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* Scrolly is a class that allows scrolling a very long list of rows by rendering only those
* that are visible. Note that the elements rendered by scrolly should have box-sizing set to
* border-box.
var _ = require('underscore');
var ko = require('knockout');
var assert = require('assert');
var gutil = require('app/common/gutil');
var BinaryIndexedTree = require('app/common/BinaryIndexedTree');
var {Delay} = require('./Delay');
var dispose = require('./dispose');
var kd = require('./koDom');
var dom = require('./dom');
* Use the browser globals in a way that allows replacing them with mocks in tests.
var G = require('./browserGlobals').get('window', '$');
* Scrolly may contain multiple panes scrolling in parallel (e.g. for row numbers). The UI for
* each pane consists of two nested pieces: a scrollDiv and a blockDiv. The scrollDiv is very tall
* and mostly empty; the blockDiv contains the actual rendered rows, and is absolutely positioned
* inside its scrollDiv.
function ScrollyPane(scrolly, paneIndex, container, options, itemCreateFunc) {
this.scrolly = scrolly;
this.paneIndex = paneIndex;
this.container = container;
this.itemCreateFunc = itemCreateFunc;
this.preparedRows = [];
_.extend(this.scrolly.options, options);
this.scrollDiv = dom(
kd.style('height', this.scrolly.totalHeightPx),
this.blockDiv = dom(
kd.style('position', 'absolute'),
kd.style('top', this.scrolly.blockTopPx),
kd.style('width', options.fitToWidth ? '100%' : ''),
kd.style('padding-right', options.paddingRight + 'px')
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(container, () => {
// Delete all members, to break cycles.
for (var k in this) {
delete this[k];
G.$(this.container).on('scroll', () => this.scrolly.onScroll(this) );
* Prepares the DOM for rows in scrolly's [begin, end) range, reusing currently active rows as
* much as possible. New rows are saved in this.preparedRows, and also added to the end of
* blockDiv so that they may be measured.
ScrollyPane.prototype.prepareNewRows = function() {
var i, item, row,
begin = this.scrolly.begin,
count = this.scrolly.end - begin,
array = this.scrolly.data.peek(),
prevItemModels = this.scrolly.activeItemModels,
prevRows = this.preparedRows;
if (prevRows.length > 0) {
// Skip this check if there are no rows, maybe we just added this pane.
assert.equal(prevRows.length, prevItemModels.length,
"Rows and models not in sync: " + prevRows.length + "!=" + prevItemModels.length);
this.preparedRows = [];
// Reuse any reusable old rows. They must be tied to an active model.
for (i = 0; i < prevRows.length; i++) {
row = prevRows[i];
item = prevItemModels[i];
if (item._index() === null) {
} else {
var relIndex = item._index() - begin;
assert(relIndex >= 0 && relIndex < count, "prepareNewRows saw out-of-range model");
this.preparedRows[relIndex] = row;
// Create any missing rows.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!this.preparedRows[i]) {
item = array[begin + i];
assert(item, "ScrollyPane item missing at index " + (begin + i));
item._rowHeightPx(""); // Mark this row as in need of measuring.
row = this.itemCreateFunc(item);
kd.style('height', item._rowHeightPx)(row);
ko.utils.domData.set(row, "itemModel", item);
this.preparedRows[i] = row;
// The row may not end up at the end of blockDiv, but we need to add it to the document in
// order to measure it. We'll move it to the right place in arrangePreparedRows().
* Returns the measured height of the given prepared row.
ScrollyPane.prototype.measurePreparedRow = function(rowIndex) {
var row = this.preparedRows[rowIndex];
var rect = row.getBoundingClientRect();
return rect.bottom - rect.top;
* Update the DOM with the prepared rows in the correct order.
ScrollyPane.prototype.arrangePreparedRows = function() {
// Note that everything that was in blockDiv previously is now either gone or is in
// preparedRows. So placing all preparedRows into blockDiv automatically removes them from their
// old positions.
// For a slight speedup in rendering, we try to avoid removing and reinserting rows
// unnecessarily, as that slows down subsequent rendering. We could try harder, by finding the
// longest common subsequence, but that's quite a bit harder.
for (var i = 0; i < this.preparedRows.length; i++) {
var row = this.preparedRows[i];
var current = this.blockDiv.childNodes[i];
if (row !== current) {
this.blockDiv.insertBefore(row, current);
* The Scrolly class is used internally to manage the state of the scrolly. It keeps track of the
* data items being rendered, of the heights of all rows (including cumulative heights, in a
* BinaryIndexedTree), and various other counts and positions.
