
3874 lines
171 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {mapGetOrSet, mapSetOrClear, MapWithTTL} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {normalizeEmail} from 'app/common/emails';
import {canAddOrgMembers, Features} from 'app/common/Features';
import {buildUrlId, MIN_URLID_PREFIX_LENGTH, parseUrlId} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {FullUser, UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {checkSubdomainValidity} from 'app/common/orgNameUtils';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
// TODO: API should implement UserAPI
ManagerDelta, NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE, OrganizationProperties,
Organization as OrgInfo, PermissionData, PermissionDelta, SUPPORT_EMAIL, UserAccessData,
WorkspaceProperties} from "app/common/UserAPI";
import {AclRule, AclRuleDoc, AclRuleOrg, AclRuleWs} from "app/gen-server/entity/AclRule";
import {Alias} from "app/gen-server/entity/Alias";
import {BillingAccount} from "app/gen-server/entity/BillingAccount";
import {BillingAccountManager} from "app/gen-server/entity/BillingAccountManager";
import {Document} from "app/gen-server/entity/Document";
import {Group} from "app/gen-server/entity/Group";
import {Login} from "app/gen-server/entity/Login";
import {AccessOption, AccessOptionWithRole, Organization} from "app/gen-server/entity/Organization";
import {Pref} from "app/gen-server/entity/Pref";
import {getDefaultProductNames, Product, starterFeatures} from "app/gen-server/entity/Product";
import {User} from "app/gen-server/entity/User";
import {Workspace} from "app/gen-server/entity/Workspace";
import {Permissions} from 'app/gen-server/lib/Permissions';
import {scrubUserFromOrg} from "app/gen-server/lib/scrubUserFromOrg";
import {applyPatch} from 'app/gen-server/lib/TypeORMPatches';
import {bitOr, getRawAndEntities, now, readJson} from 'app/gen-server/sqlUtils';
import {makeId} from 'app/server/lib/idUtils';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {Permit} from 'app/server/lib/Permit';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
import pick = require('lodash/pick');
import {Brackets, Connection, createConnection, DatabaseType, EntityManager,
getConnection, SelectQueryBuilder, WhereExpression} from "typeorm";
// Support transactions in Sqlite in async code. This is a monkey patch, affecting
// the prototypes of various TypeORM classes.
// TODO: remove this patch if the issue is ever accepted as a problem in TypeORM and
// fixed. See
// Nominal email address of a user who can view anything (for thumbnails).
export const PREVIEWER_EMAIL = '';
// A list of emails we don't expect to see logins for.
// Name of a special workspace with examples in it.
export const EXAMPLE_WORKSPACE_NAME = 'Examples & Templates';
// A TTL in milliseconds for caching the result of looking up access level for a doc,
// which is a burden under heavy traffic.
const DOC_AUTH_CACHE_TTL = 5000;
type Resource = Organization|Workspace|Document;
export interface QueryResult<T> {
status: number;
data?: T;
errMessage?: string;
// Maps from userId to group name, or null to inherit.
export interface UserIdDelta {
[userId: string]: roles.NonGuestRole|null;
// Options for certain create query helpers private to this file.
interface QueryOptions {
manager?: EntityManager;
markPermissions?: Permissions;
needRealOrg?: boolean; // Set if pseudo-org should be collapsed to user's personal org
allowSpecialPermit?: boolean; // Set if specialPermit in Scope object should be respected,
// potentially overriding markPermissions.
interface GroupDescriptor {
readonly name: roles.Role;
readonly permissions: number;
readonly nestParent: boolean;
readonly orgOnly?: boolean;
// Information about a change in billable users.
export interface UserChange {
userId: number; // who initiated the change
org: Organization; // organization changed
customerId: string|null; // stripe customer id
countBefore: number; // billable users before change
countAfter: number; // billable users after change
membersBefore: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>;
membersAfter: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>;
// A specification of the users available during a request. This can be a single
// user, identified by a user id, or a collection of profiles (typically drawn from
// the session).
type AvailableUsers = number | UserProfile[];
// A type guard to check for single-user case.
function isSingleUser(users: AvailableUsers): users is number {
return typeof users === 'number';
// The context in which a query is being made. Includes what we know
// about the user, and for requests made from pages, the active organization.
export interface Scope {
userId: number; // The ID of the user for authentication purposes.
org?: string; // Org identified in request.
urlId?: string; // Set when accessing a document. May be a docId.
users?: AvailableUsers; // Set if available identities.
includeSupport?: boolean; // When set, include sample resources shared by support to scope.
showRemoved?: boolean; // When set, query is scoped to removed workspaces/docs.
showAll?: boolean; // When set, return both removed and regular resources.
specialPermit?: Permit; // When set, extra rights are granted on a specific resource.
// Flag for whether we are listing resources or opening them. This makes a difference
// for public resources, which we allow users to open but not necessarily list.
type AccessStyle = 'list' | 'open';
// A Scope for documents, with mandatory urlId.
export interface DocScope extends Scope {
urlId: string;
type NonGuestGroup = Group & { name: roles.NonGuestRole };
// Returns whether the given group is a valid non-guest group.
function isNonGuestGroup(group: Group): group is NonGuestGroup {
return roles.isNonGuestRole(;
export interface UserProfileChange {
name?: string;
isFirstTimeUser?: boolean;
// Identifies a request to access a document. This combination of values is also used for caching
// DocAuthResult for DOC_AUTH_CACHE_TTL. Other request scope information is passed along.
export interface DocAuthKey {
urlId: string; // May be docId. Must be unambiguous in the context of the org.
userId: number; // The user accessing this doc. (Could be the ID of Anonymous.)
org?: string; // Undefined if unknown (e.g. in API calls, but needs unique urlId).
// Document auth info. This is the minimum needed to resolve user access checks. For anything else
// (e.g. doc title), the uncached getDoc() call should be used.
export interface DocAuthResult {
docId: string|null; // The unique identifier of the document. Null on error.
access: roles.Role|null; // The access level for the requesting user. Null on error.
removed: boolean|null; // Set if the doc is soft-deleted. Users may still have access
// to removed documents for some purposes. Null on error.
error?: ApiError;
cachedDoc?: Document; // For cases where stale info is ok.
// Represent a DocAuthKey as a string. The format is "<urlId>:<org> <userId>".
// flushSingleDocAuthCache() depends on this format.
function stringifyDocAuthKey(key: DocAuthKey): string {
return stringifyUrlIdOrg(key.urlId, + ` ${key.userId}`;
function stringifyUrlIdOrg(urlId: string, org?: string): string {
return `${urlId}:${org}`;
* HomeDBManager handles interaction between the ApiServer and the Home database,
* encapsulating the typeorm logic.
export class HomeDBManager extends EventEmitter {
private _connection: Connection;
private _dbType: DatabaseType;
private _specialUserIds: {[name: string]: number} = {}; // id for anonymous user, previewer, etc
private _exampleWorkspaceId: number;
private _exampleOrgId: number;
private _idPrefix: string = ""; // Place this before ids in subdomains, used in routing to
// deployments on same subdomain.
private _docAuthCache = new MapWithTTL<string, Promise<DocAuthResult>>(DOC_AUTH_CACHE_TTL);
* Five aclRules, each with one group (with the names 'owners', 'editors', 'viewers',
* 'guests', and 'members') are created by default on every new entity (Organization,
* Workspace, Document). These special groups are documented in the _defaultGroups
* constant below.
* When a child resource is created under a parent (i.e. when a new Workspace is created
* under an Organization), special groups with a truthy 'nestParent' property are set up
* to include in their memberGroups a single group on initialization - the parent's
* corresponding special group. Special groups with a falsy 'nextParent' property are
* empty on intialization.
* NOTE: The groups are ordered from most to least permissive, and should remain that way.
* TODO: app/common/roles already contains an ordering of the default roles. Usage should
* be consolidated.
private readonly _defaultGroups: GroupDescriptor[] = [{
name: roles.OWNER,
permissions: Permissions.OWNER,
nestParent: true
}, {
name: roles.EDITOR,
permissions: Permissions.EDITOR,
nestParent: true
}, {
name: roles.VIEWER,
permissions: Permissions.VIEW,
nestParent: true
}, {
name: roles.GUEST,
permissions: Permissions.VIEW,
nestParent: false
}, {
name: roles.MEMBER,
permissions: Permissions.VIEW,
nestParent: false,
orgOnly: true
// All groups.
public get defaultGroups(): GroupDescriptor[] {
return this._defaultGroups;
// Groups whose permissions are inherited from parent resource to child resources.
public get defaultBasicGroups(): GroupDescriptor[] {
return this._defaultGroups
.filter(_grpDesc => _grpDesc.nestParent);
// Groups that are common to all resources.
public get defaultCommonGroups(): GroupDescriptor[] {
return this._defaultGroups
.filter(_grpDesc => !_grpDesc.orgOnly);
public get defaultGroupNames(): roles.Role[] {
return =>;
public get defaultBasicGroupNames(): roles.BasicRole[] {
return this.defaultBasicGroups
.map(_grpDesc => as roles.BasicRole[];
public get defaultNonGuestGroupNames(): roles.NonGuestRole[] {
return this._defaultGroups
.filter(_grpDesc => !== roles.GUEST)
.map(_grpDesc => as roles.NonGuestRole[];
public get defaultCommonGroupNames(): roles.NonMemberRole[] {
return this.defaultCommonGroups
.map(_grpDesc => as roles.NonMemberRole[];
public setPrefix(prefix: string) {
this._idPrefix = prefix;
public async connect(): Promise<void> {
try {
// If multiple servers are started within the same process, we
// share the database connection. This saves locking trouble
// with Sqlite.
this._connection = getConnection();
} catch (e) {
this._connection = await createConnection();
this._dbType = this._connection.driver.options.type;
// make sure special users and workspaces are available
public async initializeSpecialIds(): Promise<void> {
await this._getSpecialUserId({
name: "Anonymous"
await this._getSpecialUserId({
name: "Preview"
await this._getSpecialUserId({
name: "Everyone"
await this._getSpecialUserId({
name: "Support"
// Find the example workspace. If there isn't one named just right, take the first workspace
// belonging to the support user. This shouldn't happen in deployments but could happen
// in tests.
const supportWorkspaces = await this._workspaces()
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
.where('orgs.owner_id = :userId', { userId: this.getSupportUserId() })
const exampleWorkspace = supportWorkspaces.find(ws => === EXAMPLE_WORKSPACE_NAME) || supportWorkspaces[0];
if (!exampleWorkspace) { throw new Error('No example workspace available'); }
log.warn('did not find an appropriately named example workspace in deployment');
this._exampleWorkspaceId =;
this._exampleOrgId =;
public get connection() {
return this._connection;
public async testQuery(sql: string, args: any[]): Promise<any> {
return this._connection.query(sql, args);
* Maps from the name of an entity to its id, for the purposes of
* unit tests only. It relies on test entities being named
* distinctly. It just runs through each model in turn by brute
* force, and returns the id of this first match it finds.
public async testGetId(name: string): Promise<number|string> {
const org = await Organization.findOne({name});
if (org) { return; }
const ws = await Workspace.findOne({name});
if (ws) { return; }
const doc = await Document.findOne({name});
if (doc) { return; }
const user = await User.findOne({name});
if (user) { return; }
const product = await Product.findOne({name});
if (product) { return; }
throw new Error(`Cannot testGetId(${name})`);
* Clear all user preferences associated with the given email addresses.
* For use in tests.
public async testClearUserPrefs(emails: string[]) {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
for (const email of emails) {
const user = await this.getUserByLogin(email, undefined, manager);
if (user) {
await manager.delete(Pref, {userId:});
public getUserByKey(apiKey: string): Promise<User|undefined> {
(core) support adding user characteristic tables for granular ACLs Summary: This is a prototype for expanding the conditions that can be used in granular ACLs. When processing ACLs, the following variables (called "characteristics") are now available in conditions: * UserID * Email * Name * Access (owners, editors, viewers) The set of variables can be expanded by adding a "characteristic" clause. This is a clause which specifies: * A tableId * The name of an existing characteristic * A colId The effect of the clause is to expand the available characteristics with all the columns in the table, with values taken from the record where there is a match between the specified characteristic and the specified column. Existing clauses are generalized somewhat to demonstrate and test the use these variables. That isn't the main point of this diff though, and I propose to leave generalizing+systematizing those clauses for a future diff. Issues I'm not dealing with here: * How clauses combine. (The scope on GranularAccessRowClause is a hack to save me worrying about that yet). * The full set of matching methods we'll allow. * Refreshing row access in clients when the tables mentioned in characteristic tables change. * Full CRUD permission control. * Default rules (part of combination). * Reporting errors in access rules. That said, with this diff it is possible to e.g. assign a City to editors by their email address or name, and have only rows for those Cities be visible in their client. Ability to modify those rows, and remain updates about them, remains under incomplete control. Test Plan: added tests Reviewers: dsagal Reviewed By: dsagal Differential Revision:
2020-10-19 14:25:21 +00:00
// Include logins relation for Authorization convenience.
return User.findOne({apiKey}, {relations: ["logins"]});
public getUser(userId: number): Promise<User|undefined> {
return User.findOne(userId, {relations: ["logins"]});
public async getFullUser(userId: number): Promise<FullUser> {
const user = await User.findOne(userId, {relations: ["logins"]});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); }
return this.makeFullUser(user);
* Convert a user record into the format specified in api.
public makeFullUser(user: User): FullUser {
if (!(user.logins && user.logins[0].displayEmail)) {
throw new ApiError("unable to find mandatory user email", 400);
return {
email: user.logins[0].displayEmail,
picture: user.picture,
anonymous: this.getAnonymousUserId() ===
public async updateUser(userId: number, props: UserProfileChange): Promise<void> {
let isWelcomed: boolean = false;
let user: User|undefined;
await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
user = await manager.findOne(User, {relations: ['logins'],
where: {id: userId}});
let needsSave = false;
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); }
if ( && !== { =;
needsSave = true;
if (props.isFirstTimeUser !== undefined && props.isFirstTimeUser !== user.isFirstTimeUser) {
user.isFirstTimeUser = props.isFirstTimeUser;
needsSave = true;
// If we are turning off the isFirstTimeUser flag, then right
// after this transaction commits is a great time to trigger
// any automation for first logins - the user has logged in
// and gone through the welcome process (so they've had a
// chance to set a name)
if (!props.isFirstTimeUser) { isWelcomed = true; }
if (needsSave) {
if (user && isWelcomed) {
this.emit('firstLogin', this.makeFullUser(user));
public async updateUserName(userId: number, name: string) {
const user = await User.findOne(userId);
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); } = name;
// Fetch user from login, creating the user if previously unseen, allowing one retry
// for an email key conflict failure. This is in case our transaction conflicts with a peer
// doing the same thing. This is quite likely if the first page visited by a previously
// unseen user fires off multiple api calls.
public async getUserByLoginWithRetry(email: string, profile: UserProfile): Promise<User|undefined> {
try {
return await this.getUserByLogin(email, profile);
} catch (e) {
if ( === 'QueryFailedError' && e.detail &&
e.detail.match(/Key \(email\)=[^ ]+ already exists/)) {
// This is a postgres-specific error message. This problem cannot arise in sqlite,
// because we have to serialize sqlite transactions in any case to get around a typeorm
// limitation.
return await this.getUserByLogin(email, profile);
throw e;
* Fetches a user record based on an email address. If a user record already
* exists linked to the email address supplied, that is the record returned.
* Otherwise a fresh record is created, linked to the supplied email address.
