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* Sort namespace provides helper function to work with sort expression.
* Sort expression is a list of column sort expressions, each describing how to
* sort particular column. Column expression can be either:
* - Positive number: column with matching id will be sorted in ascending order
* - Negative number: column will be sorted in descending order
* - String containing a positive number: same as above
* - String containing a negative number: same as above
* - String containing a number and sorting options:
* '1:flag1;flag2;flag3'
* '-1:flag1;flag2;flag3'
* Sorting options modifies the sorting algorithm, supported options are:
* - orderByChoice: For choice column sorting function will use choice item order
* instead of choice label text.
* - emptyLast: Treat empty values as greater than non empty (default is empty values first).
* - naturalSort: For text based columns, sorting function will compare strings with numbers
* taking their numeric value rather then text representation ('a2' before 'a11)
export namespace Sort {
* Object base representation for column expression.
export interface ColSpecDetails {
colRef: ColRef;
direction: Direction;
orderByChoice?: boolean;
emptyLast?: boolean;
naturalSort?: boolean;
* Column expression type. Either number, an object, or virtual id string _vid\d+
export type ColSpec = number | string;
export type ColRef = number | string;
* Sort expression type, for example [1,-2, '3:emptyLast', '-4:orderByChoice']
export type SortSpec = Array<ColSpec>;
export type Direction = 1 | -1;
export const ASC: Direction = 1;
export const DESC: Direction = -1;
const NOT_FOUND = -1;
// Flag separator
const FLAG_SEPARATOR = ";";
// Separator between colRef and sorting options.
* Checks if column expression has any sorting options.
export function hasOptions(colSpec: ColSpec | ColSpecDetails): boolean {
if (typeof colSpec === "number") {
return false;
const details = typeof colSpec !== "object" ? specToDetails(colSpec) : colSpec;
return Boolean(details.emptyLast || details.naturalSort || details.orderByChoice);
* Converts column sort expression from object representation to encoded form.
export function detailsToSpec(d: ColSpecDetails): ColSpec {
const head = `${d.direction === ASC ? "" : "-"}${d.colRef}`;
const tail = [];
if (d.emptyLast) {
if (d.naturalSort) {
if (d.orderByChoice) {
if (!tail.length) {
return maybeNumber(head);
return head + (tail.length ? OPTION_SEPARATOR : "") + tail.join(FLAG_SEPARATOR);
* Converts column expression to object representation.
export function specToDetails(colSpec: ColSpec): ColSpecDetails {
return typeof colSpec === "number"
? {
colRef: Math.abs(colSpec),
direction: colSpec >= 0 ? ASC: DESC,
: parseColSpec(colSpec);
function maybeNumber(colRef: string): ColRef {
const num = parseInt(colRef, 10);
return isNaN(num) ? colRef : num;
function parseColSpec(colString: string): ColSpecDetails {
if (!colString) {
throw new Error("Empty column expression");
const REGEX = /^(?<sign>-)?(?<colRef>(_vid)?(\d+))(:(?<flag>[\w\d;]+))?$/;
const match = colString.match(REGEX);
if (!match) {
throw new Error("Error parsing sort expression " + colString);
const {sign, colRef, flag} = match.groups || {};
const flags = flag?.split(";");
return onlyDefined({
colRef: maybeNumber(colRef),
direction: sign === "-" ? DESC : ASC,
orderByChoice: flags?.includes("orderByChoice"),
emptyLast: flags?.includes("emptyLast"),
naturalSort: flags?.includes("naturalSort"),
function onlyDefined<T extends Record<string, any>>(obj: T): T{
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, v]) => v !== undefined)) as T;
* Extracts colRef (column row id) from column sorting expression.
export function getColRef(colSpec: ColSpec) {
if (typeof colSpec === "number") {
return Math.abs(colSpec);
return parseColSpec(colSpec).colRef;
* Swaps column expressions.
export function swap(spec: SortSpec, colA: ColSpec, colB: ColSpec): SortSpec {
const aIndex = findColIndex(spec, colA);
const bIndex = findColIndex(spec, colB);
if (aIndex === NOT_FOUND || bIndex === NOT_FOUND) {
throw new Error(`Column expressions can be found (${colA} or ${colB})`);
const clone = spec.slice();
clone[aIndex] = spec[bIndex];
clone[bIndex] = spec[aIndex];
return clone;
* Converts column expression order.
export function setColDirection(colSpec: ColSpec, dir: Direction): ColSpec {
if (typeof colSpec == "number") {
return Math.abs(colSpec) * dir;
} else if (colSpec.startsWith(VirtualId.PREFIX)) {
return dir === DESC ? `-${colSpec}` : colSpec;
} else if (colSpec.startsWith(`-${VirtualId.PREFIX}`)) {
return dir === ASC ? colSpec.slice(1) : colSpec;
} else {
return detailsToSpec({ ...parseColSpec(colSpec), direction: dir });
* Creates simple column expression.
export function createColSpec(colRef: ColRef, dir: Direction): ColSpec {
if (typeof colRef === "number") {
return colRef * dir;
} else {
return dir === ASC ? colRef : `-${colRef}`;
* Checks if a column expression is already included in sorting spec. Doesn't check sorting options.
export function contains(spec: SortSpec, colSpec: ColSpec, dir: Direction) {
const existing = findCol(spec, colSpec);
return !!existing && getColRef(existing) === getColRef(colSpec) && direction(existing) === dir;
export function containsOnly(spec: SortSpec, colSpec: ColSpec, dir: Direction) {
return spec.length === 1 && contains(spec, colSpec, dir);
* Checks if a column is sorted in ascending order.