* The actual DOM elements are managed by ScrollyPane class. There may be more than one instance,
* if there are multiple panes scrolling together (e.g. for row numbers).
function Scrolly(dataModel) {
// In the constructor we only initialize the parts shared by all ScrollyPanes.
this.data = dataModel;
this.numRows = 0;
this.options = {
paddingBottom: 0
this.panes = [];
// The items currently rendered. Same as this.data._itemModels, but we manage it manually
// to maintain the invariant that rendered DOM elements match this.activeItemModels.
this.activeItemModels = [];
// Data structure to store row heights and cumulative offsets of all rows.
this.rowHeights = [];
this.rowOffsetTree = new BinaryIndexedTree();
// TODO: Reconsider row height for rendering layouts / other tall elements in a scrolly.
this.minRowHeight = 23; // In pixels. Rows will be forced to be at least this tall.
this.numBuffered = 1; // How many rows to render outside the visible area.
this.numRendered = 1; // Total rows to render.
this.begin = 0; // Index of the first rendered row
this.end = 0; // Index of the row after the last rendered one
this.scrollTop = 0; // The scrollTop position of all panes.
this.shownHeight = 0; // The clientHeight of all panes.
this.blockBottom = 0; // Bottom of the rendered block, i.e. rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(this.end)
// Top in px of the rendered block; rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(this.begin)
this.blockTop = ko.observable(0);
this.blockTopPx = ko.computed(function() { return this.blockTop() + 'px'; }, this);
// The height of the scrolly_outer div
this.totalHeight = ko.observable(0);
this.totalHeightPx = ko.computed(function() { return this.totalHeight() + 'px'; }, this);
// Subscribe to data changes, and initialize with the current data.
this.subscription = this.autoDispose(
this.data.subscribe(this.onDataSplice, this, 'spliceChange'));
// The delayedUpdateSize helper is used by scheduleUpdateSize.
this.delayedUpdateSize = this.autoDispose(Delay.create());
// Initialize with the current data.
var array = this.data.all();
this.onDataSplice({ array: array, start: 0, added: array.length, deleted: [] });
//T198: Scrolly should have its own handler to remove, so that when removing handlers it does not
//remove other's handler.
let onResize = () => {
G.$(G.window).on('resize.scrolly', onResize);
this.autoDisposeCallback(() => G.$(G.window).off('resize.scrolly', onResize));
exports.Scrolly = Scrolly;
Scrolly.prototype.debug = function() {
console.log("Scrolly: numRows " + this.numRows + "; panes " + this.panes.length +
"; numRendered " + this.numRendered + " [" + this.begin + ", " + this.end + ")" +
"; block at " + this.blockTop() + " of " + this.totalHeight() +
"; scrolled to " + this.scrollTop + "; shownHeight " + this.shownHeight);
console.assert(this.numRows, this.data.peekLength,
"Wrong numRows; data is " + this.data.peekLength);
console.assert(this.numRows, this.rowHeights.length,
"Wrong rowHeights size " + this.rowHeights.length);
console.assert(this.numRows, this.rowOffsetTree.size(),
"Wrong rowOffsetTree size " + this.rowOffsetTree.size());
var count = Math.min(this.numRendered, this.numRows);
console.assert(this.end - this.begin, count,
"Wrong range size " + (this.end - this.begin));
console.assert(this.activeItemModels.length, count,
"Wrong activeItemModels.size " + this.activeItemModels.length);
var expectedHeight = this.blockBottom - this.blockTop();
if (count > 0) {
for (var p = 0; p < this.panes.length; p++) {
var topRow = this.panes[p].preparedRows[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var bottomRow = _.last(this.panes[p].preparedRows).getBoundingClientRect();
var blockHeight = bottomRow.bottom - topRow.top;
if (blockHeight !== expectedHeight) {
console.warn("Scrolly render pane #%d %dpx bigger from expected (%dpx per row). Ensure items have no margins",
p, blockHeight - expectedHeight, (blockHeight - expectedHeight) / count);
* Helper that returns the Scrolly object currently associate with the given LazyArrayModel. It
* feels a bit wrong that the model knows about its user, but a LazyArrayModel generally only
* supports a single user (e.g. a single Scrolly), so it makes sense.
function getInstance(dataModel) {
if (!dataModel._scrollyObj) {
dataModel._scrollyObj = Scrolly.create(dataModel);
dataModel._scrollyObj.autoDisposeCallback(() => delete dataModel._scrollyObj);
return dataModel._scrollyObj;
exports.getInstance = getInstance;
* Adds a new pane that scrolls as part of this Scrolly object. This call itself does no
* rendering of the pane.