* The name supplied is used to create this fresh record - otherwise it is
* ignored.
public async getUserByLogin(
email: string,
profile?: UserProfile,
transaction?: EntityManager
): Promise<User|undefined> {
const normalizedEmail = normalizeEmail(email);
const userByLogin = await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
let needUpdate = false;
const userQuery = manager.createQueryBuilder()
.from(User, 'user')
.leftJoinAndSelect('user.logins', 'logins')
.leftJoinAndSelect('user.personalOrg', 'personalOrg')
.where('email = :email', {email: normalizedEmail});
let user = await userQuery.getOne();
let login: Login;
if (!user) {
user = new User();
// Special users do not have first time user set so that they don't get redirected to the
// welcome page.
user.isFirstTimeUser = !NON_LOGIN_EMAILS.includes(normalizedEmail);
login = new Login(); = normalizedEmail;
login.user = user;
needUpdate = true;
} else {
login = user.logins[0];
// Check that user and login records are up to date.
if (! {
// Set the user's name if our provider knows it. Otherwise use their username
// from email, for lack of something better. If we don't have a profile at this
// time, then leave the name blank in the hopes of learning it when the user logs in. = (profile && ( || email.split('@')[0])) || '';
needUpdate = true;
if (profile && !user.firstLoginAt) {
// set first login time to now (remove milliseconds for compatibility with other
// timestamps in db set by typeorm, and since second level precision is fine)
const nowish = new Date();
user.firstLoginAt = nowish;
needUpdate = true;
if (!user.picture && profile && profile.picture) {
// Set the user's profile picture if our provider knows it.
user.picture = profile.picture;
needUpdate = true;
if (profile && && !== login.displayEmail) {
// Use provider's version of email address for display.
login.displayEmail =;
needUpdate = true;
if (!login.displayEmail) {
// Save some kind of display email if we don't have anything at all for it yet.
// This could be coming from how someone wrote it in a UserManager dialog, for
// instance. It will get overwritten when the user logs in if the provider's
// version is different.
login.displayEmail = email;
needUpdate = true;
if (needUpdate) {
login.user = user;
await[user, login]);
if (!user.personalOrg && !NON_LOGIN_EMAILS.includes( {
// Add a personal organization for this user.
// We don't add a personal org for anonymous/everyone/previewer "users" as it could
// get a bit confusing.
const result = await this.addOrg(user, {name: "Personal"}, true, true, manager);
if (result.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(result.errMessage);
needUpdate = true;
if (needUpdate) {
// We changed the db - reload user in order to give consistent results.
// In principle this could be optimized, but this is simpler to maintain.
user = await userQuery.getOne();
return user;
return userByLogin;
* Returns true if the given domain string is available, and false if it is not available.
* NOTE that the endpoint only checks if the domain string is taken in the database, it does
* not check whether the string contains invalid characters.
public async isDomainAvailable(domain: string): Promise<boolean> {
let qb = this._orgs();
qb = this._whereOrg(qb, domain);
const results = await qb.getRawAndEntities();
return results.entities.length === 0;
* Returns the number of users in any non-guest role in the given org.
* Note that this does not require permissions and should not be exposed to the client.
* If an Organization is provided, all of orgs.acl_rules,,
* and should be included.
public async getOrgMemberCount(org: string|number|Organization): Promise<number> {
if (!(org instanceof Organization)) {
const orgQuery = this._org(null, false, org, {
needRealOrg: true
// Join the org's ACL rules (with 1st level groups/users listed).
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_member_users');
const result = await orgQuery.getRawAndEntities();
if (result.entities.length === 0) {
// If the query for the doc failed, return the failure result.
throw new ApiError('org not found', 404);
org = result.entities[0];
return getResourceUsers(org, this.defaultNonGuestGroupNames).length;
* Deletes a user from the database. For the moment, the only person with the right
* to delete a user is the user themselves.
* Users have logins, a personal org, and entries in the group_users table. All are
* removed together in a transaction. All material in the personal org will be lost.
* @param scope: request scope, including the id of the user initiating this action
* @param userIdToDelete: the id of the user to delete from the database
* @param name: optional cross-check, delete only if user name matches this
public async deleteUser(scope: Scope, userIdToDelete: number,
name?: string): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const userIdDeleting = scope.userId;
if (userIdDeleting !== userIdToDelete) {
throw new ApiError('not permitted to delete this user', 403);
await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const user = await manager.findOne(User, {where: {id: userIdToDelete},
relations: ["logins", "personalOrg"]});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError('user not found', 404); }
if (name) {
if ( !== name) {
throw new ApiError(`user name did not match ('${name}' vs '${}')`, 400);
if (user.personalOrg) { await this.deleteOrg(scope,, manager); }
await manager.remove([...user.logins]);
// We don't have a GroupUser entity, and adding one tickles lots of TypeOrm quirkiness,
// so use a plain query to delete entries in the group_users table.
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
.where('user_id = :userId', {userId: userIdToDelete})
await manager.delete(User, userIdToDelete);
return {
status: 200
* Returns a QueryResult for the given organization. The orgKey
* can be a string (the domain from url) or the id of an org. If it is
* null, the user's personal organization is returned.
public async getOrg(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number|null,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<QueryResult<Organization>> {
const {userId} = scope;
// Anonymous access to the merged org is a special case. We return an
// empty organization, not backed by the database, and which can contain
// nothing but the example documents always added to the merged org.
if (this.isMergedOrg(orgKey) && userId === this.getAnonymousUserId()) {
const anonOrg: OrgInfo = {
id: 0,
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
domain: this.mergedOrgDomain(),
name: 'Anonymous',
owner: this.makeFullUser(this.getAnonymousUser()),
access: 'viewers',
billingAccount: {
id: 0,
individual: true,
product: {
name: 'anonymous',
features: starterFeatures,
isManager: false,
host: null
return { status: 200, data: anonOrg as any };
let qb =, orgKey, {
manager: transaction,
needRealOrg: true
qb = this._addBillingAccount(qb, scope.userId);
let effectiveUserId = scope.userId;
if (scope.specialPermit && === orgKey) {
effectiveUserId = this.getPreviewerUserId();
qb = this._withAccess(qb, effectiveUserId, 'orgs');
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'owner');
// Add preference information that will be relevant for presentation of the org.
// That includes preference information specific to the site and the user,
// or specific just to the site, or specific just to the user.
qb = qb.leftJoinAndMapMany('orgs.prefs', Pref, 'prefs',
'(prefs.org_id = or prefs.org_id IS NULL) AND ' +
'(prefs.user_id = :userId or prefs.user_id IS NULL)',
// Apply a particular order (user+org first if present, then org, then user).
// Slightly round-about syntax because Sqlite and Postgres disagree about NULL
// ordering (Sqlite does support NULL LAST syntax now, but not on our fork yet).
qb = qb.addOrderBy('coalesce(prefs.org_id, 0)', 'DESC');
qb = qb.addOrderBy('coalesce(prefs.user_id, 0)', 'DESC');
const result = await this._verifyAclPermissions(qb);
if (result.status === 200) {
// Return the only org. =[0];
if (this.isMergedOrg(orgKey)) {
// The merged psuedo-organization is almost, but not quite, the user's personal
// org. We give it a distinct domain and id. = 0; = this.mergedOrgDomain();
return result;
* Gets the billing account for the specified org. Will throw errors if the org
* is not found, or if the user does not have access to its billing account.
* The special previewer user is given access to billing account information.
* The billing account includes fields such as stripeCustomerId.
* To include `managers` and `orgs` fields listing all billing account managers
* and organizations linked to the account, set `includeOrgsAndManagers`.
public async getBillingAccount(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number,
includeOrgsAndManagers: boolean,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<BillingAccount> {
const org = this.unwrapQueryResult(await this.getOrg(scope, orgKey, transaction));
if (!org.billingAccount.isManager && scope.userId !== this.getPreviewerUserId() &&
// The special permit (used for the support user) allows access to the billing account.
scope.specialPermit?.org !== orgKey) {
throw new ApiError('User does not have access to billing account', 401);
if (!includeOrgsAndManagers) { return org.billingAccount; }
// For full billing account information including all managers
// (for team accounts) and orgs (for individual accounts), we need
// to make a different query since what we've got so far is
// filtered by org and by user for authorization purposes.
// Also, filling out user information linked to orgs and managers
// requires a few extra joins.
return this.getFullBillingAccount(, transaction);
* Gets all information about a billing account, without permission check.
public getFullBillingAccount(billingAccountId: number, transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<BillingAccount> {
return this._runInTransaction(transaction, async tr => {
let qb = tr.createQueryBuilder()
.from(BillingAccount, 'billing_accounts')
.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.product', 'products')
.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.managers', 'managers')
.leftJoinAndSelect('managers.user', 'manager_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('manager_users.logins', 'manager_logins')
.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.orgs', 'orgs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'org_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_users.logins', 'org_logins')
.where(' = :billingAccountId', {billingAccountId});
qb = this._addBillingAccountCalculatedFields(qb);
// TODO: should reconcile with isManager field that stripped down results have.
const results = await qb.getRawAndEntities();
const resources = this._normalizeQueryResults(results.entities);
if (!resources[0]) {
throw new ApiError('Cannot find billing account', 500);
return resources[0];
* Returns a QueryResult for an organization with nested workspaces.
public async getOrgWorkspaces(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number,
options: QueryOptions = {}): Promise<QueryResult<Workspace[]>> {
const {userId} = scope;
const supportId = this._specialUserIds[SUPPORT_EMAIL];
let queryBuilder =, orgKey, options)
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.workspaces', 'workspaces')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'docs', this._onDoc(scope))
.leftJoin('orgs.billingAccount', 'account')
.leftJoin('account.product', 'product')
// order the support org (aka Samples/Examples) after other ones.
.orderBy('coalesce(orgs.owner_id = :supportId, false)')
.setParameter('supportId', supportId)
.addOrderBy('(orgs.owner_id = :userId)', 'DESC')
.setParameter('userId', userId)
// For consistency of results, particularly in tests, order workspaces by name.
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'org_users');
// If merged org, we need to take some special steps.
if (this.isMergedOrg(orgKey)) {
// Add information about owners of personal orgs.
queryBuilder = queryBuilder
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_users.logins', 'org_logins');
// Add a direct, efficient filter to remove irrelevant personal orgs from consideration.
queryBuilder = this._filterByOrgGroups(queryBuilder, userId);
// The anonymous user is a special case; include only examples from support user.
if (userId === this.getAnonymousUserId()) {
queryBuilder = queryBuilder.andWhere('orgs.owner_id = :supportId', { supportId });
queryBuilder = this._addIsSupportWorkspace(userId, queryBuilder, 'orgs', 'workspaces');
// Add access information and query limits
// TODO: allow generic org limit once sample/support workspace is done differently
queryBuilder = this._applyLimit(queryBuilder, {...scope, org: undefined}, ['orgs', 'workspaces', 'docs'], 'list');
const result = await this._verifyAclPermissions(queryBuilder, { scope });
// Return the workspaces, not the org(s).
if (result.status === 200) {
// Place ownership information in workspaces, available for the merged org.
for (const o of {
for (const ws of o.workspaces) {
ws.owner = o.owner;
// For org-specific requests, we still have the org's workspaces, plus the Samples workspace
// from the support org. = [].concat( Organization) => o.workspaces));
return result;
* Returns a QueryResult for the workspace with the given workspace id. The workspace
* includes nested Docs.
public async getWorkspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number): Promise<QueryResult<Workspace>> {
const {userId} = scope;
let queryBuilder = this._workspaces()
.where(' = :wsId', {wsId})
// Nest the docs within the workspace object
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'docs', this._onDoc(scope))
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'owner')
// Define some order (spec doesn't promise anything though)
queryBuilder = this._addIsSupportWorkspace(userId, queryBuilder, 'orgs', 'workspaces');
// Add access information and query limits
// TODO: allow generic org limit once sample/support workspace is done differently
queryBuilder = this._applyLimit(queryBuilder, {...scope, org: undefined}, ['workspaces', 'docs'], 'list');
const result = await this._verifyAclPermissions(queryBuilder, { scope });
// Return a single workspace.
if (result.status === 200) { =[0];
return result;
* Compute the best access option for an organization, from the
* users available to the client. If none of the options can access
* the organization, returns null. If there are equally good
* options, an arbitrary one is returned.
* Comparison is made between roles rather than fine-grained
* permissions, since otherwise the result would not be well defined
* (permissions could in general overlap without one being a
* superset of the other). For the acl rules we've used so far,
* this problem does not arise and reasoning at the level of a
* hierarchy of roles is adequate.
public async getBestUserForOrg(users: AvailableUsers, org: number|string): Promise<AccessOptionWithRole|null> {
if (this.isMergedOrg(org)) {
// Don't try to pick a best user for the merged personal org.
// If this changes in future, be sure to call this._filterByOrgGroups on the query
// below, otherwise it will include every users' personal org which is wasteful
// and parsing/mapping the results in TypeORM is slow.
return null;
let qb = this._orgs();
qb = this._whereOrg(qb, org);
qb = this._withAccess(qb, users, 'orgs');
const result = await this._verifyAclPermissions(qb, {emptyAllowed: true});
if (! {
throw new ApiError(result.errMessage || 'failed to select user', result.status);
if (! { return null; }
const options: AccessOptionWithRole[] =[0].accessOptions;
if (!options.length) { return null; }
const role = roles.getStrongestRole( => option.access));
return options.find(option => option.access === role) || null;
* Returns a SelectQueryBuilder which gives an array of orgs already filtered by
* the given user' (or users') access.
* If a domain is specified, only an org matching that domain and accessible by
* the user or users is returned.
* The anonymous user is treated specially, to avoid advertising organizations
* with anonymous access.
public async getOrgs(users: AvailableUsers, domain: string|null): Promise<QueryResult<Organization[]>> {
let queryBuilder = this._orgs()
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'users', 'orgs.owner_id =');
if (isSingleUser(users)) {
// When querying with a single user in mind, we keep our api promise
// of returning their personal org first in the list.
queryBuilder = queryBuilder
.orderBy('(coalesce(,0) = :userId)', 'DESC')
.setParameter('userId', users);
queryBuilder = queryBuilder
queryBuilder = this._withAccess(queryBuilder, users, 'orgs');
// Add a direct, efficient filter to remove irrelevant personal orgs from consideration.
queryBuilder = this._filterByOrgGroups(queryBuilder, users, domain);
if (this._isAnonymousUser(users)) {
// The anonymous user is a special case. It may have access to potentially
// many orgs, but listing them all would be kind of a misfeature. but reporting
// nothing would complicate the client. We compromise, and report at most
// the org of the site the user is on (or nothing when the api is accessed
// via a url that is unrelated to any particular org).
// This special processing is only needed for the isSingleUser case. Multiple
// users can only be presented when the user has proven login access to each.
if (domain && !this.isMergedOrg(domain)) {
queryBuilder = this._whereOrg(queryBuilder, domain);
} else {
return {status: 200, data: []};
return this._verifyAclPermissions(queryBuilder, {emptyAllowed: true});
// As for getOrgs, but all personal orgs are merged into a single entry.
public async getMergedOrgs(userId: number, users: AvailableUsers,
domain: string|null): Promise<QueryResult<Organization[]>> {
const result = await this.getOrgs(users, domain);
if (result.status === 200) {
return {status: 200, data: this._mergePersonalOrgs(userId,!)};
return result;
// Returns the doc with access information for the calling user only.
