format
follows a pattern: [language code].[product].json (e.g. `pl-Pl.client.json`, `en-US.client.json`,
`en.client.json`). Grist can be packaged as several different products, and each product can have its
own translation files that are added to the core. Products are supported by leveraging `i18next`
feature called `namespaces` https://www.i18next.com/principles/namespaces.
For now we use only two products called `client` and `server`.
Each of them is then organized by filename, in order to avoid conflicts.
## Translation instruction
### Client
@ -71,7 +80,7 @@ _app/client/ui.DocMenu.ts_
dom.maybe((use) => !use(hideOtherSitesObs), () => {
@ -79,7 +88,7 @@ _app/client/ui.DocMenu.ts_
const siteName = home.app.currentOrgName;
return [
t('OtherSitesWelcome', { siteName, context: personal ? 'personal' : '' }),
t('DocMenu.OtherSitesWelcome', { siteName, context: personal ? 'personal' : '' }),
@ -87,9 +96,20 @@ _app/client/ui/HomeIntro.ts_
function makeAnonIntro(homeModel: HomeModel) {
const signUp = cssLink({href: getLoginOrSignupUrl()}, t('SignUp'));
const signUp = cssLink({href: getLoginOrSignupUrl()}, t('HomeIntro.SignUp'));
return [
css.docListHeader(t('Welcome'), testId('welcome-title')),
css.docListHeader(t('HomeIntro.Welcome'), testId('welcome-title')),
Function `t` on the client side is also able to use `DomContents` values (so material produced by
the GrainJS library) for interpolation. For example:
dom('span', t('Argument', {
arg1: dom('span', 'First'),
arg2: dom.domComputed(obs, (value) => dom('span', value))
Some things are not supported at this moment and will need to be addressed in future development
@ -124,7 +144,7 @@ _app/server/lib/sendAppPage.ts_
function getPageTitle(req: express.Request, config: GristLoadConfig): string {
const maybeDoc = getDocFromConfig(config);
if (!maybeDoc) {
return req.t('Loading') + '...';
return req.t('sendAppPage.Loading') + '...';
return handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(maybeDoc.name);
@ -133,8 +153,8 @@ function getPageTitle(req: express.Request, config: GristLoadConfig): string {
### Next steps
- Annotate all client code and create all resource files in `en.core.json` file. Almost all static
text is ready for translation.
- Annotate all client code and create all resource files in `en.client.json` and `en.server.json` files.
Almost all static text is ready for translation.
- Store language settings with the user profile and allow a user to change it on the Account Page.
Consider also adding a cookie-based solution that custom widgets can use, or extend the
**WidgetFrame** component so that it can pass current user language to the hosted widget page.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"AddNewButton": {
"AddNew": "Add New"
"DocMenu": {
"OtherSites": "Other Sites",
"OtherSitesWelcome": "You are on the {{siteName}} site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"OtherSitesWelcome_personal": "You are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"AllDocuments": "All Documents",
"ExamplesAndTemplates": "Examples and Templates",
"MoreExamplesAndTemplates": "More Examples and Templates"
"HomeIntro": {
"Welcome": "Welcome to Grist!",
"SignUp": "Sign up",
"VisitHelpCenter": "Visit our {{link}} to learn more."
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
"Welcome": "Welcome to Grist!",
"SignUp": "Sign up",
"Loading": "Loading",
"AddNew": "Add New",
"OtherSites": "Other Sites",
"OtherSitesWelcome": "You are on the {{siteName}} site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"OtherSitesWelcome_personal": "You are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:",
"AllDocuments": "All Documents",
"ExamplesAndTemplates": "Examples and Templates",
"MoreExamplesAndTemplates": "More Examples and Templates"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"sendAppPage": {
"Loading": "Loading"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import {makeT, t} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import i18next, {i18n} from 'i18next';
import {Disposable, dom, DomContents, observable} from "grainjs";
import {popGlobals, pushGlobals, G} from 'grainjs/dist/cjs/lib/browserGlobals';
import {JSDOM} from 'jsdom';
describe('localization', function() {
let instance: i18n;
before(() => {
instance = i18next.createInstance();
lng: 'en',
resources: {
en: {
translation: {
'Text': 'TranslatedText',
'Argument': 'Translated {{arg1}} {{arg2}}{{end}}',
'Argument_variant': 'Variant {{arg1}} {{arg2}}{{end}}',
'Parent': {
'Child': 'Translated child {{arg}}',
beforeEach(function() {
// These grainjs browserGlobals are needed for using dom() in tests.
