
1830 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# pylint:disable=too-many-lines
import json
import types
import logging
import useractions
import testutil
import test_engine
from test_engine import Table, Column, View, Section, Field
from schema import RecalcWhen
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestUserActions(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Address", [
[21, "city", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
"DATA": {
"Address": [
["id", "city" ],
[11, "New York" ],
[12, "Colombia" ],
[13, "New Haven" ],
[14, "West Haven" ]],
starting_table = Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(21, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0)
def test_conversions(self):
# Test the sequence of user actions as used for transform-based conversions. This is actually
# not exactly what the client emits, but more like what the client should ideally emit.
# Our sample has a text column; we'll convert it to Ref:Address.
# Add a new table for Schools so that we get the associated views and fields.
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Schools', [{'id': 'city', 'type': 'Text'}]])
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Schools', [1,2,3,4], {
'city': ['New York', 'Colombia', 'New York', '']
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [
[1, "Address"],
[2, "Schools"],
["id", "colId", "parentId", "parentPos", "widgetOptions"], [
[21, "city", 1, 1.0, ""],
[22, "manualSort", 2, 2.0, ""],
[23, "city", 2, 3.0, ""],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Views_section_field", ["id", "colRef", "widgetOptions"], [
[1, 23, ""],
[2, 23, ""],
[3, 23, ""],
self.assertPartialData("Schools", ["id", "city"], [
[1, "New York" ],
[2, "Colombia" ],
[3, "New York" ],
[4, "" ],
# Our sample has a text column city.
out_actions = self.add_column('Schools', 'grist_Transform',
isFormula=True, formula='return $city', type='Text')
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
['AddColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', {
'type': 'Text', 'isFormula': True, 'formula': 'return $city',
['AddRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24, {
'widgetOptions': '', 'parentPos': 4.0, 'isFormula': True, 'parentId': 2, 'colId':
'grist_Transform', 'formula': 'return $city', 'label': 'grist_Transform',
'type': 'Text'
["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 4, {
"colRef": 24, "parentId": 2, "parentPos": 4.0
["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 5, {
"colRef": 24, "parentId": 3, "parentPos": 5.0
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3],
{"grist_Transform": ["New York", "Colombia", "New York"]}],
out_actions = self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 24,
formula='return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id')
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
['ModifyColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', {
'formula': 'return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id', 'type': 'Ref:Address'}],
['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24, {
'formula': 'return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id', 'type': 'Ref:Address'}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3, 4], {"grist_Transform": [11, 12, 11, 0]}],
# It seems best if TypeTransform sets widgetOptions on grist_Transform column, so that they
# can be copied in CopyFromColumn; rather than updating them after the copy is done.
self.update_record('_grist_Views_section_field', 1, widgetOptions="hello")
self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 24, widgetOptions="world")
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['CopyFromColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', 'city', None])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
['ModifyColumn', 'Schools', 'city', {'type': 'Ref:Address'}],
['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 4, {'city': 0}],
['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 23, {
'type': 'Ref:Address', 'widgetOptions': 'world'
['BulkUpdateRecord', 'Schools', [1, 2, 3], {'city': [11, 12, 11]}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3], {"grist_Transform": [0, 0, 0]}],
out_actions = self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 23,
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 23, {
'widgetOptions': '{"widget":"Reference","visibleCol":"city"}'}],
out_actions = self.remove_column('Schools', 'grist_Transform')
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [4, 5]],
['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24],
['RemoveColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform'],
def test_create_section_existing_view(self):
# Test that CreateViewSection works for an existing view.
# Create a view + section for the initial table.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", None, None])
# Verify that we got a new view, with one section, and three fields.
self.assertViews([View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=21),
]) ])
# Create a new section for the same view, check that only a section is added.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", None, None])
self.assertViews([View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=21),
Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(2, colRef=21),
]) ])
# Create another section for the same view, this time summarized.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", [21], None])
summary_table = Table(2, "Address_summary_city", 0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[
Column(22, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=21),
Column(23, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True,
formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(24, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, formula="len($group)", summarySourceCol=0),
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table])
# Check that we still have one view, with sections for different tables.
view = View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=21),
Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(2, colRef=21),
Section(4, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[
Field(5, colRef=22),
Field(6, colRef=24),
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table])
# Try to create a summary table for an invalid column, and check that it fails.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", [23], None])
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table])
def test_creates_section_new_table(self):
# Test that CreateViewSection works for adding a new table.
# When we create a section/view for new table, we got the new view we are creating,
# without primary view.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 0, "record", None, None])
new_table = Table(2, "Table1", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(22, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(23, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(24, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(25, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
new_view = View(1, sections=[
Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[
Field(7, colRef=23),
Field(8, colRef=24),
Field(9, colRef=25),
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table])
# Create another section in an existing view for a new table.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 1, "record", None, None])
new_table2 = Table(3, "Table2", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(26, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(27, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(28, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(29, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Section(6, parentKey="record", tableRef=3, fields=[
Field(16, colRef=27),
Field(17, colRef=28),
Field(18, colRef=29),
# Check that we have a new table, only the new view; and a new section.
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2])
# Check that we can't create a summary of a table grouped by a column that doesn't exist yet.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 1, "record", [31], None])
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2])
# But creating a new table and showing totals for it is possible though dumb.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 1, "record", [], None])
# We expect a new table.
new_table3 = Table(4, "Table3", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(30, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(31, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(32, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(33, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0),
# A summary of it.
summary_table = Table(5, "Table3_summary", 0, summarySourceTable=4, columns=[
Column(34, "group", "RefList:Table3", isFormula=True,
formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", summarySourceCol=0),
Column(35, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, formula="len($group)", summarySourceCol=0),
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2, new_table3, summary_table])
new_view.sections.append(Section(10, parentKey="record", tableRef=5, fields=[
Field(26, colRef=35)
def init_views_sample(self):
