
616 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {FocusLayer} from 'app/client/lib/FocusLayer';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {cssInput} from 'app/client/ui/cssInput';
import {prepareForTransition, TransitionWatcher} from 'app/client/ui/transitions';
import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton, cssButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {mediaSmall, testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {loadingSpinner} from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders';
import {waitGrainObs} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {IOpenController, IPopupDomCreator, IPopupOptions, PopupControl, popupOpen} from 'popweasel';
import {Computed, Disposable, dom, DomContents, DomElementArg, input, keyframes,
MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import {cssMenuElem} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
const t = makeT('ui2018.modals');
// IModalControl is passed into the function creating the body of the modal.
export interface IModalControl {
// Observable for whether there is work in progress that's delaying the closing of the modal. It
// is useful for disabling a Save or Close button.
workInProgress: Computed<boolean>;
// Focus the modal dialog.
focus(): void;
// Request to close, without waiting. It's possible for closing to get prevented.
close(): void;
// Returns true if closed, false if closing was prevented.
closeAndWait(): Promise<boolean>;
2022-02-19 09:46:49 +00:00
// Prevents closing, if close has been called and is pending. No-op otherwise.
preventClose(): void;
// Wraps the passed-in function, so that closing is delayed while the function is running. If
// {close: true} is passed in, then requests closing of the modal when the function is done.
// With catchErrors set, errors are caught and reported, and prevent the dialog from closing.
// Otherwise, only StayOpen exception prevents closing; other errors will be propagated.
doWork<Args extends any[]>(
func: (...args: Args) => Promise<unknown>,
options?: {close?: boolean, catchErrors?: boolean},
): (...args: Args) => Promise<void>;
export class ModalControl extends Disposable implements IModalControl {
private _inProgress = Observable.create<number>(this, 0);
private _workInProgress = Computed.create(this, this._inProgress, (use, n) => (n > 0));
private _closePromise: Promise<boolean>|undefined;
private _shouldClose = false;
private _doClose: () => void,
private _doFocus?: () => void,
) {
public focus() {
public close(): void {
this.closeAndWait().catch(() => {});
public async closeAndWait(): Promise<boolean> {
return this._closePromise || (this._closePromise = this._doCloseAndWait());
public preventClose(): void {
this._shouldClose = false;
public get workInProgress() {
return this._workInProgress;
public doWork<Args extends any[]>(
func: (...args: Args) => Promise<unknown>,
options: {close?: boolean, catchErrors?: boolean} = {},
): (...args: Args) => Promise<void> {
return async (...args) => {
this._inProgress.set(this._inProgress.get() + 1);
const closePromise = options.close ? this.closeAndWait() : null;
try {
await func(...args);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof StayOpen) {
} else if (options.catchErrors) {
} else {
throw err;
} finally {
this._inProgress.set(this._inProgress.get() - 1);
if (closePromise) {
await closePromise;
private async _doCloseAndWait(): Promise<boolean> {
this._shouldClose = true;
try {
// Since some modals expect an immediate close; avoid an await when no work is pending.
if (this.workInProgress.get()) {
await waitGrainObs(this.workInProgress, wip => !wip);
if (this._shouldClose) { this._doClose(); }
return this._shouldClose;
} finally {
this._closePromise = undefined;
* The modal variant.
* Fade-in modals open with a fade-in background animation, and close immediately.
* Collapsing modals open with a expanding animation from a referenced DOM element, and
* close with a collapsing animation into the referenced element.
export type IModalVariant = 'fade-in' | 'collapsing';
export interface IModalOptions {
// The modal variant. Defaults to "fade-in".
variant?: IModalVariant;
// Required for "collapsing" variant modals. This is the anchor element for animations.
refElement?: HTMLElement;
// If set, escape key does not close the dialog.
noEscapeKey?: boolean;
// If set, clicking into background does not close dialog.
noClickAway?: boolean;
// If given, call and wait for this before closing the dialog. If it returns false, don't close.
