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import { Computed, Disposable, dom, domComputed, DomContents, input, MultiHolder, Observable, styled } from "grainjs";
import { submitForm } from "app/client/lib/uploads";
import { AppModel, reportError } from "app/client/models/AppModel";
import { getLoginUrl, getSignupUrl, urlState } from "app/client/models/gristUrlState";
import { AccountWidget } from "app/client/ui/AccountWidget";
import { AppHeader } from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader';
import * as BillingPageCss from "app/client/ui/BillingPageCss";
import * as forms from "app/client/ui/forms";
import { pagePanels } from "app/client/ui/PagePanels";
import { createUserImage } from 'app/client/ui/UserImage';
import { cssMemberImage, cssMemberListItem, cssMemberPrimary,
cssMemberSecondary, cssMemberText } from 'app/client/ui/UserItem';
import { basicButtonLink, bigBasicButton, bigBasicButtonLink, bigPrimaryButton, bigPrimaryButtonLink,
cssButton } from "app/client/ui2018/buttons";
import { colors, mediaSmall, testId, vars } from "app/client/ui2018/cssVars";
import { getOrgName, Organization } from "app/common/UserAPI";
// Redirect from ..../welcome/thing to .../welcome/${name}
function _redirectToSiblingPage(name: string) {
const url = new URL(location.href);
const parts = url.pathname.split('/');
url.pathname = parts.join('/');
// Redirect to result.redirectUrl is set, otherwise fail
function _redirectOnSuccess(result: any) {
const redirectUrl = result.redirectUrl;
if (!redirectUrl) {
throw new Error('form failed to redirect');
async function _submitForm(form: HTMLFormElement, pending: Observable<boolean>,
onSuccess: (v: any) => void = _redirectOnSuccess,
onError: (e: Error) => void = reportError) {
try {
if (pending.get()) { return; }
const result = await submitForm(form).finally(() => pending.set(false));
} catch (err) {
onError(err?.details?.userError || err);
// If a 'pending' observable is given, it will be set to true while waiting for the submission.
function handleSubmit(pending: Observable<boolean>,
onSuccess?: (v: any) => void,
onError?: (e: Error) => void): (elem: HTMLFormElement) => void {
return dom.on('submit', async (e, form) => {
// TODO: catch isn't needed, so either remove or propagate errors from _submitForm.
_submitForm(form, pending, onSuccess, onError).catch(reportError);
export class WelcomePage extends Disposable {
private _currentUserName = this._appModel.currentUser && this._appModel.currentUser.name || '';
private _orgs: Organization[];
private _orgsLoaded = Observable.create(this, false);
constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) {
public buildDom() {
return pagePanels({
leftPanel: {
panelWidth: Observable.create(this, 240),
panelOpen: Observable.create(this, false),
hideOpener: true,
header: dom.create(AppHeader, '', this._appModel),
content: null,
headerMain: [cssFlexSpace(), dom.create(AccountWidget, this._appModel)],
contentMain: this.buildPageContent()
public buildPageContent(): Element {
return cssScrollContainer(cssContainer(
cssTitle('Welcome to Grist'),
domComputed(urlState().state, (state) => (
state.welcome === 'signup' ? dom.create(this._buildSignupForm.bind(this)) :
state.welcome === 'verify' ? dom.create(this._buildVerifyForm.bind(this)) :
state.welcome === 'user' ? dom.create(this._buildNameForm.bind(this)) :
state.welcome === 'info' ? dom.create(this._buildInfoForm.bind(this)) :
state.welcome === 'teams' ? dom.create(this._buildOrgPicker.bind(this)) :
state.welcome === 'select-account' ? dom.create(this._buildAccountPicker.bind(this)) :
private _buildNameForm(owner: MultiHolder) {
let inputEl: HTMLInputElement;
let form: HTMLFormElement;
const value = Observable.create(owner, checkName(this._currentUserName) ? this._currentUserName : '');
const isNameValid = Computed.create(owner, value, (use, val) => checkName(val));
const pending = Observable.create(owner, false);
// delayed focus
setTimeout(() => inputEl.focus(), 10);
return form = dom(
{ method: "post", action: location.href },
cssLabel('Your full name, as you\'d like it displayed to your collaborators.'),
inputEl = cssInput(
value, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "username" },
// TODO: catch isn't needed, so either remove or propagate errors from _submitForm.