Scrolly.prototype.addPane = function(containerElem, options, itemCreateFunc) {
var pane = new ScrollyPane(this, this.panes.length, containerElem, options, itemCreateFunc);
* Tells Scrolly to call updateSize after things have had a chance to render.
Scrolly.prototype.scheduleUpdateSize = function() {
if (!this.isDisposed() && !this.delayedUpdateSize.isPending()) {
this.delayedUpdateSize.schedule(0, this.updateSize, this);
* Measures the size of the panes and adjusts Scrolly parameters for how many rows to render.
* This should be called as soon as all Scrolly panes have been attached to the Document, and any
* time their outer size changes.
Scrolly.prototype.updateSize = function() {
this.shownHeight = Math.max(0, Math.max.apply(null, this.panes.map(function(pane) {
return pane.container.clientHeight;
// Update counts of rows that are shown.
var numVisible = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(this.shownHeight / this.minRowHeight));
this.numBuffered = 5;
this.numRendered = numVisible + 2 * this.numBuffered;
// Re-render everything.
this.begin = gutil.clamp(this.begin, 0, this.numRows - this.numRendered);
this.end = gutil.clamp(this.begin + this.numRendered, 0, this.numRows);
* Called whenever any pane got scrolled. It syncs up all panes to the same scrollTop.
Scrolly.prototype.onScroll = function(pane) {
* Actively scroll all panes to the given scrollTop position, adjusting what is rendered as
* necessary.
Scrolly.prototype.scrollTo = function(top) {
if (top === this.scrollTop) {
this.scrollTop = top;
if (this.blockTop() <= top && this.blockBottom >= top + this.shownHeight) {
// Nothing needs to be re-rendered.
//console.log("scrollTo(%s): all elements already shown", top);
// If we are scrolled to the bottom, restore our bottom position at the end. This happens
// in particular when reloading a page scrolled to the bottom. This is in no way general; it's
// just particularly easy to come across.
var atEnd = (top + this.shownHeight >= this.panes[0].container.scrollHeight);
var rowAtScrollTop = this.rowOffsetTree.getIndex(top);
this.begin = gutil.clamp(rowAtScrollTop - this.numBuffered, 0, this.numRows - this.numRendered);
this.end = gutil.clamp(this.begin + this.numRendered, 0, this.numRows);
// Do the magic.
// If we were scrolled to the bottom, stay that way.
if (atEnd) {
this.scrollTop = this.panes[0].container.scrollHeight - this.shownHeight;
// Sometimes render() affects scrollTop of some panes; restore it to what we want by always
// calling syncScrollPosition() once more after render.
* Called when the underlying data array changes.
Scrolly.prototype.onDataSplice = function(splice) {
// We may need to adjust which rows are shown, but render does all the work of figuring out what
// changed and needs re-rendering.
this.numRows = this.data.peekLength;
// Update rowHeights: reproduce the splice, inserting minRowHeights for the new rows.
this.rowHeights.splice(splice.start, splice.deleted.length);
gutil.arraySplice(this.rowHeights, splice.start,
gutil.arrayRepeat(splice.added, this.minRowHeight));
// And rebuild the rowOffsetTree.
this.totalHeight(this.rowOffsetTree.getTotal() + this.options.paddingBottom);
// We may be seeing the last row with space below it, so we'll use the same logic as in
// scrollTo, to make sure the rendered range includes all rows we should be seeing.
var rowAtScrollTop = this.rowOffsetTree.getIndex(this.scrollTop);
this.begin = gutil.clamp(rowAtScrollTop - this.numBuffered, 0, this.numRows - this.numRendered);
this.end = gutil.clamp(this.begin + this.numRendered, 0, this.numRows);
* Set all panes to the common scroll position.
