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import textwrap
import unittest
import logger
import six
import test_engine
log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO)
def _replace_col_name(data, old_name, new_name):
"""For verifying data, renames a column in the header in-place."""
data[0] = [(new_name if c == old_name else c) for c in data[0]]
class TestRenames2(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
# Another test for column renames, which tests crazier interconnected formulas.
# This one includes a bunch of cases where renames fail, marked as TODOs.
def setUp(self):
super(TestRenames2, self).setUp()
# Create a schema with several tables including some references and lookups.
self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "People", [
{"id": "name", "type": "Text"}
self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "Games", [
{"id": "name", "type": "Text"},
{"id": "winner", "type": "Ref:People", "isFormula": True,
"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=1).person"},
{"id": "second", "type": "Ref:People", "isFormula": True,
"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=2).person"},
self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "Entries", [
{"id": "game", "type": "Ref:Games"},
{"id": "person", "type": "Ref:People"},
{"id": "rank", "type": "Int"},
# Fill it with some sample data.
self.add_records("People", ["name"], [
["Bob"], ["Alice"], ["Carol"], ["Doug"], ["Eve"]])
self.add_records("Games", ["name"], [
["ChessA"], ["GoA"], ["ChessB"], ["CheckersA"]])
self.add_records("Entries", ["game", "person", "rank"], [
[ 1, 2, 1],
[ 1, 4, 2],
[ 2, 1, 2],
[ 2, 2, 1],
[ 3, 4, 1],
[ 3, 3, 2],
[ 4, 5, 1],
[ 4, 1, 2],
# Check the data, to see it, and confirm that lookups work.
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=[
[ "id", "name" ],
[ 1, "Bob" ],
[ 2, "Alice" ],
[ 3, "Carol" ],
[ 4, "Doug" ],
[ 5, "Eve" ],
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=[
[ "id", "name" , "winner", "second" ],
[ 1, "ChessA" , 2, 4, ],
[ 2, "GoA" , 2, 1, ],
[ 3, "ChessB" , 4, 3, ],
[ 4, "CheckersA" , 5, 1 ],
2022-02-19 09:46:49 +00:00
# This was just setpu. Now create some crazy formulas that overuse references in crazy ways.
self.partner_names = textwrap.dedent(
games = Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id).game
partners = [e.person for g in games for e in Entries.lookupRecords(game=g)]
return ' '.join(p.name for p in partners if p.id != $id)
self.partner = textwrap.dedent(
game = Entries.lookupOne(person=$id).game
next(e.person for e in Entries.lookupRecords(game=game) if e.person != rec)
self.add_column("People", "N", formula="$name.upper()")
self.add_column("People", "Games_Won", formula=(
"' '.join(e.game.name for e in Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))"))
self.add_column("People", "PartnerNames", formula=self.partner_names)
self.add_column("People", "partner", type="Ref:People", formula=self.partner)
self.add_column("People", "partner4", type="Ref:People", formula=(
# Make it hard to follow references by using the same names in different tables.
self.add_column("People", "win", type="Ref:Games",
formula="Entries.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).game")
self.add_column("Games", "win", type="Ref:People", formula="$winner")
self.add_column("Games", "win3_person_name", formula="$win.win.win.name")
self.add_column("Games", "win4_game_name", formula="$win.win.win.win.name")