# Add a new table and a view, to get some Views/Sections/Fields, and TabBar items.
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Schools', [
{'id': 'city', 'type': 'Text'},
{'id': 'state', 'type': 'Text'},
{'id': 'size', 'type': 'Numeric'},
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Schools', [1,2,3,4], {
'city': ['New York', 'Colombia', 'New York', ''],
'state': ['NY', 'NY', 'NY', ''],
'size': [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000],
# Add a new view; a second section (summary) to it; and a third view.
self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 0, 'detail', None, None])
self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 2, 'record', [3], None])
self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 0, 'chart', None, None])
self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 0, 2, 'record', None, None])
# Verify the new structure of tables and views.
Table(1, "Schools", 1, 0, columns=[
Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0),
Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0),
Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0),
Column(4, "size", "Numeric", False, "", 0),
Table(2, "Schools_summary_state", 0, 1, columns=[
Column(5, "state", "Text", False, "", 3),
Column(6, "group", "RefList:Schools", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0),
Column(7, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0),
Column(8, "size", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.size)", 0),
Table(3, 'Table1', 0, 0, columns=[
Column(9, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0),
Column(10, "A", "Any", True, "", 0),
Column(11, "B", "Any", True, "", 0),
Column(12, "C", "Any", True, "", 0),
View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=2),
Field(2, colRef=3),
Field(3, colRef=4),
View(2, sections=[
Section(4, parentKey="detail", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(10, colRef=2),
Field(11, colRef=3),
Field(12, colRef=4),
Section(6, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[
Field(16, colRef=5),
Field(17, colRef=7),
Field(18, colRef=8),
Section(10, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[
Field(27, colRef=10),
Field(28, colRef=11),
Field(29, colRef=12),
View(3, sections=[
Section(7, parentKey="chart", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(19, colRef=2),
Field(20, colRef=3),
self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "viewRef"],
[1, 1],
[2, 2],
[3, 3],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "viewRef"],
[1, 1],
[2, 2],
[3, 3]
def test_view_remove(self):
# Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items.
# Remove a view. Ensure related items, sections, fields get removed.
self.apply_user_action(["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", [2, 3]])
# Verify the new structure of tables and views.
Table(1, "Schools", 1, 0, columns=[
Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0),
Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0),
Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0),
Column(4, "size", "Numeric", False, "", 0),
# Note that the summary table is gone.
Table(3, 'Table1', 0, 0, columns=[
Column(9, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0),
Column(10, "A", "Any", True, "", 0),
Column(11, "B", "Any", True, "", 0),
Column(12, "C", "Any", True, "", 0),
View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=2),
Field(2, colRef=3),
Field(3, colRef=4),
self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "viewRef"],
[1, 1],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "viewRef"],
[1, 1],
def test_view_rename(self):
# Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items.
# Verify the new structure of tables and views.
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
[ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ],
[ 1, 'Schools', 1],
[ 2, 'Schools_summary_state', 0],
[ 3, 'Table1', 0],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
[ 'id', 'name', 'primaryViewTable' ],
[ 1, 'Schools', 1],
[ 2, 'New page', 0],
[ 3, 'New page', 0],
# Update the names in a few views, and ensure that primary ones won't cause tables to
# get renamed.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', [2, 3],
{'name': ['A', 'B']}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
[ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ],
[ 1, 'Schools', 1],
[ 2, 'Schools_summary_state', 0],
[ 3, 'Table1', 0],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
[ 'id', 'name', 'primaryViewTable' ],
[ 1, 'Schools', 1],
[ 2, 'A', 0],
[ 3, 'B', 0]
# Now rename a table (by raw view section) and make sure that a view with the same name
# was renamed
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 2,
{'title': 'Bars'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'tableId'],
[1, 'Bars', 1],
[2, 'Bars_summary_state', 0],
[3, 'Table1', 0],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'Bars'],
[2, 'A'],
[3, 'B']
# Now rename tables so that two tables will have same names, to test if only the view
# with a page will be renamed.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 2,
{'title': 'A'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'tableId'],
[1, 'A', 1],
[2, 'A_summary_state', 0],
[3, 'Table1', 0],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'A'],
[2, 'A'],
[3, 'B'],
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 2,
{'title': 'Z'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId', 'rawViewSectionRef', 'recordCardViewSectionRef'],
[1, 'Z', 1, 2, 3],
[2, 'Z_summary_state', 0, 5, 0],
[3, 'Table1', 0, 8, 9],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'Z'],
[2, 'Z'],
[3, 'B'],
# Add new table, with a view with the same name (Z) and make sure it won't be renamed
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Stations', [
{'id': 'city', 'type': 'Text'},
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId', 'rawViewSectionRef', 'recordCardViewSectionRef'],
[1, 'Z', 1, 2, 3],
[2, 'Z_summary_state', 0, 5, 0],
[3, 'Table1', 0, 8, 9],
[4, 'Stations', 4, 12, 13],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'Z'],
[2, 'Z'],
[3, 'B'],
[4, 'Stations'],
# Replacing only a page name (though primary)
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', 4, {'name': 'Z'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'Z'],
[2, 'Z'],
[3, 'B'],
[4, 'Z']
# Rename table Z to Schools. Primary view for Stations (Z) should not be renamed.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 2,
{'title': 'Schools'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'tableId'],
[1, 'Schools'],
[2, 'Schools_summary_state'],
[3, 'Table1'],
[4, 'Stations'],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[
['id', 'name'],
[1, 'Schools'],
[2, 'Schools'],
[3, 'B'],
[4, 'Z']
def test_section_removes(self):
# Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', [2], {
'layoutSpec': [
+ "\"collapsed\":[{\"leaf\":6}]}",
View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=2),
Field(2, colRef=3),
Field(3, colRef=4),
View(2, sections=[
Section(4, parentKey="detail", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(10, colRef=2),
Field(11, colRef=3),
Field(12, colRef=4),
Section(6, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[
Field(16, colRef=5),
Field(17, colRef=7),
Field(18, colRef=8),
Section(10, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[
Field(27, colRef=10),
Field(28, colRef=11),
Field(29, colRef=12),
View(3, sections=[
Section(7, parentKey="chart", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(19, colRef=2),
Field(20, colRef=3),
# Remove a couple of sections. Ensure their fields get removed.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section', [6, 10]])
View(1, sections=[
Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(1, colRef=2),
Field(2, colRef=3),
Field(3, colRef=4),
View(2, sections=[
Section(4, parentKey="detail", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(10, colRef=2),