// Error also prevents closing, and is reported as an unexpected error.
beforeClose?: () => Promise<boolean>;
// A custom error type to signal to the modal that it should stay open, but not report any error
// (presumably because the error was already reported).
export class StayOpen extends Error {
export type ModalWidth =
'normal' | // Normal dialog, from 428px to 480px in width.
'fixed-wide'; // Fixed 600px width.
* A simple modal. Shows up in the middle of the screen with a tinted backdrop.
* Created with the given body content and width.
* Closed via clicking anywhere outside the modal. May also be closed by
* calling ctl.close().
* The createFn callback may tie the disposal of temporary objects to its `owner` argument.
* Example usage:
* modal((ctl, owner) => [
* cssModalTitle(`Pin doc`),
* cssModalBody('Are you sure you want to pin doc?')
* cssModalButtons(
* primary('Yes', dom.on('click', () => { onClick(true); ctl.close(); })),
* secondary('Cancel', dom.on('click', () => { onClick(false); ctl.close(); }))
* )
* ])
export function modal(
createFn: (ctl: IModalControl, owner: MultiHolder) => DomElementArg,
options: IModalOptions = {}
): void {
const {noEscapeKey, noClickAway, refElement = document.body, variant = 'fade-in'} = options;
function doClose() {
if (!modalDom.isConnected) { return; }
variant === 'collapsing' ? collapseAndCloseModal() : closeModal();
function closeModal() {
// Ensure we run the disposers for the DOM contained in the modal.
function collapseAndCloseModal() {
const watcher = new TransitionWatcher(dialogDom);
watcher.onDispose(() => closeModal());
modalDom.classList.add(cssModalBacker.className + '-collapsing');
function expandModal() {
prepareForTransition(dialogDom, () => collapseModal());
Object.assign(, {
transform: '',
opacity: '',
visibility: 'visible',
function collapseModal() {
const rect = dialogDom.getBoundingClientRect();
const collapsedRect = refElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const originX = (collapsedRect.left + collapsedRect.width / 2) - rect.left;
const originY = ( + collapsedRect.height / 2) -;
Object.assign(, {
transform: `scale(${collapsedRect.width / rect.width}, ${collapsedRect.height / rect.height})`,
transformOrigin: `${originX}px ${originY}px`,
opacity: '0',
let close = doClose;
let dialogDom: HTMLElement;
const modalDom = cssModalBacker(
dom.create((owner) => {
const focus = () => dialogDom.focus();
const ctl = ModalControl.create(owner, doClose, focus);
close = () => ctl.close();
dialogDom = cssModalDialog(
createFn(ctl, owner),
cssModalDialog.cls('-collapsing', variant === 'collapsing'),
dom.on('click', (ev) => ev.stopPropagation()),
noEscapeKey ? null : dom.onKeyDown({ Escape: close }),
FocusLayer.create(owner, {
defaultFocusElem: dialogDom,
allowFocus: (elem) => (elem !== document.body),
// Pause mousetrap keyboard shortcuts while the modal is shown. Without this, arrow keys
// will navigate in a grid underneath the modal, and Enter may open a cell there.
pauseMousetrap: true
return dialogDom;
noClickAway ? null : dom.on('click', () => close()),
if (variant === 'collapsing') { expandModal(); }
export interface ISaveModalOptions {
title: DomElementArg; // Normally just a string.
body: DomElementArg; // Content of the dialog.
saveLabel?: DomElementArg; // Normally just a string; defaults to "Save".
saveDisabled?: Observable<boolean>; // Optional observable for when to disable Save button.
saveFunc: () => Promise<unknown>; // Called on Save; dialog closes when promise is fulfilled.
hideCancel?: boolean; // If set, hide the Cancel button
width?: ModalWidth; // Set a width style for the dialog.
modalArgs?: DomElementArg; // Extra args to apply to the outer cssModalDialog element.
extraButtons?: DomContents; // More buttons!