export function isAscending(colSpec: ColSpec): boolean {
if (typeof colSpec === "number") {
return colSpec >= 0;
return parseColSpec(colSpec).direction === ASC;
export function direction(colSpec: ColSpec): Direction {
return isAscending(colSpec) ? ASC : DESC;
* Checks if two column expressions refers to the same column.
export function sameColumn(colSpec: ColSpec, colRef: ColSpec): boolean {
return getColRef(colSpec) === getColRef(colRef);
* Swaps column id in column expression. Primary use for display columns.
export function swapColRef(colSpec: ColSpec, colRef: ColRef): ColSpec {
if (typeof colSpec === "number") {
return colSpec >= 0 ? colRef : -colRef;
const spec = parseColSpec(colSpec);
return detailsToSpec({...spec, colRef});
* Finds an index of column expression in a sorting expression.
export function findColIndex(sortSpec: SortSpec, colRef: ColSpec): number {
return sortSpec.findIndex(colSpec => sameColumn(colSpec, colRef));
export function removeCol(sortSpec: SortSpec, colRef: ColSpec): SortSpec {
return sortSpec.filter(col => getColRef(col) !== getColRef(colRef));
* Finds a column expression in sorting expression (regardless sorting option).
export function findCol(sortSpec: SortSpec, colRef: ColSpec): ColSpec | undefined {
const result = sortSpec.find(colSpec => sameColumn(colSpec, colRef));
return result;
* Inserts new column sort options at the index of an existing column options (and removes the old one).
* If the old column can't be found it does nothing.
* @param colRef Column id to remove
* @param newSpec New column sort options to put in place of the old one.
export function replace(sortSpec: SortSpec, colRef: ColRef, newSpec: ColSpec | ColSpecDetails): SortSpec {
const index = findColIndex(sortSpec, colRef);
if (index >= 0) {
const updated = sortSpec.slice();
updated[index] = typeof newSpec === "object" ? detailsToSpec(newSpec) : newSpec;
return updated;
return sortSpec;
* Flips direction for a single column, returns a new object.
export function flipCol(colSpec: ColSpec): ColSpec {
if (typeof colSpec === "number") {
return -colSpec;
const spec = parseColSpec(colSpec);
return detailsToSpec({ ...spec, direction: spec.direction === ASC ? DESC : ASC });
// Takes an activeSortSpec and sortRef to flip and returns a new
// activeSortSpec with that sortRef flipped (or original spec if sortRef not found).
export function flipSort(spec: SortSpec, colSpec: ColSpec): SortSpec {
const idx = findColIndex(spec, getColRef(colSpec));
if (idx !== NOT_FOUND) {
const newSpec = Array.from(spec);
newSpec[idx] = flipCol(newSpec[idx]);
return newSpec;
return spec;
export function setSortDirection(spec: SortSpec, colSpec: ColSpec, dir: Direction): SortSpec {
const idx = findColIndex(spec, getColRef(colSpec));
if (idx !== NOT_FOUND) {
const newSpec = Array.from(spec);
newSpec[idx] = setColDirection(newSpec[idx], dir);
return newSpec;
return spec;
// Parses the sortColRefs string, defaulting to an empty array on invalid input.
export function parseSortColRefs(sortColRefs: string): SortSpec {
try {
return JSON.parse(sortColRefs);
} catch (err) {
return [];
// Given the current sort spec, moves colSpec to be immediately before nextColSpec. Moves v
// to the end of the sort spec if nextColSpec is null.
// If the given colSpec or nextColSpec cannot be found, return sortSpec unchanged.
// ColSpec are identified only by colRef (order or options don't matter).
export function reorderSortRefs(spec: SortSpec, colSpec: ColSpec, nextColSpec: ColSpec | null): SortSpec {
const updatedSpec = spec.slice();
// Remove sortRef from sortSpec.
const _idx = findColIndex(updatedSpec, colSpec);
if (_idx === NOT_FOUND) {
return spec;
updatedSpec.splice(_idx, 1);
// Add sortRef to before nextSortRef
const _nextIdx = nextColSpec ? findColIndex(updatedSpec, nextColSpec) : updatedSpec.length;
if (_nextIdx === NOT_FOUND) {
return spec;
updatedSpec.splice(_nextIdx, 0, colSpec);
return updatedSpec;
// Helper function for query based sorting, which uses column names instead of columns ids.
// Translates expressions like -Pet, to an colRef expression like -1.
// NOTE: For column with zero index, it will return a string.
export function parseNames(sort: string[], colIdToRef: Map<string, number>): SortSpec {
const COL_SPEC_REG = /^(-)?([\w]+)(:.+)?/;
return => {
const match = colSpec.match(COL_SPEC_REG);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`unknown key ${colSpec}`);
const [, sign, key, options] = match;
let colRef = Number(key);
if (!isNaN(colRef)) {
// This might be valid colRef
if (![...colIdToRef.values()].includes(colRef)) {
throw new Error(`invalid column id ${key}`);
} else if (!colIdToRef.has(key)) {
throw new Error(`unknown key ${key}`);
} else {
colRef = colIdToRef.get(key)!;
return `${sign || ""}${colRef}${options ?? ""}`;
let _virtualIdCounter = 1;
const _virtualSymbols = new Map<string, string>();
* Creates a virtual id for virtual tables. Can remember some generated ids if called with a
* name (this feature used only in tests for now).
* The resulting id looks like _vid\d+.
export function VirtualId(symbol = '') {
if (symbol) {
if (!_virtualSymbols.has(symbol)) {
const generated = `${VirtualId.PREFIX}${_virtualIdCounter++}`;
_virtualSymbols.set(symbol, generated);
return generated;
} else {
return _virtualSymbols.get(symbol)!;
} else {
return `${VirtualId.PREFIX}${_virtualIdCounter++}`;
VirtualId.PREFIX = '_vid';