
1039 lines
40 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import {ErrorOrValue, freezeError, mapGetOrSet, MapWithTTL} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {ObjMetadata, ObjSnapshot, ObjSnapshotWithMetadata} from 'app/common/DocSnapshot';
import {SCHEMA_VERSION} from 'app/common/schema';
import {DocWorkerMap} from 'app/gen-server/lib/DocWorkerMap';
import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {create} from 'app/server/lib/create';
import {DocManager} from 'app/server/lib/DocManager';
import {makeExceptionalDocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import {DELETED_TOKEN, ExternalStorage, wrapWithKeyMappedStorage} from 'app/server/lib/ExternalStorage';
import {createDummyGristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {
} from 'app/server/lib/HostedStorageManager';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {SQLiteDB} from 'app/server/lib/SQLiteDB';
import * as bluebird from 'bluebird';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import {createClient, RedisClient} from 'redis';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import {createInitialDb, removeConnection, setUpDB} from 'test/gen-server/seed';
import {createTmpDir, getGlobalPluginManager} from 'test/server/docTools';
import {EnvironmentSnapshot, setTmpLogLevel, useFixtureDoc} from 'test/server/testUtils';
import {waitForIt} from 'test/server/wait';
import uuidv4 from "uuid/v4";
* An in-memory store, for testing.
class SimpleExternalStorage implements ExternalStorage {
protected _version = new Map<string, ObjSnapshot[]>();
private _nextId: number = 1;
private _memory = new Map<string, Buffer>();
private _metadata = new Map<string, ObjSnapshotWithMetadata>();
public constructor(public readonly label: string) {}
public async exists(key: string, snapshotId?: string): Promise<boolean> {
if (snapshotId) {
// Should check snapshotId is associated with key, but don't need to be too
// fussy this mock.
return this._memory.has(snapshotId);
return this._version.has(key);
public async head(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
snapshotId = snapshotId || this._version.get(key)?.[0]?.snapshotId;
if (!snapshotId) { return null; }
return this._metadata.get(snapshotId) || null;
public async upload(key: string, fname: string, metadata?: ObjMetadata) {
const data = await fse.readFile(fname);
const id = `block-${this._nextId}`;
this._memory.set(id, data);
const info: ObjSnapshotWithMetadata = {
snapshotId: id,
lastModified: new Date().toISOString(),
this._metadata.set(id, {, ...metadata && {metadata}});
const versions = this._version.get(key) || [];
this._version.set(key, versions);
return id;
public async remove(key: string, snapshotIds?: string[]) {
const versions = this._version.get(key);
if (!versions) { return; }
if (!snapshotIds) {
for (const version of versions) {
} else {
for (const snapshotId of snapshotIds) {
const blockList = new Set(snapshotIds);
this._version.set(key, (this._version.get(key) || []).filter(v => !blockList.has(v.snapshotId)));
public async download(key: string, fname: string, snapshotId?: string) {
const versions = this._version.get(key);
if (!versions) { throw new Error('oopsie key not found'); }
if (snapshotId) {
if (!versions.find(v => v.snapshotId === snapshotId)) {
throw new Error('version not recognized');
} else {
snapshotId = versions[0].snapshotId;
if (!snapshotId) { throw new Error('version not found'); }
const data = this._memory.get(snapshotId);
if (!data) { throw new Error('version data not found'); }
await fse.writeFile(fname, data);
return snapshotId;
public async versions(key: string) {
return this._version.get(key) || [];
public url(key: string): string {
return `simple://test/${this.label}/${key}`;
public isFatalError(err: any): boolean {
return !String(err).includes('oopsie');
public async close() {
// nothing to do
* A wrapper around an external store, that deliberately gives stale values for the
* `exists`, `download`, and `versions` methods.