* Creates a modal dialog with a title, body, and Save/Cancel buttons. The provided createFunc()
* is called immediately to get the dialog's contents and options (see ISaveModalOptions for
* details). For example:
* saveModal((ctl, owner) => {
* const myObs = Computed.create(owner, ...);
* return {
* title: 'My Dialog',
* body: dom('div', 'Hello', dom.text(myObs)),
* saveDisabled: Computed.create(owner, (use) => !use(myObs)),
* saveFunc: () =>,
* modalArgs: {style: 'background-color: blue'},
* };
* });
* On Save, the dialog calls saveFunc(), disables the Save button, and stays open until saveFunc()
* is resolved. It then closes on success, or reports the error and stays open on rejection. To
* stay open without reporting an error (if one is already reported), throw StayOpen exception.
* The dialog interprets Enter/Escape keys as if the Save/Cancel buttons were clicked.
* Note that it's possible to close the dialog via Cancel while saveFunc() is pending. That's
* probably desirable, but keep in mind that the dialog may be disposed before saveFunc() returns.
* Error handling examples:
* 1. saveFunc: doSomething
* (Most common) If doSomething fails, the error is reported and the dialog stays open.
* 2. saveFunc: () => doSomething().catch(reportError)
* If doSomething fails, the error is reported but the dialog closes anyway.
* 3. saveFunc: () => doSomething().catch((e) => { alert("BOOM"); throw new StayOpen(); })
* If doSomething fails, an alert is shown, and the dialog stays open.
export function saveModal(createFunc: (ctl: IModalControl, owner: MultiHolder) => ISaveModalOptions) {
return modal((ctl, owner) => {
const options = createFunc(ctl, owner);
const isSaveDisabled = Computed.create(owner, (use) =>
use(ctl.workInProgress) || (options.saveDisabled ? use(options.saveDisabled) : false));
const save = ctl.doWork(options.saveFunc, {close: true, catchErrors: true});
return [
cssModalTitle(options.title, testId('modal-title')),
bigPrimaryButton(options.saveLabel || t('Save'),
dom.boolAttr('disabled', isSaveDisabled),
dom.on('click', save),
options.hideCancel ? null : bigBasicButton(t('Cancel'),
dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()),
dom.onKeyDown({ Enter: () => isSaveDisabled.get() || save() }),
options.width && cssModalWidth(options.width),
* Builds a simple confirm modal with 'Enter' bound to the confirm action.
* See saveModal() for error handling notes that here apply to the onConfirm callback.
export function confirmModal(
title: string,
btnText: string,
onConfirm: () => Promise<void>,
explanation?: Element|string,
{hideCancel, extraButtons}: {hideCancel?: boolean, extraButtons?: DomContents} = {},
): void {
return saveModal((ctl, owner): ISaveModalOptions => ({
body: explanation || null,
saveLabel: btnText,
saveFunc: onConfirm,
width: 'normal',
* Creates a simple prompt modal (replacement for the native one).
* Closed via clicking anywhere outside the modal or Cancel button.
* Example usage:
* promptModal(
* "Enter your name",
* (name: string) => alert(`Hello ${name}`),
* "Ok" // Confirm button name,
* "John doe", // Initial text (can be empty or undefined)
* "Enter your name", // input placeholder
* () => console.log('User cancelled') // Called when user cancels, or clicks outside.
* )
* @param title: Prompt text.
* @param onConfirm: Handler for Confirm button.
* @param btnText: Text of the confirm button.
* @param initial: Initial value in the input element.
* @param placeholder: Placeholder for the input element.
* @param onCancel: Optional cancel handler.
export function promptModal(
title: string,
onConfirm: (text: string) => Promise<unknown>,
btnText: string,
initial?: string,
placeholder?: string,
onCancel?: () => void
): void {
saveModal((ctl, owner): ISaveModalOptions => {
let confirmed = false;
const text = Observable.create(owner, initial ?? '');
const txtInput = input(text, { onInput : true }, { placeholder }, cssInput.cls(''), testId('modal-prompt'));
const options: ISaveModalOptions = {
body: txtInput,
saveLabel: btnText,
saveFunc: () => {
// Mark that confirm was invoked.
confirmed = true;
return onConfirm(text.get() || '');
width: 'normal'
owner.onDispose(() => {
if (confirmed) { return; }
setTimeout(() => txtInput.focus(), 10);
return options;
* Wraps prompt modal in a promise that is resolved either when user confirms or cancels.