const jsdomDoc = new JSDOM("<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>");
afterEach(function() {
it('supports basic operation for strings', function() {
assert.equal(t('Argument', {arg1: '1', arg2: '2', end: '.'}, instance), 'Translated 1 2.');
assert.equal(t('Argument', {arg1: '1', arg2: '2', end: '.', context: 'variant'}, instance), 'Variant 1 2.');
assert.equal(t('Text', null, instance), 'TranslatedText');
it('supports dom content interpolation', function() {
class Component extends Disposable {
public buildDom() {
return dom('span', '.');
const obs = observable("Second");
const result = t('Argument', {
arg1: dom('span', 'First'),
arg2: dom.domComputed(obs, (value) => dom('span', value)),
end: dom.create(Component)
}, instance) as any;
assert.equal(result.length, 5);
// First we have a plain string.
assert.equal(result[0], 'Translated ');
// Next we have a span element.
assert.equal(result[1]?.tagName, 'SPAN');
assert.equal(result[1]?.textContent, 'First');
// Empty space
assert.equal(result[2], ' ');
// Element 3 is the domComputed [Comment, Comment, function()]
assert.isTrue(result[3][0] instanceof G.Node);
assert.isTrue(result[3][1] instanceof G.Node);
assert.isTrue(typeof result[3][2] === 'function');
// As last we have "." as grainjs component.
assert.isTrue(result[4][0] instanceof G.Node);
assert.isTrue(result[4][1] instanceof G.Node);
assert.isTrue(typeof result[4][2] === 'function');
// Make sure that computed works.
const span = dom('span', result);
assert.equal(span.textContent, "Translated First Second.");
assert.equal(span.textContent, "Translated First Third.");
// Test that context variable works.
const variantSpan = dom('span', t('Argument', {
arg1: dom('span', 'First'),
arg2: dom.domComputed(obs, (value) => dom('span', value)),
end: dom.create(Component),
context: 'variant'
}, instance));
assert.equal(variantSpan.textContent, "Variant First Third.");
assert.equal(variantSpan.textContent, "Variant First Fourth.");
it('supports scoping through makeT', function() {
const scoped = makeT('Parent');
assert.equal(scoped('Child', { arg : 'Arg'}, instance), 'Translated child Arg');
it('infers result from parameters', function() {
class Component extends Disposable {
public buildDom() {
return dom('span', '.');
// Here we only test that this "compiles" without errors and types are correct.
let typeString: string = ''; void typeString;
typeString = t('Argument', {arg1: 'argument 1', arg2: 'argument 2'}, instance);
typeString = t('Argument', {arg1: 1, arg2: true}, instance);
typeString = t('Argument', undefined, instance);
const scoped = makeT('Parent');
typeString = scoped('Child', {arg: 'argument 1'}, instance);
typeString = scoped('Child', {arg: 1}, instance);
typeString = scoped('Child', undefined, instance);
let domContent: DomContents = null; void domContent;
domContent = t('Argument', {arg1: 'argument 1', arg2: dom('span')}, instance);
domContent = t('Argument', {arg1: 1, arg2: dom.domComputed(observable('test'))}, instance);
domContent = t('Argument', undefined, instance);
domContent = scoped('Child', {arg: dom.create(Component)}, instance);
domContent = scoped('Child', {arg: dom.maybe(observable(true), () => dom('span'))}, instance);
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ describe("Localization", function() {
// Grist config should contain the list of supported languages;
const gristConfig: any = await driver.executeScript("return window.gristConfig");
// core and en is required.
// client and en is required.
@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ describe("Localization", function() {
function present(response: string, ...langs: string[]) {
for (const lang of langs) {
assert.include(response, `href="locales/${lang}.core.json"`);
assert.include(response, `href="locales/${lang}.client.json"`);
function notPresent(response: string, ...langs: string[]) {
for (const lang of langs) {
assert.notInclude(response, `href="locales/${lang}.core.json"`);
assert.notInclude(response, `href="locales/${lang}.client.json"`);
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ describe("Localization", function() {
it("loads correct languages from file system", async function() {
modifyByCode(tempLocale, "en", {Welcome: 'TestMessage'});
modifyByCode(tempLocale, "en", {HomeIntro: {Welcome: 'TestMessage'}});
await driver.navigate().refresh();
assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-welcome-title', 3000).getText(), 'TestMessage');
const gristConfig: any = await driver.executeScript("return window.gristConfig");
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ describe("Localization", function() {
function modifyByCode(localeDir: string, code: string, obj: any) {
// Read current core localization file.
const filePath = path.join(localeDir, `${code}.core.json`);
// Read current client localization file.
const filePath = path.join(localeDir, `${code}.client.json`);
const resources = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString());
const newResource = Object.assign(resources, obj);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(newResource));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user