// TODO: The return type of this function includes the workspace and org with the owner
// properties set, as documented in app/common/UserAPI. The return type of this function
// should reflect that.
public async getDocImpl(key: DocAuthKey): Promise<Document> {
const {userId} = key;
// Doc permissions of forks are based on the "trunk" document, so make sure
// we look up permissions of trunk if we are on a fork (we'll fix the permissions
// up for the fork immediately afterwards).
const {trunkId, forkId, forkUserId, snapshotId} = parseUrlId(key.urlId);
const urlId = trunkId;
if (forkId || snapshotId) { key = {...key, urlId}; }
let doc: Document;
if (urlId === NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE) {
if (!forkId) { throw new ApiError('invalid document identifier', 400); }
// We imagine current user owning trunk if there is no embedded userId, or
// the embedded userId matches the current user.
const access = (forkUserId === undefined || forkUserId === userId) ? 'owners' :
(userId === this.getPreviewerUserId() ? 'viewers' : null);
if (!access) { throw new ApiError("access denied", 403); }
doc = {
name: 'Untitled',
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
id: 'new',
isPinned: false,
urlId: null,
workspace: this.unwrapQueryResult<Workspace>(
await this.getWorkspace({userId: this.getSupportUserId()},
aliases: [],
} as any;
} else {
// We can't delegate filtering of removed documents to the db, since we'll be
// caching authentication. But we also don't need to delegate filtering, since
// it is very simple at the single-document level. So we direct the db to include
// everything with showAll flag, and let the getDoc() wrapper deal with the remaining
// work.
let qb = this._doc({...key, showAll: true})
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.owner', 'org_users');
qb = this._addIsSupportWorkspace(userId, qb, 'orgs', 'workspaces');
qb = this._addFeatures(qb); // add features to determine whether we've gone readonly
const docs = this.unwrapQueryResult<Document[]>(await this._verifyAclPermissions(qb));
if (docs.length === 0) { throw new ApiError('document not found', 404); }
if (docs.length > 1) { throw new ApiError('ambiguous document request', 400); }
doc = docs[0];
const features =;
if (features.readOnlyDocs) {
// Don't allow any access to docs that is stronger than "viewers".
doc.access = roles.getWeakestRole('viewers', doc.access);
// Place ownership information in the doc's workspace.
(doc.workspace as any).owner =;
if (forkId || snapshotId) {
// Fix up our reply to be correct for the fork, rather than the trunk.
// The "id" and "urlId" fields need updating. = buildUrlId({trunkId:, forkId, forkUserId, snapshotId});
if (doc.urlId) {
doc.urlId = buildUrlId({trunkId: doc.urlId, forkId, forkUserId, snapshotId});
// Set trunkAccess field.
doc.trunkAccess = doc.access;
// Forks without a user id are editable by anyone with view access to the trunk.
if (forkUserId === undefined && roles.canView(doc.access)) { doc.access = 'owners'; }
if (forkUserId !== undefined) {
// A fork user id is known, so only that user should get to edit the fork.
if (userId === forkUserId) {
if (roles.canView(doc.access)) { doc.access = 'owners'; }
} else {
// reduce to viewer if not already viewer
doc.access = roles.getWeakestRole('viewers', doc.access);
// Finally, if we are viewing a snapshot, we can't edit it.
if (snapshotId) {
doc.access = roles.getWeakestRole('viewers', doc.access);
return doc;
// Calls getDocImpl() and returns the Document from that, caching a fresh DocAuthResult along
// the way. Note that we only cache the access level, not Document itself.
public async getDoc(scope: Scope): Promise<Document> {
const key = getDocAuthKeyFromScope(scope);
const promise = this.getDocImpl(key);
await mapSetOrClear(this._docAuthCache, stringifyDocAuthKey(key), makeDocAuthResult(promise));
const doc = await promise;
// Filter the result for removed / non-removed documents.
if (!scope.showAll && scope.showRemoved ?
(doc.removedAt === null && doc.workspace.removedAt === null) :
(doc.removedAt || doc.workspace.removedAt)) {
throw new ApiError('document not found', 404);
return doc;
// Returns access info for the given doc and user, caching the results for DOC_AUTH_CACHE_TTL
// ms. This helps reduce database load created by liberal authorization requests.
public async getDocAuthCached(key: DocAuthKey): Promise<DocAuthResult> {
return mapGetOrSet(this._docAuthCache, stringifyDocAuthKey(key),
() => makeDocAuthResult(this.getDocImpl(key)));
// Used in tests, and to clear all timeouts when exiting.
public flushDocAuthCache() {
// Flush cached access information about a specific document
// (identified specifically by a docId, not a urlId). Any cached
// information under an alias will also be flushed.
// TODO: make a more efficient implementation if needed.
public async flushSingleDocAuthCache(scope: DocScope, docId: string) {
// Get all aliases of this document.
const aliases = await this._connection.manager.find(Alias, { docId });
// Construct a set of possible prefixes for cache keys.
const names = new Set( => stringifyUrlIdOrg(a.urlId,;
// Remove any cache keys that start with any of the prefixes.
for (const key of this._docAuthCache.keys()) {
const name = key.split(' ', 1)[0];
if (names.has(name)) { this._docAuthCache.delete(key); }
// Find a document by name. Limit name search to a specific organization.
// It is possible to hit ambiguities, e.g. with the same name of a doc
// in multiple workspaces, so this is not a general-purpose method. It
// is here to facilitate V0 -> V1 migration, so existing links to docs continue
// to work.
public async getDocByName(userId: number, orgId: number, docName: string): Promise<QueryResult<Document>> {
let qb = this._docs()
.innerJoin('docs.workspace', 'workspace')
.innerJoin('', 'org')
.where(' = :docName', {docName})
.andWhere(' = :orgId', {orgId});
qb = this._withAccess(qb, userId, 'docs');
return this._single(await this._verifyAclPermissions(qb));
* Adds an org with the given name. Returns a query result with the id of the added org.
* @param user: user doing the adding
* @param name: desired org name
* @param domain: desired org domain, or null not to set a domain
* @param setUserAsOwner: if this is the user's personal org (they will be made an
* owner in the ACL sense in any case)
* @param useNewPlan: by default, the individual billing account associated with the
* user's personal org will be used for all other orgs they create. Set useNewPlan
* to force a distinct non-individual billing account to be used for this org.
public async addOrg(user: User, props: Partial<OrganizationProperties>,
setUserAsOwner: boolean, useNewPlan: boolean,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
const notifications: Array<() => void> = [];
const name =;
const domain = props.domain;
if (!name) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: 'Bad request: name required'
const orgResult = await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
if (domain) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: `Domain is not permitted: ${e.message}`
// Create or find a billing account to associate with this org.
const billingAccountEntities = [];
let billingAccount;
if (useNewPlan) {
const productNames = getDefaultProductNames();
let productName = setUserAsOwner ? productNames.personal : productNames.teamInitial;
// A bit fragile: this is called during creation of support@ user, before
// getSupportUserId() is available, but with setUserAsOwner of true.
if (!setUserAsOwner && === this.getSupportUserId()) {
// For teams created by, set the product to something
// good so payment not needed. This is useful for testing.
productName =;
billingAccount = new BillingAccount();
billingAccount.individual = setUserAsOwner;
const dbProduct = await manager.findOne(Product, {name: productName});
if (!dbProduct) {
throw new Error('Cannot find product for new organization');
billingAccount.product = dbProduct;
const billingAccountManager = new BillingAccountManager();
billingAccountManager.user = user;
billingAccountManager.billingAccount = billingAccount;
} else {
// Use the billing account from the user's personal org to start with.
billingAccount = await manager.createQueryBuilder()
.from(BillingAccount, 'billing_accounts')
.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.orgs', 'orgs')
.where('orgs.owner_id = :userId', {userId:})
if (!billingAccount) {
throw new ApiError('Cannot find an initial plan for organization', 500);
// Create a new org.
const org = new Organization();
org.billingAccount = billingAccount;
if (domain) {
org.domain = domain;
if (setUserAsOwner) {
org.owner = user;
// Create the special initial permission groups for the new org.
const groupMap = this._createGroups();
org.aclRules = => {
// Get the special group with the name needed for this ACL Rule
const group = groupMap[];
// Note that the user is added to the owners group of an org when it is created.
if ( === roles.OWNER) {
group.memberUsers = [user];
// Add each of the special groups to the new workspace.
const aclRuleOrg = new AclRuleOrg();
aclRuleOrg.permissions = _grpDesc.permissions; = group;
aclRuleOrg.organization = org;
return aclRuleOrg;
// Saves the workspace as well as its new ACL Rules and Group.
const groups = =>;
let savedOrg: Organization;
try {
const result = await[org,, ...groups, ...billingAccountEntities]);
savedOrg = result[0] as Organization;
} catch (e) {
if ( === 'QueryFailedError' && e.message &&
e.message.match(/unique constraint/i)) {
throw new ApiError('Domain already in use', 400);
throw e;
// Add a starter workspace to the org. Any limits on org workspace
// count are not checked, this will succeed unconditionally.
await this._doAddWorkspace(savedOrg, {name: 'Home'}, manager);
if (!setUserAsOwner) {
// This user just made a team site (once this transaction is applied).
// Emit a notification.
return {
status: 200,
for (const notification of notifications) { notification(); }
return orgResult;
// If setting anything more than prefs:
// Checks that the user has UPDATE permissions to the given org. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise updates the given org with the given name. Returns an empty
// query result with status 200 on success.
// For setting userPrefs or userOrgPrefs:
// These are user-specific setting, so are allowed with VIEW access (that includes
// guests). Prefs are replaced in their entirety, not merged.
// For setting orgPrefs:
// These are not user-specific, so require UPDATE permissions.
public async updateOrg(
scope: Scope,
orgKey: string|number,
props: Partial<OrganizationProperties>
): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
// Check the scope of the modifications.
let markPermissions: number = Permissions.VIEW;
let modifyOrg: boolean = false;
let modifyPrefs: boolean = false;
for (const key of Object.keys(props)) {
if (key === 'orgPrefs') {
// If setting orgPrefs, make sure we have UPDATE rights since this
// will affect other users.
markPermissions = Permissions.UPDATE;
modifyPrefs = true;
} else if (key === 'userPrefs' || key === 'userOrgPrefs') {
// These keys only affect the current user.
modifyPrefs = true;
} else {
markPermissions = Permissions.UPDATE;
modifyOrg = true;
// TODO: Unsetting a domain will likely have to be supported; also possibly prefs.
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const orgQuery =, orgKey, {
needRealOrg: true
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(orgQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
// Update the fields and save.
const org: Organization =;
if (modifyOrg) {
if (props.domain) {
if (org.owner) {
throw new ApiError('Cannot set a domain for a personal organization', 400);
if (modifyPrefs) {
for (const flavor of ['orgPrefs', 'userOrgPrefs', 'userPrefs'] as const) {
const prefs = props[flavor];
if (prefs === undefined) { continue; }
const orgId = ['orgPrefs', 'userOrgPrefs'].includes(flavor) ? : null;
const userId = ['userOrgPrefs', 'userPrefs'].includes(flavor) ? scope.userId : null;
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
// if pref flavor has been set before, update it
.onConflict('(COALESCE(org_id,0), COALESCE(user_id,0)) DO UPDATE SET prefs = :prefs')
// TypeORM muddles JSON handling a bit here
.setParameters({prefs: JSON.stringify(prefs)})
.values({orgId, userId, prefs})
return {status: 200};
// Checks that the user has REMOVE permissions to the given org. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise deletes the given org. Returns an empty query result with
// status 200 on success.
public async deleteOrg(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
return await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
const orgQuery =, orgKey, {
markPermissions: Permissions.REMOVE
// Join the org's workspaces (with ACLs and groups), docs (with ACLs and groups)
// and ACLs and groups so we can remove them.
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.workspaces', 'workspaces')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'workspace_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_group')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'docs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'doc_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'doc_group')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.billingAccount', 'billing_accounts');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(orgQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the org failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const org: Organization =;
// Delete the org, org ACLs/groups, workspaces, workspace ACLs/groups, workspace docs
// and doc ACLs/groups.
const orgGroups = =>;
const wsAcls = ([] as AclRule[]).concat( => ws.aclRules));
const wsGroups = =>;
const docs = ([] as Document[]).concat( =>;
const docAcls = ([] as AclRule[]).concat( => doc.aclRules));
const docGroups = =>;
await manager.remove([org,, ...orgGroups,,
...wsAcls, ...wsGroups,, ...docAcls, ...docGroups]);
// Delete billing account if this was the last org using it.
const billingAccount = await manager.findOne(BillingAccount, org.billingAccount,
{relations: ['orgs']});
if (billingAccount && billingAccount.orgs.length === 0) {
await manager.remove([billingAccount]);
return {status: 200};
// Checks that the user has ADD permissions to the given org. If not, throws an error.
// Otherwise adds a workspace with the given name. Returns a query result with the id
// of the added workspace.
public async addWorkspace(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number,
props: Partial<WorkspaceProperties>): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
const name =;
if (!name) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: 'Bad request: name required'
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
let orgQuery =, orgKey, {
markPermissions: Permissions.ADD,
needRealOrg: true
// Join the org's ACL rules (with 1st level groups listed) so we can include them in the
// workspace.
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_group')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.workspaces', 'workspaces'); // we may want to count workspaces.
orgQuery = this._addFeatures(orgQuery); // add features to access optional workspace limit.
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(orgQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the organization failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const org: Organization =;
const features = org.billingAccount.product.features;
if (features.maxWorkspacesPerOrg !== undefined) {
// we need to count how many workspaces are in the current org, and if we
// are already at or above the limit, then fail.
const count = org.workspaces.length;
if (count >= features.maxWorkspacesPerOrg) {
throw new ApiError('No more workspaces permitted', 403, {
limit: {
quantity: 'workspaces',
maximum: features.maxWorkspacesPerOrg,
value: count,
projectedValue: count + 1
const workspace = await this._doAddWorkspace(org, props, manager);
return {
status: 200,
// Checks that the user has UPDATE permissions to the given workspace. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise updates the given workspace with the given name. Returns an empty
// query result with status 200 on success.
public async updateWorkspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number,
props: Partial<WorkspaceProperties>): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.UPDATE
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
// Update the name and save.
const workspace: Workspace =;
return {status: 200};
// Checks that the user has REMOVE permissions to the given workspace. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise deletes the given workspace. Returns an empty query result with
// status 200 on success.
public async deleteWorkspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.REMOVE,
allowSpecialPermit: true
// Join the workspace's docs (with ACLs and groups) and ACLs and groups so we can
// remove them. Also join the org to get the orgId.
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'docs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'doc_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'doc_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const workspace: Workspace =;
// Delete the workspace, workspace docs, doc ACLs/groups and workspace ACLs/groups.
const wsGroups = =>;
const docAcls = ([] as AclRule[]).concat( => doc.aclRules));
const docGroups = =>;
await manager.remove([workspace, ...wsGroups, ...docAcls,,
...workspace.aclRules, ...docGroups]);
// Update the guests in the org after removing this workspace.
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
return {status: 200};
public softDeleteWorkspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number): Promise<void> {
return this._setWorkspaceRemovedAt(scope, wsId, new Date());
public async undeleteWorkspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number): Promise<void> {
return this._setWorkspaceRemovedAt(scope, wsId, null);
// Checks that the user has ADD permissions to the given workspace. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise adds a doc with the given name. Returns a query result with the id
// of the added doc.
// The desired docId may be passed in. If passed in, it should have been generated
// by makeId(). The client should not be given control of the choice of docId.
// This option is used during imports, where it is convenient not to add a row to the
// document database until the document has actually been imported.
public async addDocument(scope: Scope, wsId: number, props: Partial<DocumentProperties>,
docId?: string): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
const name =;
if (!name) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: 'Bad request: name required'
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
let wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.ADD
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
// Join the workspaces's ACL rules (with 1st level groups listed) so we can include
// them in the doc.
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_group');
wsQuery = this._addFeatures(wsQuery);
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the organization failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const workspace: Workspace =;
await this._checkRoomForAnotherDoc(workspace, manager);
// Create a new document.
const doc = new Document(); = docId || makeId();
// By default, assign a urlId that is a prefix of the docId.