class CachedExternalStorage implements ExternalStorage {
private _cachedExists: MapWithTTL<string, Promise<ErrorOrValue<boolean>>>;
private _cachedHead: MapWithTTL<string, Promise<ErrorOrValue<ObjSnapshotWithMetadata|null>>>;
private _cachedDownload: MapWithTTL<string, Promise<ErrorOrValue<[string, Buffer]>>>;
private _cachedVersions: MapWithTTL<string, Promise<ErrorOrValue<ObjSnapshot[]>>>;
constructor(private _ext: ExternalStorage, ttlMs: number) {
this._cachedExists = new MapWithTTL(ttlMs);
this._cachedHead = new MapWithTTL(ttlMs);
this._cachedDownload = new MapWithTTL(ttlMs);
this._cachedVersions = new MapWithTTL(ttlMs);
public async exists(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
const result = await mapGetOrSet(this._cachedExists, `${key}${snapshotId}`, () => {
return freezeError(this._ext.exists(key, snapshotId));
return result.unfreeze();
public async head(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
const result = await mapGetOrSet(this._cachedHead, `${key}${snapshotId}`, () => {
return freezeError(this._ext.head(key, snapshotId));
return result.unfreeze();
public async upload(key: string, fname: string, metadata?: ObjMetadata) {
return this._ext.upload(key, fname, metadata);
public async remove(key: string, snapshotIds?: string[]) {
return this._ext.remove(key, snapshotIds);
public async download(key: string, fname: string, snapshotId?: string): Promise<string> {
const result = await mapGetOrSet(this._cachedDownload, `${key}${snapshotId}`, () => {
const altFname = fname + uuidv4();
return freezeError(, altFname, snapshotId).then(async (v) => {
return [v, await fse.readFile(altFname)] as [string, Buffer];
try {
const [downloadedSnapshotId, txt] = await result.unfreeze();
await fse.writeFile(fname, txt);
return downloadedSnapshotId;
} catch (e) {
await fse.writeFile(fname, 'put some junk here to simulate unclean failure');
throw e;
public async versions(key: string) {
const result = await mapGetOrSet(this._cachedVersions, key, () => {
return freezeError(this._ext.versions(key));
return result.unfreeze();
public url(key: string): string {
return this._ext.url(key);
public isFatalError(err: any): boolean {
return this._ext.isFatalError(err);
public async close() {
// nothing to do
* A wrapper that slows down responses from a store.
class SlowExternalStorage implements ExternalStorage {
constructor(private _ext: ExternalStorage, private _delayMs: number) {}
public async exists(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return this._ext.exists(key, snapshotId);
public async head(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return this._ext.head(key, snapshotId);
public async upload(key: string, fname: string, metadata?: ObjMetadata) {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return this._ext.upload(key, fname, metadata);
public async remove(key: string, snapshotIds?: string[]) {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return this._ext.remove(key, snapshotIds);
public async download(key: string, fname: string, snapshotId?: string): Promise<string> {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return, fname, snapshotId);
public async versions(key: string) {
await bluebird.delay(this._delayMs);
return this._ext.versions(key);
public url(key: string): string {
return this._ext.url(key);
public isFatalError(err: any): boolean {
return this._ext.isFatalError(err);
public async close() {
// nothing to do
* A document store representing a doc worker's local store, for testing.
* Uses TEST_S3_BUCKET and TEST_S3_PREFIX. Objects in test bucket should be set up
* to be deleted after a short period. Since we don't attempt to garbage collect
* within the unit test. s3://grist-docs-test/unit-tests/... is set up that way.
class TestStore {
public docManager: DocManager;
public storageManager: HostedStorageManager;
private _active: boolean = false; // True if the simulated doc worker is started.
private _extraPrefix = uuidv4(); // Extra prefix in S3 (unique to this test).
public constructor(
private _localDirectory: string,
private _workerId: string,
private _workers: DocWorkerMap,
private _externalStorageCreate: (purpose: 'doc'|'meta', extraPrefix: string) => ExternalStorage|undefined) {
public async run<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
await this.begin();
let result;
try {
result = await fn();
} finally {
await this.end();
return result;
// Simulates doc worker startup.
public async begin() {
await this.end();
this._active = true;
const dbManager = new HomeDBManager();
await dbManager.connect();
await dbManager.initializeSpecialIds();
const options: HostedStorageOptions = {
secondsBeforePush: 0.5,
secondsBeforeFirstRetry: 3, // rumors online suggest delays of 10-11 secs
// are not super-unusual.
pushDocUpdateTimes: false,
externalStorageCreator: (purpose) => {
const result = this._externalStorageCreate(purpose, this._extraPrefix);
if (!result) { throw new Error('no storage'); }
return result;
const storageManager = new HostedStorageManager(this._localDirectory,
this.storageManager = storageManager;
this.docManager = new DocManager(storageManager, await getGlobalPluginManager(),
dbManager, {
getStorageManager() { return storageManager; },
// Simulates doc worker shutdown. Closes all open documents.
