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* Implements an autocomplete dropdown.
import {createPopper, Modifier, Instance as Popper, Options as PopperOptions} from '@popperjs/core';
import {ACItem, ACResults, HighlightFunc} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {Disposable, dom, EventCB, IDisposable} from 'grainjs';
import {obsArray, onKeyElem, styled} from 'grainjs';
import merge = require('lodash/merge');
import maxSize from 'popper-max-size-modifier';
import {cssMenu} from 'popweasel';
export interface IAutocompleteOptions<Item extends ACItem> {
// If provided, applies the css class to the menu container. Could be multiple, space-separated.
menuCssClass?: string;
// A single class name to add for the selected item, or 'selected' by default.
selectedCssClass?: string;
// Popper options for positioning the popup.
popperOptions?: Partial<PopperOptions>;
// Given a search term, return the list of Items to render.
search(searchText: string): Promise<ACResults<Item>>;
// Function to render a single item.
renderItem(item: Item, highlightFunc: HighlightFunc): HTMLElement;
// Get text for the text input for a selected item, i.e. the text to present to the user.
getItemText(item: Item): string;
// A callback triggered when user clicks one of the choices.
onClick?(): void;
* An instance of an open Autocomplete dropdown.
export class Autocomplete<Item extends ACItem> extends Disposable {
// The UL element containing the actual menu items.
protected _menuContent: HTMLElement;
// Index into _items as well as into _menuContent, -1 if nothing selected.
protected _selectedIndex: number = -1;
// Currently selected element.
protected _selected: HTMLElement|null = null;
private _popper: Popper;
private _mouseOver: {reset(): void};
private _lastAsTyped: string;
private _items = this.autoDispose(obsArray<Item>([]));
private _highlightFunc: HighlightFunc;
private _triggerElem: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement,
private readonly _options: IAutocompleteOptions<Item>,
) {
const content = cssMenuWrap(
this._menuContent = cssMenu({class: _options.menuCssClass || ''},
dom.forEach(this._items, (item) => _options.renderItem(item, this._highlightFunc)),
dom.style('min-width', _triggerElem.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'),
dom.on('mouseleave', (ev) => this._setSelected(-1, true)),
dom.on('click', (ev) => {
this._setSelected(this._findTargetItem(ev.target), true);
if (_options.onClick) { _options.onClick(); }
// Prevent trigger element from being blurred on click.
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => ev.preventDefault()),
this._mouseOver = attachMouseOverOnMove(this._menuContent,
(ev) => this._setSelected(this._findTargetItem(ev.target), true));
// Add key handlers to the trigger element as well as the menu if it is an input.
this.autoDispose(onKeyElem(_triggerElem, 'keydown', {
ArrowDown: () => this._setSelected(this._getNext(1), true),
ArrowUp: () => this._setSelected(this._getNext(-1), true),
// Keeps track of the last value as typed by the user.
this.autoDispose(dom.onElem(_triggerElem, 'input', () => this.search()));
// Attach the content to the page.
this.onDispose(() => { dom.domDispose(content); content.remove(); });
// Prepare and create the Popper instance, which places the content according to the options.
const popperOptions = merge({}, defaultPopperOptions, _options.popperOptions);
this._popper = createPopper(_triggerElem, content, popperOptions);
this.onDispose(() => this._popper.destroy());
public getSelectedItem(): Item|undefined {
return this._items.get()[this._selectedIndex];
public search(findMatch?: (items: Item[]) => number) {
this._updateChoices(this._triggerElem.value, findMatch).catch(reportError);
// When the selected element changes, update the classes of the formerly and newly-selected
// elements and optionally update the text input.
private _setSelected(index: number, updateValue: boolean) {
const elem = (this._menuContent.children[index] as HTMLElement) || null;
const prev = this._selected;
if (elem !== prev) {
const clsName = this._options.selectedCssClass || 'selected';
if (prev) { prev.classList.remove(clsName); }
if (elem) {
elem.scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'});
this._selected = elem;
this._selectedIndex = elem ? index : -1;
if (updateValue) {
// Update trigger's value with the selected choice, or else with the last typed value.
if (elem) {
this._triggerElem.value = this._options.getItemText(this.getSelectedItem()!);
} else {
this._triggerElem.value = this._lastAsTyped;
private _findTargetItem(target: EventTarget|null): number {
// Find immediate child of this._menuContent which is an ancestor of ev.target.
const elem = findAncestorChild(this._menuContent, target as Element|null);
return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this._menuContent.children, elem);
private _getNext(step: 1 | -1): number {
// Pretend there is an extra element at the end to mean "nothing selected".
const xsize = this._items.get().length + 1;
const next = (this._selectedIndex + step + xsize) % xsize;
return (next === xsize - 1) ? -1 : next;
private async _updateChoices(inputVal: string, findMatch?: (items: Item[]) => number): Promise<void> {
this._lastAsTyped = inputVal;
// TODO We should perhaps debounce the search() call in some clever way, to avoid unnecessary
// searches while typing. Today, search() is synchronous in practice, so it doesn't matter.
const acResults = await this._options.search(inputVal);
this._highlightFunc = acResults.highlightFunc;
// Plain update() (which is deferred) may be better, but if _setSelected() causes scrolling
// before the positions are updated, it causes the entire page to scroll horizontally.
let index: number;
if (findMatch) {
index = findMatch(this._items.get());
} else {
index = inputVal ? acResults.selectIndex : -1;
this._setSelected(index, false);
// The maxSize modifiers follow recommendations at https://www.npmjs.com/package/popper-max-size-modifier
const calcMaxSize = {
options: {padding: 4},
const applyMaxSize: Modifier<any, any> = {
name: 'applyMaxSize',
enabled: true,
phase: 'beforeWrite',
requires: ['maxSize'],
fn({state}: any) {
// The `maxSize` modifier provides this data
const {height} = state.modifiersData.maxSize;
Object.assign(state.styles.popper, {
maxHeight: `${Math.max(160, height)}px`
export const defaultPopperOptions: Partial<PopperOptions> = {
placement: 'bottom-start',
modifiers: [
{name: "computeStyles", options: {gpuAcceleration: false}},
* Helper function which returns the direct child of ancestor which is an ancestor of elem, or
* null if elem is not a descendant of ancestor.
function findAncestorChild(ancestor: Element, elem: Element|null): Element|null {
while (elem && elem.parentElement !== ancestor) {
elem = elem.parentElement;
return elem;
* A version of dom.onElem('mouseover') that doesn't start firing until there is first a 'mousemove'.
* This way if an element is created under the mouse cursor (triggered by the keyboard, for
* instance) it's not immediately highlighted, but only when a user moves the mouse.
* Returns an object with a reset() method, which restarts the wait for mousemove.
function attachMouseOverOnMove<T extends EventTarget>(elem: T, callback: EventCB<MouseEvent, T>) {
let lis: IDisposable|undefined;
function setListener(eventType: 'mouseover'|'mousemove', cb: EventCB<MouseEvent, T>) {
if (lis) { lis.dispose(); }
lis = dom.onElem(elem, eventType, cb);
function reset() {
setListener('mousemove', (ev, _elem) => {
setListener('mouseover', callback);
callback(ev, _elem);
return {reset};
const cssMenuWrap = styled('div', `
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
outline: none;