// The urlId should be unique across all existing documents.
if (!doc.urlId) {
for (let i = MIN_URLID_PREFIX_LENGTH; i <=; i++) {
const candidate =, i);
if (!await manager.findOne(Alias, { urlId: candidate })) {
doc.urlId = candidate;
if (!doc.urlId) {
// This should happen only if UUIDs collide.
throw new Error('Could not find a free identifier for document');
if (doc.urlId) {
await this._checkForUrlIdConflict(manager,, doc.urlId);
const alias = new Alias();
doc.aliases = [alias];
alias.urlId = doc.urlId;
alias.orgId =;
} else {
doc.aliases = [];
doc.workspace = workspace;
// Create the special initial permission groups for the new workspace.
const groupMap = this._createGroups(workspace);
doc.aclRules = => {
// Get the special group with the name needed for this ACL Rule
const group = groupMap[];
// Add each of the special groups to the new doc.
const aclRuleDoc = new AclRuleDoc();
aclRuleDoc.permissions = _grpDesc.permissions; = group;
aclRuleDoc.document = doc;
return aclRuleDoc;
// Saves the document as well as its new ACL Rules and Group.
const groups = =>;
const result = await[doc, ...doc.aclRules, ...doc.aliases, ...groups]);
return {
status: 200,
data: (result[0] as Document).id
// Checks that the user has UPDATE permissions to the given doc. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise updates the given doc with the given name. Returns an empty
// query result with status 200 on success.
// NOTE: This does not update the updateAt date indicating the last modified time of the doc.
// We may want to make it do so.
public async updateDocument(scope: DocScope,
props: Partial<DocumentProperties>): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const docQuery = this._doc(scope, {
markPermissions: Permissions.UPDATE
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
// Update the name and save.
const doc: Document =;
// Forcibly remove the aliases relation from the document object, so that TypeORM
// doesn't try to save it. It isn't safe to do that because it was filtered by
// a where clause.
// TODO: refactor to avoid using TypeORM's save method.
doc.aliases = undefined as any;
// TODO: if pinning does anything special in future, like triggering thumbnail
// processing, then we should probably call pinDoc.
if (props.urlId) {
// We accumulate old urlIds in order to correctly redirect them, so we need
// to do some extra bookwork when a doc's urlId is changed. First, throw
// an error if urlId is already in use by this org.
await this._checkForUrlIdConflict(manager,, props.urlId,;
// Otherwise, add an alias entry for this document.
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
// if urlId has been used before, update it
.onConflict(`(org_id, url_id) DO UPDATE SET doc_id = :docId, created_at = ${now(this._dbType)}`)
.values({orgId:, urlId: props.urlId, doc})
// TODO: we could limit the max number of aliases stored per document.
return {status: 200};
// Checks that the user has REMOVE permissions to the given document. If not, throws an
// error. Otherwise deletes the given document. Returns an empty query result with
// status 200 on success.
public async deleteDocument(scope: DocScope): Promise<QueryResult<number>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const docQuery = this._doc(scope, {
markPermissions: Permissions.REMOVE,
allowSpecialPermit: true
// Join the docs's ACLs and groups so we can remove them.
// Join the workspace and org to get their ids.
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'groups');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const doc: Document =;
// Delete the doc and doc ACLs/groups.
const docGroups = =>;
await manager.remove([doc, ...docGroups, ...doc.aclRules]);
// Update guests of the workspace and org after removing this doc.
await this._repairWorkspaceGuests(scope,, manager);
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
return {status: 200};
public softDeleteDocument(scope: DocScope): Promise<void> {
return this._setDocumentRemovedAt(scope, new Date());
public async undeleteDocument(scope: DocScope): Promise<void> {
return this._setDocumentRemovedAt(scope, null);
// Fetches and provides a callback with the billingAccount so it may be updated within
// a transaction. The billingAccount is saved after any changes applied in the callback.
// Will throw an error if the user does not have access to the org's billingAccount.
// Only certain properties of the billingAccount may be changed:
// 'inGoodStanding', 'status', 'stripeCustomerId','stripeSubscriptionId', 'stripePlanId'
// Returns an empty query result with status 200 on success.
public async updateBillingAccount(
userId: number,
orgKey: string|number,
callback: (billingAccount: BillingAccount, transaction: EntityManager) => void|Promise<void>
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async transaction => {
const billingAccount = await this.getBillingAccount({userId}, orgKey, false, transaction);
const billingAccountCopy = Object.assign({}, billingAccount);
await callback(billingAccountCopy, transaction);
// Pick out properties that are allowed to be changed, to prevent accidental updating
// of other information.
const updated = pick(billingAccountCopy, 'inGoodStanding', 'status', 'stripeCustomerId',
'stripeSubscriptionId', 'stripePlanId', 'product');
billingAccount.paid = undefined; // workaround for a typeorm bug fixed upstream in
await, updated));
return { status: 200 };
// Updates the managers of a billing account. Returns an empty query result with
// status 200 on success.
public async updateBillingAccountManagers(userId: number, orgKey: string|number,
delta: ManagerDelta): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const notifications: Array<() => void> = [];
// Translate our ManagerDelta to a PermissionDelta so that we can reuse existing
// methods for normalizing/merging emails and finding the user ids.
const permissionDelta: PermissionDelta = {users: {}};
for (const key of Object.keys(delta.users)) {
const target = delta.users[key];
if (target !== null && target !== 'managers') {
throw new ApiError("Only valid settings for billing account managers are 'managers' or null", 400);
permissionDelta.users![key] = delta.users[key] ? 'owners' : null;
return await this._connection.transaction(async transaction => {
const billingAccount = await this.getBillingAccount({userId}, orgKey, true, transaction);
// At this point, we'll have thrown an error if userId is not a billing account manager.
// Now check if the billing account has mutable managers (individual account does not).
if (billingAccount.individual) {
throw new ApiError('billing account managers cannot be added/removed for individual billing accounts', 400);
// Get the ids of users to update.
const billingAccountId =;
const userIdDelta = await this._verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(userId, permissionDelta, true, transaction);
if (!userIdDelta) { throw new ApiError('No userIdDelta', 500); }
// Any duplicated emails have been merged, and userIdDelta is now keyed by user ids.
// Now we iterate over users and add/remove them as managers.
for (const memberUserIdStr of Object.keys(userIdDelta)) {
const memberUserId = parseInt(memberUserIdStr, 10);
const add = Boolean(userIdDelta[memberUserIdStr]);
const manager = await transaction.findOne(BillingAccountManager, {where: {userId: memberUserId,
if (add) {
// Skip adding user if they are already a manager.
if (!manager) {
const newManager = new BillingAccountManager();
newManager.userId = memberUserId;
newManager.billingAccountId = billingAccountId;
notifications.push(this._billingManagerNotification(userId, memberUserId,
} else {
if (manager) {
// Don't allow a user to remove themselves as a manager, to be consistent
// with ACL behavior.
if (memberUserId === userId) {
throw new ApiError('Users cannot remove themselves as billing managers', 400);
await transaction.remove(manager);
for (const notification of notifications) { notification(); }
return { status: 200 };
// Updates the permissions of users on the given org according to the PermissionDelta.
public async updateOrgPermissions(
scope: Scope,
orgKey: string|number,
delta: PermissionDelta
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const {userId} = scope;
const notifications: Array<() => void> = [];
const result = await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const userIdDelta = await this._verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(userId, delta, true, manager);
let orgQuery =, orgKey, {
markPermissions: Permissions.ACL_EDIT,
needRealOrg: true
// Join the org's ACL rules (with 1st level groups/users listed) so we can edit them.
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_member_users');
orgQuery = this._addFeatures(orgQuery);
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(orgQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the organization failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const org: Organization =;
const groups = getNonGuestGroups(org);
if (userIdDelta) {
const membersBefore = getUsersWithRole(groups, this.getExcludedUserIds());
const countBefore = removeRole(membersBefore).length;
await this._updateUserPermissions(groups, userIdDelta, manager);
this._checkUserChangeAllowed(userId, groups);
// Fully remove any users being removed from the org.
for (const deltaUser in userIdDelta) {
// Any users removed from the org should be removed from everything in the org.
if (userIdDelta[deltaUser] === null) {
await scrubUserFromOrg(, parseInt(deltaUser, 10), userId, manager);
// Emit an event if the number of org users is changing.
const membersAfter = getUsersWithRole(groups, this.getExcludedUserIds());
const countAfter = removeRole(membersAfter).length;
notifications.push(this._userChangeNotification(userId, org, countBefore, countAfter,
membersBefore, membersAfter));
// Notify any added users that they've been added to this resource.
notifications.push(this._inviteNotification(userId, org, userIdDelta, membersBefore));
return {status: 200};
for (const notification of notifications) { notification(); }
return result;
// Updates the permissions of users on the given workspace according to the PermissionDelta.
public async updateWorkspacePermissions(
scope: Scope,
wsId: number,
delta: PermissionDelta
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const {userId} = scope;
const notifications: Array<() => void> = [];
const result = await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
let userIdDelta = await this._verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(userId, delta, false, manager);
let wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.ACL_EDIT
// Join the workspace's ACL rules and groups/users so we can edit them.
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberUsers', 'workspace_users')
// Join the workspace's org and org member groups so we know what should be inherited.
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org.aclRules', 'org_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_users');
wsQuery = this._addFeatures(wsQuery, 'org');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the workspace failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const ws: Workspace =;
// Get all the non-guest groups on the org.
const orgGroups = getNonGuestGroups(;
// Get all the non-guest groups to be updated by the delta.
const groups = getNonGuestGroups(ws);
if ('maxInheritedRole' in delta) {
// Honor the maxInheritedGroups delta setting.
this._moveInheritedGroups(groups, orgGroups, delta.maxInheritedRole);
if (delta.maxInheritedRole !== roles.OWNER) {
// If the maxInheritedRole was lowered from 'owners', add the calling user
// back as an owner so that their acl edit access is not revoked.
userIdDelta = userIdDelta || {};
userIdDelta[userId] = roles.OWNER;
const membersBefore = this._withoutExcludedUsers(new Map( => [, grp.memberUsers])));
if (userIdDelta) {
// To check limits on shares, we track group members before and after call
// to _updateUserPermissions. Careful, that method mutates groups.
const nonOrgMembersBefore = this._getUserDifference(groups, orgGroups);
await this._updateUserPermissions(groups, userIdDelta, manager);
this._checkUserChangeAllowed(userId, groups);
const nonOrgMembersAfter = this._getUserDifference(groups, orgGroups);
const features =;
const limit = features.maxSharesPerWorkspace;
if (limit !== undefined) {
this._restrictShares(null, limit, removeRole(nonOrgMembersBefore),
removeRole(nonOrgMembersAfter), true, 'workspace', features);
// If the users in workspace were changed, make a call to repair the guests in the org.
if (userIdDelta) {
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
notifications.push(this._inviteNotification(userId, ws, userIdDelta, membersBefore));
return {status: 200};
for (const notification of notifications) { notification(); }
return result;
// Updates the permissions of users on the given doc according to the PermissionDelta.
public async updateDocPermissions(
scope: DocScope,
delta: PermissionDelta
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const notifications: Array<() => void> = [];
const result = await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const {userId} = scope;
let userIdDelta = await this._verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(userId, delta, false, manager);
const doc = await this._loadDocAccess(scope, Permissions.ACL_EDIT, manager);
// Get all the non-guest doc groups to be updated by the delta.
const groups = getNonGuestGroups(doc);
if ('maxInheritedRole' in delta) {
const wsGroups = getNonGuestGroups(doc.workspace);
// Honor the maxInheritedGroups delta setting.
this._moveInheritedGroups(groups, wsGroups, delta.maxInheritedRole);
if (delta.maxInheritedRole !== roles.OWNER) {
// If the maxInheritedRole was lowered from 'owners', add the calling user
// back as an owner so that their acl edit access is not revoked.
userIdDelta = userIdDelta || {};
userIdDelta[userId] = roles.OWNER;
const membersBefore = new Map( => [, grp.memberUsers]));
if (userIdDelta) {
// To check limits on shares, we track group members before and after call
// to _updateUserPermissions. Careful, that method mutates groups.
const org =;
const orgGroups = getNonGuestGroups(org);
const nonOrgMembersBefore = this._getUserDifference(groups, orgGroups);
await this._updateUserPermissions(groups, userIdDelta, manager);
this._checkUserChangeAllowed(userId, groups);
const nonOrgMembersAfter = this._getUserDifference(groups, orgGroups);
const features = org.billingAccount.product.features;
this._restrictAllDocShares(features, nonOrgMembersBefore, nonOrgMembersAfter);
if (userIdDelta) {
// If the users in the doc were changed, make calls to repair workspace then org guests.
await this._repairWorkspaceGuests(scope,, manager);
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
notifications.push(this._inviteNotification(userId, doc, userIdDelta, membersBefore));
return {status: 200};
for (const notification of notifications) { notification(); }
return result;
// Returns UserAccessData for all users with any permissions on the org.
public async getOrgAccess(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number): Promise<QueryResult<PermissionData>> {
const orgQuery =, orgKey, {
markPermissions: Permissions.VIEW,
needRealOrg: true,
allowSpecialPermit: true
// Join the org's ACL rules (with 1st level groups/users listed).
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_member_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_member_users.logins', 'user_logins');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(orgQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the doc failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const org: Organization =;
const userRoleMap = getMemberUserRoles(org, this.defaultGroupNames);
const users = getResourceUsers(org).filter(u => userRoleMap[]).map(u => ({
email: Login) => login.displayEmail)[0],
picture: u.picture,
access: userRoleMap[]
return {
status: 200,
data: {
// Returns UserAccessData for all users with any permissions on the ORG, as well as the
// maxInheritedRole set on the workspace. Note that information for all users in the org
// is given to indicate which users have access to the org but not to this particular workspace.
public async getWorkspaceAccess(scope: Scope, wsId: number): Promise<QueryResult<PermissionData>> {
const wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.VIEW
// Join the workspace's ACL rules (with 1st level groups/users listed).
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberUsers', 'workspace_group_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberGroups', 'workspace_group_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_group_users.logins', 'workspace_user_logins')
// Join the org and groups/users.
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org.aclRules', 'org_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_group_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_group_users.logins', 'org_user_logins');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (queryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the doc failed, return the failure result.
return queryResult;
const workspace: Workspace =;
const wsMap = getMemberUserRoles(workspace, this.defaultCommonGroupNames);
// The orgMap gives the org access inherited by each user.
const orgMap = getMemberUserRoles(, this.defaultBasicGroupNames);
// Iterate through the org since all users will be in the org.
const users: UserAccessData[] = getResourceUsers([workspace,]).map(u => {
return {
email: Login) =>[0],
picture: u.picture,
access: wsMap[] || null,
parentAccess: roles.getEffectiveRole(orgMap[] || null)
return {
status: 200,
data: {
maxInheritedRole: this._getMaxInheritedRole(workspace),
// Returns UserAccessData for all users with any permissions on the ORG, as well as the
// maxInheritedRole set on the doc. Note that information for all users in the org is given
// to indicate which users have access to the org but not to this particular doc.
// TODO: Consider updating to traverse through the doc groups and their nested groups for
// a more straightforward way of determining inheritance. The difficulty here is that all users
// in the org and their logins are needed for inclusion in the result, which would require an
// extra lookup step when traversing from the doc.
public async getDocAccess(scope: DocScope): Promise<QueryResult<PermissionData>> {
const doc = await this._loadDocAccess(scope, Permissions.VIEW);
const docMap = getMemberUserRoles(doc, this.defaultCommonGroupNames);
// The wsMap gives the ws access inherited by each user.
const wsMap = getMemberUserRoles(doc.workspace, this.defaultBasicGroupNames);
// The orgMap gives the org access inherited by each user.
const orgMap = getMemberUserRoles(, this.defaultBasicGroupNames);
const wsMaxInheritedRole = this._getMaxInheritedRole(doc.workspace);
// Iterate through the org since all users will be in the org.
const users: UserAccessData[] = getResourceUsers([doc, doc.workspace,]).map(u => {
// Merge the strongest roles from the resource and parent resources. Note that the parent
// resource access levels must be tempered by the maxInheritedRole values of their children.
const inheritFromOrg = roles.getWeakestRole(orgMap[] || null, wsMaxInheritedRole);
return {
email: Login) =>[0],
picture: u.picture,
access: docMap[] || null,
parentAccess: roles.getEffectiveRole(
roles.getStrongestRole(wsMap[] || null, inheritFromOrg)
return {
status: 200,
data: {
maxInheritedRole: this._getMaxInheritedRole(doc),
public async moveDoc(
scope: DocScope,
wsId: number
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
// Get the doc
const docQuery = this._doc(scope, {
markPermissions: Permissions.OWNER
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'doc_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('doc_groups.memberUsers', 'doc_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'workspace_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberUsers', 'workspace_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'org_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_users');
const docQueryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery);
if (docQueryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the doc failed, return the failure result.
return docQueryResult;
const doc: Document =;
if ( === wsId) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: `Bad request: doc is already in destination workspace`
// Get the destination workspace
let wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.ADD
// Join the workspaces's ACL rules (with 1st level groups listed) so we can include
// them in the doc.
