
431 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import * as elements from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements';
import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView';
import {Box, BoxType} from 'app/common/Forms';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, dom, IDomArgs, MutableObsArray, obsArray, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid';
type Callback = () => Promise<void>;
* A place where to insert a box.
export type Place = (box: Box) => BoxModel;
* View model constructed from a box JSON structure.
export abstract class BoxModel extends Disposable {
* A factory method that creates a new BoxModel from a Box JSON by picking the right class based on the type.
public static new(box: Box, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView | null = null): BoxModel {
const subClassName = `${box.type.split(':')[0]}Model`;
const factories = elements as any;
const factory = factories[subClassName];
if (!parent && !view) { throw new Error('Cannot create detached box'); }
// If we have a factory, use it.
if (factory) {
return new factory(box, parent, view || parent!.view);
// Otherwise, use the default.
return new DefaultBoxModel(box, parent, view || parent!.view);
* The id of the created box. The value here is not important. It is only used as a plain old pointer to this
* element. Every new box will get a new id in constructor. Even if this is the same box as before. We just need
* it as box are serialized to JSON and put into clipboard, and we need to be able to find them back.
public id: string;
* Type of the box. As the type is bounded to the class that is used to render the box, it is possible
* to change the type of the box just by changing this value. The box is then replaced in the parent.
public type: BoxType;
* List of children boxes.
public children: MutableObsArray<BoxModel>;
* Publicly exposed state if the element was just cut.
* TODO: this should be moved to FormView, as this model doesn't care about that.
public cut = Observable.create(this, false);
* Computed if this box is selected or not.
public selected: Computed<boolean>;
* Any other dynamically added properties (that are not concrete fields in the derived classes)
private _props: Record<string, Observable<any>> = {};
* Don't use it directly, use the factory method instead.
constructor(box: Box, public parent: BoxModel | null, public view: FormView) {
this.selected = Computed.create(this, (use) => use(view.selectedBox) === this && use(view.viewSection.hasFocus));
this.children = this.autoDispose(obsArray([]));
// We are owned by the parent children list.
if (parent) {
// Store "pointer" to this element. = uuidv4();
// Create observables for all properties.
this.type = box.type;
// And now update this and all children based on the box JSON.
bundleChanges(() => {
// Some boxes need to do some work after initialization, so we call this method.
// Of course, they also can override the constructor, but this is a bit easier.
* Public method that should be called when this box is dropped somewhere. In derived classes
* this method can send some actions to the server, or do some other work. In particular Field
* will insert or reveal a column.
public async afterDrop() {
* The only method that derived classes need to implement. It should return a DOM element that
* represents this box.
public abstract render(...args: IDomArgs<HTMLElement>): HTMLElement;
public removeChild(box: BoxModel) {
const myIndex = this.children.get().indexOf(box);
if (myIndex < 0) { throw new Error('Cannot remove box that is not in parent'); }
this.children.splice(myIndex, 1);
* Remove self from the parent without saving.
public removeSelf() {
* Remove self from the parent and save. Use to bundle layout save with any other changes.
* See Fields for the implementation.
* TODO: this is needed as action bundling is very limited.
public async deleteSelf() {
const parent = this.parent;
await parent!.save();
* Cuts self and puts it into clipboard.
public async cutSelf() {
[...this.root().traverse()].forEach(box => box?.cut.set(false));
// Add this box as a json to clipboard.
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()));
* The way this box will accept dropped content.
* - sibling: it will add it as a sibling
* - child: it will add it as a child.
* - swap: swaps with the box
public willAccept(box?: Box|BoxModel|null): 'sibling' | 'child' | 'swap' | null {
// If myself and the dropped element share the same parent, and the parent is a column
// element, just swap us.
if (this.parent && box instanceof BoxModel && this.parent === box?.parent && box.parent?.type === 'Columns') {
return 'swap';
// If we are in column, we won't accept anything.
if (this.parent?.type === 'Columns') { return null; }
return 'sibling';
* Accepts box from clipboard and inserts it before this box or if this is a container box, then
* as a first child. Default implementation is to insert before self.
public accept(dropped: Box, hint: 'above'|'below' = 'above') {
// Get the box that was dropped.
if (!dropped) { return null; }
if ( === {
return null;
// We need to remove it from the parent, so find it first.
const droppedId =;
const droppedRef = droppedId ? this.root().find(droppedId) : null;
if (droppedRef) {
return hint === 'above' ? this.placeBeforeMe()(dropped) : this.placeAfterMe()(dropped);
public prop(name: string, defaultValue?: any) {
if (!this._props[name]) {
this._props[name] = Observable.create(this, defaultValue ?? null);
return this._props[name];
public hasProp(name: string) {
return this._props.hasOwnProperty(name);
public async save(before?: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot save detached box'); }
* Replaces children at index.