# This is just for help us know which columns have which rowIds.
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", data=[
[ "id", "parentId", "colId" ],
[ 1, 1, "manualSort" ],
[ 2, 1, "name" ],
[ 3, 2, "manualSort" ],
[ 4, 2, "name" ],
[ 5, 2, "winner" ],
[ 6, 2, "second" ],
[ 7, 3, "manualSort" ],
[ 8, 3, "game" ],
[ 9, 3, "person" ],
[ 10, 3, "rank" ],
[ 11, 1, "N" ],
[ 12, 1, "Games_Won" ],
[ 13, 1, "PartnerNames" ],
[ 14, 1, "partner" ],
[ 15, 1, "partner4" ],
[ 16, 1, "win" ],
[ 17, 2, "win" ],
[ 18, 2, "win3_person_name" ],
[ 19, 2, "win4_game_name" ],
# Check the data before we start on the renaming.
self.people_data = [
[ "id", "name" , "N", "Games_Won", "PartnerNames", "partner", "partner4", "win" ],
[ 1, "Bob" , "BOB", "", "Alice Eve" , 2, 4 , 0 ],
[ 2, "Alice", "ALICE", "ChessA GoA", "Doug Bob" , 4, 2 , 1 ],
[ 3, "Carol", "CAROL", "", "Doug" , 4, 2 , 0 ],
[ 4, "Doug" , "DOUG", "ChessB", "Alice Carol" , 2, 4 , 3 ],
[ 5, "Eve" , "EVE", "CheckersA", "Bob" , 1, 2 , 4 ],
self.games_data = [
[ "id", "name" , "winner", "second", "win", "win3_person_name", "win4_game_name" ],
[ 1, "ChessA" , 2, 4 , 2 , "Alice" , "ChessA" ],
[ 2, "GoA" , 2, 1 , 2 , "Alice" , "ChessA" ],
[ 3, "ChessB" , 4, 3 , 4 , "Doug" , "ChessB" ],
[ 4, "CheckersA" , 5, 1 , 5 , "Eve" , "CheckersA" ],
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
def test_renames_a(self):
# Rename Entries.game: affects Games.winner, Games.second, People.Games_Won,
# People.PartnerNames, People.partner.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Entries", "game", "juego"])
self.partner_names = textwrap.dedent(
games = Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id).juego
partners = [e.person for g in games for e in Entries.lookupRecords(juego=g)]
return ' '.join(p.name for p in partners if p.id != $id)
self.partner = textwrap.dedent(
game = Entries.lookupOne(person=$id).juego
next(e.person for e in Entries.lookupRecords(juego=game) if e.person != rec)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "Entries", "game", "juego"],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "winner",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(juego=$id, rank=1).person"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "second",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(juego=$id, rank=2).person"}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "Games_Won", {
"formula": "' '.join(e.juego.name for e in Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))"
["ModifyColumn", "People", "PartnerNames", { "formula": self.partner_names }],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "partner", {"formula": self.partner}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "win",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).juego"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [8, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16], {
"colId": ["juego", "winner", "second", "Games_Won", "PartnerNames", "partner", "win"],
"formula": ["",
"Entries.lookupOne(juego=$id, rank=1).person",
"Entries.lookupOne(juego=$id, rank=2).person",
"' '.join(e.juego.name for e in Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))",
"Entries.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).juego"
# Verify data to ensure there are no AttributeErrors.
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
@unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only")
def test_renames_b(self):
# Rename Games.name: affects People.Games_Won, Games.win4_game_name
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Games", "name", "nombre"])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "Games", "name", "nombre"],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "Games_Won", {
"formula": "' '.join(e.game.nombre for e in Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))"
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win4_game_name", {"formula": "$win.win.win.win.nombre"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [4, 12, 19], {
"colId": ["nombre", "Games_Won", "win4_game_name"],
"formula": [
"' '.join(e.game.nombre for e in Entries.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))",
# Fix up things missed due to the TODOs above.
self.modify_column("Games", "win4_game_name", formula="$win.win.win.win.nombre")
# Verify data to ensure there are no AttributeErrors.
_replace_col_name(self.games_data, "name", "nombre")
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
def test_renames_c(self):
# Rename Entries.person: affects People.ParnerNames
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Entries", "person", "persona"])
self.partner_names = textwrap.dedent(
games = Entries.lookupRecords(persona=$id).game
partners = [e.persona for g in games for e in Entries.lookupRecords(game=g)]
return ' '.join(p.name for p in partners if p.id != $id)
self.partner = textwrap.dedent(
game = Entries.lookupOne(persona=$id).game
next(e.persona for e in Entries.lookupRecords(game=game) if e.persona != rec)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "Entries", "person", "persona"],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "winner",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=1).persona"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "second",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=2).persona"}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "Games_Won", {
"formula": "' '.join(e.game.name for e in Entries.lookupRecords(persona=$id, rank=1))"
["ModifyColumn", "People", "PartnerNames", { "formula": self.partner_names }],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "partner", {"formula": self.partner}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "win",
{"formula": "Entries.lookupOne(persona=$id, rank=1).game"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [9, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16], {
"colId": ["persona", "winner", "second", "Games_Won", "PartnerNames", "partner", "win"],
"formula": ["",
"Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=1).persona",
"Entries.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=2).persona",
"' '.join(e.game.name for e in Entries.lookupRecords(persona=$id, rank=1))",
"Entries.lookupOne(persona=$id, rank=1).game"
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
@unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only")
def test_renames_d(self):
# Rename People.name: affects People.N, People.ParnerNames
# TODO: PartnerNames does NOT get updated correctly because astroid doesn't infer meanings of
# lists very well.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "People", "name", "nombre"])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "People", "name", "nombre"],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "N", {"formula": "$nombre.upper()"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win3_person_name", {"formula": "$win.win.win.nombre"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [2, 11, 18], {
"colId": ["nombre", "N", "win3_person_name"],
"formula": ["", "$nombre.upper()", "$win.win.win.nombre"]
["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], {
"PartnerNames": [["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"],
["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"]]