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberUsers', 'workspace_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'org_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_users');
wsQuery = this._addFeatures(wsQuery);
const wsQueryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery);
if (wsQueryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the organization failed, return the failure result.
return wsQueryResult;
const workspace: Workspace =;
// Collect all first-level users of the doc being moved.
const firstLevelUsers = getResourceUsers(doc);
const docGroups = =>;
if ( !== {
// Doc is going to a new org. Check that there is room for it there.
await this._checkRoomForAnotherDoc(workspace, manager);
// Check also that doc doesn't have too many shares.
if (firstLevelUsers.length > 0) {
const sourceOrg =;
const sourceOrgGroups = getNonGuestGroups(sourceOrg);
const destOrg =;
const destOrgGroups = getNonGuestGroups(destOrg);
const nonOrgMembersBefore = this._getUserDifference(docGroups, sourceOrgGroups);
const nonOrgMembersAfter = this._getUserDifference(docGroups, destOrgGroups);
const features = destOrg.billingAccount.product.features;
this._restrictAllDocShares(features, nonOrgMembersBefore, nonOrgMembersAfter, false);
// Update the doc workspace.
const oldWs = doc.workspace;
doc.workspace = workspace;
// The doc should have groups which properly inherit the permissions of the
// new workspace after it is moved.
// Update the doc groups to inherit the groups in the new workspace/org.
// Any previously custom added members remain in the doc groups.
doc.aclRules.forEach(aclRule => {
this._setInheritance(, workspace);
// If the org is changing, remove all urlIds for this doc, since there could be
// conflicts in the new org.
// TODO: could try recreating/keeping the urlIds in the new org if there is in fact
// no conflict. Be careful about the merged personal org.
if ( !== {
doc.urlId = null;
await manager.delete(Alias, { doc: });
// Forcibly remove the aliases relation from the document object, so that TypeORM
// doesn't try to save it. It isn't safe to do that because it was filtered by
// a where clause.
doc.aliases = undefined as any;
// Saves the document as well as its new ACL Rules and Groups and the
// updated guest group in the workspace.
await[doc, ...doc.aclRules, ...docGroups]);
if (firstLevelUsers.length > 0) {
// If the doc has first-level users, update the source and destination workspaces.
await this._repairWorkspaceGuests(scope,, manager);
await this._repairWorkspaceGuests(scope,, manager);
if ( !== {
// Also if the org changed, update the source and destination org guest groups.
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
await this._repairOrgGuests(scope,, manager);
return {
status: 200
// Pin or unpin a doc.
public async pinDoc(
scope: DocScope,
setPinned: boolean
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
// Find the doc to assert that it exists. Assert that the user has edit access to the
// parent org.
const permissions = Permissions.EDITOR;
const docQuery = this._doc(scope, {
.addSelect(this._markIsPermitted('orgs', scope.userId, 'open', permissions), 'is_permitted');
const docQueryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery);
if (docQueryResult.status !== 200) {
// If the query for the doc failed, return the failure result.
return docQueryResult;
const doc: Document =;
if (doc.isPinned !== setPinned) {
doc.isPinned = setPinned;
// Forcibly remove the aliases relation from the document object, so that TypeORM
// doesn't try to save it. It isn't safe to do that because it was filtered by
// a where clause.
doc.aliases = undefined as any;
// Save and return success status.
return { status: 200 };
* Updates the updatedAt values for several docs. Takes a map where each entry maps a docId to
* an ISO date string representing the new updatedAt time. This is not a part of the API, it
* should be called only by the HostedMetadataManager when a change is made to a doc.
public async setDocsUpdatedAt(
docUpdateMap: {[docId: string]: string}
): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
if (!docUpdateMap || Object.keys(docUpdateMap).length === 0) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: `Bad request: missing argument`
const docIds = Object.keys(docUpdateMap);
return this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const updateTasks = => {
return manager.createQueryBuilder()
.set({updatedAt: docUpdateMap[docId]})
.where("id = :docId", {docId})
await Promise.all(updateTasks);
return { status: 200 };
* Get the anonymous user, as a constructed object rather than a database lookup.
public getAnonymousUser(): User {
const user = new User(); = this.getAnonymousUserId(); = "Anonymous";
user.isFirstTimeUser = false;
const login = new Login();
login.displayEmail = = ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL;
user.logins = [login];
return user;
* Get the id of the anonymous user.
public getAnonymousUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("Anonymous user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the thumbnail user.
public getPreviewerUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[PREVIEWER_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("Previewer user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the 'everyone' user.
public getEveryoneUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[EVERYONE_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("'everyone' user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the 'support' user.
public getSupportUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[SUPPORT_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("'support' user not available"); }
return id;
* Get ids of users to be excluded from member counts and emails.
public getExcludedUserIds(): number[] {
return [this.getSupportUserId(), this.getAnonymousUserId(), this.getEveryoneUserId()];
* Take a list of user profiles coming from the client's session, correlate
* them with Users and Logins in the database, and construct full profiles
* with user ids, standardized display emails, pictures, and anonymous flags.
public async completeProfiles(profiles: UserProfile[]): Promise<FullUser[]> {
if (profiles.length === 0) { return []; }
const qb = this._connection.createQueryBuilder()
.from(Login, 'logins')
.leftJoinAndSelect('logins.user', 'user')
.where(' in (:...emails)', {emails: => normalizeEmail(});
const completedProfiles: {[email: string]: FullUser} = {};
for (const login of await qb.getMany()) {
completedProfiles[] = {
email: login.displayEmail,
picture: login.user.picture,
anonymous: === this.getAnonymousUserId()
return => completedProfiles[normalizeEmail(])
.filter(profile => profile);
* Calculate the public-facing subdomain for an org.
* If the domain is a personal org, the public-facing subdomain will
* be docs/docs-s (if `mergePersonalOrgs` is set), or docs-[s]NNN where NNN
* is the user id (if `mergePersonalOrgs` is not set).
* If a domain is set in the database, and `suppressDomain` is not
* set, we report that domain verbatim. The `suppressDomain` may
* be set in some key endpoints in order to enforce a `vanityDomain`
* feature flag.
* Otherwise, we report o-NNN (or o-sNNN in staging) where NNN is
* the org id.
public normalizeOrgDomain(orgId: number, domain: string|null,
ownerId: number|undefined, mergePersonalOrgs: boolean = true,
suppressDomain: boolean = false): string {
if (!domain) {
if (ownerId) {
// This is an org with no domain set, and an owner set.
domain = mergePersonalOrgs ? this.mergedOrgDomain() : `docs-${this._idPrefix}${ownerId}`;
} else {
// This is an org with no domain or owner set.
domain = `o-${this._idPrefix}${orgId}`;
} else if (suppressDomain) {
domain = `o-${this._idPrefix}${orgId}`;
return domain;
// Throw an error for query results that represent errors or have no data; otherwise unwrap
// the valid result it contains.
public unwrapQueryResult<T>(qr: QueryResult<T>): T {
if ( { return; }
throw new ApiError(qr.errMessage || 'an error occurred', qr.status);
// Throw an error for query results that represent errors
public checkQueryResult<T>(qr: QueryResult<T>) {
if (qr.status !== 200) {
throw new ApiError(qr.errMessage || 'an error occurred', qr.status);
// Get the domain name for the merged organization. In production, this is 'docs',
// in staging, it is 'docs-s'.
public mergedOrgDomain() {
if (this._idPrefix) {
return `docs-${this._idPrefix}`;
return 'docs';
// The merged organization is a special pseudo-organization
// patched together from all the material a given user has access
// to. The result is approximately, but not exactly, an organization,
// and so it treated a bit differently.
public isMergedOrg(orgKey: string|number|null) {
return orgKey === this.mergedOrgDomain() || orgKey === 0;
* Construct a QueryBuilder for a select query on a specific org given by orgId.
* Provides options for running in a transaction and adding permission info.
* See QueryOptions documentation above.
public org(scope: Scope, org: string|number|null,
options: QueryOptions = {}): SelectQueryBuilder<Organization> {
return this._org(scope, scope.includeSupport || false, org, options);
private _org(scope: Scope|null, includeSupport: boolean, org: string|number|null,
options: QueryOptions = {}): SelectQueryBuilder<Organization> {
let query = this._orgs(options.manager);
// merged pseudo-org must become personal org.
if (org === null || (options.needRealOrg && this.isMergedOrg(org))) {
if (!scope || !scope.userId) { throw new Error('_org: requires userId'); }
query = query.where('orgs.owner_id = :userId', {userId: scope.userId});
} else {
query = this._whereOrg(query, org, includeSupport);
if (options.markPermissions) {
if (!scope || !scope.userId) {
throw new Error(`_orgQuery error: userId must be set to mark permissions`);
let effectiveUserId = scope.userId;
let threshold = options.markPermissions;
// TODO If the specialPermit is used across the network, requests could refer to orgs in
// different ways (number vs string), causing this comparison to fail.
if (options.allowSpecialPermit && scope.specialPermit && === org) {
effectiveUserId = this.getPreviewerUserId();
threshold = Permissions.VIEW;
// Compute whether we have access to the doc
query = query.addSelect(
this._markIsPermitted('orgs', effectiveUserId, 'open', threshold),
return query;
* Check if urlId is already in use in the given org, and throw an error if so.
* If the org is a personal org, we check for use of the urlId in any personal org.
* If docId is set, we permit the urlId to be in use by that doc.
private async _checkForUrlIdConflict(manager: EntityManager, org: Organization, urlId: string, docId?: string) {
// Prepare a query to see if there is an existing conflicting urlId.
let aliasQuery = this._docs(manager)
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aliases', 'aliases')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
.where('docs.urlId = :urlId', {urlId}); // Place restriction on active urlIds only.
// Older urlIds are best-effort, and subject to
// reuse (currently).
if (org.ownerId === this.getSupportUserId()) {
// This is the support user. Some of their documents end up as examples on team sites.
// so urlIds need to be checked globally, which corresponds to placing no extra where
// clause here.
} else if (org.ownerId) {
// This is a personal org, so look for conflicts in any personal org
// (needed to ensure consistency in merged personal org).
// We don't need to do anything special about examples since they are stored in a personal
// org.
aliasQuery = aliasQuery.andWhere('orgs.owner_id is not null');
} else {
// For team sites, just check within the team site.
// We also need to check within the support@ org for conflict with examples, which
// currently have an existence within team sites.
aliasQuery = aliasQuery.andWhere('(aliases.orgId = :orgId OR aliases.orgId = :exampleOrgId)',
{orgId:, exampleOrgId: this._exampleOrgId});
if (docId) {
aliasQuery = aliasQuery.andWhere(' <> :docId', {docId});
if (await aliasQuery.getOne()) {
throw new ApiError('urlId already in use', 400);
// Also forbid any urlId that would match an existing docId, that is a recipe for confusion
// and mischief.
if (await this._docs(manager).where(' = :urlId', {urlId}).getOne()) {
throw new ApiError('urlId already in use as document id', 400);
* Updates the workspace guests with any first-level users of docs inside the workspace.
private async _repairWorkspaceGuests(scope: Scope, wsId: number, transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<void> {
return await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
const wsQuery = this._workspace(scope, wsId, {manager})
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'docs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'doc_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'doc_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('doc_groups.memberUsers', 'doc_users');
const workspace: Workspace = (await wsQuery.getOne())!;
const wsGuestGroup = =>
.find(_grp => === roles.GUEST);
if (!wsGuestGroup) {
throw new Error(`_repairWorkspaceGuests error: could not find ${roles.GUEST} ACL group`);
wsGuestGroup.memberUsers = this._filterEveryone(getResourceUsers(;
* Updates the org guests with any first-level users of workspaces inside the org.
* NOTE: If repairing both workspace and org guests, this should always be called AFTER
* _repairWorkspaceGuests.
private async _repairOrgGuests(scope: Scope, orgKey: string|number, transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<void> {
return await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
const orgQuery =, orgKey, {manager})
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('groups.memberUsers', 'users')
.andWhere(' = :role', {role: roles.GUEST});
const org = await orgQuery.getOne();
if (!org) { throw new Error('cannot find org'); }
const workspaceQuery = this._workspaces(manager)
.where('workspaces.org_id = :orgId', {orgId:})
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'workspace_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_group')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_group.memberUsers', 'workspace_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org');
org.workspaces = await workspaceQuery.getMany();
const orgGroups = =>;
if (orgGroups.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(`_repairOrgGuests error: found ${orgGroups.length} ${roles.GUEST} ACL group(s)`);
const orgGuestGroup = orgGroups[0]!;
orgGuestGroup.memberUsers = this._filterEveryone(getResourceUsers(org.workspaces));
* Don't add everyone@ as a guest, unless also sharing with anon@.
* This means that material shared with everyone@ doesn't become
* listable/discoverable by default.
* This is a HACK to allow existing example doc setup to continue to
* work. It could be removed if we are willing to share the entire
* support org with users. E.g. move any material we don't want to
* share into a workspace that doesn't inherit ACLs. TODO: remove
* this hack, or enhance it up as a way to support discoverability /
* listing. It has the advantage of cloning well.
private _filterEveryone(users: User[]): User[] {
const everyone = this.getEveryoneUserId();
const anon = this.getAnonymousUserId();
if (users.find(u => === anon)) { return users; }
return users.filter(u => !== everyone);
* Creates, initializes and saves a workspace in the given org with the given properties.