public async end() {
if (this._active) {
await this.docManager.shutdownAll();
this._active = false;
// Close a single doc. The server does this for docs that are not open by
// any client.
public async closeDoc(doc: ActiveDoc) {
await doc.shutdown();
// Waits for any required S3 pushes to have completed.
public async waitForUpdates(): Promise<boolean> {
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
if (!this.storageManager.needsUpdate()) {
return true;
await bluebird.delay(100);
log.error("waitForUpdates failed");
return false;
// Wipes the doc worker's local document store.
public async removeAll(): Promise<void> {
const fnames = await fse.readdir(this._localDirectory);
await Promise.all( => {
return fse.remove(path.join(this._localDirectory, fname));
public getDocPath(docId: string) {
return path.join(this._localDirectory, `${docId}.grist`);
describe('HostedStorageManager', function() {
setTmpLogLevel('info'); // allow info messages for this test since failures are hard to replicate
this.timeout(60000); // s3 can be slow
const docSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('system');
before(async function() {
await createInitialDb();
after(async function() {
await removeConnection();
for (const storage of ['azure', 's3', 'minio', 'cached'] as const) {
describe(storage, function() {
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
let oldEnv: EnvironmentSnapshot;
const workerId = 'dw17';
let cli: RedisClient;
let store: TestStore;
let workers: DocWorkerMap;
let tmpDir: string;
before(async function() {
if (!process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL) { this.skip(); return; }
cli = createClient(process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL);
oldEnv = new EnvironmentSnapshot();
await cli.flushdbAsync();
workers = new DocWorkerMap([cli]);
await workers.addWorker({
id: workerId,
publicUrl: 'notset',
internalUrl: 'notset',
await workers.setWorkerAvailability(workerId, true);
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello');
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello2');
tmpDir = await createTmpDir();
let externalStorageCreate: (purpose: 'doc'|'meta', extraPrefix: string) => ExternalStorage|undefined;
function requireStorage<T>(storage: T|undefined): T {
if (storage === undefined) { throw new Error('storage not found'); }
return storage;
switch (storage) {
case 'cached': {
// Make an in-memory store that is slow and aggressively cached.
// This tickles a lot of cases that occasionally happen with s3.
let ext: ExternalStorage = new SimpleExternalStorage("bucket");
ext = new CachedExternalStorage(ext, 1000);
ext = new SlowExternalStorage(ext, 250);
// Everything is stored in fields of these objects, so the tests mustn't recreate them repeatedly.
externalStorageCreate = (purpose) => wrapWithKeyMappedStorage(ext, {purpose, basePrefix: 'prefix'});
case 'azure':
externalStorageCreate = requireStorage(create.getStorageOptions?.('azure')?.create);
case 'minio':
if (!process.env.GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY) {
externalStorageCreate = requireStorage(create.getStorageOptions?.('minio')?.create);
case 's3':
if (!process.env.TEST_S3_BUCKET) {
externalStorageCreate = requireStorage(create.getStorageOptions?.('s3')?.create);
store = new TestStore(tmpDir, workerId, workers, externalStorageCreate);
after(async function() {
await store?.storageManager.testStopOperations();
await workers?.removeWorker(workerId);
await cli?.quitAsync();
beforeEach(function() {
sandbox.spy(HostedStorageManager.prototype, 'markAsChanged');
afterEach(async function() {
if (store) {
await store.end();
await store.removeAll();
async function getRedisChecksum(docId: string): Promise<string> {
return (await cli.getAsync(`doc-${docId}-checksum`)) || '';
async function setRedisChecksum(docId: string, checksum: string): Promise<'OK'> {
return cli.setAsync(`doc-${docId}-checksum`, checksum);
async function dropAllChecksums() {
// `keys` is a potentially slow, unrecommended operation - but ok in test scenario
// against a test instance of redis.
for (const key of await cli.keysAsync('*-checksum')) {
await cli.delAsync(key);
it('can create a fresh empty document', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
assert.equal(await getRedisChecksum(docId), 'null');
// Create an empty document when checksum in redis is 'null'.
const checksum = await () => {
await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
assert(await store.waitForUpdates());
const checksum = await getRedisChecksum(docId);
assert.notEqual(checksum, 'null');
return checksum;
// Check what happens when we nobble the expected checksum.
