mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00

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import {Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, OneToOne,
PrimaryGeneratedColumn, RelationId} from "typeorm";
import {Role} from "app/common/roles";
import {OrganizationProperties, organizationPropertyKeys} from "app/common/UserAPI";
import {AclRuleOrg} from "./AclRule";
import {BillingAccount} from "./BillingAccount";
import {Pref} from "./Pref";
import {Resource} from "./Resource";
import {User} from "./User";
import {Workspace} from "./Workspace";
// Information about how an organization may be accessed.
export interface AccessOption {
id: number; // a user id
email: string; // a user email
name: string; // a user name
perms: number; // permissions the user would have on organization
export interface AccessOptionWithRole extends AccessOption {
access: Role; // summary of permissions
@Entity({name: 'orgs'})
export class Organization extends Resource {
public id: number;
nullable: true
public domain: string;
@OneToOne(type => User, user => user.personalOrg)
@JoinColumn({name: 'owner_id'})
public owner: User;
@RelationId((org: Organization) => org.owner)
public ownerId: number;
@OneToMany(type => Workspace, workspace => workspace.org)
public workspaces: Workspace[];
@OneToMany(type => AclRuleOrg, aclRule => aclRule.organization)
public aclRules: AclRuleOrg[];
@Column({name: 'billing_account_id'})
public billingAccountId: number;
@ManyToOne(type => BillingAccount)
@JoinColumn({name: 'billing_account_id'})
public billingAccount: BillingAccount;
// Property that may be returned when the org is fetched to indicate the access the
// fetching user has on the org, i.e. 'owners', 'editors', 'viewers'
public access: string;
// Property that may be used internally to track multiple ways an org can be accessed
public accessOptions?: AccessOptionWithRole[];
// a computed column with permissions.
// {insert: false} makes sure typeorm doesn't try to put values into such
// a column when creating organizations.
@Column({name: 'permissions', type: 'text', select: false, insert: false})
public permissions?: any;
// For custom domains, this is the preferred host associated with this org/team.
@Column({name: 'host', type: 'text', nullable: true})
public host: string|null;
// Any prefs relevant to the org and user. This relation is marked to not result
// in saves, since OneToMany saves in TypeORM are not reliable - see e.g. later
// parts of this issue:
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/issues/3095
@OneToMany(type => Pref, pref => pref.org, {persistence: false})
public prefs?: Pref[];
public checkProperties(props: any): props is Partial<OrganizationProperties> {
return super.checkProperties(props, organizationPropertyKeys);
public updateFromProperties(props: Partial<OrganizationProperties>) {
if (props.domain) { this.domain = props.domain; }