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/* global window */
import { assert, driver } from 'mocha-webdriver';
import { $, gu, test } from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtil-nbrowser';
// Helper that returns the cell text prefixed by "+" if the cell is selected, "-" if not.
async function selText(cell) {
const isSelected = await cell.hasClass('selected');
const text = await cell.getAttribute('textContent');
return (isSelected ? "+" : "-") + text;
describe('CopyPaste2.ntest', function() {
const cleanup = test.setupTestSuite(this);
const clipboard = gu.getLockableClipboard();
before(async function() {
await gu.supportOldTimeyTestCode();
await gu.useFixtureDoc(cleanup, "CopyPaste2.grist", true);
afterEach(function() {
return gu.checkForErrors();
it('should highlight correct cells after paste', async function() {
// After paste, the right cells should be highlighted (there was a bug with it when cursor was
// not in the top-left corner of the destination selection).
// Select a 3x2 rectangle, and check that the data and selection is as we expect.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN, $.DOWN]);
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'+A3', '+B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'+A4', '+B4', '-C4', // rowNum 4
'+A5', '+B5', '-C5', // rowNum 5
'-A6', '-B6', '-C6', // rowNum 6
'-A7', '-B7', '-C7', // rowNum 7
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
// For destination, select rows 5-6, but with cursor in the bottom-right corner of them.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 6, col: 1});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.LEFT], [$.SHIFT, $.UP]);
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
// The result should have 3 rows selected starting from row 5, col 0.
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 6, col: 1});
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A3', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 4
'+A3', '+B3', '-C5', // rowNum 5
'+A4', '+B4', '-C6', // rowNum 6
'+A5', '+B5', '-C7', // rowNum 7
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
it('should allow paste into sorted grids', async function() {
// Sort by column A.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
await gu.openColumnMenu('A');
await $('.grist-floating-menu .test-sort-asc').click();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
// Check the initial state. Refer to this when trying to understand the results of each step.
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A3', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 4
'-A5', '-B5', '-C5', // rowNum 5
'-A6', '-B6', '-C6', // rowNum 6
'-A7', '-B7', '-C7', // rowNum 7
// First test pasting columns B,C: order of rows is not affected.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 1});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN, $.DOWN]);
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 5, col: 1});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Check values, and also that the selection is in the paste destination.
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 5, col: 1});
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A3', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 4
'-A5', '+B3', '+C3', // rowNum 5
'-A6', '+B4', '+C4', // rowNum 6
'-A7', '+B5', '+C5', // rowNum 7
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
// Now test pasting columns A,B. First a single row: it jumps but cursor should stay in it.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 7, col: 0});
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 0});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Check values, and also that the selection is in the paste destination.
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 6, col: 0});
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 3
'-A5', '-B5', '-C5', // rowNum 4
'-A6', '-B6', '-C6', // rowNum 5
'-A7', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 6
'-A7', '-B7', '-C7', // rowNum 7
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
// Now multiple rows / columns, including adding records.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN, $.DOWN]);
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 6, col: 0});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Cursor should be in the row which used to be row 6 (has C5 in it); selection is lost
// because rows are no longer contiguous (and better behavior is not yet implemented).
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 4, col: 0});
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A3', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'-A3', '-B3', '-C6', // rowNum 4
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 5
'-A4', '-B4', '-C7', // rowNum 6
'-A5', '-B5', '-C5', // rowNum 7
'-A5', '-B5', '-', // rowNum 8
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
// Now B/C column into A/B column, with a row shift. This happens to keep destination rows
// together, so we check that the selection is maintained.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 1});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN]);
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 5, col: 0});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 6, col: 0});
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A3', '-B3', '-C3', // rowNum 3
'-A4', '-B4', '-C4', // rowNum 4
'-A7', '-B7', '-C7', // rowNum 5
'+B3', '+C3', '-C5', // rowNum 6
'+B4', '+C4', '-C6', // rowNum 7
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
// Undo the sorting.
it.skip('should copy formatted values to clipboard', async function() {
// Formatted values should be copied to the clipboard as the user sees them (particularly for
// Dates and Reference columns).
// FIXME: this test currently fails in headless environments, seemingly due to changes to
// clipboard behavior in recent versions of chromedriver.