public replaceAtIndex(box: Box, index: number) {
const newOne =, this);
this.children.splice(index, 1, newOne);
return newOne;
public swap(box1: BoxModel, box2: BoxModel) {
const index1 = this.children.get().indexOf(box1);
const index2 = this.children.get().indexOf(box2);
if (index1 < 0 || index2 < 0) { throw new Error('Cannot swap boxes that are not in parent'); }
const box1JSON = box1.toJSON();
const box2JSON = box2.toJSON();
this.replace(box1, box2JSON);
this.replace(box2, box1JSON);
public append(box: Box) {
const newOne =, this);
return newOne;
public insert(box: Box, index: number) {
const newOne =, this);
this.children.splice(index, 0, newOne);
return newOne;
* Replaces existing box with a new one, whenever it is found.
public replace(existing: BoxModel, newOne: Box|BoxModel) {
const index = this.children.get().indexOf(existing);
if (index < 0) { throw new Error('Cannot replace box that is not in parent'); }
const model = newOne instanceof BoxModel ? newOne :, this);
model.parent = this;
model.view = this.view;
this.children.splice(index, 1, model);
return model;
* Creates a place to insert a box before this box.
public placeBeforeFirstChild() {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, 0);
// Some other places.
public placeAfterListChild() {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().length);
public placeAt(index: number) {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, index);
public placeAfterChild(child: BoxModel) {
return (box: Box) => this.insert(box, this.children.get().indexOf(child) + 1);
public placeAfterMe() {
return this.parent!.placeAfterChild(this);
public placeBeforeMe() {
return this.parent!.placeAt(this.parent!.children.get().indexOf(this));
public insertAfter(json: any) {
return this.parent!.insert(json, this.parent!.children.get().indexOf(this) + 1);
public insertBefore(json: any) {
return this.parent!.insert(json, this.parent!.children.get().indexOf(this));
public root() {
let root: BoxModel = this;
while (root.parent) { root = root.parent; }
return root;
* Finds a box with a given id in the tree.
public find(droppedId: string|undefined|null): BoxModel | null {
if (!droppedId) { return null; }
for (const child of {
if ( === droppedId) { return child; }
const found = child.find(droppedId);
if (found) { return found; }
return null;
public* filter(filter: (box: BoxModel) => boolean): Iterable<BoxModel> {
for (const child of {
if (filter(child)) { yield child; }
yield* child.filter(filter);
public includes(box: BoxModel) {
for (const child of {
if (child === box) { return true; }
if (child.includes(box)) { return true; }
public kids() {
return this.children.get().filter(Boolean);
* The core responsibility of this method is to update this box and all children based on the box JSON.
* This is counterpart of the FloatingRowModel, that enables this instance to point to a different box.
public update(boxDef: Box) {
// If we have a type and the type is changed, then we need to replace the box.
if (this.type && boxDef.type !== this.type) {
if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('Cannot replace detached box'); }
this.parent.replace(this,, this.parent));
// Update all properties of self.
for (const someKey in boxDef) {
const key = someKey as keyof Box;
// Skip some keys.
if (key === 'id' || key === 'type' || key === 'children') { continue; }
// Skip any inherited properties.
if (!boxDef.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
// Skip if the value is the same.
if (this.prop(key).get() === boxDef[key]) { continue; }
// Add or delete any children that were removed or added.
const myLength = this.children.get().length;
const newLength = boxDef.children ? boxDef.children.length : 0;
if (myLength > newLength) {
this.children.splice(newLength, myLength - newLength);
} else if (myLength < newLength) {
for (let i = myLength; i < newLength; i++) {
const toPush = boxDef.children![i];
this.children.push(toPush &&, this));
if (!boxDef.children) { return; }
// Update those that indices are the same.
const min = Math.min(myLength, newLength);
for (let i = 0; i < min; i++) {
const atIndex = this.children.get()[i];
const atIndexDef = boxDef.children[i];
* Serialize this box to JSON.
public toJSON(): Box {
return {
type: this.type,
children: this.children.get().map(child => child?.toJSON() || null),
...(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this._props).map(([key, val]) => [key, val.get()]))),
public * traverse(): IterableIterator<BoxModel> {
for (const child of {
yield child;
yield* child.traverse();
protected onCreate() {
export class LayoutModel extends BoxModel {
box: Box,
public parent: BoxModel | null,
public _save: (clb?: Callback) => Promise<void>,
public view: FormView
) {
super(box, parent, view);
public async save(clb?: Callback) {
return await this._save(clb);
public override render(): HTMLElement {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
class DefaultBoxModel extends BoxModel {
public render(): HTMLElement {
return dom('div', `Unknown box type ${this.type}`);
export const ignoreClick = dom.on('click', (ev) => {
export function unwrap<T>(val: T | Computed<T>): T {
return val instanceof Computed ? val.get() : val;
export function parseBox(text: string): Box|null {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(text);
return json && typeof json === 'object' && json.type ? json : null;
} catch (e) {
return null;