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import {getDocWorkerMap} from 'app/gen-server/lib/DocWorkerMap';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {DummyAuthorizer} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {DocManager} from 'app/server/lib/DocManager';
import {DocSession, makeExceptionalDocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import {DocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/DocStorageManager';
(core) add a `yarn run cli` tool, and add a `sqlite gristify` option Summary: This adds rudimentary support for opening certain SQLite files in Grist. If you have a file such as `landing.db` in Grist, you can convert it to Grist format by doing (either in monorepo or grist-core): ``` yarn run cli -h yarn run cli sqlite -h yarn run cli sqlite gristify landing.db ``` The file is now openable by Grist. To actually do so with the regular Grist server, you'll need to either import it, or convert some doc you don't care about in the `samples/` directory to be a soft link to it (and then force a reload). This implementation is a rudimentary experiment. Here are some awkwardnesses: * Only tables that happen to have a column called `id`, and where the column happens to be an integer, can be opened directly with Grist as it is today. That could be generalized, but it looked more than a Gristathon's worth of work, so I instead used SQLite views. * Grist will handle tables that start with an uncapitalized letter a bit erratically. You can successfully add columns, for example, but removing them will cause sadness - Grist will rename the table in a confused way. * I didn't attempt to deal with column names with spaces etc (though views could deal with those). * I haven't tried to do any fancy type mapping. * Columns with constraints can make adding new rows impossible in Grist, since Grist requires that a row can be added with just a single cell set. Test Plan: added small test Reviewers: georgegevoian Reviewed By: georgegevoian Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3502
2022-07-14 09:32:06 +00:00
import {createDummyGristServer, GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';
import {getAppRoot} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import {PluginManager} from 'app/server/lib/PluginManager';
import {createTmpDir as createTmpUploadDir, FileUploadInfo, globalUploadSet} from 'app/server/lib/uploads';
import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import {tmpdir} from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
// it is sometimes useful in debugging to turn off automatic cleanup of docs and workspaces.
const noCleanup = Boolean(process.env.NO_CLEANUP);
* Use from a test suite to get an object with convenient methods for creating ActiveDocs:
* createDoc(docName): creates a new empty document.
* loadFixtureDoc(docName): loads a copy of a fixture document.
* loadDoc(docName): loads a given document, e.g. previously created with createDoc().
* createFakeSession(): creates a fake DocSession for use when applying user actions.
* Also available are accessors for the created "managers":
* getDocManager()
* getStorageManager()
* getPluginManager()
* It also takes care of cleaning up any created ActiveDocs.
* @param persistAcrossCases Don't shut down created ActiveDocs between test cases.
* @param useFixturePlugins Use the plugins in `test/fixtures/plugins`
export function createDocTools(options: {persistAcrossCases?: boolean,
useFixturePlugins?: boolean,
storageManager?: IDocStorageManager,
server?: () => GristServer} = {}) {
let tmpDir: string;
let docManager: DocManager;
async function doBefore() {
tmpDir = await createTmpDir();
const pluginManager = options.useFixturePlugins ? await createFixturePluginManager() : undefined;
docManager = await createDocManager({tmpDir, pluginManager, storageManager: options.storageManager,
server: options.server?.()});
async function doAfter() {
// Clean up at the end of the test suite (in addition to the optional per-test cleanup).
await testUtils.captureLog('info', () => docManager.shutdownAll());
assert.equal(docManager.numOpenDocs(), 0);
await globalUploadSet.cleanupAll();
// Clean up the temp directory.
if (!noCleanup) {
await fse.remove(tmpDir);
// Allow using outside of mocha
if (typeof before !== "undefined") {
// Check after each test case that all ActiveDocs got shut down.
