
313 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import * as modelUtil from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
// This is circular import, but only for types so it's fine.
import type {DocModel, ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {Style} from 'app/client/models/Styles';
import * as UserType from 'app/client/widgets/UserType';
import {ifNotSet} from 'app/common/gutil';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import intersection from "lodash/intersection";
import isEqual from "lodash/isEqual";
export class ViewFieldConfig {
/** If there are multiple columns selected in the viewSection */
public multiselect: ko.Computed<boolean>;
/** If all selected columns have the same widget list. */
public sameWidgets: ko.Computed<boolean>;
/** Widget options for a field or multiple fields */
public options: CommonOptions;
// Rest of the options mimic the same options from ViewFieldRec.
public wrap: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<boolean|undefined>;
public widget: ko.Computed<string|undefined>;
public alignment: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string|undefined>;
public textColor: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string|undefined>;
public fillColor: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string|undefined>;
public fontBold: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<boolean|undefined>;
public fontUnderline: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<boolean|undefined>;
public fontItalic: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<boolean|undefined>;
public fontStrikethrough: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<boolean|undefined>;
private _fields: ko.PureComputed<ViewFieldRec[]>;
constructor(private _field: ViewFieldRec, private _docModel: DocModel) {
// Everything here will belong to a _field, this class is just a builder.
const owner = _field;
// Get all selected fields from the viewSection, if there is only one field
// selected (or the selection is empty) return it in an array.
this._fields = owner.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const list = this._field.viewSection().selectedFields();
if (!list || !list.length) {
return [_field];
// Make extra sure that field and column is not disposed, most of the knockout
// based entities, don't dispose their computed observables. As we keep references
// for them, it can happen that some of them are disposed while we are still
// computing something (mainly when columns are removed or restored using undo).
return list.filter(f => !f.isDisposed() && !f.column().isDisposed());
// Just a helper field to see if we have multiple selected columns or not.
this.multiselect = owner.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => this._fields().length > 1));
// Calculate if all columns share the same allowed widget list (like for Numeric type
// we have normal TextBox and Spinner). This will be used to allow the user to change
// this type if such columns are selected.
this.sameWidgets = owner.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const list = this._fields();
// If we have only one field selected, list is always the same.
if (list.length <= 1) { return true; }
// Now get all widget list and calculate intersection of the Sets.
// Widget types are just strings defined in UserType.
const widgets = =>
Object.keys(UserType.typeDefs[c.column().pureType()]?.widgets ?? {})
return intersection(...widgets).length === widgets[0]?.length;
// Changing widget type is not trivial, as we need to carefully reset all
// widget options to their default values, and there is a nuance there.
this.widget = owner.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed({
read: () => {
// For single column, just return its widget type.
if (!this.multiselect()) {
return this._field.widget();
// If all have the same value, return it, otherwise
// return a default value for this option "undefined"
const values = this._fields().map(f => f.widget());
if (allSame(values)) {
return values[0];
} else {
return undefined;
write: (widget) => {
// Go through all the fields, and reset them all.
for(const field of this._fields.peek()) {
// Reset the entire JSON, so that all options revert to their defaults.
const previous = field.widgetOptionsJson.peek();
// We don't need to bundle anything (actions send in the same tick, are bundled
// by default).
// Persists color settings across widgets (note: we cannot use `field.fillColor` to get the
// current value because it returns a default value for `undefined`. Same for `field.textColor`.
fillColor: previous.fillColor,
textColor: previous.textColor,
// Calculate common options for all column types (and their widgets).
// We will use this, to know which options are allowed to be changed
// when multiple columns are selected.
const commonOptions = owner.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const fields = this._fields();
// Put all options of first widget in the Set, and then remove
// them one by one, if they are not present in other fields.
let options: Set<string>|null = null;
for(const field of fields) {
// First get the data, and prepare initial set.
const widget = field.widget() || '';
const widgetOptions = UserType.typeDefs[field.column().pureType()]?.widgets[widget]?.options;
if (!widgetOptions) { continue; }
if (!options) { options = new Set(Object.keys(widgetOptions)); }
else {
// And now remove options that are not common.
const newOptions = new Set(Object.keys(widgetOptions));
for(const key of options) {
if (!newOptions.has(key)) {
// Add cell style options, as they are common to all widgets.
const result = options ?? new Set();
// We are leaving rules out for this moment, as this is not supported
// at this moment.
return result;
// Prepare our "multi" widgetOptionsJson, that can read and save
// options for multiple columns.
const options = modelUtil.savingComputed({
read: () => {
// For one column, just proxy this to the field.
if (!this.multiselect()) {
return this._field.widgetOptionsJson();
// Assemble final json object.
const result: any = {};
// First get all widgetOption jsons from all columns/fields.
const optionList = this._fields().map(f => f.widgetOptionsJson());
// And fill only those that are common
const common = commonOptions();
for(const key of common) {
// Setting null means that this options is there, but has no value.
result[key] = null;
// If all columns have the same value, use it.
if (allSame( => v[key]))) {
result[key] = optionList[0][key] ?? null;
return result;
write: (setter, value) => {
if (!this.multiselect.peek()) {
return setter(this._field.widgetOptionsJson, value);
// When the creator panel is saving widgetOptions, it will pass
// our virtual widgetObject, which has nulls for mixed values.
