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import { AddRecord, BulkAddRecord, BulkRemoveRecord, BulkUpdateRecord, DocAction, getTableId,
RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData, TableDataAction, UpdateRecord } from "app/common/DocActions";
import { getSetMapValue } from "app/common/gutil";
* A little class for tracking pre-existing rows touched by a sequence of DocActions for
* a given table.
class RowIdTracker {
public blockedIds = new Set<number>(); // row ids minted within the DocActions (so NOT pre-existing).
public blocked: boolean = false; // set if all pre-existing rows are wiped/
public ids = new Set<number>(); // set of pre-existing rows touched.
* This gets a list of pre-existing rows that the DocActions may touch. Returns
* a list of form [tableId, Set{rowId1, rowId2, ...}].
export function getRelatedRows(docActions: DocAction[]): ReadonlyArray<readonly [string, Set<number>]> {
// Relate tableIds for tables with what they were before the actions, if renamed.
const tableIds = new Map<string, string>(); // key is current tableId
const rowIds = new Map<string, RowIdTracker>(); // key is pre-existing tableId
const addedTables = new Set<string>(); // track newly added tables to ignore; key is current tableId
for (const docAction of docActions) {
const currentTableId = getTableId(docAction);
const tableId = tableIds.get(currentTableId) || currentTableId;
if (docAction[0] === 'RenameTable') {
if (addedTables.has(currentTableId)) {
tableIds.set(docAction[2], tableId);
if (docAction[0] === 'AddTable') {
if (docAction[0] === 'RemoveTable') {
if (addedTables.has(currentTableId)) { continue; }
// tableId will now be that prior to docActions, regardless of renames.
const tracker = getSetMapValue(rowIds, tableId, () => new RowIdTracker());
if (docAction[0] === 'RemoveRecord' || docAction[0] === 'BulkRemoveRecord' ||
docAction[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || docAction[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord') {
// All row ids mentioned are external, unless created within this set of DocActions.
if (!tracker.blocked) {
for (const id of getRowIdsFromDocAction(docAction)) {
if (!tracker.blockedIds.has(id)) { tracker.ids.add(id); }
} else if (docAction[0] === 'AddRecord' || docAction[0] === 'BulkAddRecord') {
// All row ids mentioned are created within this set of DocActions, and are not external.
for (const id of getRowIdsFromDocAction(docAction)) { tracker.blockedIds.add(id); }
} else if (docAction[0] === 'ReplaceTableData' || docAction[0] === 'TableData') {
// No pre-existing rows can be referred to for this table from now on.
tracker.blocked = true;
return [...rowIds.entries()].map(([tableId, tracker]) => [tableId, tracker.ids] as const);
* Tiny helper to get the row ids mentioned in a record-related DocAction as a list
* (even if the action is not a bulk action).
export function getRowIdsFromDocAction(docActions: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord |
BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData |
TableDataAction) {
const ids = docActions[2];
return (typeof ids === 'number') ? [ids] : ids;