dom.onKeyDown({Enter: () => isNameValid.get() && _submitForm(form, pending).catch(reportError)}),
dom.maybe((use) => use(value) && !use(isNameValid), buildNameWarningsDom),
dom.boolAttr('disabled', (use) => Boolean(use(value) && !use(isNameValid)) || use(pending)),
private _buildSignupForm(owner: MultiHolder) {
let inputEl: HTMLInputElement;
const pending = Observable.create(owner, false);
// delayed focus
setTimeout(() => inputEl.focus(), 10);
// We expect to have an email query parameter on welcome/signup.
// TODO: make form work without email parameter - except the real todo is:
// TODO: replace this form with Amplify.
const url = new URL(location.href);
const email = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('email') || '');
const password = Observable.create(owner, '');
const action = new URL(window.location.href);
action.pathname = '/signup/register';
return dom(
{ method: "post", action: action.href },
handleSubmit(pending, () => _redirectToSiblingPage('verify')),
`Welcome Sumo-ling! ` + // This flow currently only used with AppSumo.
`Your Grist site is almost ready. Let's get your account set up and verified. ` +
`If you already have a Grist account as `,
dom('b', email.get()),
` you can just `,
dom('a', {href: getLoginUrl(urlState().makeUrl({}))}, 'log in'),
` now. Otherwise, please pick a password.`
cssSeparatedLabel('The email address you activated Grist with:'),
email, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "emailShow" },
dom.boolAttr('disabled', true),
dom.attr('type', 'email'),
// Duplicate email as a hidden form since disabled input won't get submitted
// for some reason.
email, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "email" },
dom.boolAttr('hidden', true),
dom.attr('type', 'email'),
cssSeparatedLabel('A password to use with Grist:'),
inputEl = cssInput(
password, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "password" },
dom.attr('type', 'password'),
bigBasicButtonLink('Did this already', dom.on('click', () => {
private _buildVerifyForm(owner: MultiHolder) {
let inputEl: HTMLInputElement;
const pending = Observable.create(owner, false);
// delayed focus
setTimeout(() => inputEl.focus(), 10);
const action = new URL(window.location.href);
action.pathname = '/signup/verify';
const url = new URL(location.href);
const email = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('email') || '');
const code = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('code') || '');
return dom(
{ method: "post", action: action.href },
handleSubmit(pending, (result) => {
if (result.act === 'confirmed') {
const verified = new URL(window.location.href);
verified.pathname = '/verified';
} else if (result.act === 'resent') {
// just to give a sense that something happened...
`Please check your email for a 6-digit verification code, and enter it here.`),
`If you've any trouble, try our full set of sign-up options. Do take care to use ` +
`the email address you activated with: `,
dom('b', email.get())),
cssSeparatedLabel('Confirmation code'),
inputEl = cssInput(
code, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "code" },
dom.attr('type', 'number'),
email, { onInput: true, },
{ name: "email" },
dom.boolAttr('hidden', true),
dom.domComputed(code, c => c ?
'Apply verification code' : 'Resend verification email')
bigBasicButtonLink('More sign-up options',
{href: getSignupUrl()})
* Builds a form to ask the new user a few questions.