* Product limits on number of workspaces allowed in org are not checked.
private async _doAddWorkspace(org: Organization, props: Partial<WorkspaceProperties>,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<Workspace> {
if (! { throw new ApiError('Bad request: name required', 400); }
return await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
// Create a new workspace.
const workspace = new Workspace();
workspace.updateFromProperties(props); = org;
// Create the special initial permission groups for the new workspace.
const groupMap = this._createGroups(org);
workspace.aclRules = => {
// Get the special group with the name needed for this ACL Rule
const group = groupMap[];
// Add each of the special groups to the new workspace.
const aclRuleWs = new AclRuleWs();
aclRuleWs.permissions = _grpDesc.permissions; = group;
aclRuleWs.workspace = workspace;
return aclRuleWs;
// Saves the workspace as well as its new ACL Rules and Group.
const groups = =>;
const result = await[workspace, ...workspace.aclRules, ...groups]);
return result[0];
* If the user is a manager of the billing account associated with
* the domain, an extra `billingAccount` field is returned,
* containing a `inGoodStanding` flag, a `status` json field, and a
* `product.paid` flag which is true if on a paid plan or false
* otherwise. Other `billingAccount` fields are included (stripe ids in
* particular) but these will not be reported across the API.
private _addBillingAccount(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<Organization>, userId: number) {
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.billingAccount', 'billing_accounts');
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.product', 'products');
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.managers', 'managers',
'managers.billing_account_id = and ' +
'managers.user_id = :userId');
qb = qb.setParameter('userId', userId);
qb = this._addBillingAccountCalculatedFields(qb);
return qb;
* Adds any calculated fields related to billing accounts - currently just
* products.paid.
private _addBillingAccountCalculatedFields<T>(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<T>) {
// We need to sum up whether the account is paid or not, so that UI can provide
// a "billing" vs "upgrade" link. For the moment, we just check if there is
// a subscription id. TODO: make sure this is correct in case of free plans.
qb = qb.addSelect(`(billing_accounts.stripe_subscription_id is not null)`, 'billing_accounts_paid');
return qb;
* Makes sure that product features for orgs are available in query result.
private _addFeatures<T>(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<T>, orgAlias: string = 'orgs') {
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect(`${orgAlias}.billingAccount`, 'billing_accounts');
qb = qb.leftJoinAndSelect('billing_accounts.product', 'products');
// orgAlias.billingAccount.product.features should now be available
return qb;
private _addIsSupportWorkspace<T>(users: AvailableUsers, qb: SelectQueryBuilder<T>,
orgAlias: string, workspaceAlias: string) {
const supportId = this._specialUserIds[SUPPORT_EMAIL];
// We'll be selecting a boolean and naming it as *_support. This matches the
// SQL name `support` of a column in the Workspace entity whose javascript
// name is `isSupportWorkspace`.
const alias = `${workspaceAlias}_support`;
// If we happen to be the support user, don't treat our workspaces as anything
// special, so we can work with them in the ordinary way.
if (isSingleUser(users) && users === supportId) { return qb.addSelect('false', alias); }
// Otherwise, treat workspaces owned by support as special.
return qb.addSelect(`coalesce(${orgAlias}.owner_id = ${supportId}, false)`, alias);
* Get the id of a special user, creating that user if it is not already present.
private async _getSpecialUserId(profile: UserProfile) {
let id = this._specialUserIds[];
if (!id) {
// get or create user - with retry, since there'll be a race to create the
// user if a bunch of servers start simultaneously and the user doesn't exist
// yet.
const user = await this.getUserByLoginWithRetry(, profile);
if (user) { id = this._specialUserIds[] =; }
if (!id) { throw new Error(`Could not find or create user ${}`); }
return id;
// This deals with the problem posed by receiving a PermissionDelta specifying a
// role for both alice@x and Alice@x. We do not distinguish between such emails.
// If there are multiple indistinguishabe emails, we preserve just one of them,
// assigning it the most powerful permission specified. The email variant perserved
// is the earliest alphabetically.
private _mergeIndistinguishableEmails(delta: PermissionDelta) {
if (!delta.users) { return; }
// We normalize emails for comparison, but track how they were capitalized
// in order to preserve it. This is worth doing since for the common case
// of a user being added to a resource prior to ever logging in, their
// displayEmail will be seeded from this value.
const displayEmails: {[email: string]: string} = {};
// This will be our output.
const users: {[email: string]: roles.NonGuestRole|null} = {};
for (const displayEmail of Object.keys(delta.users).sort()) {
const email = normalizeEmail(displayEmail);
const role = delta.users[displayEmail];
const key = displayEmails[email] = displayEmails[email] || displayEmail;
users[key] = users[key] ? roles.getStrongestRole(users[key], role) : role;
delta.users = users;
// Looks up the emails in the permission delta and adds them to the users map in
// the delta object.
// Returns a QueryResult based on the validity of the passed in PermissionDelta object.
private async _verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(
userId: number,
delta: PermissionDelta,
isOrg: boolean = false,
transaction?: EntityManager
): Promise<UserIdDelta|null> {
if (!delta) {
throw new ApiError('Bad request: missing permission delta', 400);
const hasInherit = 'maxInheritedRole' in delta;
const hasUsers = delta.users; // allow zero actual changes; useful to reduce special
// cases in scripts
if ((isOrg && (hasInherit || !hasUsers)) || (!isOrg && !hasInherit && !hasUsers)) {
throw new ApiError('Bad request: invalid permission delta', 400);
// Lookup the email access changes and move them to the users object.
const userIdMap: {[userId: string]: roles.NonGuestRole|null} = {};
if (hasInherit) {
// Verify maxInheritedRole
const role = delta.maxInheritedRole;
const validRoles = new Set(this.defaultBasicGroupNames);
if (role && !validRoles.has(role)) {
throw new ApiError(`Invalid maxInheritedRole ${role}`, 400);
if (delta.users) {
// Verify roles
const deltaRoles = Object.keys(delta.users).map(_userId => delta.users![_userId]);
// Cannot set role "members" on workspace/doc.
const validRoles = new Set(isOrg ? this.defaultNonGuestGroupNames : this.defaultBasicGroupNames);
for (const role of deltaRoles) {
if (role && !validRoles.has(role)) {
throw new ApiError(`Invalid user role ${role}`, 400);
// Lookup emails
const emailMap = delta.users;
const emails = Object.keys(emailMap);
const emailUsers = await Promise.all( email => await this.getUserByLogin(email, undefined, transaction))
emails.forEach((email, i) => {
const userIdAffected = emailUsers[i]!.id;
// Org-level sharing with everyone would allow serious spamming - forbid it.
if (emailMap[email] !== null && // allow removing anything
userId !== this.getSupportUserId() && // allow support user latitude
userIdAffected === this.getEveryoneUserId() &&
isOrg) {
throw new ApiError('This user cannot share with everyone at top level', 403);
userIdMap[userIdAffected] = emailMap[email];
if (userId in userIdMap) {
// TODO: Consider when to allow updating own permissions - allowing updating own
// permissions indiscriminately could lead to orphaned resources.
throw new ApiError('Bad request: cannot update own permissions', 400);
return delta.users ? userIdMap : null;
* Helper for adjusting acl rules. Given an array of top-level groups from the resource
* of interest, returns the updated groups. The returned groups should be saved to
* update the group inheritance in the database. Updates the passed in groups.
* NOTE that all group memberUsers must be populated.
private async _updateUserPermissions(
groups: NonGuestGroup[],
userDelta: UserIdDelta,
manager: EntityManager
): Promise<void> {
// Get the user objects which map to non-null values in the userDelta.
const userIds = Object.keys(userDelta).filter(userId => userDelta[userId])
.map(userIdStr => parseInt(userIdStr, 10));
const users = await this._getUsers(userIds, manager);
// Add unaffected users to the delta so that we have a record of where they are.
groups.forEach(grp => {
grp.memberUsers.forEach(usr => {
if (!( in userDelta)) {
userDelta[] =;
// Create mapping from group names to top-level groups (contain the inherited groups)
const topGroups: {[groupName: string]: NonGuestGroup} = {};
groups.forEach(grp => {
// Note that this has a side effect of resetting the memberUsers arrays.
grp.memberUsers = [];
topGroups[] = grp;
// Add users to groups (this has a side-effect of updating the group memberUsers)
users.forEach(user => {
const groupName = userDelta[]!;
// NOTE that the special names constant is ordered from least to most permissive.
// The destination must be a reserved inheritance group or null.
if (groupName && !this.defaultNonGuestGroupNames.includes(groupName)) {
throw new Error(`_updateUserPermissions userDelta contains invalid group`);
* Run an operation in an existing transaction if available, otherwise create
* a new transaction for it.
* @param transaction: the manager of an existing transaction, or undefined.
* @param op: the operation to run in a transaction.
private _runInTransaction(transaction: EntityManager|undefined,
op: (manager: EntityManager) => Promise<any>): Promise<any> {
if (transaction) { return op(transaction); }
return this._connection.transaction(op);
* Returns a Promise for an array of User entites for the given userIds.
private async _getUsers(userIds: number[], optManager?: EntityManager): Promise<User[]> {
if (userIds.length === 0) {
return [];
const manager = optManager || new EntityManager(this._connection);
const queryBuilder = manager.createQueryBuilder()
.from(User, 'users')
.where(' IN (:...userIds)', {userIds});
return await queryBuilder.getMany();
* Aggregate the given columns as a json object. The keys should be simple
* alphanumeric strings, and the values should be the names of sql columns -
* this method is not set up to quote concrete values.
private _aggJsonObject(content: {[key: string]: string}): string {
const args = [...Object.keys(content).map(key => [`'${key}'`, content[key]])];
if (this._dbType === 'postgres') {
return `json_agg(json_build_object(${args.join(',')}))`;
} else {
return `json_group_array(json_object(${args.join(',')}))`;
private _docs(manager?: EntityManager) {
return (manager || this._connection).createQueryBuilder()
.from(Document, 'docs');
* Construct a QueryBuilder for a select query on a specific doc given by urlId.
* Provides options for running in a transaction and adding permission info.
* See QueryOptions documentation above.
* In order to accept urlIds, the aliases, workspaces, and orgs tables are joined.
private _doc(scope: DocScope, options: QueryOptions = {}): SelectQueryBuilder<Document> {
const {urlId, userId} = scope;
// Check if doc is being accessed with a merged org url. If so,
// we will only filter urlId matches, and will allow docId matches
// for team site documents. This is for backwards compatibility,
// to support<docid> for team
// site documents.
const mergedOrg = this.isMergedOrg( || null);
let query = this._docs(options.manager)
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.workspace', 'workspaces')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'orgs')
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aliases', 'aliases')
.where(new Brackets(cond => {
return cond
.where(' = :urlId', {urlId})
.orWhere(new Brackets(urlIdCond => {
let urlIdQuery = urlIdCond
.where('aliases.url_id = :urlId', {urlId})
.andWhere('aliases.org_id =');
if (mergedOrg) {
// Filter specifically for merged org documents.
urlIdQuery = urlIdQuery.andWhere('orgs.owner_id is not null');
return urlIdQuery;
// TODO includeSupport should really be false, and the support for it should be removed.
// (For this, example doc URLs should be under rather than team domains.)
// Add access information and query limits
query = this._applyLimit(query, {...scope, includeSupport: true}, ['docs', 'workspaces', 'orgs'], 'open');
if (options.markPermissions) {
let effectiveUserId = userId;
let threshold = options.markPermissions;
if (options.allowSpecialPermit && scope.specialPermit && scope.specialPermit.docId) {
query = query.andWhere(' = :docId', {docId: scope.specialPermit.docId});
effectiveUserId = this.getPreviewerUserId();
threshold = Permissions.VIEW;
// Compute whether we have access to the doc
query = query.addSelect(
this._markIsPermitted('docs', effectiveUserId, 'open', threshold),
return query;
private _workspaces(manager?: EntityManager) {
return (manager || this._connection).createQueryBuilder()
.from(Workspace, 'workspaces');
* Construct "ON" clause for joining docs. This clause takes care of filtering
* out any docs that are not to be listed due to soft deletion. This filtering
* is done in the "ON" clause rather than in a "WHERE" clause since we still
* want to list workspaces even if there are no docs within them. A "WHERE" clause
* would entirely remove information about a workspace with no docs. The "ON"
* clause, in combination with a "LEFT JOIN", preserves the workspace information
* and just sets doc information to NULL.
private _onDoc(scope: Scope) {
const onDefault = 'docs.workspace_id =';
if (scope.showAll) {
return onDefault;
} else if (scope.showRemoved) {
return `${onDefault} AND (workspaces.removed_at IS NOT NULL OR docs.removed_at IS NOT NULL)`;
} else {
return `${onDefault} AND (workspaces.removed_at IS NULL AND docs.removed_at IS NULL)`;
* Construct a QueryBuilder for a select query on a specific workspace given by
* wsId. Provides options for running in a transaction and adding permission info.
* See QueryOptions documentation above.
private _workspace(scope: Scope, wsId: number, options: QueryOptions = {}): SelectQueryBuilder<Workspace> {
let query = this._workspaces(options.manager)
.where(' = :wsId', {wsId});
if (options.markPermissions) {
let effectiveUserId = scope.userId;
let threshold = options.markPermissions;
if (options.allowSpecialPermit && scope.specialPermit &&
scope.specialPermit.workspaceId === wsId) {
effectiveUserId = this.getPreviewerUserId();
threshold = Permissions.VIEW;
// Compute whether we have access to the doc
query = query.addSelect(
this._markIsPermitted('workspaces', effectiveUserId, 'open', threshold),
return query;
private _orgs(manager?: EntityManager) {
return (manager || this._connection).createQueryBuilder()
.from(Organization, 'orgs');
// Adds a where clause to filter orgs by domain or id.
// If org is null, filter for user's personal org.
// if includeSupport is true, include the org of the support@ user (for the Samples workspace)
private _whereOrg<T extends WhereExpression>(qb: T, org: string|number, includeSupport = false): T {
if (this.isMergedOrg(org)) {
// Select from universe of personal orgs.
// Don't panic though! While this means that SQL can't use an organization id
// to narrow down queries, it will still be filtering via joins against the user and
// groups the user belongs to.
qb = qb.andWhere('orgs.owner_id is not null');
return qb;
// Always include the org of the support@ user, which contains the Samples workspace,
// which we always show. (For isMergedOrg case, it's already included.)
if (includeSupport) {
const supportId = this._specialUserIds[SUPPORT_EMAIL];
return qb.andWhere(new Brackets((q) =>
this._wherePlainOrg(q, org).orWhere('orgs.owner_id = :supportId', {supportId})));
} else {
return this._wherePlainOrg(qb, org);
private _wherePlainOrg<T extends WhereExpression>(qb: T, org: string|number): T {
if (typeof org === 'number') {
return qb.andWhere(' = :org', {org});
if (org.startsWith(`docs-${this._idPrefix}`)) {
// this is someone's personal org
const ownerId = org.split(`docs-${this._idPrefix}`)[1];
qb = qb.andWhere('orgs.owner_id = :ownerId', {ownerId});
} else if (org.startsWith(`o-${this._idPrefix}`)) {
// this is an org identified by org id
const orgId = org.split(`o-${this._idPrefix}`)[1];
qb = qb.andWhere(' = :orgId', {orgId});
} else {
// this is a regular domain
qb = qb.andWhere('orgs.domain = :org', {org});
return qb;
private _withAccess(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<any>, users: AvailableUsers,
table: 'orgs'|'workspaces'|'docs',
accessStyle: AccessStyle = 'open') {
return qb
.addSelect(this._markIsPermitted(table, users, accessStyle, null), `${table}_permissions`);
* Filter for orgs for which the user is a member of a group (or which are shared
* with "everyone@"). For access to workspaces and docs, we rely on the fact that
* the user will be added to a guest group at the organization level.
* If AvailableUsers is a profile list, we do NOT include orgs accessible
* via "everyone@" (this affects the "api/session/access/all" endpoint).
* Otherwise, orgs shared with "everyone@" are candidates for inclusion.
* If an orgKey is supplied, it is the only org which will be considered
* for inclusion on the basis of sharing with "everyone@". TODO: consider
* whether this wrinkle is needed anymore, or can be safely removed.
private _filterByOrgGroups(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<Organization>, users: AvailableUsers,
orgKey: string|number|null = null) {
qb = qb
.leftJoin('orgs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoin('', 'groups')
.leftJoin('groups.memberUsers', 'members');
if (isSingleUser(users)) {
// Add an exception for the previewer user, if present.
const previewerId = this._specialUserIds[PREVIEWER_EMAIL];
if (users === previewerId) { return qb; }
const everyoneId = this._specialUserIds[EVERYONE_EMAIL];
return qb.andWhere(new Brackets(cond => {
// Accept direct membership, or via a share with "everyone@".
return cond
.where(' = :userId', {userId: users})
.orWhere(new Brackets(everyoneCond => {
const everyoneQuery = everyoneCond.where(' = :everyoneId', {everyoneId});
return orgKey ? this._whereOrg(everyoneQuery, orgKey) : everyoneQuery;
// The user hasn't been narrowed down to one choice, so join against logins and
// check normalized email.
const emails = new Set( => normalizeEmail(;
// Empty list needs to be special-cased since "in ()" isn't supported in postgres.
if (emails.size === 0) { return qb.andWhere('1 = 0'); }
return qb
.leftJoin('members.logins', 'memberLogins')
.andWhere(' in (:...emails)', {emails: [...emails]});
private _single(result: QueryResult<any>) {
if (result.status === 200) {
// TODO: assert result is really singular. =[0];
return result;
* Helper for adjusting acl inheritance rules. Given an array of top-level groups from the
* resource of interest, and an array of inherited groups belonging to the parent resource,
* moves the inherited groups to the group with the destination name or lower, if their
* permission level is lower. If the destination group name is omitted, the groups are
* moved to their original inheritance locations. If the destination group name is null,
* the groups are all removed and there is no access inheritance to this resource.