Field(11, colRef=3),
Field(12, colRef=4),
View(3, sections=[
Section(7, parentKey="chart", tableRef=1, fields=[
Field(19, colRef=2),
Field(20, colRef=3),
# Check that the view layout spec also got updated.
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', rows='subset', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'layoutSpec'],
[2, "{\"children\": [{\"children\": [{\"leaf\": 4}]}], \"collapsed\": []}"],
def test_field_removes(self):
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', [1, 4, 6, 7], {
'layoutSpec': [
+ "\":\"a939f6b0-c728-4b36-bdde-6bb727ce4027\",\"type\":\"Paragraph\",\"text\":\"## **F"
+ "orm Title**\",\"alignment\":\"center\"},{\"id\":\"428c5f4f-b1f8-4bb6-89e5-5cdab4fca5"
+ "d0\",\"type\":\"Paragraph\",\"text\":\"Your form description goes here.\",\"alignmen"
+ "t\":\"center\"},{\"id\":\"9bfaa427-7776-411e-9724-e351fb4d5bdf\",\"type\":\"Section"
+ "\",\"children\":[{\"id\":\"8192f1c8-918f-4b4f-b51c-c775588a6087\",\"type\":\"Paragra"
+ "ph\",\"text\":\"### **Header**\"},{\"id\":\"6005123f-069b-4b31-85d1-d8c677c53f7e\","
+ "\"type\":\"Paragraph\",\"text\":\"Description\"},{\"id\":\"444ffba4-5a99-4a3f-abb9-9"
+ "09deea5c059\",\"type\":\"Field\",\"leaf\":16},{\"id\":\"c7deaa62-3c06-45a8-aa79-122d"
+ "01c77832\",\"type\":\"Field\",\"leaf\":17},{\"id\":\"b7326be0-a73e-4cc1-8f8b-6c5033d"
+ "227e4\",\"type\":\"Field\",\"leaf\":18}]},{\"id\":\"3a70d09f-2b08-4875-a813-3432d2d0"
+ "ae3d\",\"type\":\"Submit\"}]}",
# Remove a couple of fields. Ensure the layout specs of their sections get updated.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', [1, 10, 12, 16, 19]])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', rows='subset', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'layoutSpec'],
[1, ""],
[4, "{\"children\": [{\"children\": [{\"leaf\": 11}]}]}"],
[6, "{\"children\": [{\"alignment\": \"center\", \"id\": \"a939f6b0-c728-4b36-bdde-6bb727ce4"
+ "027\", \"text\": \"## **Form Title**\", \"type\": \"Paragraph\"}, {\"alignment\": \"cen"
+ "ter\", \"id\": \"428c5f4f-b1f8-4bb6-89e5-5cdab4fca5d0\", \"text\": \"Your form descript"
+ "ion goes here.\", \"type\": \"Paragraph\"}, {\"children\": [{\"id\": \"8192f1c8-918f-4b"
+ "4f-b51c-c775588a6087\", \"text\": \"### **Header**\", \"type\": \"Paragraph\"}, {\"id\""
+ ": \"6005123f-069b-4b31-85d1-d8c677c53f7e\", \"text\": \"Description\", \"type\": \"Para"
+ "graph\"}, {\"id\": \"c7deaa62-3c06-45a8-aa79-122d01c77832\", \"leaf\": 17, \"type\": \""
+ "Field\"}, {\"id\": \"b7326be0-a73e-4cc1-8f8b-6c5033d227e4\", \"leaf\": 18, \"type\": \""
+ "Field\"}], \"id\": \"9bfaa427-7776-411e-9724-e351fb4d5bdf\", \"type\": \"Section\"}, {"
+ "\"id\": \"3a70d09f-2b08-4875-a813-3432d2d0ae3d\", \"type\": \"Submit\"}], \"id\": \"d74"
+ "8210f-91e1-4209-8f56-c27f4f62efde\", \"type\": \"Layout\"}"],
[7, "invalid"],
def test_schema_consistency_check(self):
# Verify that schema consistency check actually runs, but only when schema is affected.
# Replace the engine's assert_schema_consistent() method with a mocked version.
orig_method = self.engine.assert_schema_consistent
count_calls = [0]
def override(self): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
count_calls[0] += 1
# pylint: disable=not-callable
self.engine.assert_schema_consistent = types.MethodType(override, self.engine)
# Do a non-schema action to ensure it doesn't get called.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', 2, {'name': 'A'}])
self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 0)