Scrolly.prototype.syncScrollPosition = function() {
// Note that setting scrollTop triggers more scroll events, but those get ignored in onScroll
// because top === this.scrollTop.
var top = this.scrollTop;
for (var p = 0; p < this.panes.length; p++) {
// Reading .scrollTop may cause a synchronous reflow, so may be worse than setting it.
this.panes[p].container.scrollTop = top;
* Creates a new item model. There is one for each rendered row. This uses the lazyArray to create
* the model, but adds a _rowHeightPx observable, used for controlling the row height.
Scrolly.prototype.createItemModel = function() {
var item = this.data.makeItemModel();
item._rowHeightPx = ko.observable("");
return item;
* Render rows in [begin, end) range, reusing any currently rendered rows as much as possible.
Scrolly.prototype.render = function() {
//var startTime = Date.now();
// console.log("Scrolly render (top " + this.scrollTop + "): [" + this.begin + ", " +
// this.end + ") = " + (this.end - this.begin) + " rows");
// Invariant: all panes contain DOM elements parallel to this.activeItemModels.
// At the end, this.activeItemModels and DOM in panes represent the range [begin, end).
var i, p, item, index, delta,
count = this.end - this.begin,
array = this.data.peek(),
freeList = [];
assert(this.end <= array.length, "Scrolly render() exceeds data length of " + array.length);
// If scrolling up, we may adjust heights of rows, pushing down the row at scrollTop.
// If that happens, we will adjust scrollTop correspondingly.
var rowAtScrollTop = this.rowOffsetTree.getIndex(this.scrollTop);
var sumToScrollTop = this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(rowAtScrollTop);
// Place out-of-range itemModels into a free list.
for (i = 0; i < this.activeItemModels.length; i++) {
item = this.activeItemModels[i];
index = item._index();
if (index === null || index < this.begin || index >= this.end) {
// Go through the models we need, and fill any missing ones.
for (i = 0, index = this.begin; i < count; i++, index++) {
if (!array[index]) {
// Use the freeList if possible, or create a new model otherwise.
item = freeList.shift() || this.createItemModel();
this.data.setItemModel(item, index);
// Unset the explicit height so that we can measure what it would naturally be.
// Unset anything else in the free list.
for (i = 0; i < freeList.length; i++) {
// Prepare DOM in all panes. This ensures that there is a DOM element for each active item.
// If prepareNewRows creates new DOM, it will unset _rowHeightPx, to mark it for measuring.
for (p = 0; p < this.panes.length; p++) {
// Measure the rows, and use the max across panes to update the stored heights.
// Note: this involves a reflow.
for (i = 0, index = this.begin; i < count; i++, index++) {
item = array[index];
if (item._rowHeightPx.peek() === "") {
var height = this.minRowHeight;
for (p = 0; p < this.panes.length; p++) {
height = Math.max(height, this.panes[p].measurePreparedRow(i));
height = Math.round(height);
delta = height - this.rowHeights[index];
if (delta !== 0) {
this.rowHeights[index] = height;
this.rowOffsetTree.addValue(index, delta);
// Set back the explicit heights of the rows. This is separate from the loop above to make sure
// we don't trigger additional reflows while measuring rows.
for (i = 0, index = this.begin; i < count; i++, index++) {
item = array[index];
item._rowHeightPx(this.rowHeights[index] + 'px');
// Render the new rows in the new order in each pane.
for (p = 0; p < this.panes.length; p++) {
// Save the current activeItemModels.
this.activeItemModels = array.slice(this.begin, this.end);
// console.log("activeItemModels now " + this.activeItemModels.length);
// console.log("rows in panes now are " + this.panes.map(
// function(p) { return p.blockDiv.childNodes.length; }).join(", "));
// Update heights and positions of the scrolling pane parts.
this.totalHeight(this.rowOffsetTree.getTotal() + this.options.paddingBottom);
this.blockBottom = this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(this.end);
// Adjust scrollTop if previously-shown top moved because of newly-rendered rows above.
delta = this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(rowAtScrollTop) - sumToScrollTop;
if (delta !== 0) {
//console.log("Adjusting scroll position by " + delta);
this.scrollTop += delta;
// this.debug();
// Report after timeout, to include the browser rendering time.
//var midTime = Date.now();
//setTimeout(function() {
// var endTime = Date.now();
// console.log("Scrolly render took " + (midTime - startTime) + " + " +
// (endTime - midTime) + " = " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");
//}, 0);
* Re-measure the given array of rows. Re-measures all rows if no array is given.