# Fix up things missed due to the TODO above.
self.modify_column("People", "PartnerNames",
formula=self.partner_names.replace("name", "nombre"))
_replace_col_name(self.people_data, "name", "nombre")
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
@unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only")
def test_renames_e(self):
# Rename People.partner: affects People.partner4
# TODO: partner4 ($partner.partner.partner.partner) only gets updated partly because of
# astroid's avoidance of looking up the same attr on the same class during inference.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "People", "partner", "companero"])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "People", "partner", "companero"],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "partner4", {
"formula": "$companero.companero.companero.companero"
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [14, 15], {
"colId": ["companero", "partner4"],
"formula": [self.partner, "$companero.companero.companero.companero"]
_replace_col_name(self.people_data, "partner", "companero")
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
@unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only")
def test_renames_f(self):
# Rename People.win -> People.pwin. Make sure only Game.win is not affected.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "People", "win", "pwin"])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "People", "win", "pwin"],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win3_person_name", {"formula": "$win.pwin.win.name"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win4_game_name", {"formula": "$win.pwin.win.pwin.name"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [16, 18, 19], {
"colId": ["pwin", "win3_person_name", "win4_game_name"],
"formula": ["Entries.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).game",
"$win.pwin.win.name", "$win.pwin.win.pwin.name"]}],
_replace_col_name(self.people_data, "win", "pwin")
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
def test_renames_g(self):
# Rename Games.win -> Games.gwin.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Games", "win", "gwin"])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameColumn", "Games", "win", "gwin"],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win3_person_name", {"formula": "$gwin.win.gwin.name"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "win4_game_name", {"formula": "$gwin.win.gwin.win.name"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [17, 18, 19], {
"colId": ["gwin", "win3_person_name", "win4_game_name"],
"formula": ["$winner", "$gwin.win.gwin.name", "$gwin.win.gwin.win.name"]}],
_replace_col_name(self.games_data, "win", "gwin")
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)
def test_renames_h(self):
# Rename Entries -> Entradas. Affects Games.winner, Games.second, People.Games_Won,
# People.PartnerNames, People.partner, People.win.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Entries", "Entradas"])
self.partner_names = textwrap.dedent(
games = Entradas.lookupRecords(person=$id).game
partners = [e.person for g in games for e in Entradas.lookupRecords(game=g)]
return ' '.join(p.name for p in partners if p.id != $id)
self.partner = textwrap.dedent(
game = Entradas.lookupOne(person=$id).game
next(e.person for e in Entradas.lookupRecords(game=game) if e.person != rec)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [
["RenameTable", "Entries", "Entradas"],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 3, {"tableId": "Entradas"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "winner",
{"formula": "Entradas.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=1).person"}],
["ModifyColumn", "Games", "second",
{"formula": "Entradas.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=2).person"}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "Games_Won", {
"formula": "' '.join(e.game.name for e in Entradas.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))"
["ModifyColumn", "People", "PartnerNames", { "formula": self.partner_names }],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "partner", {"formula": self.partner}],
["ModifyColumn", "People", "win",
{"formula": "Entradas.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).game"}],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16], {
"formula": [
"Entradas.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=1).person",
"Entradas.lookupOne(game=$id, rank=2).person",
"' '.join(e.game.name for e in Entradas.lookupRecords(person=$id, rank=1))",
"Entradas.lookupOne(person=$id, rank=1).game"
self.assertTableData("People", cols="subset", data=self.people_data)
self.assertTableData("Games", cols="subset", data=self.games_data)