// If this option wasn't changed (set), we don't want to save it.
value = {...value};
for(const key of Object.keys(value)) {
if (value[key] === null) {
delete value[key];
// Now update all options, for all fields, be amending the options
// object from the field/column.
for(const item of this._fields.peek()) {
const previous = item.widgetOptionsJson.peek();
setter(item.widgetOptionsJson, {
// We need some additional information about each property.
this.options = owner.autoDispose(extendObservable(modelUtil.objObservable(options), {
// Property is not supported by set of columns if it is not a common option.
disabled: prop => ko.pureComputed(() => !commonOptions().has(prop)),
// Property has mixed value, if no all options are the same.
mixed: prop => ko.pureComputed(() => !allSame(this._fields().map(f => f.widgetOptionsJson.prop(prop)()))),
// Property has empty value, if all options are empty (are null, undefined, empty Array or empty Object).
empty: prop => ko.pureComputed(() => allEmpty(this._fields().map(f => f.widgetOptionsJson.prop(prop)()))),
// This is repeated logic for wrap property in viewFieldRec,
// every field has wrapping implicitly set to true on a card view.
this.wrap = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(
() => this._field.viewSection().parentKey() !== 'record'
// Some options extracted from our "virtual" widgetOptions json. Just to make
// them easier to use in the rest of the app.
this.alignment = this.options.prop('alignment');
this.textColor = this.options.prop('textColor');
this.fillColor = this.options.prop('fillColor');
this.fontBold = this.options.prop('fontBold');
this.fontUnderline = this.options.prop('fontUnderline');
this.fontItalic = this.options.prop('fontItalic');
this.fontStrikethrough = this.options.prop('fontStrikethrough');
// Helper for Choice/ChoiceList columns, that saves widget options and renames values in a document
// in one bundle
public async updateChoices(renames: Record<string, string>, options: any){
const hasRenames = !!Object.entries(renames).length;
const tableId = this._field.column.peek().table.peek().tableId.peek();
if (this.multiselect.peek()) {
const colIds = this._fields.peek().map(f => f.colId.peek());
return this._docModel.docData.bundleActions("Update choices configuration", () => Promise.all([,
!hasRenames ? null : this._docModel.docData.sendActions( => ["RenameChoices", tableId, colId, renames])
} else {
const column = this._field.column.peek();
// In case this column is being transformed - using Apply Formula to Data, bundle the action
// together with the transformation.
const actionOptions = {nestInActiveBundle: column.isTransforming.peek()};
return this._docModel.docData.bundleActions("Update choices configuration", () => Promise.all([,
!hasRenames ? null
: this._docModel.docData.sendAction(["RenameChoices", tableId, column.colId.peek(), renames])
]), actionOptions);
// Two helper methods, to support reverting viewFields style on the style
// picker. Style picker is reverting options by remembering what was
// there previously, and setting it back when user presses the cancel button.
// This won't work for mixed values, as there is no previous single value.
// To support this reverting mechanism, we will remember all styles for
// selected fields, and revert them ourselves. Style picker will either use
// our methods or fallback with its default behavior.
public copyStyles() {
return this._fields.peek().map(f =>;
public setStyles(styles: Style[]|null) {
if (!styles) {
for(let i = 0; i < this._fields.peek().length; i++) {
const f = this._fields.peek()[i];[i]);
* Deeply checks that all elements in a list are equal. Equality is checked by first
* converting "empty like" elements to null and then deeply comparing the elements.
function allSame(arr: any[]) {
if (arr.length <= 1) { return true; }
const first = ifNotSet(arr[0], null);
const same = arr.every(next => {
return isEqual(ifNotSet(next, null), first);
return same;
* Checks if every item in a list is empty (empty like in empty string, null, undefined, empty Array or Object)
function allEmpty(arr: any[]) {
if (arr.length === 0) { return true; }
return arr.every(item => ifNotSet(item, null) === null);
type CommonOptions = modelUtil.SaveableObjObservable<any> & {
disabled(prop: string): ko.Computed<boolean>,
mixed(prop: string): ko.Computed<boolean>,
empty(prop: string): ko.Computed<boolean>,
// This is helper that adds disabled computed to an ObjObservable, it follows
// the same pattern as `prop` helper.
function extendObservable(
obs: modelUtil.SaveableObjObservable<any>,
options: { [key: string]: (prop: string) => ko.PureComputed<boolean> }
): CommonOptions {
const result = obs as any;
for(const key of Object.keys(options)) {
const cacheKey = `__${key}`;
result[cacheKey] = new Map();
result[key] = (prop: string) => {
if (!result[cacheKey].has(prop)) {
result[cacheKey].set(prop, options[key](prop));
return result[cacheKey].get(prop);
return result;