mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00

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import {getDocWorkerMap} from 'app/gen-server/lib/DocWorkerMap';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {DummyAuthorizer} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {create} from 'app/server/lib/create';
import {DocManager} from 'app/server/lib/DocManager';
import {DocSession, makeExceptionalDocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import {DocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/DocStorageManager';
import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';
import {getAppRoot} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import {PluginManager} from 'app/server/lib/PluginManager';
import {createTmpDir as createTmpUploadDir, FileUploadInfo, globalUploadSet} from 'app/server/lib/uploads';
import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import {tmpdir} from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
// it is sometimes useful in debugging to turn off automatic cleanup of docs and workspaces.
const noCleanup = Boolean(process.env.NO_CLEANUP);
* Use from a test suite to get an object with convenient methods for creating ActiveDocs:
* createDoc(docName): creates a new empty document.
* loadFixtureDoc(docName): loads a copy of a fixture document.
* loadDoc(docName): loads a given document, e.g. previously created with createDoc().
* createFakeSession(): creates a fake DocSession for use when applying user actions.
* Also available are accessors for the created "managers":
* getDocManager()
* getStorageManager()
* getPluginManager()
* It also takes care of cleaning up any created ActiveDocs.
* @param persistAcrossCases Don't shut down created ActiveDocs between test cases.
* @param useFixturePlugins Use the plugins in `test/fixtures/plugins`
export function createDocTools(options: {persistAcrossCases?: boolean,
useFixturePlugins?: boolean,
storageManager?: IDocStorageManager,
server?: GristServer} = {}) {
let tmpDir: string;
let docManager: DocManager;
async function doBefore() {
tmpDir = await createTmpDir();
const pluginManager = options.useFixturePlugins ? await createFixturePluginManager() : undefined;
docManager = await createDocManager({tmpDir, pluginManager, storageManager: options.storageManager,
server: options.server});
async function doAfter() {
// Clean up at the end of the test suite (in addition to the optional per-test cleanup).
await testUtils.captureLog('info', () => docManager.shutdownAll());
assert.equal(docManager.numOpenDocs(), 0);
await globalUploadSet.cleanupAll();
// Clean up the temp directory.
if (!noCleanup) {
await fse.remove(tmpDir);
// Allow using outside of mocha
if (typeof before !== "undefined") {
// Check after each test case that all ActiveDocs got shut down.
afterEach(async function() {
if (!options.persistAcrossCases) {
await docManager.shutdownAll();
assert.equal(docManager.numOpenDocs(), 0);
const systemSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('system');
return {
/** create a fake session for use when applying user actions to a document */
createFakeSession(): DocSession {
return {client: null, authorizer: new DummyAuthorizer('editors', 'doc')} as any as DocSession;
/** create a throw-away, empty document for testing purposes */
async createDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
return docManager.createNewEmptyDoc(systemSession, docName);
/** load a copy of a fixture document for testing purposes */
async loadFixtureDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useFixtureDoc(docName, docManager.storageManager);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** load a copy of a local document at an arbitrary path on disk for testing purposes */
async loadLocalDoc(srcPath: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useLocalDoc(srcPath, docManager.storageManager);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** like `loadFixtureDoc`, but lets you rename the document on disk */
async loadFixtureDocAs(docName: string, alias: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useFixtureDoc(docName, docManager.storageManager, alias);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** Loads a given document, e.g. previously created with createDoc() */
async loadDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
return docManager.fetchDoc(systemSession, docName);
getDocManager() { return docManager; },
getStorageManager() { return docManager.storageManager; },
getPluginManager() { return docManager.pluginManager; },
/** Setup that needs to be done before using the tools, typically called by mocha */
before() { return doBefore(); },
/** Teardown that needs to be done after using the tools, typically called by mocha */
after() { return doAfter(); },
* Returns a DocManager for tests, complete with a PluginManager and DocStorageManager.
