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2024-07-15 17:06:17 +00:00
* Contains some non-webdriver functionality needed by tests.
import FormData from 'form-data';
import { WebDriver } from 'mocha-webdriver';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { UserAPI, UserAPIImpl } from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import { TestingHooksClient } from 'app/server/lib/TestingHooks';
import { BrowserContext, Page } from "@playwright/test";
import EventEmitter = require('events');
export interface Server extends EventEmitter {
driver: WebDriver;
getTestingHooks(): Promise<TestingHooksClient>;
getHost(): string;
getUrl(team: string, relPath: string): string;
getDatabase(): Promise<HomeDBManager>;
isExternalServer(): boolean;
export class HomeUtil {
// Cache api keys of test users. It is often convenient to have various instances
// of the home api available while making browser tests.
private _apiKey = new Map<string, string>();
constructor(public fixturesRoot: string, public server: Server) {
server.on('stop', () => {
* Remove any simulated login from the current session (for the given org, if specified).
* For testing against an external server, all logins are removed, since there's no way
* to be more nuanced.
public async removeLogin(page: Page, org: string = "") {
// If cursor is on field editor, escape before remove login
if (!this.server.isExternalServer()) {
const testingHooks = await this.server.getTestingHooks();
const sid = await this.getGristSid(page.context());
if (sid) { await testingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile(sid, null, org); }
} else {
await page.goto(`${this.server.getHost()}/logout`);
* Returns the current Grist session-id (for the selenium browser accessing this server),
* or null if there is no session.
public async getGristSid(context: BrowserContext): Promise<string|null> {
// Load a cheap page on our server to get the session-id cookie from browser.
const newPage = await context.newPage();
await newPage.goto(`${this.server.getHost()}/test/session`);
const cookie = (await context.cookies())
.find(cookie => === (process.env.GRIST_SESSION_COOKIE || 'grist_sid'));
if (!cookie) { return null; }
return decodeURIComponent(cookie.value);
* Create a new document.
public async createNewDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, docName: string,
options: {email?: string} = {}) {
const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org,;
const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace);
return await homeApi.newDoc({name: docName}, workspaceId);
* Create a copy of a doc. Similar to importFixturesDoc, but starts with an existing docId.
public async copyDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string,
docId: string, options: {newName?: string} = {}) {
const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org);
const docWorker = await homeApi.getWorkerAPI('import');
const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace);
const uploadId = await docWorker.copyDoc(docId);
return docWorker.importDocToWorkspace(uploadId, workspaceId);
// A helper that find a workspace id by name for a given username and org.
public async getWorkspaceId(homeApi: UserAPIImpl, workspace: string): Promise<number> {
return (await homeApi.getOrgWorkspaces('current')).find((w) => === workspace)!.id;
// A helper that returns the list of names of all documents within a workspace.
public async listDocs(homeApi: UserAPI, wid: number): Promise<string[]> {
const workspace = await homeApi.getWorkspace(wid);
return =>;
// A helper to create a UserAPI instance for a given useranme and org, that targets the home server
// Username can be null for anonymous access.
public createHomeApi(username: string|null, org: string, email?: string): UserAPIImpl {
const apiKey = this.getApiKey(username, email);
return this._createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey, org);
public getApiKey(username: string|null, email?: string): string | null {
const name = (username || '').toLowerCase();
const apiKey = username && ((email && this._apiKey.get(email)) || `api_key_for_${name}`);
return apiKey;
* Returns whether we are currently on any login page (including the test page).
public async isOnLoginPage(page: Page) {
return await this.isOnGristLoginPage(page) || await this.isOnTestLoginPage(page);
* Returns whether we are currently on a Grist login page.
public async isOnGristLoginPage(page: Page) {
const isOnSignupPage = await page.locator('css=.test-sp-heading').count() > 0;
const isOnLoginPage = await page.locator('css=.test-lp-heading').count() > 0;
return isOnSignupPage || isOnLoginPage;
* Returns whether we are currently on the test login page.
public async isOnTestLoginPage(page: Page) {
return await page.getByText('A Very Credulous Login Page').count() > 0;
// @ts-ignore
private async _getApiKey(page: Page): Promise<string> {
return page.evaluate(() => {
const app = (window as any).gristApp;
if (!app) { return ""; }
const api: UserAPI = app.topAppModel.api;
return api.fetchApiKey().then(key => {
if (key) { return key; }
return api.createApiKey();
}).catch(() => "");
// Make a home api instance with the given api key, for the specified org.
// If no api key given, work anonymously.
private _createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey: string|null, org?: string): UserAPIImpl {
const headers = apiKey ? {Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`} : undefined;
return new UserAPIImpl(org ? this.server.getUrl(org, '') : this.server.getHost(), {
fetch: fetch as any,
newFormData: () => new FormData() as any, // form-data isn't quite type compatible