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import {IForwarderDest, IMessage, IMsgCustom, IMsgRpcCall, IRpcLogger, MsgType, Rpc} from 'grain-rpc';
import {Checker} from "ts-interface-checker";
import {InactivityTimer} from 'app/common/InactivityTimer';
import {LocalPlugin} from 'app/common/plugin';
import {BarePlugin} from 'app/plugin/PluginManifest';
import {Implementation} from 'app/plugin/PluginManifest';
import {RenderOptions, RenderTarget} from 'app/plugin/RenderOptions';
export type ComponentKind = "safeBrowser" | "safePython" | "unsafeNode";
// Describes a function that appends some html content to `containerElement` given some
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// options. Useful for provided by a plugin.
export type TargetRenderFunc = (containerElement: HTMLElement, options?: RenderOptions) => void;
* The `BaseComponent` is the base implementation for a plugins' component. It exposes methods
* related to its activation. It provides basic features including the inactivity timer, activated
* state for the component. A custom component must override the `deactivateImplementation`,
* `activeImplementation` and `useRemoteAPI` methods.
export abstract class BaseComponent implements IForwarderDest {
public inactivityTimer: InactivityTimer;
private _activated: boolean = false;
constructor(plugin: BarePlugin, private _logger: IRpcLogger) {
const deactivate = plugin.components.deactivate;
const delay = (deactivate && deactivate.inactivitySec) ? deactivate.inactivitySec : 300;
this.inactivityTimer = new InactivityTimer(() => this.deactivate(), delay * 1000);
* Wether the Component component have been activated.
public activated(): boolean {
return this._activated;
* Activates the component.
public async activate(): Promise<void> {
if (this._logger.info) { this._logger.info("Activating plugin component"); }
await this.activateImplementation();
this._activated = true;
* Force deactivate the component.
public async deactivate(): Promise<void> {
if (this._activated) {
if (this._logger.info) { this._logger.info("Deactivating plugin component"); }
this._activated = false;
// Cancel the timer to ensure we don't have an unnecessary hanging timeout (in tests it will
// prevent node from exiting, but also it's just wasteful).
try {
await this.deactivateImplementation();
} catch (e) {
// If it fails, we warn and swallow the exception (or it would be an unhandled rejection).
if (this._logger.warn) { this._logger.warn(`Deactivate failed: ${e.message}`); }
public async forwardCall(c: IMsgRpcCall): Promise<any> {
if (!this._activated) { await this.activate(); }
return await this.inactivityTimer.disableUntilFinish(this.doForwardCall(c));
public async forwardMessage(msg: IMsgCustom): Promise<any> {
if (!this._activated) { await this.activate(); }
this.doForwardMessage(msg); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
protected abstract doForwardCall(c: IMsgRpcCall): Promise<any>;
protected abstract doForwardMessage(msg: IMsgCustom): Promise<any>;
protected abstract deactivateImplementation(): Promise<void>;
protected abstract activateImplementation(): Promise<void>;
* Node Implementation for the PluginElement interface. A PluginInstance take care of activation of
* the the plugins's components (activating, timing and deactivating), and create the api's for each contributions.
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* Do not try to instantiate yourself, PluginManager does it for you. Instead use the
* PluginManager.getPlugin(id) method that get instances for you.
export class PluginInstance {
public rpc: Rpc;
public safeBrowser?: BaseComponent;
public unsafeNode?: BaseComponent;
public safePython?: BaseComponent;
private _renderTargets: Map<RenderTarget, TargetRenderFunc> = new Map();
private _nextRenderTargetId = 0;
constructor(public definition: LocalPlugin, rpcLogger: IRpcLogger) {
const rpc = this.rpc = new Rpc({logger: rpcLogger});
rpc.setSendMessage((mssg: any) => rpc.receiveMessage(mssg));
this._renderTargets.set("fullscreen", renderFullScreen);
* Create an instance for the implementation, this implementation is specific to node environment.
public getStub<Iface>(implementation: Implementation, checker: Checker): Iface {
const components: any = this.definition.manifest.components;
// the component forwarder was registered under the same relative path that was used to declare
// it in the manifest
const forwardName = components[implementation.component];
return this.rpc.getStubForward<Iface>(forwardName, implementation.name, checker);
* Stop and clean up all components of this plugin.
public async shutdown(): Promise<void> {
await Promise.all([
this.safeBrowser && this.safeBrowser.deactivate(),
this.safePython && this.safePython.deactivate(),
this.unsafeNode && this.unsafeNode.deactivate(),
* Create a render target and return its identifier. When a plugin calls `render` with `inline`
* mode and this identifier, it will append the safe browser process to `element`.
public addRenderTarget(renderPluginContent: TargetRenderFunc): number {
const id = this._nextRenderTargetId++;
this._renderTargets.set(id, renderPluginContent);
return id;
* Get the function that render an HTML element based on RenderTarget and RenderOptions.
public getRenderTarget(target: RenderTarget, options?: RenderOptions): TargetRenderFunc {
const targetRenderPluginContent = this._renderTargets.get(target);
if (!targetRenderPluginContent) {
throw new Error(`Unknown render target ${target}`);
return (containerElement, opts) => targetRenderPluginContent(containerElement, opts || options);
* Removes the render target.
public removeRenderTarget(target: RenderTarget): boolean {
return this._renderTargets.delete(target);
* Renders safe browser plugin in fullscreen.
function renderFullScreen(element: Element) {
// Basically the union of relevant interfaces of console and server log.
export interface BaseLogger {
log?(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
debug?(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
warn?(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
* Create IRpcLogger which logs to console or server log with the given prefix. Specifically will
* warn using baseLog.warn, and log info using baseLog.debug or baseLog.log, as available.
export function createRpcLogger(baseLog: BaseLogger, prefix: string): IRpcLogger {
const info = baseLog.debug || baseLog.log;
const warn = baseLog.warn;
return {
warn: warn && ((msg: string) => warn("%s %s", prefix, msg)),
info: info && ((msg: string) => info("%s %s", prefix, msg)),
* If msec milliseconds pass without receiving a Ready message, print the given message as a
* warning.
* TODO: I propose making it a method of rpc itself, as rpc.warnIfNotReady(msec, message). Until
* we have that, this implements it via an ugly hack.
export function warnIfNotReady(rpc: Rpc, msec: number, message: string): void {
if (!(rpc as any)._logger.warn) { return; }
const timer = setTimeout(() => (rpc as any)._logger.warn(message), msec);
const origDispatch = (rpc as any)._dispatch;
(rpc as any)._dispatch = (msg: IMessage) => {
if (msg.mtype === MsgType.Ready) { clearTimeout(timer); }
origDispatch.call(rpc, msg);