mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00

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import { BulkColValues, TableColValues, TableDataAction, toTableDataAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs');
* Handle fetching tables from the database and pushing them to the data engine during
* document load. The goal is to allow opening a document and viewing its contents
* without needing to wait for the data engine.
* Fetches are done in parallel, but will be bottlenecked by node-sqlite3 and then
* sqlite itself. Pushes are limited to concurrency of 3, and will be bottlenecked
* by pipe to engine in any case.
* Historically, there is some tolerance for missing tables. TableMetadataLoader retains
* that tolerance.
* The TableMetadataLoader doesn't play a role in document creation or migrations.
* This class is only used for loading metadata. There is no need to use it for
* user tables, since the server never needs those tables, they should be passed
* on to the data engine without caching. Everything the TableMetadataLoader loads persists
* until clean() is called.
export class TableMetadataLoader {
// Promises of buffers for tables being fetched from database, by tableId.
private _fetches = new Map<string, Promise<Buffer|null>>();
// Set of all tableIds for tables that are fully fetched from database.
private _fetched = new Set<string>();
// Operation promises for tables being loaded into the data engine.
private _pushes = new Map<string, Promise<void>>();
// Set of all tableIds for tables fully loaded into the data engine.
private _pushed = new Set<string>();
// Unpacked tables, for reading within node. Only done if requested.
private _tables = new Map<string, TableDataAction>();
// Operation promise for loading core schema (table and column list) into the data engine.
private _corePush: Promise<void>|undefined;
// True once core push is complete.
private _corePushed: boolean = false;
// The number of promises currently pending.
private _pending: number = 0;
// Buffers will only be pushed to data engine once startStreamingToEngine() is called.
private _allowPushes: boolean = false;
// TableMetadataLoader requires access to database, and the ability to call the data engine.
constructor(private _options: {
decodeBuffer(buffer: Buffer, tableId: string): TableColValues,
fetchTable(tableId: string): Promise<Buffer>,
loadMetaTables(tables: Buffer, columns: Buffer): Promise<any>,
loadTable(tableId: string, buffer: Buffer): Promise<any>,
}) {
// Start sending tables to data engine as they are fetched.
public startStreamingToEngine() {
this._allowPushes = true;
// Start fetching a table from the database, if it isn't already on the way.
public startFetchingTable(tableId: string): void {
if (!this._fetches.has(tableId)) {
this._fetches.set(tableId, this._counted(this.opFetch(tableId)));
// Read out a table as a Buffer.
public async fetchTableAsBuffer(tableId: string): Promise<Buffer> {
const buffer = await this._fetches.get(tableId);
if (!buffer) {
throw new Error(`required table not found: ${tableId}`);
return buffer;
// Read out a table as a TableDataAction. Table is cached in this._tables.
public async fetchTableAsAction(tableId: string): Promise<TableDataAction> {
let cachedTable = this._tables.get(tableId);
if (cachedTable) { return cachedTable; }
const buffer = await this.fetchTableAsBuffer(tableId);
const values = this._options.decodeBuffer(buffer, tableId);
cachedTable = toTableDataAction(tableId, values);
this._tables.set(tableId, cachedTable);
return cachedTable;
// Read content of table as BulkColValues. Does not include row ids.
public async fetchBulkColValuesWithoutIds(tableId: string): Promise<BulkColValues> {
const table = await this.fetchTableAsAction(tableId);
return table[3];
// Read out all tables requested thus far as TableDataActions.
public async fetchTablesAsActions(): Promise<Record<string, TableDataAction>> {
for (const [tableId, opFetch] of this._fetches.entries()) {
if (!await opFetch) {
// Tolerate missing tables.
await this.fetchTableAsAction(tableId);
return fromPairs([...this._tables.entries()]);
// Wait for all operations to complete.
public async wait() {
while (this._pending > 0) {
await Promise.all(this._fetches.values());
await this._corePush;
await Promise.all(this._pushes.values());
// Wipe all stored state.
public async clean() {
await this.wait();
this._corePush = undefined;
this._corePushed = false;
this._pending = 0;
// Core push operation. Before we can send arbitrary tables to engine, we must call
// load_meta_tables with tables and columns.
public async opCorePush() {
const tables = await this.fetchTableAsBuffer('_grist_Tables');
const columns = await this.fetchTableAsBuffer('_grist_Tables_column');
await this._options.loadMetaTables(tables, columns);
this._corePushed = true;
// It appears to be bad and unnecessary to send tables and columns outside of core push.
// Operation to fetch a single table from database.
public async opFetch(tableId: string) {
try {
return await this._options.fetchTable(tableId);
} catch (err) {
if (/no such table/.test(err.message)) { return null; }
throw err;
} finally {
// Operation to push a single table to the data engine.
public async opPush(tableId: string) {
const buffer = await this._fetches.get(tableId);
// Tolerate missing tables.
if (buffer) {
await this._options.loadTable(tableId, buffer);
// Called after any operation has completed, to see if there's any more work we can start
// doing.
private _update() {
// If pushes are not allowed yet, there's no possibility of follow-on work.
if (!this._allowPushes) { return; }
// Get a list of new pushes that will be needed.
const newPushes = new Set([...this._fetched]
.filter(tableId => !(this._pushes.has(tableId) ||
// Be careful to do the core push first, once we can.
if (!this._corePushed) {
if (this._corePush === undefined && newPushes.has('_grist_Tables') && newPushes.has('_grist_Tables_column')) {
this._corePush = this._counted(this.opCorePush()).catch(e => {
log.warn(`TableMetadataLoader opCorePush failed: ${e}`);
// Start new pushes. Sort to give a bit more determinism, but the order depends on a lot
// of low-level details (meaning DocRegressionTest is not on a very firm foundation).
for (const tableId of [...newPushes].sort()) {
// Put a limit on the number of outstanding pushes permitted.
if (this._pushes.size >= this._pushed.size + 3) { break; }
const promise = this._counted(this.opPush(tableId));
this._pushes.set(tableId, promise);
// Mark the promise as handled to avoid "unhandledRejection", but without affecting other
// code (which will still see `promise`, not the new promise returned by `.catch()`).
promise.catch(() => {});
// Wrapper to keep track of pending promises.
private async _counted<T>(op: Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
try {
return await op;
} finally {