afterEach(async function() {
if (!options.persistAcrossCases) {
await docManager.shutdownAll();
assert.equal(docManager.numOpenDocs(), 0);
const systemSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('system');
return {
/** create a fake session for use when applying user actions to a document */
createFakeSession(): DocSession {
return {client: null, authorizer: new DummyAuthorizer('editors', 'doc')} as any as DocSession;
/** create a throw-away, empty document for testing purposes */
async createDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
return docManager.createNewEmptyDoc(systemSession, docName);
/** load a copy of a fixture document for testing purposes */
async loadFixtureDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useFixtureDoc(docName, docManager.storageManager);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** load a copy of a local document at an arbitrary path on disk for testing purposes */
async loadLocalDoc(srcPath: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useLocalDoc(srcPath, docManager.storageManager);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** like `loadFixtureDoc`, but lets you rename the document on disk */
async loadFixtureDocAs(docName: string, alias: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
const copiedDocName = await testUtils.useFixtureDoc(docName, docManager.storageManager, alias);
return this.loadDoc(copiedDocName);
/** Loads a given document, e.g. previously created with createDoc() */
async loadDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> {
return docManager.fetchDoc(systemSession, docName);
getDocManager() { return docManager; },
getStorageManager() { return docManager.storageManager; },
getPluginManager() { return docManager.pluginManager; },
/** Setup that needs to be done before using the tools, typically called by mocha */
before() { return doBefore(); },
/** Teardown that needs to be done after using the tools, typically called by mocha */
after() { return doAfter(); },
* Returns a DocManager for tests, complete with a PluginManager and DocStorageManager.
* @param options.pluginManager The PluginManager to use; defaults to using a real global singleton
* that loads built-in modules.
export async function createDocManager(
options: {tmpDir?: string, pluginManager?: PluginManager,
storageManager?: IDocStorageManager,
server?: GristServer} = {}): Promise<DocManager> {
// Set Grist home to a temporary directory, and wipe it out on exit.
const tmpDir = options.tmpDir || await createTmpDir();
const docStorageManager = options.storageManager || new DocStorageManager(tmpDir);
const pluginManager = options.pluginManager || await getGlobalPluginManager();
const store = getDocWorkerMap();
const internalPermitStore = store.getPermitStore('1');
const externalPermitStore = store.getPermitStore('2');
return new DocManager(docStorageManager, pluginManager, null, options.server || {
getPermitStore() { return internalPermitStore; },
getExternalPermitStore() { return externalPermitStore; },
getStorageManager() { return docStorageManager; },
export async function createTmpDir(): Promise<string> {
const tmpRootDir = process.env.TESTDIR || tmpdir();
await fse.mkdirs(tmpRootDir);
return fse.realpath(await tmp.dirAsync({
dir: tmpRootDir,
prefix: 'grist_test_',
unsafeCleanup: true,
keep: noCleanup,
* Creates a file with the given name (and simple dummy content) in dirPath, and returns
* FileUploadInfo for it.
export async function createFile(dirPath: string, name: string): Promise<FileUploadInfo> {
const absPath = path.join(dirPath, name);
await fse.outputFile(absPath, `${name}:${name}\n`);
return {
origName: name,
size: (await fse.stat(absPath)).size,
ext: path.extname(name),
* Creates an upload with the given filenames (containg simple dummy content), in the
* globalUploadSet, and returns its uploadId. The upload is registered with the given accessId
* (userId), and the same id must be used to retrieve it.
export async function createUpload(fileNames: string[], accessId: string|null): Promise<number> {
const {tmpDir, cleanupCallback} = await createTmpUploadDir({});
const files = await Promise.all(fileNames.map((name) => createFile(tmpDir, name)));
return globalUploadSet.registerUpload(files, tmpDir, cleanupCallback, accessId);
let _globalPluginManager: PluginManager|null = null;
// Helper to create a singleton PluginManager. This includes loading built-in plugins. Since most
// tests don't make any use of it, it's fine to reuse a single one. For tests that need a custom
// one, pass one into createDocManager().
export async function getGlobalPluginManager(): Promise<PluginManager> {
if (!_globalPluginManager) {
const appRoot = getAppRoot();
_globalPluginManager = new PluginManager(appRoot);
await _globalPluginManager.initialize();
return _globalPluginManager;
// Path to the folder where builtIn plugins leave in test/fixtures
export const builtInFolder = path.join(testUtils.fixturesRoot, 'plugins/builtInPlugins');
// Path to the folder where installed plugins leave in test/fixtures
export const installedFolder = path.join(testUtils.fixturesRoot, 'plugins/installedPlugins');
// Creates a plugin manager which loads the plugins in `test/fixtures/plugins`
async function createFixturePluginManager() {
const p = new PluginManager(builtInFolder, installedFolder);
p.appRoot = getAppRoot();
await p.initialize();
return p;