# Do a schema action to ensure it gets called: this causes a table rename.
# 8 is id of raw view section for the Table1 table
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 8, {'title': 'C'}])
self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 1)
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[
[ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ],
[ 1, 'Schools', 1],
[ 2, 'Schools_summary_state', 0],
[ 3, 'C', 0],
# Do another schema and non-schema action.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 1, {'city': 'Seattle'}])
self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 1)
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 2, {'colId': 'city2'}])
self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 2)
def test_new_column_conversions(self):
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""],
[2, "city", "Text", False, ""],
[3, "state", "Text", False, ""],
[4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""],
[13, "A", "Any", True, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 1)
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A"],
[1, "New York", None],
[2, "Colombia", None],
[3, "New York", None],
[4, "", None],
# Check that typing in text into the column produces a text column.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 3, {"A": "foo"}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "A", "Text", False, ""],
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A" ],
[1, "New York", "" ],
[2, "Colombia", "" ],
[3, "New York", "foo" ],
[4, "", "" ],
# Undo, and check that typing in a number produces a numeric column.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 3, {"A": " -17.6"}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "A", "Numeric", False, ""],
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A" ],
[1, "New York", 0.0 ],
[2, "Colombia", 0.0 ],
[3, "New York", -17.6 ],
[4, "", 0.0 ],
# Undo, and set a formula for the new column instead.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 13, {'formula': 'len($city)'}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "A", "Any", True, "len($city)"],
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A" ],
[1, "New York", 8 ],
[2, "Colombia", 8 ],
[3, "New York", 8 ],
[4, "", 0 ],
# Convert the formula column to non-formula.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 13, {'isFormula': False}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"],
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A" ],
[1, "New York", 8 ],
[2, "Colombia", 8 ],
[3, "New York", 8 ],
[4, "", 0 ],
# Add some more formula columns of type 'Any'.
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "1"}])
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "'x'"}])
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "$city == 'New York'"}])
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "$city=='New York' or '-'"}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""],
[2, "city", "Text", False, ""],
[3, "state", "Text", False, ""],
[4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""],
[13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"],
[14, "B", "Any", True, "1"],
[15, "C", "Any", True, "'x'"],
[16, "D", "Any", True, "$city == 'New York'"],
[17, "E", "Any", True, "$city=='New York' or '-'"],
], rows=lambda r: == 1)
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
[1, "New York", 8, 1, "x", True, True],
[2, "Colombia", 8, 1, "x", False, '-' ],
[3, "New York", 8, 1, "x", True, True],
[4, "", 0, 1, "x", False, '-' ],
# Convert all these formulas to non-formulas, and see that their types get guessed OK.
# TODO: We should also guess Int, Bool, Reference, ReferenceList, Date, and DateTime.
# TODO: It is possibly better if B became Int, and D became Bool.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', [14,15,16,17],
{'isFormula': [False, False, False, False]}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""],
[2, "city", "Text", False, ""],
[3, "state", "Text", False, ""],
[4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""],
[13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"],
[14, "B", "Numeric", False, "1"],
[15, "C", "Text", False, "'x'"],
[16, "D", "Text", False, "$city == 'New York'"],
[17, "E", "Text", False, "$city=='New York' or '-'"],
], rows=lambda r: == 1)
self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "city", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
[1, "New York", 8, 1.0, "x", "True", 'True'],
[2, "Colombia", 8, 1.0, "x", "False", '-' ],
[3, "New York", 8, 1.0, "x", "True", 'True'],
[4, "", 0, 1.0, "x", "False", '-' ],
def test_useraction_failures(self):
# Verify that when a useraction fails, we revert any changes already applied.
# Simple failure: bad action (last argument should be a dict). It shouldn't cause any actions
# in the first place, just raise an exception about the argument being an int.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, r"'int'"):
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Address', "A", 17])
# Do some successful actions, just to make sure we know what they look like.
self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in (
['AddColumn', 'Address', "B", {"isFormula": True}],
['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York2"}],
# More complicated: here some actions should succeed, but get reverted when a later one fails.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, r"'int'"):
self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in (
['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York3"}],
['AddColumn', 'Address', "C", {"isFormula": True}],
['AddColumn', 'Address', "D", 17]
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, r"non-existent record #77"):
self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in (
['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York4"}],
['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 77, {"city": "Chicago"}],
# Make sure that no columns got added except the intentionally successful one.
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[21, "city", "Text", False, ""],
[22, "B", "Any", True, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 1)
# Make sure that no columns got added here either, and the only change to "New York" is the
# one in the successful user-action.
self.assertTableData('Address', cols="all", data=[
["id", "city" , "B" ],
[11, "New York2" , None ],
[12, "Colombia" , None ],
[13, "New Haven" , None ],
[14, "West Haven", None ],
def test_pages_remove(self):
# Test that orphan pages get fixed after removing a page
# Moves page 2 to children of page 1.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Pages', [2], {'indentation': [1]}])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'indentation'],
[ 1, 0],
[ 2, 1],
[ 3, 0],
# Verify that removing page 1 fixes page 2 indentation.
self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 1])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'indentation'],
[ 2, 0],
[ 3, 0],
# Removing last page should not fail
# Verify that removing page 1 fixes page 2 indentation.
self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 4])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'indentation'],
[ 2, 0],
[ 3, 0],
# Removing a page that has no children should do nothing
self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 2])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'indentation'],
[ 3, 0],
def test_rename_choices(self):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "ChoiceTable", [
