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import {synchronizeProducts} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Product';
import {codeRoot} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import {Mutex} from 'async-mutex';
import {Connection, createConnection, DataSourceOptions, getConnection} from 'typeorm';
// Summary of migrations found in database and in code.
interface MigrationSummary {
migrationsInDb: string[];
migrationsInCode: string[];
pendingMigrations: string[];
// Find the migrations in the database, the migrations in the codebase, and compare the two.
export async function getMigrations(connection: Connection): Promise<MigrationSummary> {
let migrationsInDb: string[];
try {
migrationsInDb = (await connection.query('select name from migrations')).map((rec: any) =>;
} catch (e) {
// If no migrations have run, there'll be no migrations table - which is fine,
// it just means 0 migrations run yet. Sqlite+Postgres report this differently,
// so any query error that mentions the name of our table is treated as ok.
// Everything else is unexpected.
if (!( === 'QueryFailedError' && e.message.includes('migrations'))) {
throw e;
migrationsInDb = [];
// get the migration names in codebase.
// They are a bit hidden, see typeorm/src/migration/MigrationExecutor::getMigrations
const migrationsInCode: string[] = => (m.constructor as any).name);
const pendingMigrations = migrationsInCode.filter(m => !migrationsInDb.includes(m));
return {
* Run any needed migrations, and make sure products are up to date.
export async function updateDb(connection?: Connection) {
connection = connection || await getOrCreateConnection();
await runMigrations(connection);
await synchronizeProducts(connection, true);
* Get a connection to db if one exists, or create one. Serialized to
* avoid duplication.
const connectionMutex = new Mutex();
export async function getOrCreateConnection(): Promise<Connection> {
return connectionMutex.runExclusive(async() => {
try {
// If multiple servers are started within the same process, we
// share the database connection. This saves locking trouble
// with Sqlite.
const connection = getConnection();
return connection;
} catch (e) {
if (!String(e).match(/ConnectionNotFoundError/)) {
throw e;
const connection = await createConnection(getTypeORMSettings());
// When using Sqlite, set a busy timeout of 3s to tolerate a little
// interference from connections made by tests. Logging doesn't show
// any particularly slow queries, but bad luck is possible.
// This doesn't affect when Postgres is in use. It also doesn't have
// any impact when there is a single connection to the db, as is the
// case when Grist is run as a single process.
if (connection.driver.options.type === 'sqlite') {
await connection.query('PRAGMA busy_timeout = 3000');
return connection;
export async function runMigrations(connection: Connection) {
// on SQLite, migrations fail if we don't temporarily disable foreign key
// constraint checking. This is because for sqlite typeorm copies each
// table and rebuilds it from scratch for each schema change.
// Also, we need to disable foreign key constraint checking outside of any
// transaction, or it has no effect.
const sqlite = connection.driver.options.type === 'sqlite';
if (sqlite) { await connection.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;"); }
await connection.transaction(async tr => {
await tr.connection.runMigrations();
if (sqlite) { await connection.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); }
export async function undoLastMigration(connection: Connection) {
const sqlite = connection.driver.options.type === 'sqlite';
if (sqlite) { await connection.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;"); }
await connection.transaction(async tr => {
await tr.connection.undoLastMigration();
if (sqlite) { await connection.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); }
// Replace the old janky ormconfig.js file, which was always a source of
// pain to use since it wasn't properly integrated into the typescript
// project.
function getTypeORMSettings(): DataSourceOptions {
// If we have a redis server available, tell typeorm. Then any queries built with
// .cache() called on them will be cached via redis.
// We use a separate environment variable for the moment so that we don't have to
// enable this until we really need it.
const redisUrl = process.env.TYPEORM_REDIS_URL ? new URL(process.env.TYPEORM_REDIS_URL) : undefined;
const cache = redisUrl ? {
cache: {
type: "redis",
options: {
host: redisUrl.hostname,
port: parseInt(redisUrl.port || "6379", 10)
} as const
} : undefined;
return {
"name": process.env.TYPEORM_NAME || "default",
"type": (process.env.TYPEORM_TYPE as any) || "sqlite", // officially, TYPEORM_CONNECTION -
// but if we use that, this file will never
// be read, and we can't configure
// caching otherwise.
"database": process.env.TYPEORM_DATABASE || "landing.db",
"username": process.env.TYPEORM_USERNAME || undefined,
"password": process.env.TYPEORM_PASSWORD || undefined,
"host": process.env.TYPEORM_HOST || undefined,
"port": process.env.TYPEORM_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.TYPEORM_PORT, 10) : undefined,
"synchronize": false,
"migrationsRun": false,
"logging": process.env.TYPEORM_LOGGING === "true",
"entities": [
"migrations": [
`${codeRoot}/app/gen-server/migration/*.js` // migration files don't actually get packaged.
"subscribers": [