// Select a 3x2 rectangle, and check that the data and selection is as we expect.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 2});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT, $.RIGHT, $.RIGHT, $.RIGHT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN, $.DOWN]);
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], cols: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], mapper: selText}), [
'-C1', '-17.504', '-02/29/16', '-2016-02-29 9:30am', '-April 13, 1743', '-Jefferson',
'-C2', '--3.222', '-03/31/16', '-2016-03-31 9:30am', '-March 16, 1751', '-Madison',
'+C3', '+-4.018', '+04/30/16', '+2016-04-30 9:30am', '+October 30, 1735', '+Adams',
'+C4', '+1829.324', '+05/31/16', '+2016-05-31 9:30am', '+February 22, 1732', '+Washington',
'+C5', '+9402.556', '+06/30/16', '+2016-06-30 9:30am', '+', '+',
'-C6', '-12.000', '-07/31/16', '-2016-07-31 9:30am', '-February 22, 1732', '-Washington',
'-C7', '-0.001', '-08/31/16', '-2016-08-31 9:30am', '-April 13, 1743', '-Jefferson',
// Paste data as the text into the open editor of top-left cell, and save.
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, $.SELECT_ALL);
await cb.paste();
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER);
await gu.waitForServer();
// Note how all values are formatted in the same way as above.
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0}).getAttribute('textContent'),
'C3\t-4.018\t04/30/16\t2016-04-30 9:30am\tOctober 30, 1735\tAdams\n' +
'C4\t1829.324\t05/31/16\t2016-05-31 9:30am\tFebruary 22, 1732\tWashington\n' +
'C5\t9402.556\t06/30/16\t2016-06-30 9:30am\t\t');
await gu.undo(); // Go back to initial state.
it.skip('should copy properly in the presence of special characters', async function() {
// If we copy multiple cells (generating text/html to clipboard) and the cells contain special
// html characters (such as angle brackets), those should be escaped.
// FIXME: this test currently fails in headless environments, seemingly due to changes to
// clipboard behavior in recent versions of chromedriver.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 1});
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, $.SELECT_ALL, "<tag> for", [$.SHIFT, $.ENTER], "you & me;", $.ENTER);
await gu.waitForServer();
// Add a listener that will save the prepared clipboard data, so that we can examine it.
await driver.executeScript(function() {
window.gristCopyHandler = ev => {
window.copiedClipboardData = {};
for (let t of ev.clipboardData.types) {
window.copiedClipboardData[t] = ev.clipboardData.getData(t);
window.addEventListener('copy', window.gristCopyHandler);
try {
// Now copy a multi-cell selection including this cell.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT], [$.SHIFT, $.DOWN]);
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'+A1', '+<tag> for\nyou & me;', '-C1',
'+A2', '+B2', '-C2',
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
// Firefox and Chrome actually produce slightly different html, so we just check the part that
// matters: that angle brackets and ampersand got escaped.
assert.include(await driver.executeScript(() => window.copiedClipboardData['text/html']),
'<td>A1</td><td>&lt;tag&gt; for\nyou &amp; me;</td>');
// Check the contents of text that got copied to the clipboard
assert.equal(await driver.executeScript(() => window.copiedClipboardData['text/plain']),
'A1\t"<tag> for\nyou & me;"\n' +
// We can check that we also accept such text correctly by pasting as text inside a cell, and
// then copy-pasting from there.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, $.SELECT_ALL);
await cb.paste();
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER);
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 3, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, $.SELECT_ALL);
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.sendKeys($.ESCAPE);
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 4, col: 0});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-A1', '-<tag> for\nyou & me;', '-C1',
'-A2', '-B2', '-C2',
'-A1\t"<tag> for\nyou & me;"\nA2\tB2', '-B3', '-C3',
'+A1', '+<tag> for\nyou & me;', '-C4',
'+A2', '+B2', '-C5',
await gu.undo(3); // Go back to initial state.
} finally {
await driver.executeScript(function() {
window.removeEventListener('copy', window.gristCopyHandler);
it('should paste correctly when values contain commas', async function() {
// When pasting, split only on tabs, not on commas. (We used to split on both, or guess what
// to split on, which resulted in unexpected and unpleasant surprises when a legitimate value
// contained a comma.)
// Create a value with commas.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, $.SELECT_ALL, "this,is,a,test", $.ENTER);
await gu.waitForServer();
// Copy a single value, and paste to another cell.
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0});
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 2, col: 0});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-this,is,a,test', '-B1', '-C1',
'-this,is,a,test', '-B2', '-C2',
// Now copy multiple values, and paste to other cells.
await gu.sendKeys([$.SHIFT, $.UP], [$.SHIFT, $.RIGHT]);
await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => {
await cb.copy();
await gu.clickCell({rowNum: 1, col: 1});
await cb.paste();
await gu.waitForServer();
assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [0, 1, 2], mapper: selText}), [
'-this,is,a,test', '+this,is,a,test', '+B1',
'-this,is,a,test', '+this,is,a,test', '+B2',
await gu.undo(3); // Go back to initial state.