[1, "ChoiceColumn", "Choice", False, "", "ChoiceColumn", ""],
[2, "ChoiceListTable", [
[2, "ChoiceListColumn", "ChoiceList", False, "", "ChoiceListColumn", ""],
"DATA": {
"ChoiceTable": [
["id", "ChoiceColumn"],
[1, "a"],
[2, "b"],
[3, "c"],
[4, "d"],
[5, None],
[6, 5],
[7, [[]]],
"ChoiceListTable": [
["id", "ChoiceListColumn"],
[1, ["a"]],
[2, ["b"]],
[3, ["c"]],
[4, ["d"]],
[5, None],
[7, ["a", "b"]],
[8, ["b", "c"]],
[9, ["a", "c"]],
[10, ["a", "b", "c"]],
[11, 5],
[12, [[]]],
# Renames go in a loop to make sure that works correctly
# a -> b -> c -> a -> b -> ...
renames = {"a": "b", "b": "c", "c": "a"}
out_actions_choice = self.apply_user_action(
["RenameChoices", "ChoiceTable", "ChoiceColumn", renames])
out_actions_choice_list = self.apply_user_action(
["RenameChoices", "ChoiceListTable", "ChoiceListColumn", renames])
[1, 2, 3],
{'ChoiceColumn': [u'b', u'c', u'a']}]]})
[1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10],
{'ChoiceListColumn': [['L', u'b'],
['L', u'c'],
['L', u'a'],
['L', u'b', u'c'],
['L', u'c', u'a'],
['L', u'b', u'a'],
['L', u'b', u'c', u'a']]}]]})
self.assertTableData('ChoiceTable', data=[
["id", "ChoiceColumn"],
[1, "b"],
[2, "c"],
[3, "a"],
[4, "d"],
[5, None],
[6, 5],
[7, [[]]],
self.assertTableData('ChoiceListTable', data=[
["id", "ChoiceListColumn"],
[1, ["b"]],
[2, ["c"]],
[3, ["a"]],
[4, ["d"]],
[5, None],
[7, ["b", "c"]],
[8, ["c", "a"]],
[9, ["b", "a"]],
[10, ["b", "c", "a"]],
[11, 5],
[12, [[]]],
# Test filters rename
# Create new view section
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", None, None])
# Filter it by first column
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_Filters', [None], {
"viewSectionRef": [1],
"colRef": [1],
"filter": [json.dumps({"included": ["b", "c"]})],
"pinned": [True],
# Add the same filter for second column (to make sure it is not renamed)
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_Filters', [None], {
"viewSectionRef": [1],
"colRef": [2],
"filter": [json.dumps({"included": ["b", "c"]})],
"pinned": [False],
# Rename choices
renames = {"b": "z", "c": "b"}
["RenameChoices", "ChoiceTable", "ChoiceColumn", renames])
# Test filters
self.assertTableData('_grist_Filters', data=[
["id", "colRef", "filter", "setAutoRemove", "viewSectionRef", "pinned"],
[1, 1, json.dumps({"included": ["z", "b"]}), None, 1, True],
[2, 2, json.dumps({"included": ["b", "c"]}), None, 1, False]
def test_add_or_update(self):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Table1", [
[1, "first_name", "Text", False, "", "first_name", ""],
[2, "last_name", "Text", False, "", "last_name", ""],
[3, "pet", "Text", False, "", "pet", ""],
[4, "color", "Text", False, "", "color", ""],
[5, "formula", "Text", True, "''", "formula", ""],
[6, "date", "Date", False, None, "date", ""],
"DATA": {
"Table1": [
["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
[1, "John", "Doe"],
[2, "John", "Smith"],
def check(require, values, options, stored):
self.apply_user_action(["AddOrUpdateRecord", "Table1", require, values, options]),
{"stored": stored},
# Exactly one match, so on_many=none has no effect
{"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith"},
{"pet": "dog", "color": "red"},
{"on_many": "none"},
[["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"color": "red", "pet": "dog"}]],
# Look for a record with pet=dog and change it to pet=cat
{"first_name": "John", "pet": "dog"},
{"pet": "cat"},
[["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"pet": "cat"}]],
# Two records match first_name=John, by default we only update the first
{"first_name": "John"},
{"color": "blue"},
[["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {"color": "blue"}]],
# Update all matching records
{"first_name": "John"},
{"color": "green"},
{"on_many": "all"},
(core) Add BulkAddOrUpdateRecord action for efficiency Summary: This diff adds a new `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` user action which is what is sounds like: - A bulk version of the existing `AddOrUpdateRecord` action. - Much more efficient for operating on many records than applying many individual actions. - Column values are specified as maps from `colId` to arrays of values as usual. - Produces bulk versions of `AddRecord` and `UpdateRecord` actions instead of many individual actions. Examples of users wanting to use something like `AddOrUpdateRecord` with large numbers of records: - - - - I tested what made many `AddOrUpdateRecord` actions slow in the first place. It was almost entirely due to producing many individual `AddRecord` user actions. About half of that time was for processing the resulting `AddRecord` doc actions. Lookups and updates were not a problem. With these changes, the slowness is gone. The Python user action implementation is more complex but there are no surprises. The JS API now groups `records` based on the keys of `require` and `fields` so that `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` can be applied to each group. Test Plan: Update and extend Python and DocApi tests. Reviewers: jarek, paulfitz Reviewed By: jarek, paulfitz Subscribers: jarek Differential Revision:
2022-09-28 13:13:07 +00:00
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2], {"color": ["green", "green"]}],
# Update all records with empty require and allow_empty_require
{"color": "greener"},
{"on_many": "all", "allow_empty_require": True},
(core) Add BulkAddOrUpdateRecord action for efficiency Summary: This diff adds a new `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` user action which is what is sounds like: - A bulk version of the existing `AddOrUpdateRecord` action. - Much more efficient for operating on many records than applying many individual actions. - Column values are specified as maps from `colId` to arrays of values as usual. - Produces bulk versions of `AddRecord` and `UpdateRecord` actions instead of many individual actions. Examples of users wanting to use something like `AddOrUpdateRecord` with large numbers of records: - - - - I tested what made many `AddOrUpdateRecord` actions slow in the first place. It was almost entirely due to producing many individual `AddRecord` user actions. About half of that time was for processing the resulting `AddRecord` doc actions. Lookups and updates were not a problem. With these changes, the slowness is gone. The Python user action implementation is more complex but there are no surprises. The JS API now groups `records` based on the keys of `require` and `fields` so that `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` can be applied to each group. Test Plan: Update and extend Python and DocApi tests. Reviewers: jarek, paulfitz Reviewed By: jarek, paulfitz Subscribers: jarek Differential Revision:
2022-09-28 13:13:07 +00:00
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2], {"color": ["greener", "greener"]}],