await setRedisChecksum(docId, 'nobble');
await store.removeAll();
const warnSpy = sandbox.spy(log, 'warn');
await () => {
await assert.isFulfilled(store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId));
assert.isTrue(warnSpy.calledWithMatch('has wrong checksum'), 'a warning should have been logged');
// Check we get the document back on fresh start if checksum is correct.
await setRedisChecksum(docId, checksum);
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
it('can save modifications', async function() {
await () => {
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello');
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager);
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello2');
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
const doc2 = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello2');
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'magic_word' where id = 1");
await doc2.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(42)");
return { doc, doc2 };
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
let result = await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1");
assert.equal(result!.A, 'magic_word');
const doc2 = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello2');
result = await doc2.docStorage.get("select id from Table1");
assert.equal(result!.id, 42);
it('can save modifications with interfering backup file', async function() {
await () => {
// There was a bug where if a corrupt/truncated backup file was created, all future
// backups would fail. This tickles the condition and makes sure backups now succeed.
await fse.writeFile(path.join(tmpDir, 'Hello.grist-backup'), 'not a sqlite file');
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello');
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'magic_word2' where id = 1");
// S3 should have happened after
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
const result = await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1");
assert.equal(result!.A, 'magic_word2');
it('survives if there is a doc marked dirty that turns out to be clean', async function() {
await () => {
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello');
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'magic_word' where id = 1");
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
const result = await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1");
assert.equal(result!.A, 'magic_word');
// The real test is whether this test manages to complete.
it('serializes parallel opening of same document', async function() {
await workers.assignDocWorker('Hello');
// put a doc in s3
await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello');
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'parallel' where id = 1");
// now open it many times in parallel
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const docs = Promise.all([
store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello'),
store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello'),
store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello'),
store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, 'Hello'),
await assert.isFulfilled(docs);
const doc = (await docs)[0];
const result = await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1");
assert.equal(result!.A, 'parallel');
// To be sure we are checking something, let's call prepareLocalDoc directly
// on storage manager and make sure it fails.
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const preps = Promise.all([
await assert.isRejected(preps, /in parallel/);
it ('can delete a document', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
// Create a document
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(42)");
const docPath = store.getDocPath(docId);
const ext = store.storageManager.testGetExternalStorage();
// Check that the document exists on filesystem and in external store.
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath), true);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath + '-hash-doc'), true);
await waitForIt(async () => assert.equal(await ext.exists(docId), true), 20000);
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(43)");
// Now delete the document, and check it no longer exists on filesystem or external store.
await store.docManager.deleteDoc(null, docId, true);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath), false);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath + '-hash-doc'), false);
assert.equal(await getRedisChecksum(docId), DELETED_TOKEN);
await waitForIt(async () => assert.equal(await ext.exists(docId), false), 20000);
// As far as the underlying storage is concerned it should be
// possible to recreate a doc with the same id after deletion.
// This should not happen in Grist, since in order to open a
// document it must exist in the db - however we'll need to watch
// out for caching.
// TODO: it could be worth tweaking fetchDoc so creation is explicit.
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(42)");
await () => {
await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath), true);
assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath + '-hash-doc'), true);
it('individual document close is orderly', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
await () => {
let doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await store.closeDoc(doc);
const checksum1 = await getRedisChecksum(docId);
assert.notEqual(checksum1, 'null');
doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(42)");
// Add an attachment file with no corresponding metadata. It should be deleted when shutting down.
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into _gristsys_Files(id, ident) values(23, 'foo')");
let files = await doc.docStorage.all("select * from _gristsys_Files");
await store.closeDoc(doc);
const checksum2 = await getRedisChecksum(docId);
assert.notEqual(checksum1, checksum2);
doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("insert into Table1(id) values(43)");
// Attachment file should have been deleted on previous close.
files = await doc.docStorage.all("select * from _gristsys_Files");
const asyncClose = store.closeDoc(doc); // this time, don't explicitly wait for closeDoc.
doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
const checksum3 = await getRedisChecksum(docId);
assert.notEqual(checksum2, checksum3);
await asyncClose;
// Viewing a document should not mark it as changed (unless a document-level migration
// needed to run).