* Returns the updated array of top-level groups. These returned groups should be saved
* to update the group inheritance in the database.
* For all passed-in groups, their .memberGroups will be reset. For
* the basic roles (owner | editor | viewer), these will get updated
* to include inheritedGroups, with roles reduced to dest when dest
* is given. All of the basic roles must be present among
* groups. Any non-basic roles present among inheritedGroups will be
* ignored.
* Does not modify inheritedGroups.
private _moveInheritedGroups(
groups: NonGuestGroup[], inheritedGroups: Group[], dest?: roles.BasicRole|null
): void {
// Limit scope to those inheritedGroups that have basic roles (viewers, editors, owners).
inheritedGroups = inheritedGroups.filter(group => roles.isBasicRole(;
// NOTE that the special names constant is ordered from least to most permissive.
const reverseDefaultNames = this.defaultBasicGroupNames.reverse();
// The destination must be a reserved inheritance group or null.
if (dest && !reverseDefaultNames.includes(dest)) {
throw new Error('moveInheritedGroups called with invalid destination name');
// Mapping from group names to top-level groups
const topGroups: {[groupName: string]: NonGuestGroup} = {};
groups.forEach(grp => {
// Note that this has a side effect of initializing the memberGroups arrays.
grp.memberGroups = [];
topGroups[] = grp;
// The destFunc maps from an inherited group to its required top-level group name.
const destFunc = (inherited: Group) =>
dest === null ? null : reverseDefaultNames.find(sp => sp === || sp === dest);
// Place inherited groups (this has the side-effect of updating member groups)
inheritedGroups.forEach(grp => {
if (!roles.isBasicRole( {
// We filtered out such groups at the start of this method, but just in case...
throw new Error(`${} is not an inheritable group`);
const moveTo = destFunc(grp);
if (moveTo) {
* Returns a name to group mapping for the standard groups. Useful when adding a new child
* entity. Finds and includes the correct parent groups as member groups.
private _createGroups(inherit?: Organization|Workspace): {[name: string]: Group} {
const groupMap: {[name: string]: Group} = {};
this.defaultGroups.forEach(groupProps => {
if (!groupProps.orgOnly || !inherit) {
// Skip this group if it's an org only group and the resource inherits from a parent.
const group = new Group(); =;
if (inherit) {
this._setInheritance(group, inherit);
groupMap[] = group;
return groupMap;
// Sets the given group to inherit the groups in the given parent resource.
private _setInheritance(group: Group, parent: Organization|Workspace) {
// Add the parent groups to the group
const groupProps = this.defaultGroups.find(special => ===;
if (!groupProps) {
throw new Error(`Non-standard group passed to _addInheritance: ${}`);
if (groupProps.nestParent) {
const parentGroups = (parent.aclRules as AclRule[]).map((_aclRule: AclRule) =>;
const inheritGroup = parentGroups.find((_parentGroup: Group) => ===;
if (!inheritGroup) {
throw new Error(`Special group ${} not found in ${} for inheritance`);
group.memberGroups = [inheritGroup];
// Return a QueryResult reflecting the output of a query builder.
// If a rawQueryBuilder is supplied, it is used to make the query,
// but then the original queryBuilder is used to interpret the results
// as entities (make sure the two queries give results in the same format!)
// Checks on all "permissions" fields which select queries set on
// resources to indicate whether the user has access.
// If the output is empty, and `emptyAllowed` is not set, we signal that the desired
// resource does not exist (404).
// If the overall permissions do not allow viewing, we signal that the resource is forbidden.
// Access fields are added to all entities giving the group name corresponding
// with the access level of the user.
// Returns the resource fetched by the queryBuilder.
private async _verifyAclPermissions(
queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<Resource>,
options: {
rawQueryBuilder?: SelectQueryBuilder<any>,
emptyAllowed?: boolean,
scope?: Scope,
} = {}
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> {
const results = await (options.rawQueryBuilder ?
getRawAndEntities(options.rawQueryBuilder, queryBuilder) :
if (results.entities.length === 0 ||
(results.entities.length === 1 && results.entities[0].filteredOut)) {
if (options.emptyAllowed) { return {status: 200, data: []}; }
return {errMessage: `${getFrom(queryBuilder)} not found`, status: 404};
const resources = this._normalizeQueryResults(results.entities, {
scope: options.scope,
if (resources.length === 0 && !options.emptyAllowed) {
return {errMessage: "access denied", status: 403};
} else {
return {
status: 200,
data: resources
// Normalize query results in the following ways:
// * Convert `permissions` fields to summary `access` fields.
// * Set appropriate `domain` fields for personal organizations.
// * Include `billingAccount` field only for a billing account manager.
// * Replace `user.logins` objects with and user.anonymous.
// * Collapse fields from nested `manager.user` objects into the surrounding
// `manager` objects.
// Find any nested entities with a "permissions" field, and add to them an
// "access" field (if the permission is a simple number) or an "accessOptions"
// field (if the permission is json). Entities in a list that the user doesn't
// have the right to access may be removed.
// * They are removed for workspaces in orgs.
// * They are not removed for docs in workspaces, if user has right to delete
// the workspace.
// When returning organizations, set the domain to docs-${userId} for personal orgs.
// We could also have simply stored that domain in the database, but have kept
// them out for now, for the flexibility to change how we want these kinds of orgs
// to be presented without having to do awkward migrations.
// The suppressDomain option ensures that any organization domains are given
// in ugly o-NNNN form.
private _normalizeQueryResults(value: any,
options: {
suppressDomain?: boolean,
scope?: Scope,
parentPermissions?: number,
} = {}): any {
// We only need to examine objects, excluding null.
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { return value; }
// For arrays, add access information and remove anything user should not see.
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const items = => this._normalizeQueryResults(v, options));
// If the items are not workspaces, and the user can delete their parent, then
// ignore the user's access level when deciding whether to filter them out or
// to keep them.
const ignoreAccess = options.parentPermissions &&
(options.parentPermissions & Permissions.REMOVE) && // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
items.length > 0 && !items[0].docs;
return items.filter(v => !this._isForbidden(v, Boolean(ignoreAccess), options.scope));
// For hashes, iterate through key/values, adding access info if 'permissions' field is found.
if (value.billingAccount) {
// This is an organization with billing account information available. Check limits.
const org = value as Organization;
const features = org.billingAccount.product.features;
if (!features.vanityDomain) {
// Vanity domain not allowed for this org.
options = {...options, suppressDomain: true};
const permissions = (typeof value.permissions === 'number') ? value.permissions : undefined;
const childOptions = { ...options, parentPermissions: permissions };
for (const key of Object.keys(value)) {
const subValue = value[key];
// When returning organizations, set the domain to docs-${userId} for personal orgs.
// We could also have simply stored that domain in the database. I'd prefer to keep
// them out for now, for the flexibility to change how we want these kinds of orgs
// to be presented without having to do awkward migrations.
if (key === 'domain') {
value[key] = this.normalizeOrgDomain(, subValue, value.owner &&,
false, options.suppressDomain);
if (key === 'billingAccount') {
if (value[key].managers) {
value[key].isManager = Boolean(value[key].managers.length);
delete value[key].managers;
if (key === 'logins') {
const logins = subValue;
delete value[key];
if (logins.length !== 1) {
throw new ApiError('Cannot find unique login for user', 500);
} = logins[0].displayEmail;
value.anonymous = (logins[0].userId === this.getAnonymousUserId());
if (key === 'managers') {
const managers = this._normalizeQueryResults(subValue, childOptions);
for (const manager of managers) {
if (manager.user) {
Object.assign(manager, manager.user);
delete manager.user;
value[key] = managers;
if (key === 'prefs' && Array.isArray(subValue)) {
delete value[key];
const prefs = this._normalizeQueryResults(subValue, childOptions);
for (const pref of prefs) {
if (pref.orgId && pref.userId) {
value.userOrgPrefs = pref.prefs;
} else if (pref.orgId) {
value.orgPrefs = pref.prefs;
} else if (pref.userId) {
value.userPrefs = pref.prefs;
if (key !== 'permissions') {
value[key] = this._normalizeQueryResults(subValue, childOptions);
if (typeof subValue === 'number' || !subValue) {
// Find the first special group for which the user has all permissions.
value.access = this._getRoleFromPermissions(subValue || 0);
if (subValue & Permissions.PUBLIC) { // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
value.public = true;
} else {
// Resource may be accessed by multiple users, encoded in JSON.
const accessOptions: AccessOption[] = readJson(this._dbType, subValue);
value.accessOptions = => ({
access: this._getRoleFromPermissions(option.perms), ...option
delete value.permissions; // permissions is not specified in the api, so we drop it.
return value;
// entity is forbidden if it contains an access field set to null, or an accessOptions field
// that is the empty list.
private _isForbidden(entity: any, ignoreAccess: boolean, scope?: Scope): boolean {
if (!entity) { return false; }
if (entity.filteredOut) { return true; }
// Specifically for workspaces (as determined by having a "docs" field):
// if showing trash, and the workspace looks empty, and the workspace is itself
// not marked as trash, then filter it out. This situation can arise when there is
// a trash doc in a workspace that the user does not have access to, and also a
// doc that the user does have access to.
if ( && scope?.showRemoved && === 0 &&
!entity.removedAt) { return true; }
if (ignoreAccess) { return false; }
if (entity.access === null) { return true; }
if (!entity.accessOptions) { return false; }
return entity.accessOptions.length === 0;
// Returns the most permissive default role that does not have more permissions than the passed
// in argument.
private _getRoleFromPermissions(permissions: number): roles.Role|null {
permissions &= ~Permissions.PUBLIC; // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
const group = this.defaultBasicGroups.find(grp =>
(permissions & grp.permissions) === grp.permissions); // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
return group ? : null;
// Returns the maxInheritedRole group name set on a resource.
// The resource's aclRules, groups, and memberGroups must be populated.
private _getMaxInheritedRole(res: Workspace|Document): roles.BasicRole|null {
const groups = (res.aclRules as AclRule[]).map((_aclRule: AclRule) =>;
let maxInheritedRole: roles.NonGuestRole|null = null;
for (const name of this.defaultBasicGroupNames) {
const group = groups.find(_grp => === name);
if (!group) {
throw new Error(`Error in _getMaxInheritedRole: group ${name} not found in ${}`);
if (group.memberGroups.length > 0) {
maxInheritedRole = name;
return roles.getEffectiveRole(maxInheritedRole);
* Return a query builder to check if we have access to the given resource.
* Tests the given permission-level access, defaulting to view permission.
* @param resType: type of resource (table name)
* @param userId: id of user accessing the resource
* @param permissions: permission to test for - if null, we return the permissions
private _markIsPermitted(
resType: 'orgs'|'workspaces'|'docs',
users: AvailableUsers,
accessStyle: AccessStyle,
permissions: Permissions|null = Permissions.VIEW
): (qb: SelectQueryBuilder<any>) => SelectQueryBuilder<any> {
const idColumn = resType.slice(0, -1) + "_id";
return qb => {
const getBasicPermissions = (q: SelectQueryBuilder<any>) => {
if (permissions !== null) {
q ='acl_rules.permissions');
} else {
const everyoneId = this._specialUserIds[EVERYONE_EMAIL];
const anonId = this._specialUserIds[ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL];
// Overall permissions are the bitwise-or of all individual
// permissions from ACL rules. We also include
// Permissions.PUBLIC if any of the ACL rules are for the
// public (shared with everyone@ or anon@). This could be
// optimized if we eliminate one of those users. The guN
// aliases are joining in _getUsersAcls, and refer to the
// group_users table at different levels of nesting.
// When listing, everyone@ shares do not contribute to access permissions,
// only to the public flag. So resources available to the user only because
// they are publically available will not be listed. Shares with anon@,
// on the other hand, *are* listed.
const everyoneContribution = accessStyle === 'list' ? Permissions.PUBLIC :
`${Permissions.PUBLIC} | acl_rules.permissions`;
q =
bitOr(this._dbType, `(case when ` +
`${everyoneId} IN (gu0.user_id, gu1.user_id, gu2.user_id, gu3.user_id) ` +
`then ${everyoneContribution} else (case when ` +
`${anonId} IN (gu0.user_id, gu1.user_id, gu2.user_id, gu3.user_id) ` +
`then ${Permissions.PUBLIC} | acl_rules.permissions else acl_rules.permissions end) end)`, 8
q = q.from('acl_rules', 'acl_rules');
q = this._getUsersAcls(q, users, accessStyle);
q = q.andWhere(`acl_rules.${idColumn} = ${resType}.id`);
if (permissions !== null) {
q = q.andWhere(`(acl_rules.permissions & ${permissions}) = ${permissions}`).limit(1);
} else if (!isSingleUser(users)) {
q = q.addSelect('');
q = q.addSelect('profiles.display_email');
q = q.addSelect('');
// anything we select without aggregating, we must also group by (postgres is fussy
// about this)
q = q.groupBy('');
q = q.addGroupBy('profiles.display_email');
q = q.addGroupBy('');
return q;
if (isSingleUser(users)) {
return getBasicPermissions(qb.subQuery());
} else {
return qb.subQuery()
.from(subQb => getBasicPermissions(subQb.subQuery()), 'options')
.select(this._aggJsonObject({id: '',
email: 'options.display_email',
perms: 'options.permissions',
name: ''}));
// Takes a query that includes acl_rules, and filters for just those acl_rules that apply
// to the user, either directly or via up to three layers of nested groups. Two layers are
// sufficient for our current ACL setup. A third is added as a low-cost preparation
// for implementing something like teams in the future. It has no measurable effect on
// speed.
private _getUsersAcls(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<any>, users: AvailableUsers,
accessStyle: AccessStyle) {
// Every acl_rule is associated with a single group. A user may
// be a direct member of that group, via the group_users table.
// Or they may be a member of a group that is a member of that
// group, via group_groups. Or they may be even more steps
// removed. We unroll to a fixed number of steps, and use joins
// rather than a recursive query, since we need this step to be as
// fast as possible.
qb = qb
// filter for the specified user being a direct or indirect member of the acl_rule's group
.where(new Brackets(cond => {
if (isSingleUser(users)) {
// Users is an integer, so ok to insert into sql. It we
// didn't, we'd need to use distinct parameter names, since
// we may include this code with different user ids in the
// same query
cond = cond.where(`gu0.user_id = ${users}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu1.user_id = ${users}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu2.user_id = ${users}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu3.user_id = ${users}`);
// Support the special "everyone" user.
const everyoneId = this._specialUserIds[EVERYONE_EMAIL];
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu0.user_id = ${everyoneId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu1.user_id = ${everyoneId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu2.user_id = ${everyoneId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu3.user_id = ${everyoneId}`);
if (accessStyle === 'list') {
// Support also the special anonymous user. Currently, by convention, sharing a
// resource with anonymous should make it listable.
const anonId = this._specialUserIds[ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL];
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu0.user_id = ${anonId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu1.user_id = ${anonId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu2.user_id = ${anonId}`);
cond = cond.orWhere(`gu3.user_id = ${anonId}`);
// Add an exception for the previewer user, if present.
const previewerId = this._specialUserIds[PREVIEWER_EMAIL];
if (users === previewerId) {
// All acl_rules granting view access are available to previewer user.
cond = cond.orWhere('acl_rules.permissions = :permission',
{permission: Permissions.VIEW});
} else {
cond = cond.where('gu0.user_id =');
cond = cond.orWhere('gu1.user_id =');
cond = cond.orWhere('gu2.user_id =');
cond = cond.orWhere('gu3.user_id =');
return cond;
if (!isSingleUser(users)) {
// We need to join against a list of users.
const emails = new Set( => normalizeEmail(;
if (emails.size > 0) {
// the 1 = 1 on clause seems the shortest portable way to do a cross join in postgres
// and sqlite via typeorm.
qb = qb.leftJoin('(select, display_email, email, name from users inner join logins ' +
'on = logins.user_id where in (:...emails))',
'profiles', '1 = 1');
qb = qb.setParameter('emails', [...emails]);
} else {
// Add a dummy user with id 0, for simplicity. This user will
// not match any group. The casts are needed for a postgres 9.5 issue
// where type inference fails (we use 9.5 on jenkins).
qb = qb.leftJoin(`(select 0 as id, cast('none' as text) as display_email, ` +
`cast('none' as text) as email, cast('none' as text) as name)`,
'profiles', '1 = 1');
// join the relevant groups and subgroups
return qb
.leftJoin('group_groups', 'gg1', 'gg1.group_id = acl_rules.group_id')
.leftJoin('group_groups', 'gg2', 'gg2.group_id = gg1.subgroup_id')
.leftJoin('group_groups', 'gg3', 'gg3.group_id = gg2.subgroup_id')
// join the users in the relevant groups and subgroups.