# Missing allow_empty_require
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
{"color": "greenest"},
# Don't update any records when there's several matches
{"first_name": "John"},
{"color": "yellow"},
{"on_many": "none"},
# Invalid value of on_many
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
{"first_name": "John"},
{"color": "yellow"},
{"on_many": "other"},
# Since there's at least one matching record and update=False, do nothing
{"first_name": "John"},
{"color": "yellow"},
{"update": False},
# Since there's no matching records and add=False, do nothing
{"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Johnson"},
{"first_name": "Jack", "color": "yellow"},
{"add": False},
# No matching record, make a new one.
# first_name=Jack in `values` overrides first_name=John in `require`
{"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Johnson"},
{"first_name": "Jack", "color": "yellow"},
["AddRecord", "Table1", 3,
{"color": "yellow", "first_name": "Jack", "last_name": "Johnson"}]
# Specifying a row ID in `require` is allowed
{"first_name": "Bob", "id": 100},
{"pet": "fish"},
[["AddRecord", "Table1", 100, {"first_name": "Bob", "pet": "fish"}]],
# Now the row already exists
{"first_name": "Bob", "id": 100},
{"pet": "fish"},
# Nothing matches this `require`, but the row ID already exists
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
{"first_name": "Alice", "id": 100},
{"pet": "fish"},
# Formula columns in `require` can't be used as values when creating records
{"formula": "anything"},
{"first_name": "Alice"},
[["AddRecord", "Table1", 101, {"first_name": "Alice"}]],
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# Row ID too high
{"first_name": "Alice", "id": 2000000},
{"pet": "fish"},
# Check that encoded objects are decoded correctly
{"date": ['d', 950400]},
[["AddRecord", "Table1", 102, {"date": 950400}]],
{"date": ['d', 950400]},
{"date": ['d', 1900800]},
[["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 102, {"date": 1900800}]],
(core) Add BulkAddOrUpdateRecord action for efficiency Summary: This diff adds a new `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` user action which is what is sounds like: - A bulk version of the existing `AddOrUpdateRecord` action. - Much more efficient for operating on many records than applying many individual actions. - Column values are specified as maps from `colId` to arrays of values as usual. - Produces bulk versions of `AddRecord` and `UpdateRecord` actions instead of many individual actions. Examples of users wanting to use something like `AddOrUpdateRecord` with large numbers of records: - - - - I tested what made many `AddOrUpdateRecord` actions slow in the first place. It was almost entirely due to producing many individual `AddRecord` user actions. About half of that time was for processing the resulting `AddRecord` doc actions. Lookups and updates were not a problem. With these changes, the slowness is gone. The Python user action implementation is more complex but there are no surprises. The JS API now groups `records` based on the keys of `require` and `fields` so that `BulkAddOrUpdateRecord` can be applied to each group. Test Plan: Update and extend Python and DocApi tests. Reviewers: jarek, paulfitz Reviewed By: jarek, paulfitz Subscribers: jarek Differential Revision:
2022-09-28 13:13:07 +00:00
# Empty both does nothing
{"allow_empty_require": True},
def test_bulk_add_or_update(self):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Table1", [
[1, "first_name", "Text", False, "", "first_name", ""],
[2, "last_name", "Text", False, "", "last_name", ""],
[4, "color", "Text", False, "", "color", ""],
"DATA": {
"Table1": [
["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
[1, "John", "Doe"],
[2, "John", "Smith"],
def check(require, values, options, stored):
self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddOrUpdateRecord", "Table1", require, values, options]),
{"stored": stored},
"first_name": [
"last_name": [
"color": [
["BulkAddRecord", "Table1", [3, 4], {
"color": ["green", "yellow"],
"first_name": ["John", "Bob"],
"last_name": ["Johnson", "Johnson"],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2], {"color": ["red", "blue"]}],
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
{"color": ["yellow"]},
{"color": ["red", "blue", "green"]},
'Value lists must all have the same length, '
'got {"col_values color": 3, "require color": 1}',
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
"first_name": [
"last_name": [
'Value lists must all have the same length, '
'got {"require first_name": 2, "require last_name": 1}',
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
"first_name": [
"last_name": [
"require values must be unique",
def test_reference_lookup(self):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Table1", [
[1, "name", "Text", False, "", "name", ""],
[2, "ref", "Ref:Table1", False, "", "ref", ""],
[3, "reflist", "RefList:Table1", False, "", "reflist", ""],
"DATA": {
"Table1": [
["id", "name"],
[1, "a"],
[2, "b"],
self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 2, visibleCol=1)
# Normal case
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {"ref": ["l", "b", {"column": "name"}]}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {"ref": 2}]]})
# Use ref.visibleCol (name) as default lookup column
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": ["l", "a"]}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": 1}]]})
# No match found, generate alttext from value
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": ["l", "foo", {"column": "name"}]}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": "foo"}]]})
# No match found, use provided alttext
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": ["l", "foo", {"column": "name", "raw": "alt"}]}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 2, {"ref": "alt"}]]})
# Normal case, adding instead of updating
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["AddRecord", "Table1", 3,
{"ref": ["l", "b", {"column": "name"}],
"name": "c"}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["AddRecord", "Table1", 3,
{"ref": 2,
"name": "c"}]]})
# Testing reflist and bulk action
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2, 3],
{"reflist": [
["l", "c", {"column": "name"}], # value gets wrapped in list automatically
["l", ["a", "b"], {"column": "name"}], # normal case
# "a" matches but "foo" doesn't so the whole thing fails
["l", ["a", "foo"], {"column": "name", "raw": "alt"}],
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2, 3],
{"reflist": [
["L", 3],
["L", 1, 2],
self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[
["id", "name", "ref", "reflist"],
[1, "a", 2, [3]],
[2, "b", "alt", [1, 2]],
[3, "c", 2, "alt"],