* When user cancels the returned value is always undefined.
* Example usage:
* async handler() {
* const name = await invokePrompt("Please enter your name");
* if (name !== undefined) alert(`Hello ${name}`);
* }
* @param title: Prompt text.
* @param btnText: Text of the confirm button, default is "Ok".
* @param initial: Initial value in the input element.
* @param placeholder: Placeholder for the input element.
export function invokePrompt(
title: string,
btnText?: string,
initial?: string,
placeholder?: string
): Promise<string|undefined> {
let onResolve: (text: string|undefined) => any;
const prom = new Promise<string|undefined>((resolve) => {
onResolve = resolve;
promptModal(title, onResolve!, btnText ?? t('Ok'), initial, placeholder, () => {
if (onResolve) {
return prom;
* Builds a simple spinner modal. The modal gets removed when `promise` resolves.
export async function spinnerModal<T>(
title: string,
promise: Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
modal((ctl, owner) => {
// `finally` is missing from es2016, below is a work-around.
const close = () => ctl.close();
promise.then(close, close);
return [
}, {
noClickAway: true,
noEscapeKey: true,
return await promise;
* Apply this to a modal as
* modal(() => [cssModalBody(...), cssModalWidth('normal')])
* or
* saveModal(() => {..., width: 'normal'})
export function cssModalWidth(style: ModalWidth) {
return cssModalDialog.cls('-' + style);
* Shows a little modal as a tooltip.
* Example:
* dom.on('click', (_, element) => modalTooltip(element, (ctl) => {
* return dom('div', 'Hello world', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()));
* }))
export function modalTooltip(
reference: Element,
domCreator: IPopupDomCreator,
options: IPopupOptions = {}
): PopupControl {
return popupOpen(reference, (ctl: IOpenController) => {
const element = cssModalTooltip(
return element;
}, options);
/* CSS styled components */
const cssModalTooltip = styled(cssMenuElem, `
padding: 16px 24px;
background: ${theme.modalBg};
border-radius: 3px;
outline: none;
& > div {
outline: none;
// For centering, we use 'margin: auto' on the flex item instead of 'justify-content: center' on
// the flex container, to ensure the full item can be scrolled in case of overflow.
// See
const cssModalDialog = styled('div', `
background-color: ${theme.modalBg};
min-width: 428px;
color: ${theme.darkText};
margin: auto;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 18px 0 ${theme.modalInnerShadow}, 0 0 1px 0 ${theme.modalOuterShadow};
padding: 40px 64px;
outline: none;
&-normal {
max-width: 480px;
&-fixed-wide {
width: 600px;
&-collapsing {
transition-property: opacity, transform;
transition-duration: 0.4s;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
width: unset;
min-width: unset;
padding: 24px 16px;
export const cssModalTitle = styled('div', `
font-size: ${vars.xxxlargeFontSize};
font-weight: ${vars.headerControlTextWeight};
color: ${theme.text};
margin: 0 0 16px 0;
line-height: 32px;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
export const cssModalBody = styled('div', `
color: ${theme.text};
margin: 16px 0;
export const cssModalButtons = styled('div', `
margin: 40px 0 0 0;
& > button,
& > .${cssButton.className} {
margin: 0 8px 0 0;
const cssFadeIn = keyframes(`
from {background-color: transparent}
const cssFadeOut = keyframes(`
from {background-color: ${theme.modalBackdrop}}
const cssModalBacker = styled('div', `
position: fixed;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 16px;
z-index: 999;
background-color: ${theme.modalBackdrop};
overflow-y: auto;
animation-name: ${cssFadeIn};
animation-duration: 0.4s;
&-collapsing {
animation-name: ${cssFadeOut};
background-color: transparent;
const cssSpinner = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 80px;
margin: auto;
const cssModalSpinner = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
const cssFadeInFromTop = keyframes(`
from {top: -250px; opacity: 0}
to {top: 0; opacity: 1}
export const cssAnimatedModal = styled('div', `
animation-name: ${cssFadeInFromTop};
animation-duration: 0.4s;
position: relative;