private _buildInfoForm(owner: MultiHolder) {
const allFilled = Observable.create(owner, false);
const whereObs = Observable.create(owner, '');
const pending = Observable.create(owner, false);
return forms.form({method: "post", action: location.href },
(elem) => { setTimeout(() => elem.focus(), 0); },
forms.text('Please help us serve you better by answering a few questions.'),
forms.text('Where do you plan to use Grist?'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'use_work'}], 'Work'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'use_school'}], 'School'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'use_personal'}], 'Personal'),
forms.textBox({name: 'company'},
dom.hide(use => !use(whereObs)),
dom.attr('placeholder', (use) => use(whereObs) === 'school' ? 'Your School' : 'Your Company')
forms.text('What brings you to Grist?'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'reason_problem'}], 'Solve a particular problem or need'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'reason_tool'}], 'Find a better tool than the one I am using'),
forms.checkboxItem([{name: 'reason_curious'}], 'Just curious about a new product'),
forms.checkboxOther([{name: 'reason_other'}], {name: 'other_reason', placeholder: 'Other...'}),
forms.text('What kind of industry do you work in?'),
forms.textBox({name: 'industry', placeholder: 'Your answer'}),
forms.text('What is your role?'),
forms.textBox({name: 'role', placeholder: 'Your answer'}),
dom.on('change', (e, form) => {
allFilled.set(forms.isFormFilled(form, ['use_*', 'reason_*', 'industry', 'role']));
whereObs.set(form.use_work.checked ? 'work' : form.use_school.checked ? 'school' : '');
cssButton.cls('-primary', allFilled),
dom.boolAttr('disabled', pending),
{tabIndex: '0'},
private async _fetchOrgs() {
this._orgs = await this._appModel.api.getOrgs(true);
private _buildOrgPicker(): DomContents {
return dom.maybe(this._orgsLoaded, () => {
let orgs = this._orgs;
if (orgs && orgs.length > 1) {
// Let's make sure that the first org is not the personal org.
if (orgs[0].owner) {
orgs = [...orgs.slice(1), orgs[0]];
return [
"You've been added to a team. ",
"Go to the team site, or to your personal site."
"You can always switch sites using the account menu in the top-right corner."
orgs.map((org, i) => (
urlState().setLinkUrl({org: org.domain || undefined}),
i ? cssButton.cls('-primary', false) : null
private _buildAccountPicker(): DomContents {
function addUserToLink(email: string): string {
const next = new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('next') || '';
const url = new URL(next, location.href);
url.searchParams.set('user', email);
return url.toString();
return [
"Select an account to continue with.",
dom.maybe(this._appModel.topAppModel.users, users =>
users.map(user => basicButtonLink(
createUserImage(user, 'large')
cssMemberPrimary(user.name || dom('span', user.email, testId('select-email'))),
user.name ? cssMemberSecondary(user.email, testId('select-email')) : null
{href: addUserToLink(user.email)},
const cssUserItem = styled('div', `
margin: 0 0 8px;
align-items: center;
&:first-of-type {
margin-top: 16px;
&:hover {
background-color: ${colors.lightGrey};
const cssScrollContainer = styled('div', `
display: flex;
overflow-y: auto;
flex-direction: column;
const cssContainer = styled('div', `
max-width: 450px;
align-self: center;
margin: 60px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
&:after {
content: "";
height: 8px;
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
margin: 24px;
const cssFlexSpace = styled('div', `
flex: 1 1 0px;
const cssTitle = styled('div', `
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
margin: 0 0 28px 0;
color: ${colors.dark};
font-size: ${vars.xxxlargeFontSize};
font-weight: ${vars.headerControlTextWeight};
const textStyle = `
font-weight: normal;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
color: ${colors.dark};
const cssLabel = styled('label', textStyle);
// TODO: there's probably a much better way to style labels with a bit of
// space between them and things they are not the label for?
const cssSeparatedLabel = styled('label', textStyle + ' margin-top: 20px;');
const cssParagraph = styled('p', textStyle);
const cssButtonGroup = styled('div', `
margin-top: 24px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
&-right {
justify-content: flex-end;
const cssWarning = styled('div', `
color: red;
const cssInput = styled(input, BillingPageCss.inputStyle);
const cssOrgButton = styled(bigPrimaryButtonLink, `
margin: 0 0 8px;
width: 200px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
&:first-of-type {
margin-top: 16px;
* We allow alphanumeric characters and certain common whitelisted characters (except at the start),
* plus everything non-ASCII (for non-English alphabets, which we want to allow but it's hard to be
* more precise about what exactly to allow).
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const VALID_NAME_REGEXP = /^(\w|[^\u0000-\u007F])(\w|[- ./'"()]|[^\u0000-\u007F])*$/;
* Test name against various rules to check if it is a valid username. Returned obj has `.valid` set
* to true if all passes, otherwise it has the `.flag` set the the first failing test.
export function checkName(name: string): boolean {
return VALID_NAME_REGEXP.test(name);
* Builds dom to show marning messages to the user.
export function buildNameWarningsDom() {
return cssWarning(
"Names only allow letters, numbers and certain special characters",