# 'id' is used as the default visibleCol
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2],
{"reflist": [
["l", 2],
["l", 999], # this row ID doesn't exist
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {'stored': [
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Table1", [1, 2],
{"reflist": [
["L", 2],
def test_num_rows(self):
[1, "Address", [
[21, "city", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
"DATA": {
table = self.engine.tables["Address"]
for i in range(20):
self.add_record("Address", None)
self.assertEqual(i + 1, table._num_rows())
self.assertEqual({1: i + 1, "total": i + 1}, self.engine.count_rows())
def test_raw_view_section_restrictions(self):
# load_sample handles loading basic metadata, but doesn't create any view sections
# Create a new table which automatically gets a raw view section
self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None])
# Note the row IDs of the raw view section (2) and fields (4, 5, 6)
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "tableRef"],
[1, 1, 2],
[2, 0, 2], # the raw view section
[3, 0, 2], # the record card view section
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section_field', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId"],
[1, 1],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
# the raw view section
[4, 2],
[5, 2],
[6, 2],
# the record card view section
[7, 3],
[8, 3],
[9, 3],
# Test that the records cannot be removed by normal user actions
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot remove raw view section$"):
self.apply_user_action(["RemoveRecord", '_grist_Views_section', 2])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot remove raw view section field$"):
self.apply_user_action(["RemoveRecord", '_grist_Views_section_field', 4])
# and most of their column values can't be changed
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot modify raw view section$"):
self.apply_user_action(["UpdateRecord", '_grist_Views_section', 2, {"parentId": 1}])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot modify raw view section fields$"):
self.apply_user_action(["UpdateRecord", '_grist_Views_section_field', 5, {"parentId": 1}])
# Confirm that the records are unchanged
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "tableRef"],
[1, 1, 2],
[2, 0, 2], # the raw view section
[3, 0, 2], # the record card view section
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section_field', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId"],
[1, 1],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
# the raw view section
[4, 2],
[5, 2],
[6, 2],
# the record card view section
[7, 3],
[8, 3],
[9, 3],
def test_record_card_view_section_restrictions(self):
self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None])
# Check that record card view sections cannot be removed by normal user actions.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot remove record card view section$"):
self.apply_user_action(["RemoveRecord", '_grist_Views_section', 3])
# Check that most of their column values can't be changed.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot modify record card view section$"):
self.apply_user_action(["UpdateRecord", '_grist_Views_section', 3, {"parentId": 1}])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot modify record card view section fields$"):
self.apply_user_action(["UpdateRecord", '_grist_Views_section_field', 9, {"parentId": 1}])
# Make sure nothing got removed or updated.
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "tableRef"],
[1, 1, 2],
[2, 0, 2],
[3, 0, 2],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section_field', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId"],
[1, 1],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
[4, 2],
[5, 2],
[6, 2],
[7, 3],
[8, 3],
[9, 3],
def test_update_current_time(self):
self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None])
self.add_column('Table1', 'now', isFormula=True, formula='NOW()', type='Any')
# No records with NOW() in a formula yet, so this action should have no effect at all.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["UpdateCurrentTime"])
self.assertOutActions(out_actions, {})
class FakeDatetime(object):
counter = 0
def now(cls, *_):
cls.counter += 1
return cls.counter
import datetime
original = datetime.datetime
# This monkeypatch depends on NOW() using `import datetime`
# as opposed to `from datetime import datetime`
datetime.datetime = FakeDatetime
def check(expected_now):
self.assertEqual(expected_now, FakeDatetime.counter)
self.assertTableData('Table1', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "now"],
[1, expected_now],
# The counter starts at 0. Adding an initial record calls for the 1st time.
# The call increments the counter to 1 before returning.
# Testing that unrelated actions don't change the time
self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None])
self.apply_user_action(["Calculate"]) # only recalculates for fresh docs
# Actually testing that the time is updated as requested
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["UpdateCurrentTime"])
self.assertOutActions(out_actions, {
"direct": [False],
"stored": [["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {"now": 3}]],
"undo": [["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {"now": 2}]],
# Revert the monkeypatch
datetime.datetime = original
def test_duplicate_table(self):
# Create a new table, Table1, and populate it with some data.
self.apply_user_action(['AddEmptyTable', None])
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'formula': '$B * 100 + len(Table1.all)',
self.add_column('Table1', 'E',
type='DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula="NOW()", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES)
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'type': 'Ref:Address',
'visibleCol': 21,
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'type': 'Ref:Table1',
'visibleCol': 23,
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'type': 'RefList:Table1',
'visibleCol': 23,
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Table1', [1, 2, 3, 4], {
'A': ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', ''],
'B': [123, 456, 789, 0],
'C': ['', '', '', ''],
'F': [11, 12, 0, 0],
'G': [1, 2, 0, 0],
'H': [['L', 1, 2], ['L', 1], None, None],
# Add a row conditional style.
self.apply_user_action(['AddEmptyRule', 'Table1', 0, 0])
rules = self.engine.docmodel.tables.lookupOne(tableId='Table1').rawViewSectionRef.rules
rule = list(rules)[0]
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column',, {
'formula': ' % 2 == 0',
# Add a column conditional style.
self.apply_user_action(['AddEmptyRule', 'Table1', 0, 23])
rules = self.engine.docmodel.columns.table.get_record(23).rules
rule = list(rules)[0]