* @param options.pluginManager The PluginManager to use; defaults to using a real global singleton
* that loads built-in modules.
export async function createDocManager(
options: {tmpDir?: string, pluginManager?: PluginManager,
storageManager?: IDocStorageManager,
server?: GristServer} = {}): Promise<DocManager> {
// Set Grist home to a temporary directory, and wipe it out on exit.
const tmpDir = options.tmpDir || await createTmpDir();
const docStorageManager = options.storageManager || new DocStorageManager(tmpDir);
const pluginManager = options.pluginManager || await getGlobalPluginManager();
const store = getDocWorkerMap();
const internalPermitStore = store.getPermitStore('1');
const externalPermitStore = store.getPermitStore('2');
return new DocManager(docStorageManager, pluginManager, null, options.server || {
getPermitStore() { return internalPermitStore; },
getExternalPermitStore() { return externalPermitStore; },
getStorageManager() { return docStorageManager; },
export function createDummyGristServer(): GristServer {
return {
getHost() { return 'localhost:4242'; },
getHomeUrl() { return 'http://localhost:4242'; },
getHomeUrlByDocId() { return Promise.resolve('http://localhost:4242'); },
getMergedOrgUrl() { return 'http://localhost:4242'; },
getOwnUrl() { return 'http://localhost:4242'; },
getPermitStore() { throw new Error('no permit store'); },
getExternalPermitStore() { throw new Error('no external permit store'); },
getGristConfig() { return { homeUrl: '', timestampMs: 0 }; },
getOrgUrl() { return Promise.resolve(''); },
getResourceUrl() { return Promise.resolve(''); },
getSessions() { throw new Error('no sessions'); },
getComm() { throw new Error('no comms'); },
getHosts() { throw new Error('no hosts'); },
getHomeDBManager() { throw new Error('no db'); },
getStorageManager() { throw new Error('no storage manager'); },
getNotifier() { throw new Error('no notifier'); },
getDocTemplate() { throw new Error('no doc template'); },
getTag() { return 'tag'; },
sendAppPage() { return Promise.resolve(); },
export async function createTmpDir(): Promise<string> {
const tmpRootDir = process.env.TESTDIR || tmpdir();
await fse.mkdirs(tmpRootDir);
return fse.realpath(await tmp.dirAsync({
dir: tmpRootDir,
prefix: 'grist_test_',
unsafeCleanup: true,
keep: noCleanup,
* Creates a file with the given name (and simple dummy content) in dirPath, and returns
* FileUploadInfo for it.
export async function createFile(dirPath: string, name: string): Promise<FileUploadInfo> {
const absPath = path.join(dirPath, name);
await fse.outputFile(absPath, `${name}:${name}\n`);
return {
origName: name,
size: (await fse.stat(absPath)).size,
ext: path.extname(name),
* Creates an upload with the given filenames (containg simple dummy content), in the
* globalUploadSet, and returns its uploadId. The upload is registered with the given accessId
* (userId), and the same id must be used to retrieve it.
export async function createUpload(fileNames: string[], accessId: string|null): Promise<number> {
const {tmpDir, cleanupCallback} = await createTmpUploadDir({});
const files = await Promise.all(fileNames.map((name) => createFile(tmpDir, name)));
return globalUploadSet.registerUpload(files, tmpDir, cleanupCallback, accessId);
let _globalPluginManager: PluginManager|null = null;
// Helper to create a singleton PluginManager. This includes loading built-in plugins. Since most
// tests don't make any use of it, it's fine to reuse a single one. For tests that need a custom
// one, pass one into createDocManager().
export async function getGlobalPluginManager(): Promise<PluginManager> {
if (!_globalPluginManager) {
const appRoot = getAppRoot();
_globalPluginManager = new PluginManager(appRoot);
await _globalPluginManager.initialize();
return _globalPluginManager;
// Path to the folder where builtIn plugins leave in test/fixtures
export const builtInFolder = path.join(testUtils.fixturesRoot, 'plugins/builtInPlugins');
// Path to the folder where installed plugins leave in test/fixtures
export const installedFolder = path.join(testUtils.fixturesRoot, 'plugins/installedPlugins');
// Creates a plugin manager which loads the plugins in `test/fixtures/plugins`
async function createFixturePluginManager() {
const p = new PluginManager(builtInFolder, installedFolder);
p.appRoot = getAppRoot();
await p.initialize();
return p;