it('viewing a document does not generally change it', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
await () => {
const markAsChanged: {callCount: number} = store.storageManager.markAsChanged as any;
const changesInitial = markAsChanged.callCount;
let doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.waitForInitialization();
await store.closeDoc(doc);
const changesAfterCreation = markAsChanged.callCount;
assert.isAbove(changesAfterCreation, changesInitial);
doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.waitForInitialization();
await store.closeDoc(doc);
const changesAfterViewing = markAsChanged.callCount;
assert.equal(changesAfterViewing, changesAfterCreation);
it('can fork documents', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
const forkId = `${docId}~fork1`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId);
await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'trunk' where id = 1");
await () => {
await store.docManager.storageManager.prepareFork(docId, forkId);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, forkId);
assert.equal('trunk', (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'fork' where id = 1");
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
let doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
assert.equal('trunk', (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, forkId);
assert.equal('fork', (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
// Check that the trunk can be replaced by a fork
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
await store.storageManager.replace(docId, {sourceDocId: forkId});
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
assert.equal('fork', (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
it('can persist a fork with no modifications', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
const forkId = `${docId}~fork1`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId);
// Create a document.
await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.docStorage.exec("update Table1 set A = 'trunk' where id = 1");
// Create a fork with no modifications.
await () => {
await store.docManager.storageManager.prepareFork(docId, forkId);
await store.waitForUpdates();
await store.removeAll();
// Zap local copy of fork.
await fse.remove(store.getDocPath(docId));
// Make sure opening the fork works as expected.
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, forkId);
assert.equal('trunk', (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
await store.removeAll();
it('can access snapshots', async function() {
// Keep number of forks less than 5 so pruning doesn't kick in.
const forks = 4;
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
const forkId1 = `${docId}~fork1`;
const forkId2 = `${docId}~fork2`;
const forkId3 = `${docId}~fork3`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId1);
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId2);
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId3);
const doc = await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.waitForInitialization();
for (let i = 0; i < forks; i++) {
await doc.docStorage.exec(`update Table1 set A = 'v${i}' where id = 1`);
await doc.testKeepOpen();
await store.waitForUpdates();
return doc;
const {snapshots} = await store.storageManager.getSnapshots(doc.docName);
assert.isAtLeast(snapshots.length, forks + 1); // May be 1 greater depending on how long
// it takes to run initial migrations.
await () => {
for (let i = forks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const snapshot = snapshots.shift()!;
const forkId = snapshot.docId;
await workers.assignDocWorker(forkId);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, forkId);
assert.equal(`v${i}`, (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))!.A);
it('can access snapshots with old schema versions', async function() {
const snapshotId = `World~v=1`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(snapshotId);
await () => {
// Pretend we have a snapshot of World-v33.grist and fetch/load it.
await useFixtureDoc('World-v33.grist', store.storageManager, `${snapshotId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, snapshotId);
// Check that the snapshot isn't broken.
assert.doesNotThrow(async () => await doc.waitForInitialization());
// Check that the snapshot was migrated to the latest schema version.
(await doc.docStorage.get("select schemaVersion from _grist_DocInfo where id = 1"))!.schemaVersion
// Check that the document is actually a snapshot.
await assert.isRejected(doc.replace(docSession, {sourceDocId: 'docId'}),
/Snapshots cannot be replaced/);
await assert.isRejected(doc.applyUserActions(docSession, [['AddTable', 'NewTable', [{id: 'A'}]]]),
/pyCall is not available in snapshots/);
it('can prune snapshots', async function() {
const versions = 8;
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
const doc = await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
for (let i = 0; i < versions; i++) {
await doc.docStorage.exec(`update Table1 set A = 'v${i}' where id = 1`);
await doc.testKeepOpen();
await store.waitForUpdates();
await store.storageManager.testWaitForPrunes();
return doc;
await waitForIt(async () => {
const {snapshots} = await store.storageManager.getSnapshots(doc.docName);
// Should be keeping at least five, and then maybe 1 more if the hour changed
// during the test.
assert.isAtMost(snapshots.length, 6);
assert.isAtLeast(snapshots.length, 5);
}, 20000);
await waitForIt(async () => {
// Double check with external store directly.
const snapshots = await store.storageManager.testGetExternalStorage().versions(doc.docName);
assert.isAtMost(snapshots.length, 6);
assert.isAtLeast(snapshots.length, 5);
}, 20000);
for (const wipeLocal of [false, true]) {
it (`can lose checksums without disruption with${wipeLocal ? '' : 'out'} local file wipe`, async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
await workers.assignDocWorker(docId);
// Create a series of versions of a document, and fetch them sequentially
// so that they are potentially available as stale values.