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column',, {
'formula': '$A == "Foo"',
# Add a column and widget description.
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 23, {
'description': 'A column description.',
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 2, {
'description': 'A widget description.',
# Duplicate Table1 as Foo without including any of its data.
self.apply_user_action(['DuplicateTable', 'Table1', 'Foo', False])
# Check that the correct table and options were duplicated.
existing_table = Table(2, 'Table1', primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(22, 'manualSort', 'ManualSortPos', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(23, 'A', 'Text', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(24, 'B', 'Numeric', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(25, 'C', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(26, 'D', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$B * 100 + len(Table1.all)',
Column(27, 'E', 'DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula='NOW()',
Column(28, 'F', 'Ref:Address', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(29, 'G', 'Ref:Table1', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(30, 'H', 'RefList:Table1', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(31, 'gristHelper_RowConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True,
formula=' % 2 == 0', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(32, 'gristHelper_ConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$A == \"Foo\"',
duplicated_table = Table(3, 'Foo', primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[
Column(33, 'manualSort', 'ManualSortPos', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(34, 'A', 'Text', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(35, 'B', 'Numeric', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(36, 'C', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(37, 'D', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$B * 100 + len(Foo.all)',
Column(38, 'E', 'DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula='NOW()',
Column(39, 'F', 'Ref:Address', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(40, 'G', 'Ref:Foo', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(41, 'H', 'RefList:Foo', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(42, 'gristHelper_ConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$A == \"Foo\"',
Column(43, 'gristHelper_RowConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True,
formula=' % 2 == 0', summarySourceCol=0),
self.assertTables([self.starting_table, existing_table, duplicated_table])
self.assertTableData('Foo', data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "gristHelper_ConditionalRule",
"gristHelper_RowConditionalRule", "manualSort"],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows='subset', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'description'],
[23, 'A column description.'],
[34, 'A column description.'],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', rows='subset', cols='subset', data=[
['id', 'description'],
[2, 'A widget description.'],
[4, 'A widget description.'],
# Duplicate Table1 as FooData and include all of its data.
self.apply_user_action(['DuplicateTable', 'Table1', 'FooData', True])
# Check that the correct table, options, and data were duplicated.
duplicated_table_with_data = Table(4, 'FooData', primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0,
Column(44, 'manualSort', 'ManualSortPos', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(45, 'A', 'Text', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(46, 'B', 'Numeric', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(47, 'C', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(48, 'D', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$B * 100 + len(FooData.all)',
Column(49, 'E', 'DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula='NOW()',
Column(50, 'F', 'Ref:Address', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(51, 'G', 'Ref:FooData', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(52, 'H', 'RefList:FooData', isFormula=False, formula='', summarySourceCol=0),
Column(53, 'gristHelper_ConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True, formula='$A == \"Foo\"',
Column(54, 'gristHelper_RowConditionalRule', 'Any', isFormula=True,
formula=' % 2 == 0', summarySourceCol=0),
self.starting_table, existing_table, duplicated_table, duplicated_table_with_data])
self.assertTableData('Foo', data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "gristHelper_ConditionalRule",
"gristHelper_RowConditionalRule", "manualSort"],
], rows="subset")
self.assertTableData('FooData', data=[
["id", "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H", "gristHelper_ConditionalRule",
"gristHelper_RowConditionalRule", "manualSort"],
[1, 'Foo', 123, None, 12304.0, 11, 1, [1, 2], True, False, 1.0],
[2, 'Bar', 456, None, 45604.0, 12, 2, [1], False, True, 2.0],
[3, 'Baz', 789, None, 78904.0, 0, 0, None, False, False, 3.0],
[4, '', 0, None, 4.0, 0, 0, None, False, True, 4.0],
], cols="subset")
# Check that values for the duplicated trigger formula were not re-calculated.
existing_times = self.engine.fetch_table('Table1').columns['E']
duplicated_times = self.engine.fetch_table('FooData').columns['E']
self.assertEqual(existing_times, duplicated_times)
def test_duplicate_table_untie_col_id_bug(self):
# This test case verifies a bug fix: when a column doesn't match its label despite
# untieColIdFromLabel being False (which is possible), ensure that duplicating still works.
# This is the problem situation: "State2" doesn't match "State". It can happen legitimately in
# the wild if a second column labeled "State" is added, and then the first one removed.
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Table1', [
{'id': 'State2', 'type': 'Text', 'label': 'State'}
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Table1', [1], {
'State2': ['NY'],
self.apply_user_action(['DuplicateTable', 'Table1', 'Foo', True])
self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[["id", "State2", 'manualSort'], [1, 'NY', 1.0]])
self.assertTableData('Foo', data=[["id", "State2", 'manualSort'], [1, 'NY', 1.0]])
def test_duplicate_table_record_card(self):
self.apply_user_action(['AddEmptyTable', None])
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'type': 'Ref:Table1',
'visibleCol': 23,
self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Table1', None, {
'type': 'RefList:Table1',
'visibleCol': 24,
self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', [11, 13], {
'visibleCol': [23, 24],
self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 3, {
'layoutSpec': '{"children":[{"children":[{"leaf":7},{"leaf":8}]},{"leaf":9},{"leaf":11}]}',
'options': '{"verticalGridlines":true,"horizontalGridlines":true,"zebraStripes":false,' +
'theme': 'compact',
self.apply_user_action(['DuplicateTable', 'Table1', 'Foo', False])
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "tableRef", "layoutSpec", "options", "theme"],
# The original record card section.
[3, 0, 2, '{"children":[{"children":[{"leaf":7},{"leaf":8}]},{"leaf":9},{"leaf":11}]}',
'{"verticalGridlines":true,"horizontalGridlines":true,"zebraStripes":false,' +
'"customView":"","numFrozen":0,"disabled":true}', 'compact'],
# The duplicated record card section.
[5, 0, 3,
'{"children": [{"children": [{"leaf": 19}, {"leaf": 20}]}, {"leaf": 21}, ' +
'{"leaf": 22}]}',
'{"verticalGridlines":true,"horizontalGridlines":true,"zebraStripes":false,' +
'"customView":"","numFrozen":0,"disabled":true}', 'compact'],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Views_section_field', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "parentPos", "visibleCol"],
# The original record card fields.
[7, 3, 7.0, 0],
[8, 3, 8.0, 0],
[9, 3, 9.0, 0],
[11, 3, 11.0, 23],
[13, 3, 13.0, 24],
[19, 5, 6.5, 0],
[20, 5, 7.5, 0],
[21, 5, 8.5, 0],
[22, 5, 10.5, 29],
[23, 5, 12.5, 30],