Scrolly.prototype.resetHeights = function(optRowIndexList) {
var array = this.data.peek();
if (optRowIndexList) {
for (var i = 0; i < optRowIndexList.length; i++) {
var index = optRowIndexList[i];
var item = array[index];
if (item) {
} else {
this.activeItemModels.forEach(function(item) {
* Re-measure the given array of items.
* @param {Array[ItemModel]} items: The affected models (as returned by this.createItemModel).
Scrolly.prototype.resetItemHeights = function(items) {
if (!this.isDisposed()) {
items.forEach(item => item._rowHeightPx(""));
* Scrolls to the position in pixels returned by calcPosition() function. The argument is a
* function because after the initial re-render, some rows may get re-measured and require
* an adjustment to the pixel position. So calcPosition() actually gets called twice.
Scrolly.prototype.scrollToPosition = function(calcPosition) {
var scrollTop = calcPosition();
// Repeat in case rows got re-measured during rendering and ended up being below the fold.
// We only may need to scroll a bit further, we should never have to re-render.
scrollTop = calcPosition();
if (scrollTop !== this.scrollTop) {
this.scrollTop = scrollTop;
* Scrolls the given row into view.
Scrolly.prototype.scrollRowIntoView = function(rowIndex) {
this.scrollToPosition(() => {
var top = this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(rowIndex);
var bottom = top + this.rowHeights[rowIndex];
// 43 = 23px to adjust for header, + 20px space
return gutil.clamp(this.scrollTop, bottom - this.shownHeight + 43, top - 10);
* Takes a scroll position object, as stored in the section model, and scrolls to the saved
* position.
* @param {Integer} scrollPos.rowIndex: The index of the row to be scrolled to.
* @param {Integer} scrollPos.offset: The pixel distance of the scroll from the top of the row.
Scrolly.prototype.scrollToSavedPos = function(scrollPos) {
this.scrollToPosition(() => this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(scrollPos.rowIndex) + scrollPos.offset);
* Returns an object with the index of the first visible row in the view pane, and the
* scroll offset from the top of that row.
* Useful for recording the current state of the scrolly for later re-initialization.
* NOTE: There is a compelling case to scroll to the cursor after scrolling to the previous
* scroll position in either the case where rows are added/rearranged/removed, or simply in
* all cases. While this would likely prevent confusion in case changes push the cursor out
* of view, the case that the user scrolled away from the cursor intentionally should also be
* considered.
Scrolly.prototype.getScrollPos = function() {
var rowIndex = this.rowOffsetTree.getIndex(this.scrollTop);
return {
rowIndex: rowIndex,
offset: this.scrollTop - this.rowOffsetTree.getSumTo(rowIndex)
* Destroys a scrolly pane.
Scrolly.prototype.destroyPane = function(pane) {
// When the last pane is removed, destroy the scrolly.
gutil.arrayRemove(this.panes, pane);
if (this.panes.length === 0) {
* Creates a virtual scrolling interface attached to a LazyArray. Multiple scrolly() calls used
* with the same `data` array will create parallel scrolling panes (e.g. row numbers and data
* scrolling together).
* The DOM for items is created using `itemCreateFunc`. As the user scrolls
* around, the item models are assigned to different items, and the DOM is moved around the page,
* to minimize rendering. This is intended to be used with koModel.mappedLazyArray.
* @param {LazyModelArray} data A LazyModelArray instance.
* @param {Object} options - Supported options include:
* paddingBottom {number} - Number of pixels to add to bottom of scrolly
* paddingRight {number} - Number of pixels to add to right of scrolly
* fitToWidth {bool} - Whether the scrolly holds a list of layouts
* @param {Function} itemCreateFunc A function called as `itemCreateFunc(item)` for a number of
* item models (which can get assigned to different items in `data`). Must return a single
* Node (not a DocumentFragment or null).
function scrolly(data, options, itemCreateFunc) {
assert.equal(typeof itemCreateFunc, 'function');
options = options || {};
return function(elem) {
var scrollyObj = getInstance(data);
scrollyObj.addPane(elem, options, itemCreateFunc);
ko.utils.domData.set(elem, "scrolly", scrollyObj);
exports.scrolly = scrolly;