await () => {
await useFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
if (i > 0) {
const prev = await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1");
assert.equal(prev!.A, `magic_word${i - 1}`);
await doc.docStorage.exec(`update Table1 set A = 'magic_word${i}' where id = 1`);
// Wipe all checksums and make sure (1) we don't get any errors and (2) the
// right version of the document shows up after a while.
let result: string | undefined;
await waitForIt(async () => {
await dropAllChecksums();
if (wipeLocal) {
// Optionally wipe all local files.
await store.removeAll();
await () => {
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
result = (await doc.docStorage.get("select A from Table1 where id = 1"))?.A;
if (result !== 'magic_word2') {
throw new Error(`inconsistent result: ${result}`);
}, 20000);
assert.equal(result, 'magic_word2');
it('can access metadata', async function() {
const docId = `create-${uuidv4()}`;
const { tz, h, doc } = await () => {
// Use a doc that's up-to-date on storage migrations, but needs a python schema migration.
await useFixtureDoc('BlobMigrationV8.grist', store.storageManager, `${docId}.grist`);
const doc = await store.docManager.fetchDoc(docSession, docId);
await doc.waitForInitialization();
const rec = await doc.fetchTable(makeExceptionalDocSession('system'), '_grist_DocInfo');
const tz = rec.tableData[3].timezone[0];
const h = (await doc.getRecentStates(makeExceptionalDocSession('system')))[0].h;
await store.docManager.makeBackup(doc, 'hello');
return { tz, h, doc };
const {snapshots} = await store.storageManager.getSnapshots(doc.docName);
assert.equal(snapshots[0]?.metadata?.label, 'hello');
// There can be extra snapshots, depending on timing.
const prevSnapshotWithLabel = snapshots.find((s, idx) => idx > 0 && s.metadata?.label);
assert.match(String(prevSnapshotWithLabel?.metadata?.label), /migrate-schema/);
assert.equal(snapshots[0]?.metadata?.tz, String(tz));
assert.equal(snapshots[0]?.metadata?.h, h);
// This is a performance test, to check if the backup settings are plausible.
describe('backupSqliteDatabase', async function() {
it('backups are robust to locking', async function() {
// Takes some time to create large db and play with it.
const tmpDir = await createTmpDir();
const src = path.join(tmpDir, "src.db");
const dest = path.join(tmpDir, "dest.db");
const db = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(src);
await"create table data(x,y,z)");
await db.execTransaction(async () => {
const stmt = await db.prepare("INSERT INTO data VALUES (?,?,?)");
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
// Silly code to make a long random string to insert.
// We can make a big db faster this way.
const str = (new Array(100)).fill(1).map((_: any) => Math.random().toString(2)).join();
await, str, str);
await stmt.finalize();
const stat = await fse.stat(src);
assert(stat.size > 150 * 1000 * 1000);
let done: boolean = false;
let eventStart: number = 0;
let eventAction: string = "";
let eventCount: number = 0;
function progress(event: BackupEvent) {
if (event.phase === 'after') {
// Duration of backup action should never approach the default node-sqlite3 busy_timeout of 1s.
// If it does, then user actions could be blocked.
assert.equal(event.action, eventAction);
assert.isBelow( - eventStart, 100);
} else if (event.phase === 'before') {
eventStart =;
eventAction = event.action;
let backupError: Error|undefined;
const act = backupSqliteDatabase(src, dest, progress).then(() => done = true)
.catch((e) => { done = true; backupError = e; });
// Try a series of insertions, to check that db never appears locked to us.
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
await bluebird.delay(10);
try {
await db.exec('INSERT INTO data VALUES (1,2,3)');
} catch (e) {
log.error('insertion failed, that is bad news, the db was locked for too long');
throw e;
// Lock the db up completely for a while.
await db.exec('PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE');
await db.exec('BEGIN EXCLUSIVE');
await bluebird.delay(500);
await db.exec('COMMIT');
await db.exec('PRAGMA locking_mode = NORMAL');
while (!done) {
// Make sure regular queries don't get in the way of backup completing
await db.all('select * from data limit 100');
await bluebird.delay(100);
await act;
if (backupError) { throw backupError; }
// Make sure we are receiving backup events and checking their timing.
assert.isAbove(eventCount, 100);
// Finally, check the backup looks sane.
const db2 = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(dest);
assert.lengthOf(await db2.all('select rowid from data'), 10000 + 100);