.leftJoin('group_users', 'gu3', 'gg3.subgroup_id = gu3.group_id')
.leftJoin('group_users', 'gu2', 'gg2.subgroup_id = gu2.group_id')
.leftJoin('group_users', 'gu1', 'gg1.subgroup_id = gu1.group_id')
.leftJoin('group_users', 'gu0', 'acl_rules.group_id = gu0.group_id');
// Apply limits to the query. Results should be limited to a specific org
// if request is from a branded webpage; results should be limited to a
// specific user or set of users.
private _applyLimit<T>(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<T>, limit: Scope,
resources: Array<'docs'|'workspaces'|'orgs'>,
accessStyle: AccessStyle): SelectQueryBuilder<T> {
if ( {
// Filtering on merged org is a special case, see urlIdQuery
const mergedOrg = this.isMergedOrg( || null);
if (!mergedOrg) {
qb = this._whereOrg(qb,, limit.includeSupport || false);
if (limit.users || limit.userId) {
for (const res of resources) {
qb = this._withAccess(qb, limit.users || limit.userId, res, accessStyle);
if (resources.includes('docs') && resources.includes('workspaces') && !limit.showAll) {
// Add Workspace.filteredOut column that is set for workspaces that should be filtered out.
// We don't use a WHERE clause directly since this would leave us unable to distinguish
// an empty result from insufficient access; and there's no straightforward way to do
// what we want in an ON clause.
// Filter out workspaces only if there are no docs in them (The "ON" clause from
// _onDocs will have taken care of including the right docs). If there are docs,
// then include the workspace regardless of whether it itself has been soft-deleted
// or not.
// TODO: if getOrgWorkspaces and getWorkspace were restructured to make two queries
// rather than a single query, this trickiness could be eliminated.
if (limit.showRemoved) {
qb = qb.addSelect(' IS NULL AND workspaces.removed_at IS NULL',
} else {
qb = qb.addSelect(' IS NULL AND workspaces.removed_at IS NOT NULL',
return qb;
// Filter out all personal orgs, and add back in a single merged org.
private _mergePersonalOrgs(userId: number, orgs: Organization[]): Organization[] {
const regularOrgs = orgs.filter(org => org.owner === null);
const personalOrg = orgs.find(org => org.owner && === userId);
if (!personalOrg) { return regularOrgs; } = 0;
personalOrg.domain = this.mergedOrgDomain();
return [personalOrg].concat(regularOrgs);
// Check if shares are about to exceed a limit, and emit a meaningful
// ApiError if so.
// If checkChange is set, issue an error only if a new share is being
// made.
private _restrictShares(role: roles.NonGuestRole|null, limit: number,
before: User[], after: User[], checkChange: boolean, kind: string,
features: Features) {
const existingUserIds = new Set( =>;
// Do not emit error if users are not added, even if the number is past the limit.
if (after.length > limit &&
(!checkChange || after.some(user => !existingUserIds.has( {
const more = limit > 0 ? ' more' : '';
throw new ApiError(
checkChange ? `No${more} external ${kind} ${role || 'shares'} permitted` :
`Too many external ${kind} ${role || 'shares'}`,
403, {
limit: {
quantity: 'collaborators',
subquantity: role || undefined,
maximum: limit,
value: before.length,
projectedValue: after.length
tips: canAddOrgMembers(features) ? [{
action: 'add-members',
message: 'add users as team members to the site first'
}] : [{
action: 'upgrade',
message: 'pay for more team members'
// Check if document shares exceed any of the share limits, and emit a meaningful
// ApiError if so. If both membersBefore and membersAfter are specified, fail
// only if a new share is being added, but otherwise don't complain even if limits
// are exceeded. If only membersBefore is specified, fail strictly if limits are
// exceeded.
private _restrictAllDocShares(features: Features,
nonOrgMembersBefore: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>,
nonOrgMembersAfter: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>,
checkChange: boolean = true) {
// Apply a limit to document shares that is not specific to a particular role.
if (features.maxSharesPerDoc !== undefined) {
this._restrictShares(null, features.maxSharesPerDoc, removeRole(nonOrgMembersBefore),
removeRole(nonOrgMembersAfter), checkChange, 'document', features);
if (features.maxSharesPerDocPerRole) {
for (const role of this.defaultBasicGroupNames) {
const limit = features.maxSharesPerDocPerRole[role];
if (limit === undefined) { continue; }
// Apply a per-role limit to document shares.
this._restrictShares(role, limit, nonOrgMembersBefore.get(role) || [],
nonOrgMembersAfter.get(role) || [], checkChange, 'document', features);
// Throw an error if there's no room for adding another document.
private async _checkRoomForAnotherDoc(workspace: Workspace, manager: EntityManager) {
const features =;
if (features.maxDocsPerOrg !== undefined) {
// we need to count how many docs are in the current org, and if we
// are already at or above the limit, then fail.
const wss = this.unwrapQueryResult(await this.getOrgWorkspaces({userId: this.getPreviewerUserId()},,
const count = =>, b) => a + b, 0);
if (count >= features.maxDocsPerOrg) {
throw new ApiError('No more documents permitted', 403, {
limit: {
quantity: 'docs',
maximum: features.maxDocsPerOrg,
value: count,
projectedValue: count + 1
// For the moment only the support user can add both everyone@ and anon@ to a
// resource, since that allows spam. TODO: enhance or remove.
private _checkUserChangeAllowed(userId: number, groups: Group[]) {
if (userId === this.getSupportUserId()) { return; }
const ids = new Set(flatten( => g.memberUsers)).map(u =>;
if (ids.has(this.getEveryoneUserId()) && ids.has(this.getAnonymousUserId())) {
throw new Error('this user cannot share with everyone and anonymous');
// Fetch a Document with all access information loaded. Make sure the user has the
// specified permissions on the doc. The Document's organization will have product
// feature information loaded also.
private async _loadDocAccess(scope: DocScope, markPermissions: Permissions,
transaction?: EntityManager): Promise<Document> {
return await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
const docQuery = this._doc(scope, {manager, markPermissions})
// Join the doc's ACL rules and groups/users so we can edit them.
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.aclRules', 'acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'doc_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('doc_groups.memberUsers', 'doc_group_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('doc_groups.memberGroups', 'doc_group_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('doc_group_users.logins', 'doc_user_logins')
// Join the workspace so we know what should be inherited. We will join
// the workspace member groups/users as a separate query, since
// SQL results are flattened, and multiplying the number of rows we have already
// by the number of workspace users could get excessive.
.leftJoinAndSelect('docs.workspace', 'workspace');
const queryResult = await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery);
const doc: Document = this.unwrapQueryResult(queryResult);
// Load the workspace's member groups/users.
const workspaceQuery = this._workspace(scope,, {manager})
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspaces.aclRules', 'workspace_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'workspace_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberUsers', 'workspace_group_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_groups.memberGroups', 'workspace_group_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('workspace_group_users.logins', 'workspace_user_logins')
// We'll need the org as well. We will join its members as a separate query, since
// SQL results are flattened, and multiplying the number of rows we have already
// by the number of org users could get excessive.
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org');
doc.workspace = (await workspaceQuery.getOne())!;
// Load the org's member groups/users.
let orgQuery =,, {manager})
.leftJoinAndSelect('orgs.aclRules', 'org_acl_rules')
.leftJoinAndSelect('', 'org_groups')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_groups.memberUsers', 'org_group_users')
.leftJoinAndSelect('org_group_users.logins', 'org_user_logins');
orgQuery = this._addFeatures(orgQuery); = (await orgQuery.getOne())!;
return doc;
// Emit an event indicating that the count of users with access to the org has changed, with
// the customerId and the updated number of users.
// The org argument must include the billingAccount.
private _userChangeNotification(
userId: number,
org: Organization, // Must include billingAccount
countBefore: number,
countAfter: number,
membersBefore: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>,
membersAfter: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>
) {
return () => {
const customerId = org.billingAccount.stripeCustomerId;
const change: UserChange = {userId, org, customerId,
countBefore, countAfter,
membersBefore, membersAfter};
this.emit('userChange', change);
// Create a notification function that emits an event when users may have been added to a resource.
private _inviteNotification(userId: number, resource: Organization|Workspace|Document,
userIdDelta: UserIdDelta, membersBefore: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>): () => void {
return () => this.emit('addUser', userId, resource, userIdDelta, membersBefore);
// Given two arrays of groups, returns a map of users present in the first array but
// not the second, where the map is broken down by user role.
// This method is used for checking limits on shares.
// Excluded users are removed from the results.
private _getUserDifference(groupsA: Group[], groupsB: Group[]): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const subtractSet: Set<number> =
new Set(flatten( => grp.memberUsers)).map(usr =>;
const result = new Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>();
for (const group of groupsA) {
const name =;
if (!roles.isNonGuestRole(name)) { continue; }
result.set(name, group.memberUsers.filter(user => !subtractSet.has(;
return this._withoutExcludedUsers(result);
private _withoutExcludedUsers(members: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const excludedUsers = this.getExcludedUserIds();
for (const [role, users] of members.entries()) {
members.set(role, users.filter((user) => !excludedUsers.includes(;
return members;
private _billingManagerNotification(userId: number, addUserId: number, orgs: Organization[]) {
return () => {
this.emit('addBillingManager', userId, addUserId, orgs);
private _teamCreatorNotification(userId: number) {
return () => {
this.emit('teamCreator', userId);
* Check for anonymous user, either encoded directly as an id, or as a singular
* profile (this case arises during processing of the session/access/all endpoint
* whether we are checking for available orgs without committing yet to a particular
* choice of user).
private _isAnonymousUser(users: AvailableUsers): boolean {
return isSingleUser(users) ? users === this.getAnonymousUserId() :
users.length === 1 && normalizeEmail(users[0].email) === ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL;
// Set Workspace.removedAt to null (undeletion) or to a datetime (soft deletion)
private _setWorkspaceRemovedAt(scope: Scope, wsId: number, removedAt: Date|null) {
return this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const wsQuery = this._workspace({...scope, showAll: true}, wsId, {
markPermissions: Permissions.REMOVE
const workspace: Workspace = this.unwrapQueryResult(await verifyIsPermitted(wsQuery));
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
// Set Document.removedAt to null (undeletion) or to a datetime (soft deletion)
private _setDocumentRemovedAt(scope: DocScope, removedAt: Date|null) {
return this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
let docQuery = this._doc({...scope, showAll: true}, {
markPermissions: Permissions.REMOVE
if (!removedAt) {
docQuery = this._addFeatures(docQuery); // pull in billing information for doc count limits
const doc: Document = this.unwrapQueryResult(await verifyIsPermitted(docQuery));
if (!removedAt) {
await this._checkRoomForAnotherDoc(doc.workspace, manager);
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
// Return a QueryResult reflecting the output of a query builder.
// Checks on the "is_permitted" field which select queries set on resources to
// indicate whether the user has access.
// If the output is empty, we signal that the desired resource does not exist.
// If the "is_permitted" field is falsy, we signal that the resource is forbidden.
// Returns the resource fetched by the queryBuilder.
async function verifyIsPermitted(
queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<any>
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> {
const results = await queryBuilder.getRawAndEntities();
if (results.entities.length === 0) {
return {
status: 404,
errMessage: `${getFrom(queryBuilder)} not found`
} else if (results.entities.length > 1) {
return {
status: 400,
errMessage: `ambiguous ${getFrom(queryBuilder)} request`
} else if (!results.raw[0].is_permitted) {
return {
status: 403,
errMessage: "access denied"
return {
status: 200,
data: results.entities[0]
// Returns all first-level memberUsers in the resources. Requires all resources' aclRules, groups
// and memberUsers to be populated.
// If optRoles is provided, only checks membership in resource groups with the given roles.
function getResourceUsers(res: Resource|Resource[], optRoles?: string[]): User[] {
res = Array.isArray(res) ? res : [res];
const users: {[uid: string]: User} = {};
let resAcls: AclRule[] = flatten( => _res.aclRules as AclRule[]));
if (optRoles) {
resAcls = resAcls.filter(_acl => optRoles.includes(;
resAcls.forEach((aclRule: AclRule) => { User) => users[] = u);
const userList = Object.keys(users).map(uid => users[uid]);
userList.sort((a, b) => -;
return userList;
// Returns a map of userIds to the user's strongest default role on the given resource.
// The resource's aclRules, groups, and memberUsers must be populated.
function getMemberUserRoles<T extends roles.Role>(res: Resource, allowRoles: T[]): {[userId: string]: T} {
// Add the users to a map to ensure uniqueness. (A user may be present in
// more than one group)
const userMap: {[userId: string]: T} = {};
(res.aclRules as AclRule[]).forEach((aclRule: AclRule) => {
const role = as T;
if (allowRoles.includes(role)) {
// Map the users to remove sensitive information from the result and
// to add the group names. User) => {
// If the user is already present in another group, use the more
// powerful role name.
userMap[] = userMap[] ? roles.getStrongestRole(userMap[], role) : role;
return userMap;
// Extract a human-readable name for the type of entity being selected.
function getFrom(queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<any>): string {
const alias = queryBuilder.expressionMap.mainAlias;
return (alias && alias.metadata && || 'resource';
// Flatten a map of users per role into a simple list of users.
function removeRole(usersWithRoles: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>) {
return flatten([...usersWithRoles.values()]);
function getNonGuestGroups(entity: Organization|Workspace|Document): NonGuestGroup[] {
return (entity.aclRules as AclRule[]).map(aclRule =>;
// Returns a map of users indexed by their roles. Optionally excludes users whose ids are in
// excludeUsers.
function getUsersWithRole(groups: NonGuestGroup[], excludeUsers?: number[]): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const members = new Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>();
for (const group of groups) {
let users = group.memberUsers;
if (excludeUsers) {
users = users.filter((user) => !excludeUsers.includes(;
members.set(, users);
return members;
export async function makeDocAuthResult(docPromise: Promise<Document>): Promise<DocAuthResult> {
try {
const doc = await docPromise;
const removed = Boolean(doc.removedAt || doc.workspace.removedAt);
return {docId:, access: doc.access, removed, cachedDoc: doc};
} catch (error) {
return {docId: null, access: null, removed: null, error};
* Extracts DocAuthKey information from scope. This includes everything needed to
* identify the document to access. Throws if information is not present.
export function getDocAuthKeyFromScope(scope: Scope): DocAuthKey {
const {urlId, userId, org} = scope;
if (!urlId) { throw new Error('document required'); }
return {urlId, userId, org};